ClockDva Biography 2011

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ClockDVA DVAtion


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ORIGINS & FORMATION OF CLOCKDVA A CONCISE HISTORY 1978 / 2010 ONWARDS In 1977 Adi Newton became a founding member of the trio “THE FUTURE “ The group members consisted of Martyn Ware, Synthesizer, Ian Craig Marsh, Synthesizer and Adi Newton ,Tape Machines tape loops & Treatments. The main concept of The Future was the development of a totally electronic based music group void of conventional instrumentation and a democratic of personalities .As part of this a system of democratic writing was developed called C.A.R.L.O.S. An acronyms for Cyclic And Random lyric Organizational System, a kind of word permutation technique that relates to similar techniques such as the one developed by Brion Gysin and William Burroughs .With this technique a cyclic vocal arrangement was also employed to overcome the convention of a lead vocalist .The future ended before it really started and this was due to two main reasons unlike the one stated on BLIND YOUTH the official Human League site, at this point Adi Newton did not own a Synthesizer and used only an array of tape recorders and devices to treat loops and recordings and this atmospheric and avant-garde musique concrete form of composition was to radical / unmusical to incorporate within what was envisaged should become a more accessible music group the evidence of this can be seen in the early Human League Tracks “Rock and Roll part 1” and the “Gordons gin” Cinema advert one can not imagine how treated tape loops could be incorporate into such commercial popular music compositions , the second factor is no group can support two leaders or individual visions that incorporate a different aesthetic , as Adi,s interests where more based on the use of electro acoustic as well as pure electronic synthesis ,regardless of its failings and ultimately it giving way to the more conventional electronic pop of the Human League The Future did however create several interesting and advanced tracks such l”LOOKING FOR THE BLACK HAIRED GIRLS”

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based around the notorious NYC serial killer Son of Sam in the summer of 1977 and Newtons personal favorite the atmospheric FUTURE RELIGION and other Tracks BLANK CLOCKS, and ALMOST MEDIEVAL the later was developed and appeared under the same name and structure in the Human League canon as did the track DANCEVISION , the future original of which according to Newton is far better technically from the playing aspect ,than the more produced version that appeared again under the Human League output. (See GOLDEN HOUR OF THE FUTURE .) But from The futures transmutation came forth, both the Human League and ClockDVA both of which reached different pinnacles far greater than what they could have foreseen. After The Future ended Adi Newton Founded his own group ClockDVA with Steven J Turner aka Jud. The Name ClockDVA was devised and based on two elements the first element the symbolic representation of Time, The Clock, a mechanical machine developed to chronologically measure the quadrants of solar and lunar movements developed throughout evolution and recently found to pre date our previous theories of its origination. The idea inherent in Horology is concerned with quantum mechanics and astro physics as well as Magick & Surrealism ,The Roto , Taro cyclic wheel of eternal reoccurrence. The Second element is the Russian / nadsat term found in the glossary of Anthony Burges Clockwork Orange ,DVA which equals the number 2 / TWO and this element is based on numerology, the kabalistic system of numbers that hold the mathematical formula and meanings behind all words. The sum of AVD or AUD is 11 which is the master number and the number of Magick,or energy tending to change,DVA is the reversal of AVD Black Light. DVA began by developing experimental material and recording all of their sound experiments using chance and aleatory methods as a Magickal process to build up a large archive of recordings. At this stage DVA employed around 7 Open reel to reel Tape recorders , Some used as loop playback devices and the other tape recorders used as just tape playback ,a main Open Reel was employed as a master recorder, all of these archival recordings have over the last few years been digitally transferred and archived and a collection of this material has been edited and digitally mastered and will be released on the DVA MUTE CD Album “Horology” which are the first ClockDVA recordings .The original ClockDVA sound is very electronic nearer to Buried Dreams and the recently unreleased Harmonia with Eno album Tracks& Traces 1976. and Nue with shades of early electronic pioneers such as Walter/Wendy Carlos ,John Cage ,Pierre Schaefer, Stockhausen .

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Than the first “official” release “WHITE SOULS IN BLACK SUITS “(Industrial records 1980) Which many mistakenly believe to be the first sound and first release of DVA, again most people are only aware of DVA from The White Souls / Thirst period and so are not aware of the original Electronic beginnings, (This will be fully addressed in the extensive Booklet that will accompany the Audio content of the Horology CD due for release. There was only a very limited amount of material released during the early period of 77 to 79 these where private cassette editions produced by

Photo Martyn Ware . DVA sexual Morality planned sleeve artwork.

ClockDVA on DVAtion and only a very few people heard that material, One very Notable and supportive individual and Honary member of TAG was Jhonn Balance of Coil In fact the name Coil was the title of an early DVA track, Johnn wrote to Adi asking if he had any objection for him to use the name of the track for his new group project off course Adi was happy for him to use it and the rest is history,The group Coil was born. During the early DVA formative period numerous individuals where auditioned but they proved to be unsuitable in many ways, The third real member of DVA was D J TYME AKA David James Hammond ,Guitar and Treatments, an important element in the early DVA, D J Hammond was also a key contributor to “White Souls in Black Suits ,and the Tracks “4 Hours” and “Blue Tone” on the Album “Thirst” Simon Kemp was brought in to do Electronic Rhythms but also provided some synthesizer work on some of the early DVA period recordings again the details and specifics of these will be fully detailed in the Book within “Horology” This Line up was the first DVA group, as technically Jud and Adi where a Duo and consequently all additional members where invited into the group format .

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Adi Newton and Steven J Turner where The DVA core founders who set the precedent of DVA,s ideas then and progressively .These details and history will be further expanded and documented on in the 120 page booklet that comes with the DVA MUTE BOX SET currently being finalized . Horology has never been released this album contains the very earliest DVA recordings circa 1977 /78 / 79 and represents a period of DVA never previously heard apart from the Few as indicated earlier . A very important release as it shows the real development and foundation of DVA as in many minds DVA emerged at the Industrial White Souls in Black Suits period but this is not so the sound of DVA during that period prior to White Souls in Black Suits was heavily electronic nearer in spirit to Buried Dreams than White Souls, Thirst etc The use of drum machines ,synthesizers ,treatment devices, banks of Reel to Reel tape recorders, tape loops etc,also the subject matter / influences where more related to subjects such as the Aktionists OM theatre, Otto Muehl, Gunter Brus, Rudolph Swarzerkoggler Kurt Kren et all, painters Francis Bacon, Duchamp,Man Ray ,Kubin , Esnor, Dix,Delvaux ,De Chirico ,Alan Jones, Keinholz,Joseph Beuys,Brion Gysin, early pioneering electronics ,Walter/Wendy Carlos ,Schaeffer ,Cage, Pierre Henry ,Harmonia ,Nue,Kraftwerk etc,and the writings of Artaud,Bataille,Burrough Gysin,Ionesco,Ballard, Becket, Rabelais,so it had a harder more extreme kind of edge to it . These early works are the original soul of DVA the fact that Steven Turners collaborative work is also represented in these recordings is of great importance for Newton and DVA,s true History and development .DVA After the early electronic based music DVA developed work with live instrumentation in the sense of no pre programmed rhythms or sequences so that it was possible to shift time and dynamic content in a fluid and unobstructed way allowing for what positive psychology refers to as Flow.

