The Perfect 10. Reasons to study at ECS

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The Perfect 10. The Reasons Reasons to study at ECS - Electronics Electronics and and ComputerScience Science Computer

Team Tarka, an ECS-led University project, designs and builds a boat to take part in the World Championship of Intercollegiate Solar Boating, held annually in the USA.

Introduction Welcome to Electronics and Computer Science! Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton is one of the best places in the world to study electronics and electrical engineering, computer science, IT and web science. We have been at the forefront of advances in research and education for over 60 years and we continue to define and develop new technologies in partnership with global business and industry. We can offer a range of outstanding opportunities, making many reasons to study with us. This brochure contains just a few; you can find more on our website:

1 2 3 4 5

International reputation Outstanding courses A vibrant community Superb facilities World-leading teachers

6 7 8 9 10

Challenging project work A beautiful campus Excellent career prospects A cosmopolitan city Memories that last a lifetime

1 1 International Internationalreputation reputation Your choice of of degree programme and university is is important. Your choice degree programme and university important.AsAsananambitious ambitiousand and highly qualified student you aim highly qualified student you aimtotostudy studyatata aplace placethat thatwill willmatch matchyour youraspirations aspirations and potential and provide you with outstanding and potential and provide you with outstandingopportunities opportunitiesininthe thefuture. future.

Electronics andand Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton is ECS-Electronics Computer Science at the University of Southampton is the the largest and distinguished most distinguished department its in kind theand UK,has andahas a largest and most department of its of kind theinUK, worldwide reputation education, researchand andenterprise. enterprise. worldwide reputation forfor itsits education, research today’s fast-moving global environmentit’s it is essentialthat thatyour yourchoice choiceofofcourse course In In today’s fast-moving global environment essential and university is internationallycompetitive. competitive.Southampton Southamptonisisone oneofofthe the100 100 and university is internationally highest-rated universities theworld worldand anda member a memberofofthe theUK’s UK’sRussell RussellGroup Groupofof highest-rated universities inin the research-intensive universities. research-intensive universities. Our stimulating and cutting-edge degree programmesattract attractstudents studentsfrom fromaround around Our stimulating and cutting-edge degree programmes the world. A degree from ECS will give you a real advantage in the job market, anda a the world. A degree from ECS will give you a real advantage in the job market, and qualification that will be highly regarded by employers worldwide. qualification that will be highly regarded by employers worldwide.

An environment of opportunity 2 2 Outstanding courses Weoffer offermany 23 different degree programmes science and IT, We different degree programmescovering coveringcomputer information electronics, electrical engineering and electromechanical engineering. technology in organisations, software engineering, web science, computer Undergraduate last either for threeand years (BEng) or four years science, electroniccourses and electrical engineering electromechanical systems. (MEng), with the additional yearfor providing greater insight intoorresearch and Undergraduate courses last either three years (BEng or BSc) four years industrial practice. with the additional year providing greater insight into (MEng or MComp), research and industrial practice. Our programmes are designed and constantly updated to ensure that all our

Our programmes and skills constantly updated needed to ensure allfuture students developare thedesigned knowledge, and expertise forthat their our students developparticularly the knowledge, skills forgain their careers. Employers value theand factexpertise that ECSneeded students future careers. Employers particularly value therange fact that ECS students gain knowledge and understanding of a very wide of technologies but also knowledge and understanding of a specialization. very wide range of technologies but also have the opportunity of in-depth have the opportunity of in-depth specialisation. You can combine your chosen subjects with options such as artificial

You can combine your chosen subjects options such asand artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, wirelesswith communications mobile and intelligence, nanotechnology, wireless communications and mobile and secure systems to gain a high degree of specialization, and the research secure systems to gain a high degree of specialisation, and the research interests of ECS academic staff ensure that you are always gaining the latest interests of ECS academic staff ensure that you are always gaining the latest knowledge in your discipline. knowledge in your discipline.

3 A vibrant community Students are drawn to ECS from all over the world, with over 80 nationalities represented. They make up a lively, collaborative and supportive community with students coming together not only in project work and lab sessions, but also in frequent social, sports, enterprise, and academic activities organised by the ECS societies – the Electronics and Computer Science Society, ECSWomen, ECS branches of the IEEE and IET, ECS Entrepreneurs and more... ‘I’ve met so many truly amazing people and made loads of great friends,’ said Electronics student Adam Malpass of his first year at ECS. ‘People think that “ECS rocks” and I would definitely agree. ECS has so much to offer any potential student.’

