T-O Division 39S Newsletter - April 2014

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Volume 1, Issue 1

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IN THIS ISSUE Meet Your Lieutenant Governor Goals for Division 39S To-Do List Before Summer DCON Recap/Article Spring Training Conference Relay for Life Officer Installations ICON Key Club Acronyms Contact Information Did you know? When a frog throws up, it throws up its stomach first, so the stomach is dangling out of its mouth. Then it uses its forearms to dig out all of the stomach's contents and then swallows the stomach back down again.

May 2014

MEET YOUR LIEUTENANT GOVENOR! Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Andrew Loh, your 2014-2015 Lieutenant Governor of Division 39 South and I am extremely excited for this Key Club Year! First off, I just wanted to let you all know that if you are ever in need of ANY sort of help, you can come to me. It is my goal to serve the 10 Key Clubs in our division the best I can! I am currently a junior at Mansfield High School, and I live with my parents, my three sisters, and my dog. I have dedicated my time and effort to Key Club since my freshman year, although I initially joined to stop the pestering of my two older sisters, both of whom served as Key Club Presidents as well. At first I had no idea that Key Club International was, in fact, international, but all that changed after attending my first DCON. This sparked my interest in Key Club and I have only grown my love for this organization since. Throughout high school I have served as Freshman Class Representative, Club Vice President, Club President, and now Lieutenant Governor. Outside of Key Club I am also involved with National Honor Society and Student Council where I hold the position of Junior Class President. Despite this other activity involvement, Key Club will ALWAYS take priority over the other organizations.

When I’m not busy doing Key Club things, you can probably find me sleeping or eating. I am the biggest procrastinator, but I work best under pressure, so I guess it benefits me to procrastinate . My favorite movie would probably be Inception, probably because of its mind boggling qualities. I am terrified of scary movies, but I still watch them for some reason. I like to read, but I never give myself time to do so. My favorite food is probably sushi or a good burger. I really enjoy spending time with my family and friends and traveling. Other than that, my life consists of me staying at school until 5 PM every day and going home, eating, taking a nap, and starting my homework around 9 or 10 at night. I have no idea where I want to go to college or what I want to do when I grow up. It’s casual. Yours in service, Andrew Loh Texas-Oklahoma District Key Club 2014-2015 Lieutenant Governor Region 7, Division 39S Call/Text: 682-551-6461

Add me on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: @andrewhloh

GOALS FOR DIVISION 39S After three years of involvement in Key Club and seeing the kind of work we do, I believe that together as a division, we can accomplish so much more than we can individually. For this reason, I would like to base my divisional project on serving together as a division! More information on that to come… 1. Have 100% of the clubs pay early bird dues. 2. Have clubs consistently reporting to District Secretary Samuel Kinnin. 3. Have Clubs Participate in the District Project, Governor’s Project and the Divisional Project. 4. Improve Divisional Unity and Spirit!!!!! 5. Have more clubs in the Top 25! (There is no reason that we cannot become the next “Cypress” ) 6. Win the Spirit Stick at both STC and FTC (again) XD 7. Consistently communicate with each other and become closer.

P.S. We will discuss a divisional mascot and possibly a Division 39S t-shirt on May 17th at STC!

TO-DO BEFORE SUMMER  Send me your club contact information (each officer, phone number, and e-mail address!  Attend Spring Training Conference on Saturday, May 17th  Attend Division 39S Officer Installations  Update club profile information on T-O website as well as officer info!

 Complete Monthly Reports (mailed to Samuel Kinnin, emailed to Mrs. Newsham and me)  Send me an email including: 1. What you liked about this newsletter. 2. What you want in my newsletters. 3. What I can do to help your club!  Join the Facebook Group: T-O Key Club Division 39S  Arrange a club visit with me! I want to know what is happening in your club!  MEET WITH YOUR BOARD AND TALK ABOUT PLANS FOR THE SUMMER

DCON RECAP DCON 2014 was held at the Sheraton Hotel in Dallas from April 24th-27th. From the exciting and competitive welcoming activity to the hilarious guest speaker Kevin Wanzer *insert high pitched laugh here* I hope everyone who attended has gotten HOOKED ON SERVICE and is ready for another great year of service leading up to DCON 2015!


IP LTG Jennifer Roca for her hard work and dedication to Key Club! IP CL Grace Liu for planning such a great and successful District Convention! IP DSec Usman Hyder for his COUNTLESS hours of work towards KCI District Treasurer Colin Gonzalez for getting elected at District Convention! Mansfield, Venus, and Mansfield Summit Key Clubs for being in the Top 25 Clubs Mansfield Legacy Key Club for winning the Most Improved Club Award

Pictured: Mansfield Key Club presenting the Keys, Trust, and Pixie Dust forum!

The Big Picture Brendon Nguyen, Mansfield Key Club

Pictured: Mansfield Legacy Key Club winning the Most Improved Club Trophy!

Another wonderful Key Club year has passed and with it, an equally exciting DCON to wrap it up. DCON 2014 certainly amazed me as it was easily the best student-led convention I've been to yet because I was given the chance to really immerse myself into an environment of dedicated, selfless people who all have a burning passion for service and learn so many things. However, this year was my second time at a District Convention and although both trips have been profoundly inspiring, it was my first DCON that really steered me onto the right path. As a second-year member and two-time DCON attendee, I’ve come to understand why I serve.

