Latin Impact Ministries News Letter Jan - Feb 07

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Jan - Feb 2007




The Black family, Andrés Cuervo and Northeast Metro Christian Fellowship Church at the Ramp.

Winds of Revival Are Beginning to Blow! Spiritual Awakening among the youth in Alabama... The last days of December 2006 found us traveling to the small town of Hamilton, AL with our family and Andrés to join our home church from Atlanta at a youth conference held at the Ramp. We had heard of a powerful move of God amongst the youth taking place in a converted grocery store. We weren’t sure what to expect, but God exceeded all our Our lives have not been the same since. expectations. Upon returning to Homestead, Kerry began a ministry in our local For 2 ½ days, we radically worshipped God, repented of our sins, church with the youth. In this small group, God has begun to move received powerful impartations upon willing hearts to take a radifrom God, and made new comcal stand for God. Our children mitments to live Godly lives for Christ along with over 1300 youth have been witnessing for Christ like never before in their lives. from all around the nation. Our prayer life has risen to a new

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level and we are seeing evidence of God’s presence in everything we are doing. Recently, during ministry trips to Cuba and Peru, God moved in a dimension we haven’t seen in quite a while. The Spirit of God has been calling people during these times to a higher level of consecration and holiness; and a righteous conviction is falling on the people. Many are coming to Christ and others are reconciling with Him after having fallen away. We sense this is just the beginning of something big God is doing!


Jan - Feb 2007

Incredible Impact in Cuba! Sports evangelism reaches multitudes for Christ... For many years the Cuban sports ministry has prayed fervently for the pro baseball players that have traveled to Cuba and form part of Honoring the Father Min. One member of this ministry is Braden Looper, pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals. He had never been to Cuba in the 7 years of the sports ministry. Finally, he, his wife Shannon, and his pastor from Chicago decided to go. During our time in Cuba we conducted two baseball outreaches and ministered in 3 churches. Due to the fact that Braden recently won his 2nd World Series this season, large crowds of people came to the churches and the baseball fields. In one church we had a meeting with the largest group of nationally ranked athletes ever gathered for a church service in Cuba. Many people gave their hearts to Jesus in these meetings. Some of the pastors of the churches we visited told us that everyone in their town has been talking about our visit and that a World Series winning baseball player visited their town. Although Braden is a relief pitcher who never bats, he belted a long home run during his first at

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Our ministr y team in Cuba, Johnny Johnson, Braden Looper, his wife Shannon, his pastor, and Johnny's daughter Jennifer from Honoring the Father Ministries

bat, adding to his instant fame in that town. The fact that he and the rest of us are Christians has a strong impact on the people in each town. We give all the glory to God. The final report of 2006 shows more than 6,500 decisions for Christ with 60 teams of 12 denominations. This year we are asking God for 700 decisions per team.

Recently, 2 outreaches had to be changed due to persecution from the Cuban government. Please continue to pray for God’s protection. As you can see in the included pictures, many churches in Cuba have little or no building facilities to have meetings. Braden and his home church are partnering with us and HTF to help construct several churches in Cuba.


Jan - Feb 2007

Leaders of the church of Saposoa, Peru with plans for their new church.

Makeshift church in Saposoa In spite of their material lack, these precious people blessed us with the richness of their love and hospitality. Pastor Marlon and his leaders shared with us their plans for a permanent church building on their newly purchased property. God’s Kingdom Advances in We had to arrive in time for a We prayed over the project Peruvian Jungle night service that had been and were privileged to provide planned for weeks. Four bonethe first financial installment to Upon arriving in the jungle city wearying hours later, down a assist with the construction of Tarapoto after a 1 ½ hour dirt highway, we arrived dicosts. Upon receiving the flight from Lima, the believers from the town of Saposoa were rectly at the church to an over- offering for the construction, whelming welcome at 8:00 pm. they were filled with joy bewaiting for us with a truck to cause God had answered their take us to their town. Because of a delayed arrival every mo- For many years I have wanted prayers for help. As the Lord to visit this isolated town deep provides this year we will conment counted. into the Peruvian jungle. The tinue helping them. church had gone through some painful transformations in the past few years and was in need God answers prayer for rain... of constructing a new building The month of February norand receiving encouragement mally finds us in the Peruvian from outside sources. Pastor jungle ministering in a regional Marlon expressed to me that it conference of churches. This had been several years since year the conference was held in Peruvian Jungle Transportation anyone had visited their conthe small jungle town of Picota. gregation. Picota sits on the banks of the During the services we conHuallaga River and is known ducted in their make-shift, for it’s humidity and heat. thatch-roofed church, we could By the 2nd day we were taking see the great success the lead- up to 4 showers a day due to ership has had with a large the intense heat. group of people of all ages. Precious Peruvian Grandmother and family Page: 3


Russell & Mickey Butler with the youth, Peruvian Conference Due to El Niño, the normally lush countryside was experiencing a 2 month drought. One day the temperature rose to 105º. At night the fans blew only hot air on us and we constantly awoke sweating profusely without air conditioning.

Peruvian “Mom & Dad” with pastor Carlos Cuervo During the next night’s service, I felt lead by God to call the believers into a time of brokenness and repentance, interceding for God’s mercy with this drought and heat. We cried out to God for forgiveness and His refreshing rain. The next morning we awoke to an overcast sky and in the afternoon, a cool breeze as it rained nearby. Page: 4

Since it didn’t rain in Picota, that night we prayed again for God’s mercy and rain. The next morning we awoke to rain for the first time in several weeks! Their was a cool breeze blowing through during the rest of the conference. Thank you Jesus! Andres’ father, Pastor Carlos Cuervo, accompanied us on this trip. He was a tremendous blessing with his humorous delivery, rich experiences and profound teaching. Many stated this was the best conference in years.

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Jan - Feb 2007

Andrés Ministering in Colombia From Jan. 9 - Feb. 26, Andrés was in Colombia renewing his religious visa and visiting family and friends. During the first days, it seemed for him like a foreign place as he had not traveled there in 3 years. Quickly he acclimated to the land of his childhood and had a wonderful time of fellowship with friends and family. His time back home passed quickly as he ministered several times in his father’s church and in the drug rehab program there. He also conducted a 3 day seminar in the missions base concerning using multimedia tools to promote missions. We are grateful for his return to Homestead as he adds so much to Latin Impact Ministries.

Russell in Damascus, Syria in 2002 Upcoming trip to Middle East... Russell will be traveling to London, Amman, Jordan and Northern Iraq from March 23Apr. 14 to provide pastoral care for latin missionaries there. Please lift this trip up in prayer due to the volatile nature of these areas.

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