Marlovian Winter

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marlovian all your news from the community


Front cover designed by Edie Minter, aged 6, from Marlow Church of England Infant School. Winner of the Crowne Plaza Christmas card competition


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contents page 4

Town Council News

page 11

Make a Christmas candle

page 7

Town Councillors

page 12

Remembrance Sunday

page 8

Cycling in Marlow

page 14

News from the church schools

page 9

Veterans Lunch

page 15

Town Mayor’s Charity Dinner

page 10

Royal British Legion

page 15

Cards for Good Causes

page 11

Late Night Shopping

page 19

Marlow Football Club

mayor’s message

On the 11 – 13 November we held our Remembrance celebrations, significant events in Marlow and this year was no exception. At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, 2011, we held a 2 minute silence at the War Memorial, followed on Saturday by our annual Veterans Lunch at Court Garden House, which was very well attended by many ex-servicemen and women. Our Remembrance Day Parade on Sunday, was very moving, and attracted a very large attendance in excess of 4,000 I am told. At all three events we remembered the brave who fought so courageously and with such sacrifice, to secure the freedom we all enjoy today. More details on these events can be found in the following pages. The Marlow Chamber of Trade have organised our now traditional Late Night Shopping event on the evening of 8th December, a longstanding important date in the Marlow calendar. I hope you will all come and join me, when I will be turning on the Christmas lights at 6.30 pm and visiting the shops and stalls to start my Christmas shopping! ‘Carols on the Causeway’ takes place on the 19th December this year, so please join the Town Councillors

and me along with the Town Band to sing all our favourite carols. We will feature our Father Christmas Grotto and will be organising the children’s colouring competition. (The winning entry in the competition will be the Town Council Christmas card the next year). Come along and join us in this lovely start to the Christmas week. As Christmas fast approaches, let us all please take time to remember that there are those who are not so well off, and think about how we can help them in our own individual ways. I wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year and look forward to communicating with you in our next Marlovian edition in March. Jocelyn Towns

Join the Town Mayor, Cllr Jocelyn Towns, Members of Marlow Town Council and staff to sing carols around the Christmas tree to get the festive season started. Father Christmas will be in his grotto from 6.30pm giving out Christmas Chocolates. Children can also post their colouring competition entry. The competition will be sent to all Marlow primary schools



As I approach my first six months in the role of Mayor of Marlow, I reflect on how much I have learnt, and from so many people, and also how much I appreciate how many Marlovians give their time volunteering for our many Clubs and Associations. Your hard work helps to keep this town the vibrant, exciting town that it is. My thanks to all of you for your unending hard work, it is much appreciated.


town council news Town Council News

Town Council Grants

War Graves Commission in Marlow It seemed appropriate that on the launch day of the 2011 Poppy Appeal, the Town Council were visited by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC). The CWGC is an intergovernmental organisation made up of 6 member states whose principal function is to mark, record and maintain the graves, and places of commemoration, of Commonwealth of Nations military service members who died in the two World Wars. They are responsible for war graves not just in Britain but around the world.

Marlow and the surrounding area has a thriving voluntary, social and sporting scene and many have benefited from a grant from the Town Council. The Town Council has a budget of approximately £10,000 to give to local sports clubs, charities and organisations that benefit the locality as well as local support groups. There are criteria that have to be met before a grant can be considered and the Town Council are not permitted by law to give a grant to an individual. The main criterion is that the project or activity has to demonstrate that it benefits the town and/or its residents.

