English Portfolio 2012

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Ângela Monteiro


2003 2009

INDEX 2003/2004 Drawing II - Architectural Project 2004/2005 Drawing II - Architectural Project 2005/2006 - Architectural Project 2006/2007 - Architectural Project / Design 2007/2008 - Architectural Project / Urban Design 2008/2009 - Architectural Project / Eco-Urbanism / Urban Infrastructures Second Semester of 2009 - Final Presentation Project

BIO Ângela Monteiro (1984) b. Porto, Portugal (2003 - 2010) Integrated Master’s Degree in Architecture by ESAP (esap.pt) (2013 - 2015) Degree in Conservation and Restoration, UCP - Catholic University of Porto (artes.porto.ucp.pt)


Drawing (graphite on paper) : Perspective of “Mercado do Bolhão”, Porto, Portugal

2003 : 2004


Perspective of urban context, Building “Tranquilidade� in Massarelos, Porto, Portugal


Drawing (pen on paper) : Coastline of Leรงa da Palmeira, Porto, Portugal


Drawing (graphite on paper and watercolor). Study of the human body and nude model drawings.

Architectural references: Azuma House, Tadao Ando, 1975, Osaka,Japan mainly about the connection of the two floors through a common open space (the central area and stair case) that defines all the living spaces;

N Project - “Habitáculo” - Idealized location Main concept: to explore and structure the minimum housing space, organizing the basic living functions on a small volume; Cubic volume of 6x6x6m; With the condition that the occupied areas are define in a volume of 189m3, meaning that the exercise contemplates a modulation of volumes and areas inferior to the previous form established. Therefore, the exercise lies on the organization of minimal living functions, seeking the balance between space and volume.

o000005 2003 : 2004

Mario Botta, Bianchi House, 1973, Switzerland how the house connects with the natural context, suggesting a diffusion between interior and exterior;

Architecture I : “Habitáculo” Minimum living space

Top floor - bedroom, sanitary unit, storage area, transition space; Bottom floor - entrance, kitchen, living area, exterior space;

o000006 - in this work it was explored the notion of transition spaces as well as the expansion spaces over the exterior, reveling the fundamental importance of the staircase, as a central piece in all the composition; - staircase reveals it’s importance as an element of aggregation and organization of the minimal house;

Entrance floor plan

First floor plan


Roof floor plan

(Image at right) - Axonometric projection; showing exterior spaces and connection to the volume by using a movable system of doorways that provides an extension of the interior living spaces;


Texture / Modelling line / Internal structure of objects By using modelling line, we seek a greater knowledge of the internal structure of the object. Developing a mesh gained by the use of drawing and using it as a form of “thinking on paper� about the object. This drawing exercise pursuits a morphologic representation of the object, while it is enlightening about itself.

2004 : 2005


Drawing II (graphite and charcoal on paper): Textures : Form modulation: Piece of wood

o000009 Drawing and Model / Idealize object and real object Work exercise composed of 3 phases: - impromptu idealization of an object through drawing; - representation of the object by a model; - subsequent findings between the idealize object and the real; Purpose - to deepen the visual and cognitive relations between the idealize object and the visual reality of the same;

Idealized object / Manual Model / Drawing (graphite and charcoal on paper)

o000010 “Palácio de Cristal” garden : “Miragaia” area and“Alfândega” in Porto , Portugal Drawing II : Paths in Porto (graphite on paper)

Main references : - Japan Pavilion, EXPO 2000 Hannover - Germany; -Walter Bauersfeld, Dyckerhoff § Widmann Planetarium, 1924-25; -Three-dimensional spider web;


Illustration of “Octávia City” Invisible Cities of the author Italo Calvino: “(...) city is a cobweb. There is a cliff in the middle of two steep mountains: the city is situated on the vacuum, connected to the two peaks by ski lifts and chains and catwalks. You walk on wooden sleepers, being careful not to put his foot in between, clinging to the mesh or hemp. Underneath there is nothing for hundreds and hundreds of feet, runs one or another cloud, glimpsed himself below the bottom of the cliff. (...) Suspended over the abyss, the life of the inhabitants of Octavia is less uncertain than in other cities. They know that more than one point the network could.”