GET HOOKED ON SERVICE #TODCON2014 However, it wasn’t always like this. Last year, as a freshman in high school, I simply joined Key Club because I was intrigued by the opportunity to find a club that I could do community service with, because I knew how dire service hours were for applying to colleges. I attended the meetings, service events, and even the Fall Training Conference as just a member, but the primary motive was merely to get hours and perhaps become an officer since I’ve always been interested in having leadership roles and being a part of big decisions. I failed in winning my class director election, but that didn’t deter me at all from attending the officer meetings. This curiosity eventually qualified me for the 2013 DCON trip, a totally bizarre and foreign event to my naïve mind. I didn’t think much of it at first, but I quickly found out how much bigger Key Club is than just an afterschool activity. I learned of the many hundred clubs in our state alone, the divisions, regions, and districts that internationally partition key club areas, and the other branches of the “K-Family,” including Kiwanis, K-Kids, and Builder’s Club. From this experience, I was deeply moved and inspired to help out with all things Key Club, which is why this year, as a sophomore, I ran for class director, applied for committee head, and very recently, triumphed as next year’s club webmaster. Although winning the officer election was what was necessary to secure myself a spot for DCON, it was merely a side incentive. The simple fact that I could be an officer and have the power to make an even greater impact was what really provoked me to run for webmaster. Sure, I may only be one person, but as this next Key Club year progresses, I know the hard work I put in will be subject to the butterfly effect. It will affect the other officers, who impact the whole club, and as a whole club, great things can be achieved, but with hundreds of these clubs, our imaginations are the only limits to what thousands of us Key Clubbers can do.

Pictured: Mansfield KC advisor, Corey Nieman, T-O District Governor, Katie Wilson, IP LTG Jennifer Roca, IP DGov, Luke Broussard, Keynote Speaker, Kevin Wanzer, MKC Doanld Vu, Malik Williams, Colin Gonzalez, Eunice Iyalho, Frankie Scarbrough, Valerie Lopez, International President Raeford Penny, MKC Brendon Nguyen, Eric Li, Sophia Torres, Crystal Loh, LTGs Aysha Moneer and Rachel Iselin (CYSELIN)



RELAY FOR LIFE One of the goals I have for Division 39S is to serve (TO)gether!

With this said, the first service project I would like to serve together in as a division is Relay For Life on May 17th, the same day as STC. This is one of my FAVORITE service projects of the entire year and I encourage everyone to go. I PROMISE you will have fun. WHAT IS IT? Relay For Life is a 12-hour relay to raise as much money as possible for the American Cancer Society. WHO CAN ATTEND? Anyone and everyone can attend! Tell your parents, your grandparents, your dogs, your cats, your aunts, your uncles, your cousins, and Jennifer Lawrence to come! WHEN AND WHERE IS IT? Saturday, May 17th from 12PM-12AM at Danny Jones Middle School around the track. 4500 E Broad St. Mansfield, TX 76063 If you have ANY questions about this event please don’t hesitate to ask! If you get your club to come, you could include an interclub event in you monthly report!!

DIVISION 39S OFFICER INSTALLATIONS This event is for all officers of Division 39S to become formally installed and be pinned by their predecessors. (Pins can be purchased from the Kiwanis Store) Thursday, May 22, 2014 from 7-8PM Mansfield City Hall Chambers 1200 East Broad St. Mansfield, TX 76063 Each club will be given the space to showcase awards earned at DCON or a presentation of what was done in the past year!

Clubs in our Division: Mansfield Mansfield Frontier Mansfield Summit Kennedale Mansfield Timberview Venus Mansfield Legacy James Bowie Mansfield Lakeridge Juan Seguin

Pictured from last year’s officer installations – Left: Mansfield KC, Top Right: Venus KC, Bottom Right: Mansfield Summit KC

KEY CLUB ACRONYMS Here’s a list of acronyms that are commonly used with K-Family and will be seen throughout the year! KCI – Key Club International KI – Kiwanis International (the K-Family Service Organization for adults) CKI - Circle K International (K-Family organization for college students) COCRF – Club Officer Certification Report Form DEC – Divisional Election Conference (to elect the new LTG) DCON – District Convention ICON – International Convention FTC – Fall Training Conference STC – Spring Training Conference LTG – Lieutenant Governor MRF – Monthly Report Form PCM – Presidential Council Meeting DCM – Divisional Meetings that Kiwanis club hold T-O – Texas-Oklahoma District

MUC – Membership Update Center (for updating club membership) YOF – Youth Opportunity Fund for service projects

CONTACT INFORMATION DISTRICT STAFF (left to right): Samuel Kinnin – T-O District Secretary (325) 998-6240 SamuelKinnin.KC@gmail.com Kaitlyn Wilson – T-O District Governor (214) 236 3271 KaitlynWilson.KC@gmail.com Colin Gonzalez – T-O District Treasurer (817) 583-1171 ColinGonzalez.KC@gmail.com The District Staff positions of District Editor, Convention Liaison, and Video Produce are open! Applications for these positions have been sent out by email. Let me know if you are interested in applying for either position!

Andrew Loh, Lieutenant Governor AndrewLoh39S@gmail.com (682) 551-6461 Donna Newsham, Region 7 Advisor DNewsham@region7texokey.com (817) 475-0870 Walt Roetter, District Administrator secwr@stx.rr.com (833) 733-0008

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