Ataköy Towers

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Atakรถy Towers Istanbul - Turkey

Conceptual proposal for a new facade

October 2015

Atakรถy Towers Conceptual proposal for a new facade

From concept to project

Konseptten projeye

The main conceptual principles of the three solutions presented in the first phase to apply them to the chosen solution:

Projenin ilk aşamasında önerilen cephe cözümlerinin ana ilkeleri başlica şu şekildeydi;

1. an ever changing skin that “reacts” to the sun radiation 2. a modular mesh that captures sunlight to give back a dynamic image to the observer; 3. a solid but soft skin, light as a draping thin fabric.

1- Gün içerisindeki farklı güneş ışınlarına değişken tepkiler veren bir cephe dokusu yaratmak

This is the reason why we developed a classical aluminum “stiles and rails” façade system that support transparent and opaque glass cladding covered with metal sheet panels to form together a classical ventilated facade.

3- Katı fakat yumuşak bir doku oluştururken aynı zamanda ışığı geçiren bir kumaş kadar hafif olmasını sağlamak

The main idea is to balance the effect of solids and voids of a standard curtain wall system with a metal deck that can freely bend around the building with plays of light and shadows either in the day and the night time.

2- Gözlemciye dinamik bir etki verecek modüler alüminyum kafes sistemi oluşturmak

Bu ana ilkeler bağlamında; klasik bir alüminyum cephe sistemi düşünülmüştür. Şeffaf ve opak cam panelleri projedeki konumları esas alınarak kurgulanmış, geçirgen alüminyum levhalar(mesh) ile de hava geçirimli bir cephe sistemi elde edilmiştir. Halihazir projedeki şeffaf ve opak bölümler dengelenerek cephe etrafına giydirilmiş; alüminyum cephe sayesinde, ışık oyunları ve gölgeler vesilesiyle dinamik bir görünüm kazandırılması hedeflenmiştir.

Constructive elements Roof plan analysis

8-15 floor plan

1-7 floors plan

Ground floor plan

Elements . . . Concrete slab New facade Actual facade Dehors

Roof floor plan

17 floor plan

16 floor plan

General view Ground floor shopping area

View from dehors

Constructive elements Facade modules Inner layer

Facade system technology The stiles and rails ventilated façade system is constructed on three 68x340 cm modules and three 136x340 cm modules: A module is a 68x340 cm transparent glazed panel in which a 68x218 cm window opens with a vasistas (bottom hinged) or shutter system;

Cephe sistem detayı İç katman . . . Cephe sistemi modüler üç tip 68x340 cm ve üç tip 136x340 cm panelden oluşmuştur. A modülü 68x340 cm Şeffaf cam panel içerisinde 68x218 cm vasistas çift eksenli doğrama;

B module is a 68x340 cm transparent fixed glazed panel;

B modülü 68x340 cm Şeffaf açılmaz cam panel;

C module is a 68x340 cm aluminum insulated fixed panel;

C modülü 68x340 cm Şeffaf açılmaz alüminyum panel;

D module is a 136x340 cm transparent glazed panel in which a 68x316 cm door opens with a shutter system;

D modülü 136x340 cm Şeffaf cam panel içerisinde 68x316cm doğrama;

E module is a 136x340 cm transparent glazed fixed panel; F module is a 136x340 cm aluminum insulated fixed panel; Stiles, rails and frames are made of anodized or painted aluminum, according to the color of all other metal elements.

E modülü 136x340 cm Şeffaf açılmaz cam panel; F modülü 136x340 cm Şeffaf açılmaz alüminyum panel; Bütün alüminyum elemanlar cephedeki renklerine göre eloksallı ya da boyalıdır.

Module A Glazed expandable panel dim. 68x340 cm . . . 1. Insulated glazing with aluminum frame: Vasistas and shutter system

Module B Glazed fixed panel dim. 68x340 cm . . . 1. Insulated glazing wit aluminum frame 2. External finishing l



Module C Opaque panel dim. 68x340 cm . . . 1. Aluminum panel 2. Insulating layer 3. Aluminum panel 4. External finishing layer

Module D Glazed expandable panel dim. 136x340 cm . . . 1. Insulated glazing with aluminum frame: Shutter system

Module E Glazed fixed panel dim. 136x340 cm . . . 1. Insulated glazing with aluminum frame 2. External finishing layer

Module F Opaque panel dim. 136x340 cm . . . 1. Aluminum panel 2. Insulating layer 3. Aluminum panel 4. External finishing layer

Constructive elements Facade modules External finishing layer

Facade system technology The external layer is composed on three 136x340 or 136x680 cm stamped metal sheet panels that work as screens. Metal panels are fixed on the upper and lower edges on a 25 cm deep steel structure hung from the metal frames of the inner layer facade. Modules are all fixed and differ from one another in the extent of sheet metal folding. The system aids cooling and heating during the summer and winter months respectively because can provide protection from sun radiation and allow natural ventilation.

Cephe sistem detayı Dış katman . . . Dış katman üç adet 136x340 veya 136x680 cm delikli sac panelden oluşmuştur. Bu paneller 25 cm derinliğindeki döşeme önünden giden yatay çerçeveye sabitlenmiştir. Modüllerin tümü sabit fakat farklı katlama şekillerinde kurgulanmıştır. Gün ışığına karsi filtreleme görevi gören ve doğal havalandırmaya imkan veren bu sistem, yaz ve kış aylarında ısıtma ve soğutmaya yardımcı olur.

1 Stamped metal sheet circular holes 40 % open area

2 Metal fabric 40 % open area

3 Expanded mesh hexagonal voids 40% open area

Inner layer facade

Inner layer facade

Inner layer facade

Modul A Fixed panel dim. 136x340 cm dim. 136x680 cm . . . 1. Perforated metal sheet screen

Modul B Fixed panel dim. 136x340 cm dim. 136x680 cm . . . 1. Perforated metal sheet screen

Modul C Fixed panel dim. 136x340 cm dim. 136x680 cm . . . 1. Perforated metal sheet screen

Constructive elements Modules assembly

Assembly sequence


Inner layer Stiles and rails ventilated faรงade system


Inner layer Glazed and opaque aluminum panels


External finishing suport Steel structure hung to the metal frames of the facade


External finishing layer Perforated metal sheet screen


Atakรถy Towers new facede


1 2 3 4

General view North-West elevations

View from car park access

Constructive elements Facade composition Inner layer

Quarters floor division

1 2 3 4

4 2

3 Facade type

1 3 4

Actual plan


1 Facade type



4 Facade type



Facade types


2 Facade type


New facade plan quarter 1

Facade types aggregation

17th 16th 15th 14th 13th 12th 11th 10th 9th 8th 7th 6th 5th 4th 3th 2th 1th


Constructive elements Facade composition External finishing layer

Facade types

Quarters floor division

1 2 3 4

4 2

Facade type

1 3 4


1 Facade type



4 Facade type





2 Facade type


Facade types aggregation

17th 16th 15th 14th 13th 12th 11th 10th 9th 8th 7th 6th 5th 4th 3th 2th 1th


General view Office space

Internal view

General view

North-West elevations

General view

North-West elevations

AtakĂśy Towers Conceptual proposal for a new facade

Š 2015 noname studio All rights reserved . . . . . . . . . . . . All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

noname studio via Pietrasanta 14 20141 Milano Italy studio associato p.iva 08773670966 Kantarcı Rıza Sk no:10/18 Bağdat Caddesi 34738 Istanbul Turkey

noname studio

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