Apologia Otte Going In/Outer

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Before out story starts. Preuss is found by Otte in a forgotten garbage dump. It is a plce where strange people appear from time to time. People that have no past, but only some vague embeded feeling of things or emotions they once lived or seen or just imagined. All of those that appear have strange qualities, meta-human qualities. Qualities that often they themselves don’t know or don’t see as being something uncommon. They use it as something daily and banal. 2



At a corner of an empty white room, with little light, against two windows Otte and Preuss lay against as waiting for something. Without past, without future. They have been here for some time now. We get in just as she asks this question. She plays with some lump of dry bread on the window edge. OTTE What is your name? Preuss looks at her in wonder. PREUSS A name? OTTE This is a bread. I am Otte. What are you? PREUSS Me? .... OTTE Where do you live? PREUSS Nowhere. OTTE You do not live? Or you dont have where to live? PREUSS I don’t know. I feel like being apart of everything.


.... Otte eats from the big lump of dry bread/or cozonac. She eats from it as from a cake. OTTE Are you hungry? PREUSS No, I should be, no? OTTE I guess so... PREUSS I am not, Is like I eat continuously from something that feels like... love. Is like it drops from my heart into a pond of hunger. Do you love anyone, or something? Otte avinds to answer. She lives enough space to be able to change the subject. OTTE What is that pond? PREUSS I don’t know... The pond becomes vibration. And I become... Love. OTTE Love made out of what? PREUSS I breathe it. I breathe it through the skin. through the bones of my spine. [let me show you] Otte OTTE Would you teach me... to eat love. PREUSS I don’t know how. [is like a birth defect. ] OTTE Please... PREUSS I can only try to show you.


OTTE Yes PREUSS My grandmother showed me. She, showed me the Food of Love. OTTE Your grandmother? But do you have one? Do you have a mother? A father? PREUSS After I am gone you will feel me. You will feel me inside you. And I will show you [why you were born. ] He takes one of her feet, takes her shoe out and pulls gently about her toes [there is a gate opening here somewhere, I can feel it] he finds the opening. Otte feels as a great insight has overcame her. She understands something so acute and so necessary for her. Her face is concentrated as to remember all that overcomes her, overflows her. She smiles. Is like a series of orgasms for her - a kept inside orgasm, a hidden orgasm - she gets red in her face, she gets very tensed, and then happy and smiling. On her face light changes. Evening comes, with its red nature. We see her sole of her foot, with a dark dark hole in it. ...... Preuss disappears. The girl remains alone. ... 3



Otte gets very close to the closed corner of the room and hides her face in the wall and closes her eyes. She is now for her, in another place and tim all together. [She is on a vast plain of white solid dunes, a small river delta. The sun is very high but very cold. She is all naked.] OTTE What is this place?


Preuss in in her body, she is as well, but we can see her body, Preuss’s body is gone so we just hear his voice in her mind. PREUSS (V.O.) It is the end of the world. OTTE And how did we got here? PREUSS (V.O.) We came from there [the end] Otte turns her closed eyes to the windows on the other side of the room. OTTE And what should we do here? PREUSS (V.O.) Nothing. Just enjoy. OTTE But... I feel there is something missing. Should we go find it? PREUSS (V.O.) What? OTTE I don’t know. The missing piece... Isn’t it like a key? Isn’t it a key that completes a chain and opens up something new? PREUSS (V.O.) That key, they say it’s Love. OTTE Show me... Some sort of transformation - OTTE changes from human into purity. OTTE (CONT’D) Lets go, lets find it. Where should we go from here? PREUSS (V.O.) Nowhere. We are not human yet. We can’t obey the laws yet [of physics]


OTTE Is this means that we are not alive? PREUSS (V.O.) We are life itself. Cut to // Otte is now in darkness. She get sick, more and more. OTTE Life? I don’t think so. I am only one. I feel like only one. Without you I would feel alone. I am one. With you, we are two. Life is infinite. Otte leaves, and walks with her back to us. She has on her back a long thik red stripe - vertical - on all her back. PREUSS (V.O.) Life is one. OTTE Yeeesssss... but... What are we then? PREUSS (V.O.) We are remembrances. OTTE Of whom? PREUSS Of each other. OTTE Fuck... I was sure you will say something stupid. PREUSS Stop... raise your hand... up... up... higher... and let me go. Otte raises her arm, but then all of a sudden lets it down again. OTTE No. PREUSS Let me go...


OTTE No. We are good like this. We are all, like this. PREUSS Let me out. OTTE No... please... wait... just little bit more time.


PREUSS Say my name... Otte looks sick. She sais nothing. She takes her hand down. She feels sick. And fights not to fainth. OTTE Don’t go... please. Don’t leave me alone. PREUSS I am with you.... Find me. Otte closes her eyes. PREUSS (CONT’D) Remember your name.... Remember your name. Your secret name. OTTE ...Preuss... Preuss.... The girl decays, from fade to fade. CUT TO:

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