Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Hallo all you wonderful people.
Can you believe we are heading toward the second month of 2015? It seems as if the days of January have merged into one big blur. For me the New Year definitely started with my hi"ng the road running at an alarming sprint. A learning curve of note, but guess what? I have realised that I am definitely not too old to learn new things. That is just absolutely amazing – no not really we are all capable of learning new things no ma#er what our age – it just some$mes takes a leap of faith and some serious talking to, to get all the brain cells func$oning at op$mum levels again.
Are you wondering exactly what I am referring to? Well unfortunately Di Kendall has le% ADV as she felt that she needed to spend more $me with her children and her health was taking a toll with the amount of hours she had to put into working on ADV. It is truly unfortunate that she has le%, but completely understandable and I and you I am sure, wish her blessings and happiness for the future. So you now know why I hit the road running – I had to learn all sorts of new things which I had never done before. It has been extremely interes$ng and as $red as I am it has been completely invigora$ng to learn all these new things. There is definitely a bit of a change to the layout of the magazine – call it my crea$ve input – however, it has not and will not impact on the quality or the ar$cles that will be within the folds of the magazine.
At the end of the month I leave for Brazil, to go and source some places for the ‘’retreat’’ ADV is planning at the end of October, so keep a close eye on all the media sites for more informa$on.
If you have not been on the website of late, it has been re-designed by re-solu$ons and wildfire web – and what an absolutely stunning job they have done of it so a big thank you to them for their $me and effort. Some wonderful news from Pathfinder Guide Dogs in the UK is that via ADV they have raised 300 pounds in their stamp drive – how wonderful to know that ADV is able to assist those in need and from all walks of life.
With that I also want to say thank you to all who have placed adver$sing with ADV, and to those who write for the magazine on a regular basis. Without you the magazine would just not be what it is.
To all you readers, I wish you a wonderful and happy February – and for all who are celebra$ng Valen$ne’s Day on the 14th hope it turns out to be just as you wish and have a wonderful day.
Love, light and blessings ~Tilanie~
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
Amethyst Crystal
Angels Healing as in years gone by, Today, Tomorrow and Forever
2015 – Hear Me When I Speak
Gabriel Gonsalves – Heart Intelligence Coach
Gardening – Apprecia!ng what is around us
Travel – South Africa
Health – Building a Healthy Heart
Recipe of the month
Holis!c Therapies
Natural Remedy of the month
Dreams have fascinated Humankind since the Dawn of Time
From Mother Nature with Love
Children’s Story – Betsy & Jesty the Two Li"le Piglets Were Bored
Channelled Messages from the Master
Teen Tarot for February
February Tarot Reading
Smart Recovery
Sudoku Puzzles
Miriam Passes Over – Spiritual Dic!onary
Understanding your Life 4
February 2015
DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this publica!on are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the editor, sponsors, adver!sers or publisher. While every eort has been made to ensure that the contents of this publica!on are both accurate and truthful, the publisher and editor accept no responsibility for inaccurate or misleading informa!on that may be contained herein. The publisher and editor do not promote or endorse any of the products or services adver!sed in this publica!on. Adver!sers are responsible for their own adver!sements. Be sure to consult your medical prac!!oner before you embark on any self-medica!on programme. Holis!c remedies can be potent. COPYRIGHT: Aneis de Vida is protected under the Copyright Act. All rights reserved. No publica!on may be reproduced by any means without permission in wri!ng from the publisher. MISSION STATEMENT: Aneis de Vida aims to enlighten, bring hope, love and light to all. Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Wednesday Thursday
January 26
1 February
Cambodia— Meak Bochea Day
Pakistan— Kashnir Day
New Zealand— Waitangi Day
Mexico— Cons!tu!on Day
Lebanon—St Marain Day
Japan—Na!onal Founda!on Day
Argen!na— Lunes de Carnival
Slovenia— Preserens Day
St Valen!nes Day (various countries)
Brazil—Ash Wednesday
Vietnam– New Year
1 March
Brazil—Carnival 23
Brunei— Na!onal Day
Estonia— Independence Day
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Fantastic opportunity to win and partake in the online INTRODUCTION COURSE—MODULE 1 - Self Awareness VALUED AT R2250-00 REDEEMABLE WORLDWIDE To win you will need to have answered the first question in the January 2015 issue and the second question in this issue. Send your answers to: COMPETITIONS@ANEISDEVIDA.CO.ZA Winner will be announced early in March 2015. Giving the winner time to contact Robert and gain all the relevant information.
2nd Question:
What are the 3 ways in which to partake in courses at MetaVarsity? (answer to this question is found in this issue) Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Amethysts are one of the more well-known crystals and obtainable in most countries across the world. The purple colour blazes a beautiful trail of spiritual energy and connectedness. The Amethyst crystal is a semi-precious stone in today’s terminology but in days gone by it was even more precious than the diamond is today. The month of February was dedicated by the Romans to Neptune their water-god. It is also the stone Aneis de Vida
of St. Valentine, has the energy of fire, passion, creativity and spirituality. The name is derived from the Greek word ametusthos meaning not intoxicated. Legend has it that the wine god Bacchus was angry due to an insult and needed to get revenge. He decreed that the first person he was to meet would be eaten by his tiger. Unfortunately this was a beautiful young girl by the name of Amethyst. As the tiger attacked her she 14
February 2015
problems with breathing, it is also used to assist in various heart problems (emotional or physical).
called upon the goddess for protection and was saved by being turned into a clear, white crystal. Bucchus regretted his cruelty and poured his grape juice over the stone in a way of an offering resulting in this gem acquiring its beautiful purple colour.
This amazing crystal can also be used to keep the energy within your home clear from all negativity. Definitely a beautiful addition to any home for all the goodness it projects into the environment you live in.
Amethysts come in different shades of purple. Traditionally they were worn to ensure clear thinking and to guard the person wearing it from a drunken state as it was believed to protect against poisons and toxins entering the body. This crystal is used to assist against insomnia. If you have an amethyst crystal, place it under your pillow to ensure you have wonderful dreams. It aids in the relief of headaches or pains in the body by placing it over the area which is painful. Amethysts are also said to help with feelings of guilt or fear. It has over the ages been known to assist during meditation and the opening of the spiritual centres of the body. The healing power of an amethyst goes further in that it can be used in helping with blood disorders, or
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Michelle Bell, born and raised in Zimbabwe and today living in Durban, South Africa. A person who has known fear, heartache and anger, but who has lived to tell the tale. She is down to earth, full of love and laughter and what an absolute joy to be able to share with you the story of her life which I am sure will bring hope and inspiration to many. Angels are all around, they are there to protect, guide and help. So how did Michelle get ‘’involved’’ with the angels and their amazing power to help her and many others if only we would open up to them, hear them and surrender our worries to them. In Michelle’s own words, as far back as she can remember she was able to connect with them, first telepathically and then audibly hear them – and ‘’I love this part’’ the reason she knew it was not her own mind playing tricks on her was because they spoke to her using ‘’old’’ English – words such as thee, thy and thou. And then as she reached her teenage years she sort of disconnected – didn’t stop believing but somehow it just was not one of her priorities to be part of their existence. She then developed Cancer, Lupus and every possible auto-immune disease. She was diagnosed with having 5 weeks to live, what a prognosis to be given. Those words resulted in her becoming angry, and asking the age old question of ‘’why me’’, ‘’what have I Aneis de Vida
February 2015
done to deserve this sentence of death’’. And let’s face facts, we are all human and being told you literally have 5 weeks left to live, is not one that any of us wish to be faced with, and yet thousands are given much of the same diagnosis each and every single day.
that in itself is a miracle story early in the new year via Aneis de Vida – a true life story of survival through the healing of the angels. Proving we need to return to our faith. So easily said and yet the hardest thing to put into practice.
His response to Michelle was that her mother was a conscious healer herself (though she had no clue about this), and that he would channel the healing through Michelle’s mom. In Michelle’s own words to her mother ‘’what have I got to loose, however, I have much to gain’’. This was no matter of a quick fix, in the human mind healing or spiritual healing often takes on the aspect of being sick today and tomorrow you are up and ready to take on the world again. Not that this cannot be the case but generally it is a work in progress. Michelle’s road to recovery was 4 months of daily healing and channelling by the Archangel Michael using her mom as the channel.
advice for you the readers from Michelle on connecting or reconnecting again? And she said we need to consciously ask because doubt is our greatest barrier. The angelic realm are waiting and using each and every possible route to connect with us. Unfortunately because of life as we know it today, literally chasing our tails we have disconnected, in some ways due to fear of things which have been preached over time and we have learnt to listen to man instead of God. The angels have looked down and around in many instances in horror and have wept for the misuse of not just ourselves but the animal kingdom of God as well.
With her diagnosis came the viewpoint from the medical profession that she should return to Zimbabwe and book herself into a hospital and ready herself to die. She of course did nothing of the sort, but could not come down to South Africa in the 4 month interim of having healing done to see whether anything was really happening. And in true human form, the factor of doubt was ever present. Not quite believing that this was going to work and that she would be healed completely and totally. However, she needed to know and decided to return to South Africa to see her doctor and have the various tests done – which were and still are an astronomical sum of money that needs to be laid out by any given person who is not on medical aid.
There is great hope however, as we forge ahead into 2015, so many visible changes are going to take place. The shift in consciousness is going to be more tangible and that is what we are at grassroots level really and truly yearning for, to have more connection and more answers to things which may not always make sense.
Speaking to Michelle with regards to what she sees as She called upon the angelic realm, and the Archan- our biggest barrier in re-claiming our ability to communicate with the angelic realm, her answer is gel Michael came through to speak to her. DOUBT. If we can bypass our doubts or fear of what For those of you who do not know much about the we have perhaps been presented with all our lives in angelic realm, Archangel Michael is the most powerthe form of it being wrong to communicate with the ful and a well-known angel in history, scriptures, art angels or spirit world, we would again be in the posiand literature. He stands for protection, deliverance tion to help others and ourselves. and faith. He is the protector of mankind, and even though a warrior all his victories are through gentleness. So the question came up from my side – what is the
Well she went through the whole procedure, and was sitting in the chair in-front of the doctors table, and he was looking through the results, lone behold the man looked up and had tears in his eyes. Tears of utter disbelief and joy that he could actually tell Michelle there was not a trace of any auto-immune disease in her body, but better still NO CANCER – it was gone. And to this day she has no cancer. Now Aneis de Vida
Here is something which may very well make many of you smile. Did you know that anger in certain ways is actually not as bad as we may think? Anger is a driving force, making us take action toward a better world, now if we can harness that and use it to the fullest potential of truly changing the world then we are setting off in the right direction. Michelle over the course of this year will be offering various courses to help you in your quest, we will as we get the information pass it forward, and hopefully this article has given many hope for a better future for all, and most importantly – you can overcome all through faith – true deep faith in God our creator and his army of angels.
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Look around. Inspect the familiar: -Those things that are hidden by their constancy. -Those old friends that accompany you day in and day out, -Those habits that you wear, unaware. - Those opinions that have stealthily made their home in your head uninvited, unquestioned, unnoticed.
Look again! See with new eyes the thoughts that you have thoughtlessly been harbouring. Question them. Interrogate their purpose. Hold them to the light. Revisit all the old concepts, folded neatly away in the cupboard of your mind. In the cold light of day, with cobwebs and dust shaken from them, Do they still serve?
A new year, a new beginning, An opportunity to re-invent your own direction.