“Object to be destroyed” Man Ray 1924

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The use of indeterminacy or chance or the engagement of intuition, DVA wanted to explore what the Surrealists called psychic automatism and to explore this within a musical framework The improvisation work explored on White Souls in Black Suits is a direct example of this, The basis of white souls conceptually And lyrically and this also applies to DVA,s other work in varying degrees is the examination of the nature of the psyche the spirit , the soul which colors the psychological functions and our conceptualization of the world and our primal functions ,feelings , Desires these are linked to aeons of magickal and alchemical thought processes which have been channelled and modified through art through ritualised behavior and debased through religious and quasi- religious doctrines. Society in the main stream has been mislead and in parts is trying to recover itself. The edifice of logic Science is having to accept that there are things outside of knowledge that we may never grasp, magick acknowledged these powers and sought to understand there relationship in the fabric of existence in its multi dimensional space. The idea was to record that moment when intuitive magick occurs , The Surrealist described it as pure psychic automatism a point at which mind and body create without pre fabrication. Information flows and the arbiter becomes a transmitter through which information is channelled. There are no overdubs or retakes on white souls, what transpired transpired. First released on Throbbing Gristle Industrial Records label as a cassette release only. The album deals with themes of Existential and Surrealist philosophy and Alchemical Mysticism. The album is taken from fifteen or so hours of improvisational sessions recorded via a mobile recording unit. The album was mixed and produced at Cabaret Voltaire’s Western Works studio. The album includes a tape chance montage sequence in collaboration with Chris Watson who also helped mix and coproduce along with Richard H Kirk and Stephen Mallider in collaboration with DVA. On THIRST the second official release these methods are refined and more sophisticated but still retain that content of intuitive spirit a inner soul if you like. After WHITE SOULS D J Hammond and Simon Elliot Kemp where replaced by Roger Quail Drums / percussion and Paul Widger Guitar ,there was also the addition of Multi wind instrumentalists Charlie Collins ,Dva,s 2nd official Album THIRST is acclaimed by Paul Morley former NME ,& Zang Tumb Tumb record label and Media commentator as one of the most important Albums of the Eighties.

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Neville Brodys original Drawing for 4 Hours.

CLOCK DVA 'Thirst' (Fetish FR2OO2)***** 'White Souls In Black Suits' (Industrial Tapes IRC 31)**** 'THIRST' IS a title that implies a lot and behind it is an album that more than fulfills its implications. 'Thirst' is the best album I have heard since either 'Dragnet' or 'Unknown Pleasures'. Unwillingly I drag both those cadavers in. But there is substance in it. 'Thirst' shares with those albums a provincial, coming from-nowhere arrogance. Clock Dva come from Sheffield. This is a lucky break!!! If they'd have come from London they would be on CBS or 4AD and 'Thirst' would have sounded like a fourth division 'Fear Of Music'. Clock Dva have survived. Clock Dva are full of fear. Insecurity, shadows. But there is a smileingness, a love at the root. This constant shift comes out in the music. They favour a rich, dark and very sensuous noise, a noise that is hard and deep and most of all wide. Wide, open, unbigoted enough to allow them to slip into something unheard of, a pure and fragile Love Song. 'Blue Tone', at the end of a sweating, totally captivating first side of pure white heat, is the kind of stock girl-not-onthe-end-of-the-phone emotive personal drama you'd expect to meet on Sweet or Chicory Tip or Dollar b-sides. But surely not ClockDva And here it is, shimmying, delighting with Adi's normally deep growIing realblues voice close to tears. Remarkable.

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What are they about, simply put? Dva are about Paul Widger's irresistible, postAlbrechtian winning guitar, a rich, grating swamp sound. Charlie Collins' sax which does everything that instrument could do. A rhythm section that tugs fanlike towards Talking Heads. And Adi's rich, potentially classic voice and streaming, pouring lyrics. Even strings appear! And from the ELOness (well, nearly) of 'White Cell' they can reach to the Cabsish free-play of 'Moments' or to the strangely Mitchellesque 'Impressions Of African Winter’. Their thirst is endless. Stretching... And it reached the Industrial tape ‘White Souls In Black Suits’ somewhere along an P.Orridge letter)it is tougher,- almost free form. The sleeves tell the difference. The album’s is of a battered refugee child. The tape’s of a gruesome, ‘Eraserhead’Iike head. I’d get the album first and then crawl into the black(ish) nightmares of the tape. Double fun! Two ways of twisting the modern beat. DAVE McCULLOUGH January 24, 1981 SOUNDS At the end of 1982 Newton and Turner where becoming restless and decided to change things around having become dissatisfied with the format and wanting to develop a more sophisticated version of the Soul Funk Hybrid they had created on THIRST so to develop this they decided to replace Quail/Widger & Collins with new Musicians it was during this period that Newton and Turner decided to also develop T.A.G.C The Anti Group Communications The original idea for the Anti Group was devised by A. Newton & S.J. Turner as early as 1978, with the intention of the formation of a multi-dimensional research & development project active in many related areas. Research and Development of sound/ film/video/performance and the documentation of each project was the fundamental “Modus Operandi”.Strictly speaking TAGC are not a group, but a variable collection of individuals contributing under invitation and the directorship of Adi Newton, Underlining this basic idea lays the deeper philosophical and theoretical work of TAGC; The C derived from Communications and to also infer the DNA code of genetics. The primary concern of TAGC is the systematic research and development and documentation and the ,expansion of the connections and concepts that are explored and experimented within the fabric of sound, and its theoretical possibilities and its advancement.

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Also the expansion of Consciousness whether via applied use of computers and audio-visual technology or via arcane systems of Magick or other Occult or esoteric sciences. (see TAGC biog MMIX ) It was during this period that tragedy struck in the form of Cofounder Steven J Turners fatal overdose during the months after Stevens death Newton went through what he describes as a period of darkness a Alchemical separation which left a permanent space. Its during this period that DVA evolve the music that results in the Album ADVANTAGE ,having signed DVA to a major label POLYDOR ,Newton went to meet Producer Hugh Jones in Paris this meeting resulted in the engagement of the producer for the Production .Newton pulled together a completely new line up in the form of Nick Sanderson ,Percussion ,Dean Dennis Freted and fretless bass,John Valentine Carruthers guitar,Paul A Browse Alto and tenor Saxophones. There’s an album due soon called “Advantage”. It’s an album that’s everything everyone ever claimed for “The Lexicon Of Love”, an album that revolutionises pop vocabulary and celebrates the video age. Adi’s seen an opening,They’re looking back to look forward, a fresh way of viewing the old, a tetchy discovery and adoption of classic roles and styles as yet only partially assimilated into a DVA aesthetic. Early Fifties movie jazz, early Seventies Miles Davis, early Eighties Simple Minds.The electric synthesis of “Beautiful Losers” packs a sting in its tale that triggers an involuntary squirm and “Dark Encounter” is a marvelously controlled narration over some narcotically lazy gangster sleaze that injects a shot of adrenalin back into cliches long consigned to the concrete overcoat. While his ex-Clock mates The Box thrash their blind way around a preciously renegade reputation. Adi’s heading for the big one. This DVA has the capacity to pack accessible, recognised song formats with such intensity and clarity that they’re fit to burst through their fictional skins into fact.. Anticipate “The Advantage”. Anticipate Clock DVA. Their time is nigh. STEVE SUTHERLAND Sounds February 1983

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DVA where opening up a huge and potentially large Audience and position ,during the Polydor Period and where receiving important press coverage and performing at large Festivals throughout Europe if they had developed the Material they where working on recorded at Jon Foxx,s Studio The Garden DVA would have become a main stream act,but it was this environment of Fame and ego that created the fractures that resulted in Newton splitting the Group due to the intransigence of certain members.It was in Paris where the New production began that it ended in a blaze with Newton leaving for Amsterdam and the commencement of the period that saw the evolvement and development of The Anti Group to a position of influential precursors in the new music scene. In the beginning the aim of DVA was to break down the boundaries, to experiment with form and content re invent re-evaluate the possibilities to create new forms Newton was driven by a desire primarily as a painter to express that which was unseen as well as that which could be seen, this has always been the central idea , Before work began on Buried Dreams circa 1987 Newton was working within the TAGC project using the first tentative digital computer sampling systems ,experimenting with the possibility’s that this new technology was opening, What interested Newton was the use of sampling atmospheric elements and fusing them with precision and control in order to build and create a tangible feeling and a sonicly precise audio, coupled with occult esoteric philosophy and Alchemy, exploring the darker aspects of the psychological and psychosexual realms of the Human Psyche. Newton was researching and reading a lot of material ranging from DeSade / Bataille / Dr Iwan Bloch / Rabelais, Lautreamont, Artaud ,He was also archiving source material and writing, arranging the lyrical content and vocalization which is vital to the process of creating the feel and essence of the constructed work as this provides the conceptual basis and gives it its content and form. The Hacker refers to ancient arcane systems as well as current day technologies. The Statement Newton wrote prior to the release of Buried Dreams "We envisage a paradoxical marriage between the beautiful and the diseased, occult and technology" Adi Newton ClockDVA Publicity Document 1988. Summarizes what Newton envisaged and researched for Buried Dreams, The very title of Buried Dreams itself relates to the idea of the hidden or unseen, the notion of submerged or sub-conscious desires, which tie into Newtons long time interest in De Sade and his philosophical and anthropological theories

