LIM Newsletter Winter 2009

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December 2009




Pastor’s conference high in Peruvian Andes Mountains

God is up to something powerful. The spiritual hunger is the greatest Russell has witnessed in many years of From the first days of our ministry, we have had a experience there. We are beginning to feel that Peru is passion to go where others usually won’t and to minister being positioned by God to experience a great spiritual to those that may be forgotten or neglected. In that outpouring of the Holy Spirit and for it to become a truly spirit, it was a great pleasure to minister in a pastor’s Christian nation! conference in the small city of Cajabamba, Peru. It’s not At the end of the conference the ministry team flew easy to get to this region high in the Andes and for that back to Lima and Russell immediately flew to the jungle to reason, many of the pastor’s in this area live very visit several churches. Due to extremely limited time, isolated lives. Russell rented a motorcycle and was able to be more Darwin Hilario, of Lima, Peru, organized a 4 day efficient with his time. Even a strong rainstorm couldn’t pastor’s conference for any pastors in the area deter this adventure for him and the pastor riding on the regardless of their denominational affiliation. Eddie back! Sapp and Mike Walsh from Wyoming came down to Russell arrived at his destination in time to celebrate minister from the States as well. What a blessing it was the anniversary of a church we helped build and to see over 120 pastors and leaders attend, with some participate in a double wedding of some leaders. The next traveling over 16 hours. By the end of the conference, day a daughter church had a large anniversary celebration we were overwhelmed with the testimonies about how with feasts and meetings. While the celebration was going much the teaching and ministry had impacted their lives. on a precious elderly saint was bitten by a poisonous Many were on the verge of giving up on the call of God snake. Her town has no electricity and the nearest help on their lives, yet are now excited about serving again. requires a 2hr hike on cow paths. She immediately Each evening during the conference we held open air began to pray and we continued in the night service and meetings in the city where the crowds reached several she was completely healed and needed no medical hundred and many were saved, healed and filled by God. attention. During this trip it was more evident than ever that

Forgotten Pastors Revived @ Conference

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December 2009

Cuban pastors receiving Bibles and Gospel tracts. In November, the 9th National Sports Evangelism Conference took place in Cuba. For the first time we were able to provide transportation for almost all the participants allowing many of the leaders to bring their wives as well. Even though the transportation was provided, some had to ride up to 15 hours in tough conditions like the converted bus pictured below. Fortunately, the Cuban people have become more accustomed to these hardships than most and all were grateful that they didn’t have to experience the travel difficulties they had endured for past conferences. The conference took place over 3 days and breakout sessions were provided for the women to have some meetings separately from the men. This is a great blessing for them since so many have paid such a high price allowing their husbands to be gone on long evangelistic trips, leaving them behind to take care of their families. Conferences like this are a rare occurrence

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in Cuba and for that reason the impact is even greater in encouraging these courageous servants of God. This year there were many new people in attendance and many said that it was the best conference they had ever experienced. As a bonus, it became possible to provide over 1,500 New Testaments and several thousand evangelistic tracts. As the pastors lined up to receive their portion of the literature, many shared how they had been praying fervently for hard to find Bibles and this became the answer to their prayers. The local pastor, who allowed us to use his church for the conference, spoke the last evening remarking how he was somewhat reluctant at first to host a “sports” ministry conference, thinking it would be foolish to talk about sports in a church. He shared how much his own life was touched by all that he experienced in the conference and his profound respect for this powerful ministry and it’s focus on Christ and seeing Him transform lives. We are so proud of these men and women who are turning Cuba upside down through the power of God flowing out of their lives. Their sacrifice and dedication is incredibly inspiring. This year alone their efforts have brought revival in countless churches, over 5000 decisions to follow Christ, and around 100,000 people hearing the Gospel for the first time.


December 2009

Dedicated Cuban Christians in a rural church service

Exponential Impact of Sports Evangelism! The Cuban government’s grip continues to weaken; society continues to crumble; economic hardships soar; Communist dictatorship is failing, yet the hunger for God is ever increasing. 2009 has proven to be the most fruitful in the past 10 years of sports ministry. More top ranked Cuban athletes are openly confessing their faith in Jesus than ever. Many of these internationally ranked athletes are joining with the sports ministry to help spread the Gospel and reach their country for Christ. Several players on the National Soccer team are working closely with us in Cuba and are organizing soccer tournaments that reach the “unchurched” people like churches and their ministries can’t. As we write this letter, a large tournament with over 20 teams is taking place and we expect several hundred to make decisions for Christ from it! What has surprised us is the acceptance of these activities by the government officials. Although there are still areas of persecution, many of them are seeing the positive effects of Christianity on the society and especially through nationally recognized athletes that they already respect.

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Only weeks ago, for the first time in over 50 years, one of the national baseball teams played an exhibition game against a Christian team. No national teams had ever played against another team that was not in their league. All of the players and staff received new testaments, the manager gladly received a Bible and almost all prayed to receive Christ! The manager later called the pastor, who organized the event, saying that it was the most important game they could have started off the season with. He passed by the rooms of the players and every one of them were reading their Bibles!

The woman in the picture above is working with us in the ministry and has just set a new world record by dribbling a soccer ball without it touching the ground for over 7 hours! Since she set the record, she appeared on national TV and radio and openly proclaimed the power of a life changed by Jesus. This is unprecedented in Cuba! In the picture to the left, is a rural church that has no more room in the living room for services because of recent growth. We want to build them a new building. It will cost $4,000. If you want to designate a special offering, please send a note with your contribution.


December 2009

Chris Gore and Joaquin Evans

People from many churches in South Florida come together!

More Lord!

Passionate Worship!

The Hem of His Garment Conference There are times when one knows that a shift has taken place and that nothing will ever be the same again; this is what happened just before, during and even after the Hem of His Garment Conference. For more than a decade, along with many others, Russell and Kerry have been crying out for revival to take place not just in the Latin countries they have the privilege of working in, but also in their own city of Homestead. They have never forgotten the prophetic word that was spoken almost 20 years ago stating that a spiritual spark, flame, and then a wildfire would start on the tip of Florida and go all the way up the Eastern coast of the US. Many have sensed that now is the time! Joaquin Evans, Chris Gore, Randy Castle and a team of students from Bethel’s School of Supernatural ministry arrived mid-November, and the atmosphere has forever changed! During that weekend over 100 people were healed of all sorts of infirmities and health issues. Not only did physical healings take place, but many broken hearts and relationships were restored and unity within the Body of Christ was strengthen…this is true Holy Spirit ministry! Even since then, especially at the young adult Gatherings, the hunger and thirst for more of God is Page 4

Fire Tunnel!

unprecedented. Healings continue to quickly become the norm and the desire to take Jesus outside the 4 church walls has been the indicator that Homestead will never be the same!

As 2009 Draws to a Close All of us here at Latin Impact Ministries want you, our supporters, to know how grateful we are for your faithful and generous support throughout this year. In many ways this has been a very challenging year, not the least of which has been financial struggles. Very often we thank God for people like you who have continually stood with us over the years to help us fulfill God’s plans for our ministries. We know that many of you have continued to give even when it has been extremely sacrificial and we want you to know that it hasn’t escaped God’s notice nor ours. We pray that you will find great success in all the areas of your lives in this new year and we will continue to lift you up in prayer. Please make note of our new email address: and don’t hesitate to let us know how we can serve you as well.

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