The Town Council’s cemetery has 25 war graves, all of which are maintained by the CWGC. The CWGC have just started to undertake a national project to put planting and borders in war graves where there are 10 or more next to each other. The war graves in Marlow’s cemetery are scattered throughout but there is one part where there are 10 grouped together and which will therefore see the benefits of this project. The work is well underway, and fittingly, should be completed in the week following Remembrance Sunday. Unfortunately, there is not the budget to extend the project to plots comprising 9 or less at the moment. For more information on CWGC visit

Recent awards include a £200 grant to Age UK to support the work they do in assisting elderly people in the town. £250 to the Marlow Museum to aid with their general running costs. Other awards include £450 to Marlow Amateur Association of Football Clubs for the purchase of a new pair of goal posts and £800 to the Marlow Branch of the Royal British Legion to assist with their costs of organising in partnership with the Town Council Marlow’s Remembrance Day commemorations. For further information on applying for a grant please contact the office or visit our website www.marlow-tc. where an application form and guidance notes can be downloaded.

All change Clearance of land adjacent to Hanging Hill The Town Council in partnership with Community Payback has been working hard to clear the triangle shaped parcel of land adjacent to Hanging Hill allotments. This parcel of land is cut off from the main allotment site by a public footpath and had unfortunately become overgrown and untidy. At the time of writing it had taken a couple of days to clear it, and it was still not complete! Anyway, we hope to make use of the land in the near future, with it being turned into a wild garden or possibly more allotments. Whatever happens we will keep you posted.

Free Parking Days in Marlow for Christmas 2011 Marlow Town Council has been working in partnership with Wycombe District Council to bring Marlow shoppers 2 free parking days in the lead up to this Christmas. The two free parking days will be on: Saturday 10th December 2011 & Saturday 17th December 2011. The free parking is all day but only applies to those car parks administered and maintained by Wycombe District Council (WDC): Central, (4 hour max stay still applies) Pound Lane, Institute Road, Dean Street, West Street, Liston Road and Riley Road.


The Town Council recently changed its domain name for both its website and email. The website domain has changed to the shorter, and all email addresses now have the suffix Councillors for the first time now have specific Marlow Town Council email addresses and members of the public are encouraged to contact them on these. A full list of emails for both officers and councillors can be found on page 7.

Advertisement Banners Marlow Town Council has recently taken over the responsibility of administering and erecting advertisement banners across the road in the High Street and Spittal Street. In doing so the Town Council has introduced a new policy which gives priorities to local charities and groups, and introduces an administrative charge, in addition to the charge for erecting the banner. Banners are a great way to advertise your event to the town. Anybody wishing to erect a banner across the road should contact the Town Council directly first to discuss availability, design and cost. The administration charge which excludes the cost of erecting the banner is: Voluntary groups £18 exc VAT, Local Authority/School £36 exc VAT, Business £72 exc VAT For more information including the banner policy and guidelines visit the Town Council website or contact the office directly.

town council news Tweet Us @MarlowTC!

Environmental Improvements!

With the launch of the new domain and email addresses came the launch of Marlow Town Council’s official twitter feed! The Town Council aims to use twitter to update its followers on council news, events, as well as posting links to things like agendas. We will also pass on information from partner organisations such as Thames Valley Police or Wycombe District Council if it is relevant to the town.

The Town council hopes to secure some funding from Wycombe District Council to improve the piece of the land adjacent to the Marlow Donkey Pub on Station Approach. This area has been identified as a key area that requires improvement due to its location near the entrance to the railway station.

Most importantly our followers can use twitter to interact with us and let us know what they think of Marlow, or the Town Council and the services that we offer. We can be found on Twitter under the name @MarlowTC or search Marlow Town Council and then click to follow us. We look forward to hearing from you.

The Town Council undertook some substantial clearance of this land a few years ago, and hopes to further build on this if successful with its funding application with some sort of planting. This would hopefully make it more attractive to residents, visitors and workers alike. If you have any ideas as to what you think we could do to improve this small parcel of land then please get in contact, details of how to are on page 7.

