Latin Impact Ministries News Letter Jul - Aug 07

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July - Aug 2007




This is the view of Bogota, Colombia from the moutain overlooking the city. We had a wonderful time ministering together as family.

Summer Family Trip to Colombia Reality Check... For the first time in almost 2 years, Kerry, Kate and Adam were able to make a missions trip with Russell. From the moment of arrival, we were reminded why Russ only makes one trip per month…because he packs so much into one week! Because of lack of time and space, I (Kerry) am going to share only one or two highlights of the trip, but there were oh, so many! After spending a few days in Bogota, we traveled by bus to the town of Villeta where Pastor Carlos is making improvements on the ranch and will use it as a retreat for fellow Colombian pastors and their families. Just around the corner from the ranch is a home for sexually abused young ladies. The home is operated by a former drug cartel hit-man who, years ago, was gloriously restored through the drug rehab program that Carlos has run for over 25 years. He and his wife live with, feed and minister to these precious young ladies every day.

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was still very difficult for Sandra to even break a smile; understandably so. Every time I saw her it took great control on my part not to allow my own tears to come flooding out. The sadness that surrounded her was overwhelming. As a mother of my own 17 year old, everything in me just wanted to wrap my arms around her and tell her that While serving a hot lunch to the ladies and some everything is going to be okay. But Sandra needs very poor children from the local area, we had the so much more than that and at this time, did not privilege to hear some of their stories. One in seem as if that’s what she wanted to hear. It is my particular, we’ll call her Sandra, truly broke my nature to want to fix things that are broken, but I heart. felt quite helpless in this situation.

Katie, Adam, and Richie Randolph served the children in Colombia every chance they had.

Sandra is 17 years old and has a 3 year old daughter, and a 1 year old son. Sandra’s father is also the father of her two children. For years she was abused by her father, along with her younger sister who also now lives at the home. Even after sharing many gifts, and treats with all of them, it

Please, please pray for Sandra and the rest of the young ladies at the home, along with lifting up the home parents, Victor and Blanca. The gates of hell face them every day, and they are doing a tremendous job with, very little resources.


July - Aug 2007

God’s Provision Ranch...

Every view from the ranch is spectacular!

We provided lunch and the “Book of Life” to these rural school children.

Transformed Life... appears God wanted to get his attention. Due to this mistaken telephone call, he found out about the program and church helping drug addicts get free from their addictions.

Richard Randolph, Russell and Oscar.

Oscar is a 42 year old Colombian who spent the last 25 years deeply involved in drug trafficking and addiction. He grew up in a good family, even spending time in the U.S. where his father worked in the Colombian consulate. In the 1980’s he regularly made trips from the coast of Colombia into Key West in “go fast” boats carrying large amounts of cocaine. Over the years he watched as friends and distant family members were killed because of their involvement with him in drug trafficking. His close family considered him the “black sheep” and all feared he would surely end up dead as well. Last May he was in the planning stages of traveling to India and setting up a drug route into China. He was in Bogota, hiding from some enemies wanting to kill him. Upon receiving a notice that he had a Western Union money package to pick up, he called the number on the notice. To his surprise, when he called the number, he called the New Life in Christ drug program. No one knows how it happened, but it Page: 2

When he only had 3 days until his flight to India, he decided to go to the program to “hide out” until his flight left. When he arrived at the program, Esperanza, the pastor’s wife, prayed for him and he fell out in the Spirit. When he got up off the floor, he was a different man. He prayed to receive Christ in his heart and promptly went to sleep. He mostly slept for the next 3 days and missed his flight to India. He has been in the program now for the last 3 months. Oscar’s life has been completely transformed by the power and love of Jesus! He is ravenously devouring the Word of God every day. He wants to go to bible school soon. His immediate family is amazed and is being dramatically impacted by the transformation of his life. This was all possible, because of the drug rehab ministry we work with in Colombia and the work of Carlos and Esperanza Cuervo. Your contributions make it possible for us to work with this ministry and to support it financially throughout the year. Thanks for helping Oscar’s life be transformed!

During the recent trip to Colombia, our family was accompanied by Richard Randolph and his son Richie. One of the highlights of the trip was our time outside of Bogota at Carlos Cuervo’s farm. It is a beautiful, rustic farm sitting on the side of a lush mountainside. This ranch belongs to the rehab ministry and is used extensively throughout the year by the rehab program, the church in Bogota, other churches and their leaders who need to get away from it all. Every day, pastors and leaders in Colombia are suffering moral failure and discouragement because of the pressures of ministry. In recent years God has defined the purpose of the ranch to be a place where leaders and their families can go to rest and seek God in a beautiful setting and receive spiritual restoration. Carlos and Esperanza are dedicating more time to this vision and will be leaving more of the daily workings of the ministry in Bogota to the leaders there. The conditions at the farm are still somewhat rustic as the facilities were built many years ago and suffered neglect for many years. More capital investment is needed to realize the potential of this property. As Richard visited this place with his, he helped us see the potential and the need to raise funds to see this vision through. He also pledged to help us make the necessary contacts to present this project so that the funds may be available. Please pray for this vision, this property, the potential represented there, and the possibility of acquiring the finances necessary to see it through. With this farm functioning fully in God’s plan, many lives will be impacted and Body of Christ will be strengthened in Colombia.


