Volume 1 | September 2012 Issue 5
Children, their future, our focus! - Key Club Major Emphasis
Save the dates:
Motto In this issue!
Caring- Our Way of Life
Sept. Review ............…3
D6 Club Report ...…....3
I pledge, on my honour, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and com-bat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.
Key Fact ....................... 4 Reminders .................... 4 Volunteerism….………5
Core Values District Matters..………6
The core values of Key Club International are: * Leadership
Key Club Week. .......... 6
* Character building
Path 2 Success ............ 7
* Caring ELIMINATE................... ..8
* Inclusiveness Y.O.F ........................... ..9
Mission statement District Contacts. .... ..10
Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service; build character and develop leadership.
Lt. G VISITS!!!!! I will be doing all my club visits in the month of October!!! So, please contact me to schedule a visit!
Joke of the month!
D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 4| August 2012
D6 Primary School Beautification Project and DCM:On September 1st, Key Clubbers from D6 made their way down to the Waterford Primary school in Portmore for a day of service. The project was divided on to 4 parts: Collection of donations, presentation of donations and cleaning and painting of a classroom, and a tree planting exercise. The project was well supported by most of the schools in D6. Following the project at Waterford was a DCM which Penwood, Immaculate and St. Andrews High attended. Despite the mosquito attacks the day was a SUCCESS!! D1, D2 and D6 Joint Coastal Clean- Up:On September 15th, Divisions 1, 2 and 6 came together to support the Jamaica Environmental Trust Coastal Clean- Up Day Project at Rocky Fort, Palisadoes Strip. The project was under the International Coastal Clean- up Day. Every year 1000s of gallons of rubbish and sewage are dumped into the sea and rivers and this ends up on our shores. This day allowed Key Clubbers to reflect on how the society’s activities affect our environment and also gave us the opportunity to show some care to our coastlines and have fun and fellowship while doing it!
The Club Report is a chart which shows which clubs I have noted in my files to have received MRFs and Newsletters for. It is to help motivate clubs to work hard, or continue the good work.
D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 4| August 2012
Key Facts The aims and objects of Key Club International are:
Caring Character Building
To develop initiative and leadership. To provide experience in living and working together. To serve the school and community. To cooperate with the school principal. To prepare for useful citizenship. To accept and promote the following ideals: To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life. To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships. To promote the adoption and application of higher standards in scholarship, sportsmanship and social contacts. To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship. To provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render unselfish service, and to build better communities. To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, and good will.
KEY FACT:- Did you know? That our District Project is… The Eliminate Project!!!
D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 4| August 2012
Secretary’s Club Monthly Report Forms are to be sent in on the 5th of EVERY MONTH. Bulletin Editors are to create MONTLY Club Newsletters and send to your Lt. G on the 5th of EVERY MONTH. 4
Why volunteer…??! Key Club places a lot of emphasis on volunteerism, and views it as the means by which young persons within this organization can learn leadership, character building, caring and inclusiveness. Which is all good and well, but do we truly understand what it means to volunteer, and the importance of volunteering. In this article who will look at these in an effort for you to gain greater appreciation for this wonderful organization. What is volunteering? Volunteering is serving the society through one’s own interests, personal skills or learning, which in return produces a feeling of self- worth and respect, instead of money. Some great reasons to volunteer are to: Change the world. Change yourself. Make new friends. Share a talent. Improve your resume.
The impact on the community is one of the better-known benefits of volunteering. Unpaid volunteers are often the glue that holds a community together. Volunteering allows you to connect to your community and make it a better place. However, volunteering is a two-way street, and it can benefit you and your family as much as the cause you choose to help. Dedicating your time as a volunteer helps you make new friends, expand your network, and boost your social skills. Service Opportunities Key Club offers a number of service opportunities, from club to divisional, district and even other Kiwanis family member’s projects. These projects take on a variety of shapes and forms. Key Club also gives its members the opportunity to suggest their own project ideas or be apart of the planning of service projects. These teach Key Clubbers: good organizational skills, time management skills and fosters the development of a positive attitude, which should reflect in academic studies, how we treat and relate to others and how we make us of our day to day life. Remember never to keep the joy and benefits of being in Key Club all to yourself, spread the good news and invite a friend to join Key Club TODAY!!! -By: Lt. G Toni
D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 4| August 2012
DISTRICT MATTERS District Governor’s ProjectJoint Project with the Pacific North West Key Club District entitled, ‘PROJECT EDUCATE’. The project will be in 3 phases: Phase 1- donating computers to & refurbishing classrooms @ Mona Heights Primary. Phase 2- refurbishing a burnt out classroom @ Wake Field Primary. Clubs need to have a book drive for books for grades 1- 6. Phase 3- Not yet confirmed. District Mass Meeting on Nov.2nd, venue not confirmed. District Convention (DCON) – DCON will be on April 5th- 7th @ Moneague Teachers’ College, St. Ann. Early bird cost $7,500; deadline to pay this money is Feb 26th. Late fee is $9.000. You can pay down $3,500 by Feb 26th, and pay the balance by
March 31st to still qualify for early bird. If you do not pay the balance by March 31st, you’ll have to pay the onsite fee of $10,000. THERE MUST BE 1 CHAPERONE FOR EVERY 10 KEY CLUBBERS WHO ATTEND. Next District OfficersThe District Officer positions are: Governor, District Secretary Treasurer (DST), District Bulletin Editor (DBE), District Webmaster (DWM) and divisional Lieutenant Governor’s (Lt. G). Persons who are interested need to contact m Lt. G Toni- Ann for more information on how to apply for a district officer position for the year 2013- 2014. Persons who run must be qualified and be in good standing with the Key Club International and the Jamaica District (meaning that this person must have paid International and District dues).
