denizens from beyond

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THE DENIZENS OF BEYOND By Adi Newton and Jane Radion Newton for TAGC

This research article was edited as a reference companion for the Sound Piece that is included within the Antibodies publication and is an abridged extract from a larger and more extensive research document currently in preparation. To be published In the TAGC Archive Research & Development Site. Crowley wrote in 1944: "My observation of the Universe convinces me that there are beings of intelligence and power of a far higher quality than anything we can conceive of as human; that they are not necessarily based on the cerebral and nervous structures that we know, and that the one and only chance for mankind to advance as a whole is for individuals to make contact with such beings." (1) 1 Aleister Crowley, Magick In Theory And Practice, edited by Kenneth Grant

The above quote by Crowley contains the central idea to this abridged article and that the idea is very probably praeterhuman,where throughout the countless aeons its presence has immerged and informed what developed into systems of Occult Worship,Magick Cosmogenosis and the Gnosis, the fabric of which became the Religion ,Art, philosophy and Science. of the Cultures and Civilisations that have shaped today’s world. Humanity has taped in to its numerous forms of transmissions via Sacred psycho botanical ingestion,and related Mushroom cults et al , Shamanism et al, estatic sexual practices ,Crowleys eroto comatose lucidity Austin Osman Spares resurgent atavism ,John Dee’s Scrying Mirrors angelic conversations ,Rimbauds Formula of Derangement P Lovecrafts Necronomicon , Prophetic Dreams and Nightmare visions, Trance Mediumship,Pychic Fields,Automatic writing , automatic drawing, painting, Hypnagogia – the Shamanic Trance-State (The Neutral Point in Consciousness)and many other forms of Para psychological transmission.

What can be seen and researched is that Ultraterrestrial ideas have engaged many civilisations and many individuals, that’s why within the context of this article we can only examine some of what we considered key examples, and these are only very briefly covered within this text due to the complexity and the consequent explanatory information and referencing it would require to fully explore these examples. The numerous cultures that have known and expounded and evolved this knowledge did so through symbolic and occult systems and often through key Individuals considered as Magicians, Priests ,Magus , Shaman ,Prophets ,etc some of the Cultures influenced by ultraterrestrial ideas have disappeared or have been wiped out or merged with other cultures that adapted or altered the meanings symbols and art of the expression of the Cultures they assimilated, and then modified those meanings and symbols for their own uses and systems. Some Cultures have succeeded in maintaining there spiritual beliefs regardless of the external forces that have evolved around them. We will look briefly at a few examples of these cultures and their beliefs in order to establish a basic premise. The first example of a Religious Culture maintaining its original spiritual beliefs is one that is linked to a stellar cult and to Crowleys, Aiwass and the Thelemic Book of the Law which is of particular interest to this article and its researches.

The Magical Significance of Yezidic Symbolism The stellar origin of the Cult is confirmed by the nature of its chief deity, Melek Ta'us, the Peacock Angel described by its votaries as "one of the Seven Gods". In Joseph Isya's resume of the cult and its traditions(3) the angel is said to be worshipped in the shape of a cock, which connects the cult with the Ophidian Gnosis. We have here, an example of the Double Current - Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial - veiled beneath the image of the Bird and the Angel. The peacock is an emblem of the Order of the Silver Star whose presiding Angel, Aiwass, is the vehicle of the Stellar Current manifesting through Sirius (theologized as Set or Hoor-paar-Kraat) whose minister he is.(4) According to the sacred book of the Yezidi the black bird, A'anphar, is a cognate type. A'anphar has the value of 333 which links it to the Choronzonic Gnosis centred in Daath. The mysteries of Yezid may therefore be fathomed by using the method of exegesis employed in the analysis of the Mithraic Cult of the Disk.4 The sacred book of the Yezidi known as the Black Book, alludes to the descent of the God upon the Black Mountain, there to reveal to Sheikh Adi - the Head of the Yezidi Order - "a book that is already written in heaven". The number of Adi is 15; in the Tarotic Tradition Atu XV is ascribed to The Devil. But fifteen is also the number of the Primal Goddess whose sigil comprises the five triangles symbolic of the fifteen angles, or yonis, from which flow the kalas of manifestation. In the Therionic Tarot, Atu XV exhibits the image of the Phallus or cock of Baphomet, which is also the emblem of the Peacock-Angel described by the Yezidi as the "chief of all", hence the 'devil worship' of the Cult. The "book that is already written in heaven" is a reference to the book containing doctrines of time and space, or the stellar gnosis of cyclic aeonology. (Grant P 94.) (5.)

