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Volume 1 | JULY 2012 Issue 1



Motto Caring- Our Way of Life

In this issue!


Looking Back: July Service Projects.. ........ 3

I pledge, on my honour, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and com-bat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

D6 Motto ...................... 3 DCM Review ............... 4 Key Facts ..................... 5 Save the Dates!! ......... 6 M.E.P. ............................ 6

Core Values

Path 2 Success ............ 7 Our New I.T. ................. 7

The core values of Key Club International are: * Leadership

D6 T- Shirt Design Competition..……..….8

* Character building

D6 Committees..…......8

* Caring

D6 Club Report….……8

* Inclusiveness

ICON 2012 Recap ..... .9 ELIMINATE ................. ..10

Mission statement

Y.O.F ................... ….…11 Fundraising ideas.. ... 11

Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service; build character and develop leadership.

Jokes n’ Tips.............. .12 Reminders .................. 12


D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 3| July 2012


K- Family Service Day #11

D1, D2 and D6 Community Beautification Project

The Kiwanis Service Day #11 was held on July 14 th at the Falmouth Infirmary. Activities done at the infirmary included: presentation of donations collected to the keeper, changing and spreading of the bed linens in the male and female dorms, light cleaning of the exterior of the Infirmary, interaction with the residents living at the Infirmary, a beach clean- up, and social gatherings which included: stops at various restaurants and at the beautiful Falmouth beach. The Service Day was a wonderful opportunity for Kiwanians, Circle- K members and Key Clubbers from across the Jamaica to unite and work together in making a difference and creating a major impact on the lives of our fellow citizens, by working diligently, and thinking generously and hence do our own part to help our nation increase in beauty, fellowship and prosperity on this our 50th year of Independence. Attendees gained 7 hrs, exclusive of donations.

The D1, D2 and D6 Joint Community beautification Project which was held on Sat. July 14th, along the vicinity of the Papine High School was a Phase 2/ revisit of the area cleaned on the Kiwanis One Day. Key Clubbers from the 3 divisions united together in the spirit of service to provide this area with some well needed TLC. Cleaning done included: garbage clean- up, sweeping of roadways, de- weeding, and removal of bush growing along fences, and cleaning of the water canals in the area. The area cleaned spanned from the UTECH’s back gate all the way around to the Jamaica National Children’s Home. The project which was supported by Key Clubbers, Kiwanians and parents alike was a huge success. Following the Community Beautifications was a visit to the Jamaica National Children’s Home. There Key Clubbers relaxed, played games and shared food with the children. The project which began at 10 am and ended at 4 pm allowed attendees to gain 6hrs!

Want to see your club in the

Devon House Garbage Clean- Up th


On July 28 , the Division 6 key clubbers and visitors from other divisions had nd our 2 divisional project at Devon House- a Garbage Clean- up. Key clubbers walked around the Devon House territory, picking up and disposing of garbage in an effort to beautify our community. Attendees gained 1hr from this project. The schools that participated included: Holy Childhood, Merl Grove, Meadowbrook, Immaculate, Andrews, Queens and Pen wood.

Just send me an email on what’s going down and I’ll be sure to include you! Williamstoni31@gmail.com

My motto for this Key Club Year is: D6 Tun Up!!! Tun up the service Tun up the vibes Tun up the experience … Tun up the thing!!! Meaning that we are good where we are, but the division could be doing much better, hence the theme challenges all key clubbers, including myself to this year put out our all in order to reach our maximum capabilities.

Tun up the vibes- Having more fun- filled activities, to increase unity and positive vibrations within clubs and in the division. Tun up the experience- Make this key club year a wonderful experience not only for members, but, also those who we come in contact with. In doing so, we will fulfil our purpose and effectively encourage more persons to join key club. And finally, Tun up the thing, by striving to always put out that extra effort to do more and do our best in every aspect of out key club and personal life….