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“ I think that De Sade has been greatly misunderstood and misinterpreted, De Sade never actually advocated sadistic action personally but employed it as a literary devise to extend the dimensions of his philosophical concepts”.What a lot of people miss is the inter relationship & Correlation of ideas within DVA & TAGC and how some of those ideas and experiments cross over into each other one extending or informing the other.The following extracts are taken from various reviews of Buried Dreams an album considered by many as a Masterpiece and influential classic of its era. Clock DVA emerged from the North on the vapor trails of Throbbing Gristle and Cabaret Voltaire, forcing their way past the steel machine dreams of the early Industrial Scene and into the metaphysical, Deleuzian, broken backed psycho-mysticism that eventually saw the Anti-Group. While many of their contemporaries seemed happy to explore and transcribe the sounds of the everyday in all it’s prosaic beauty and scummy splendor, Clock DVA wanted to explore sounds that we hadn’t yet heard, perhaps picking up the gauntlet from Chris Watson’s Cabaret Voltaire defection. Adi Newton went down a slightly different path, one similar to the Hafler Trio but altogether more musical, as if he felt the need to hinder himself within the boundaries of beat in order to expand sideways into the psychophysical exploration of sound. Buried Dreams is their masterpiece. Even the packaging managed to dig up a host of references: Giorgio de Chirico, Marcel Duchamp, the grinning face of John Wayne Gacy, Appollinaire and Walerian Borowczyk... Released at a time when the Rev-Co / Ministry industrial-dance axis was just about full throttle and forcing a New Beat, A Grumh physicality onto the industrial map (thus following the lead of Test Dept and the earlier, more muscular Neubauten), Buried Dreams was marketed in much the same way play it in your industrial nightclubs folks! - but transcended that genre in two ways: firstly by u-turning into the inner realms and the unconscious, leaving the body behind as a passive machine for the mind and, secondly, by forcing a more singular version of the non-linear song form into the arena, so that the album sounded like an album, rather than a collection of floor fillers and tub-thumpers surrounded by putty-faced filler.

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It’s almost a concept album, albeit more Kinks than Yes. And there’s a real attempt to sing, even if the vocals can occasionally weave their way towards Gothic murk. At the time, this seemed like a real shock; us Industrial fans had been used to a few years of shouting and sampled steel smashing ( it was getting on our tits), but we were hardly prepared for singing (a similar shock came with the Nine Inch Nails first album - I remember several grumpy Goth kids staring at it, then at me, trying to work out when the nails bit was going to start). Buried Dreams takes legendary proto-vampire Countess Elizabeth Bathory as it’s starting point, mapping on a Bataille self-destroying angel fixation or two and then mixing in cello rumbles, piano stabs, drones and orgasmic sighs which seem to summon the ghost of de Sade... it’s the most soundtracky of the songs on the album, beat-driven but ponderous, the vocals lying low and growling in the mix... Velvet Realm opens the vocals out a little, taking the fetishism theories of Krafft-Ebing’s psychopathia sexualis as a starting point for a machine clicking, Exorcist-evoking tongue-lick, complete with references to velvet kinkiness and human drains. Sound mirror sounds not unlike The Shamen circa Phorward (always my favorite album of theirs) with drums all over the place, electronic squiggles and spoken word samples diving in and out. There’s more than a little of John dee’s scrying mirror in there somewhere, though this might just be autosuggestion or fatigue. The Hacker rattles along on propulsive drum patters while secret machines try to bust in from the outside like an early Matrix rehearsal. In the light of Aronofsky’s Pi, this makes perfect sense. Clock DVA are bleak, pervy, pataphysical, studious, mystical, portentous and they slightly remind you of the geeky science boy with the popping eyes and the tub of ketamine but somehow they stew all this into music which has been very both innovative (you hear the joins beginning to unravel into glitch electronica) and, they’d hate me for saying this I’m sure, fun.

It's not in any way an exaggeration to say this is perhaps the most important record in my collection. Prior to this, I'd regarded purely electronic music with disdain. Electronic music was banal, a thing purely for dance, cheap, cheesy and without depth, not to be taken seriously. Buried Dreams was an utter revelation. For one thing, the gatefold cover absolutely demanded this work be taken seriously. The album cover was taken from a work by Marcel Duchamp, the striking inside image was a still taken from Walerian Borowczyk's "Doctor Jekyll et le Femmes". Instead of providing a lyric sheet for each track, by way of explanation there was a quote from Camus, or an excerpt from a psychological study. This was electronic music of a form I'd never heard before, or to be honest, ever since. Some of the sounds may have dated slightly in the years since its release, the way electronic music can always be carbon-dated by its particular instrumentation, but its impact has not been dulled. Adi Newton's vocals had always the lead in their bluesier, funk-based earlier material. Never strictly a singer, he'd always held sway by the force of delivery, his rhythm and cadence drove the music forward. Here, Adi's more of a detached, floating narrator, hovering some distance away from the hypnotic arrangements which seem to seep out of the speakers with a glutinous viscosity. The way that sound is constructed is the killer. Nothing is extraneous, there's an efficiency and a pointedness that shows the hand of a genuine artist. The warped feminine wails of the title track, echoing the sexual barbarism of Comtesse Bathory, but also the isolation and fear of her inhuman demise. The mesmeric textures of "Sound Mirror", reflecting the importance of sound in everyday experience. The sharply biting, searing stabs of electricity that compose "The Hacker". It's hard to sum up an album that's had such a profound influence upon my life in just a few words. It provided a major shift in my perceptions, which is surely a quality which only art of the highest quality can achieve. If you want an album to sit down with late at night, shut out all outside influences and just damn well listen to, this is the one to pick.

Clock DVA: jumping beans in the aether. Matthi 71 P - MUSIC WEB SITE review by LOKI

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Clock DVA BURIED DREAMS Wax Trax! "In the information war techniques for the key to open encryption codes must be devised." This excerpt from the inner sleeve dialogues Indicate that ClockDva's inspiration comes from something far outside the boy~meets-girl scenarios most common to contemporary musics. DVA first appeared in 1980 on Throbbing Gristle's Industrial label, and their debut long-player THIRST remains a classic of the dark undercurrent that existed beneath the burgeoning new wave scene. Lead vocalist Adi Newton had gruff, menacing vocal stylings years before Andrew Eldritch or the Young Gods came up. BURIED DREAMS contains versions of the three singles, "The Hacker," "The Act" and "Sound Mirror," Which marked DVA's return to the studio after a five year hiatus, though Newton has been involved with The Anti GROUP . DVA's reliance on sampled and computer generated music effectively illustrates the quote of Jacques Attali used to accompany "Sound Mirror": "Listening to music is listening to all noise, realizing that its appropriation and control is a reflection of power." "Velvet Realm" could be the medical textbook basis for David Lynchs film Blue Velvet, though DVA deliver a score more evocative of desire and tension than anything Angelo Badalamenti has yet unearthed. "The Reign," with its concomitant quote of Albert Camus, resides in a similar milieu. The emphasis on the cerebral is really icing on the cake, for beneath it all, ClockDva program insidious sequences that infect the body as well. Jack Johnston. These are just a few of the reviews of Buried Dreams they give an interpretation to the Ideas and Sound Newton and DVA had developed at that stage. The following text is an extract from a larger piece exploring the Ideas and concepts within Adi Newtons Work and reproduced here in an abridged format the completed text will be published in the near future.