We demarcate the minutes, the hours, the days, the weeks. We compartmentalize the year into months and quarters, And we red flag the birthdays, the anniversaries and milestones. And all this order attempts to reign in the fleetingness of life‌
But in truth, each year flies by faster than the one before, And the hurtling of time unnerves us and leaves us bewildered and anxious in the wake of its illusion. We cannot hold a minute in our hand, We cannot turn back the clock, We cannot replay our regrets and fashion them into achievement. We are carried helplessly on the crest of a wave only to crash, inevitably, on the shore of death.
Therefore, do not waste your time holding on to old, worn out ideas that no longer serve you or hold relevance to your life ahead. Revisit your ideals and your ethos, Re-evaluate your customs and codes of conduct. Re-assess all that is familiar and comfortable and convenient. Leave no stone unturned, move house if you must. Do not drag with you the decay of familiarity. Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Life is fleeting, life is short, life is gifted in mystery. Do whatever it takes to live in cognizance of your own uniqueness And do not allow the stifling restrictions of inherited conventions To blind you and confine you to actions that undermine The worth of who you really are.
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
The highest value that Gabriel places on his life is LOVE, creativity and freedom. Born and raised in Venezuela, studied and worked in the USA and now living in Cape Town, South Africa. His is a life filled with heartache of not being accepted for what he is, and yet he has come through it all and turned into an amazing, giving and loving person. He gives off a feeling of peace, and harmony and together with a calm and caring voice allows you to relax. We all have a story which makes us who we are, and we have the choice to either walk a road that is dictated to us or choose to follow our own heart and calling in life. Today Gabriel is following his heart of hearts, this did not just fall into his lap, it was a series of events that took place over time, to eventually bring him to a point where he made a conscious choice as to where he was going and what he wanted to achieve and bring to fruition. He grew up catholic attending a catholic boys school in Venezuela, with a hard father as a task master, who was not having his son turn into anything that he did not feel was ‘’right’’. This led Ga-
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
here that he started a meditation group and circle. And through this he founded Agape, he would have a ‘’church’’ service without the constraints of the church doctrine and minister to people.
briel on a road that in some instances could have turned out quite differently and yet his soul knew better. After school, he went off to Canada for a year, he had a passion for horse riding so went to an equestrian ranch as a gap year before attending university. His first taste of freedom – in his own words ‘’lots of money is his pocket and his first taste of being in charge of himself, he could consume as much alcohol as he wanted and it was here that he lost his virginity’’. He could just be who he wanted to be, and his soul sang its own song. Then back to ‘’reality’’ university, this was a mix of freedom but structure. He struggled with being expected to perform within the norms of the structure resulting in him failing his first year of university and he then had to attend community college for a year. As hard as this was for Gabriel, it forced him to learn how to work within a structure and yet have his freedom. Working really hard, he was reaccepted back into university. During his last year at university his father passed away. Attending the funeral Gabriel never shed one tear. This bothered him greatly and he knew deep within that he needed to get this emotions sorted out to be able to deal with the unexpressed part of himself. There was so much anger inside him toward his father who had ruled him with an iron fist. A man who had said he would rather kill his son than admit to the world that Gabriel was homosexual. A father who made his son feel like he was worthless and only because of his father could he be a person of standing. So in 1989/90 he attended the Pathways seminar hosted by Dr Phil, and worked through his anger and resentment towards his father, but the feeling of not being worthy and the feeling of always having to push forward to prove he was capable remained.
Gabriel has always had a calling to minister and serve God, but having grown up catholic he also knew the hypocracy of the church, and even though he at one point considered being ordained as a catholic priest he was honest enough with himself to know he would not be able to abstain from some things as is required of a true catholic priest. Over and above this, he needed to have the freedom to be able to minister to all, not just one segment of society. Agape afforded him the ability to share the love to all denominations, it was not a traditional ministry. And it was a calling of the heart, sharing the love to all and sundry. It was here that his heart centre started to take effect as he realised that what he was most connected to was the spiritual connection of love. It is in all religious institutions – love – that is the first thing everyone is taught in religion – to love. He works on the heart central chakra where everything comes together being connected to spirit. Gabriel lives his life in the same belief as Jesus, ‘’being in the world but not of the world’’. By this he means, that you do not ignore that which is happening – you just need to not pull it towards you, you need to make sure you know what it is about but that you are not part of that problem. To be able to function in that manner, you have to be able to view all the information in an abstract way. And it is totally possible to live a very full and ‘’with it’’ life.
The next phase of Gabriel’s life has begun, he has decided that he should close his actual office, not because he no longer intends practicing and helping clients, it is all to After his fathers funeral, coming into some money Gabriel do with creating his freedom to be able to assist wherever in the world he can, so literally unless he has bookings he is decided to persue his passion – acting, and took himself able to attend seminars and give motivational talks at the off to the USA. He attended acting classes and made quite a name for himself in musicals and soap operas. This drop of a hat. did not come without a price though, as he became ad- An inspiring man, who knows about heartache, sadness dicted to many things, fame and sex. He was brought out and the loss of self to be rebuilt into someone of compasto South Africa on assignment to produce a film here 7 sion and giving. When I asked him what his wish is for eveyears ago through the American company. ryone, he replied he does not have a wish, wishes are not In a matter of one week Gabriels’ life seemed to be turned upside down – or maybe not. He got mugged and robbed, he turned 40, his mother died and he got fired by the company that brought him out to South Africa. Talk about the universe ripping the carpet out from under his feet. All he had left was his last pay check – and it was as if the universe was presenting him with a chance to re-do or get back on the path that was his calling. He had a choice to make – he could either go back to the life of addiction and fame. Or he could forge a new life, a life which had been calling out to him without him being directly conscious of it. And he chose the untrodden path. He remained in South Africa and devoting his time to a non-profit organisation. It was Aneis de Vida
concrete enough. His vision however is, for the people of the world to come together in open heart circles, where they can sit together – no one person being the leader or more important than the other and be able to express their inner being. As yet the power to control is still over riding it all. His contribution to people and the world is creating programmes to help people open their hearts and ultimately tap into the axis point of the unconditional divine love of the creator and self.
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Gardening APPRECIATING WHAT IS AROUND US By Andre Duif We made it through January. YAY! I trust you are all back in the comfort of your work saddles.
We paid R35 entrance fee per person and the mission was to see the fourth highest waterfall in the world.
I got back from an incredibly wet, but spectacular Drakensberg The Tugela falls. Yes! Unbeknownst to us we had a 7 hour holiday. Feeling refreshed and in Awe of nature. round trip ahead of us. Mist hanging low, at the hiking trail start, we were annexed by a very friendly parks board member This month, I want to touch on our inner gardener, you know, into a small corner to fill in our every detail. Colours of our the one, that we all have inside of us, the gardener that stops, shirts, colours of our underpants, colours of our back packs. listens, smells, walks bare feet, and apprecia"ng a larger and Time in, "me out, etc, etc. beau"ful crea"on around us. The one that sees beauty all That is where I realised that walking up this mountain was seriaround us. How amazing it was to "discover" wild flowers. ous trekking. People, I have nothing but admira"on for our trekker ancestors, and what they went through going into ZuluWe went hiking/walking up to the mountain from a "ny camp- land for the first "me. ing spot called Mahai. It is situated in the Royal Natal Na"onal Park, a world heritage site, about 35 km northwest of Bergville. Aneis de Vida
February 2015
It is magnificent, it is awe inspiring, it is green, lush, and rural, makes sense when you see it. I seem to carry on..........back to earth peeps. We comfortably wondered up the mountain on the ini"al 1,5km's of wheel chair friendly walkways. This is where this months "gardening" page starts..... I counted 6 different species of Yellow wood trees, growing through crevices, rocks, next to the river in clumps, some"mes five different species together. I was in awe. My new camera eventually straining to take the, right light, right angle pictures. Clouds started rolling in, ominous rain looming, 1245 meters above us, rolling darkening, the colours changing, to eerie, but magnificent gloriousness (is there such a word?) We managed to do 2, 5 km's and we were stopped by a park official who directed us to the nearest and best turn around. The Cascades falls - I have no words. Magnificent! Here we spent about an hour just si*ng in silence, listening, to the rumbling high up in the mountain and just the almigh"ness.
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
I got up to take a walk, again to explore. We were not allowed to go up higher but we were welcome to spend !me where we were. My eyes opened up. I started seeing flowers. Perfectly placed, perfectly coloured to its surroundings. I started shoo!ng (photos), and I share a few of those pictures and flowers, and scenes, we saw. Begonia, for one, in its original state, before we started meddling with its gene!cs. WOW. Is all I can say! The moral of my story. Stop. Look. Smell. Breathe. Our path was blocked but what we saw where we were, was spectacular. I turned around with the rest of the crowd, and we walked down the mountain in silence. I am sure, each and every person there felt it. Nature in its magnificence. All its raw and natural glory. I will go back to see the waterfall, in the winter. Hopefully our path won't be blocked by snow. Who knows what we might find then. Un!l I see the world’s fourth highest waterfall, I will go back. Till next month. Keep watering, walk bare foot, stop, and smell and enjoy. Andre. Xx
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
stand. And yet it is a country that once visited remains within the heart of people for the rest of their lives.
South Africa, a uniquely diverse country – from dusty plains to lush rolling valleys, mountains that speak to your very soul and echo back your thoughts in the whisper of the breeze.
Climatic conditions ranging from Mediterranean to A country that from the beginning seems to have had temperate to tropical. Most of the country has warm sunny days and cool nights with rainfall generally ocwars fought on its soil, drenched in blood by its viccurring during the summer months (September – tims, and in many ways continues to fight different wars today. It is a country steeped in many traditions, March), however, the south-west of the country experiences winter rainfall (May – August). South Africa is a which foreigners more often than not do not underAneis de Vida
February 2015
Natal, the third largest canyon in the world, but the country showcasing deserts, mountains, escarpments, plateaus, grasslands, bush, wetlands and sub- largest green canyon, Blyde River Canyon in Mpumalanga. The oldest meteor scar in the world can be tropical forests. found in Parys in the Orange Free State province, South Africa has a population of 52.98 million, rich called The Vredefort Dome, and is one of the and diverse cultures scatter the countries 9 official UNESCO heritage sites. And the longest wine route in provinces. It’s a multi- lingual country with 11 official the world – Route 62 will be found in the Western languages, IsiZulu being the most widely spoken Cape and will lead you to the world renowned home language. However, English is the most comCango Caves situated just outside of Oudtshoorn, monly used language throughout for business purposWestern Cape. es. A country well worth visiting, but be warned, you will A country that has more than a 3000km ocean frontwant to return time and again, and somehow there age namely the Indian and Atlantic, with some breath taking beaches to explore. South Africa was will never be enough time to see it all. declared to be one of 18 mega-diverse tourist destination of the world. It is home to the big five namely, rhino, elephant, lion, buffalo and leopard. With the Kruger National Park in Mpumalanga supporting the largest of the wildlife on the African continent. South Africa’s grasslands have a greater biodiversity than the rainforests of South America. Table Mountain situated in the Western Cape (Cape Town) is supposedly the oldest mountain in the world and supports more than 1500 different plant species.