received through the medium ship of his partner, Roddie Minor. At least one such “intelligence� was brought into physical manifestation via the Magickal Portal they created.

The Amalantrah Working: In January through March of 1918 Crowley began a series of magickal workings called the Amalantrah Workings in furnished rooms in Central Park West, New York City. These were a performed via Sexual & Ceremonial Magick with the intent to invoke certain “intelligences” to physical manifestation. In actuality, the workings typically manifested as a series of visions and communications (A portal in this context is a “magickally” created rent in the fabric of time and space.) The entity that came through was LAM Crowley maintained the portrait he drew is actually a portrait and drawn from real life. This entity either called itself “Lam,” or was named “Lam” by Crowley. Either way, he considered it to be of interdimensional origin, which was the term then for extraterrestrial. In communications with Lam, the symbolism of the egg featured prominently. Crowley included the portrait of Lam in his Dead Souls exhibition held in Greenwich Village, New York, in 1919. In that same year it was published as a frontispiece labeled The Way to Crowley’s commentary to Blavatsky’s The Voice of the Silence. Beneath the picture was the following inscription: “LAM is the Tibetan word for Way or Path, and LAMA is He who Goeth, the specific title of the Gods of Egypt, the Treader of the Path, in Buddhist phraseology. Its numerical value is 71, the number of this book.”

Other than this, there is no commentary extant from Crowley upon the subject of Lam except for material published by disciples such as Kenneth Grant. Interestingly, Crowley gave the drawing to Grant in 1945. It is interesting to note that since Crowley's time, in occult terms at least, Lam is considered a class of entity rather than an individual being. When one invokes Lam, they are invoking an entity of that type, rather than a specific being. For occultists operating along O.T.O. lines, the idea is to invoke these Lam entities through Magickal Portals (intentionally created rents in time and space) into physical manifestation on planet earth. Michael Bertiaux, a Lam contactee and invoker of note, viewed Lam as the "subterranean burgeoning of Lucifer-Gnosis." Considering that Gnosis means an intuitive knowing, this would mean that knowing Lam is to know a welling-up from the unconscious of an inner knowing of Lucifer it is important to bear in mind that occultists do not see Lucifer as the devil, but rather as a "light bringer" who fell to earth.) Bertiaux goes on to say that Lam is the natural mode of human evolution in the present Aeon - indicating that to him and his followers this Lucifer-Gnosis is the appropriate path of human spiritual growth at this time. Crowley termed the intentional cultivation of spiritual growth the "Great Work." And the Great work for Crowley, "...involved precisely the establishment of contact with non-human intelligences." Intelligences such as Lam. Using the language of Crowley's time, certain non-human intelligences such as Lam were what we today would term "extraterrestrial." It is generally agreed within occult circles that Crowley intentionally opened a portal of entry via magick ritual in the Amalantrah Workings which allowed the likes of Lam and other similar entities a passageway onto the earth-world. (SEE LOVECRAFT / NECROMONICON ) The rift "inbetween the spaces of the stars," created by the Amalantrah Working, created a gateway through which Lam and other extra-cosmic influences could enter the known universe, and most particularly, our earth-world. According to occultists involved in these areas, the Portal has since widened.