Drawing II : ”Invisible Cities” of Italo Calvino: Drawing (collage, graphite and charcoal on paper)


Two houses with a common access / Location : “Lordelo do Ouro�, Porto One of the houses with a larger area design for a freelancer photographer and the other, as a hosting house for youngsters from different cultures; Main concept: interpretation and knowledge of the local architectural language; recognizing a main implantation forms, as well as a strong longitudinal axis in the area;

- parallelism on the project of the common access and central courtyard as a distribution area as an act of solidarity, a concept inherent in the program;


2005 : 2006

Architecture Project II :: Two housing project Definition of the local: - characterless space and disqualified by the imposition of access to a near highway and bridge; - social and housing spaces in the process of disfigurement alongside with the development of the highways infrastructure of the city and also the surrounding houses often turned in private housing spaces;

Top floor


Roof floor

12. 11. 6. 3. 2. 4. 5.

1. 8.




1- Main access 2- Common space 3- Secondary access 4- Kitchen 5- Exterior space / laundry space 6- Stair case 7- Sanitary unit / small storage 8- Work place / studio 9- Living room 10- Exterior space 11- Bedrooms 12- Principal sanitary unit


1. 2. 3. - longitudinal axis used as form of organization adds coherence to the existing 4. network around, the local housing network is structure on the cliff using longitudinal lines they are visual axes which flow into the nearby river; 5. 10.


8. 7.

Access floor

- use of raumplan in areas of living room as a way of strengthen the longitudinal axis in the interior, defining the inner compartments through altimetric differences;

Architectural Project III : Collective Housing and Museum


Collective housing and museum + commercial space + underground parking + Theme Museum Location: Campo 24 de Agosto, Porto Architectural program: T1, T2, T3 and T4, conciliation with Museum; Main concept: interpretation of local architecture as well as the relationship between the volumetric existing forms defining a local network;


2006 : 2007

-proposal of crossing a collective housing volume as a way of enhance public space and suggesting connections with the near public garden; Characterization of the place: fragmented space at various levels resulted in the convergence of many architectural languages and styles; The site is bordered by cohesive sets of different architectural styles, defining it as a focus of aesthetic tension.


Vertical access / platforms defining semi-public space

Theme Museum / central focus of the project T3 housing zone T2 housing zone T1 and T4 housing zone at the east point Additional T3 / T4 housing for an architectural and aesthetic closure of the existing housing block at southeast



- collective hosing block defined within the limits of the existing space, aiming a urban image of unity and consolidation; - rupture of the housing block ( southeast area ) seeking a connection with the near by public space, defining therefore a semi-public space that is inherent with the Museum program; - semi-public space (platforms) that are able to establish a greater relationship with the outside between individual housing and public collective space; - vertical accesses tubes appearing in areas of tension, defining and organizing areas on the crossroads and the ends of the main housing volumes; - internal housing structure with a close relation with the defined exterior trapezoidal volumes, that reveals a geometric base concept to all the collective program, in which the Museum occupies a central space.

2006: 2007


3D Postal : Kirigami Coliseu do Porto, in Porto, Portugal

Based on communication theory and through advances and retreats of paper plans using a bi-dimensional support, there is created the illusion of a three-dimensional object, in this case the “Coliseu do Porto” building; There was used a pedestrian perspective of the building, so that the impact of the verticality is more pronounced, therefore the postal has a visual communication by the collective image on the city. Design III : 3D Postal : Object : “Coliseu do Porto” Image at left: “Coliseu do Porto” of the Architect Cassiano Branco, 1941.

o000018 Living room table : Object proposal Target: Yupie (professional age between 25-35 years) Segmentation: Yupie (professional age between 25-35 years) Estimated budget: 500 - 2000â‚Ź (at 2006/2007) Materials: Laminated bent-plywood and Metal (Slides) Design III : Living room table


- table with multiple features: container (storage) with footrests;

- relevance of the object embodies an aesthetic of curved lines that was an relevant aspect noted in Yuppie market in 2007;

- proposition and basic measures of the tale based on percentiles set and dimensions of the “Modulor” ( in “The Modulor”, 1954 by Le Corbusier), using the model of 0,60 cm, there was a development of a matrix of the piece; - Technology of laminated bent-plywood that determines a single profile modeled and two lateral panels in a semi-circular form; - surface of the table composed by two tops that slide horizontal on metal slides; - Budget: € 300 to 500 ( in 2007) including the cost of molding the plywood, corresponding to a production of 2,000 copies;


Image at left : orthophoto of 2004, Image at right : orthophoto of 1939-40. This exercise has as reference the urban project of demolition of a group of houses in the “Sé” area on Porto (picture on right). This project resulted in a urban disruption between “Almeida Garrett” square and the “Vímara Peres” Avenue. The main purpose was the connection of the bridge “Luis I” and the central area of “Batalha” to the downtown of Porto - the “Aliados” square.

