Latin Impact Ministries Newsletter Oct. - Nov. 2010

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Helping out in the Kitchen! Godʼs Love Transforms Peru! The country of Peru is divided into 3 sections: Pacific Coast Desert, Andean Mountain Range, and upper Amazon jungle. It’s a fascinating country because of it’s topography and diversity of people groups. One can travel 50 miles in one direction and it’s like traveling to another country because of the difference in language dialects, customs, and dress. That’s why it’s such a tremendous privilege to minister throughout this unique country! In Sept. and Oct., Russell had back to back trips to Peru for a youth conference deep in the jungle and 4 weeks later traveled high into the Andes Mountains for a regional pastor’s conference. In straight-line distance these 2 places were only about 100 miles, but the contrast was remarkable. For several years, LIM has invested in a family of churches in the San Martin Province of the Peruvian Jungle. Year after year we have ministered in Pastor Marlon with his Jaguar skin given by leaders of a new, jungle church.

regional conferences and visited rural churches that never receive outside visitors. This year the largest church in the area hosted a regional youth conference. Some youth traveled from their villages many hours away to come together and be encouraged in their walk with Christ.

After 3 days not able to shower, at least Russell washed his hair.

While the days were hot and muggy, the spiritual hunger of these youth cried out for more of God. He responded by pouring out His powerful and lifechanging love. They returned home refreshed and with a renewed vision of God’s kingdom. Walking to the river for an afternoon swim

During one of the sessions, Russell was sharing about the acceleration of time by using the rapid advancements of technology in recent years. He compared his first desktop computer to his Macbook pro computer and how many times faster and more powerful even a smart phone is than the best computers only 15 years ago. Suddenly he realized that many of these youth had never even lived in a village with electricity! Most have only seen a computer from a distance or have one computer for their entire high school.


Oct. - Nov. 2010

Sometimes we forget the vast differences between the blessings we take for granted and the simple needs of the undeveloped nations. Jesus remains the same for a prospering Americans and humble Peruvian jungle youth. Many times those that have so much less, have an easier time understanding their universal need for Christ than those of us who have so much! Even though the formal ministry times were fulfilling and fruitful, the most impacting time was the walk through the countryside and swim in the river that ministered the most to the people. The simple fellowship and sharing of life is what stays with someone for a Russell, the local doctor and Pastor Darwin in the Andes lifetime. Christianity is more than a belief system, it’s a lifestyle and the greatest lessons are taught by living daily life together with others. We have the greatest job in the world! The trip into the mountains in October was a constant adventure. A dear long-time friend of the Russell’s family, Ron Day, traveled with him for the first time. Ron was Russell’s first spiritual mentor 30 years ago in Alabama and Texas, and it was wonderful to host him on a trip to South America. They traveled 12 hours through the night from Lima to their destination. The winding road passes over 15,000 feet before descending to the villages sitting at 11,500 feet. Ron became sick immediately upon boarding the bus, and then had to endure the uncomfortable bus ride and altitude difficulties. Upon Preaching with Ron Day @ Conference arriving at our final destination Ron went to bed and hardly moved for the next 2 days. The trip was developing into the typical missionary experience; yet, we are not called to be typical; but supernatural!

The spiritual opposition was strong, but God gave us the victory over every challenge!

Preaching @ Youth Conference in Peru

Although the purpose of the trip was to conduct a regional pastor’s conference, they found many obstacles in their path to that purpose. The local church was in conflict since the pastor’s son had just lost a close election for state governor. There was a nationwide effort to elevate an idol to the place of spiritual prominence. An epidemic was sweeping through the mountains causing high fever and debilitating sickness with limited medical care available. The spiritual atmosphere was dark and lacking in hope.

Lead by Pastor Darwin Hilario, the team plowed ahead with God’s help. Pastors united together as never before and received encouragement, training, and sound ministry. God showed up powerfully in lifting up the spirits of the local leaders and making a significant impact on the community. More than anything else, through our visit, we demonstrated to the church leaders just how significant and valuable they are for the purposes of expanding God’s kingdom here on Earth. Thank you so much for investing in our ministry through your prayers and finances, allowing us to minister to these precious people. It’s our privilege to minister to the forgotten ones who live “at the end of the Earth”! Many times we are the only ones who are willing or able to go and love these valuable servants of God. Our visits help determine their success for many months following. It’s possible because you have been so kind to help!

Fire Tunnel ministry with Peruvian Leaders


Oct. - Nov. 2010

Nationally Recognized Cuban Athletes Impacted for Christ!