riley park play area Marlow Town Council will soon be taking over the lease on the Children’s Play area in Riley Park, Marlow. Thanks to Sainsbury’s, who have provided £40,000 of funding to secure the future of this facility, the rather aged play area will now be regenerated. The Town Council are well aware of how popular and loved this play area is and held a consultation afternoon on Wednesday 9th November to showcase the proposed play scheme designs. Five play scheme providers were tasked with designing inspirational and innovative designs all of which were on display at St Peter’s Catholic school. As expected a great deal of interest was generated and some 200 adults and children visited the school to view the exciting plans on display. Consultation leaflets were filled in by all who attended and a wealth of positive and constructive comments received. The Town Council also displayed the designs on their website and have received a good level of feedback. All the comments and data from the consultation are being collated and officers will be working closely with the successful play scheme provider. It is hoped that the project will be completed by the summer and a fantastic new play area, chosen by the children, will provide exciting play opportunities for years to come.




marlow town council

responds to major wycombe DC planning consultation Recently the Planning, Environmental and Transportation Committee put forward its views regarding Wycombe District Council’s (WDC) Delivery and Site Allocations Document (DSAD)on behalf of the Town Council. These views were submitted as part of a wider public consultation by WDC on the whole document. Part of the document concentrated on WDC’s plans for the centre of Marlow and proposed policies regarding primary shopping frontages, secondary shopping frontages, Riley Road, Portlands and Liston Road car park. The Town Council supported the proposal with regards to primary shopping frontage (defined as all of the High Street and the majority of West and Spittal Street) that WDC would only accept development which did not result in net loss of A1 frontage length. A1 is retail such as shops, hairdressers, sandwich shops and showrooms. However, the Town Council stated that the protection of A1 units should not be to the detriment of A3 units (restaurants, pubs etc) and disputed the fact that Marlow had a relatively high proportion of these units at 12%. In putting this point forward they cited the fact that Princes Risborough has a similar percentage of A3 units at 10% and stressed the importance of these businesses in welcoming people to the town when the shops were closed. With regards to Riley Road, WDC propose a comprehensive mixed use development primarily for retail use. Within this provision should be made for parking, and the design and appearance of the buildings should reflect the surrounding park and conservation area. The Town Council supports the proposals for Riley Road but highlighted concerns that what has gone on previously will lead to piecemeal development which may be unattractive to developers. WDC has already allocated Portlands for residential use and aspires that 40% of all new bed spaces would

be provided as affordable housing. The Town Council expressed concern as to whether 40% affordable housing would be sustainable given the town centre location. There was also concern about the proposal to consider higher density housing in this development and the potential impact this could have on parking and traffic. Marlow Town Council supported WDC’s policy regarding Liston Road car park, that the site would be allocated for residential development and a decked car park. However, the Council pointed out that decked car parking could go underground which would be preferable as it would reduce the impact on the street scene and the surrounding residential properties. This is only an extract of what the Town Council said. The full version can be downloaded by clicking on the Agendas and Minutes page and following the links to the PET Minutes of the 20th September 2011 on www. The full DSAD document can be downloaded from and following the planning links. Both can be viewed in hard copy at the Town Council’s office during normal open hours.


01628 484024 if you would like a copy

If you wish to include an article in the


please contact Jan Bailey at the Town Council Office on 01628 484024 or 6

contacts Marlow Town Councillors 2011 - 2015 North West Ward Cllr Jeremy Bedford

York House 2 Southview Road Marlow, Bucks SL7 3JP

Tel: 01628 440130 Mob: 07515 384789 Email:

Cllr Ms Suzanne Brown

31 South Place Marlow Bucks SL7 1PY

Tel: 01628 475726 Mob: 07984 929812 Email:

Cllr Philip Ditchfield

12 Gossmore Walk Marlow Bucks SL7 1QZ

Tel: 01628 482648 Email:

Cllr Bob Johnson

The Cottage Henley Road Marlow, Bucks SL7 2DQ

Tel: 01628 891361 Mob: 07831 124271 Email:

Cllr Neil Marshall Wycombe District Councillor

Old Kiln House Marlow Common Marlow, Bucks SL7 2QP

Tel: 01628 475615 Mob: 07940 700 480 Email:

