"Trempel", special issue

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â„– 09 november 2014

№ 09

Ve ni vi , di , vi ci

november 2014

Do you have a dream? What about to become a winner in one of the best beauty contests with amazing awards? Which qualities do you need to become a winner? We have asked this question one elegant lady, Miss Dukascopy 2013 — Atashi Tada!

Atashi, how did you discover the website www.dukascopy.com? I saw advertising of Miss Dukascopy contest on Facebook by accident and firstly didn’t even believe my eyes — the prizedraw was absolutely unbelievable! I thought it was a joke. Therefore I ignored it, but when I noticed this advertising second time, I decided to have a closer look and it turned out to be true! It’s usually professional models who are interested in different beauty pageants and


№ 09 november 2014 what do you do for a living? What do you find insanely entertaining? My main occupation is a project manager ­ I am organizing market research surveys online, working in a very dynamic and challenging environment of London business. Sounds very serious and infinitely boring, but actually it’s quite interesting, especially from psychological point of view working with different clients, sometimes I do have a lot of fun at work. In addition to this I am a singer — that’s what gives me the most essential part of creativity, which I cannot live without! At the moment I am searching for a new band and preparing a live show with my friendsmusicians. Another one of my greatest passions is psychology & psychotherapy. All my life I was reading books of well-known psychotherapists — for me it’s a sort of philosophy. I love to discuss and create various hypotheses about certain things and processes in the world and human nature. You have pretty nice, professional photos. Did you participate in any beauty pageants before Miss Dukascopy? No, I don’t think I will ever be willing to

take part in beauty pageants in its classical term for many reasons. Miss Dukascopy was completely different and this fact was actually the main that attracted me. I don’t like when I am being seen as just another pretty face. As for photo-modelling — it is just one of my hobbies. I like to organize a

photo shoots, meet new photographers, create a character, find a location. On the majority of my photos you can see an idea, make-up and hairstyle mostly done by me. It’s also a great way to find new friends — friendship always starts from the cooperation on something creative. What do you think is necessary to become a winner? Did you have a feeling about this? To win Miss Dukascopy title you need a lot,


№ 09 november 2014 but most of all you need persistency and creativity. Taking part in competition takes a lot of time and efforts — this must be considered from the beginning. I had to give up on a lot of things during the contest to do all the tasks properly, as well as to get enough votes. I wasn’t thinking that I will be a winner — I’m a realist! The only thing I hoped was to get into the top 10 — that’s the main thing I was up to. Final voting day was a working day for me, so when the voting has begun I was going home from work. As there is no internet connection in the tube I couldn’t see what was going on there. Coming out of the tube I got text message from my mum saying: «Olga, you are the first!!!» As it turned out, as soon as the voting has begun, I immediately took the lead position, but there was also another participant, who had just a few points less than me during all voting. It was very stressful! I was nervous so much that could not believe that I won — it was such a surprise! Do you have any bad habits? One of my bad habits is to do everything right. Sometimes I even get annoyed by this, because you cannot always be such a downer! Another bad habit of mine is that I don’t really trust people, although in London it is truly helpful characteristic as you must always be ready for lies and must check everything and everyone very carefully. Please, share your impressions of the


award ceremony. How this win changed your life? The ceremony took place in a luxury 5-star hotel in Geneva — in the same hotel where I was spending that great week for the prize collection. All week we were running around the city to meet all the sponsors and get those prizes, making video reports in each place. It was one crazy busy week, but a lot of fun — I had amazing filming crew — they are such great guys! Time passed quickly and very exciting. At the ceremony I had to do my speech, which brought me a lot of stress. But I did it! Again, bank employees, with whom I spent my time there, were super friendly and helpful at all times, I have never felt lonely there. I also performed a song with a background dance of two hot dancers that were friends of the event organizer. Given that before our performance we had only one rehearsal with them — everything went better than nowhere. In the end they took me away from the stage on their hands! A little later I was also given a wonderful crown and then the guests were taking pictures with me. There were many people and I had a chance to chat with almost everyone in person — we stay in touch with some of them. I also had a quick chat with each sponsor — they all are very nice and friendly people! Especially warm contact was established with the designer of jewellery Ellke Berr, I felt she is my soulmate in some

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kind of way. In overall it was incredibly exciting! As for changes — it gave me a lot of useful contacts and opportunity to see the things from completely different perspective; I developed a lot this year. Are you participating in the competition this year? How do you find the rules of this year contest? This year I am participating more as an observer, sometimes doing the tasks, which I like the most, mainly for myself and to inspire other participants. I had no plans to participate as a regular contestant this year, I am glad to watch the competition from the side. This year the rules are just great — so many opportunities to win some prize in the contest! I think it motivates all — last year we were fighting for the first place only, without any other prizes, that is — you get or all or nothing. It was much more difficult psychologically. I am happy for the evolution

of this contest as I think everything is even more exciting now! Your nickname is Atashi Tada, could you please tell more about it? Once upon a time I was singing in Japanese in duet with my friend, that’s how my nickname was born. It’s already 11 years old and many of my friends actually call me «Atasha» or «Atashi» instead of my real name. I really like it! «Atashi» means feminine «I», «Tada» means «only» — a rather selfish, you might think. But these words combination also has another informal meaning. «Tada» can also be translated as «for free». That’s the philosophy, on the one hand «I» — as a centre of the universe and on the other – «I am for free». My «I» (ego) has always been highly controversial and inconsistent. Ange Farouche, «Trempel»


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