Latin Impact Ministries - Newsletter - April 2011

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Russell and the team from Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry! The Love of God poured out all over Cuba! Only a few weeks ago, Russell hosted the largest team he has ever taken to Cuba. There were a total of 17 people on the team from the same school our daughter, Katie, attends. This became one of the greatest trips we have ever had to Cuba in the last 18 years! Revival and spiritual awakening has permeated the atmosphere of Cuba. This team of passionate revivalists fanned the flames of spiritual hunger already present in the Cuban church. What was seen and felt during this trip reminded Russell of the early years of working in Cuba during the first wave of revival. After a several year lull, it is evident that God is stirring up the believers to experience Him in a fresh way that will lead to a societal transformation on a national level. “Cuba Para Cristo!”, is the heart cry of the Cuban Christians! The team ministered in 6 churches in 6 different cities across Cuba. It meant late nights and long days traveling, but it was the best way to have the maximum impact Itʼs so refreshing when Godʼs people operate out of an overflow of exuberant joy!

in the Cuban context. Since our religious visas from the Cuban government didn’t come through, it was necessary to stay one step ahead of the government authorities. After only the first 3 days, the provincial communist party officials were calling one of the pastors we work with, asking questions about the group. These officials knew everything the group had done over the past few days. The pastors responded boldly to the officials stating that our group was not violating any laws and had been blessing the people everywhere we went. No further problems arose during the trip. God is so faithful! The Supernatural Power of God Opens Hearts in the Streets!

It’s always amazing to watch a non-believer experience The team ministered everywhere we went! Many salvations took place! a true encounter with God. These students on the team have become very accustomed to leading people into a supernatural rendezvous with the Creator! Everywhere we went, they were instantly ready to speak a prophetic word, release God’s love, pray for physical and emotional healing, and lead people into a salvation experience with Jesus! Supernatural occurrences happened everywhere throughout the entire week! At a gas station stop to buy supplies, 13 people gave their hearts to Jesus and 10 people received physical healing in less than 30 minutes! Dozens of people got saved and hundreds received healing in the streets and in the churches each night! Three people actually got out of

LATIN IMPACT MINISTRIES! April 2011 wheelchairs, tumors and cysts disappeared before our eyes, and longterm pain left hundreds of people’s bodies! The last night, our team ministered in the largest church in Cuba with about 1,000 people present and many receiving a powerful touch from God. Flames of revival are now growing into a raging fire! One morning, our entire team was invited to breakfast at the home of a former, high ranking, military officer who has recently become a Christian. This man is the highest ranking Cuban official that I have ever heard of becoming a believer. Our main leader in Cuba has already started discipling his family. May they be the first of many more government leaders coming to Christ to lead a new Cuba! We are committed to do everything we can to see Cuba become a Christian nation, giving glory to God!

The last night of the trip ministering in the largest Cuban church

This Spring and Summer are shaping up to be perhaps the greatest year of harvest in the history of the sports ministry. Already 3,000 have come to Christ in the first 3 months! Evangelistic crusades and outreaches are going on constantly from now through the end of the Summer. We are expecting at least 7,000 to 10,000 children for the baseball outreach that has already begun and will run through mid-Summer. Please pray with us that the necessary manpower, resources, equipment, and finances will be available for this outreach. Cuba is on the verge of historical change and the opportunities to reach a nation have never been greater! Romans 10:14-15 says: “How will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent?.”

Worship was”out of this world” at the Gathering!

Pursuing Community Transformation! A few years ago, a dear friend had a dream where he saw flames of fire shooting out of Cuba and hitting South Florida with a revival fire starting and running up the East Coast of the U.S. We all thought that probably meant Cubans bringing the fire over with them from Cuba, but as we experienced such an outpouring of God during this recent trip, we began to feel that God had something special He wanted to do with this team traveling back to California through Homestead. Arriving on Monday night from Cuba, the team ate a meal at our Ahab Alhindi and Joaquin Evans ministering with us in home and went to bed early after this rigorous missions trip. The Homestead next day was a rest day, enjoying the early Summer weather of So. Florida, while the team waited for the evening service at the Gathering. Arriving early for the meeting, there was buzz of expectation in the air. Many traveled from around the state of Florida just to attend this one night meeting. The presence of God was already waiting for us when we reached the building! No one left the meeting disappointed. God’s love and tangible presence touched people in powerful ways even before the service started. People were healed, saved and delivered. One person stated: “I had experienced Godʼs presence before, but nothing like that night”. Our hearts are burning as never before to see a spiritual awakening take place in South Florida. We are beginning to see glimpses of it already and it only makes us hungry for more! We will be writing more about the plans the Lord has laid on our hearts for the near future in the next newsletter we write. Thanks for helping make this all possible. We deeply appreciate The Bethel team brought the revival of Cuba to Homestead! your sacrificial giving so that others may know Him. We pray God’s richest blessings on each of you in the coming months!

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