South Africa also boasts the second largest waterfall in the world namely the Tugela Waterfalls in Kwazulu
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
BUILDING A HEALTHY HEART By Deborah Sutherland As I reflect on the years gone past for how the month of February expressed itself, the first thing that popped into my mind was, ‘Take joy in the bright mornings and watch more sunsets.’ Making this connec#on to the beauty of nature, as well as crea#ng upli$ing habits may bring peace and gra#tude to your heart on a daily basis. We know a healthy physical heart requires nutri#on, exercise, sufficient sleep and managing stress. There is another important ingredient required for a healthy, emo#onal heart and this is called Apprecia#on. When we bring our a&en#on to our heart and allow our feelings to be felt, something wonderful begins to happen. Our heart feels acknowledged. Our heart opens up and we no#ce the li&le things around us that were always there but had not seen. The way the sun catches the dew drop on the edge of a leaf, the cat stretching out in bliss as it soaks up the warm sun rays, the peace that surrounds these perfect, quiet moments. Our heart opens to the deep apprecia#on of all that we have and all that we are. We extend this harmony into the world around. Doing this on a daily basis, we begin to reshape our life from the inner sanctuary of our heart. We are inspired to bring beauty into our life. One of the ways that inspires me to share this beauty is through food. When I put beau#ful, clean, fresh foods into my body, I naturally am inclined towards well-being. I can enhance this well- being by working with specific foods that can support my body more efficiently with effec#ve results. The romance of February brings chocolates and roses into our lives. It may be helpful to understand why we are encouraged to eat chocolate with at least a 70% Cacao content. Look for Aneis de Vida
chocolate that has nuts, orange peel, vanilla pod or natural flavours. Avoid anything with caramel, nougat or ar#ficial flavored fillings. These types of filling are adding sugar and fat which erases the many health benefits you can get from chocolate. The cacao bean is also rich in magnesium, an energy mineral and vital electrolyte. This super-food is also a good source of sulfur. Sulfur is associated with strong nails, shiny hair and a healthy liver and pancreas. "Cacao has also been found to help regulate blood pressure and reduce cholesterol while building the immune system." You can have too much of a good thing. Cacao is very powerful on the central nervous system and over -indulging can interfere with calcium reten#on. Try this quick super-energy boost warm drink: In a cup add in 1 heaped tsp Raw Cacao Powder, 1/5th tsp Cinnamon powder, pinch Cayenne powder, Honey to taste. S#r in hot/ not boiled water. Enjoy. You can extend the varia#ons by adding in other super-Food Powders. In Health and Well-being Deborah
True chocolate is made from plants. It contains many of the health benefits of dark vegetables. These benefits are from flavonoids which act as an#oxidants. An#oxidants protect the body from aging caused by free radicals, which can cause damage and lead to heart disease. Flavonoids also help to relax blood pressure. 37
February 2015
Smear with olive oil
1-2 Large Eggplants
Smear with tomato paste
Add Garlic to taste
Olive Oil
Add Grated cheese
Garlic Tomato Paste
Baking Instruc!ons
Grated Parmesan Cheese/or any cheese of preference
Bake at 200 °C un$l cheese is melted. Serve immediately.
Cooking Instruc!ons Cut eggplant into 1 – 1.5cm slices Cook in salt water (not totally so!) Strain and leave to dry off for 15 min Prepare baking sheet (rub with bu#er) Place eggplant on cooking sheet Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
“How are you?” A simple question that we get asked daily. You normally respond with “Aah, , coping hey”. Perhaps you start listing your health problems one by one or simply reply with “good”, but all the time actually feeling like the world is on your shoulders. Statistics show that the number of patients diagnosed with depression is increasing by 20% every year. It is estimated that 121 million people suffer from depression worldwide.(1) In this new age of modern medicine there seems to be a drug for everything. There are even “happy” pills now …with hidden side-effects of increased aggression and suicidal thinking.(2) Most of us have to take some form of drug, whether it is coffee (caffeine) or a head-ache tablet, just to function in daily life. Let us examine a number of interesting facts; ·- Over the last 10 years, the percentage of Americans who took at least one prescription drug in the past month increased from 44% to 48%. The use of
take medication because we believe it’s the only way to cope. Your body is the canvas for your mind and every emotion is painted onto it. Emotions are part of the mind and have a significant effect on the body. “Psychosomatic disorders are physical diseases that are thought to be caused, or made worse, by mental factors”. Some physical diseases are thought to be particularly prone to mental factors such as stress and anxiety. For example, psoriasis, eczema, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure and heart disease. It is thought that the actual physical manifestation of the illness (the extent of a rash, the level of the blood pressure, etc) can be affected by mental factors. This is difficult to prove. However, many people with these and other physical diseases say that their current mental state affects the extent of these diseases at any given time.” (4) Emotions and state of mind run far deeper than we currently realize. Traditional Chinese medicine is incorporated into many holistic practices and dates back to more than 3000 years. It has formed a unique link between emotions and the specific organs they affect.
two or more drugs increased from 25% to 31%. The use of five or more drugs increased from 6% to 11%. ·- In 2007-2008, 1 out of every 5 children and 9 out of 10 older Americans reported using at least one prescription drug in the past month. - The most commonly used types of drugs included:
For example, it is believed that:
asthma medicines for children, central nervous sys-
- Persistent anger manifests in the liver. (Eg. Indiges-
tem stimulants for adolescents, antidepressants for
tion, cirrhosis, blood disorders)
middle-aged adults, and cholesterol-lowering drugs
- Grief/anxiety in the lungs. (Eg. asthma, bronchitis,
for older Americans. (3)
TB) - Resentment in the gall bladder. (Eg. gall stones,
Why are we so over-medicated and unhappy?
acidity, jaundice) We live in an age where technology and instant gratification is a normal part of our lives. I often see entire families at take-out venues sitting on their phones while gulping down their soda and shoveling food into their mouths. We don’t listen to our bodies anymore and all we want is easy, nice-tasting food. More importantly, communication is lost and we feel alone while being surrounded by virtual friends. Unattainable expectations have been placed upon us and we are being told how to live every aspect of our lives. ‘You can’t do this’, ‘you can’t act like that’, and ‘you need to dress like this’. How can we be happy when every day we are being told we aren’t good enough? This unhappiness doesn’t just stay in the mind and will eventually affect the body negatively by creating an imbalance. So what do we do? We
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- Agitation/over excitement in the heart. (Eg. Palpitations, heart attack, fainting) ·- Over-thinking in the spleen. (ANY low immune system symptoms) - Fear in the kidneys. (Eg. infection, lower back pain, kidney stones) - Overly-emotional states in the bladder. (Eg. infection, weak bladder, incontinence)
Your body has the ability to heal every aspect of itself. If you cut yourself, your body will immediately start the repair process and within a few days the cut is healed. If you witness something traumatic, recently or long ago, your subconscious mind will bring it up
February 2015
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February 2015
in your dreams to help you process and deal with it. In that way the body and mind constantly seeks out balance and optimum health. It is when the body and mind is out of balance that illnesses manifest. This is a sign of your body trying to get your attention and tell you “Hey! something isn’t right here, you need to fix this.” Most of us ignore our bodies and take tablets to mask the symptoms so that we can return to our busy lives. We need to address the real cause of the illness and that is where holistic therapy comes into the picture. Holistic therapies are based on ancient knowledge and techniques from thousands of years ago. Reiki, reflexology and specialised massage (just to name a few), were used as medical treatments and practitioners were seen as doctors. Holistic therapies take your emotional and spiritual state into consideration and structure the treatments specifically around your needs. They can deal with emotional issues that you didn’t even know were there, and connect you to aspects of yourself that you have never experienced. They can clear and balance your mind and ease physical pain without any chemicals. This will align your mind, body and soul, making you more aware
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of your body’s needs and help you to find the root cause of your illness. All holistic therapy is based on the same principles but use different methods to achieve them. It is up to you to decide which therapy you feel most comfortable with. Holistic therapy is often not easily understood and so has a negative stigma attached to it. Unfortunately, there are many that claim to be skilled in holistic therapy but are not fully trained. Always enquire of the qualifications of your therapist. We are all multi-faceted beings, and understanding every aspect of yourself puts you on the path to true balance and healing. Holistic therapy can assist you on that path. Remember to keep an open mind when you see your chosen practitioner. (1) statisticsinfographic (2) (3) db42.htm (4)
February 2015
February 2015
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February 2015
Garlic is a very valuable and versa!le food and belongs to the Allium family of vegetables such as onions, chives and leeks. It is well known for its use in promo!ng the well-being of the immune system and an!oxidant proper!es maintaining a healthy bloody circula!on. The ac!ve ‘’ingredient’’ in garlic is Allicin which is the chemical which gets produced when garlic is chopped or chewed and is a wonderful natural an!bio!c.
Home remedies: Ear Infec!ons: Add on garlic clove to some olive oil and heat – let it cool down and then drop a few drops of the olive oil infused with garlic into the ear or wrap a small piece of garlic glove into !ssue paper and place in the ear for about 12 hours. The pain will be gone in no !me.
What Can Garlic Be Used For: It lowers blood pressure, decreases clo"ng (so if you are taking blood thinners please consult with your medial prac!!oner before consuming too much garlic), lowers the bad cholesterol and increases the good cholesterol. And because it also enables the arteries to relax, lowers the chance of heart a#ack or stroke.
Sore Throat: Suck on a small piece of garlic clove for about 10 minutes. Toothache: Rub a raw garlic clove over the tooth and the gum area of the tooth for instant relief.
Garlic is also known together with onions to have great benefits in the preven!on of cancer. Builds and strengthens the immune system and fights off colds and flu’s. Promotes weight control. Allicin does not just lower blood pressure but also insulin levels and prevents weight gain.
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February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
If someone had told me a year ago that I would be spending the next Christmas in Malaysian Borneo at the Sepilok orang-utan rehabilitation centre, I probably would have given them a very funny look. I was just getting settled back into life in South Africa after twenty years away and I can’t say that Borneo has ever been on the list. I am more of an open spaces and desert girl. Isn’t it amazing how life steers you to where you are needed and also to where your soul gets what it needs the most? After Sepilok, I spent a few peaceful days on the Kinabatangan River and
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had the very special experience of seeing an orangutan in the wild. In that moment of spotting the majestic animal in the tree just in from the river bank, I was overwhelmed by deep emotion and love. The very best kind of birthday present. I have been thinking a lot about love since then, and I would like to share my thoughts with you. I realised that the emotion I felt was partly that this was a unique experience, and I mentioned to the young people in the boat that one day when they told their grandchildren about the orang-utan they 48
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had seen, there probably would be none left to see living freely. I also knew that for me that was only the tip of the iceberg. As I watched that huge creature hold onto the tree with such complete trust, I realised that this is how I see love. I focused on the fingers curling around the branch through the veil of foliage and could hardly hold back the tears. There is no doubt in the animal’s mind that the branch will hold her; she is in harmony with the environment around her. There is no conditioning to say it might break or disappoint her, no protection mechanisms in place to doubt the safety of her tree.
I strive to live with this kind of awe and awareness in my everyday life, to be “in love” with my life, my safe abode, my precious cat and my fulfilling job. I realised that I spent half my life practicing how to protect and numb myself, but as a wise old sage once said, it is difficult then to tell what you are walling in and what you are walling out. How ironic that our life task then often turns into breaking down stone by stone the cell we have walled ourselves into.
