Business plan

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business plan & brand guidelines

introduction to motif printed fashion

a new concept Motif Printed Fashion is a clothing and accessories company which produces one of a kind, made to order, hand made t-shirts, silk scarves and tote bags containing print patterns. The customer has the opportunity to choose which

patterns from the swatch book appear on their chosen product and also the placement of these patterns. The products are individually tailored towards the customers wants and are produced to order rather than in bulk.

Motif aims to provide a simple and streamlined service to its customers whereby they make their selections online as to what products they would like and how they would like them customised. These are then added to their shopping basket and paid for before being produced by hand by the Motif partners. The products are then packaged and

extra little gifts are added to the parcels (such as postcard prints and promotional offers) before they are shipped, posted or couriered out to the customer. The dedication to the customer throughout the hole process is what makes Motif unique and stand out from the rest of the crowd of small online clothing brands.

how motif functions

made to order As the Motif brand is purely made to order products, the main point of sale is the website. This website allows the customer to choose the product, then the print pattern and the pattern position and compile these together into their own custom t-shirt, tote bag or scarf. This combination is added onto their order

which is sent to the Motif partners. From there, the orders are made up from a set of templates to coincide with the flat drawings the customer will see on the website to ensure that the products they receive are as close to their wishes as possible for us to complete.

who are motif? The Motif partners are two art school graduates from the United Kingdom. Sarah, a fashion student with a passion for printed textiles and Andrea, a graphic design student obsessed with brand identities, started Motif while living together

in their final year at art college. Between the two of them, they believe they have the skills to run the business but hope to expand with other partners joining the business in the future.

social media presense Motif will adopt a heavy use of social media platforms as a form of advertising. The brand name will be spread predominantly by word of mouth and the factor that the brand promotes custom one of a kind products will allow Motif to create a name for itself throughout the various social media networks. As the brand grows and develops, the

advertising methods will be pushed further but the initial plan is to gain a network of followers and loyal customers. Customers will be encourged to publish photographs of themselves wearing and using Motif products across Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to build the necessary following to enhance the brand and develop it further.

business plan & costings

gap in the market & standing out from the competition Currently there are few online clothing stores which allow the customer to full customise the product to what they want. Motif aims to fill that gap in the market by making it possible for customers to choose the prints that appear on their products and the other companys which currently also provide this service are generally larger clothing companies who charge more for each product. Motif provides a service which is cheaper for customers than high end larger clothing companies. Due to the production methods of Motif products, the costs of producing each product is significantly lower as the company currently

consists of two partners who split all of the production between them. As the products are made to order as opposed to Motif producing a stock of various different products for sale, the prices of the products can afford to be lower for customers as money is only needed for the production costs and a small amount to pay the two partners for their time producing products. Motif is also a small independent brand which has the potential to grow into a bigger company by developing a network of loyal customers and adding more products to the range in the future.

target market Motif aims to promote and market products towards young professionals and teenagers as the prices are not particularly high in comparison to the rest of the market and these customers can also be reached easily across

social media networks. Intially, the target audience will be the United Kingdom and other areas of Europe. As the business grows, we will expand the target audience further afield and begin to market across other contients.

costings Due to both partners being art school graduates and being industry professionals, they have the access to all of the equipment necessary to produce products at a low cost. T-shirts will cost approximately ÂŁ5 each to produce

(including t-shirt fabric, thread, fabric dye and pattern digital printing) and will then be sold on for ÂŁ25-30 depending on the amount of pattern to appear on a t-shirt. This allows the partners to afford production costs and to also make a profit.

website as a point of sale

customisability The Motif website is the first or second point of contact for every customer (some customers will hear about the business over social media first) and is not only the online shop for customised orders but also tells the story of the brand

and contains galleries of the prints and example products. The swatch book of prints is also displayed across the website in the image bar underneath the Motif logo and every time the user clicks onto a new page, the print refreshes.

shopping basket (0)


online shop

follow the story

choose an option for each criteria and we will do all the hard work producing a one off t-shirt made to order for you build your own custom t-shirt here: t-shirts




select one

select one

select one


The website will initially function through PayPal although in the future it will be reconstructed so that it will also contain custom payment forms.

product packaging & shipment

packaging Motif products are shipped via the postal and general courier services to the customer and within the postal envelopes they are packaged in white tissue paper with silver grey ribbon and a pattern sticker to hold it all in place.

Each individual garment comes with a hand written swing tag attached to confirm with the customer that the order is correct. The hand written element adds more of a personal and unique touch to the products and also keeps the costs for packaging production down as each

swing tag can be customised to each customer and their individual order. Each sticker and swing tag uses a different pattern from the swatch book to add even more individuality to the products for the customer.


t-shirts Motif t-shirts are custom made individually and by hand for each customer as they can select the style, colour, size, pattern and pattern placement on the website when ordering.

These flat drawings opposite show the 20 different placements of patterns that customers can choose from where the dark grey is the pattern positons.

tote bags Motif sells a simple tote bag in two different sizes containing printed panels. The customer can, as with the t-shirts, choose the pattern and pattern placement for each individual bag.

These are the 4 basic flats to depict where the pattern placements fit on the bags from which the customer can choose their product:

silk scarves Motif also sells square silk scarves in 3 different sizes and the customer can

choose which print would be on the scarf from the swatch book.


brand guidelines

brand logo The Motif brand uses a logo which can be applied in three different ways within the colour schemes explained opposite.

The first logo application is the simple Motif logo which is used on the actual garments in different positions depending on the position of the print patterns.

The second logo application contains the full brand name which is used across the website and official stationery.

The third logo application takes the second style and uses prints from the swatch book inside the Motif logo, with an outline in a colour that appears within the print. The ‘printed fashion’ tagline also appears as line work within the same colour as the Motif outline. This logo is used across printed promotional materials such as swing tags and business cards.

brand guidelines

brand typeface The typeface used across all media and products within the brand is Clemente in Extra Light. When creating hierarchy with the type different colours and point sizes are used rather than introducing another

typeface. This keeps the brand consistent and allows for the customisation to appear through the use of the print patterns and their various placements rather than through typography.

C l e m e n t e Ex tra Lig ht a b c d e f g hi jklm n o p q rstuvwxyz ABC DEFGHIJKLM NOPQ RSTUVWX YZ brand colourscheme The Motif brand uses a simple colour scheme of various 10% tints of grey as opposed to a singular brand colour. 100% black is not used in any instance throughout the brand.

Samples of the other colours which appear within the printed logos as outlines are shown below alongside the various tints of 10% grey:










C : 18 M:0 Y:6 K:0

C : 15 M : 35 Y : 35 K:0

C : 26 M : 32 Y : 27 K:0

C : 18 M:0 Y : 26 K:0

C:9 M:2 Y : 49 K:0

C : 18 M:8 Y:0 K:0

C:1 M : 38 Y:5 K:0

C:1 M : 26 Y : 21 K:0

C : 28 M:0 Y : 28 K:0

custom made, one of a kind, made to order fashion apparel produced by sarah & andrea

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