According to occult lore, the Portal was further enlarged by a Jet Propulsion Laboratory founder and rocket fuel scientist named Jack Parsons, and Scientology and Dianetics founder L. Ron Hubbard in 1946, facilitating - so it is said - a monumental paradigm shift in human consciousness. . This Magickal working was called the Babylon Working, and like the Amalantrah Working on which its ritual was patterned, it was based on ceremonial sex magick. Together they “endeavoured to ... incarnate a physical aspect of Babylon, the Scarlet Woman of the Book of Revelations (17:3-6). They believed that Babylon was the herald of the new Age of Horus, and that Revelations was the understandably negative interpretation by those of the dying Age of Osiris.” Parsons desired to take the spirit of Babylon, the “Whore of Babylon,” and invest it in a human being. The idea was to create a child in the spiritual world, and then call down the spiritual baby and direct it into a human womb. When born, this child would incarnate the forces of Babylon. Although Crowley had previously written the book Moonchild - concerning a similar experiment, the rites were duly performed as written from January 4th to 15th of that year. It is not known if a spiritual child was enwombed from them. What is known is that the Magickal Portal first created by Crowley, and which originally allowed Lam into the earthworld, was re-established with considerable intensity by Parsons and Hubbard. From the diaries of the participants, it is also clear that they were not as adept as Crowley in the closings of portals. What they seemed to have accomplished was the drastic enlargement and ripping of an existing Magickal Portal and the subsequent non-closure of it. Perhaps the rip they created was not possible to close. In any event, for magicians the correlation that the modern UFO era began exactly a year and a half later on June 24th, 1947, with Kenneth Arnold’s sighting over the Cascade Mountains in Washington State.

Lam Lore: According to O.T.O. chief Kenneth Grant: Lam is known to be a link between the star systems of Sirius and Andromeda. Lam is the gateway to the Void. Its number, 71, is that of "NoThing", an apparition. Lam, as a Great Old One, whose archetype is recognizable in accounts of UFO occupants. Lam has been invoked to fulfil the work set afoot by Aiwass; as a reflex of Aiwass. Lam as the transmitter to AL of the vibrations of LA via MA, the key to the Aeon of Maat. Lam is the occult energy beaming the vibrations of Maat and may proceed from that future aeon (.6 )

Enter the Mauve Zone The link between the night time horrors experienced by a young American fiction writer and a wider lost occult tradition were first hinted at by the English occultist Kenneth Grant.To illustrate this link here are some examples cited by Grant: The Necronomicon by Al Azif, the book of the (mad) Arab. This book is referred to as all powerful in a magical sense corresponds to Crowley's Al vel Legis.(7)Crowley claimed this book to contain the supreme spells. The Great Old Ones from the Mythos = The Great Old Ones of the Night Time, a phrase which occurs in rituals of the Golden Dawn. The Cold Waste, Kadath = Hadith, the Wanderer of the Waste, a title taken by Crowley etc. There are many other parallels but these point out the path for you to follow if you want to find others. The above list shows how there are indeed links between what was understood to be only “fictions” and a “real” occult tradition. It seems that Lovecraft was a channel, chosen or random, for ideas to ooze into our reality from beyond. The place where these ideas come from has become known amongst Typhonian occultists and others as the Mauve Zone, a place where the concepts such as “real” and “unreal” lose any meaning, a zone which can spill from the pages of a book into the mind of its reader, opening up a gate though which the Great Old Ones can, once again, gain a footing on our world.

In the Dunwich Horror this idea of a hidden side of nature seeking to gain entrance into our world is a reoccurring theme in many Mythos stories. It is also one which modern occult magickians such as members of the OTO, IOT, Friends of Hekate, and others are using, but I'll return to that later.In his short story, “The Dunwich Horror”, Lovecraft writes of a family cursed by ancient knowledge, who's blood has been tainted by contact with forces from beyond, who seek to re-establish the rule of the Old Ones on Earth via the opening of a lost portal or gateway to some dimension outside our normal understanding of space-time, through the re-enactment of rituals formulated before the dawn of man, that need to be performed, “when the stars are right”. These are powerful themes within the Mythos and if taken in conjunction with the way Lovecraft's tales appear to link with a real occult tradition expounded first by Crowley and later by Grant, Austin Spare and members of the Typhonian OTO, pointers may be seen as to how the forces we call The Great Old Ones interact with our world and give hints to their nature and purpose.It has been said that this story can be taken as a “spell book” of Mythos Magick, as it makes clear a number of ideas only hinted at before and that it contains keys to understanding the nature of Mythos magicks and how these can employed by others towards their own ends.The first of these keys is transformation of the body. In the story this transformation takes the form of hideous offspring, born from the use of ancient magical formulae. Occult writers on the subject take this an allegory of the way the use of Magick changes a persons ideas and habits, sometimes in ways that others find disturbing.