I keep the image of the great ape in my mind, as she build her nest for the night in that mighty tree. Life does hold me and support me. Life is indeed unfair! The odds are stacked for me, not against me. As I thought about how we are all born like that, pure and filled with wisdom and love. As we grow, we be- strange as it sounds, I truly believe that just as she loves the tree, the tree loves her back. Just as we procome programmed to protect ourselves, to doubt and to fear, simply to “survive” in this world. I recently ject the vibration of love and caring into our environwatched a talk by Bruce Lipton in which he describes ment, so the same will be attracted back to us. one of the rare situations in which we do lose this pro- Those of you who know me well are already familiar gramming and live authentically. That usually when with my mother and her unique ability to tell stories. we fall deeply in love. We are healthy, positive and She certainly had a graphic unforgettable way of exenergetic and the world is a beautiful place. In my pressing herself. Sometimes I wish I had her voice on opinion the walls come crashing down and we pertape, but then I often hear it in my head, even after ceive things through our original innocent eyes. more than sixteen years, and that is a blessing to me.
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Sometimes when I was grumpy or complaining that I felt stuck or unloved, or that my life was on the road to nowhere, she would give me this quizzical look and say, “My darling blom, I think you are just too blind to see that all those blessings and love you are seeking are circling around your head like luminous pink helicopters waiting to land. But if you do not switch on the landing lights of your heart, how will they know where to land? Don’t forget that what you are looking for is also looking you!”
Sometimes when I sleep, Ella my little tabby cat, comes to curl up next to me. She likes to put her paw on me, just to make sure that I am there. This to me is also a picture that I hold in my mind as a definition of love. Before I fall asleep at night, especially when I am feeling a little troubled, I imagine myself reaching out and putting my paw on the chest of the Creator. It gives me enormous comfort.
I often imagine my heart as a helipad now, gently remind myself on a regular basis to switch on the landing lights. I remind myself that I live in a universe of Light and connection and abundance, think again about the myriad possibilities and open my ears to the loud whirring of the blessings all around my head.
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February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Philosophers have pondered for hours, debated, discussed, seminars held, the psychics, doctors, the worker in the office, children, even animals dream.
The most fascinating topic since stone age man discovered fire, the TV program Medium – a Hollywood version of Alison Du Bois whose ‘dreams’ controlled her waking life, from solving crimes to helping those around her.
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Communicating with the ‘dead’ via dreams …… Are dreams just a firing of synapses in the brain, chemical reactions? To quote Sigmund Freud - “I shall further endeavor to elucidate the processes to which the strangeness and obscurity of dreams are due and to deduce from those processes the nature of the psychical forces by whose concurrent or mutually opposing action dreams are generated“, and, here we are today, still as much in the dark as far as ‘the meaning of dreams’ there are so many books published on the meaning of ‘dreams’ but what are dreams? 52
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We day-dream – escape into a fantasy world, where we can ride Unicorns, to going on a space ship to conquer other worlds. We sleep, we dream, sometimes reliving highlights from the day, to reliving the worst parts, makes us ask the question, why not just dream about the good that happened during the day, why must the brain also focus on the bad parts? Is this our brain’s way of informing us that we need to focus on certain areas in our life, such as bad decisions made, or rather, is this the brain rewarding us for waking up from a nightmare which flits away as our eyes fully open.
Is this a psychic premonition or just the brain saying “hey, you forgot to do something”?
Being woken up by a family member or the alarm clock, during the most wonderful dream and should we be lucky enough to drift back into sleep, that wonderful dream is sadly, no more.
Should a questionnaire be published and every person on Earth asked the question “what are dreams“, what would your answer be?
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We all have different views, those learned from our parents, our siblings, our peers to our co-workers – we are fascinated when dogs dream, the strange noises, their legs ‘running’ to the hilarious videos uploaded to YouTube. The partner waking those up that are shouting or screaming in their ‘sleep’ to those mumbling or talking in their sleep.
Are dreams just our imagination ‘taking over’ or could they be ‘that inner voice’? Intuition in the form of pictures – we think in pictures, not in ‘words’. We have a crisis to face, in our minds we go through different scenarios “if Bob acts that way, says such – such I will ……. “Going to a party, we ‘plan’ on how we will ‘act’ when meeting up with a roomful of strangers. Going on holiday, the shops we want to see the restaurants we want to try out. Are these all a part of a ‘dream state’? Is this a way of our brain shutting out or shutting down allowing us a ‘coping mechanism’? Are dreams just a ‘hope’ for our futures, our families, ourselves?
What are your dreams?
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
All of us were birthed on this glorious planet called Earth. She (I prefer to refer to her as feminine for her most significant quali"es are giving life & nurturing life) has been our home and our playground, our classroom, our source and nurturer of nourishment, food, water, love and life. We forget some"mes that she is the first mother of all creatures, for without her we would probably be floa"ng out in the universe somewhere or call another planet home ;-) All of us were carried and birthed by a biological human in female form, unless our birth mother was a surrogate in animal form...very unlikely but not impossible. These female carriers of our souls in human form may have become our nurturers or others will take their place to guide us through life. We call these human guardians Mother. Yet so many fathers take up these roles and give mothering and fathering to their young ones in many ways the mother cannot. Being mothered is not always a given. Many humans do not experience the love we collec"vely understand to be motherly love. Many children are born, but not loved, nurtured, cherished, taught, guided and supported by their Mothers (biological/adop"ve/ fostered). Already in the womb and at birth many humans experience great difficulty through their ela"onships to their first significant others in the form of abandonment, rejec"on, abuse and even total despair for being alive at all. There are so many people on this planet that carry within them a deep sense of Aneis de Vida
February 2015
abandonment, rejec!on and a sense of being unloved as their experiences of being human haven’t been very loving at all and most of their experiences carry suffering as a theme. I do however believe everyone has their journey to live and we have no right to take responsibility for another’s journey. The atroci!es and hardships children have to endure in life is heart -breaking to say the least. But I s!ll hold out hope for a world wherein love is the very air we breathe.
I was there when your podgy li%le toddler legs unsteadily travelled the direc"on of adventure, your li%le fingers "ckling my belly as you dug for bugs in my skin. You marvelled at my li%le magic tricks to make water appear and disappear. I loved your laugh as you discovered the wonder and mysteries I hid in my treasure chest. I sent my li%le love notes to you in the form of caterpillars and bu%erflies. I laid out a blanket of so$ moss for your li%le weary body to sleep on and I sang you a lullaby through the birdsong. I washed your tears away with my own In this piece, I would like to share a li#le reminder that may tears and kissed your feet as you skipped and jumped all over comfort and accompany us on that journey. This piece is not me. I gave you sweet delights dangling from my fingers and about the effects of unmothering on a child and the wounds watched your contentment grew as your belly grew full. I listhey carry into adulthood, as there is already so much said on this topic. I would rather like to focus on the mothering we can tened to your fears and carried your dreams as a promise to be turn to that is in Nature in the absence of the other. Nature did delivered one day in my heart. step in as subs!tute when I needed mothering but there was I took note of every li%le change in you, especially when no-one none. This is my experien!al learning of Nature as Mother that I else did. I whispered your name in love, even when it was would like to share. screamed and used in terribly mean refrain. I carried the heaviness of your shame and the anger that o$en flooded your heart As I am not Earth and I dare not assign myself her Speaker of the House, I am only going to use my imagina!on and learning and the injus"ce and failure you felt in your fragile human heart. to inform the wri!ng of a le#er from a Mother to a Child. The ques!on is:
At "mes I felt desperately powerless and unable to reach you. I What would Mother Earth the Mother of all Mothers say to her called for you, but your pain drowned out my voice and you fell into the deep, deep darkness of despair. I never le$ your side. I child in human form? Well…this is what I imagine she would was always there. Ready to give my love, should you feel ready say: to reach for my care. I sent you brothers and sisters, camouMy dear Child, flaged in different shapes, skin and fur. Their language could only be understood in your connec"on of love and the silent exI was there the very moment you took your first breath of air. changes in your eyes. The key to unlock the full apprecia"on of Your lungs were encapsulated in a protec"ve fluid, preparing you for the moment they would open up and fill with my breath. their magical presence was always there in your heart. Respect It was both exhilara"ng and painful to you as the cold air filled you showed my other children and they adored you. your lungs with what may have felt like an onslaught to your But your wounded heart took you the long way around to dissenses. This was your first step in becoming human. Oh, how I cover who you truly are. So now, as you are being ini"ated into cherished the gi$ of your beau"ful new form as it came into life adulthood, I would like to give you a li%le box of wisdom, direct and light. The hope you brought with you was deeply felt within from my heart, from me your first mother with love. The key to my heart. It was an exci"ng day you were born, even though unlock this box my dear one, is your own heart. Listen from it there wasn’t anyone to celebrate and give you a name. You and carry it forth on this journey my love. must have felt terribly alone and cold li%le one. The hunger in May these li%le pieces of wisdom guide and light your way Your empty belly making you scream in pain, so very helpless along your path. May you always remember that you are loved. you were in that state li%le human. The inability to ask for a May you always know that who you are is enough. May you hug and a cuddle made you so completely reliant on the abili"es remember when fear stands in front of you that it is a friend in to give love from the ones your care were entrusted in or thrust disguise. May you never forget that you are never alone… upon. I watched as your li%le eyes eagerly, longingly, desperNatural Wisdom 1: Love is the act of suppor"ng the authen"c ately sought out the loving gaze of someone you could belong free expression and manifesta"on of another, without enforcing to. It was heart breaking to see how deep that need of yours limits of fear on the other. This is the Nature of Love. was to be loved and so it should be for it is so beau"ful to be Natural Wisdom 2: You are and have always been deeply bondloved. Yet, I knew that humans are terribly flawed at "mes so ed to me Earth and all the life energy contained in all beings. unable to love uncondi"onally, that it was impossible to place Honour that bond and you will live in harmony with my Nature. so much of your li%le heart’s trust in a human. Yet, all my earthly children go through that passage as it is part of the pro- Natural Wisdom 3: Life is a con"nuous life-death-life cycle. cess of Becoming. I must admit, I daydream at "mes and in my Death of parts of yourself is the prerequisite for the rebirth of mind’s eye I imagine a world where love is the very air we your authen"c self. Embrace the process and let the intent of breathe and pain a far and distant memory. Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Natural Wisdom 16: Everything in an unbalanced state/ Natural Wisdom 4: You are Nature and Nature is you. The very disequilibrium/disharmony will seek a return to a naturally balanced state…everything is Nature. essence of your being is the very essence of all living beings. This connects you to all life and makes you part of an intricate Natural Wisdom 17: Disconnec"on from my Nature disturbs web. Everything you do affects the web and the web affects your ability to live in harmony both internally and externally you. This interdependency requires you to do everything you and disrupts your spontaneous flow. Return to my Nature and do with the purpose of making this web all it can be. connect with all that is natural within you. Becoming guide you.
Natural Wisdom 5: Find your own way through life. Do not copy or duplicate another’s journey. Your journey is yours to live. If there is no path, carve out one. Be a pioneer and follow your heart especially into the unknown. Stretch and expand your defini"on of yourself and walk in your truth.
Natural Wisdom 18: Whatever you disown and suppress of your soul, will find a way, a voice to express itself whether you like it or not. Listen always to your soul and it will serve you well.
Natural Wisdom 11: I do not imitate another’s design, nor do I pretend to be what I am not. I remain who I am, so seek no defini"on and just trust the mystery of the unknown. Selfbetrayal is no op"on and no masks are required in my presence.
Natural Wisdom 25: Wisdom is earned experien"ally. To be transformed by the journey you need to put in the work. Your lived experiences will lend credibility to your wisdom. Own yours.