The following is an extract from a series of texts exploring and expanding Adi Newtons ideas on each of the CLOCKDVA albums to date, as a way to end the notion that Clockdva was a collective and to state clearly that the ideas and imagery for all Clockdva material has always been based entirely on Newtons creative direction and input ,in this sense there was no “equality�.The music deriving its foundation from the lyrical ideas and directives. The musicians within DVA where chosen for there virtuosity not for there conceptual input or ideas. A.N. As a conceptual visual artist and writer,the images, emotions, and psychology that is expressed in each piece is the central soul that colors and moulds the medium it employs ,as a director the dream and vision are one. it seemed to me that this would be an interesting and illuminating way in which to state with absolute clarity my position in the apex of the creative process. The Hacker "Nothing is new, everything that exists derives from something else." Before I began work on Buried Dreams circa 1987 I was working within the TAGC project with the first tentative digital computer sampling systems , one of the tracks I was developing was a piece that later Developed into The Hacker which at that stage was entitled Diamond Bullet a reference to Kurtz monologue in Apocalypse Now that was used in the track however this was soon superseded as I felt it was limiting in its context, as what really interested me was the idea of combining the use of sampling atmospheric elements and utilizing them with precision and control in order to Create new sonic possibilities coupled with occult symbolic systems of esoteric philosophy. The Hacker refers to ancient arcane systems as well as current day technologies a way of employing age old concepts within new technological arenas a technique to effect the same result by other means. The Statement I wrote prior to the release of Buried Dreams "We envisage a paradoxical marriage between the beautiful and the diseased, occult and technology" Adi Newton Clockdva Publicity Document 1988. Summarizes what I envisaged for Buried Dreams, The very title itself relates to the idea of the hidden or unseen, the notion of submerged or sub-conscious desires. I think we can only discover what already exists, so really nothing is new we Just develop higher levels of consciousness that can perceive and discover it, truly revelatory and transcendental music has the power to illuminate new possibilities. Extracts from Fear Magazine an interview with Adi Newton by M.Riley.

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Regarding "BURIED DREAMS": The sleeve notes state that this track is based on the life of the Countess Elizabeth Bathory, who could be seen as "De Sade's heroine". Explain your interest in her life ( and that of De Sade). I think the first thing that I felt about her was the overwhelming will of her desires to live out her existence beyond any restrictions, morally or physically. Although she was in a prime position to do so I don't believe this necessitated her ambitions only strengthened it. In effect she was in reality De Sades embodiment. De Sade was in truth influenced by her, and read extensively about her life, she lived out what De Sade theorized. Two of his most famous novels, Justine Ou Les Malheurs de la Vertu (1788) and Juliette Ou Les Prosperites du Vice (1797) are based on anti-heroines and in this respect he was one of the first to place a woman in a predominate sexual role. It is quite interesting to note that quite recently De Sade has been accepted in french academies as part of philosophical studies, having been banned and denied his status for 170 years or thereabouts. De Sade is also the first existential philosopher. This can be seen clearly in his Dialogue Entre un Pretre et us Moribund(1782) And there can be little doubt on his influence on the surrealist movement. Appolinaire re-published and brought about a new awareness and appraisal of De Sade very early on in the beginnings of the surrealist movement. Coincidentally it was also Appollinaire who coined the term surreality. I think that De Sade was greatly misunderstood by most people, De Sade never actually advocated sadistic action but employed it as a literary devise to extend the dimensions of his philosophical concepts. THE UNSEEN". A strong text accompanies an atmospheric track reminiscent of the film "THE THING" and even H.P. Lovecraft's "AT THE MOUNTINGS OF MADNESS". Are you influenced by any particular books or films within the horror genre? I think the whole area of horror/fantasy is an influence, so many symbols and meanings are attributed to this genre. Classic themes that seem to permeate right through to modern theories. Frankenstein for instance is concerned with mans quest to create himself, we can see this in genetic and cybernetic engineering, likewise, Stevenson's Jekyll and Hyde could be seen in the light of right/ left brain experiments, Freuds ego/id etc. Sexuality also within the context of horror is a very large subject recently explored in the publication "The Dark Romance" (sex and death in the horror film) and particularly in

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Valerian Borowczyk's "Doctor Jekyll et les Femmes", where the full sexuality of Hyde is unleashed in a series of psycho-sexual murders, perpetrated against men, women and children. This particular film is probably the finest example of pure derangement of the senses, and so is a fulfilment of the De-Sadian surrealist raison d'etre. I think it is difficult and also dangerous to categorise works such as Stephan Mallarme's 'Igutar' or Lautreamonts 'Chants de Maldoror' or J.K. Huysmans 'La-Bas' , merely as horror, when really they encompass diverse and complex symbolic metaphysics. I have always felt a great affinity to this area from an early age. I can remember being interested in any film within this category. Films like Robert Wise's 'The Haunting' were very influential upon me at an early age, this particular films contains strong psychological, as well as visual and sonic effects that create an intense atmosphere within the story, which is based upon a professor of parapsychology M.R. “Don Gordon of NUMB told me that he considers European bands, such as yourself, making industrial music, to have a much greater intellectual content within their works. Do you agree? I see you mention RABELAES, LAUTREAMONT, EINSTEIN and BALLARD in your sleeve notes. Do these thinkers represent an "intellectual" influence on your work? “ Is Buried Dreams Industrial Music?. There was mention earlier of being too closed in ones thinking, limiting oneself in one dimensional levels. Rabelais is an early influence, I think a number of things have all been within me and Rabelais got to the marrow of them, one of the first great thinkers and visionaries. Lautreamont I find also to be an unending source of inspiration, the fact that he only wrote two pieces, one for the exploration of extreme sensations and one against in the form of 'Poesies' (1868) and his mysterious death/life leads one to a mystery that is always fascinating. Einstein and Ballard on the opposite end, yet represent extremes again in thought. Einsteins magnetic field theory is still very ahead of today's exploration of time travel theorem, in fact Einstein himself deemed the theory too dangerous and abandoned it voluntarily so as not to unleash its power. Ballard's 'Atrocity Exhibition' is I would say, one of the ultimate books, a synthesis of quantum-surrealist occult-pataphysical and psycho-sexual visions/concepts since kraaft-Ebbings 'Psychopathia Sexualis'

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After the Critical success of BURIED DREAMS a planned relocation of DVA to Berlin was put on hold due to responsibilities and Relationships ,However P.A.Browse was to act as emissary in order to negotiate the new contracts with INTERFISCH instead P.A.Browse used the opportunity to create a permanent residence in Berlin for himself and therefor he was removed from the loop- and replaced with former visual technician and long time associate Robert E Baker.Dva Began the production of the album Man-amplified .

Digital Soundtracks Sleeve Notes The Inner Cinema

We are by nature visual thinkers , Living in a sonooptical realm where we are dominated and moulded by , the images and sounds of our inner desires .In Tantric Science There is a Theory Relating to Sound in its broadest sense as a spectrum of frequencies that can re-make and re-model matter. Recently a Swiss Scientist Hans Jenny Has developed specialised Instruments to vibrate sound through various media capturing on CLOCK DVA MAN AMPLIFIED Contempo CONTE1 film the harmonic patterns produced by sound. 82 CDILP 1991 Riding high on technology, DVA release yet another These Photograms of sonology clearly indicate that a theory which is known to be over 2,000. years old seminal piece of work, showing again they have no opens new doors to perception and cognition Even contemporaries. Their sound sculptures have a at the present stage of Technological development clarity, an implicit wholeness that leaves you with our instruments are still inadequate How can we the clear impression that nothing, not one note, measure a scale if we have no idea as to the size not one sound was accidental,wasn’t unintentionand structure of that scale. Information gained by ally placed to achieve maximum effect. Are they musicians, or engineers of sound, of soul? They are intuition over 2,000 years ago without the aid of externalized Mechanics points to the seat of knowlhaunting, uplifting, demanding, its so much more edge the mind. than jus music. Man Amplified is a logical progresIf everything we make is an extension of the mind sion from Buried Dreams, many of the tracks, .then mind and its creation are one. Then anything especially Techno Geist, having an indescribable that can be Thought can exsist .Are our Dreams ethereal quality. There is nothing as harsh as The alternative existences operating on a Hacker, the album is much calmer, exquisitely sewaveband not normally perceived during the waking rene. Though that is not to say you won’t hear this state of Beta Rhythm 13-30 Hz normally dreams album on the dancefloor, Final Program and NYC Overload are cases in point. Yet even in these, with occur during The Theta rhythm 4-7 Hz and reports the near tribal rhythms and pulsating sequences, have indicated that Delta waves 1/4-4 Hz appear the overall feeling is one of tranquillity, perhaps due at the onset of Psi phenomena .But still the exact to Adi’s almost whispered vocals. One after annuro mechanism still remains unseen Nobel Prize other the tracks engulf you and cast you adrift, the winner Nigel Sperry in the lead paper for the lilting piano and the computers joining in unexpectAnnual Review of Neurosciences says " Current edly harmonic symbiosis. Technically perfect, all concepts of the mind-brain relation involve a direct the tracks come complete with explanatory notes, break with the long-established materialist and giving us a small insight in what inspires the DVA behaviorist doctrine that has dominated neuroscicollective and how they work; in fact the whole pack- ence for many decades .Instead of renouncing or age reeks of quality, well done Contempo. DVA are ignoring consciousness, the new interpretation a pulsating, throb bing man-machine, silently creat- gives full recognition to the primacy of inner coning a soundtrack for an apocalyptic re-birth. When scious awareness as a causal reality .Once science so many have fallen by the wayside, Clock DVA still modifies its traditional materialist-behaviourist lead. stance and begins to accept in theory and to encompass in practice within its causal domain Paul Toohill .Music from the empty Quarter .1991 the whole world of inner, conscious, subjective experience, then the very nature of science itself is The Album Digital Soundtracks was released in changed." 1993 a instrumental album of soundscapes designed as an intermediate album prior to a main Album release.

