Latin Impact Ministries News Letter Nov-207

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November 2007




This is a common means of transportation in the Peruvian jungle. Kerry experienced this canoe ride on the way to church the first time.

Building God’s Kingdom and Inaugurating New Churches in Peru Churches come alive in Peru! It was as though it was Christmas Day, the day we arrived deep in the Peruvian jungle town of Saposoa. The local church had put in weeks of hard work finishing the construction of their new church building just in time to celebrate their church anniversary. Having built this 3,000 sf church building with their own hands, the men were excited about their accomplishments but were extremely exhausted. The women had worked for days gathering the rice, plantains, vegetables, chickens and beef for the 3 days of celebration. The children and young people had spent hours putting together special dramas, dances, and presentations for the occasion. Our team of Russell, Kerry, Mickey Butler, his wife Celina, and Eddie Galvez had traveled 2 days including 6 hour flight from Miami, another hour flight from Lima, and a 5 hours ride down a dirt road to get to our destination. It was more than worth it! We spent the next 3 days with nightly

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Our team: Darwin, Eddie, Leith, Celina, Mickey, Lupe, and Kerry. Russell is the photographer.

services in the church inaugurating the new sanctuary, visiting smaller daughter churches up in the surrounding mountains, conducting a baptism in a mountain waterfall, and ministering in special services to the women and youth. (Please take time to see the video at our website)

It’s hard for some to understand why we travel so far at such great expense to minister in these humble jungle churches. First, it’s because no one else is willing to go there consistently. Secondly, a short visit leaves a lasting impact which is usually felt for several months afterward, causing more


Taking advantage of this special trip to the jungle, we also ministered in churches in Tarapoto, La Picota and Cedro Pampa. For 5 years now we have been working in these areas as well and have been praying for God to move on the hearts of these people. To our surprise in La Picota, we learned that the new mayor is a dedicated Christian man who has been a member of the church we work with. We had a special meeting with him at the city hall where he pulled out his Bible and literally broke down crying about God’s faithfulness and his responsibility to lead his town in righteousness and integrity. It was a great privilege to pray for this man of God who is the answer to many years of prayer for this town. His is a small light in the midst of the darkness of a corrupt society accustomed to corrupt government officials. He even replaces the last mayor who was run out of town under a cloud of corruption. May he be the first of many like him! As we departed from our meeting with him, he pulled out his wallet and gave our group of Americans and Peruvians an offering of $60.00 to help with our trip. We were amazed!

ity for the first time in their history. We had meetings with the mayor, the constable, and the local schools. We were invited to speak in the public schools where there were no limitations to proclaiming the Gospel. We prayed for the town leaders, who aren’t Christians yet, and asked God to bless all with His provision, prosperity, and justice. As we were leaving, we were presented with 3 requests for computers for the city hall, the school administrators, and the high school. In the name of the local churches, we will be providing these computers for the use of both Christians and nonChristians. We recognize it’s a

November 2007

great opportunity when God’s people can supply the needs of society to the benefit of all. May God continue to be glorified in Peru! Your support of this ministry makes that possible. Thanks so much.

A typical jungle church. We are helping them with a new roof.

The new church building we helped finance and inaugurate in Saposoa

One of the most primitive towns we have ever seen in all our travels is Cedro Pampa. We gratefully noticed that they finally had electricPage: 2

Darwin and Russell baptizing in the mountains of Peru.

The mayor of Picota in the middle with our group healthy church growth. Thirdly, the advancement of God’s kingdom into the dark jungle of Peru pleases God and dispels the enemy of God. Finally, these Peruvians are precious to Jesus and He desperately wants them to know Him.


November 2007

leaders events. Thanks for making this possible.

Doing great things with limited means

Cuban warriors for Christ fervently worshipping in God’s presence at the conference

who attended the conference, 16 actual pastors were included. The effectiveness of this ministry has been so outstanding that entire denominations have requested that our leaders train their leaders in this evangelism method.