Cllr Ian Wernham

16 Beechingstoke Marlow, Bucks SL7 1JH

Tel: 01628 475286 Email:

Cllr Roger Wilson Wycombe District Councillor

25 Beechtree Avenue Marlow Bottom Bucks SL7 3NH

Tel: 01628 482469 Mob: 07889 305 429

Cllr Tim Avery

1 Claremont Road Marlow, Bucks SL7 1BH


Cllr Roy Cadman

Vine House, 9 Glade Road, Marlow, Bucks SL7 1DZ


Cllr Richard Scott Wycombe District Councillor Bucks County Councillor

Fulshaw Court, Mill Road Marlow, Bucks SL7 1QB

Tel: 01628 488186 Email:

Cllr Kathy Thomson

6 Station Rise Marlow, Bucks SL7 1EH

Tel: 07798 615086 Email:

Cllr Mrs Jocelyn Towns

Riverain, Gossmore Lane Marlow Bucks SL7 1QF

Tel: 01628 477914 Mob: 07715 547251 Email:

South East Ward

Tel: 01628 482299

Stuart Carter – Town Clerk

Katherine Joy – Deputy Clerk

Jan Bailey – PA to Mayor/Town Clerk

Margit Walker – Administrative Officer

Barry Cross – Amenities Supervisor

Peter Harris – Cemetery Superindendent

01628 484024 the



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cycling in marlow Marlow is a great cycling town! You only have to see the hordes of cyclists on a sunny Sunday p a r a d i n g through the town and enjoying its cafes to prove it. You sometimes see more riders than drivers out in the lanes enjoying the peace and beauty of the Chiltern Hills. These are our greatest cycling asset and a fantastic draw for locals and visitors. Growing interest in health and fitness has led to an increase of twowheeled power on our streets. The rise of the MAMIL (Middle Aged Man (or Woman) in Lycra) in the last few years is a well documented phenomenon most of you will know a MAMIL or


even be one yourself! Then there are the daily journeys people are choosing to make by bike to work, school or shops. Rather than automatically using the car people are finding a bike is quicker, healthier and more fun for short hops around town. Marlow has seen the start of its own cycle routes which, together with more safe and secure cycle parking, can only encourage this transition to a more cycle-friendly town. Unfortunately Marlow has not been gifted with any features that could easily be adapted to cyclepath use, such as old railways, canal paths or unused land. The best hope for some significant leisure and commuter routes in the future lies to the east of the town in the gravel pits site. When these become de-commissioned they offer some tremendous opportunities for great family paths and a safe way to access the town centre avoiding the by-pass roundabout. Here at Saddle Safari we enjoy producing our own cycle route books in response to people always asking “where can we ride?” We now have three books available. Visit our store or website. We are always on the lookout for new routes, so if you have a favourite ride then let us know. We are also keen to see any local photos you have of you and your bike for our website. Email Keep an eye out for a Christmas “spot the location” competition on our website. Happy riding! Andy Rackstraw

veterans lunch The annual Veterans Lunch was hosted by Town Mayor, Cllr Jocelyn Towns. Thirty-Six Veterans and their guests were welcomed by the Mayor at Court Garden House. The proceedings commenced with a glass of sherry in the Seymour Room and catching up with old friends as they arrived. The elegant Higginson Room was the setting for the two course lunch of Braised Beef with mushrooms in a Red Wine Sauce followed by a traditional treacle sponge pudding which was well received by everyone! Before the coffee and mints were served, Group Captain Mark Heffron gave the Loyal Toast to Her Majesty the Queen. This was followed by Town Mayor, Cllr Jocelyn Towns making a toast to her guests. As part of her speech she read a poignant poem. She read out the names of Veterans who had passed away during the last year, Mr Basil DiMascio, Mr Peter See, Mr Peter White, Mr Harold Ennis, Mr J Campbell, who was President of the Marlow Branch, Royal British Legion and Mr Brian Simmons, Secretary of the Marlow Branch Royal British Legion until recently. Mrs Mary Simmons, Brian’s widow was attending the lunch and the Mayor extended her condolences to her. Councillors were asked to be upstanding to toast their guests. Mrs Stephanie Thieyre from Marly-leRoi also spoke about the sacrifices made in the two wars. The Reply on Behalf of Guests was made by June Coleridge who until last year was a Town Councillor. Mrs Coleridge gave the assembled guests some insight into how she and many other Wrens were recruited as Code Breakers at Bletchley Park.

pictures courtesy of Marlow Camera Club.

