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What’s Poppin’…?!

New D- BOARD!!!

In this issue! New Lt. G! .................... 3 Gov’s Message ........... 4 New D- Board! ............ 5


DCON Recap.............. 6

Caring- Our Way of Life

Key Facts...................... 7 Save the Dates!! ......... 8


M.E.P. ............................ 8

I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Installations .................. 8 Club Hoppin’............... 9 ICON 2012 ................. 10 ELIMINATE ................... 11 Y.O.F ........................... 12

Core Values

Jokes n’ Tips ............... 13

The core values of Key Club International are: * Leadership

Picnic Highlights ........ 13

* Character building * Caring * Inclusiveness

Quote… So long as you have courage and a sense of humor, it is never too late to start life afresh.

Mission statement Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service; build character and develop leadership.

~Freeman Dyson D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 1| May 2012


Greetings the Mighty, Powerful and Electrifying D6!!! I want to use this opportunity to officially introduce myself. My name is Toni- Ann Williams, I am a student of the Immaculate Conception High School Key Club and this year I am equally proud and humbled to say I’ll be serving you as your Lieutenant Governor. I believe that Key Club is no ordinary club, and of all the high school service clubs I know, Key Club is the most inclusive and when we serve, we serve from our hearts. We believe anyone, regardless of age, gender, social status and race can serve, become leaders and change the world! I am very passionate about key Club, hence working with club officers in an make Key Club more vital to its members and Profile Age: 17 Interests: Table Tennis, listening to music (KPOP!), watching Indian and Korean dramas, Origami, Photography, travelling, hanging out with friends. Instrument: Flute, (really want to learn how to play the viola). Favorite colour: NONE!

attracting possible dedicated members is on the my list of top priorities. This year, my main goals are to strengthen the weak clubs in the division, and support all clubs so that none will fall in the middle of the school year. I also aim to increase interaction between the schools in the division, by holding divisional parties, inter club meetings, and other various activities, including a D6 Sports Day! in January, all in the need of creating a more united division. D6 is no doubt the best division in the Jamaica District, so lets why not all work to spread the D6 cheer and prove to everyone why are and always will remain the Undisputed Champions! I am looking forward to working with you all this year, creating new friendships and sharing new experiences together. And as I always say we can achieve nothing without team work, support and cooperation… Yours in Friendship and Service, Lt. G Toni- Ann Williams

My motto for this Key Club Year is: D6 Tun Up!!!: Tun up the service Tun up the vybz Tun up the experience … Tun up the thing!!! Meaning that we are good where we are, but the division could be doing much better, hence the theme challenges all key clubbers, including myself to this year put out our all in order to reach our maximum capabilities. Tun up the service- All clubs will be aiming to excel in this area; doing more projects to benefit the community. D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 1| May 2012

Tun up the vybz- Having more fun- filled activities, to increase unity and positive vibrations within clubs and in the division. Tun up the experience- Make this key club year a wonderful experience not only for members, but, also those who we come in contact with. In doing so, we will fulfill our purpose and effectively encourage more persons to join key club. And finally, Tun up the thing, by striving to always put out that extra effort to do more and do our best in every aspect of out key club and personal life….


Hey D6!

leadership Sigh. I donâ€&#x;t know where to begin, but first I'd like to say, it has been a wonderful year with all of you. I can say that we have all


made friendships and become one big family after all. You gave me some of the most unforgettable moments in my year as Lt.G and I hope you will do the same for your new Lt.G. I leave you all in good


hands, as I am confident that with her passion for Key Club and determination, she will do a good job. I will miss you all, but I will still be here as Governor and pay you guys visits. Continue building your home, school and community whilst carrying on the legacy of The Mighty, Electrifying, and Powerful D6!

Yours in friendship and service, IPLt. G Renisha Daley

D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 1| May 2012


character building

Lieutenant Governors


D1- Shawn Martin

D2- Durene Tavares

D3- Felicia Marshall

~Renisha Daley~

District Secretary Treasurer D4- Chani-Lee Menzie

D5- Natasha Broodie ~Hyekyung Moon~

D6- Toni- Ann Williams

District Web Master

D7- Kristina Largie

A District Board members

~Roshane Robinson~

and Lieutenant

District Bulletin Editor

Governorâ€&#x;s contact sheet will soon be sent out. As well as our official D6 Directory

~Ija Brown~


D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 1| May 2012

What is DCON??! District Convention, or DCON, is an annual get together of Key Clubbers from all over the Jamaica District; where we learn the true meaning of Key Club with inspiring sessions, caucuses, workshops, etc.