July - Aug 2007

demands of time, energy and family are strong. So far this year looks like the most productive ever in the sports ministry. Whole denominations are opening up to and asking for this ministry for their own churches. New churches are being planted and already over 7,000 people have made decisions for Christ. In one 3 day crusade over 1,800 people came to Jesus with many spiritists getting set free from witchcraft bondage and miraculous healings taking place! Thanks for helping make these outreaches possible since your support helps Latin Impact Ministries support all of this work.

Some of the sports ministry leaders and their wives and children at couple’s retreat.

Building strong families. Builds strong ministries...

The men taking a well deserved break.

Some traveled a few miles, but others traveled over 6 hours hitchhiking to attend a one day leadership, couple’s retreat for the Sports Ministry in Cuba. On August 23 thru 27, Russell traveled down to Cuba to speak at the first couple’s retreat for the ministry. Ministry in Cuba, under the repression of the Communist regime, is a stressful activity. In this sports ministry, many times the men leave home and families behind for several days at a time to evangelize across the island during their crusades. Although most of the men know each other, the wives and children have never met and have never had an opportunity to enjoy some of the simple things in life. Latin Impact Ministries was privileged to underwrite and participate in a very rare outing for this ministry. We rented a place outside of

Havana which serves a lunch and has a swimming pool. Most Cubans rarely get to swim in a swimming pool and especially, few have the opportunity to have a lunch cooked and served to them. These are all sacrificial warriors for Christ and they deserve this and more. After Russell’s message, a ministry time, and lunch, everyone spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying time together in and around the pool with the families. One of the amazing aspects of this retreat is that many church leaders had tried in the past to use this facility for similar “get togethers” and were always denied. All facilities like this belong to the government and are therefore less than hospitable to church groups. Another interesting fact about this day was that Russell was able to minister openly without any interference using a government facility. God’s favor was on them all as no problems were encountered. Later many of the leaders responded that it was one of the best times they had ever had with their families. Many learned of the importance of placing God 1st, families 2nd, and ministries 3rd in life’s priorities, making ministry the result of our relationship with God and then our families. These priorities are especially important in this ministry as God is moving powerfully, but the

Is he dead or not?...

How many Cubans fit in a public bus?

While Russell was recently in Cuba, rumors swirled all around Miami that Fidel had finally died. Some in Miami were so sure of it that they were celebrating in the streets and throwing parties. No mention of Fidel’s possible death was even rumored in Cuba. An ex-coronel of the secret police, who was once one of Fidel’s bodyguards, told Russell that when Fidel does die, the public will not know for quite some time since everything about his private life is so secretive. The Church in Cuba continues to grow in spite of the persecution. Even though the lion continues to roar, it is now like a lion with no teeth. The government of Cuba is actually afraid of the church more today than ever. Please continue to pray for peace, stability, and freedom for the precious Cuban people during this most uncertain time.


Emilio’s church celebrating their anniversary in the sanctuary carved out of the rock.

Perceverance Pays Off... Our dear friend Emilio Suarez is our hero of perseverance. We have worked with Emilio for about 10 years now and are amazed by his steadfastness and determination. Over the years he has overcome great obstacles to continue in faithfulness to God. For several years his church met in his parents’ small house on a busy boulevard. Russell remembers preaching there many times when he had to shout over the noice of the cars passing just feet away from the front door and diesel smoke and fumes pouring into the room as the old trucks went by. After some time, Emilio’s own sister who lived in the house with their parents began to stand against her own brother for having an “illegal” church in their house.

Even some government officials and policemen are regularly attending. As you can see from the pictures above, he continues to literally carve out his church sanctuary in his backyard. His church is a prayer warring church that conducts prayer meetings at least 5 days a week and has developed a powerful worship team. Your gifts and offerings have helped sustain this ministry and are providing for the construction of the sanctuary. We are truly seeing fruit that remains.

New Web Site Format...

We continue to improve and upgrade our website making it more user friendly and easier to view than before. Many of the After some time, the situation became unbearable viewers are located in Latin America where internet speeds still lag and Emilio decided to move his church to his behind the U.S. and the new formother-in-law’s house where he was presently living. The conditions were a little better as far as mat allows for fast viewing. We also are producing content in the noise, but the neighborhood was dangerous Spanish. and the facilities left much to be desired. After many years working in this place under these conditions, real fruit has emerged in his church. Many of the rough neighbors near his church have come to Christ, people can walk through the streets to get there without fearing for their lives, and a now strong congregation of faithful servants of God make up the church.

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July - Aug 2007

Andres Cuervo with actors from Romance Of The Ages... In July Andres had the opportunity to participate as Director of Photography (DP) for the digital filmmaking project “The Romance of the Ages” Directed by Crystal Porter from HierForce productions and part of the television show “Meet God” that teaches kids and adolescents about the character of God through media. As the DP Andres was a key element in the production with all the camerawork, lighting and artistic load relying on him. The short film is a story based on the life of the prophet Hosea and his wife Gomer (the prostitute), however, this time presented in contemporary language and setting, demonstrating the unconditional love of God for His people. Even though this wasn’t a project directly related to Latin Impact Ministries, we wanted to invest in this project since this short will be broadcast around the world, translated into several languages., and viewed in prisons as well as other places. We feel certain that this will have a powerful, evangelistic impact worldwide.

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