Latin Impact Ministries News Letter Jun-July 08

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Jun - July 2008




American team ministering in Peru

Spiritual Breakthroughs in the Andes For many weeks leading up to our trip to Peru, our entire team had an expectation that God was going to do something extraordinary. Our group consisted of 4 people from Homestead and 2 from Atlanta. Adam, our youngest son, was on his first trip without the rest of the family. Russell handpicked this group because he knew it would be a rough one. We were going into a part of Peru that has no missionary activity and many villages had never been visited by foreigners. As the trip progressed, we realized why this was so. Traveling to this region, we had to fly to Lima, take a small plane to the capital city of Huánuco, and travel 6 hours in a small van on treacherous roads, passing an altitude of 14,000 feet until we reached the first town. As we entered the town at 11,000 feet, people looked at us as though we were space aliens. We realized many had never seen a white person in their entire lives. We had a wonderful meal of stewed Guinea Pig, dried potatoes, and sticky corn gelatin waiting for us as well. After our dinner, we went directly to the town square where 4 churches had come together for an open air meeting. Our group ministered to the people filling the square. Many were challenged and healed as the PA system blasted throughout the town. God moved amazingly, but greater things were to come the next night. Page 1

Adam Black @ local Market

Victor Logan worshiping @ radio station Before our trip, Mickey Butler received a picture from the Lord about one of the churches we would be in during this trip. In this picture he saw that God was going to show up in His manifest presence in such a way that it would be like honey flowing over the people.


Jun - July 2008

Russell & Pastor Darwin The next day we traveled 3 hours to the next town. The leaders of the church were so excited about our visit that they constantly were calling us to find out if we were near yet. We soon found out why. When we got there they received us with a small marching band! They had waited for years to receive a group like ours. It brought tears to our eyes and humbled us profoundly. That night the church was full with standing room only. Some walked over 2 hours through the mountains to be there. There was electricity in the air due to the excitement of the people. Mickey turned to me and said, “This is the exact church that God showed me before we left Homestead.” God moved on the people as I haven’t seen in many years. About 60 people asked for prayer and at least 40 testified of receiving healing from Jesus. Even the pastor shared about his eye being instantaneously healed after 3 months of constant tearing and cloudy vision. Victor Logan,

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one of our board members later said that he had never seen this many healings at one time as he did during this trip. Throughout the trip we ministered in 5 churches; 2 were in the capital, 2 were deep in the mountains, and 1 was in the jungle. We are still receiving reports from these churches about what God did and continues to do since our visit. Our prayer for this trip was that there would be breakthrough and new spiritual life in every place we went. We recently received word that a man who had suffered many years with a constant migraine headache, has not had a headache since he received prayer at one of our meetings. A pastor from the jungle called us, testifying of healings breaking out in his church as well. So much more happened on this trip that Russell has decided to post a more in-depth account on our website. Please feel free to see the photos, videos, and detailed article about the trip at:


Jun - July 2008

Marie Tamayo director of Expolit

Expolit 2008, Miami Every year, the largest exhibition of Christian music, literature, and ministry leaders in the Spanish speaking world, occurs here in Miami. For the last 2 years, Andres has lead a team of volunteers to conduct interviews of these leaders and artists which he uses to produce his WWW.VIDAEXTREMA.COM podcasts. Last year, we did more than just interview the people, we also prayed with and encouraged them as they shared their needs. Surprisingly, even though this is a Christian event, no one else was doing this. This year we built upon last year’s success. One of the most memorable prayer times actually took place in the food court! Einsten prayed for a woman who was wearing a knee brace. Afterward, she said she felt heat on her leg. She removed the brace and began to jump up and down. This was something she hadn’t done in a long time. Many other people from around the world experienced spiritual breakthroughs during the ministry times. Next year we plan to give even more emphasis to ministry in an atmosphere where most are focused on business.

Adam sharing about Peru trip

City Wide Youth Gatherings ( ) The 2nd Tuesday of every month, we put on a youth outreach in downtown Homestead. Kerry has worked hard to get the youth groups of several churches in Homestead together for these events. God continues to be faithful by moving on the hearts of the young people. Several have told us that it is the spiritual highlight of their month. Others have stated that this is what they have been seeking for a long time. Each month, at least 8 different churches are represented. In August as the youth get ready to go back to school, we will make this a City Wide Gathering, shifting some of the emphasis off the youth and putting the focus on crying out to God in prayer and worship for a breakthrough in our entire community. Many senior pastors from our community will be participating, seeking God for a city-wide spiritual transformation. We are already beginning to see large cracks in the walls of division as never before. Page 3


Jun - July 2008

Wings In Missions

It’s time to rise to the occasion! For the last 10 years, Latin Impact Ministries has been working in partnership with Frontiers Missions to see more Latin American missionaries mobilized to work in the Muslim world. During this time Russell has served as the president of the Colombian sending base for Frontiers; also serving as a facilitator for other missionaries out of Latin America. Due to language and cultural barriers, Latinos living in the U.S. have had a hard time qualifying and connecting with the U.S. sending base. There are many here who desire to serve in the Muslim world and want to take advantage of the expertise and services of Frontiers. Recently while at a summit of the Latin American leadership of Frontiers, Russell was asked to consider opening a Latino Base for Frontiers with Miami being the perfect place. After several weeks of prayer and counsel, we have committed ourselves to making this Sending Base a reality. We plan to inaugurate the base in October while hosting the main leaders of Frontiers in Latin America in Miami. Page 4

This base will serve as a mobilization organization for Latinos in the U.S., providing counseling, training, pastoral care, and a financial structure for the missionaries support. This will be a big challenge for us. It will also be in addition to our already busy activities with Latin Impact Ministries. A totally separate organization will be formed to run out of the same office with some of the same staff. It will probably require us to increase our staff and possibly organize an office outside our home. Russell will be traveling more domestically, visiting the missions candidates, their churches and missions conferences. We appreciate your prayers and support as we embark on this additional endeavor. The Unreached People Groups of the Muslim world are ripe for the harvest! The time to get involved is now!

We have begun a capital fund for an aircraft for LIM. For 14 years we have been praying for the right time to go forward with this project. Often, we have rented a 4 seat plane for ministry trips, traveling as far as North Carolina. It has become more difficult to rent a plane for these trips and many times, someone has been left at home due to the smaller size of the plane. Many ministry opportunities have been lost due to transportation and time challenges. As our ministry continues to grow and the obligations at our home base and travel needs increase, we feel it is now time to move ahead. We have prepared a flyer with more information. You can view this flyer on our website at : or if you desire more information, please call us at our offices. Thanks for your additional prayer for provision and guidance in this process.

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