DIESEL ENGINE 50,000 HP. 25 HP/ 5 Lit-Fuel Cost Cost. HP/Lit Availa Rs/HP Rs/Lit Fuel bility Diesel 57 5 11.4 Coal 5 5 1 40-50% NG 45 5 9 imported Crude.Oil 38 5 7.6 Fur.Oil 45 5 9 Bio 30 4 7.5 Local BEST COALNEXT BEST;CRUDE OIL , NG
STEAM ENGINE 50,000 HP. 15 HP/ 5 Lit-Fuel Cost. HP/Lit Cost Availa FUELS Rs/Lit Fuel Rs/HP bility Coal 5 3 1.7 40-50% NG 45 3 15 imported Crude.Oil 38 3 12.7 Fur.Oil 45 3 15 Bio 30 3 10 Local
On the combination of “ alternate fuels, low cost fuels, low carbon fuels, available fuels “ Andy Technology is adopted to run Existing Diesel Engine on Multy Fuels. Engine LS.Royalty. License.Mn$ Utility Mn$/plant /month/plant Ship 300 30 TRANSPORT STANDARDS: CO2e= g/km IS ABSURD= 2325/KMPL CO2e= g/hr = 2325*Lit/Hr IS SCIENTIFIC TRANSPORT= TON-KMPH ENGINE EFFICIENCY= HP/Fuel-Hr TRANSPORT EFFICIENCY= TON-KMPL EMISSION EFFICIENCY=2325/TON-KMPL
Muthukal Andy Appan, M.E, 49 yrs Expert, India