Latin Impact Ministries News Letter Jan 08

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January 2008




Russell, along with this group of young Bolivians at the camp, found time to cutup for final pictures at the end of the trip.

God is raising up a fresh generation of passionate youth! We have never been more convinced that God is beginning to do something powerful and unprecedented with the current generation of young people. Everywhere we look it seems that the Lord in tensely focused on a new group of upcoming warriors. Kerry and Andres have been working hard in our local area by mobilizing not only our local church’s youth, but also many other youth leaders in other churches to reach out as never before. As Kerry shares her vision with church leaders to contend for the youth, it’s amazing how many others have felt a fresh leading from 200 youth gathered from all over Bolivia, & some even from Argentina, Peru & Chile. God that now is the time to work towards youth camp in Bolivia where 200 young Bo- provide entertainment so the campers don’t raising up this emerging generation. livians, Argentines, Chileans, and Peruvians get bored. The young men and women reEven outside the U.S., we are seeing God’s spent 6 long days in an intensive, missions ceived challenging messages, practical workwind to blow upon the young people in new focused, experience. This wasn’t your usual shops, evangelism training, and serious interways. Russell just returned from a week-long youth camp where the leaders have to constantly cession concerning reaching the lost.

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The amazing thing about this camp is that it was organized and operated by several young Europeans and South Americans who are imparting this vision through camps around South America. These are going to be the valiant ones who will bring in the last day harvest amongst the unreached people groups. Joining a group of mostly South American leaders, Russell ministered twice daily for the six days; even on one day just to Bolivian pastors who are catching a vision for missions.

The task being laid out before us by the Lord is daunting. Out of countries where the majority of churches barely get by financially each month, and a pastors average monthly salary is about $300.00, young person after young person came forth with a passion to go into the spiritually darkest places on earth today. Russell was amazed to meet some that are already working in unthought-of places. One young Bolivian woman just returned from living 3 years in Afghanistan near the Iranian border. Many times she has faced mortal danger from the ever active Taliban. Another young Argentine woman returned from working over a year in Iraq, even at times in Baghdad itself. Several recently returned from working in Northern India amongst Muslims. Time after time these young warriors expressed how much they want to serve God in places like Northern Africa, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, and wherever God desires.

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Through our relationship with this camp ministry, LIM has seized hold of the opportunity to mobilize Latin Americans in missions. We will continually partner with them in the future. Check out their website at:

Andres, ready to hit the ground in Peru !

From Jan 21 until Feb 8, Andres will be ministering in Peru at a national youth conference; in Lima; as well as the annual regional conference. This will prove to be a

January 2008

One of our many local youth outreaches!

Darwin will be hosting Andres at Peruvian conferences

Most nights they could hardly sleep as God moved in their hearts with a fresh gospel fire.

challenging but rewarding experience . His involvement allows us to expand our ministry by multiplying our efforts. In February Kerry kicks off the first of the monthly local youth outreaches. Each month she is organizing a different church youth group to put together the outreach. Please pray for these outreaches and that the churches will come together in unity to see a transformation take place in the youth of our city. For about 2 months now, LIM has been working to mobilize the people of South Florida to come together at THE CALL, Kissimee on Feb. 2nd. Kerry and Russell will be working at the all-day event of a solemn assembly of fasting, intercession, and worship; beseeching God to visit America and to break the curse of abortion on our land. All of these activities and outreaches are possible because of God’s hand and your faithfulness in supporting LIM. Thanks for empowering us to follow Christ’s lead.

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