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Today VR mind-amplifier designers are bringing about ever tighter connections between human thought processes and computer informationprocessing capabilities. Haptic displays for scientific visualisation that will aid in molecular design. Pharmaceutical and medical imaging are just some of the areas currently being explored. Nuro-chemisrty is also on a threshold of great discoveries, research into psychotropics is revealing new insights into the functions. and the chemical structure of the brain. As current technology develops means to extend the realms of the senses we will see further increases in the ways in which we can experience and visualise our dreams and desires , and the possibilities of extending and of developing the spectrum of perception in both a human and machine based context. The central core within cybernetics is evolvement. The Inner Cinema is the seat that gives rise to the visions that become the realities of tomorrow, what shapes this process and how is still beyond our present state , What is emerging are glimpses into the Mysteries that have been ascribe to the workings of sacred systems of religion. Sound like vision is form In the time to come it will be possible to translate these forms into new areas that are presently revealing themselves. Adi Newton 1993. After the release of Digital Soundtracks Newton and Baker encountered numerous problems with the working relationship with Dean Dennis, Bass / synth so it was decided that it would be better for Dennis to accept a mutual separation from DVA operations Newton & Baker continued as a Duo it was during this period Newton increasingly spent more time in Florence, Italy ,after the release of SIGN Newton left the UK to reside in Italy and to Direct operations solely by himself. After the unfortunate demise of Contempo Newton Allied himself with former Contempo A & R associates to form the Independent Label & Distribution Company Audioglobe Newton,s long time production arm of DVA / TAGC Anterior Research would over a period of 3 years release a number of TAGC albums and a new TAGC album ISO EROTIC CALIBRATION was released on the Italian Label Music Maxima Magnetica it was during this period that

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the DVA BOX collective was released on the German Label Hyperium, after moving to Milan Newton,s planned collaborations where put on hold and Newton returned to the UK Having encountered problems with the M&D label AUDIOGLOBE. Prior to the move to the UK Newton was involved with the complex legal issues surrounding the Rights and Masters to all DVA,s catalog which had been sign to Contempo plus numerous publishing issues after protracted legal dealings and great personnel expense Newton Managed to revert the rights back to Anterior / DVA during this period and a period after this Newton negotiated a Deal with the Italian Independent Label Flying Records, During the main part of 1995 /6 Newton was involved in the pre production of the new DVA Album spending time in Los Angeles in talks with Brian Williams ,and former Tangerine Dream member Paul Haslinger,there was also the potential involvement of Graeme Revel ,Production was put on hold when the Label Flying collapsed leaving Newton with no Label ,Newton then spent several Months in talks with various M&D companies and a number of possible deals where negotiated, a new label based in the UK was also showing great interest but the logistics and time consuming administrative schedule was to intense Newton Decided to take a break from the Music Scene and concentrate on other aspects of Life and Art.In 2008 Adi Newton announced the return of ClockDVA with the news that the Entire Back catalogue of DVA would be re mastered and re package for MUTE Records plus a Box edition with extensive Booklet and a unreleased much anticipated archive Album “HOROLOGY� (see details in discography page.24 )

Photo Phil Wostenholme - Adi Newton DVA/TAGC .

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Clock DVA - Complete Discography Prologue: THE FUTURE ORIGINS OF HOROLOGY


private edition.

1978 "Lomticks of Time" Private Edition MC-60 DVATION 01 [UK]

Personnel Adi Newton Voice Tapes Synthesizer,Treatments Steven J Turner Bass,Treatments ,Rhythm Machine Extreme Frequency Manipulation Experiment Film of our death (intro sequence) Clockverge Oedipus (rex complex) And Then He Plastic Alien Tapes Art meckanics Film of our Death 1978 Dvation studio

Personnel Adi Newton Voice Tapes Synthesizer,Treatments Steven J Turner Bass,Treatments , David J Tyme Guitar ,Treatments 1. Prior To Intercourse 2. Through Latex Mirrors 3. Time Come 4. A vorticists assemblage of cylinders 5 Butcher bacon windowpane 6. The Obscene

1979 Dvation studio

1979 “Sex Works Beyond Entanglement “12 EP Small Wonder Unreleased.

1978 "2nd" Private Edition MC-60 DVATION 02 [UK] Personnel Adi Newton Voice,Tapes,Synthesiser treatments Steven J Turner Bass,Treatments. David J Tyme Guitar ,Treatments Simon E Kemp Synthesiser Electronic Percussion EDGE Mass 1958 MASS LE VIOL OTTO M REEL 1 SOMNAMBULISTS CONSTRUCTIVISTS FEMALE MIRROR Sexual Overture GENITALS & GENESIS (the texture of 2 tape recordings) Soundtrack for the theatre of sexuality

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Side 1 1.14 Coil Throbbing Sweeping Obscene Side 2 7 Day Cycle The Pop Hell Recorded 24/25/03 / 1979 Dvation studio Personnel Adi Newton Voice,Tapes,Synthesiser,treatments Steven J Turner Bass , Treatments David J Tyme (Hammond)Guitar ,Treatments Simon E.Kemp Synthesiser,Electronic Percussion

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1979 “FRAGMENT “ Ltd Edition MC-60 DVATION 03 [UK] No 2 Cage You’re Without Sound Formlessness Prepared Piano Fragment of hysteria Charcot Institute Recorded at WESTERN WORKS produced by Cabaret Voltaire/ DVA. Personnel Adi Newton Voice,Tapes,Violin Steven J Turner Bass, David J Tyme Guitar ,Treatments Simon E Kemp Synthesiser Roger Quail Drums Charlie Collins Saxophones.

Recorded in the same period but Pre to White Souls in Black Suits western works recording session,The Track Brigade was recorded in this session which appeared on Visa Versa pre ABC label Nuetron on the E.P. 1980 The first Fifteen Minutes.A soundtrack for the short film Fragment of Hysteria (Charcot La Salpetrie Institute ) was also recorded along with some other peice by Newton,Turner, the Dvation Studio.