CAMEO CLUB MARLOW VOLUNTEERS NEEDED URGENTLY CAMEO stands for “Come and meet each other” and is intended to provide monthly lunches for the elderly, housebound, disabled and lonely. The Club has been in existence for many years and relies on volunteers to organise and cook lunches for the invited guests which are prepared by a team consisting of a cook and helpers. Transport is also provided for the guests if necessary. CAMEO now urgently needs to find volunteers who are interested in cooking. The club also needs drivers. CAMEO volunteer members pay a small annual subscription and raise money for the lunches by organising coffee mornings, lunches etc. General meetings for volunteer members take place on the second Wednesday of the month in the Garden Room, Liston Hall at 11 a.m.

If anyone is interested in helping with CAMEO in any way at all, kindly telephone Carole Holme on 01628 473577 or Barbara Whitehead on 01628 484937 the



royal british legion What do you think of when someone mentions the Marlow Royal British Legion? Only open to ex-servicemen and women of the First and Second World War, full of OAP’s that want quiet time, not open to the likes of you and me? Well you’d be wrong. Marlow Royal British Legion is open to everyone, from all walks of life, young and old. The first time I went there I was surprised, firstly at how little everything costs but secondly at how many different events and functions they put on; all organised by volunteers. It only costs £10.55 a year to be a member for a woman, less if you are over 60 and the saving you will make on drinks at the club means you can get a taxi home, unbelievable!! As a member you can bring a friend along on occasions too. The run up to Remembrance Day in November is always the busiest time of the year for the Royal British Legion with the famous and well renowned Poppy Appeal in full swing. It should be remembered though that The Poppy Appeal doesn’t solely operate in the weeks running up to Armistice, it operates 52 weeks of the year, every year with the generous help of volunteers, without whom it wouldn’t be possible. The proceeds go towards helping all servicemen and women of the Armed Forces, not just those who served in the 1st and 2nd World War (of course this was the reason for the Royal British Legion being founded) but the money raised is for all soldiers past and present who have served our country, as recently as Iraq and Afghanistan. We hired the hall at Marlow Royal British Legion last year for my 30th birthday bash. Wow, what a fantastic night I had! My friends and family would be welcomed back I’m sure, not just because they were so well behaved, but because between them all they virtually emptied the bar of alcohol. The hall is available for anyone to hire most weekends (if there isn’t already a function on) and they will always try to accommodate for the date you require. The rates are extremely reasonable, and they have a licensed bar, a well equipped kitchen, air conditioning, dance floor and stage etc. The Marlow Royal British Legion is moving forward in these particularly difficult times with new ideas and events to attract new members but also keeping some of the older very popular formats to cater for all. With this in mind the Marlow RBL had its first beer festival over the August bank holiday weekend. It ran over 4 days and was a huge hit. They even had a visit from some very dedicated ale drinkers who cycled all the way from London. A ticket event was held on the Saturday evening to complement the beer festival consisting of a wonderful tribute act and a hot basket meal, with Sunday staged as a family day with a live band playing rock and roll which was extremely popular, a fantastic hot food menu, large tombola, free drinks for children and a bouncy castle. To top it all the sun was out. There was a fantastic selection of ales with ‘Abingdon Bridge’ winning the vote, but it is all down to personal taste and I thought they all tasted very nice! All of this was organised and run by the committee and volunteers of Marlow RBL. Well done all. As it was such a great success there are 3 more beer festivals planned, the first being held over the New Year weekend. It runs from Thursday 29th December to Sunday 1st January 2012, will be indoors and the whole weekend is open to everyone with no admission fees, except the New Year’s Eve Party.


