T-O Division 39S Newsletter - August 2014

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Volume 1, Issue 5

August 2014 IN THIS ISSUE • • • • • • • • • •

Lieutenant Governor Update September Checklist DCON Ad Sales Key Leader Membership Update Center/Dues Increase Key Club Recruitment The District Project The Governor’s Project Key Club Acronyms Contact Information

LTG UPDATE What’s up Division 39S?! How has the beginning of your school year been? I hope you like your teachers, classmates, and lack of sleep. I sure didn’t miss it. Some of the few things I did miss, however, are the football games on Friday nights, the Key Club meetings, and the abundance of community service events. With that said, make sure you put effort into the start of your school year! I hope that your attempts at recruiting Key Club members has been successful, and that your first Key Club meeting went well, and if you haven’t done either of these, feel free to ask me for help and/or attend to these! I will be happy to come and speak at one of your meetings if you’d like. Continue to find service opportunities for you clubs and keep up the hype about Key Club. Show them why you love this great organization and tell them stories about how you grew your passion to serve. Most importantly, though, make certain that you continue to serve our homes, schools, and communities and do not lose track of why you are a Key Clubber.

Yours in service, Andrew Loh Texas-Oklahoma District Key Club 2014-2015 Lieutenant Governor Region 7, Division 39S Call/Text: 682-551-6461


 Begin to collect dues from your club members and keep me updated on any meetings you’d like me to attend  Create an agenda for the year that lays out what the plans are from month to month  Turn in your monthly report to Samuel by mail, and to myself, your Kiwanis advisor, and Mrs. Newsham by email.  Send me the following:  The answers to my questions on the front page and LTG Update  What you would like to see/do at the PCM  An article about your efforts to Key Club at the beginning of the school year

DCON AD SALES Do you want to have your club featured in the DCON 2015 Convention Booklet? Well look no further! You can purchase an ad using the order form to the right and send the form along with the money to your lieutenant governor. Examples of what your ad can consist of: -congratulating your Key Club on a great service year -saying goodbye to your seniors while thanking them for their service -recognizing your Kiwanis or faculty advisor for assistance to your club -a family business connected to a member of the club or showing your club spirit! -showing your appreciation to any organization or individual that has helped you along the way If you have any questions feel free to ask me!


Key Leader is a weekend experiential leadership program for today's young leaders. This life-changing event focuses on service leadership as the first, most meaningful leadership-development experience. A Key Leader will learn the most important lesson of leadership—it comes from helping others succeed.

The Texas-Oklahoma Kiwanis Foundation has generously sponsored another scholarship for Texas-Oklahoma Key Leader, November 14-16 at Pineywoods. Use the coupon code kleader for an additional $35 off the price of Key Leader for Key Club members. The total price for Key Club members after scholarships is $140, and the price for non Key Club members remains $200.

Many have already registered, so don't wait and miss out! Go to www.key-leader.org to register today. Contact tokeyleader@gmail.com if you have any questions!

MEMBERSHIP UPDATE CENTER & DUES INCREASE 1. Go to www.keyclub.org/MUC to access the Membership Update Center.

5. After you have set a new password for your club, then you will be able to log into the Membership Update Center in future years using your 2. Click “Register/Reset Password.” advisor’s email address and your Clubs with only new faculty members personal password. Once you get into should do this! Clubs with faculty the system, it is much improved from members from last year may use the previous years and should be fairly same information as last year. self-explanatory. For more details about how to navigate the system 3. You’ll be prompted to enter an once you are logged in, please see email address. The faculty advisor the Kiwanis help video must then enter his/her email address. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He/She should receive a confirmation gV47UE5uas). email informing he/she that his/her email address has been recognized If you ever need help with paying and providing him/her with a unique dues, contact District Treasurer, at hyperlink which will allow him/her to treasurer@tokeyclub.com or District set his/her own, new password to Administrator, at access the Membership Update administrator@tokeyclub.com. Center whenever he/she would like. 4. If your faculty advisor’s email has been rejected, then you will need to email memberservices@kiwanis.org with a request to update your club’s faculty advisor contact information before you can set yourself a password and get into the system. Once your information is updated, then you should be able to go through the process detailed in step 3.

