CAGE Field Manual

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Gang Target Skills


DO NOT TO TALK TO GROUPS OF PEOPLE THAT ARE MEAN MUGGING YOU IN THE STREET. If they approach you or talk to you, make up an excuse that you have to go somewhere and get away from them. In the future, try not to walk through that neighborhood or, if you see a group like that walking towards you, walk to the other side of the street.

IF A GANG MEMBER OFFERS YOU PROTECTION from another gang member or asks if you want to join a gang, use one of the following excuses: • “It’s OK, I am trying to figure out ways to deal with problems on my own.” • “I can’t because my dad is friends with a police officer.” • “Between school and basketball, I don’t have time for anything else in my life right now.” • “No thanks, if coach finds out he will kill me!” • Make up an excuse that works you. IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU WANT TO TAKE REVENGE ON A GANG for hurting you or someone in your life you can do the following things: • Talk to a guidance counselor or a teacher at school. • Start lifting weights because working out is a great way to let out your aggression. • Join the school football or wrestling team because sports are a great way to let out aggression. • Talk about it with a trusted adult. IF YOU WALK IN ON A GANG SITUATION, LIKE A DRUG DEAL, and you are not sure that the gang members saw or recognized you, tell an adult or police officer. Remember, make sure you remind them not to reveal your identity because someone may have seen you. IF SOMEONE THAT HANGS OUT WITH GANG MEMBERS ASKS YOU TO HANG OUT, make up an excuse not to hang out with them. If illegal gang activities are going on, you can get busted too. Here are some excuses to use: • “Sorry I can’t. I’m going to hang out with my girlfriend tonight.”

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IF YOU NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE BECAUSE A GANG HURT YOU or someone in your life you can talk to the following people: • A • A • A • A

guidance counselor at school teacher trusted adult police officer

Gang Target Skills

• “Sorry I can’t. I’m going to hang out with my boyfriend tonight.” • “No thanks, I got another party to go to.” • “I have football practice tonight.” • Make up an excuse that works for you.

A GOOD WAY TO MEET PEOPLE NOT INVOLVED IN GANGS is by joining a club or sports team at school. IF YOU ARE WALKING THROUGH A BAD NEIGHBORHOOD AND GOING TO THE STORE to buy something, carry only the money you need. IF SOMEONE SAYS, “ARE YOU REPRESENTING?” They are asking if you are in a gang. Just say, “No, I’m not into that.” After you say that, just walk away. IF YOU SUSPECT SOMEONE IS SELLING WEED OR DRUGS, do not let them in your house. They are putting you and your family in danger by showing possible gangs members where you live. IF A GANG MEMBER TELLS YOU THAT THEY WILL NOT STEAL YOUR MONEY because they already make enough selling drugs, don’t believe them. Their gang could tell the dealer to steal your money just to show they have power over you.

JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE LOOKS LIKE THEY ARE IN A GANG, OR LISTENS TO RAP MUSIC, does not necessarily mean they are a gang member. They have to be involved in criminal activity or hang around others involved in criminal activity to be a gang member.

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IF SOMEONE DISRESPECTS YOU AND SAYS, “WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT PUNK?” Just say, “Nothing, I thought I recognized you from somewhere.” Otherwise, you can make up another excuse that works to avoid a fight.

IT IS NOT SNITCHING IF you tell on someone that is putting you or your friends in danger. If someone brings a gun to school, they may shoot you either on purpose or by accident. Always tell a teacher, police officer or trusted adult about guns in school.

IF YOU SEE SOMEONE GET BEAT UP AT SCHOOL you should tell a teacher or a trusted adult. Then if someone asks you what you saw, you should tell them the truth. IF SOMEONE PUTS THEIR HANDS ON YOU or pressures you to fight by saying things like, “What are you gonna do about it?” Use some of these excuses to avoid the situation: • “You’re not worth the trouble.” • “Being part of the football team is worth more to me than fighting you.” • “You’re not worth the time.” • Make up another excuse to stand up for yourself and avoid a fight. IF SOMEONE THREATENS TO BEAT YOU DOWN AFTER SCHOOL, tell a teacher and ask if you can leave class early to get on the bus. If your friends ask why you didn’t show up to the fight you can use one of the following excuses: • “I had to baby-sit my little brother after school.” • “I had to meet up with my boyfriend after school.” • “I had to meet up with my girlfriend after school.” • Make up an excuse that works for you.

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IF YOU ARE WITH A PERSON THAT SPRAYED GANG GRAFFITI ON A HOUSE, go home and tell a trusted adult or a police officer that you saw some graffiti and tell them where it is. Remember that the person spraying the gang graffiti can get you in trouble if you keep hanging out with them so next time they want to hang out, make up an excuse like these:

• “No I can’t, I’m going to hang out with my girlfriend tonight.”