4 Superb facilities The quality and excitement of our teaching and learning environment is apparent not just in our course delivery, but in the superb facilities that support learning in ECS. Our research facilities include the £100m Mountbatten Building, one of the world’s leading cleanroom facilities for nanotechnology and photonics, and a High Voltage Laboratory that can generate 1 million volts. Our Computer Lab (right) is the main hub of undergraduate life in ECS, providing a working and social space that communicates a buzz of activity and enthusiasm. Undergraduate labs for Electrical and Electronic Engineering are furnished with the most up-to-date and advanced equipment, and project labs for third- and fourth-year students provide personalised space for individual and team working.

For his third-year project Electromechanical Systems student Wayne Tubby developed a low-cost robot platform capable of negotiating rough terrain. After graduation Wayne joined the Rutherford Appleton Space Technologies Division.

5 World-leading teachers ECS has over 100 academic teaching staff who are all actively engaged in research and all at the forefront of their disciplines. In 2010 three members of ECS were named by The Times among the leading 100 scientists in the UK, including Professor Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, Professor Dame Wendy Hall, the first person outside the US to lead the Association for Computing Machinery, and Professor David Payne, who has pioneered optical fibre technology. Professor Lajos Hanzo has contributed hugely to advances in wireless communications over the last 30 years, and Professor Nigel Shadbolt worked with the UK Government to develop, which represents a major step forward in government transparency and openness. Professors Berners-Lee and Shadbolt are Co-Directors of the world’s first Open Data Institute, based in London.

6 Challenging project work One of the hallmarks of our degree programmes is the large amount of project work undertaken by students from their second year onwards. The projects are designed to challenge our students and to increase their awareness and ability to deal with realworld problems. The projects also ensure that our students acquire valuable skills: project-planning, team-work, applying learning to design-and-build problems, time management, communication, and working to a brief – all of which stands them in good stead as they move into their careers. Many of our projects are sponsored by companies which regularly employ our students: Detica, Imagination Technologies, Roke, Xyratex, ARM, IBM, and Southampton International Airport, to name only a few.

A beautiful campuscampus 7 A beautiful

ronics and Computer Science occupies seven builings at the University of Electronics and Computer Science occupies seven buildings at the University of ton’s Highfield Campus – a green and leafy environment two miles north Southampton’s Highfield Campus – a green and leafy environment two miles north mpton city centre. The Campus is edged by the 326 acres of Southampton of Southampton city centre. The Campus is edged by the 326 acres of Southampton one ofCommon, the UK’s one mostofimportant urban wildlife urban sites, and a great place the UK’s most important wildlife sites, and to a great place to jog, or relax. cycle, or relax.

ful Highfield Campus contains all thecontains main University learning and learning and support The beautiful Highfield Campus all the main University cilities. In addition to the sports centres and swimming pool, the facilities. In addition to the sports centres and swimming pool, the Students’ Union Unionprovides providesa ahuge huge variety services opportunities, an variety ofof services andand opportunities, withwith an excellent shop, regular marketsmarkets and a wide of range specialofinterest and clubs societies. hop, regular andrange a wide specialclubs interest andInternationallyrenowned arts venuesarts at Highfield include a theatre, concert hall, and art gallery. nternationally-renowned venues at Highfield include a theatre, ll, and art gallery. In summertime the Highfield Campus is an oasis of peace and calm, with green spaces, landscaped impressive architecture andcalm, arresting - the perfect rtime athe Highfieldstream, Campus is an oasis of peace and withsculptures green place to relax in the sun after exams! andscaped stream, impressive architecture and arresting sculptures - the ce to relax in the sun after exams!


