zeekust costa ¯ rmala küste ju wybrzez·e côte seaside riviera t y p e fa m i ly s p eci men
AndrijType is a small type foundry from Berdyansk, Ukraine. Foundry established in 2005. It is run by graphic designer Andrij Shevchenko. Typeface library of AndrijType blends Ukrainian-flavored sensibilities with universal typographic common sense.
Along with type design Andrij has extensive experience in the fields of visual identity design, lettering and calligraphy. You can address your inquiries for typeface localization and custom type design by e-mail: andrij@typedesign.org.ua or by phone: +380 67 450 5645.
The Seaside is a contrasty sansserif family suited for editorial and packaging design.
Seaside Text in 4 weights
Seaside Display in 4 weights
Text Light
Display Light
Text Regular
Display Regular
Text Medium
Display Medium
Text Bold
Display Bold
Seaside has been designed in two optical versions: the normal version is good for medium to long text settings,
Seaside Text KühlungsbOrn
Miami ↑ Seaside Text Regular, 46 pt
↑ Seaside Text Bold, 128 pt
Acapulco de Juárez ↑ Seaside Text Light, 44 pt
Berdyansk ↑ Seaside Text Medium, 78 pt
while the display provides emphasized contrast for elegant, restrained headlines and magazine call-outs.
Seaside Display SÃO LOURENÇO ↑ Seaside Display Medium, 50 pt
Côte d'Azur
Dzintari ↑ Seaside Display Light, 74 pt
↑ Seaside Display Bold, 100 pt
Riviera dei Fiori ↑ Seaside Display Regular, 54 pt
Medium contrast of text weights increases legibility at small sizes. Display version in proper setting discover its refined strokes.
a a a a a a a a Moderate contrast in text weights
Text Light
Contrast ratio: 1.9
Stronger contrast in display weights
Display Light
Contrast ratio: 2.5
Seaside was designed with vertical metrics matching Osnova Pro — multisuitable type family by AndrijType.
X x Q q A p A p Large x-height provides better readability
caps height x-height
Vertical metrics compatible with Osnova Pro
↑ Seaside Text Regular
caps height x-height
↑ Osnova Pro Normal
Seaside type family has been supplied in Latin 1 (1252) encoding with a set of lining figures and currency signs.
Character Set ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz fifl ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞĐẞ ßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿ 0123456789 ¹²³ ¼½¾ $¢£¥€₴¤ +–÷× ±%‰ ‘’“”‹›«»<>(){}[] @№ ©®™ †‡§¶ ↑ Seaside Text Bold, 14 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz fifl ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞĐẞ ßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿ 0123456789 ¹²³ ¼½¾ $¢£¥€₴¤ +–÷× ±%‰ ‘’“”‹›«»<>(){}[] @№ ©®™ †‡§¶ ↑ Seaside Display Bold, 14 pt
Seaside provides support for most Western European languages including: Basque, Catalan, Danish, Dutch,
English, Faroese, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish.
English A seaside is the shore of a sea or ocean regarded as a resort. The term seaboard can be used instead, which is a spatial zone where interaction of the sea and land processes
Français La Côte d’Azur est la partie du littoral méditerranéen français et monégasque qui est délimitée à l'ouest par la commune de Cassis et à l'est par Menton (à la frontière
Italiano La Riviera Ligure è il tratto di costa marina — o riviera — che si affaccia sul Mar Ligure e si estende da Monaco a Capo Corvo (Provincia della Spezia)
↑ Seaside Text Light, 8/11 pt
↑ Seaside Text Regular, 8/11 pt
↑ Seaside Text Medium, 8/11 pt
Español El Acapulco Dorado es una de las tres zonas en que se divide el puerto de Acapulco, México. Es el área que presenta más afluencia
Deutsch Als Österreichi
Português A temperatura
sche Riviera wurde die Adriaküste der Habs burger Kronländer Görz und Istrien, nördlich und südlich von Triest seit der
da água do mar para esta região de Balneario Camboriu varia de de zesseis graus centígrados em média (no inverno)
↑ Seaside Text Light, 9.5/13 pt
↑ Seaside Text Regular, 9.5/13 pt
↑ Seaside Text Medium, 9.5/13 pt
Zandvoort is een badplaats en gemeente in de Nederlandse provincie Noord-Holland. De gemeente telt 16.638
Hornbæk er især kendt for den store brede sandstrand, der om sommeren tiltræk ker tusinder af bade gæster. I centrum af
Mölle var från början ett fiskeläge, men kom att spela en stor roll i den fram växande turismen i Sverige i slutet av
↑ Seaside Text Light, 11/15 pt
↑ Seaside Text Regular, 11/15 pt
↑ Seaside Text Medium, 11/15 pt
Type matchmaking: Seaside combined with Osnova Pro. Both share the same vertical metrics and style of letterforms.
