11 minute read
The health and safety of those who use the offce facility should be treated as a shared commitment. All parties should ascertain individual responsibilities and work collectively to bolster our efforts in creating a safe and secure environment.
Communication, Clearance & Support • Prior to returning to the offce environment, Human Resources: o Must review key safety points as indicated in this manual, as well as those issued by offcially recognized health organizations and government bodies. o Ensure training in proper ftting and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), as well as proper removal, sanitization and / or disposal of same. o Must inform and prepare employees as to expectations and new offce realities. o Must administer clearance session Q&A and related clearance forms. o Must collect any medical clearance document(s) per CDC guidelines if employee previously tested positive or have related symptoms.
Space Planning & Social Distancing • Develop a concise but thorough analysis of the current working environment. • Develop a visually displayed routing system for offce traffc fow and reduce bi-directional foot traffc. • Relocate / recreate / specify seat assignments for employees to ensure minimum work distances. (Public safety codes, building codes, applicable laws and security requirements must not be compromised to achieve social distancing). • Designate “MAX OCCUPANCY” on all rooms, conference rooms, auditoriums, etc. o Post sign on room door. o Ensure cleaning staff disinfects per cleaning protocol after every meeting. o Utilize room scheduling software / calendars to notify cleaning staff. • Implement a smart system to inform others whether one person rooms are occupied or vacant. • Setup napkin and utensil dispensers in cafeterias. • Discard of any communal condiment bottles and other items. • Unless using an automatic ice dispenser, halt the use of communal ice machines (no ice scoops, etc.).
Building Hours & Entry Points • Set and communicate days and hours of operation for: o Building Facility, Front Desk Staff, Security Staff, Janitorial Staff. • Set and communicate designated entrances depending on employee work area. • Provide PPE Stations at every designated entrance.
Air Filtration & Ventilation It is believed that ventilation and fltration provided by Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning systems (HVAC) can reduce the airborne concentration of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and thus the risk of transmission through airborne exposures.
Verify System Controls:
• Equipment and systems are properly functioning and are equipped with enhanced building air circulating systems. • Dampers, flters etc. are clean, functional and are responding to control signals. • System sensors are calibrated and accurately reporting environmental conditions. • Air handling systems provide adequate airfow in all occupied spaces, and that the duct system is free from blockages. • Exhaust fans are operational and venting to the outdoors.
Suggested actions:
• Continued operation of all systems is recommended. • Outside air for ventilation be increased to as much as the HVAC system can accommodate, while maintaining indoor conditions during occupied hours. • Update or replace existing HVAC air fltration to the highest effciency compatible flters per the existing HVAC system. • If possible utilize ceiling fans with upward airfow rotation.
Additionally, it is recommended to open outside doors and windows to enhance ventilation and fresh air circulation.
Commuting, Transportation & Travel • Avoid overcrowded public transportation. • Maintain safe distance from other passengers and wear PPE (gloves, masks, etc.) while commuting. • Consider alternative solo transit modes such as bikes, scooters, cars. • Makes sure to sanitize touchpoints, especially if using shared modes like public bicycles. • All vehicles must be designated one (1) driver ONLY (no shared vehicles). • Do not carpool or travel with other passengers. o Shuttles and corporate vehicles must adhere to social distancing guidelines. • Drivers must disinfect vehicles before and after every use. • When pumping gas, use a sanitary wipe or paper product to hold the nozzle. • Avoid all non-essential travel. If you must travel, follow the strictest restrictions currently in place. • Please notify your supervisor and Human Resources if you, or anyone in your household or someone you have close contact with, travels out of the tristate area (New York, Connecticut, New
Jersey). Upon return, you may be required to go through a standard testing protocol.
Building Entry & Reception • You will be supplied with masks, gloves, suits and any other PPE as required, daily.
Upon entering the premises:
• Sanitize or wash your hands immediately (that includes when re-entering the premises). • Wear the provided PPE. • Check-in at your designated checkpoint prior to going to your workspace. o Temperature and Q&A will be administered daily by Checkpoint Administrators, who have been trained to administer these sessions. o Safety spectacles, goggles or face shields are suggested when administering temperature checking. o Checkpoint Administrators will keep a daily log of employees and visitors that have come into the premises. This will allow for tracing applications in the event a further investigation must be made. In addition to temperature administration, we recommend systematic checking of employee Peripheral Oxygen Saturation (SPO2) levels as a method to assist early detection of COVID pneumonia, via a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a non-intrusive device that clips onto your fnger and reads your blood oxygen levels (or oxygen saturation) and heart rate.