8 Excellent career prospects Excellent careercareer prospects 8 Excellent prospects

Competition among the world’s leading technology companies to Competition world’s leading technology companies recruit recruitamong highlythe skilled graduates remains very hot, andtoECS students have highly skilled graduates remains very hot, and ECS students have an excellent an excellent reputation with employers for the breadth and depth of the reputation with employers for the breadth and depth of their knowledge knowledge of different well as for mix of practical an of different technologies, as welltechnologies, as for the mix ofaspractical andthe theoretical theoretical understanding in theirIndegree programmes. understanding gained in their degreegained programmes. ECS our strong links In ECS ou strong links with employers help our students to gain summer internshi with employers help our students to gain summer internships or 12-month or 12-month placements while they are studying, and we placements while they are studying, and we place a heavy emphasis onplace a heavy careersemphasis awarenesson and employability initiatives to ensure you have excellent careers awareness and employability initiatives to ensure y job opportunities at thejob endopportunities of your degreeat course. Theofannual ECS Careers have excellent the end your degree course. Fair (left) attracts some of the UK’s leading graduate recruiters.

The annual ECS Careers Fair (left) attracts some of the UK’s leading rec “Challenging, relevant and very enjoyable would be my take on completing an ersEngineering in the areasdegree of computer IT, electronics and electrical engine Electronic with, I am already aware of the fantastic ing, with in my 2011. Over 95 of ECS studen opportunities this 55 hascompanies opened up forattending me. Securing graduate job per withcent McLaren who graduated in 2009 had graduate-level jobs within three Electronic Systems was the first and I have no doubt will not be the last. ECS hasmonths, one M themehighest figures in the university prepared for a career in every wayUK - I look forward tosector. getting started!” co Tom Dell, MEng Electronic Engineering 2012 do lik

MEng Computer Science graduate, Alanspent Huynh, 12 months on a placement withplc RM plc between his third fourth years. MEng Computer Science student, Alan Huynh, 12spent months on a placement with RM between his third andand fourth years. HeHe comments: “I learned the company lose credibility if I made mistakes. That’s very differenttotobeing beingatatuniversity university where where anything comments: “I learned that thethat company could could lose credibility if I made mistakes. That’s very different anythingI Ido only affects mygrade. own grade. ledto mechange to change way I thinkabout aboutbusiness businessand and end-users end-users and beyond myself, andand I liked do only affects my own ThisThis led me thethe way I think andled ledtotome melooking looking beyond myself, I Every student should workplacements. placements.Experience Experience in liked that.that. Every student should dodo work in industry industryisisinvaluable.” invaluable.”

99 A cosmopolitan city Itsmedieval medievalwalls walls Southampton is a thriving port city which has played a key role in some of the most important events in British history. Its centre,its itshistory historycan canbe beseen seenalmost almosteverywhere everywherein inthe the are among the best in the UK and although it is now a leading business and retail centre, its maritime maritimehistory historydates datesfrom fromthe thestory storyof ofKing King Canute. city centre. Situated on the Solent, on the fringes of the English Channel, its

the home home port for some of the world’s largest cruise cruiseliners, liners,and andmuch muchof ofthe theUK’s UK’simport/export import/exportactivity activitypasses passesthrough throughits its Today it is the terminal. It Itprovides provideseverything everything you you would expect in a cosmopolitan city of around 250,000 people. It also also enjoys enjoysan anexcellent excellent container terminal. climate climate and and is isset setin inthe themidst midstof ofsome someof ofthe theUK’s UK’smost mostbeautiful beautifulcountryside countrysideand andheritage heritagelandscape. landscape.

10 Memories Memoriesthat that last a lifetime 10 last a lifetime ‘To all new students, I wish you good luck , and let you know that you can go ‘To all new students, I wish you good luck , and let you know that you can go forward with the knowledge that your degree will be highly competitive and forward with the knowledge that your degree will be highly competitive and relevant to demands the demands of employers. relevant to the of employers. of my classmates I thank youafor a fantastic haveable beentoable To To all all of my classmates I thank you for fantastic year. Iyear. haveIbeen forgeto forge memories that will last a lifetime. I wish all of you who have found jobs memories that will last a lifetime. I wish all of you who have found jobs successsuccess in in them all of you aretoabout start looking, luck –I doubt though I doubt them and alland of you who arewho about start to looking, good luckgood – though you you need it.’ need it.’

Aaron Joseph, MSc Software Engineering Aaron Joseph, MSc Software Engineering 2009

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