All knowledge is vain, ! save when there is work.! 
 And all work is empty, ! save when there is love.! ! ! Khalil Gibran
Nature is the art of God.! ! Dante Alighieri
I don’t believe in art. I believe in artists.! ! Marcel Duchamp
Daniel Giraud Elliot. Pavo muticus, 1872.
Love me and I shall give you the stars.
Nikolai Alexandrovich Yaroshenko. The Student, 1881.
ubi bene, ibi patria.
Unknown artist, probably Antonio del Rincón. Isabel I de Castilla la Católica, 16th Century.
I am from the planet of elegance. ! Marcel Bovis. Paris, 1932.
Wisdom begins in wonder.! ! Socrates
© andré blas 2014.