Aristivity 2012, issue 1

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ARISTA Stuyvesant High School National Honor Society

ARISTIVITY: The Stuyvesant ARISTA Bulletin Interim Acting Principal Jie Zhang Faculty Advisor Maryann Ferrara

The Executive Council 2012-2013 Miranda Li President David Kurkovskiy Executive Vice President Patrick Loi Vice President of Events Keo Chau Vice President of Tutoring Aglaia Ho Vice President of Communications

Content Note about this Newsletter Pg 1 Dear ARISTA Pg 1-2 Announcements Pg 2-3 Events Scrapbook Pg 3-4 Credits Pg 4

NOTE ABOUT THIS NEWSLETTER The Communications Committee is proud to present the first installment of ARISTIVITY: The ARISTA Bulletin, our premier newsletter! Our goal is to keep members informed of policy changes, events, and other special announcements. This newsletter will also give the opportunity for members to share their volunteering experiences. We hope to share with the rest of the Stuyvesant community the amazing services of our chapter of the National Honor Society.

Dear ARISTA Letters from the Executive Council Hey everyone! I'm Miranda Li, the president of ARISTA. ARISTA is Stuyvesant's chapter of the National Honor Society. Members rise to become leaders of the school, serve the community, and develop good character, all while maintaining good academic standings. In addition to continuing last year's events and tutoring opportunities, my hopes for ARISTA are to expand to more in-school events. We can accomplish this by working with other organizations like the Student Union, Big Sibs, and Red Cross to create events and services for the entire school (not just ARISTA members), like last year's scavenger hunt. I'd also love to have ARISTA partner up with other clubs and help them fundraise and hold events. I look forward to working with all of you this year! ~Miranda Hi ARISTA, My name is David Kurkovskiy, and I will be your executive vice president for the 2012-2013 school year. Our chapter of the National Honor Society uniquely devotes its volunteer services both outside and inside of school, as well as offering tutoring help in different facets. I hope that you choose to use your membership to go above and beyond, inspire others by example, and feel like you've made a difference both inside Stuyvesant and the community at large. It is my pleasure to work with you all this coming year to do more events across the city, tutor more students struggling in their classes, and have more fun while doing so. ~David Greetings, My name is Patrick Loi and I’m the new VP of Events. It is our duty give back to the community. All ARISTA members have to fulfill specific service requirements roughly every three months. These events range from volunteering at soup kitchens, to charity walks, to fundraisers and festivals. It is up to my committee and me to scout out exciting volunteer opportunities throughout the city and recruit eager ARISTA members to help out. Many of the events we do are not only altruistic, but also interactive and fulfilling. During events, our ARISTA members get acquainted, learn to work together and have the opportunity to participate in the city’s festivities. In addition to the many outside events we do, we also participate in numerous in-school events, such as Parent-Teacher Conferences, Open House, SING!, Graduation, and the SU’s first Scavenger Hunt. As Events VP, I look forward to organizing fun events this year and working with many clubs at Stuyvesant to coordinate more school-wide events. ~Patrick

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Fall 2012, Issue 1

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