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1980 Northern Industrial Soul ClockDVA release their first official album WHITE SOULS IN BLACK SUITS via an invitation from Throbbing Gristle to be released on their Industrial Records label as a cassette release only. The album itself is a raw pre-amble prior to the Formation of Thirst. Taken from fifteen hours of improvisational sessions a five member version of DVA recorded the sessions via a mobile recording unit. The album was mixed and produced at Cabaret Voltaires Western Works studio. The album includes a tape chance montage sequence in collaboration with Chris Watson. Richard H Kirk and Stephen Mallider & Chris Watson. Engineered and co-produced in collaboration with DVA. WHITE SOULS IN BLACK SUITS Industrial Records IRC31 [MC][UK]Original came with a 10 page A4 Booklet containing Images and Words. Italian Records EX24 [LP][ITAL] (1982 & 1990 re-release) Contempo CONTEDISC 157 [CD][ITAL](1992 re-release) CONTE 157 [LP](1992 re-release)[Limited 1000 Copies] CONTE 157X [LP](color vinyl re-release) CONTAPE 157[MC](1992 re-release)

1. Consent (5:05) 2. Discontentment (1&2) (6:03) 3. Still /Silent (7:22) 4. Non (11:07) 5. Relentless (5:27) 6. Contradict (5:23) 7. Anti-Chance (14:08) 8. Keyboards assemble themselves At Dawn (Soundtrack;) Personnel Adi Newton Stephen J Turner David J. Hammond Roger Quail Charlie Collins

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1981 - 1st DVA achieves its first recording contract with Independent underground Label, Fetish Records and released the seminal album THIRST and the single "4 Hours" both produced by Ken Thomas. It was received with unilateral critical Acclaim and projected Clockdva into a position as one of the cutting edge Groups to emerge from the Industrial New Wave movement. Among the many Outstanding reviews the one by Paul Morley in the NME stands out. "'Thirst' is the first brilliant LP of 1981 and one of the great records of the '80s". THIRST Fetish FR2002 [LP][UK]1981 Sounds Marketing System ,inc SP25-5090 [LP][JAP}1981 DoubleVision DVR019 [LP][UK] (1985 re-release) Contempo CONTEDISC 192[CD][ITAL] (1992 re-release) CONTE 192 [LP](1992 re-release) CONTE 192 [LP](1992 limited edition (colored vinyl) CONTAPE 192 [MC](1992 re-release) Personnel 1981: Adi Newton Steven "Judd" Turner Charlie Collins Roger Quail Paul Widger 1. Uncertain 2. Sensorium 3. White Cell 4. Piano Pain 5. Blue Tone 6. North Loop 7. 4 Hours 8. Moments 9. Impressions Of African Winter *10. 4 Hours (Original Single Mix) *11. Sensorium (Original Single Mix)

CLOCKDVA Began work on new material compositions shortly after Thirst such as, "Remain Remain", "The Opening", "Felt", "Don't listen to Mother", the only versions of which where recorded live and partially appear on the Fetish Album. The last testament was after a number of critically acclaimed performances and intense media interest that Adi Newton and CO founder Steven James "JUD" Turner decided to re-form the group dismissing Collins Quail / Widger in the process and concentrating on a more accessible front in order to widen the appeal of ClockDVA and extend its possible arena beyond the industrial / Independent scene. They recruited Paul Browse on Alto Saxophone and John Valentine Carruthers on guitars. Later that year, tragedy struck with the death of cofounder Stephen James Turner. The rereleased versions of the WHITE SOULS album along with the PASSIONS STILL AFLAME e.p. are dedicated to the memory of "Jud" Turner. A later song, "The Voice That Speaks From Within", contains references concerning the circumstances of his death. ADVANTAGE the album that followed contains numerous references and in particular the track Beautiful Losers is really dedicated to him and the others who have tragically died such as Montgomery Clift, Paulo Passolini Jaques Vache, and so on. 1982 - The Cool Trane After the tragic loss of cofounder JUD S. J .Turner, Adi Newton forms a six piece format of ClockDVA and signs a major recording contract with Polydor Records. Newton also adds more horns to the project including Micheal Ward on flute and sax and himself on trumpet. With the new horns, their sound becomes a kind of avant garde jazz funk New wave electro fusion it also contains the seed of the DVA element which brings a uniqueness to the productions. FILM NOIR American Style DDC 010 LTD BOX MC Contains an article on “Touch of Evil “ By Adi Newton plus the TRACK “ We Cast Tall Shadows”

(*tracks 10 and 11 are only available on the CD re-release and on the bonus 12" #TEMPO 192 that accompanied the limited edition LP version.) "4 HOURS" Fetish FET008 [7"][UK] DoubleVision DVR018 [12"][UK][1985 re-release]

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PASSIONS STILL AFLAME e.p. Polydor POSPX 437 [12"][UK] 1. Sons Of Sons 2. Theme from (I.M.D.) 3. Don't (It's Taboo) 4. Noises In Limbo PASSIONS STILL AFLAME Polydor POSP 437 [7"][UK] 1. Sons Of Sons 2. Theme From (I.M.D.)

1983 - Eternity in Paris Adi Newton travels to Paris to meet Hugh Jones to act as Producer on the new album production ADVANTAGE recorded over a period of time and in numerous studios most notably at SARM Studios in London where final mix Production masters where recorded. The production values stand bold in comparison with previous releases and the material contains a dark atmosphere, at the centre of the works the DVA element is in place.DVA also finish work on an outstanding video for the single entitled "Resistance" in Cooperation with Peter Anderson and Peter Care, the later being the writer and director of JOHNNY YES NO. It was shortly after the recording of the titles "City of Night", "Sister", "Someday" and "The Chase" at John Foxx's studio The Garden and the John Peel session that DVA began a major European Tour.

Personnel 1982: Adi Newton Voice ,Trumpet. Paul Browse Saxophone John Valentine Carruthers Guitar Nick Sanderson Drums Dean Dennis Bass Shaun Ward Fretless Bass

HIGH HOLY DISCO MASS Polydor POSPX 499 [12"][UK] 1. High Holy Disco Mass 2. High Holy Disco Mass (dance macabre) 3. The Voice That Speaks From Within (triumph over will) Part 1 HIGH HOLY DISCO MASS Polydor POSP 499 [7�][UK] 1. High Holy Disco Mass 2. The Voice That Speaks From Within (triumph over will) Part 1 Personnel 1982: Adi Newton Voice Trumpet Paul Browse Saxaphone John Valentine Carruthers GUITAR Nick Sanderson Drums Mick Ward Tenor / Baritone Saxophones Shaun Ward Fretless Bass

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ADVANTAGE Polydor POLS 1082 [LP][UK] POLSC 1082 [MC] Interfisch 01706-08 [LP][GER] (1989 re-release) 01706-10 [CD](1989 re-release) Contempo CON 191[CD][ITAL] (1992 re-release) CONTE 191 [LP](1992 re-release) CONTAPE 191[MC](1992 re-release) 1. Tortured Heroine 2. Beautiful Losers 3. Resistance 4. Eternity In Paris 5. The Secret Life Of The Big Black Suit 6. Breakdown 7. Dark Encounter 8. Poem * 9. Noises In Limbo *10. Black Angel's Death Song *11. Resistance 12" mix *12. Breakdown 12" mix (*tracks 9-12 are only available on the cd re-releases) Personnel Adi Newton Voice / Trumpet /Piano /Organ Paul Browse Saxophones Dean Dennis Bass John Valentine Carruthers Guitar Nick Sanderson Drums / Marimba

ADVANTAGE was to be released on Wax Trax! Records WAXCD7093 but never saw the light of day.

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RESISTANCE” Polydor POSPX 578 [12”][UK] 1. Resistance (remix) 2. The Secret Life Of The Big Black Suit(Instrumental) the suit walks on (size 12) “RESISTANCE” Polydor POSP 578 [7”][UK] 1. Resistance 2. The Secret Life Of The Big Black Suit (Instrumental) the suit walks on (size 7)

1988 - NEU AEGIS ClockDVA triumphantly returns to the music world with a totally new electronic sound void of traditional instruments. The band line up now consists of three members of the Advantage era line up: Adi Newton. Paul Browse, and Dean Dennis, Likened to Kraftwerk’s darker half, the band promotes a cyberpunk “man + machine” philosophy. “ClockDVA have picked up where Kraftwerk left off” --- Alternative Press BURIED DREAMS Interfisch 01717-08 [LP][GER] 01717-26 [CD] Wax Trax! WAX 7094 [LP][US] WAX 7094 [MC] WAXCD 7094 [CD] Contempo CONTEDISC 193 [CD][ITAL] CONTAPE 193 [MC]

BREAKDOWN" e.p. Relativity Records EMC-1206 [12"][US] 1. Breakdown (extended version) 5:47 2. Breakdown (single version) 3:50 3. Beautiful Losers 4:29 4. Black Angels Death Song 3:24 "BREAKDOWN" Polydor POSP 627 [7"][UK] 1. Breakdown 2. Black Angels Death Song "BREAKDOWN" Polydor POSPX 627 [12"][UK] 1. Breakdown (remix) 2. Black Angels Death Song