Natural Wisdom 19: Your task is not to prove your worth, but Natural Wisdom 6: Allow mystery into your life. Let it move to BECOME. Your gi$ to this world is the very act of freeing through you and move you with what it reveals to and unveils the essence of your BEING. of you. Natural Wisdom 20: Fear is your friend in the process of liberaNatural Wisdom 7: Let go of control. Trust that like the river it "on. Face it and move through it. will flow to where it is supposed to. Surrender to the flow. Natural Wisdom 20: Through your senses you live. Stay awake Natural Wisdom 8: Animals are sen"ent beings. Just look into to the beauty of living fully. their eyes and remember who you once were. They are unNatural Wisdom 21: Know that whatever you say, feel and do bounded by social constructs and mirrors only the love and that flows inside and from you spontaneously and freely, is harmony of what is at the core of nature. authen"c soul material. Express it boldly. Natural Wisdom 9: Humans call me cruel at "mes. I find it a Natural Wisdom 22: Everything you need already resides withvery interes"ng perspec"ve. Cruelty springs forth from wound- in you. You only need to connect with your inner resources. I ing. In my heart I am not wounded and I am a perfect balance will always be there to help you connect with it. of opposites. Holding the balance of opposites within you will Natural Wisdom 23: Your soul seeks a voice through everyserve you well. thing you encounter, experience, express and engage in. Be Natural Wisdom 10: I am your mirror. Whatever resides within true to its calling and it will be true to you. you will be manifested on the outside. I will mirror this back to Natural Wisdom 24: Your illnesses, problems and worries are you. To achieve harmony, you need to find harmony in your core. If you remain congruent and aligned with your truth, bal- trying to communicate the need to restore some imbalance within you. Listen to it. ance and harmony will follow.
Please remember that I will always hold a space for you where Natural Wisdom 12: Life is imperfectly perfect and in your ac- you can heal, restore, reconnect, reclaim and remember who ceptance of it being indefinably loveable, you will invite divine you are. Just come to me and I will be here for you. mystery into your heart. Love always Mother Earth Natural Wisdom 13: Love is a natural state. Be love and let love become you. Let love for all life speak and act through you. Love is life. Life is love.
These are the wisdoms and teachings I imagine a Mother would share with her child on the journey. She wouldn’t just tell you, Natural Wisdom 14: I seek no valida"on to be what I am, only but lovingly guide and show you. Mother Love is the ability to respect and freedom. Let the wild remain wild. Therein is the know when to hold and when to release. Mother Love is the gi$ of your own freedom. knowing that from all blossoms fruit will grow. Nature is a true Natural Wisdom 15: Over-or-underes"ma"on of my Nature is mother as she provides the soil for grounding, water and sunlight for growth, joy and simple pleasure for the cul!va!on of a common human error as many have parted ways with me. imagina!on and play. Ul!mately she provides the space and To dance with my rhythm will serve you well. freedom for everything to BE. Aneis de Vida
February 2015
MY MOTHER A Poem By Bea Potgieter © 2009
My Mother’s beauty is breathtaking in the early morning Her skin glows underneath her silky robe of gold and ivory thread She smells like flowers, freshly sprinkled with water Her song enters my body and awakens every cell
Her body feels warm as sunlight paints her with His brush She inspires me to dream She sings so I can dance She feeds me so I can grow She encourages me to know But my mother is dying She has given all that she has
Yet I keep on taking from her, leaving nothing to spare I build my comforts on her despair I disrespect for whom she cares My rhythm disturbs hers My need suffocates and steals her breath Soon she will turn and leave And I will be an orphan For I have not awakened to conscious being In my quest for freedom I have failed to understand She shows but I am not seeing She speaks but I am not listening I have destroyed her and I am destroying myself My mother’s name is EARTH I am human and I have not learnt to live In Harmony With all that is not in the control of my Hand
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February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Betsy and Jetsy the two little piglets were bored. What to do? Their brothers and sisters were sleeping, Mummy was in the mud, rolling around. So off they snuck, looking for a way out of the pen. Jetsy the more adventurous of the two, looked for a place to burrow under the fence. Jestsy burrowed for a while, then Betsy. The sun was hot, so back they came for a drink of cool water.
Now they were thirsty again, to go back for another drink of cool water they knew Mummy would know they were being naughty, so they decided to explore. Slowly Betsy and Jetsy made their way past the big building made of wood. As they came closer, they heard terrifying noises. Deciding to stick together, they would be brave with other at their side.
Inch by inch they crawled closer and closer to see what the terror was. Slowly, slowly they crawled closer. There! A hole they could peep through. Now When Mummy dozed off, Betsy and Jetsy sneaked off Betsy was scared. Jetsy wanted to prove how brave to the spot they had burrowed. Nearly done, they he was, crawled closer and closer. managed to wiggle their way under the fence. Mummy looked over to see how all her piglets were doing, so Betsy and Jetsy pretended to sleep.
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February 2015
There, Jetsy could see inside the big wooden building. It was dark inside, the terrifying noise so much louder and more scary. Now, Jetsy was so scared, he was too scared to move. So Jetsy lay panting as quietly as he could. Trying not to think of cool water, his brothers and sisters sleeping so peacefully, Mummy always a comfort and his protector. What would Mummy do when she finds out he and Betsy weren’t safe inside the homestead? Should he wait till he could see what was make the tarrying noise? Or should he slowly crawl backwards to Betsy?
First Jetsy looked down, the ground was growing smaller by the second. Then Jetsy looked straight ahead. There was Betsy, in the biggest hand Jetsy had ever seen. Now Jetsy was more curious than afraid. Jetsy looked up. Looked into the biggest face he had ever seen. John the farmer’s youngest son usually brought their food every day, spoke kindly to them, stroking them, tickling them, and sometimes chasing them around their yard in fun. This big person could it be? Yes it was! John’s father. Then the voice so loudly, yet so kindly said
Horror of horrors. Something with big eyes, lots of wild hair was staring at him. The biggest nostrils in the world sniffing at him. No! Those nostrils were almost touching him! Jetsy was so afraid he squealed SQUEEEE SQUEEEEE Betsy being a little girl, got such a big fright she also started squealing. No! The hairy monster with the big eyes and bigger nostrils started shouting at Jetsy.
“What are you two young uns doing out of the pen ?’’ “The world is a cruel place you know” there are lots of predators, do you know what predators are? Well, they can sometimes look like Scrappy, the little Terrier here, the one trying to sniff you, or, they could look like me! That’s why you are kept in your own little yard, to protect you. When you are bigger, half the size of your Mum, you will be let out into the pasture, which is also fenced in. There you will have a WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! So Jesty started wiggling as big pond, all the mud in the world to roll around in. fast as he could. Betsy even more afraid started squiggling as well, squealing even louder than Jetsy. John to bring you fresh vegetables and fruit to eat every day. Once a month in the heat, John will come Jetsy got back to Betsy, the two of them squealing so and hose you down. Using a long hosepipe and fresh loudly they heard Mummy screaming for them. Then water to cool you all down, and clean you off”. their brothers and sisters also started screaming for My name is Ben, we are Vegans, all the Animals that them. So Jetsy and Betsy did the only thing they live here with us, that is me and the wife, Tilly. We could think of. They snuggled up together, eyes closed hoping the hairy monster would go away and live off the land, grow fresh produce for the organic market. We rescue all sorts of critters, Scrappy was stop shouting at them. the first, then Billy the Goat, his wife, their children. Though their eyes were closed, they felt a big shadThen the Geese, Graham and his family. ow, a shadow bigger than the hairy monster shadow Come on, said the kindly man, let’s get you back to over them. OH NO! The hairy monster was there, its your mother, brothers and sisters. nostrils making big sniffing noises. Then, silence. A silence so quiet they could hear their Mummy was so angry, so relieved and happy to see hearts fluttering, hear the panic in their Mummy and Betsy & Jetsy safely back in their pen, see Mummy was destined for the market, she was expecting brothers and sisters screams. Betsy, Jetsy and the siblings to be killed for the butchSuddenly, something big took hold of Betsy, then ers. Mummy first heard the word RESCUE when the Jetsy. Should they start screaming? Will Mummy find kindly farmer stroked her head, then tickled her chin the hole they burrowed to come and rescue them? & tummy. The kindly farmer said because organic Would their brothers and sisters find the hole burfarming was so healthy he made enough money to rowed? buy her to live out the rest of her life with her children Tears poured down Jetsy and Betsy’s faces. They in safety. were in big trouble, far from Mummy and their brothWhen Mummy had arrived at the farm, there were ers and sisters. Goats, Geese, Horses, Chickens, Ducks, Donkeys, Suddenly Betsy and Jetsy couldn’t feel the ground. Cats and Dogs all living in harmony? Harmony What has happened? Because Jetsy being the big means where everyone is kind to one another. They brave brother, opened his one eye to peek to see eat from the land all the good stuff to keep them what was happening. happy and healthy.
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Messages from the Master, are channeled conversa!ons with A$er all we are the Universe, the stars, the moon we are all Atenar, a Master Healer, Spirit Guide, my personal Gate Keeper, part of the same. If you take a slice of chocolate cake, it is s!ll chocolate cake it does not change cos you have cut it, taken a Soul Mate, Best Friend and Advisor bite or le$ just a few crumbs, it is s!ll chocolate cake. We may I greet you all and thank you for allowing me to stand with you call it a crumb, a slice a piece, but it is s!ll at the end of the day chocolate cake in the circle of light . My wish is for you to read, absorb what is meant for you and We o$en give things different names, react in different ways to different help the circle grow and shine with more light. As your daily lives focus on the light and not the shadows that seem to absorb the light surrounding you on your daily paths, I believe whether you are a believer in guides or not, the informa!on I shall share will be of benefit to ALL, you and those surrounding you as the seeds of thought filter in your mind and release the truth of YOUR life path.
situa!ons, and there is a reason for this. The Universe likes a different perspec!ve on things.
Change is always in order, this is how we get the different perspec!ves. Change is some!mes painful, scary, all transi!ons are. Every day we are born into new dimensions of thought depending on our chosen path, people who cross that path, decisions which are made. We are always in a transi!on state of mind, decisions to be made, working out the most produc!ve or happy outcome.
This month we are focusing on Stardust, sounds strange yes, It is all about BELIEVING you are in the right place, at the right know, but we are all made up of the same ‘stuff ‘ as stardust, as !me and ins!nc!vely know what to do in that situa!on, in that are the trees , the rivers, the animals wild and tame, and to moment. The Universe puts us in places where we can learn. stardust we shall all return. They are usually not easy places, but they are the right places. Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Pain some!mes comes, but it is the process of constantly being born. The transi!on of dark to light, birth to growth. The Universe knows what it is doing. We are a"er all made up of the Universe, the same as the nebular inside the stars ..... We are stardust, forever changing, spreading the light, and as we have all experienced and will con!nue to do. Some!mes, when things happen to cause pain, worry, dis comfort, it is the birth of a new era for you, the start of a new challenge, and the birth of new perspec!ves. There is not much you can do but embrace the moment and believe that this new lesson, new adventure is what you need to do to get where you are going. Think of blisters from new hiking boots, horrid a"er the ďŹ rst day, but as the shoes wear in, and you put one foot in front of the other, a comfort starts to appear and they become your favourite most comfortable shoes. When you reach the end of your hike a"er days of seeing what is around you, the friends you met along the route, and the decisions you ins!nc!vely took along the path like which fork in the road to take, you do not remember the pain, the birthing, the worry, you remember the beauty, the laughs, the excitement . It is all about focusing on the stardust, the light you are spreading on your journey, the end of the journey is worth everything you are and will be going through. ~Atenar~
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Buddha means the ‘Awakened’ or the ‘Enlightened One’. Siddhartha Gautama was a Prince, heir to the throne. He married at 16, yet despite all this, he felt trapped amidst the luxury and opulence. He realised that life is subject to old age and death. He also realised that worldly possessions cannot bring the ul!mate happiness that people crave.