Johnny, Jonathan, and Russell with Cuban pastor’s family

God’s Warriors winning Cuba for Jesus! Some traveled over 18 hours and walked 8 miles to arrive at our 5th annual Athletes with Purpose conference. There was such hunger to be a part of this rare, 3 day event in Cuba, they were willing to pay any price. Very few Christian leaders in Cuba have the opportunity to be at a leadership conference these days, much less one where all the expenses are paid. The ministry has grown so much this year that we had to limit the number of people that could be a part of this event. The Cuban government has always limited the development and access of Christian camps and meeting places, so it was hard to find one for the 100 + leaders who would arrive. This year this ministry has grown to encompass almost the entire island. There are now 65 evangelistic teams from 12 different denominations throughout Cuba. Of the 100 + leaders

One year ago, at the annual conference, Osmani Sosa, director of this ministry, exhorted the leaders to set high goals for the coming year. As this year comes to a close, we are amazed at what the Lord has accomplished. Almost 10,000 people have made decisions for Christ. In a period of only 3 days, an entire town was turned upside down with 1800 people making decisions for Christ, numerous people involved in witchcraft being set free, and the 3 existing churches being radically revived. Several new churches and missions were started this year through this ministry as well. Almost all of the success of this ministry is because of God’s faithfulness and the tremendous desire of these Cuban men and women to serve God and reach their country for Jesus. All we have to do at Latin Impact Ministries is continue to encourage them, guide them, and help provide for their needs financially and they do the work. Your support makes it possible for us to help pay for sustaining the leaders and their families, pay for the expenses of the crusade outreaches, and underwrite the costs of these

About 5 hours east of Havana in a crossroads town, there is a humble yet powerful congregation meeting in a small, rustic, wooden house. On the Sunday morning we visited this church, we were packed into this building that serves as the church as well as the home of the pastor. The conditions were very primitive with no indoor bathroom, but the believer’s love for God was overwhelming. Even though we were covered with sweat by the end of an encouraging service, we were grateful for the opportunity of being the only foreigners ever to visit this church. The pastor shared with us his desire to make improvements on his home/church to provide for the needs of traveling guests who frequent the area. What impacted us the most was that in spite of having so little, this pastor wanted to make a way to help others so they would have a comfortable place to stay as anyone traveling from one end of the island to Havana must pass within 100 yards of this church. We have decided to make his dream a reality. We gave him enough to get started and will be sending down more as soon as possible.

Cubans can fit a few more in any bus!

A modern Cuban garbage truck!


November 2007

Mobilizing the youth to find and know God!

God is doing something new in Homestead with the youth! The youth are awakening!

prayer event to pray for the local schools’ staff and administration; local government; About one year ago, Kerry was in prayer, and for the youth and the tremendous issues talking to the Lord, when she asked Him if they face every day. Kerry regularly meets she was doing all she should be doing. The Lord’s answer was a firm, yet gentle “no”. He with the local youth leaders. Together they then began to move on her heart concerning pray for one another and the youth groups this generation of young people. It is amaz- and are developing true relationships. Through these relationships, the Holy Spirit ing how much the Lord has done in and is imparting a fresh passion for the youth through us since that time. leaders to see this generation return to God. In response to the new direction God has In February 2008, the youth leaders will be taken our family, we took our own teenagers coordinating monthly city-wide youth outto an event called “THE CALL”, in Nashville, reach events unifying different churches’ TN on 7/7/07. From 8 am until 10 p.m. over youth programs for the sake of reaching the 70,000 people came before God in fasting, prodigal and lost youth or our city. prayer, repentance, worship, and devotion to God. It was one of the most amazing encounters we have ever experienced! There will be several regional “THE CALL” events throughout the country this year with one coming to Orlando, FL on February 2, 2008. With God’s wonderful favor, we have been coordinating mobilization of both Anglo and Hispanic churches from South Florida to participate in Visit our Website: this event. Ever since “The Call”, Nashville, the spiritual atmosphere here in Homestead has noticeably changed. This past August, Kerry put together a team to lead a community wide concert of Page: 4

Don’t miss the new videos and photos that we are constantly adding to our website. Also, check out Andres’ webcast:

Currently, Kerry is working to bring together the Senior Pastors (along with the Youth Pastors) of greater Homestead (for we know that God wants to move mightily in our community through the Christian leaders). As a result of this fresh, new move of the Holy Spirit, we are seeing God mobilize Christians as never before to undivided lives for Him. Youth ministers are renewing their passion to see this generation come to God. We are beginning to see Christian leaders join together for the good of God’s Kingdom and for the transformation of our community. Never have we been more excited concerning God’s plans for this generation and for our community. If you would like to know more about THE CALL, go to Without Andres Cuervo in our ministry, this would have been almost impossible. Financial support for Latin Impact Ministries makes this possible as well. Thanks again for helping us see lives transformed wherever we work!

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