Tun up the service- All clubs will be aiming to excel in this area; doing more projects to benefit the community. D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 3| July 2012


Divisional Council Meeting Report Location: Devon House

Date: July 28th, 2012

DCM #: 1

Clubs in Attendance: Immaculate High, St. Andrews High, Pen wood High, Holy Childhood High, Queens High, Meadowbrook and Merl Grove High. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 10:30 am by Lt. G Toni


National Anthem, Invocation, and Pledge was led be Sec. Shakira Mills,


Sec. Joelle Blake and BE Jonelle Bowen respectively. Welcome: Guests each introduced themselves. Ice Breaker: Flying Dutchman and Mine Fields. Updates: Training Conference and DCM August 17th, 3rd Divisional Project August 24th. Clubs should collect donations from all members whether they are attending or not. This year we will have divisional socials, projects &


fundraising committees, 1 rep. from each club should join each committee. Discussions: DCM Explanation, Divisional Directory, Divisional Questionnaire, Divisional & club T- Shirts, Divisional Mascot and cheers, who a true Key Clubber is and how to correctly fill out a MRF to receive maximum marks. Divisional Problems: Not receiving club Newsletters, late, incorrectly filled out or not receiving any MRF at all for certain clubs Ideas: Project, Social and Fundraising- Division Should hold a Beach CleanUp followed by a Beach Party. Adjournment: Meeting was terminated at 1: 06 pm by Lt. G Toni. Follow up event: Divisional Project #2- Garbage Clean- up at Devon House and 2 Divisional Fundraisers.

D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 3| July 2012


Character Building

Key Facts Common Key Club Acronyms

The Aims and Object of Key Club International are: 

Develop initiative and leadership.

Key Club, like any business organization, has its own

Provide experience in living and working together.

language; its own jargon consists largely of acronyms.

Serve the school and community.

Familiarity with these District and International

Cooperate with the school principal.

Prepare for useful citizenship.

Accept and promote the following ideals:

Give primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than to

“codes” will simplify one’s Key Club experience.

OTC- Officers Training Conferences are sessions held annually by Lt. Gs about club officer positions and running clubs. Attendance of all club officers is MANDATORY!!!

the material values of life. 

Encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.

FA- Faculty Advisors, they ensure all club activities, bylaws and financial records are in keeping with the school’s regulation. Work with other advisors to plan joint school projects to promote school spirit and bring “Key club understanding” to all members of the administration and faculty.

Promote the adoption and application of higher standards in scholarship, sportsmanship, and social contacts.

Develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship.

Provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render unselfish service, and to build better communities.

KA- Kiwanis Advisor ensures clubs are running properly and professionally, keep with the international and district bylaws and that clubs maintain a good relationship with their sponsoring Kiwanis club.

Cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which makes possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, and good will.

Did you know?

KCIBOT- Key Club International Board of Trustees consists of: International President, International Vice-President, and 11 International Trustees (Trustees being assigned to three districts and also assigned to serve on various committees within the board). The International Council is composed of the International Board as well as the District Governor.

Where is the Key Club International office…? Indianapolis, Indiana.

D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 3| July 2012


Save the dates!

Major Emphasis Program What is a Major Emphasis Program? It is a service program to bring together all Key Club members to focus energies on making an international impact benefiting children. What is the Major Emphasis Program (Service Initiative)? Live to Learn What are the objectives?  Assisting five to nine year olds to overcome learning obstacles.  Enabling these students to be successful and give back to their community. 

What is the Live to Learn Focus? Key Club members are serving primary school children in three areas:  Improving Grades  Giving back  Growing Together Ideas:      

All club officers and members are expected to be in attendance at the training conference. Location: Merl Grove. Time: 9:30- 2:30. Dress code: semi- formal.

The August DCM will be following the training conference at

I need suggestions for DCON themes, and our divisional

  


Merl Grove High school on the 17 . It will last from 2:30 – 3:30. mascot!!!