The Eigh!old Path consists of the following 8 factors Right speech Sila
Right ac!on
Right Livelihood
Siddhartha renounced all his worldly possessions, unprecedented in history. Leaving with just the robe he had on, taking refSamadhi uge in caves and the forest, on his search for the truth.
Right effort Right mindfulness
Mental Culture
Right concentra!on Six years he lived this way, fas!ng, spending !me in medita!on, torturing his body to free his mind. The path to self-enlightenment.
Right understanding Paħħa
Wisdom Right thoughts
The Buddha became the embodiment of all the virtues that he preached. He had a successful ministry for 45 years. Buddha translated all is words into ac!ons.
He felt that religion was not a contractual agreement between a divinity and man, rather a way to enlightenment.
Buddhists believe morals are based on inten!on or viola!on. We ‘pick’ up habits/customs from our parents / family and siblings. In the outside world we encounter customs of other people, accep!ng or disrespec!ng their beliefs or prac!ces. Which would be fair to ask that all persons have an open mind, to listen, observe, and learn from others.
Buddha means the ‘Awakened’ or the ‘Enlightened One’. Siddhartha Gautama was a Prince, heir to the throne. He married at 16, yet despite all this, he felt trapped amidst the luxury and opulence. He realised that life is subject to old age and death. He also realised that worldly possessions cannot bring the ul!mate happiness that people crave. Siddhartha renounced all his worldly possessions, unprecedented in history. Leaving with just the robe he had on, taking ref- Wisdom uge in caves and the forest, on his search for the truth.
Six years he lived this way, fas!ng, spending !me in medita!on, torturing his body to free his mind. The path to self-enlightenment.
The Buddha became the embodiment of all the virtues that he preached. He had a successful ministry for 45 years. Buddha translated all his words into ac!ons. He felt that religion was not a contractual agreement between a divinity and man, rather a way to enlightenment.
Aneis de Vida
Means custom of or rela!ng to principles or considera!ons of right or wrong ac!on or good and bad character/behavior
Means accumulated informa!on – once again what we are taught from babies to our first stage of adulthood. Wisdom should mean that we must learn from each experience in life, from a job skill to sports skills. Man is the most versa!le, most intelligent, born with logic and reasoning. Man ques!ons, man builds, man destroys, inquisi!ve, yet cunning, hedonis!c and ego!s!cal. Survival of the fi$est means we will defend ourselves/family/home with every last resource available to us. Man is not the only educator, in the animal world mothers teach their young to hunt, to defend themselves, to hide, each species have their own ‘social code’ with the Alpha at the head of the pack/herd etc. So much the same as man. We have laws that govern the land, laws in the family structure, school and work place. As we were gi%ed with reasoning, some laws we detest, some we enjoy, as each of us have our own self to think of first and foremost.
February 2015
We all feel we know right from wrong. Know what is good and
selves up to new concepts of thinking? Or will we remain
that which is bad. Our parents were hunters – killing animals
ensconced within our own ‘li!le’ world?
for the pot, is this wrong? We won’t know be!er un"l we en counter a vegetarian that won’t put animal flesh in their
God is God, by whatever Name we call ‘Him’ as surely there
mouths. Why? Because they feel it is ‘wrong’ to kill. Yet a
must be a Creator, every Religion could be right, or they could
mugger or burglar a!acks this same person, they resist, and the all be wrong. In our darkest hour we ‘Pray’ for someone’s life mugger/burglar dies as a result. Is this wrong?
to be spared, that opera"on to be successful, for that family member’s safe return home. In war, the mother of the enemy
Today, or tomorrow, while si$ng in traffic, or on the bus, look
is praying just as hard for her son to come home safely and un
around you and play a li!le game, look at the person’s face very harmed. Is that mother wrong? Or, are you? carefully without seeming too inquisi"ve, if they look happy, try and imagine why they are happy. If they look sad, again try Can man become Light? Enlightened? Wise? When are we too and imagine what could be making them sad. Each of us have
old to stop learning? By becoming an adult means we have to
our own burdens, because someone looks happy - could it be
shoulder more responsibili"es, do we lose our humanity, our
they are trying to project some happiness into their lives, or
compassion, our youthfulness along the way? We can learn to
could it just be pure happiness?
embrace, our present sta"on in this (now) life! Learn from hardships, expand our horizons mentally and spiritually.
When you arrive at work greet everyone with a happy smile, ask how they are and seem genuinely interested.
Can we learn to embrace that which we do have? Learn to walk a mile in another’s ‘shoes’? Can we learn to think ‘outside the
Buddhists believe all life has a purpose, because we do not
box’? Can we view things from a different point of view?
understand that ‘purpose’ we should become inquisi"ve, find out how their structure works in the chain of life.
Buddhism is known to be the oldest ‘Religion’ in the World. Yet
If Life/evolu"on is a circle or chain (food chain) do we learn to
Buddhism is not a Religion as such, but a way of Life. From
respect all life to the lowest of the animals?
Buddhism comes Yoga (considered to be Satanism in many a ‘society’) with different off shoots into many other ‘Religions’
Budhism is a philosophy more than a set down religion, there
Buddhists are humble, yet strong of mind, body and Spirit (the
are ‘laws’ to be followed, right from wrong, where Nature! The Soul? the ID?) they have learnt self-control, abs"nence, with a Heavens! The Skies! The Mountains! The Rivers! The Oceans!
hunger to open the mind to explore realms from the Heavens
The Earth is to be respected, they believe that to show respect
to the waking/sleeping dream states. Become a higher
is to gain Respect.
When you meet someone who is of a different Church or Faith, Would you like to take a walk with me to discover new the first thing we do is ‘get our point across as to why our
possibili"es to enjoying a richer life? More on this religion in
Church / Faith is the only true one’. Do we pause to let that
the March 2015 issue. Each month different religions will be
person explain why they are of that Church or Faith? When we
explored and explained, hereby encouraging understanding
delve further into Buddhism – the path of life (enlightenment)
and acceptance of all beliefs and faiths.
into the astral plane (the highest state of medita"on) will we open our Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
What you have asked for is coming true. Remember to stay positive, negativity will hinder your wishes speedy manifestation. Align your wishes with what you speak, if you say something contra to what you are wishing for, you are in actual fact deleting your wish.
This is such an amazing card to pull for the month of February – and so early in the New Year. Wishes and dreams always come true, perhaps not in the way you think they should but more often in ways that are best for you and your situation.
You are in the driver seat of your destiny – make the most of it and look for the silver lining in each and every day. The beauty of nature is healing and soothing, and it is best to look at life with awe and appreciation. What seems to be a major stumbling block may in all reality but a blessing in disguise. Be patient as you wait for your dreams to manifest themselves.
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Why Choose the Dogma•ers Natural Raw Food Diet? Alleviates itchy skin condi!ons Stabilizes weight Increased mobility in arthri!c dogs Reduces tartar build-up and improves breath SigniďŹ cantly reduces stool volume and odour An all-round strengthened immune system More environmentally friendly Contact Barbara who will assist you with any ques!ons you may have.
Barbara de Souza KZN Distributor E-Mail: Barbara@dogma! Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Angel Therapy - Archangel Raphael – Give your cares and worries to us angels, and allow us to take your burdens.
Clairaudience – Archangel Zadkiel says – Notice the loving guidance you hear inside your mind, or from other people.
Claircognizance – Archangel Uriel – Pay attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you, as they are answered prayers.
Victory – Archangel Sandalphon – Your prayers have been heard and answered. Have faith.
Relationship Harmony – Archangel Raguel – We angels are opening the hearts of everyone involved. Arguments and conflicts are being resolved now.
Comfort – Archangel Azrael – I am with you in your time of need, helping your heart to heal
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
You are Safe – Archangel Michael – I am protecting you against lower energies ad guarding you, your loved ones and home.
Prosperity – Archangel Ariel – Your material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.
Creative Writing – Archangel Gabriel – Make time to write down your thoughts in a journal, or pen an article or book.
Clairsentience – Archangel Raguel – Notice your recurring physical and emotional feelings as they signify Divine guidance.
Overcoming Difficulties – Archangel Jeremiel – The worst is now behind you and you are surmounting any previous challenges.
Clear Your Space – Archangel Jophiel – Get rid of clutter, clear the energy around you, and use feng shui
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Carl was introduced to natural and holis!c therapies whilst he was working in London in 2003. He was himself in much need of healing and started off by having Reiki treatment, and the response within himself to these sessions was so phenomenal that he decided to study Reiki himself so that he could pass on healing and assistance to others. It did not stop there, he further studied Karuna-ki Reiki, Pranic Healing, Shiatsu and more. It was in 2010 whilst doing Atma Kriya yoga and Arha!c yoga that he met Sri Swami Vishwananda and received the blessing to prac!ce as an OM healing facilitator. Carl feels blessed that he has had these experiences which have changed his outlook on life and his greatest joy comes from seeing the changes that take place in his clients through his treatments.
The drug problem in Cape Town is big, and the system which is in place to help drug addicts does not work for all and this was where he started the Lotus Youth Development/Drug Educa!on Centre. It is completely voluntary drug addic!on centre. They offer MI / Mo!va!onal Enhancement Therapy / Mo!va!onal Enhancement Counselling / Cogni!ve Behavioural Therapy / Ra!onal Emo!ve Therapy / Holis!c Treatments - Acupressure, Shiatsu Massage, Reiki and others, we also do an alterna!ve to AA and NA weekly support groups, Cost: no set fee but dona!ons welcome..(at the moment we offer our services on an outpa!ent basis, but will be doing in pa!ent soon as well. A bit of info about our weekly support group or one on one mee!ngs. SMART Recovery is the leading self-empowering addic!on recovery support group. An Alterna!ve approach to recovery (Differs from Alcoholics Anonymous, Narco!cs Anonymous and other 12-step programs.) scien!fic based approach and Evolves as scien!fic knowledge evolves. Our par!cipants learn tools for addic!on recovery based on the latest scien!fic research and par!cipate in a world-wide community which includes free, self-empowering, science-based mutual help groups. The SMART Recovery 4-Point Program® helps people recover from all types of addic!on and addic!ve behaviours, including: drug abuse, drug addic!on, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, gambling addic!on, cocaine addic!on, prescrip!on drug abuse, sexual addic!on, and problem addic!on to other substances and ac!vi!es. SMART Recovery sponsors face-to-face mee!ngs around the world, and daily online mee!ngs.