:: Urban Design :: “Avenida da Ponte” Urban Project :: Porto

In: “The Bridge and the Avenue - Urban Contradictions in the Historical Center of Porto”.

2007 : 2008

“(...) reconstruction of the urban network, long-suffering since the ‘50s decade, in favor of the idea of ​​a torn Avenue that now begins to have no sense as structuring traffic axis.”

Main proposal: revitalization of “Sé” area through an architectural structure that integrates the Avenue of “Ponte” in its urban context; Main concept: - study of a structural morphology suggested by the local space that defines a volumetric matrix defining the equipment location and inherent public spaces; - pursuit of a spacial system that emerges through the morphological characteristic of the site, aiming a architectural composition that incorporates the Avenue on the urban environment;


«The “scar” on the other hand, is a” deeper level of construction“ that ”fuses the old with the new”, reconciling them, fusing them without compromise in favor of a unit of context or otherwise. These forms are born this way as a response to the context of urban destruction, but more importantly, in its cut and deform aesthetic complement and take their inspiration from the mutilated buildings. As such they are a celebration of the aesthetic destruction.» in “Anestética of Architecture” by Neil Leach

o000021 N

N Project content

- recovery of the urban context concealing the scar (demolition of several houses back in 1950); - integration of attached streets looking for a unit on the site;

Center for Public Service Store management (small store of the citizen)

- rehabilitation of vacant buildings or in state of ruin aiming a consolidated urban front creating an urban setting;

Museum of History of the city of Porto Cofee place and restaraunt


- structuring a matrix that establishes the main Avenue as a composition of spaces defined by platforms and distinguished altimetric levels;

Volumetric place of the Museum of city

Food Market place ( set of three volumes; replacing the existing market of “S. Sebastião”) Comercial space

- revitalization of traditional shops and city infrastructures that are an incentive to the area of “Sé” and the Avenue;

Tourism information center

Hostel and reconstitution of the tail-end building at “Dão Hugo” street;

2008 : 2009 Architectural project V : Congress Centre

Main concept / premise - “Star ” (as composition structure) - interconnection of dissimilar content areas in terms of functions and dimensions around a common center of distribution of all the proposed components; - the initial “star” form is shaped in the extremities areas depending on the characteristic of the context so that the “star” form arises as a starting point of the spatial structure and subsequently adapts to the morphology environment; - main organization by two-level platforms that acts as circulating levels, connecting vertically the two main public areas, the main entrance and exterior public space; the form has it’s centre in the mains atrium space, that structures the distribution of functions;


Congress Centre and Auditorium / Site: riverside of Massarelos , Porto; Project content: congress hall (4.400m2), auditorium (900m2), restaurant / bar, administrative area, exhibition area, technical spaces, parking (15.000m2); Main morphological characteristics: - valley defined by granite elevations that surrounds the site project, a groundlevel terrain due to successive construction of an industrial nature; - 20m of altimetric difference between the riverside and the highest elevation point where are located towers of housing estate the “Alexio” zone;


access point /20m2

vertical connection/ staircase

multi-purpose area /200m2

vertical connection / elevators

exhibition area /440m2 vertical connection / staircase

technical areas

vertical connection / elevators

parking space /7.800m2

book-shop / library / 500m2 sanitary unit shopping area /500m2 loading / unloading area /580m2 dressing rooms / backstage /100m2


auditorium / stage /390m2 auditorium audience /500m2 lobby / 2.970m2 projection booth /35m2 translation offices /70m2

parking space /7.600m2

congress room /4.800m2

security area auditorium stage /390m2 auditorium /600m2

office of exhibition area /50m2 workshops of the congress hall/113m2 lectures / workshops /230m2 congress storage area /1.060m2 sanitary unit and showers/ 180m2 backup to sport events/200m2

total area 25.445m2

security / access point

technical areas /2.400m2

lobby /2.970m2


circulation / escalators

local house of the XIX century

bar /240m2 kitchen/ 213m2 staff room / 30m2 office of the bar /63m2 sanitary unit showers /60m2 terrace/347m2 dinning room /30m2 kitchen backup area /30m2 offices of the restaurant /63m2 storage / cleaning /60m2