Mentoring Tutoring Developing Reading Reading Club Spirit week at a school Set-up a recycling program in a school/community and educate about recycling. Make birthday cards/holiday cards for a retirement community Make Crafts Start a theatre program Staff appreciation

D6 Project #3 will be a Primary School Beautification Project held at the Bethesda Primary in Llandaway, St. Thomas. All

members and club officers are expected to attend. Check your email for more info on the project and requested donations.

D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 3| July 2012


If you are interested in joining the Major Emphasis Program District Committee, contact me for more information…

Keys to success: Planning & strategizing

Managers merely other people to accomplish a task or get work done; while leaders, however, share a unique vision with people and supply the necessary values and skills to move people to really want to accomplish things; leaders touch people emotionally. Here are some tips to guide you on your journey to becoming a better leader and manager in your club, school and community.

Understand what the core principles of being a leader are. It’s not about power, but rather about installing direction and influencing others to follow that direction.

Do you have the character traits to be a successful leader? If not, can you learn them?

There are different ways of managing people; Develop a leadership style. Know how to use proper coordination between people and technology. As a leader or manager, you’re constantly soaking up information. Know how to properly collect that information.

As you build your machine, know how to maintain it.

Be prepared. Not every disaster will involve nature, but the process of preparation can be the same. Use prevention methods, keeping filth out of not only your trash cans but out of your members as well. Constantly analyze progress. If a bomb does drop, be ready to recover from it and move on.

D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 3| July 2012


Our New International Trustee (IT) Our new International Trustee for the year

This year in an effort to ensure

2k12-13 will be… *cue drum roll*… JACK VIELHAUER!!! The New York District Key

the smooth running and success of the

Clubber and Immediate Past Ogdensburg

division and get members more involved,

Free Academy Club Secretary, was elected

Division 6 will be having 3 divisional

as trustee at ICON 2012. He will serve as a liaison for the Jamaica, Carolinas and

committees. They are: Projects,

Florida District and the Key Club

Fundraising and Social Committee. One

International Board. His goals include:

member from each school is expected to

 To include you and make your experience more exciting!

join each committee, take part in

 To increase communication among clubs, divisions, districts and overall International.

committee meetings and the planning of

 To create educational resources for clubs, divisions and districts as a whole to help guide them as they begin the new service year with the positions they had been elected or appointed to. I want the club levels to be on the same level as the international level. Everyone in Key Club is a leader, and they can't show leadership without knowledge. Everyone, no matter your position in Key Club, you are a leader!

divisional events, represent the views of their club at meetings and relay information from meetings to their club.

Divisional T-shirt Design Competition

The Club Report is a chart which shows which clubs I have noted in my files to have received MRFs and Newsletters for. It is to help motivate clubs to work hard, or continue the good work.

This year the division will be getting well needed Divisional T- Shirts. These will be worn to all divisional events, unless specified, and also to DCON 2013. To decide on a design, we will be holding a T- shirt Design competition, so all you crazy, artistic and creative Key Clubbers out there, please get ready!!! It’s your time to showcase your artistic skills! Info on the necessary requirements and deadline to submit designs will be sent to your club officers, so be on the look out… 

D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 3| July 2012


International Convention 2012 Recap

Key Club International’s 69th International

Key Clubbers got an opportunity to hear their

Convention was held this year in Orlando, Florida. The

candidates for international office speak and ask them

convention which celebrates the end of the Key Club

questions about their plans and test their knowledge

year attracted attention from key clubbers all over the

about Key Club. We also had an opportunity to vote

globe… including Jamaica!

for our future officers.

The Jamaica District Key Clubbers arrived at the Hilton Hotel which all convention attendees were

As a apart of the District Tour, Jamaica District Key Clubber got the opportunity to visit ANIMAL


expected to stay on the 3 . However convention was th

KINGDOM to go on the nature trails, view the animals

kicked off to a exciting start on the 4 . Activities such as

and the different shows and showcases, we event

trading district pins, caucuses, Meet and Greet, the

went on some killer rides!