SMART Recovery® is a recognized resource for substance abuse and addic!on recovery by the American Academy of Family Physicians, the Centre for Health Care Evalua!on, and The Na!onal Ins!tute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), US Department of Health and Human Services, and the American Society of Addic!on Medicine. The SMART Recovery® 4-Point Program SM u!lizes a variety of tools and techniques to help individuals gain independence from their addic!ve behaviour. Par!cipants are encouraged to learn how to use each tool and to prac!ce the tools and techniques as they progress toward Point 4 of the program—achieving lifestyle balance and leading a fulfilling and healthy life. The tools include: Stages of Change Change Plan Worksheet Cost/Benefit Analysis (Decision Making Worksheet) ABCs of REBT for Urge Coping ABCs of REBT for Emo!onal Upsets DISARM (Destruc!ve Images and Self-talk Awareness & Refusal Method) Brainstorming Role-playing and Rehearsing Hierarchy of Values SMART Recovery® Purposes and Methods Statement We help individuals gain independence from addic!ve behaviour. We teach how to: Enhance and maintain mo!va!on to abstain Cope with urges Manage thoughts, feelings and behaviour Balance momentary and enduring sa!sfac!on. We will act as detox, rehab, training centre, shelter and halfway house. LOTUS YOUTH DEVELOPMENT E: W:
Information Supplied By Carl van Vuuren Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
This actually happened to an Englishman in France who was totally drunk. A French policeman stops the Englishman's car and asks if he has been drinking. With great difficulty, the Englishman admits that he has been drinking all day, that his daughter got married that morning, and that he drank champagne and a few bo"les of wine at the recep#on, and many single malts scotches therea$er. Quite upset, the policeman proceeds to alcohol-test (breath test) the Englishman and verifies that he is indeed totally sloshed. He asks the Englishman if he knows why, under French Law, he is going to be arrested. The Englishman answers with a bit of humour, "No sir, I do not! But while we're asking ques#ons, do you realize that this is a Bri#sh car and that my wife is driving . . . . . on the other side?"
A li•le old lady answered a knock on the door one day, to be confronted by a well-dressed young man carrying A vacuum cleaner.
'Good morning,' said the young man. 'If I could take a couple minutes of your !me, I would like to demonstrate the very latest in high-powered vacuum cleaners.
''Go away!'' said the old lady. ''I'm broke and haven't got any money!'' and she proceeded to close the door.
Quick as a flash, the young man wedged his foot in the door and pushed it wide open...
The old lady stepped back and said, "Well let me get you a fork, 'cause they cut off my electricity this morning."
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
An understanding of what happens when someone close passes over is one thing, but to experience it is another. Miriam (One of the writers of the Spiritual Dic!onary) and also my Mother passed over yesterday at the age of 90, and even a"er 30 years of developing spiritually I was again surprised at what happened.
While she was in hospital I was able to “tune-in” to her in Astral and was “shown” more than discussed her situa!on. She showed me her bags packed ready to move on and she was ge$ng her final things in order. Some distance away were many of her friends wai!ng to help her cross over. What puzzled me at first when I saw them was that they were dressed in black and white – no colour at all. I know that when someone passes over all the colours of the rainbow filter from above to Last week she was taken to hospital a"er suffering a stroke – as the person dying and the soul or spirit moves through the colif that was not bad enough they then found she had brain can- ours to the other side. The black and white simply meant that cer……..and then pneumonia. everything was ready for the process to start.
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
On the night before she died I tuned in once again and was shown her with her bags all packed, but this !me she was out of her body and looking in her early 20’s. She showed me her physical in the hospital bed and let me experience what she was feeling…………. She could not speak nor move her body, but with her experience was able to move out of her physical body and con!nue with her prepara!ons – her physical was her last link to this world.
she was feeling……….and that changed our feelings from such deep sadness to just happiness and understanding.
We said our good-byes and the emo!ons had the “right amount” of sadness but nothing that I couldn’t handle, as I could sense the relief, absolute calmness and excited an!cipa!on at crossing over that she was feeling.
For the next few months there will be a le•er from Spiritual Dic•onary. Amazing to read and understand.
Since then we have sensed her laugh so much – such freedom now and just uncondi!onal love for everyone………………………… and that makes us very, very happy and able to cope with it all.
The next morning at the exact !me that she physically “died’ I was making coffee as normal and I never sensed a thing. I got the news 2 hours later ………..and I was so surprised as I was expec!ng to help with the passing over …….at the very least to “sense” her passing over.
When the ini!al shock of her death was wearing off my wife Verna and I were discussing it and tuned-in without thinking – and surprise, surprise - there was a message…………….a bit like a message on an answering machine.
Miriam had le# an “Instant understanding” message – which allowed us to experience what she had done………….. Her main concern when preparing to pass over was that her spouse of 70 years and her children would be “prepared for the worst”. Once she was sa!sfied with that, she le# a barrier between herself and all those she le# behind – first and foremost to protect them, but also to allow her to move on quicker without being held back by the feelings of grief and sadness from everyone.
The next part of the message was why she never contacted me at her moment of passing – she simply did not want to add to my feelings of sadness……..very clever.
She then showed me that when you look at the life you have just experienced and how it effected others (which you do when you pass over) the more advanced you are the quicker this process can be done – and of course as “all !me is now” this can be far quicker than we originally thought.
I then saw the joy in Mom and it changed my feelings of deep sadness………..she allowed us to experience some of the joy that Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
UNDERSTANDING CHANNELING & HOW THIS WAS WRITTEN Si!ng in medita"on I made contact with a young girl of about 6 years old. “Can you help me?” she said. I was a bit taken aback – I had heard her with my mind – it was like remembering someone speaking. I replied the same way that I would help if I could. She showed me a group of newly born ki#ens – eyes closed, pink and helpless. “They have lost their fur” she said “and will catch cold unless we do something. They haven’t grown any fur yet I thought back – but their Mommy will keep them warm. Instantly a large Tabby appeared and took charge of the ki#ens. The li#le girl was happy, said “Thank you” and le$. Her Guide appeared and said “Yes – we have to teach children over here too” She had answered my ques"on before I had even asked it…. I was so excited at what I had experienced – I ‘knew” I had experienced something special. The next stage I learned was to allow a spirit (We call them Spooks as they have a great sense of humor) to use my mind to operate my physical body so that they could operate my voice-box so that they could talk through me to others – I would then listen to the spook talking through me to the medita"on group. This is called channelling and that was 30 years ago. Since then hundreds of Guides and Teachers from different dimensions and different planets have taken me on Astral trips through various "me zones in the past present and future, so that I could actually experience different adventures and gain an understanding of what life really is all about. Each new adventure became bigger be#er and more rewarding – and each would have been unbelievable had I not actually “experienced” them. Verna joined me on this fantas"c voyage of understanding, and she now spends her "me teaching others and giving Spiritual guidance to those that Guides. Or as her niece once whispered to her friend “My Aunty talks to dead people” The Spiritual Dic"onary has been spread over 7 books so far. It is ESSENTIAL that you read them in order….otherwise you will not be able to believe what you will experience. Without a doubt you are reading this for a reason.
Geoff Hindmarch
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Who makes up all these rules? God or religions? Do you believe for one minute that our all loving, all forgiving God wants us to burn in a fiery pit for the rest of our days, along with a heavyweight with a forked tail, pig’s feet and a pair of horns?
Let’s start with what we know. Whichever Religion you follow, we are all a part of God.
Do you believe that saying 3 Hail Mary’s on a regular basis will get you a 1st class #cket to heaven, or that God will disown you if you do not pay one of the Churches a share of your hard earned income?
Your upbringing was probably based on what your parents believed and some of their experiences. You took this for granted and followed the plan they set out for you. They were doing what they believed was right. If your parents were Cannibals and living in darkest Africa, you would probably be a Cannibal too.
Religions have come and gone over the years, new ones are star#ng every day based on what people want to believe, and the rules change all the #me. People, not God, run religions. Many priests fervently believe that they have the power to forgive you your sins, and save you from Hell. They truly believe it, but once again based on what they were taught
People, not God, run religions
The important part here is that you would be doing "What you believe is right"
Religions are mainly "Fear based Mythologies" They are deSpiritualism is not a Religion; it is an understanding of life! Who signed to keep you "In fear of" God, and therefore #ed to your we are, why we are here, and what our purpose in life is religion. amongst the many answers you will get. Do you think God wants to keep you living in fear? Fear that The founda#on of most people’s lives is based on Religion. And you are a sinner? Fear that you have broken one of the comthe Religion is probably the one that your parents recommend- mandments? ed\followed. But have you looked at the full picture? Here are Do you think God wants you to pay Churches (You cannot pay a few examples: Him) for forgiveness? · The real God is God, Jesus, Allah, Mohammed, and BudDo you think God made the various condi#ons listed above? dha...? The answer can only be "NO" · You cannot worship God in other Churches…only ours. How did this all start?...there are many many examples. In · Birth control, Divorce, Gay people and ea#ng meat on a 400AD for instance Emperor Constan#ne was having a hard Friday is a sin.(Subject to periodic change) #me keeping the Roman Empire together with its Pagan religion, so he abandoned their sun god (Sun-day) and made a deal · You cannot eat Pork, or Prawns or meat or Fish etc with the followers of Jesus who was more popular at the #me… · You cannot get to heaven unless you confess your sins. to merge the 2 religions and call it Chris#anity… hence the start · You are a sinner unless you go to Church at least once a of Roman Catholics. month. They didn’t have a picture of God so they used a picture from · Unless you confess you will burn in hell for the rest of one of their most popular gods being Zeus. It can s#ll be seen your a$erlife. in churches today. ·
Talking to "Spirits" is dealing with the devil.
Give us a share of your wages every month...and God will look a$er you.
How many #mes have the Catholics changed their rules since? They change to suit the beliefs and morals of the day. And who makes the changes? Is it God or the Pope?
In the 10th Century Pope Urban 2nd was asked by the Emperor of Constan#nople to send a few Knights to oust the infidels (Followers of Islam) who had recently invaded Jerusalem. Being Make 3 cuts with a knife on your Child’s face when born a bit over-enthusias#c he suggested a Holy Crusade which any to keep away evil Spirits. good Chris#an could join in – and offered the following beneBlack people can come to our Church but not hold fits. office. If they re-captured the invaded land, they had to hand it back You cannot hold office if you are Black, a Woman, unto its owner, but could do a bit of loo#ng at the same #me. circumcised or without a hat on. Don’t save your child’s life with a blood transfusion… trust in God.
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February 2015
They would get all their sins absolved and a guaranteed place in Compare that with a humble Guru si*ng on a mountaintop talking to God his way. Heaven. I can only tell you my way, and how I feel about God. The church would turn a blind eye to “Thou shalt not kill” as long as it was “infidels” which translated as non-believers in the God is my best friend. I can talk to him (I really can) and I can Church. get truthful down to earth answers. So this is great for me. I Around 6 000 took up the ini"al offer, and started the long trek have all I want there. to Jerusalem – and warmed up their skills by slaughtering a few Imagine if you were God for a moment...and that you could thousand Jewish people along the way – a$er all, Jewish could perform miracles, heal with a single touch, and love everyone be classified as infidels at a pinch. for who they are. You would feel great, you would feel magnifith When the New Testament was wri%en in the 17 Century, King cent, you would feel on top of the world. James gave 1400-year-old scrolls wri%en in ancient languages But, would you, like those that you have healed, to kneel before to a group of scholars and basically said "Make this into a book you? Kiss your feet? Call you Savior, Divine father or The Lord to control the people based on today’s standards and our beGod almighty? (Even though you may be) liefs" If you were in that posi"on what would you like your friends to They le$ out many Gospels (unsuitable for the period’s beliefs) call you? and there are gaps when Jesus spent "me in India and Tibet. I would say that I am just me...and the fact that I can perform They translated the word "Gehenna" which is a rubbish dump miracles is a blessing, and I love to give, and share, and help....I outside of Jerusalem to the word "Hell". Criminals who were do not need more. executed were thrown into Hell (Gehenna) which con"nually burned as people burned the towns rubbish there… so, go So I respect God 100%...I love God in my way, which is all he against the Church and you would burn in hell for the rest of asks... your a$erlife. Quite o$en when I need to speak to him, or ask a ques"on, I do The New Testament was created to suit the standards and be- not start with "Oh Heavenly Father etc etc" I say "OK God, I liefs of the 17th Century. need some help here" and he responds in the same way.... The Kings and Queens were the Heads of the Churches, and God has a great sense of humor too...a$er all he invented it. therefore could get the "blessings" of the church to rule as they This is only my opinion, which is all I can give. You must do wanted to. what you feel is the right thing. Let’s say the same job was to be handled by the Pope, Barack And what you believe "IS" the right thing. Obama or Nelson Mandela; do you think the results would be the same? If your religion is the one you want to follow then that is OK… You are doing what you believe is right, therefore it is right for you!
