ARISTA Stuyvesant High School National Honor Society ARISTIVITY: The Stuyvesant ARISTA Bulletin
ARISTIVITY: The Stuyvesant ARISTA Bulletin Principal Jie Zhang Faculty Advisor Maryann Ferrara The Executive Council 2013 - 2014 Christine Xu President Eric Zhang Executive Vice President Danielle Polin Vice President of Events Tiffany Tsai Vice President of Tutoring Michele Lin Vice President of Communications
Fall 2013, Issue II
Note about this Newsletter The Communications Committee is proud to present the second installment of ARISTIVITY: The ARISTA Bulletin, our premier newsletter! Our goal is to keep members informed of policy changes, events, and other special announcements. This newsletter will also give the opportunity for members to share their volunteering experiences. We hope to share with the rest of the Stuyvesant community the amazing services of our chapter of the National Honor Society. Introducing this Year’s Executive C ouncil E ric Zha ng, Vic e Pre s ide nt
Hey, ARISTA! I would first like to congratulate everyone on a very successful summer; all the events have gone very well and most of you have already finished all of the credit requirements. ARISTA has been a big part of my life and I hope it will be for you too. Whether it is volunteering at a fundraiser or tutoring a struggling freshman, you are now a symbol of Stuyvesant’s Honor Society. My advice to every member is to go above and beyond in all that you do for ARISTA. I have no doubt that this year will be amazing, and I look forward to working with all of you. Da nie lle Polin, Vic e Pre s ide nt of E ve nts
Content Note about this Newsletter Pg 1 Committee Reflections Pg 1-2 Announcements Pg 3 Events Scrapbook Pg 4-5 Credits Pg 5
The Events Committee is a group of fearless leaders dedicated to guiding the charitable and hardworking members of ARISTA on adventures in the world of volunteering. As commanders of the gray-clad army, we scout the city for events that require volunteers, contact coordinators, and open the doors of opportunity to fellow ARISTA members. Our troupe of altruists has provided and, thanks to the efforts of the Events Committee, continues to provide a helping hand in every corner of New York City. From small rewards like ARISTA volunteers answering the optional questions on sign-up sheets to more significant ones like event coordinators. reaching out and giving thanks to our impressive volunteer force, being on the Events Committee is endlessly gratifying. Between traditions old and new, our little corner of ARISTA has fostered a tightly knit bond and a boundless enthusiasm to give back to both our school and to our community. My job as the VP of Events isn't very different from what it was as a Committee member except now I have to work with a significantly larger number of Google Docs. 1 © Copyright 2013, Fall 2013, Issue 2