IF SOMEONE ASKS YOU TO HANG OUT AND SMOKE WEED OR DRINK with them after school and you tell them, “No thanks, I gotta catch the school bus,” but they offer you a ride, use the following excuses: • “No thanks, I gotta meet my brother on the bus.” • “No thanks, I gotta meet my sister on the bus.” • “No thanks, I gotta work out after school.” • “No thanks, I have soccer practice after school today.” • Make up an excuse that works for you.

Gang Target Skills

• “No I can’t, I’m going to hang out with my boyfriend tonight.” • “No thanks, I got another party to go to.” • “I have football practice tonight.” • Make up an excuse that works for you.

IF SOMEONE IN YOUR FAMILY LIKE A BROTHER OR SISTER IS IN A GANG and you are driving around or hanging out with them, you are in danger. If there is another gang member that wants to hurt your brother or sister, they may hurt you because they think you are in a gang too.

IF A FRIEND SHOWS YOU THEY HAVE A GUN AND TELLS YOU THAT THEY MIGHT USE IT ON SOMEONE, you should tell a trusted adult or police officer. Do not touch it because the gun could go off by accident and you could be hurt or killed.

IF YOU SEE SOMEONE GET BEAT DOWN on the bus, at school or in your neighborhood and someone asks you for information about what happened you should always tell the truth. You are not a snitch if you are a witness and someone asks you what you witnessed.

IF YOU FIND A GUN IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, walk away from the gun and call the police from a safe location. Do not touch it because your fingerprints could make it look like you used it for a crime. IF YOU SEE SOMEONE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD WALKING AROUND WITH A GUN in their pants or in their hands stay away from them and call the police from a safe location.

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Police Support Skills


IF A GANG MEMBER ASKS YOU TO JOIN A GANG, tell the police from a safe place. They may not already know this person is a gang member so it is important you tell them. IF YOU SEE SOMEONE GETTING BEAT DOWN IN THE STREET, call the police from a safe location as soon as possible. IF SOMEONE HANGS OUT WITH A GANG, the police consider them to be a gang member even if they don’t do anything wrong. IF AN ADULT TELLS YOU TO, “MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS,” when you go to them for a gang problem, tell another trusted adult. If guns are involved, a police officer is the first person to give gang information too.

IF YOU TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT GANG PROBLEMS AND THEY DON’T HAVE TIME TO LISTEN TO YOU, keep trying. Teachers, guidance counselors, principles, coaches and police officers are all examples of just a few people you can go to if you or your neighborhood or school has gang problems.

IF YOUR SCHOOL OR NEIGHBORHOOD HAS A GANG PROBLEM, these are some people you can talk to: • A • A • A • A

guidance counselor at school teacher at school trusted adult police officer

IF YOUR SCHOOL OR NEIGHBORHOOD HAS A VIOLENCE PROBLEM, these are some people you can talk to: • A • A • A • A

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guidance counselor at school trusted adult coach at school police officer

UNIFORMS IN SCHOOL are a good way to keep gangs out. Students should work together to tell teachers about anything gang related happening at school or home to keep the school from having to use uniforms.

DO NOT BE AFRAID TO TELL an adult that you know where a gang sells drugs at. If you know of a place gangs sell drugs, tell a trusted adult or police officer and remind them not to give your name. DO NOT CALL THE POLICE on someone you don’t like for fabricated problems. If you make things up too much, the police may not help you quickly if something really is wrong.

Police Support Skills

THE BEST WAY TO STOP GANGS is in the community, arresting gang members does not solve the problem completely.

ALWAYS TELL POLICE OFFICERS, TEACHERS, PRINCIPLES OR GUIDANCE COUNSELORS the truth when it comes to gangs at home or at school. If you are not completely honest, they will not be able to give you the right kind of help you need. IF YOU ARE TOO NERVOUS TO TALK to a police officer in person, and have information about gangs or illegal activities in your neighborhood, you can call the police department at a later time or you can ask a trusted adult to do it for you. IF YOU LIVE IN A BAD NEIGHBORHOOD, you can ask the police to drive up and down the block once in a while so they can make sure gang members are not hanging out. That will make gang members afraid to hang out there. IF YOU TALKED TO THE POLICE ABOUT A NEIGHBORHOOD GANG, do not tell friends on social media that you did. A gang member could read it and put you in danger. IF YOU SEE SOMEONE STEALING money from a teachers desk or anywhere else, tell a trusted adult or police officer. THE INTERNET is a popular place gangs are going to steal money, make drug deals and set up gang meetings or beat downs.

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IF SOMEONE IN YOUR FAMILY IS IN A GANG, you and your family are at risk of being killed, robbed or beaten up by other gang members. This is because the family of gang members are sometimes targets of other gangs.