She was fading fast, and her family had been called. She was in and out of a coma, and they did not expect her to last more than a few days.
The real you is s"ll “upstairs”, your Higher Self, and you chose But what happens when you realize that there is more to relithis life and the experiences you wanted to go through gion than meets the eye...You search for the right answers, and Let me first give you an example of an old lady I knew who you will find them. knew nothing of life a$er death. If you want some advice, get a copy of "Conversa"ons with I never had a chance to tell her what really happens. Her God"...and get some direct answers. Church had told her she was to be judged, and would either It will certainly open your eyes. end up in Heaven or Hell. She was scared, and very very insecure.
Well, this is a very personal thing. How do you feel about God? Let me explain how that happens. If you were to verbally tell Is he up there on a pedestal to be worshipped, or is he your me about your days at school, it would take you hours to get best friend that you can talk to? the message across…and then it would only be the highlights. How do you feel when you see a Priest in his finest robes, with Yet you have ALL of those experiences in your head. To simplify his Gold ornaments "represen"ng" God? things lets say that you could transfer the part of your brain Aneis de Vida
February 2015
with those experiences to me, then I would have complete knowledge of your schooldays…and in only a few seconds.
So you judge yourself, and you decide if you learned the lessons well enough. And when you choose your next life on earth (when you are ready) you may elect to experience the same This is what happened to the old Lady. She received an "Instant lessons again, or graduate to new ones. understanding" of life a!er death. The next day her real family gathered around her bed and saw that she had suddenly perked up, she was lucid and very happy. WHY YOU CHOSE THIS LIFE But could she tell them what she had experienced? And if she did, would they believe her? It is all very well having an "Understanding" of life, but you will What we see in medita#on, when we are helping someone to understand far more if you experience it. pass over, is a rainbow of colors coming from their head conSo you choose to experience it, and you choose the lessons too. nec#ng them to spirit. Their soul moves along this rainbow, and up into the higher dimension. You may well go through several hundred lives on a physical plane, learning different lessons with each one, before moving Some#mes, if we have astral traveled into their dimension (during medita#on) we can hold their hand, help them across, on to a "Mental" plane where a physical body is no longer needed. and hand them over to their spiritual family and friends. This is a fantas#c experience as we are able to feel just a li$le bit of the beau#ful love that they have over there. (They restrict how much we can feel; otherwise we may be tempted to pass over ourselves!!!)
When you choose to learn more lessons, your higher self creates a "You" to experience it with. This "You" is then born, experiences and returns to the higher self.
You may choose to be born male or female, and you may choose easy lessons or hard ones. You have free will up there What a person sees when they pass over is different. too, but with the greater knowledge you have there, you can They start to see Spirit around them that they recognize. A sin- make far be$er decisions. gle spirit that they recognize may take their hand and just walk Let’s say you want to experience losing a loved one, and dying around the hospital and into a different dimension. Or they of cancer. You look in the Akashic records (the future) and see may look upwards into a tunnel of light and feel the trementhat a child will be born that will have those experiences. You dous love coming from it, and just start to float upwards. then choose to be that child. As your vibra#ons rise, you cross over into another dimension You need certain characteris#cs to experience this the way that (Heaven?) you want to, so you choose to be born when Planets are in cerOn arrival you will be a bit disoriented, and it will take you tain posi#ons. When you are first born, the first energies that some #me to adjust to your new\real life…and also what you your new Spiritual body (and therefore your physical body) can do in it. picks up are from Planets. Each Planet gives off a certain enerThought is the beginning of crea#on, and you can create what- gy or vibra#on which becomes the basis of your character. ever you want because you are no longer in a physical world. (Have you ever wondered why some Women spend 20 hours in When you arrive you will not know this, and because you labor, and some have premature babies?) "think" you are wearing the same clothes that you passed over Before leaving on your new Journey you choose some Guides in… you are. (Normally 2 or 3) that will "Guide" you through the experiences Fishermen catch the biggest marlin and Mr. Moneybags will that you have chosen. create the biggest pile of gold you have ever seen. You have total free will on Earth, so you do not "Have to" do You s#ll have free will, and if you want to catch the biggest anything, but your Guides will give you a nudge in the right dimarlin every day, then you can. Whatever you think makes it rec#on whenever they can. happen. Normally you will have a Life Guide that will remain with you So you see it takes quite a bit of adjustment. throughout your #me on Earth, plus others that come and go as Once you have se$led down then it is #me to finish the lessons you experience different lessons. that you started in your last life on Earth.
Once you are on your Spiritual path, you can meet your Guides You are taken by your Guides to re-view your past life. Did you through medita#on, and your direc#on becomes easier. make the right decisions? And did you experience what you It is also possible to connect with your Higher self too. There is wanted too? You re-view your whole life, as seen by you, and a Chakra of white behind your Crown Chakra. Open this every as seen by everyone that you came into contact with, #me you meditate, and eventually when the #me is right you Aneis de Vida
February 2015
trees then it is all created through thought. Just daydream here for a minute that you are on that beach. You can imagine things fairly clearly already, so with a bit of prac!ce over there, you will be able to create clearly.
will be able to connect...but only when the !me is right, and that is usually a"er you have experienced what you chose.
When you decide to come down for a new life, you leave your memories behind so that you can focus on what you have choBefore we move on let me give you a few examples of senses sen to experience. As an example it would be too easy to expe- that you have on this earth plain. rience Poverty when you know it is just for this short life. Have you ever felt someone staring at you? You are picking up You some!mes choose a "Holiday" life, where you sail through the energy that they are projec!ng to you. Have you walked into a room where 2 people have been arguing, and are now life without a care in the World…because you need to experismiling at one another? You can cut the atmosphere with a ence that too. are picking up the energy in the room. This brings us to a golden rule, NEVER JUDGE PEOPLE. When you think of taking your dog for a walk, have you no!ced So the next golden rule is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR ALL.
how the dog knows before you do?
Or as a mother will tell you, you can look in on a sleeping child and "know" when that child is ill. These are natural senses that we all have. And lastly, have you met someone that you take an instant dis-liking to? You are sensing their energy, which does not gel with yours.
How many lives have you experienced so far? They say you have around 700 on planets like our Earth.
These are senses that most people have forgo%en. We all have them, but have forgo%en to be aware of them.
We live in an insular World where our scien!sts are trying to prove everything scien!fically and put everything into li%le boxes. The problem is that they are only working in this dimension, because according to them if they cannot prove anything scien!fically then it does not exist… or at best becomes unexplained. To start with, can they prove any emo!on?.. No. Yet we know that love, anger, jealousy and so on do exist.
So, back to the mental levels where you increase these senses and learn new ones too. Van Gogh created the most beau!ful pain!ngs, and Mozart wrote the most beau!ful music, so what can they create in the mental levels?
With their addi!onal senses, and the fact that they would create by thought (Much faster than a paintbrush or pencil) plus 60 years ago they believed that flying faster than the speed of their minds being so much more advanced than just 70 years on sound would cause the air in your lungs to explode. They could Earth. They would create masterpieces beyond anybody’s imnot visualise a computer, black holes, laser surgery, CD’s or cellagina!on. phones. Lastly we will look at thought. For you to verbalise to me your So how far will our technology advance in the next 50 years? schooldays would take you months, and I could only visualise What has been discovered so far is just a frac!on of what there what you experienced based on my experience. So I will get a is. Take sound as an example. We hear only a certain range; very slow and inaccurate picture….yet all that informa!on is in dogs hear a bigger there more? YES, far more. a !ny part of your brain – if you could transfer that part to me in an instant I would fully understand your experiences. This is Did you know that dogs can "see" odors? That fish can sense how you communicate on the mental levels. It is called instant direc!on? Or those plants can "recognise" people? understanding. Take colours too, we only know of a certain range, but there And not only with one person (mind) at a !me. You can hold a are more…far far more. conversa!on with many minds, and in just 1 second. Take technology as a ladder with 100 rungs. We are only part Now imagine the vast amount of knowledge that you can expeway up the ladder. rience and share. So what has all this got to do with progressing through Heaven? And do you think it stops there? NO! But that is more than When you first pass over, you complete your lessons and judge enough to start with. yourself how you handled them. Then depending on how many lives, and how much experience you have had, you progress to ALL ABOUT GUIDES the next step. The lower levels of Heaven (I am simplifying it here) are where you chose your lives on Earth and other planets. You also act as Before being born you choose the lessons you want to experiGuides; help in other dimensions, and learn many more aspects ence, your parents, and two or more Guides. at this level. The first one is your LIFEGUIDE. This is normally someone that When you have completed these levels you move on to the you know well, that will stay with you throughout your life on "Mental" levels, where you no longer need to incarnate as we Earth. know it. Your Life guide is o"en called your Gatekeeper, and when you Your body is purely an energy that takes up no space at all. become Spiritually aware, you will ensure that only the good With your mind you can "create" whatever scenario you wish. en!!es are allowed into your Energy (unless you chose to expeSo if you want to talk to your friends on a beach with palm rience otherwise). Aneis de Vida
February 2015
He (or she) will probably be someone that you have experienced things with before and understands why you have chosen these par!cular lessons.
you will build up a comfortable rela!onship with them. They want exactly what you want, and will do their best to help you experience it in the best way possible.
You will probably choose one or two other Guides who are What if you chose a hard lesson? Let’s say you get cancer, or more experienced in the lessons you have chosen, and it is their lose a loved one. Don’t blame your Guides. YOU chose the lesjob to "Guide" you through them. sons and your Guides are there to help you. You have total free will, and they cannot change that. But they will try and influence your thinking so that you do experience what you have chosen the best way possible. They may also connect to other Guides to get them to direct "Souls" into your path.
They can have a great sense of humor too. If you are feeling down, your Guide will give you upli&ment. If you are feeling happy, your Guide will be happy with you. And if you lose hope altogether, your Guide will be there for you with Uncondi!onal Love.
Along the way you may have many different Guides too, as new Your Guide could even be a Soul mate from a past life. ones appear to guide you through the various lessons. These To get the full version of this amazing book please go to: are Guides that specialise, as they themselves learn and imwww.spiritualdic! prove at the same !me. In the beginning you will normally see your first Guides as Indians, Chinese, Monks or wise men. This is to give you a feeling of security that you are being guided by what you perceive experienced guides to be. So your Guides will start by showing themselves, as you would like to see them. You start connec!ng to your Guides through medita!on. And
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February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015
Aneis de Vida
February 2015