THE DISTRICT PROJECT – THE ELIMINATE PROJECT Fundraising total as of 6/9/14: US $2,362,777.39 The Eliminate Project is the Kiwanis Family's effort to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT), a terrible, destructive disease. MNT occurs during childbirth when unskilled birth attendants cut the umbilical cord with an unclean blade. Tetanus spreads throughout the newborn’s body and leads to painful convulsions, spasms, extreme sensitivity to light and touch, and difficulty breathing. Mothers and their babies suffer immensely from maternal and neonatal tetanus.

The Texas-Oklahoma District Board decided that the District Project will once again be The Eliminate Project. This is because Kiwanis International has made it their goal to eradicate maternal and neonatal tetanus by 2015. So, it is imperative that we do all that we can to rid the world of this terrible disease. Push your club members to work towards this project and educate them on what is actually happening. Emphasize the importance of the cause and hold fundraisers, because every penny makes a difference. If you would like fundraiser ideas for this project to see what your club could do, feel free to ask me or check out the website at: TheEliminateProject.org

THE GOVERNOR’S PROJECT – CHILDREN’S MIRACLE NETWORK The Children’s Miracle Network is an organization of hospitals that works to provide the funds for medical treatments for those who cannot afford it. All CMN contributions directly benefit hospitals, helping to purchase upto-date equipment, train staff, conduct life-saving research, implement outreach programs and provide health care for children whose parents can’t afford to pay.

Governor Kaitlyn Wilson has made the Governor’s Project this year to help the children in these hospitals in any way. This project is important to her because she feels as though every child should get the opportunity to live a happy and healthy life.

Engage your club members in this project and make sure they know why and who they are helping. Think of what you can do to make a child smile. Turn that into a project at the beginning of a Key Club meeting and make sure everyone participates. It will be fun and the members will be glad they helped! Write cards/letters, make tissue flowers, collect coke tabs, or, if you would like fundraiser ideas for this project to see what your club could do, feel free to ask me or check out the website at: CHILDRENSMIRACLENETWORKHOSPITALS.ORG

KEY CLUB ACRONYMS Here’s a list of acronyms that are commonly used with K-Family and will be seen throughout the year! KCI – Key Club International KI – Kiwanis International (the K-Family Service Organization for adults) CKI - Circle K International (K-Family organization for college students) COCRF – Club Officer Certification Report Form DEC – Divisional Election Conference (to elect the new LTG) DCON – District Convention ICON – International Convention FTC – Fall Training Conference STC – Spring Training Conference LTG – Lieutenant Governor MRF – Monthly Report Form PCM – Presidential Council Meeting DCM – Divisional Meetings that Kiwanis club hold T-O – Texas-Oklahoma District

MUC – Membership Update Center (for updating club membership) YOF – Youth Opportunity Fund for service projects

CONTACT INFORMATION DISTRICT STAFF: Kaitlyn Wilson – T-O District Governor (214) 236 3271 KaitlynWilson.KC@gmail.com Samuel Kinnin – T-O District Secretary (325) 998-6240 SamuelKinnin.KC@gmail.com Colin Gonzalez – T-O District Treasurer (817) 583-1171 ColinGonzalez.KC@gmail.com Emily Zhao – District Editor editort@tokeyclub.com (512) 284-3234 Ashlyn Salvato – Convention Liaison CL@tokeyclub.com (806) 881-7486 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Andrew Loh AndrewLoh39S@gmail.com (682) 551-6461 REGIONAL ADVISOR Donna Newsham DNewsham@region7texokey.com (817) 475-0870 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR Walt Roetter secwr@stx.rr.com (833) 733-0008

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