SPO2 levels, per WHO:
• Between 95% - 100% (Normal Reading) • <94% (Should be evaluated by a medical professional) • <90% (Considered a “clinical emergency” and should be treated urgently)
Throughout the Day & General Guidelines • Maintain social distancing guidelines (6 feet apart from others at all times). • Maintain a contact-free facility. • Strictly observe hygiene and respiratory etiquette. • A mask is to be worn at all times while in the offce environment.
• Wash hands frequently using hand soap and water for at least 20 seconds, adhering to the “how to wash your hands” guidelines per CDC website. • Utilize sanitizing stations at every opportunity. • Self-monitor for symptoms. • Don’t’ share phones, tools, equipment, etc., with others. • Store all personal items (keys, wallet, coat etc.) in a “personal enclosed area.” • Bring your own pen, notepad, etc., with you. • Regularly disinfect your desk, offce and personal belongings. • Reach out to a designated person should you need offce supplies. • Continue to follow all applicable safety practices, referring to existing regulatory requirements, policies and procedures.
External Visitors • Visitors must be limited to the extent possible. • Any visitors that must visit the premises, must also: o Follow all in-house rules as stated within this manual and per CDC guidelines. o Coordinate their visit with a point person prior to arriving. o Point person must approve clearance and take responsibility for their visitor. o Front Desk and Checkpoint Administrator must be notifed as to the visitor name, intent, and time / day of arrival.
Communication & Meeting Spaces • Utilize electronic communication (emails and phone) to reach a colleague. • Video meetings are encouraged when possible. Use earphones to limit disruption and to maintain increased confdentiality. • In-person interactions are discouraged. If you must meet in-person, use your discretion while continuing to practice social distancing guidelines. • Unless a scheduled meeting has been arranged, walking into an offce is discouraged. • If you must meet in an offce / conference room, keep doors open. • Use corridors to take you from point A to point B without engaging in conversation. • Public work spaces adjacent to open concept workstations should not be used to engage in conversation, or as gathering areas. • During this time, you must enhance communication with each other and connect on a regular basis regarding all ongoing projects via phone / video conference. • During this time, you must enhance communication with Architects / Engineers, Owners / CM’s /
GC’s, and Property Managers. • During this time, you must remain fully engaged on each project and perform daily and weekly meetings to coordinate manpower and schedules.
Printing & Paper Documents • Implement an “only print what you must” environment. Embrace technology. • Do not transfer physical documents to others. • Discard any unclaimed paperwork at End of Day (EOD). • Use a sanitary wipe, paper product, pen or other creative item on knobs, levers, and buttons. • Use your own stapler, staple remover, etc.
Shipping & Receiving (Incoming & Outgoing Mail / Packages / Food Deliveries) According to the CDC, there is no evidence to suggest COVID-19 is being spread through the mail or packages. However, there is evidence the virus can live on packaging surfaces for up to 72 hours. • Mail processing clerk / Front Desk must wear PPE when handling any type of mail / package (both incoming and outgoing).
Mail (Envelopes) • Shift through mail and immediately discard any unnecessary mail. • Wipe down each remaining piece of mail and place it in stacks (per recipient). • It is advisable for outer envelopes to be discarded. • Implement a smart system to keep mail disinfected and change gloves as needed. • Each piece of mail must be date/time stamped. • Place disinfected mail into fnal recipient’s mailbox. o If item can be digitized, mail must be scanned and emailed to recipient.
Packages (Cardboard / plastic boxes, drawing tubes, food deliveries) • Designate and inform mail / delivery carrier of the drop off / pick up area. o Clerk should not come in direct contact with delivery person. • Lay out packages in an easy to pick-up formation. • Sanitize the exterior of all packages. • Log packages into system and email recipient. o Recipient must only handle their package. o Upon pick-up, recipient must immediately discard outer package prior to handling internal items and sanitize internal contents.