his year‟s 27th annual District Convention was held in Moneague, St. Ann. Key Clubbers, just like you, from all over the island, all flocked to this central „Hot Spot‟ for 3 days of fun, food, vibes, and most importantly… socializing. THEME: [B]rining [B]ack [M]ore [S]ervice DATE: April 13th - 15th Day One: - After registration and rooming, convention was kicked off to a heads start with the Opening Night Ceremony and Get Acquainted dance. Day Two: - Everyone was forced out their beds at 5 am to walk a mile around Moneague Teachers‟ College. We later then had the talent, oratorical and Impromptu Essay Contest Elimination which was followed by Enlightening Forums, fun divisional caucuses and the Evening Session with the “Jamaica at its Best” Talent Contest. The day ended with the Governor‟s Fundraising Dance, “A Day in Wonderland”, where person were to dress in various heritage costumes. Day Three: - House of Delegates followed by the closing session with Retiring of old District Board Officers and Installation of the NEW D- BOARD OFFICERS!!!

D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 1| May 2012


Key Facts Common Key Club Acronyms

History of Jamaica Key Club District PCM- Presidents Council Meeting. Held In 1974 the Kiwanis Club of Kingston under the leadership of the President Milton Weller and Chairman Michael Henrique, built the first Key Club in Jamaica, namely “Kingston College Key Club.” In the early 1980’s, the Eastern Canada and Caribbean District Board and Governor were of the opinion that the growth of Key Club in Jamaica made it difficult to manage together with those in Eastern Canada. The Governor visited Jamaica with a proposal to form a Caribbean District. Jamaica made a counter proposal that they would gladly agree to a Jamaica District and accepted the challenge of administering a Jamaica District only. On Saturday October, 1985, an all island Key Club Meeting was held at the Ocho Rios High School. The purpose of which was to establish “Key Club District of Jamaica.” The following resolutions were adopted:  The official name of the district is “Key Club District of Jamaica”  The By- Laws of the District  District Dues, $10.00Ja.  Governor: Andrew Pairman, Meadowbrook High School  Secretary Treasurer: Janet Walker, St. Catherine High School  Administrator: Michael Henrique The meeting concluded the requirement of Kiwanis International. The Jamaica District recognizes the support of DLGE Lloyd Distant, Ryland Grant, all Presidents and club members.

monthly by Lt. G. Presidents, VP’s and secretaries attend and give a report on their club dealing, Lt. G gives important updates and , an d ideas to pitch to the rest of the division are mad here.

DCM- Divisional Council Meeting. These are held monthly by your Lt.G. At meetings, clubs can discuss problems like membership retention with other clubs in the area who may have a solution. Also your Lt.G will be able to provide your with information from your district regarding fundraisers and service projects. Attendance is important so you and your club can receive the most assistance and up to date info possible.

DA- District Administrator.

MRF – Monthly Report Form. These are

Key Club Timeline

the documentation your club has of its projects and fundraisers. Based on MRFs, clubs are recognized for their work at DCON. They are submitted monthly on the 5th by secretaries to your LG, DST and Gov.

1925 First Key Club started in Sacramento, California 1939 Florida held first state convention 1943 International Association of Key Clubs formed


1946 First Canadian club chartered; Key Club magazine created Key Club International formed, Hartley Hall elected president

BLUE- Unwavering character

1977 Females admitted to Key Club International 1998 Key Club International membership reached 200,000

GOLD- Service

2012 Key Club exists in 28 countries, with membership of approximately 260,000.

WHITE- Purity

D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 1| May 2012


Save the dates!

Major Emphasis Program What is a Major Emphasis Program? It is a service program to bring together all Key Club members to focus energies on making an international impact benefiting children. What is the Major Emphasis Program (Service Initiative)? Live to Learn What are the objectives?  Assisting five to nine year olds to overcome learning obstacles.  Enabling these students to be successful and give back to their community. 