1983 - Dark Night of the Soul During the European tour and after the Bains Douche performance in Paris where the whole ADVANTAGE project began it abruptly ended, having appeared briefly in the Rolling Stones video “Under the cover of Night” that was being Filmed at the Bains Douche on that day. Newton left that night for Amsterdam after the DVA show to collaborate with an American physicist. During this period in Holland 1984-87 Adi formulates : The Anti Group Communications Project T.A.G.C. Full Details on TAGC can be found in the TAGC BIOGRAPHY/DISCOGRAPHY available for PDF download at theantigroupcommunications/

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1. Buried Dreams (4:01) 2. Hide (4:30) 3. Sound Mirror (5:43) 4. Velvet Realm (6:44) 5. The Unseen (5:19) 6. The Reign (5:26) 7. The Act (5:22) 8. The Hacker (7:23) *9. Connection Machine (5:55) *10. The Sonology Of Sex I (4:23) *11. The Sonology Of Sex II (Le Comtesse De Sang) (3:45) *12. The Hacker (video mix) (3:24) (*tracks 9-12 are only available on the cd versions)


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"THE HACKER" Interfisch 01701-02 [MC][GER] 01701-10 [CD] Contempo TEMPODISC 188 [CD][ITAL][1992 re-release] 1. The Hacker (7:40) 2. The Hacker (Hacked version) (6:40) [only available on CD versions] 3. The Connection Machine (5:50) "THE HACKER" Wax Trax! WAX 068 [12"][US] 1. The Hacker (7:05) 2. The Connection Machine (4:00)

SOUND MIRROR Wax Trax! WAX 9105 [12"][US] WAXCD 9105 [CD][US] Interfisch 01713-02 [MC][GER] 01713-10 [CD][GER] Contempo TEMPODISC 190 [CD][ITAL](1992 re-release) 1. Sound Mirror I Programme 5 (5:43) 2. Sound Mirror II Programme 5 (5:43) 3. The Sonology Of Sex II (Le Comtesse De Sang) Programme 6 (3:45) 4. Hacker (Hacked) Reprogrammed 3 (7:21) [only available on US CD version] SOUND MIRROR" Interfisch 01714-01 [7"][GER](promo)


1. The Sound Mirror 2. The Sonology Of Sex II

THE ACT" Interfisch 01708-02 [MC][GER] 01708-10 [CD] Wax Trax! WAX 9071[12"][US] Contempo TEMPODISC 187[CD][ITAL] 1. The Act (6:26) 2. Sonology Of Sex (4:20) 3. Re/Act (6:26) [this track appears but is not listed on the Wax Trax! Version] 4. Re/Act 2 (6:26) [only available on CD versions]

TRANSITIONAL VOICES [live album] Interfisch Records 01718-02 [MC][GER] 01718-08 [LP] 01718-26 [CD] Contempo CONTEDISC 194 [CD][ITAL] CONTAPE 194 [CD][ITAL] 1. Transitional Voices 2. Sound Mirror 3. Syntactic 4. N.Y.C. Overload 5. Fractal 9 6. Technogeist [Recorded live in Bologna, Italy 15 March 1990] Personnel 1990: Adi Newton Robert E. Baker Dean Dennis

"HACKER/HACKED" Big Sex 01751-02 [MC][GER] 01751-80 [CD] 01751-01 [7"]

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MAN-AMPLIFIED BITSTREAM" Contempo CONTEDISC 182 [CD][ITAL] CONTE 182 [LP][With Booklet] CONTAPE 182 [MC] 1991 1. Man-Amplifiers 2. Techno Geist 3. Axiomatic And Heuristic 4. NYC Overload 5. Transitional Voices 6. Bitstream 7. Fractalize 8. Final Program 9. Dark Attractor 10. Memories Of Sound Adi Newton Sound Designs /Synthesiser Robert E. Baker Programming / Synthesiser Dean Dennis Midi Bass / Synthesiser

Contempo TEMPODISC 183 [CD][ITAL] TEMPO 183 [12"] 1. Bitstream 2. Virtual Flesh 3. Bitstream II 4. Bitstream [H sub 3, O squared] 5. Bitstream III 6. Bitstream [H sub 3, O] 7. Bitstream I (Tracks 4, 5, and 7 are only available on the CD version) Adi Newton Sound Designs /Synthesiser Robert E. Baker Programming / Synthesiser Dean Dennis Midi Bass / Synthesiser Composed /arranged / Produced DVA

Composed /arranged / Produced DVA

FINAL PROGRAM Contempo TEMPODISC 173 [CD][ITAL] TEMPO 173 [12�] 1. Final Program 4:15 2. Final Program (Decoded 1) 5:00 3. Final Program (Decoded 2) 5:00 (Track 3 is only available on the CD version) Adi Newton Sound Designs /Synthesiser Robert E. Baker Programming / Synthesiser Dean Dennis Midi Bass / Synthesiser Composed /arranged / Produced DVA

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Contempo CONTE 217 [CD][ITAL](Also available in Digipak) CONTAPE 217 [MC]

Contempo DUCADISC 172 [BOOK w/CD][ITAL] DISC 172 [BOOK w/7"]

1. The Sensual Engine (6.26) 2. Cycom (4.06) 3. The Presence (4.14) 4. Sound Sweep (5.55) 5. Chemical (6.08) 6. Delta Machines (5.09) 7. Stills of Emotion (5.19) 8. The Inversion (7.13) 9. The Operators (6.46) 10. E-Wave (dedicated to Klaus Kinski) (4.47) 11. Diminishing Point (5.00) 12. Stations of the Mind (6.03)

A 75 page book including a 4 track CD of DVA Tracks from 1978/9. The book contains original art Works, original and prefab album covers, band Photos, and lyrics to all the officially released ClockDVA songs from 1978 through 1990.

Personnel Adi Newton Sound Designs /Synthesiser Robert E. Baker Programming / Synthesiser Dean Dennis Midi Bass / Synthesiser Composed /arranged / Produced DVA

1. 1.23* (1.23) 2. 7 DC (7 Day Cycle) (3:44) 3. Otto M (13:20) 4. Alien Tapes *(3:28) Personnel Adi Newton Voice,Tapes,Synthesiser treatments Steven J Turner Bass,Treatments. David J Tyme Guitar ,Treatments Simon E Kemp Synthesiser Electronic Percussion Except * Adi Newton Voice,Tapes,Synthesiser treatments Steven J Turner Bass,Treatments. All texts Adi Newton Artwork Adi Newton

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1993 - Signals Transmitted


DVA release the last of their full length album to date, SIGN and excellent Video collection Kinetic Engineering. This year also marks the departure of long time member Dean Dennis and a very successful European tour for the band.

Contempo TEMPO 226CDS [CD][ITAL] 1. Eternity (4:38) 2. Ethernity (deep space mix) (4:34) 3. Endless Phase (4:49)

SIGN Contempo CONTE 225CD [CD][ITAL] CONTE 225 [LP] CONTAPE 225 [MC]

Personnel Adi Newton Sound Designs /Synthesiser Robert E. Baker Programming / Synthesiser

1. Signal 2. Voice Recognition Test 3. The Obsession Intensifies 4. Two Souls 5. Re-entry 6. Pool Of Shades 7. Return To Blue 8. Eternity 9. Sign Personnel Adi Newton Sound Designs /Synthesiser Robert E. Baker Programming / Synthesiser

VIRTUAL REALITY HANDBOOK Minus Habens Records MHCD014 [BOOK w/CD][ITAL] Everything you want to know about Virtual Reality Including an unpublished text on teledildonics By Adi Newton. CD features Clock DVA and IT. 1. Virtual Flesh (tele-existence mix) (7:37) VOICE RECOGNITION TEST Contempo TEMPO 224CDS [CD][ITAL] TEMPO 224 [12�]

Adi Newton Sound Designs /Synthesiser Robert E. Baker Programming / Synthesiser Dean Dennis Midi Bass / Synthesiser

1. Voice Recognition Test (5.56) 2. Cypher (5.16) 3. De-Cyphered (5.14) Personnel Adi Newton Sound Designs /Synthesiser Robert E. Baker Programming / Synthesiser

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1. The Hacker 2. Sound Mirror 3. Man-Amplified 4. Axiomatic and Heuristic 5. Fractalize 6. NYC Overload 7. Bitstream 8. Technogeist 9. Final Program 10. Voice Recognition Test Visual Direction Adi Newton Editing / Computer processing Adi Newton / Robert .E.Baker

