Pregnancy Strong - OM Yoga pg4

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om family


Upward Plank

Sit in Dandasana (staff pose) with your hands several inches behind your hips and your fingers pointing forward. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor, big toes turned inward, heels at least a foot away from your buttocks. Press your inner feet and hands down against the floor, and lift your hips until you come into a reverse tabletop position, torso and thighs approximately parallel to the floor, shins and arms approximately perpendicular. Without losing the height of your hips, straighten your legs one at a time. Lift your hips still higher and slowly drop your head back for 3-5 breaths.


Reclined Hero (Supta Virasana)

Only to be practiced if you have previously practiced this asana. From dancing camel, begin to walk your hands back onto the mat behind you and slowly shuffle your body down until your shoulder blades meet the mat. Rest your palms facing up for as long as you feel necessary. NOTE: Every pregnancy and every body is different. Please consult a qualified practitioner or physician before commencing any new exercise programme during pregnancy.


Dancing Camel (Ustrasana)

Kneel on the floor with your knees hip width apart and thighs perpendicular to the floor. Extend one arm overhead and swing it back to reach the ankle on the same side whilst the other hand rests on the back of your pelvis. Lightly firm the tail forward toward the pubis. Now lean back against the firmness of the tail bone and push hips forward. You can keep your neck in a relatively neutral position, neither flexed nor extended, or drop your head back. But be careful not to strain your neck and harden your throat. Stay in this pose for 3-5 breaths then switch arms.


6. Bridge (Setu Bandha)

Feel free to use a block for additional support. Bend your knees and set your feet on the floor, heels as close to the sitting bones as possible. Press your inner feet and arms actively into the floor, push your tailbone upward toward the ceiling. Keep your thighs and inner feet parallel. Lift your buttocks until the thighs are about parallel to the floor. Lift your chin slightly away from the sternum and, firming the shoulder blades against your back, press the top of the sternum toward the chin. Feel your back arch and extend whilst holding for 3-5 breaths.


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