If you are looking for a great way to see in the New Year they have a ticket event open to members and nonmembers with the fantastic live band ‘Cookie & The Blue Jays’ who always get everyone up and dancing. Tickets need to be booked in advance. Another two beer festivals are booked for the May and August bank holiday weekends. In May they plan to have an open day with representatives from the military, and in August there will be live entertainment from ‘The American Legends’ (Elvis, Frank Sinatra & Neil Diamond). Watch this space! In October Marlow RBL had a Country & Western night including live music from the ‘Big River Duo’ and hot food. Fancy dress was optional but there was a prize for the best cowgirl and cowboy and it was fantastic to see so many people turn up dressed the part. If you missed it there is another Country & Western night on the 3rd December featuring ‘The Big River Bandits’, a live 5 piece band with a similar theme open to all. Tickets are available. February sees the brilliant live Beatles tribute act, ‘The Mersey Echoes’ perform for the Valentines event on Saturday 11th. There is so much more planned for next year and with live entertainment most Saturday nights, Bingo on Friday nights, Salsa, Jazz and weekly darts the Marlow Royal British Legion is a great place to socialise and meet new people. Marlow is full of heroes so where better to meet many of them than the Marlow Royal British Legion. For further information on events, hall hire, ticket prices etc. visit the website Lee Wiltshire

late night shopping event MARLOW & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF TRADE AND COMMERCE LATE NIGHT SHOPPING EVENT THURSDAY 8TH DECEMBER 2011 Once again the Marlow Chamber of Trade & Commerce are organising the very successful Late Night Shopping Event, this year one week later than usual on the 8th December. The event will begin at 5.45pm with a procession starting at the top end of the High Street, headed by Father Christmas, followed by animals and shepherds from the Methodist Church Nativity scene and the children from local primary schools. They will make their way down to the Christmas tree for a short carol service (music kindly provided by pupils of Great Marlow School) and the Town Mayor will then switch on the Christmas tree lights. Father Christmas (and his elf helper) will be inviting children to his grotto in the High Street so he has an idea

what they would like for Christmas and if they are very good they can have an early present. Many shops will be open for people to visit and the High Street will be full of stalls, both charity and commercial. We are this year offering a prize (kindly donated by Waitrose) to the stall judged to be the best dressed for Christmas. Plenty to do for everybody so come along and have a family fun evening and start Christmas with us.


Mrs. Jo Braybrooke, 12 Gratton Court, Marlow, Bucks SL7 1UG Tel; 01628 488238 Mobile: 07789175838 e-mail:

christmas candle Items required 2 beeswax sheets (these are available in a variety of colours; choose the most appropriate to match your Christmas theme) Square braided wick Ruler Chopping board Craft knife Instructions 1. Make sure the beeswax sheets are at room temperature as this makes them pliable and easier to roll. 2. Choose 2 different colour beeswax sheets. 3. Put one of the beeswax sheets on a chopping board. With a ruler, measure a right-angle triangle to the size of 20cm x 20cm x 28 cm and cut out with a craft knife. Repeat with the second sheet. 4. Place one sheet on top of the other. 5. Put the wick along one of the shorter sides, 1cm from the edge of the wax sheet and gently fold over the edge to cover the wick. See photo.

6. Fold over again and roll until you get to the end of the wax sheet, make sure the bottom remains straight. If it’s not perfectly straight, you can trim this with your craft knife. 7. Now press down the edge to ensure it does not unravel. 8. Break off a small piece of wax from the sheet (off cuts) and fold around the wick, which is exposed. This will help the candle light more easily. Merry Christmas from Candle by Night www. candlebynight. and if you have any questions, please contact us at contact@ candlebynight. or tel: 07771 851435.