What is the Live to Learn Focus? Key Club members are serving primary school children in three areas:  Improving Grades  Giving back  Growing Together


Ideas:      

May is the month of Retiring of all board officers and welcoming in of fresh new board of club officers with new initiatives and drives for building up their Key Club and a dream of their club to be number one! We salute the Old board officers for the year of service, hard work and dedication that they’ve dedicated to they Key Club organization, and ask them for their

continued support. To the new board officers, we wish them all the best: the journey to success is long and narrow, it requires commitment and passion,

  

but at the end of the day, it will be worth it!!! To date, I have done the installations and retiring of old board officers of 6 clubs in D6, the other 6 are still pending…

D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 1| May 2012

Mentoring Tutoring Developing Reading Reading Club Spirit week at a school Set-up a recycling program in a school/community and educate about recycling. Make birthday cards/holiday cards for a retirement community Make Crafts Start a theatre program Staff appreciation

Encourage members to join the Major Emphasis Program District Committee!!! Contact me for more information…


Club Hopping Each monthly we will shine the spotlight on a different club, meet the executive board officers, and key clubbers of the month from each school. We will also see highlights on successful projects and activities put on by clubs in D6 to offer inspiration to other clubs. So if there is something or someone you want to see featured in this section, feel free to contact me and let me know!! :D This month we will be googling my home club… The Pink Prisoners of the ICHS!! WOOT! WOOT! Meet the Officers!!! President “Hi D6!! I’m Luciana Walker and I’m the proud president of the ICHS key club year 2012- 13. I’m lil’, kinda hyperactive, and almost affluent in sign language. To me Key Club means an opportunity, not just for the less fortunate, but also the members. They learn, grow and become well rounded. My aim as president is to put more emphasis on the objectives as I think it’s a perfect guideline…” Vice- President “Hey, I’m Shakiyah Samuals and I’m the hype VP of the wonderful ICHS Key Club! I'm a fun loving crazy chick dats likes to party and go out with frenz.... likes to smile.....”


“Hi! I’m Shakira Mills and I have been a consistent and determined member of the ICHS Key Club for the pass 3 years. Key Club is definitely my home away from home. I am truly in love with service and believe that doing something simple can impact and make a difference in person’s life and lifestyle. I am God- fearing, loving, caring, hardworking, energetic and passionate!” Treasurer “Hi! I’m Mezzan Nembhard. I am a proud Christian and I’m in 9th grade. I see Key Club as my chance to give to the less fortunate and to lend a helping hand; it also helps to develop my leadership skills which will also help in other areas of my life. As Treasurer I am going to keep a good account of the club’s funds and also cooperate with the rest of the board in planning fundraising activities to ensure the club has adequate funds to support its activities!” Bulletin Editor “Hiya! I’m Jonelle Brown, and I’m the newsletters girl!  Firstly, I'd like to say that I definitely love helping people which is the reason why I joined Key Club in the first place. I think every teenager should get involved in Key Club because of what it has to offer: an opportunity to make a difference in someone's life, and a means of bettering yourself through helping others, which is why Key Club means so much to me. I've also met some great friends while participating in my club's activities so no matter what people may say I'll always be glad to be a Key Clubber.”

D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 1| May 2012


International Convention 2012 I’ll definitely be there… How about you??!!

International Convention: Held annually, in July, the purpose of this convention is to elect the International Officers, review accomplishments of the past year, and set policies for the coming year. New programs are announced and national speakers participate. Attendance to ICON is optional, though it is greatly encouraged, and adult advisors are always welcome. …“Unveil the Magic” Key Clubbers from around the globe will gather at Orlando Florida (Disney World!) for this year’s 69th Annual Key Club International Convention. Convention officially starts from July 4th- 8th; however every year the Jamaica District adds a couple days extra as a part of our District Tour, hence will be going up on the 3rd and returning the 9th. International Convention is your chance to meet Key Clubbers from around the world, be wowed by speakers and entertainers, learn D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 1| May 2012

more about how you can make a difference in your community, cheer for the big winners at the recognition session and dance the night away for a great cause. The busy convention schedule (see below) is absolutely packed with exciting activities, workshops and forum.

ICON Schedule Wednesday, July 4 Registration Contests and awards sign up Meet and greet Thursday, July 5 Advisors/administrators breakfast International council Opening session Caucus round 1 Nomination conference Contest judging Charity dance


Friday, July 6 Workshops Service fair Recognition session Saturday, July 7 Workshops House of Delegates Closing session Dance Our convention speakers and entertainers for the year respectively are no other than: ETHAN ZOHN, the 2002 winner of the reality TV show “survivor”, and JUSTIN WILLIAM, a top TV personality and comedic magician in America. ICON is a great way to celebrate the end, and kick start the new key club year… so see you there…!

