Latin Impact Ministries News Letter May-Jun 07

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April - May 2007




Andres training cuban church leaders in multimedia and christian worldview

Investing In Local Missions Equipping the Church in Cuba...

doing for the Lord and to show the world what God is doing throughout Cuba. For 2 weeks in May, Andres During the 2nd week, Andres Cuervo represented Latin Impact helped host a group from the U.S. Ministries in Cuba. Using his working with Honoring the Father extensive expertise in photo Min. supporting the sports ministry journalism and video documenin Cuba. Andres helped coorditation, he visited several nate the visit as well as serve as churches and conducted a semithe interpreter from morning till nar of “Audiovisual Production” Pastor Emilio holds donated computer equipment. late at night. It was an awesome and “Christian Worldview” to a time as they ministered in several much they learned and how much it group of 20 people from various would help them in communicating the churches as well as conducted infordenominations and ministries. mal medical clinics in several locations Gospel more efficiently in the future. around Havana. With this new outreach medium, many Thanks to some special contributions have been equipped with knowledge made towards this trip, we were able Andres was able to distribute highly and tools to implement and enrich needed financial support for several to donate an Apple computer their work on the island. One examequipped with video and graphic edit- ministries and pastors across the isple is a young leader named, Dairon, ing programs. This computer was use- land, including support for the miswho stated: “as a musician and wor- ful in the training program and was sions school preparing missionaries ship leader, this multimedia workshop left to be used by several churches for world evangelism as well as to greatly compliments my ministry to and the Sports Ministry. They will be deliver an offering from our local reach a new generation”. Everyone church in Homestead for the reconable to use this equipment to docuwho received the training stated how ment and publicize the work they are struction of a church building in Cuba.

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Russell with missionary students in Bolivia Preparing Missionaries in Bolivia

quickly received invitations to minister to several groups including 2 churches and a youth missions ministry. On the 2nd day in Bolivia, he left where he was staying to attend a church service with some of the students and ended up preaching in 2 churches, sharing 2 hours with the youth movement and returned home late that night.

Juan is to be a missionary in Japan

Also during the week in Bolivia, we made contacts and were able to counIn May, Russell traveled to Cochasel a missionary couple preparing to bamba, Bolivia to give intense misgo to Iran as and another couple with sionary training to Latin American Morocco in their sights. Some of the missionaries. Although the group was students in the training are preparing a little smaller than last year, there to work in Africa, Japan, and India. were representatives from not only Bolivia, but also a family from EcuaYour generous contributions to this dor and an Argentine woman. ministry make trips like these possible Principles concerning missions, fund raising, and relationships between missionaries and their support structures where taught for 5 days. One of the greatest challenges for these Latin American pioneers in going to the mission field is in the area of finances and relationships with their local churches and pastors. Our efforts help prepare the churches to form a structure and philosophy which will serve the missions movement for years to come.

because we were able to provide this training and ministry at no cost to the training center or the churches. Thank you!

Visit our Website: We continue to make adjustments to our website. Please visit our newly engineered video area in the “Media” section. More changes are on the way in the future.

Although no church ministry had been planned before the trip, Russell Page: 2

April - May 2007

Prayer greatly needed for Muslim World ! We have recently received difficult news from our field missionaries about challenges they are facing. Luz writes from Pakistan that a close Christian friend is facing legal charges of blasphemy. He is due to appear in court where he may be placed in jail. Muslim thugs beat and even murder people accused of blasphemy. She desperately requested our prayers for him, as well as she has been suffering from depression and discouragement as a single woman living in this difficult country. She continues to shine God’s light into a very dark place. The wife of one of the missionaries I met with in Iraq recently suffered from a gall stone episode and may have to be evacuated to Jordan for surgery. Ministry & Travel Schedule: From June 29th until July 15th, Russell, Kerry, Katie and Adam will be traveling through Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia. We hope to see you during time of visiting family and friends. June 7 – 11, Colombia, South America June 29 – July 15, Southeast U.S. August 6-13, Colombia, South America September 13-20, Peru

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