- primary model study

Main topic: Renewal of a fragment of urban public


Location: public space “Paulo Vallada” in “Fernão Magalhães Avenue on Porto; Content: sustainable urban renewal that involves three aspects: environmental, social and economic;

Eco-urbanism V : Requalification of the public space “Paulo Vallada”

- study of strategies in the context of Eco-Urbanism, seeking an integration of the public space in the surrounding residential areas;


2008 : 2009

Urban concept: establishing structures that promote a revival of the site able to promote civic integration as well as establishing a connection with the surrounding public spaces, crating a local green network; - through the extension of public space using platforms that go beyond the limits imposed on the site, the project seeks that the spaces go beyond the limit lines, creating a communication network with the housing context, opposed to the isolated, generic and impersonal space;

- sections and blue-print of the existing public space;

o000027 N

- deconstruction of the marked triangular shape, emerging a set of public spaces that adapt to the terrain, deconstructing the existing space aiming the connection to the adjacent public spaces; - stairs, ramps and slopes establish the extension of public areas, beyond their initial boundaries, it is a set of elements that seek to expand the square through the deformation of the limits; - each intersection of this geometric grid, provide a land use type; green area, stormwater retention, public buildings, bike paths, pedestrian paths, creating a diversity of functions and uses of the public space;

Images that illustrates the natural sourrondings of the scool, the mountain range of “Alvão” to the north and the existing school at west (the central courtyard area in the right). Architectural project with the existent : Expansion of the Secondary School “Camilo Castelo Branco” providing a extension program of the “DEAT” (Department of Technological and Artistic Expression);


Functional Contents: 12 classrooms, an auditorium for 100 seats, sanitary units, expressing architecturally critical view of the existing school, being able to seek for a new school model;

VI : Project with the existing : D.E.A.T. School in “Vila Real”, Portugal

Existing school - it consists in a orthogonal modular system, based on successive phases of extension, which was developed through a monastic constructive system; - the school is defined by an access volume witch structures the modular wings (repetition of class rooms) with a central semi-public courtyard; - the orthogonality and repetition of shapes and visual axis, being able to define the west profile of Vila Real;



Location: historic center of “Vila Real” / Content of the project: connection with the existing school being suggested a place of expansion; the end of the south wing, re-using the rooms located west side;

Main concepts: - enhance of the natural environment in a dynamic form (not static as the existing school establishes); - the proposed volume projects itself over the landscape capturing various images available through the volume twists; - search for a anthropomorphic form resembling a “hand” that emerge as an act of docking, crowding all proposed contents; - auditorium by association to the “hand” appears as the “thumb”, an anchor used as a connecting space between the existing school and the expanding part, defining also semi-public spaces;

- expansion of the artistic classrooms spaces over the exterior, defining common playgrounds and academic spaces, these sub-spaces are visual connected to the central courtyard; defining therefor a system of several exterior school places;


- VOLUME TWISTS AND TENSION SPACES that are defined by trapezoidal forms defining vertical communication places; - the expansion project seeks tension as a form of DIALOGUE WITH THE EXISTING, looking for new premises for school environment;


1st Floor main access vertical comunication/elevators

sanitary unit auditorium class room of the Xarte club

drawing class room office of Arts class room

meeting room / common area vertical communication / staircase


arts and cultural history classroom vertical communication / mezzanine auditorium access visual education classroom teacher’s common area


drawing classroom geometry classroom

2nd Floor

- the expansion proposal seeks to promote dynamism in the school environment, providing interaction with the natural surroundings and the existing school; - the establishing of a volume projection over the west valley has as objective the creation of a new profile in the landscape of Vila Real;


Ă‚ngela Monteiro

2003 2009

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