THE ELIMATE PROJECT: Eliminating maternal/ neonatal tetanus WHAT IF YOU COULD SAVE A BABY’S LIFE? “There is a child out there, just who will never get a chance of having a future…”

In 34 countries around the world, maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) can quickly turn the joy of childbirth into tragedy. MNT kills one baby every nine minutes. Its effects are excruciating — tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. There is little hope of survival. And tetanus kills mothers too. MNT is caused when tetanus spores, found in soil everywhere, come into contact with open cuts during childbirth. The disease strikes the poorest of the poor, the geographically hard to reach and those without health care. Yes! MNT is highly preventable. Just three doses of a 60-cent immunization protect mothers, who then pass on the immunity to their future babies. Together, Kiwanis and UNICEF can stop this disease. UNICEF has helped to successfully eliminate MNT in many countries. But in 34 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America, it still strikes babies and mothers who have little or no access to health care — either because they are poor, live in remote areas or are caught in humanitarian emergencies. More funds and resources are needed to reach all babies and mothers at risk. More than 100 million mothers and their future babies must be immunized. This requires vaccines, syringes, safe storage, transportation, thousands of skilled staff and more. It will take US$110 million — and the dedicated work of UNICEF and every member of the Kiwanis family. It is unacceptable that innocent newborns and their mothers suffer and die from MNT when it can be prevented so easily. This is also an amazing opportunity to reach the poorest, most neglected mothers and babies with lifesaving health care. Developing delivery systems for MNT vaccines will blaze a trail to provide additional desperately needed services to these marginalized families.

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Youth Opportunities Fund

The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. This fund uses earned interest to help Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities. The fund also provides academic scholarships for higher education. The Youth Opportunities Fund is established through a portion of your Key Club International dues and through the purchase of G. Harold Martin Fellowships. YOF grants can help you take action. Look around and identify the things that need to get done in your school, community or world. Key Clubs have applied for grant funds to support many varied service projects. Contact me for more info on applying for a YOF Grant

~ Cool Summer PROJECT IDEAS ~            

Car Wash Beach Clean- ups School Beautification Projects (your own school or others) Community Beautification Projects Old Age Homes/ Elderly Visitations Back to School Treat Painting pedestrian crossings Raising money to assist in paying an elderly/ disabled person‟s Utility Bill. Volunteering at an animal shelter Paying a visit to the children on the Children‟s Ward of a hospital Book Drives: donate the books to schools, children‟s wards, homes, etc. Summer school classes/ Reading programs for primary school aged children.

D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 1| May 2012


Sweet Study Tips

Just For Laughs!

^^ Mad skills!! ^^

Divisional Picnic Highlights!!!

Exams are upon us all, and most if not all of us are can identify with the image. However, accept it or not studying is the KEY to success, and great Key Clubbers are able to balance key club and academics. Getting good exam grades are priority. Here are some cool tips to take the boredom out of studying. 1) Prepare by getting a good night's rest. You are much more likely to find exhaustion a problem if you aren't getting an adequate amount of sleep each night. To reduce the likelihood that you zonk out when you should be hard at work, make your night hours restful ones, planning for eight hours of sleep each night to ensure that you have the stamina necessary to push through a busy day of study or work. 2) Create the perfect atmosphere. Before you start studying, spend some time preparing your environment. Add some lighting to the space if the current lighting is dim, to ensure a lack of light doesn't lead you to tire to quickly. Set the climate control so the space is neither too cold, leaving your shivering, nor too warm, lulling you off to sleep. 3) Make the activity a social one. Quiet and isolated activities often prove more exhausting than ones during which you are communicating with others. To make studying more fun, and by connection less likely to put you to sleep, join with a friend. 4) Keep busy. You are less likely to suffer from boredom if you are busy. Instead of trying to lighten your study load as much as possible, take on a loftier load if you intend to prevent the onset of boredom as, if you are busy, you may find yourself with little time to suffer the ill effects of boredom. 5) Take breaks. Reward yourself for your attentiveness and give your body a chance to rise out of the daze into which you have fallen by taking regular breaks. Make promises to yourself, telling yourself that if you stay focused for an hour or so that you can watch an episode of your favourite TV show. The promise of this much-needed time away from the task at hand may prove tempting enough to keep you focused upon what needs to be done. By following these tips you’ll all walk of the exam room feeling more confident. And be able to enjoy those summer projects more…!

Held on the 19th of May, after the Penwood and Queen’s Joint Installation, the Divisional Picnic was a success. A crowd of approximately 40 persons turned out to support the installation, but stayed for the fun, games, jokes, music and food which followed afterwards. The attendees included not only key clubbers from D6, but also key club members from other divisions, Circle K members, Kiwanis members and parents. For those who missed it, or were not able to attend… don’t be dismayed, there’ll be lots more fun throughout the year; your Lt. G promises 

D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 1| May 2012


“Caring - Our Way of Life”

Check us out at www.keyclub.org

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