1 Seaside Display Bold, 48/50 pt 2 Seaside Text Medium, 12/15 pt 3 Osnova Pro Heavy, 8/11 pt 4 Osnova Pro Normal, 8/11 pt
The Newport Beach Resort
Newport Beach has a Mediterranean climate. Like many coastal cities in Los Angeles and Orange counties, Newport Beach exhibits weak temperature variation. The Pacific Ocean greatly moderates climate by warming in winter and cooling in summer time. 2
ewport Harbor is a semi-artificial harbor that was formed by dredging an estuary during the early 1900s. Several artificial islands were built, which are now covered with private homes: Newport Island, Balboa Island, Little Balboa Island, Collins Island, Bay Island, Harbor Island and Lido Isle. BEACHES AND SURFING: Beachgoers have flocked to Newport Beach since the Pacific Electric Railway started bringing them in 1905. Attractions include the city beaches from the Santa Ana River to the tip of the Balboa Peninsula, Corona del Mar State Beach, and the beaches at Crystal Cove State Park. Newport
Beach is renowned for good surfing, especially between Newport Pier and the Santa Ana River. A boardwalk runs 2.9 mi from 36th Street in West Newport, past Newport Pier and Balboa Pier, to between E and F Streets on the Balboa Peninsula. HARBOR AND BOATING: 3 Newport Harbor is the largest recreational boat harbor on the U.S. west coast, and a popular destination for all boating activities. The annual Christmas Boat Parade dates back to 1908. The New York Times has called it, “One of the top ten holiday happenings in the nation”. The annual Newport to Ensenada International Yacht Race is the largest sailboat race in the world. 4
Type matchmaking: Seaside with Oksana Sans Compressed. Flourish layout with calligraphic peculiarities and pitch of Oksana.
1 Seaside Display Light, 58 pt 2 Oksana Sans Comp Heavy, 18/23 pt 3 Seaside Text Light, 12/15 pt 4 Oksana Sans Comp Regular, 10/12 pt
La Nioulargue
À l'origine de cette semaine de régate, est un groupe d'amis qui, par boutade, décide d'aller virer la Nioulargue histoire de savoir qui va le plus vite, et bien finir la saison. 2
Festival des voiliers réunit les authentiques amoureux de la mer et l'aristocratie des voiliers de tradition (swans, ketchs et goélettes) construits dans les années 1920 pour des vedettes ou des célébrités. Depuis sa création en 1981, plus de 250 concurrents (dont la plupart ont participé auparavant à la Coupe de l'America) se pressent chaque année début octobre pour participer à cette course dont le trajet débute à la tour du Portalet pour contourner le 3
Des jours de "relâche" étaient glissés dans la semaine. Ils étaient mis à profit pour les défis... dont un mémorable choc de titans : « Endeavour vs Le Défi Français » avec une arrivée sur le fil pour ces deux voiliers que tant d'années séparent.
La régate est une course de vi plusieurs bateaux, généraleme voiliers. Elle se déroule sur un délimité par des bouées. Les c doivent les contourner dans le par le comité de course.
La convivialité était toujours bien présente à la Nioulargue, par contre les conditions météo n'épargnaient aucun équipage. Le mistral soufflait fort régulièrement et entraînait beaucoup de « casse » sur les bateaux (démâtages, abordages, voiles déchirées...) et, des accidents plus graves.
Il existe deux grandes catégor à la voile : la « régate en flott répandue, et le « match racing ment deux navires s'affronten célèbre régate disputée en « m est la coupe de l'America.
La Nioulargue a vécu de très belles années, laissant dans son sillage de beaux classiques régatant, des départs rock n'roll 4
Le parcours le plus utilisé est parcours banane » : il consiste perpendiculaire au vent et un l'axe du vent. Un compte à reb
Osnova Pro is a multipurpose type family with support of Central European, Baltic, Greek and Cyrillic encodings.
This ‘real workhorse’ set of fonts is equipped with small caps, lining & old-style numerals and extensive set of alternates.
Osnova Pro KühŁŪnĢŠbØrÑ
MiãmÏ ↑ Osnova Pro Normal, 46 pt
↑ Osnova Pro Bold, 125 pt
Ακαπούλκο ντε Χουάρες
Бердянск ↑ Osnova Pro Light Italic, 34 pt
↑ Osnova Pro Medium, 80 pt
Text credits:
Seaside type family specimen. 1st edition, June 2012.
MyFonts ‘Creative Characters’, issue #55. Interview with Andrij Shevchenko hosted by Jan Middendorp.
Seaside, Osnova Pro and Oksana Sans were designed by Andrij Shevchenko.
Dummy texts are taken from www.wikipedia.org.
Layout, photography & editing by Alexey Murashko. Printed in Riga, Latvia by Tipogrāfija Uniprinta. Paper: Munken Lynx 150 g/m². © 2012. All rights reserved.
Seaside family can be purchased via Myfonts.com
“AndrijType, one of several likable Eastern European font foundries that have joined MyFonts in the past few years.” ― Jan Middendorp, editor of Creative Characters monthly newsletter, author of highly acclaimed Dutch Type book.