Andrew Charlton Spreads Climate Pragmatism Dr. Andrew Charlton has spread his fair share of climate pragmatism all over Australia. As the former Senior Economic Adviser to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and the author of many books and scholarly articles surrounding the topic, he breaks down the things he finds most important about preserving the future.
Decrease Poverty It may often go overlooked, but the issue of poverty is nonetheless a global one. When it comes to the spread of disease, crime and war the human race as a whole is only as strong as its weakest link. Helping developing nations advance is crucial to future ecosystems because it puts everyone on the same page in preserving the environment. Green technologies can’t thrive if poorer countries cannot afford them, and therefore the environment can continue to struggle through the emissions in these areas. It is the inherited responsibility of richer nations to discover and distribute these technologies, as they are the ones with the means to accomplish it.
Reverse Climate Change Climate change and a rising global population can be a very dangerous combination. The demand for transportation, food and housing will surely have an impact on the environment if we do not work together to find ways to minimize carbon emissions while also driving growth in the global economy. Green technologies are not only a worthy investment for those who want to profit, but they should also be of general interest to people all over the world so we can save our clean natural resources. visit this blog for more blog posts about Andrew Charlton .