Cel ebra te Love A m eni t i es Col l ec t i on Chilled bottle of Roussos White or Red or Rose P.G.I Cyclades Wine Happy Anniversary Balloons Fresh Roses Bouquet Romantic Candles € 150
N ew l ywed Esc a pe A m en i t i es Col l ec t i on Chilled Bottle of Sparkling wine Botter Prosecco Rosé Chocolate-covered Strawberries or Chocolate Assortment Rose Petals Bed Decoration In Room Breakfast for 2 once per stay € 100
' Yes I Do' A m eni t i es Col l ec t i on Chilled Bottle of Crémant D’loire Bonnie & Clyde Heart-Shaped Arrangement of Rose Petals Romantic Candles “Marry Me” Balloons € 160
B i r t h Cel ebra t i on A m eni t i es Col l ec t i on Chilled Bottle of Dantelione sparkling Wine Fresh Flowers Bouquet Chocolate or Vanilla Birthday Cake “Happy Birthday” Balloons € 160
G ra dua t i n g Achi evem ent A m eni t i es Col l ec t i on Personalized Cake featuring University Logo Graduation Balloons Chilled Bottle of Dantelione Sparkling Wine € 150
Addi t i ona l A m eni t i es Col l ec t i on One dozen long stem roses in a floral arrangement € 90
Romantic turn down service with rose petals, candles and chocolate truffles € 120