1994 COLLECTIVE 1 Cleopatra CLEO94822 [CD][US] Sub/Mission CDWHIP003-166700003-2[CD][GER] Hypnobeat/SPV 04632 [CD][GER] Disc 1 1. The Hacker (Viral Version) 2. The Act (Activated) 3. Hacker/Hacked (Operation Sundevil) 4. Soundmirror (Reflected) 5. The Sonology of Sex 2 6. Final Program (Thinking Machine) 7. Bitstream (Teledildonic Version) 8. H.I.T. (Bio) 9. Cybertone (Exoskeleton) 10. Virtual Flesh (Electrosex) 11. Voice Recognition Test (Cognitive) 12. Cypher (Glyph) 13. Eternity (Ballard) 14. Solaris (Mimetoid) COLLECTIVE Hyperium/Sub-Mission 391010629 [CDBOX][GER] Disc 2 1. The Hacker (Videomix)(3:24) 2. The Hacker (Hacked Version)(7:23) 3. Re/Act (5:22) 4. Hacker/Hacked (Reprogrammed 2)(7:18) 5. Hacker/Hacked (Reprogrammed 3)((7:18) 6. Soundmirror 1(5:43) 7. Soundmirror 2 (5:43) 8. Final Program (4:15) 9. Final Program (Decoded)(4:15) 10. Bitstream (Single Version)(5:52) 11. Voice Recognition Test (Single Version)(5:56) 12. De-Cyphered (5:16) 13. Eternity (Single Version)(4:35) Disc 3 1. Soundmirror (Live at Melkweg, Amsterdam - 24/11/93) (5:48) 2. Pool Of Shades (Live at Melkweg, Amsterdam 24/11/93)(7:10) 3. Endless Phase (4:48)

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Compilation / projects / Collaborations BAIN TOTAL 7/45_ Bain Total [LP][FR]1978 1. Otto M 2. 1958


1980: THE FIRST 15 MINUTES Neutron Records NT003 [7"][UK]1979 1. Brigade (gatefold sleeve with free postcard)

SONORA issue 3/92_ Materiali Sonori 12957.0392.3 [MAG w/CD][ITAL]1992 1. H.I.T. (Italian magazine with free CD. Magazine contains interview with Adi Newton ENG /ITL Trans )

HICKS FROM THE STICKS_ Rockburgh Records ROC111 [LP][UK]1980 1. You're Without Sound (produced by Cabaret Voltaire)

ELECTROCITY vol. 1 Ausfahrt 630326[CD][GER]1992 1. Velvet Realm

THE LAST TESTAMENT_ Fetish FR2011 [LP][UK]1983 1. The Opening (Live at the Lyceum 2/81) 2. Remain-Remain (Live at the Lyceum 2/81) INDUSTRIAL RECORDS STORY Illuminated Records JAMS 39 [LP][UK]1984 1. Still/Silent FUTURE SHOCK Thunderbolt THBL 012 [LP][UK]1985 1. You're Without Sound (Produced by Cabaret Voltaire) [1985 re-release of the Hicks From The Sticks comp.] HEURES SANS SOLEIL Les Temps Modernes V:XI [LP][UK]1985 1. The Discussion (The Discussion is falsely credited to Clock DVA on this Compilation. The track is actually a T.A.G.C. Composition.) CONTEMPO=B4ARY '91 Contempo CONTEDISC 199[CD][ITAL]1991 1. The Hacker (live) (3:28) 2. Hide (live) (4:32) 3. Man Amplifiers (live) (5:13) 4. Bitstream (live) 7:58 [All tracks recorded live 13 July 1991 at the Contempo festival in Florence, Italy.]

1. 4 Hours

GARGULA MECANICA: WORLD ELECTROSTATIC ASSEMBLY_ Simbiose Records BIO CD03[CD][PORT]1992 1. Cycom EROTIKA Sub Terranean 084-382226[CD][GER]1994 1. Virtual Flesh ABSOLUTE CONTROL Cri Du Chat Disques CDC0004[LP][BRAS]1993 1. Virtual Flesh WE CAME TO DANCE vol. 2 Sub Terranean 084-38822 [CD][GER]1993 1. Voice Recognition Test THE DIGITAL SPACE BETWEEN Hard Records #HARDEST 07 [CD][DEN]1996 1. Hacked (Reprogrammed 3) (3:43) BLACK BOX Vol. 1 WAX TRAX!/TVT 7221[VID][US]1994 1. The Hacker BLACK BOX Vol. 2 WAX TRAX!/TVT 7222 [VID][US]1994 1. The Sound Mirror BLACK BOX WAX TRAX: THE FIRST 13 YEARS WAX TRAX!/TVT 7227 [CD BOXSET][US]1994 1. The Hacker

21st CENTURY QUAKEMAKERS vol.2 Contempo BBAT005CD [CD][ITAL]1991 1. Hacker (Hacked Reprogrammed III)

1654 THE CAVE I [box w/40 page book and one cd] Hands D001 [CDBOX][GER]1994 1. Solaris llimited edition of 1600 copies)

Contempo - 5 track promo Contempo XCD002C [CD][ITAL]1992 1. NYC Overload

KODEX sampler no. 4 Suhshia Light 11915 [MAG w/CD][GER]1994

NEW WAVE CLUB CLASS X vol. 6_ Antler Subway Records # AS 5100 [CD][BEL]1992 1. 4 Hours (remix) (3:52)

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1. Eternity (live in Amsterdam 24/11/93) 2. Two Souls (live in Amsterdam 24/11/93)

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CRASH: A TRIBUTE TO J.G. BALLARD [CD]1994 1. Pool Of Shades ANNUAL REPORT [CD]1994 1. Solaris CELTIC CIRCLE SAMPLER PART II Celtic Circle CCP014 [2 X CD][GER]1994 1. Eternity (live in Amsterdam 24/11/93) (4:19) SPACE DAZE Cleopatra CLEO79162 [2 X CD][US]1994 1. Eternity MOONRAKER Sub Terranean 085-38942 [2 X CD][GER]1994 1. Voice Recognition Test (remix)(5:57) INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION First Edition Cleopatra VHS-9585-3 [VID][US]1995 1. The Hacker

The Hafler Trio NEGENTROPY Ash International ASH1.6 [LP][UK]1994 (Limited edition of 1000 copies.) (The album is a collaboration between Adi and the Hafler Trio consisting of the deconstruction of piano samples taken from digital recordings made by Adi Newton in Stockholm.

DREAM INJECTION Sub Terranean 089-38382 [2 X CD][GER]1995 1. The Operators (6:44)

The Hafler Trio MASTURBATORIUM Touch Tone1[CD][UK] (A collaboration between Adi, Annie Sprinkle, and the Hafler Trio.)

INDUSTRIAL MADNESS Cleopatra CLEO045 [CDBOX][US]1997 1. Hacker (Hacked)

Lustmord THE MONSTROUS SOUL Side Effects Records DFX14[CD][US]1992

DVA Collaborations: B.E.F. MUSIC FOR STOWAWAYS_ Virgin Records TCV2888 [MC][UK]1978 Virgin Records OVEDC 230 [MC][UK]1980 (re-release) (Adi and Jud compose and record Uptown Apocalypse Synthesiser guitar and bass respectively.)

Haujobb FRAMES: THE REMIX ALBUM Pendragon Records REC-103[CD]1996 1. Eye Over You (7:03:15) [track 11] (Remixed by Adi Newton)

Album Devised composed and produced at the Anterior Research Station By Adi Newton and Brian williams Psychophysicist PSYCHOPHYSICIST Side Effects Records DFX18[CD][US]1996 (A collaboration between Adi Newton and Andrew Mackenzie of the Hafler Trio.)

A compilation CD covering 1981-1993 entitled HOROLOGY was to be released in South America only. Cri Du Chat Disques [CD][BRASIL] But was not issued due to demise of Contempo.

Die Form SILENT ORDER/RE-VERSIONS Hyperium 3910115316 [MCD][GER]1994 1. Silent Order (5:08) (track 3) 2. Silent Order (5:11) (track 7) (Adi remixes two different versions of Silent Order)

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