Eliminate Fundraising Dance, District booth displays,

ICON 2012 was a wonderful experience. It was

Eliminate Dinner, showcasing of the winners of the

awesome to get the chance to see what key club is

award, talent and poster competition, and presentation

like outside of the Jamaica District. These are memoirs

of awards to distinguished district officers and clubs,

which will last a life time. Next year ICON will be held

numerous forums and last but certainly not least

in DC, I encourage all key clubbers to attend, and also

*taking a deep breath* The NEON DANCE! Where sure

our International President has promised to get

to keep Key Clubbers on their feet, and ensured that

Obama to attend, and try attracting attention to the

there was never a dull moment at ICON 2012. At caucus

works of our wonderful organization. I don’t know about you, but I’m already saving to go there…! 

D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 3| July 2012


THE ELIMATE PROJECT: Eliminating maternal/ neonatal tetanus WHAT IF YOU COULD SAVE A BABY’S LIFE? “There is a child out there, just like you, who will never get a chance of having a future…”

In 34 countries around the world, maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) can quickly turn the joy of childbirth into tragedy. MNT kills one baby every nine minutes. Its effects are excruciating — tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. There is little hope of survival. And tetanus kills mothers too. MNT is caused when tetanus spores, found in soil everywhere, come into contact with open cuts during childbirth. The disease strikes the poorest of the poor, the geographically hard to reach and those without health care. Yes! MNT is highly preventable. Just three doses of a 60-cent immunization protect mothers, who then pass on the immunity to their future babies. Together, Kiwanis and UNICEF can stop this disease. UNICEF has helped to successfully eliminate MNT in many countries. But in 34 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America, it still strikes babies and mothers who have little or no access to health care — either because they are poor, live in remote areas or are caught in humanitarian emergencies. More funds and resources are needed to reach all babies and mothers at risk. More than 100 million mothers and their future babies must be immunized. This requires vaccines, syringes, safe storage, transportation, thousands of skilled staff and more. It will take US$110 million — and the dedicated work of UNICEF and every member of the Kiwanis family. It is unacceptable that innocent newborns and their mothers suffer and die from MNT when it can be prevented so easily. This is also an amazing opportunity to reach the poorest, most neglected mothers and babies with lifesaving health care. Developing delivery systems for MNT vaccines will blaze a trail to provide additional desperately needed services to these marginalized families.



D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 3| July 2012


Youth Opportunities Fund

The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. This fund uses earned interest to help Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities. The fund also provides academic scholarships for higher education. The Youth Opportunities Fund is established through a portion of your Key Club International dues and through the purchase of G. Harold Martin Fellowships. YOF grants can help you take action. Look around and identify the things that need to get done in your school, community or world. Key Clubs have applied for grant funds to support many varied service projects. All clubs MUST apply for a YOF Grant. All applications MUST be sent in by Nov. 1st

~ Sizzling summer FUNDRAISING N SOCIAL IDEAS ~ 

Car Wash

Bag Juice & Banana Chips Sale

Bake Sale

Fundraising Party

Donuts n’ Pizza Sale



Movie Nights

Talent Show- sell tickets and refreshments

Biggest Loser Contest


D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 3| July 2012


Healthy Eating Habits

Just For Laughs!

Here are some more don’ts after a meal… 1) Don’t eat fruits immediately- immediately eating fruits causes your stomach to be bloated with air. Eat fruits 1-2 hrs after. 2) Don't drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest. 3) Don't loosen your belt - Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted and blocked. 4) Don’t walk about- Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake. 5) Don't sleep immediately - The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.

Bad ppl ! ^_^


 Secretary’s Club Monthly Report Forms are to be sent in on the 5th of EVERY MONTH your Lt. G, DST, Faculty Advisor, Kiwanis Advisor, DA Navara Dennis, and ADA Karen SinclairLym.  Bulletin Editors are to create MONTLY Club Newsletters and send to your Lt. G on the 5th of EVERY MONTH. Clippings from these will be used in the Divisional Newsletter. Ensure you adhere to the Key Club Graphic Standards. D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 3| July 2012


“Caring - Our Way of Life” Turn up the heat this summer with service…

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