IF YOU SEE SOMEONE IN CLASS throwing up gang symbols with their hands or showing gang drawings in their notebook, you should tell a teacher or principal. If the teacher doesn’t do anything, they are not setting a good example. In that case tell the principal or another trusted adult.

IF YOU ARE AFRAID to tell the police about gangs in your neighborhood, the gangs accomplished their goal by using fear against you. IT IS EVERYBODY’S responsibility to stop gangs in the neighborhood. That means the police, the school, parents and you must all work together to keep the community safe.

• The local police department:

• My teacher:

Police Support Skills


• My guidance counselor:

• My mom:

• My dad:

• Trusted adults:

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Ex-Gang Member Skills

Ex-Gang Member Skills



IF A FRIEND TELLS YOU THEY WANT TO BE IN A GANG here are some things you can tell them to help change their mind: • “If you join a gang, you won’t have time to play football anymore.” • “My uncle was in a gang and he said it ruined his life.” • “How are you going to get any girls if you have your face covered in gang tattoos?” • “Why are you gonna join a gang? Can’t you take care of your own problems?” IF AN EX-GANG MEMBER SEES GANG ACTIVITY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD, they should report fights, stealing and vandalism in the neighborhood to the police. HERE A SOME THINGS AN EX-GANG MEMBER COULD SAY to make wanna-be gang members change their minds: • “When I was in a gang I feared for my life everyday.” • “When I was in a gang I was afraid someone in my family would be killed because of my gang membership.” • “When I was in a gang I failed all of the subjects in school.” • “When I was in a gang I had no money for food because I spent it all on drugs.” IF AN EX-GANG MEMBER SEES GANG SYMBOLS AND GRAFFITI in their neighborhood they can help cover the graffiti up or report what they see to the police. THESE ARE SOME THINGS AN EX-GANG MEMBER CAN DO to give back to their community: • Become a member of the local YMCA. • Become a member of Big Brothers or Big Sisters of America. • Hold neighborhood parties at a park so kids and adults can get to know each other. • Volunteer at a local school.

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• Talk about how the gang became more important than your real family. • Talk about how your friends where killed because of being gang members. • Talk about how things would have been different if you stayed in school. • Talk about how being part of a gang made you give up the things you loved in life, like sports or clubs.

Ex-Gang Member Skills

THESE ARE SOME THINGS AN EX-GANG MEMBER COULD TALK ABOUT with students to make sure they do not get involved in a gang:

IF AN EX-GANG MEMBER FINDS A GUN AT THE NEIGHBORHOOD PARK, they should leave the gun where they found it and call the police. They should not touch the gun because they might get blamed for causing a crime they did not commit from fingerprint identification.

IF A GANG MEMBER WANTS TO GET OUT OF A GANG, use the following advise to help them: • “Do not associate with gang members or anyone that hangs out with gang members.” • “Do not use drugs or hang out with people that do.” • “If you see illegal criminal activity at school or in the neighborhood, take a stand against it and tell the police or a trusted adult.” • “Be aware of the signs of gang membership and let someone know when you see them.” IF A GANG MEMBER SAYS THAT THERE IS NO WAY FOR THEM TO MAKE MONEY other than sell drugs, an ex-gang member can do one of the following things: • Start a job training program to help ex-gang members get a real job. • Help an ex-gang member get out of the gang. • Teach an ex-gang member how to find a job and fill out a job application. • Help an ex-gang member find financial aid to get back into school. 14 21


IF A GANG MEMBER SPRAYS AN X OVER ANOTHER GANGS GRAFFITI, it means they are challenging each other. That is a strong sign that the area is dangerous and you should tell a police officer where it is.

IF SOMEONE IS NEW IN TOWN and needs to find a place to make friends that are not involved in gangs tell them about a club or sports team that you, or someone you know, is a part of. Remember, gang members do not spend time with people that participate in positive activities like these.

IF THERE IS NOTHING FOR KIDS TO DO IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD except get into trouble, these activities can help you do something positive with your time: • Join the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts of America. • Join a sports team at school or in the community. • Join a club at school like music, art or dance. • Convince your parents to throw a neighborhood block party.

IF YOU ARE THREATENED WITH A GUN and feel that you need a gun to keep you safe, do not try and find a gun to protect yourself. Instead talk to a police officer or trusted adult and ask them what you should do. Remember, stay away from the area you had a gun pulled on you.

IF YOU SEE SOMEONE BEING ROBBED for money, jewelry or anything else, call the police from a safe location right away. GANGS TARGET KIDS THAT ARE NEW TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND HAVE NO POSITIVE ROLE MODELS IN THEIR LIVES because the gang wants to take advantage of their need to feel accepted by a group or individual. IF GANG MEMBERS HANG OUT AT THE PARK that you like to play basketball, football or soccer at you can go to the following places: • The gym, football or soccer field at your school. • The local YMCA. • The local Boys and Girls Club of America. 15 21

• “I prefer to be alone.” • “I can’t go there with you because I am waiting here for someone.” • Make up an excuse that works for you. IF A GANG MEMBER INVITES YOU to a party, use an excuse like: • “I have football practice tonight.” • “I am going to the basketball game.” • “I am going to the dance with my girlfriend.” • “Me and my family are going on vacation this weekend.”