Key Club Week is usually the first week of November, which is also Kiwanis Family Month. Key Clubs worldwide celebrate Key Club Week. During Key Club Week, clubs are encouraged to grow and to spread the word about Key Club by participating in themed days. This includes inviting friends to meetings, planning special service projects and promoting each club’s activities locally. The week has been designed to become the organization's primary membership drive worldwide with the belief that more members will translate to more service and even greater results in serving the children of the world. This year, Key Club week will last from Monday, Nov. 5thFriday, Nov. 9th. To kick start Key Club Week, our annual District Church Service will be held on Sunday, Nov. 4th, at the Holy Trinity Cathedral opposite Kingston College. This will be followed by our District Rally. The themed days for Key Club Week are: Monday- Show Your K in Every Way Tuesday- Kudos to the Key Players Wednesday- Connect the K’s Thursday- Bring a Friend to KEY CLUB Friday- Your Way *** For the duration of Key Club Week, Please ask your principal to
allow the Key Clubbers to wear Key Club coloured ribbons, K’s, badges, do general devotion, etc.
D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 4| August 2012
Keys to success: Time Management
Managers merely push other people to accomplish a task or get work done; while leaders, however, share a unique vision with people and supply the necessary values and skills to move people to really want to accomplish things; leaders touch people emotionally. Here are some tips to guide you on your journey to becoming a better leader and manager in your club, school and community.
Set Goals! Setting goals will help you focus on getting important things done first. Have an action plan you can use to achieve those goals. Stop procrastinating, and you’re attitude about work will change. Get rid of any and all kinds of distractions while working.
You can’t do it all yourself; know when and how to delegate work.
Keep track of your life by writing things down.
Learn to say no; you’ll save lots of time focusing on the most important tasks.
Just like in college, you can’t party and study at the same time. Try to keep a schedule.
Know your bad habits (and how to break them).
D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 4| August 2012
THE ELIMATE PROJECT: Eliminating maternal/ neonatal tetanus WHAT IF YOU COULD SAVE A BABY’S LIFE? “There is a child out there, just like you, who will never get a chance of having a future…”
In 34 countries around the world, maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) can quickly turn the joy of childbirth into tragedy. MNT kills one baby every nine minutes. Its effects are excruciating — tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. There is little hope of survival. And tetanus kills mothers too. MNT is caused when tetanus spores, found in soil everywhere, come into contact with open cuts during childbirth. The disease strikes the poorest of the poor, the geographically hard to reach and those without health care. Yes! MNT is highly preventable. Just three doses of a 60-cent immunization protect mothers, who then pass on the immunity to their future babies. Together, Kiwanis and UNICEF can stop this disease. UNICEF has helped to successfully eliminate MNT in many countries. But in 34 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America, it still strikes babies and mothers who have little or no access to health care — either because they are poor, live in remote areas or are caught in humanitarian emergencies. More funds and resources are needed to reach all babies and mothers at risk. More than 100 million mothers and their future babies must be immunized. This requires vaccines, syringes, safe storage, transportation, thousands of skilled staff and more. It will take US$110 million — and the dedicated work of UNICEF and every member of the Kiwanis family. It is unacceptable that innocent newborns and their mothers suffer and die from MNT when it can be prevented so easily. This is also an amazing opportunity to reach the poorest, most neglected mothers and babies with lifesaving health care. Developing delivery systems for MNT vaccines will blaze a trail to provide additional desperately needed services to these marginalized families.
D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 4| August 2012
Youth Opportunities Fund
The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. This fund uses earned interest to help Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities. The fund also provides academic scholarships for higher education. The Youth Opportunities Fund is established through a portion of your Key Club International dues and through the purchase of G. Harold Martin Fellowships. YOF grants can help you take action. Look around and identify the things that need to get done in your school, community or world. Key Clubs have applied for grant funds to support many varied service projects. All clubs MUST apply for a YOF Grant. All applications MUST be sent in by Nov. 1st
~ Up coming Divisional Project- Social and Fundraising Party~
Still in planning stage.
Date: NOVEMBER 10th, ending Key Club Week!!!
After our first meeting on the 17th, divisional committee members will be relaying info and gathering suggestions, views, assistance, etc. from their clubs!
At project, both Kiwanis Advisor and Faculty advisor must be present!
If you have suggestions for venue, ideas and can/ you have links that can assist with the projects, please contact your representative divisional committee members.
Money from fundraisers goes towards cutting cost for DCON for all D6 Attendees!
D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 4| August 2012
Who to contact???! Divisional Representative Name: Toni- Ann Williams Position: Division 6 Lieutenant Governor Number: 480- 3622 Email Address: williamstoni31@gmail.com & will.i.ams_tony@hotmail.com District Executives Name: Renisha Daley Position: Governor Number: 405- 7026 Email Address: rdaley.jamd@gmail.com
Name: Hyekyung Moon Position: District Secretary- Treasurer Number: 289- 1849 Email Address: jesse_1005@hotmail.com
Name: Roshane Robinson Position: District Webmaster Number: 445- 6698 Email Address: triple_robinson@hotmail.com
D6 KEY LINK Volume 1 Issue 4| August 2012
Name: Ijah Brown Position: District Bulletin Editor Number: 443- 6062 Email Address: jaja_erica@hotmail.com
“Caring - Our Way of Life” New school year… NEW service opportunities!!!!