Latin Impact Ministries News Letter April 2008

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Feb. - April 2008




Historic Change Coming to Cuba! In the last 14 + years that we have been working in Cuba we have never seen such dramatic changes! Amazing economic freedoms are finally coming to the Cuban people with the transition of leadership from Fidel to his brother Raul. For the first time in 47 years, common citizens are now allowed to stay in hotels, visit resorts, own cell phones, and soon buy and sell cars and houses. The government is even starting to lighten up on the persecution against the church. At the end of March, Russell traveled over 1,500 miles across Cuba, accompanied by Osmani Sosa and Pastor Emilio, visiting 20 rural churches. The conditions were very “Spartan” to say the least. At times the lack and poverty were overwhelming. Notice the picture, (above right) of one of the outhouses at a mission church. In spite of such hardship, we found the churches to be vibrant and advancing. The group ministered in the new church building LIM financed this past year. It was such a joy to hear the testimonies explain the impact of a visit like this, but we of lives transformed in this rural church which only 2 years prior had continue to hear how encouraged many were to 15 attendees. Now, due to the improved facilities, as many as 100 receive the help and ministry. people regularly attend this, one and only church amongst 5,000 One church that meets outside without walls or people. a roof, had never received a foreign visitor. We During our visit we were able to minister in churches and to will help them build their building this year for leaders, letting them know that people cared about what they are only $1,500.00. doing; while delivering supplies and financial support. It’s hard to Page 1


Feb. - April 2008

While in Lima for about 5 days, Andres spoke on Christian radio, and was privileged to speak at the National Prayer Movement in their massive meeting in an One of the great things about growing and expanding as amphitheater. we have over the last few years is the fact that Russell doesn’t have to personally fulfill all the opportunities LIM Through one of the churches we work with in Trujillo, has on the mission field. For 3 weeks in January and Andres met a precious lady who ministers to the desperately February, Andres traveled in Peru where he was the main poor children of her neighborhood. Every morning she speaker in a youth conference; ministered several times in prepares a quick breakfast for about 100 kids and every churches in Trujillo, Lima, and Tarapoto; and later traveled afternoon she gives them lunch. After lunch many of them to the jungle where he represented LIM, speaking in a stay at her center to do homework and have a safe regional conference. environment until their parents come home. She is a very

Andres Cuervo In Perú

The 100+ youth at the national conference were like sponges soaking up all they could learn and receive from God. Andres, being somewhat younger than Russell & Kerry, has an incredibly unique and creative way of ministering to youth. God moved in powerful ways imparting new vision to the future leaders of Peru.

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poor woman as well, but God has provided miraculously as she gives all she has for these children. This year we will be providing a TV, DVD player, children’s Christian videos, and a Christian children’s library to support her in this work.


Feb. - April 2008

Costa Rica & Surprise Excursion to Panama Although the Costa Rican trip was short, by God’s grace, much more was accomplished than we had imagined. For about 1 ½ years LIM has been helping a local ministry, Conexiones, by building bridges between them and their supporters in the U.S. Because of leadership struggles, Russell traveled down to San Jose to help them in a restoration process. LIM officially formed a ministry alliance with Conexiones and will be representing them in the U.S. A church we have worked with for years, has been reaching the Indians along the Panamanian border. Russell traveled to this area to see the work and consider future projects. While there, he slipped across the Panamanian border without papers; met some Jordanian Muslims; drank coffee with them and built new friendships!

Since the last newsletter, Russell has been to Colombia twice. In February he traveled down to oversee continuing work on the retreat center and to minister in various churches. While traveling with Carlos Cuervo, they amazingly experienced open doors to evangelize and encourage people everywhere they went. Through LIM’s support the retreat center now has a steady supply of water, allowing large groups to use the facilities. Russell also took part in the sending off of another missionary couple to the Middle East. The first week of April, Frontiers Missions had a meeting for the Latin American delegation in Colombia. Now bases exist in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Guatemala. There was great excitement as we learned there are now over 50 Latin American missionaries in the Muslim world and over 20 are from Colombia. Page 3


Feb. - April 2008

New faces in LIM

God is moving in Homestead November of 2006, God made a deposit into Kerry’s heart for this generation of youth. Since that time Kerry started a youth group in our local church, then organized a crossdenominational youth leaders association in order to develop relationships and build trust amongst each other. Out of these relationships the monthly City-Wide Youth Gatherings were birthed. Through these gatherings the Spirit of God is breaking down generational and denominational walls, religious strongholds and many are experiencing God’s presence in ways they’ve never experienced before. Please pray for us as we are in very unfamiliar territory (youth ministry). The young people of the Miami area are in a serious crisis as they are attacked from all sides by drugs, alcohol, peer pressure, gangs, sex, broken families, and indifferent churches. Because of the mixture of nationalities and cultures, and lack of a Christian foundation in the community, this work is definitely battling against a raging tide. We recently found out that our county, Miami-Dade, has the lowest church attendance of any major county in the Page 4

U.S. and leads the entire nation in abortions. Combine these challenges with an effort to bring churches together in our community and it’s easy to see that we have our hands full! We are beginning to see a momentum of change and impact after months of intercession and outreach. For more information, check out the website:

We have recently been asked by the international leadership of Frontiers missions organization to consider forming a missionary sending base to support Latin Americans based in the U.S. who want to work through Frontiers in the Muslim world. This is a big challenge for us and we appreciate your prayers as we consider this new responsibility.

Katie is a young lady from Homestead with a big heart for missions and Einsten is a dynamic worship leader from the jungles of Peru. Russell has actually known them both for several years, even before they met each other. On a missions trip 3 years ago to Peru, Katie met Einsten and they fell in love almost instantaneously. About 18 months ago, they married and 5 months ago moved back to Homestead. They have begun a Hispanic ministry in Homestead and have been helping us with the youth gatherings, spending a lot of time with us lately. They are seriously considering joining LIM as they want to raise financial support for their work in the community and become more involved with the work we are doing. We feel they are an answer to much prayer as we have been asking God for help so we can accomplish more for His kingdom.

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