Ex-Gang Member Skills

MAKE AN EXCUSE TO AVOID SITTING at the lunch table with or hanging out with gang members like:

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Community Member Skills 21


IF YOU SEE SOMEONE STEALING rims, fighting, dealing drugs or breaking the law in your neighborhood, always call the police from a safe location. IF YOU SEE A SUSPICIOUS CAR OR GROUP OF PEOPLE in your neighborhood call the police. There may be a drive-by shooting or other crime about to happen.

IF YOU SEE A GROUP OF PEOPLE FIGHTING, it could mean they are involved in a gang initiation. It could also mean there is a fight going on between rival gangs. In both situations, call the police from a safe place because you never know if guns are involved.

IF YOU THINK SOMEONE AT SCHOOL IS IN A GANG OR SEE THEM MAKING GANG SIGNS with their hands in class, tell a teacher or another adult you trust. Sometimes teachers don’t recognize what gangs symbols are, so it’s important for you to educate them.

IF YOU SEE SOMEONE SPRAYING GANG GRAFFITI, stay away from them and tell a trusted adult or police officer. IF YOU SEE GANG GRAFFITI IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, stay away from it and tell a trusted adult or police officer where it is. DO NOT TELL ANYBODY THAT YOU REPORTED A GANG MEMBER or gang activity to the police. Also, do not text message or post on social media the fact that you talked to a police officer about gangs in your neighborhood. You don’t know if a gang member could be reading it. A GANG IS a group of people that do illegal activities and a gang member is someone who participates in those activities. Just because someone dresses like a rapper on TV or listens to rap music does not mean they are in a gang. LOTS OF KIDS DRESS THE SAME to feel like they are part of a group. To be considered a gang, the group must be involved in criminal activities. 19 21

IF YOU FIND A NOTE OR PIECE OF PAPER ON THE GROUND WITH GANG SYMBOLS drawn on it and it has your friends names, it could be a gang initiation sheet or even a hit list. In both cases leave it where you found it and tell a trusted adult or police officer where it is.

IF A PERSON TELLS YOU THEY WILL GET REVENGE ON SOMEONE for something that happened at school tell either a teacher, principal or police officer. IF YOU SEE SOMEONE DEALING DRUGS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD you should tell an adult and stay away from the person you saw dealing drugs. If they ask you to hang out, make up an excuse not to.

Community Member Skills

IF THERE ARE PARTIES IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD and fights break out or property gets vandalized, gangs may be involved. This means that the neighborhood you live in is at risk. Get to a safe location and call the police. IF YOU SEE YOUNG KIDS HANGING OUT OR PLAYING AROUND GANG GRAFFITI, tell them the area is dangerous and they should go home. Then call the police or tell an adult from a safe location so the graffiti can be covered up. IF GROUPS OF PEOPLE DRESS ALIKE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD they may or may not be in a gang. If they fight, steal, vandalize or do anything illegal, they are considered gang members. JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE LISTENS TO RAP MUSIC does not mean they are a gang member. HERE IS A LIST OF PEOPLE GANG MEMBERS can go to for help getting out of a gang: • A guidance counselor at school • A teacher • A trusted adult • A police officer

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IF SOMEONE YOU KNOW HANGS OUT WITH GANG MEMBERS but does nothing wrong they can get in trouble with the police just for being around people doing illegal things. IF YOU SEE SOMEONE MAKING GANG SIGNS with marker on the wall at school, tell a teacher or trusted adult. POPULAR PLACES GANG MEMBERS DEAL DRUGS AT ARE abandoned houses, alley ways or street corners. However, gang members will deal drugs anywhere, even at school.

IF THERE IS A GANG PROBLEM IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, suggest to your parents that the neighborhood kids need something to keep busy. An after school program, little league or neighborhood barbecue are some activities that can help keep kids out of gangs.

TO SET A GOOD EXAMPLE, THE BEST THING YOU CAN DO IS be the most involved person in your community. Joining little league, studying hard, dancing or playing music are some good things to get involved in. Other people will see how good you feel about yourself and follow your lead. GANGS USE FEAR to make people in the neighborhood feel like, without the gangs protection, they cannot be safe. IF YOU FIND A KNIFE AT SCHOOL OR IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, leave the knife where you found it and tell a teacher, trusted adult or police officer where it is. Do not touch it, so that your fingerprints can’t get you in trouble for something you didn’t do.


• The local police department:

• My teacher:

Community Member Skills


• My guidance counselor:

• My mom:

• My dad:

• Trusted adults:

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