The second idea is that of a gateway whereby the Great Old Ones seek to enter, this gate has a name, Yog Sothoth, which is both the gate and the keeper of the knowledge as to the location of the gate on Earth. The last major theme to the story is that of the nature of landscapes and how these have a powerful impact on the atmosphere of an area. Stone circles, high and wild places, areas forgotten or abandoned by man seem favored by the Mythos as liminal zones, places where the influence of the Mauve Zone is at its strongest. It is perhaps no coincidence that wilderness areas along with areas of industrial decay seem to act as hot spots for many forms of para-normal incidents, the so called, “window areas”. While Lovecraft woke from fitful, dream haunted, sleep with these visions, later set down as horror fiction, others take this information and reshape it into a working magickal system, the use of which in only now becoming known in wider circles. The Mythos as a working paradigm Kenneth Grant in his books again and again hints at the Stella influence of the Great Old Ones transforming mankind into a higher evolutionary state, here the ideas of the Mythos and those of Maat Magick mix and blur as the sphere of the Mauve Zone influences the sphere of Malkuth and the world of matter, transforming mankind in the process. Malkuth in relation to the Necronomicon is the place of decent, the domain of Shoggoths, the crystal that channels its influence is tigers eye. According to Grant our world is being shaped, prepared almost, by the seeping through of ideas from the Mauve Zone, and the invocations of magickians who on the earth work to open the gates of Yog-Sothoth to complete this transformation and in doing so usher in a new aeon of the beastman. (8)In his infamous, “voudou-gnostic workbook” Michael Bertiaux, 1998. Michael Bertiaux mixes voodoo and the Mythos to perform a Magick that lies outside of almost all of the usual classifications, a dark, near hell-broth who’s ideas and influences spread far beyond the shores of the USA where he is based. His ideas can be seen, reshaped by personal preference, in the published works of the IOT and others. Others in their published works claim the Mythos as a kind of demonic muse for artists and visionaries. An intricate worldwide pattern of communication between the Ultraterrestrial almost totally beyond our comprehension and human adepts,

Stretching from remote antiquity to the present moment. various Egyptian Rites and its predecessors in Rosicrucian Occultism and the Ancient Mystery Religions always offered a series of graded initiations, including secret words and cipher languages, and an altogether unique view of the universe. The emphasis is on the relationship between humanity and Higher Powers, the Stars, and a Supreme Force sometimes referred to as the “Architect of all worlds”. The mythic plays and planetary origin stories all seem to have a double meaning, and that meaning is hidden in the secret pass words and strange names which are, in fact, coded messages. These messages speak of Aeons-old communication between human and Ultraterrestrials warring for control of the Earth. Rev. Michael Bertiaux of Chicago, has long maintained that the (Egyptian) Rite of Memphis- Misraim was a “front” (in a sense) for Ultraterrestrial technology. As a Conservator and Hierophant of a distinct branch of these rites, he would surely know, Bishop Bertiaux’s assertion is nothing less than the straightforward truth. Legends and lore surrounding the Star Sirius figure heavily into our premise. In distant times, in the days of ancient Sumer in Mesopotamia, predynastic Egypt in Africa, Dravidian India and in Mexico long before the Mayans, there is a fairly consistent account of God-like and perhaps amphibious beings from the sky sometimes associated with the Constellations Cancer and Orion, and with the Star Sirius in the constellation Canis Major, or “The Great Dog.” These beings visited Earth, establishing a nucleus of priest-kings and scientists who have carried forth a secret tradition of contact, and communication with Ultraterrestrial sources.