Russell with professional, Cuban baseball players

Cuba is once again facing some of the worst economic conditions in the last several years. The government recently announced layoffs of 10% of the workforce with no real income producing alternatives permitted. Venezuela’s subsidies have been exhausted. The Castro brothers are hanging onto their Communist control system to the very end, even as it’s crumbling all around them. In the midst of such societal upheaval, more people than ever are turning to Jesus! 2 of the 16 Major League baseball teams have almost entirely come to Christ. As some of our leaders disciple these new believers, they are openly testifying about their faith in the public and on Cuban TV! It’s simply unprecedented in more than 50 years of Communism!

During the last days of October, we celebrated the highest attended Sports Ministry Annual Leader’s Conference. 160 leaders and their wives from across the country attended the 3 day event. During these meetings, we received fresh reports of newly opened doors in areas that only a few years ago were still closed or resistant to the spread of the Gospel. This year, for the first time, a large children’s baseball tournament was organized across the country. It was conducted through local churches reaching out to their communities. Over 2,500 children participated, receiving not only sports activities and training, but a The last night of conference conducted in open air! solid children’s discipleship program. Most of these children and their families had never participated in any church function before this time. More than 1,000 made public decisions for Christ! Most are now being discipled in their local churches. Many of their parents are also attending church and have come to know Christ through this expression of love for the lost. Due to the great success of this endeavor, we are expecting to expand in 2011 to include about 10,000 children! One of the rural churches decided to demonstrate the tangible love of Jesus to their community. After studying their neighbor’s needs for several weeks, they identified some of the greatest struggles they were facing. Even though the church members are facing their own severe financial challenges, they began to donate food, clothing, and Russell and Johnny Johnson on pastorʼs appreciation day money blessing the needy. The pastor was overwhelmed as the entire church platform was covered with the abundance of provisions they brought! They painted homes, cleaned yards, prayed for the sick, distributed clothing and food all around their town. Almost all the recipients were non-believers. One family that received food had just sat down to lunch, which consisted of only a few avocados. Tears flowed freely as God’s love reached those that had resisted Him until this time.

Prayer Points Trip to Middle East, 1st 2 weeks of Dec. Strategies and guidance for local community transformation. 10,000 child, sports outreach in Cuba. Pastors conference in Peru January. Healing conference, Cuba March - April. Overflow room at largest church in Cuba


Oct. - Nov. 2010

Weʼre so proud of Katie! Katie is finishing her first semester in Redding, California at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. She is one of over 1,000 students from around the world who are part of this ministry training school. It’s been a great challenge for us all. For Russell and Kerry because their baby girl is on the other side of the U.S. and for Katie because she is far from home and the program is so demanding. The school begins by teaching people how to have intimate communion with God. Next, through that closeness with God, they lead the person through emotional healing and development of healthy spiritual growth leading to an empowerment for fruitful ministry to others. Katie’s relationship with Jesus has reached heights she has never experienced before! Her Biblical knowledge is Some of Katieʼs Prophetic Artwork Katie with friend in California progressed greatly in the process. Her art training has been so fruitful that she is already receiving offers to buy her paintings! We are all grateful for our dear friends in the area that have been Katie’s surrogate family. It’s been a great comfort to know that she’s in one of best places in the world she could be to receive the solid foundation she needs for all that God has created for her. Some of you have been very generous in helping provide for her training. Words can’t begin to express how much we appreciate your investment in Katie’s life and ministry. Here are Katie’s own words concerning her experience: "Hello from Redding California! I want to give a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who is helping make this dream possible. This has been the most exciting and most challenging season of my life, meeting incredible people and growing in God. Each day has had something new and I feel so lucky to be able to experience this."

Itʼs Time to Put the MOVE to the Movement! Every Tuesday night a group of youth and young adults continue to meet for the Gathering meetings! As these spiritually hungry and passionate young people pursue God’s mighty presence each week, He responds by powerfully touching lives, encouraging the discouraged, challenging all to live sanctified and set apart lives, and healing the emotionally and physically infirm. This year has been a year of laying a firm foundation of devotion to a glorious, loving heavenly father. He is speaking to us that 2011 will be a year of taking what He’s done in us and freely giving it to a lost and dying world. We have seen God begin a movement, raising up a new generation of passionate lovers of Jesus ... true revivalists! He’s said that “it’s time to put move to the movement”!

Kerry ministering @ MDCC

Two days before Thanksgiving, we were part of an outreach at the small, local community college. Over 80 people fellowshipped together, sought the Lord, and received the Word and prayer ministry. One young lady’s comment after the outreach, “I have been crying out to God to know Him more.

Today, I encountered God’s love as never before. This is no small thing you are doing, don’t ever stop this!” The coordinator of the event was amazed at how many people came forward for prayer ministry. The leaders all agree that a shift has taken place and a momentum has begun on the Homestead campus. A 2 year long prayer is now beginning to be answered! This outreach superseded all of our expectations! This convinces us that greater things are yet to come in 2011. Miami Dade Community College Thanksgiving Outreach

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