This will make a lovely Christmas candle. They are easy to make and, as you don’t need heat to make them, it’s a nice holiday activity for children as well.


remembrance sunday The sun was shining on Sunday 13th November when the Royal British Legion and Marlow Town Council held the Remembrance Service & Parade at the War Memorial on the Causeway. A staggering number of people attended the service not only those who were taking part, also members of the public. An estimate of over 4,000 people has been put forward. Lt Col Shaun Murphy has had a very difficult few months trying to pick up the arrangements for this event after the sad death of Jim Campbell, former President of the Marlow Branch of Royal British Legion. He and everyone who was involved in the Parade rose to the occasion and it all went very well. John Bustin of All Saints Church, Marlow and Father Michael Turner of St Peters Church took the service. Simon Davie played the Last Post and then Reveille ending the two minute silence. The lament was played by a piper from the Scots Piped Band. Deputy Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire, Lt Col Simon Wilkinson, led the wreath laying on the Memorial followed by the Town Mayor who laid a wreath on behalf of the People of Marlow and Mrs Stephanie Thieyre on behalf of the people of Marly-le-Roi. The Town Mayor, Cllr Jocelyn Towns commenced the reading of the names of the Fallen from the First World War whilst the wreaths were being laid, approximately 40 in total by the Armed Forces, Cadet Forces, and veterans to name just a few. Cadets from the Air Training Corp, Sea Cadets and Army Cadets continued the reading of the names after the Mayor. At the conclusion of the Service, Lt Col Shaun Murphy requested Permission to Dismiss from the Deputy Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire. The Deputy Lieutenant and Dignitaries were escorted to the Saluting Base in the High Street where he took the Salute from the March Past. The Parade then marched back to the British Legion Headquarters in Station Approach for much needed refreshment.


Deputy Mayor, Cllr Suzanne Brown, attended Armistice Day in Marly-le-Roi as guest of the Mayor, Jean-Yves Perrot. The ceremony was attended by approximately 1,200 people and Cllr Brown made a speech in French. She was very nervous as she is not a French speaker but her efforts were most appreciated by those assembled. She laid a wreath on behalf of the people of Marlow. the



news from the church schools sandygate and holy trinity Food and Farming

This term the children have been learning about Food and Farming by visiting a farm, going to the Wednesday Marlow Market and celebrating Harvest Festival.

Harvest Festival was confidently led by a group of Year 2 children who explored different words made from the letters in the word ‘harvest’ such as ‘share’, ‘starve’ and ‘rest’. Each year group contributed by singing and telling stories in unique ways and all was set within a framework of harvest songs and prayers against a backdrop of harvest goods. Every child had contributed a beautifully decorated box full of food goodies. These were then delivered in the afternoon to the elderly in the local area by the Year 2 children. In Year 1 the children have been investigating the sources of food and finding out that most food comes from plants or animals. A visit to Dean Street market and a trip to Collings Hanger Farm in Prestwood provided practical experiences for the children. At the market the children were able to apply their maths skills using coins to pay for the vegetables they bought. The vegetables were then made into some healthy soup. An international dimension was added to the topic when both classes had the opportunity to find out where in the world their favourite food came from. Following the visit to the farm, a Year One child explained, “The farmer told us about the work she does and took us on a tour. We walked through the orchard where apples, pears, plums and cherries grow. We counted 48 cows and saw some Tamworth pigs. It was hard work on the farm but we all had fun and meeting the donkey was a highlight.”