This tradition is displayed in various rituals through myth and cipher, but, in addition, certain ‘sacred technologies’ are conveyed for re-establishing communication (should a link be broken), for actual travel to and from Ultraterrestrial realms, and even indicate in minute detail how to effectively resist alien influence. The entire literature of magical invocation and evocation, seen in this light, is revealed to be a disguised transmission of these technologies. It is, to quote an old commentary on the 60th Degree of the Rite of Memphis, “a part of the instruction of the priest of old—the Mysterious Key which opens the forgotten intelligence of the world of light and truth, and joins the finite to the infinite.” This system demonstrates why such powerful forces remain hidden and have not overwhelmed us; we have allies, and perhaps a Secret or two . “The principal aim of this order is the perfection of man, and his re approachment towards that source whence it emanated; that is to say his rehabilitation and reintegration in his primitive rights…” .(9) This article will be continued at the TAGC R & D Archive later in 2009 TAGC Adi Newton . Jane Radion Newton .

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Era Vulgaris MM IX

Necronomicon /Crowley 777 Aleister Crowley, Magick In Theory And Practice, ibid. Kenneth Grant, Nightside of Eden, Skoob Kenneth Grant,Outer Gateways, Skoob Devil Worship (Isya), Boston, 1919. See Aleister Crowley & the Hidden God (Grant), ch 4 AL.I.7. Kenneth Grant,Outer Gateways, Skoob ch 9.

9 Allen H. Greenfield Secret Rituals of the Men in Black

T.A.G.C The Anti Group Communications E.V.MMIX The original idea for the Anti Group was devised by A. Newton & S.J. Turner (R.I.P) as early as 1978, with the intention of the formation of a multi-dimensional research & development project active in many related areas. Research and Development of sound/film/video/ performance and the documentation of each project was the fundamental "Modus Operandi". Strictly speaking TAGC are not a group, but a variable collection of individuals contributing under invitation and the directorship of Adi Newton, Underlining this basic idea lays the deeper philosophical and theoretical work of TAGC; The C derived from Communications and to also infer the DNA code of genetics. The primary concern of TAGC is the systematic research and development and documentation and the ,expansion of the connections and concepts that are explored and experimented within the fabric of sound, and its theoretical possibilities and its advancement..Also the expansion of Consciousness whether via applied use of computers and audio-visual technology or via arcane systems of Magick or other Occult or esoteric sciences. The last recorded works of TAGC concerned with A.S.B. audio stimulation of the brain, particularly the pieces under the title "A.A.A." & A.A.A.(Audio Alpha Activity & Accelerated Audio Alpha Activity ) respectively These recordings are available on "Meontological Research Recording Record 1" and "Meontological Research Recording Record 2 - 'Teste Tones". Recording number three in the series, which takes the research further into the role of frequencies and rhythms, particularly the codification of rhythmic structures employed in Voodoo rituals to attain trance states is being scheduled for release.The first non theoretical action devised by TAGC was the Film "The Delivery", a 16mm celluloid dual screen film projection and soundtrack, and the Anti theatre performance piece "The Discussion" designed for five tape recorders and multi-video projection systems a anti theatre piece devised / edited and mixed solely by Adi Newton,it involved 5 open reel Revox taperecorders arranged round a table similar to that which would be arranged for a meeting. The 5 TAPES where physically edited from several hours of documents representing different aspects of the Discussion, performed once as it was based purely on aleotory procedures as it was devised to allow maximum chance occurrences and the emergence of new semantic relationships similar techniques where applied to the 16mm dual screen version of The Delivery that was also premiered at the same event a live Audio Visual recording was made and plans to produce a documentary about these

