Latin Impact Ministries News Letter Mar - Apr 07

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March - April 2007




Russell, with an interpreter ministering in a Kurdish church in Northern Iraq.

Pastoral visit to the Middle East Monumental changes in the Middle East...

lights of the trip were on Palm Sunday visiting the town of Mahdaba, the ancient capital of the MoabAt the end of March, Russell ites, standing atop Mt. traveled to Jordan and NorthNebo where Moses last ern Iraq to conduct a pastoral looked at the Promised Land visit for the many Latin Ameribefore he died. Russell and can missionaries working in the missionaries spent all these two countries. Most of afternoon with a family in these missionaries never receive their home sharing an inpastoral visits from anyone concredible Arabic meal. nected with their home areas. Kurdish women in festive dress for a special party Since it is illegal to openly The visit was a great time to see evangelize in this part of the Latin American couples in Amman. and learn about the challenges world, most ministry is done and accomplishments of these cou- God is wonderfully ministering through building relationships and rageous men and women of God, through these workers who are gaining confidence in order to as well as an opportunity to minis- building relationships with the loshare deeper issues. That’s what ter to them in their everyday envi- cal people by providing humaniwas done that day, hoping for a tarian medical outreaches to the ronment. poor in the surrounding countries. future opportunity to lead them into eternal life. After traveling an entire day, Russell arrived in Jordan late at night Besides the valuable time spent with these missionaries, the highand spent the next 3 days with 2

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Latin Missionaries in the Mid. East

Russell is pictured here on Mt. Nebo with the family of Latin missionaries working in this area. From this mountain top where Moses last saw the Promised Land, you can see the Dead Sea, the River Jordan Valley, and Israel on the other side.

L-R clockwise, Kurdish school boys, latin missionaries in Kurdish prison museum, Kurdish neighbors, two Iranian Christians On the 3rd day of this adventurous trip, Russell boarded an Iraqi Airways flight to Northern Iraq. With great joy, he was received by the 2 single Latin American missionaries who have been working in this area for 10 years.

soldier, but Kurdish police and military were everywhere. In the past 12 years the Latin missionaries have raised up a church which is now self supporting and is planting other churches. It was a great privilege for Russell to minister in a women’s Bible study group and in church service. In the mist of Muslim dominance, the local government miraculously legalized this church offering full-protections.

With the missionaries from the capital city, Russell traveled to spend a day and night in the 2nd largest city visitThe King’s Mosque in the ing and ministering to other Latin miscenter of Amman, Jordan sionaries. One family recently arrived with their 2 young daughters. It The first thing that impacted Russell as was so precious to see these girls he drove through the streets of the learning Kurdish and speaking it to capital of Northern Iraq was the city’s people whom they meet. prosperity and development. New road construction, entire neighborVisit our Website: hoods of new houses, buildings, and shopping centers were everywhere. It’s hard to believe that this country is Be sure to go to in the midst of a war. The Kurds have had several years of autonomy in which they developed an economy independent from the rest of Iraq. During the 5 day visit Russell only saw one American Page: 2

to see our latest videos including a video montage of Russell’s trip to the Middle East. Select “media” and then click on Mid East Video to view it.

These are Biblical lands, where the Word of God comes alive right before you. It is with great excitement that Latin Impact focuses on bringing the loving salvation of a risen Lord to these people living in darkness. Andres’s trip to Cuba...

Andres Cuervo will be traveling representing Latin Impact in Cuba from May 3 – 15. Since Russell will be ministering in Bolivia during this same time, we are grateful that Andres can minister with the people we work with during that time. He will be ministering in several churches and will be teaching the leaders how to use computer technology to expand the Kingdom of God. Please be praying for his trip and his protection. If you’d like to make a special donation to cover the additional equipment expenses, you may specify in the “Note” section of your check.

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