Restrooms • Restrooms to be utilized by only one (1) person at a time. • Use a sanitary wipe or paper product to open the door. • Discard wipe or product in the nearest garbage pail. • Wash your hands before AND after using the restroom. • Use a sanitary wipe or paper product to open the door. • Discard wipe or product before leaving the restroom.
Elevator • Elevator to be utilized by only one (1) person at a time. • Use a sanitary wipe, paper product, pen or other creative item to press the buttons.
Cafeteria • Cafeteria to be utilized by only one (1) person at a time. • Utilize the disposable plates, cups and utensils provided. • Wash your personal food / beverage belongings immediately after use (personal mug, water bottle, food containers, etc.) • You are encouraged to bring lunch from home. • Mark your name on any refrigerator-stored items. • Do not share food or beverages with others.
• Use a sanitary wipe, paper product, pen or other creative item when touching knobs, levers, and buttons. • Opt for eating lunch at your desk and observe cafeteria table occupancy limits.
Janitorial & Maintenance Services
Scheduling, Training & PPE
• Maintain designated COVID-19 staff throughout the day / after hours. • Remain staggered to minimize overlap. • Ensure all staff is properly trained on maintenance and sanitation protocols. • Prior to cleaning commencement, ensure all staff practice hand hygiene prior to putting PPE on, and follow Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE) requirements. • Utilize PPE at all times, including while re-stocking and cleaning.
Cafeteria & Supply Rooms
• Sanitize each product individually when re-stocking supply rooms and cafeteria. • Remove and dispose of any spoiled products. • Review pest control operational frequency. • Verify the operation of all appliances. • Clean and sanitize all appliances throughout the day.
Cleaning Products, Tools & Equipment
• Review site inventory of cleaning chemicals, materials and consumables. • Ensure a safety data sheet is available for all chemicals and requirements for safe use are followed. • Ensure cleaning equipment and tools are in working condition.
Cleaning Protocols:
• Treat all surfaces using the proper disinfectants as per approved or authorized lists, ensuring all chemical dwell times are adhered to. • Maintain cleaning logs that document date, time and scope of cleaning. • Regularly sanitize and deep-clean desks / offces of in-offce employees at EOD. • After use, staff should properly dispose of single-use PPE, or sanitize PPE in accordance with
WHO or local regulatory requirements. • Pay special attention to heavy use / common spaces:
All Doors - regardless of area ◊ Handles (inside / outside) ◊ Trim (inside / outside) ◊ Glass (inside / outside) ◊ Locks
Conference Rooms ◊ Tables: edge and horizontal surface ◊ Chairs: arm rests, back and bottom rest pad, adjustment levels ◊ White board: board, markers, eraser ◊ Electronic Equipment: iPad, touch screen(s), etc.
Restrooms ◊ Dispensers (soap and paper) ◊ Flush handles ◊ Faucets & handles Cafeteria ◊ Coffee / water dispensers (handles, buttons, levers) ◊ Fridges (handles, shelves, milk cartons, communal items) ◊ Microwaves and toaster ovens ◊ Horizontal surfaces ◊ Vertical surfaces (include edges, face and back) ◊ Non-paper utensils / plates / cups must be washed in the dishwasher ◊ Lunch tables (edge and horizontal surface) ◊ Lunch chairs (chair back and bottom rest pad) Copy / Printing Stations ◊ All Buttons, Handles, Tray Holders ◊ Paper Supplies Cabinet ◊ Shredder (Buttons and Door) Throughout the Facility ◊ Stair handrails ◊ Light switches ◊ Elevator door and buttons (inside / outside) ◊ Trash receptacles (aAll trash receptacles must be lined with a plastic bag so that they can be emptied without contacting the contents) ◊ All furniture: tables, chairs, couches and waiting areas ◊ All horizontal surfaces (tables and benching of all kinds) ◊ Communal tools, equipment, including the cleaning supplies and cleaning equipment themselves
Building Systems • Facilities Manager must assess the physical condition and operation of: o Fire Life Safety Systems o Mechanical Systems o Water Systems o Potable Water Units o HVAC units and flters • Facilities Manager must coordinate any maintenance and repairs o To take place during specifed hours outside normal business hours o Facilities Manager must be present during that time o Maintenance / Repair staff must follow the protocol in this manual o Any required cleanup must be made prior to the next business day