These two works were first presented at the "Der Doelen" center in Rotterdam on Sat. Sep 22nd, 1985. "The delivery" has been exhibited at the "2nd Atonal festival" in "The Ballhaus Tiergarten" Berlin, Feb 18th 1985 where the soundtrack was recorded on a mobile 24 track system. This document was released as the recording "The delivery" on Atonal Records. After these initial performances TAG concentrated on Audio development. it was during this period 1985-1987 that the above recordings were realized along with the highly acclaimed Ambisonic Album "Digitaria" (Ambisonics a 360 degree soundfield based on psychoacoustic theory that represents a true periphonic sound field) Digitaria is a Technological and Ethnological work based on the ideas of the Sabean cults of ancient Khem and the Dogon tribe of Mali and the research by the French anthropologist Marcel Griaule Also the work of Robert temple and ideas and Occult systems expressed in Kenneth Grants work ,Having worked through these areas, it became the next logical step to move into the application of Psychophysics developing the use of frequencies and Psychoacoustics with computer aided technology.Exploring the theoretical ideas of Harry Grindal Mathews,Vladimir Gavreau Gustave Fechnor et all.



Performance of these ideas took place at the 3rd Atonal Festival at “TU Mensa” Berlin on Dec 13th 1986 and “SO 36” Berlin on Feb 14th 1987 and at the “Museum of Contemporary Art” Prato, Italy on Sept 23rd 1988. it was at this time also that TAG screened their first Meontological visual experiment “Burning Water”. modern man and from ultraterrestrial origins . The recordings utilized in these performances were released as part of a series of recordings entitled Meontological Research Recordings 1+2. based on the pioneering experiments conducted by Michael Bertiaux of the OTOA and the ‘La Couleuvre Noire’. Bertiaux has developed a system of esoteric engineering - a form of metamathematical reality. The Meontological series is based on Bertiaux’s neologism MEON. Ontology is the science of the metaphysics of being - MEONTOLOGY, therefore, goes beyond this to a fourth-dimensional extension of parapsychology, and concerns areas beyond current maps and explore ideas that seem to have existed anterior to modern man and from ultraterrestrial origins . Currently, “Burning Water” has been re digitally enhanced and finalized for release and will be available in DVD format. TAG performances were held at the Electro-Acoustic Music Academy Stockholm, Aug 23rd 1990 and at the ARS Electronica symposium on Virtual Reality held in Linz Sep 8th 1990 Austria. Currently in preparation are Meontological Research Recordings 3+4. Recording 3 explores the central ideas expressed in the Micheal Bertaux Coulier Noire and Kenneth Grants Cult of Lam and recording 4 centers around research into the development of methods and techniques to aid expanded consciousness following techniques derived from William Sargant that influenced Bryon Gysons work on the flicker frequencies and the work by Tony Conrad .The Anti Group are only represented by Adi Newton and Jane Radion Newton who for the last decade have been researching and experimenting in different areas and studying theoretical concepts also in order to prepare for new works ,

a series of published works have also been in preparation. Currently working on a number of new TAGC releases and have recently contributed an abridged research document and sound piece for the next issue of Antibodies. Currently preparing for Live performance and installation events as well as a series of artefacts for release during 2009, ADI NEWTON T.A.G.C.

Performance and exhibition details Pandoras Box "Der Doelen" center in Rotterdam, Holland, Sat. Sep 22nd, 1985 2nd Atonal festival "The Ballhaus Tiergarten" Berlin, Germany . Feb 18th 1985 3rd Atonal Festival "TU Mensa" Berlin ,Germany on Dec 13th 1986 The Pump Station SO 36" Berlin, Germany Feb 14th 1987 Museum of Contemporary Art" Prato, Italy Sept 23rd 1988 Electro-Acoustic Music Academy Stockholm, Sweden Aug 23rd 1990 ARS Electronica symposium on Virtual Reality Sep 8th 1990 Linz, Austria. National Art Gallery V&A inclusion .Smile Classified a magazine of multiple origins March/August 1992 London .UK I.C.A. Art Futura Museo Nacional Centro De Arte Reina Sofia Madrid Spain Sept 1994 Equinox Festival Conway Hall 14 June 2009

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