Grand Designs for Holy Trinity School

This term has seen the commencement of a very exciting project at Holy Trinity – the final phase in our on-going expansion scheme. Work started in earnest on the construction of two new classrooms early in the new term and helped by the fantastic September weather, progress has been very rapid indeed. The new classrooms will provide superb new learning environments for two classes who are currently residing in our temporary huts behind the main building. Linked


other under one roof.

to the rest of the school alongside the school hall, the new rooms will give our children and staff state of the art teaching and learning facilities, which will allow all our classes to fully integrate with each

Actually, it’s called a Mini-Excavator, not a digger! The excitement of the work beginning was matched only by the excitement from the children when all manner of building equipment arrived on site. The pupils are having great fun identifying the different machines (and correcting the teachers when they refer to them all as diggers!) Inspired by their recent visit to the Imperial War Museum, Year Six even wanted to stage their own ‘trench’ experience once the initial footings were in place. Unfortunately, the building team were working at such a pace, that the foundations quickly followed thus scuppering their plans! We are now just hoping that the change in weather doesn’t slow progress and that the rooms will be water-tight fairly soon so that the really exciting internal stage can commence. Oh, I feel a Grand Designs moment coming on! Caroline Lock, Deputy Headteacher

Another successful school journey Just a few weeks into the Autumn term, our Year Five pupils thoroughly enjoyed their school journey to Kingswood Residential Centre on the Isle of Wight.

Blessed with amazing weather all week, the children developed their team building skills, challenging themselves and confronting their fears by climbing, abseiling and taking the legendary leap of faith! On their return, they shared their experiences with the rest of the school and their parents and carers in a brilliant sharing assembly. Many thanks to all our hard-working staff who gave up their own time (and sleep!) to accompany and care for the children whilst they were away.

Trinity Harvest supports charities

We are really pleased to announce that after a very successful Harvest Sale (superbly organised by our team of School Ambassadors), we are able to donate over £300 to both local and national charities. A huge thank you to everyone who supported the sale both by providing such wonderful produce and by buying it back!

town mayor’s charity dinner Town Mayor, Cllr Jocelyn Towns announced at her Regatta Reception in June that she had chosen Marlow Sports Club as her charity for the year. Fundraising got off to a good start with donations from her guests totalling over £300. On Sunday September 25th the Mayor hosted a Charity Dinner to raise funds for that charity. The date was chosen to coincide with the Sports Club’s official opening of its doors to the public. The Club enjoyed a fantastic turn out, with many children joining in the tennis, cricket, hockey and football experience. The prestigious Compleat Angler was the chosen venue for the dinner which attracted over 112 guests. The elegant Regency Room looked stunning on the night with candelabra on the tables all adding to the relaxed atmosphere. Speakers at the dinner were Roger Dye, Treasurer and trustee of the club who gave a brief history of the Club and its recent journey to charitable status. He went on to detail the Club’s objectives to further the interests of social welfare for the sports, recreation and other leisure time occupations for Marlow and its residents. The Mayor took part in a question and answer session with David Hillier, a 6th Former at Sir William Borlase School. He explained

the value and benefits of the sports facility from his perspective and that of his fellow students. Local businesses and individuals were extremely generous in donating prizes to be auctioned and raffled at the dinner. Some of these included: a day out in London with friends in a chauffeur driven Bentley, weekend break in Sandbanks at a private residence, a private flight for two over Marlow and chance to learn to fly, a Manchester United signed football and a Saracens rugby shirt to name but a few. There were many generous items included in the raffle as well. All in all the extremely successful evening raised over £6000 with individual donations adding to this fantastic amount. The Mayor would like to thank everyone who contributed prizes and made donations to enable her to raise this significant sum of money. Special thanks to Gaius Wyncoll, General Manager of the Compleat Angler for hosting the Dinner. The fundraising will continue until May for this charity, with collections being taken at the Carols on the Causeway event to be held on 19th December and the Charity Golf Day to be held in April. All information on these events is on our website

cards for good causes ‘Cards for Good Causes’, based at the centre in Institute Road, just off the High Street in Marlow , is a multi charity Christmas card selection with at least 75p in every pound (less VAT) going to twenty five plus charities. Even if you’ve already bought your cards it’s always a good idea to have a spare pack just in case you receive an unexpected one through the door. So, don’t delay, cards are on sale until 23 December. The Information Centre also sells single or packs of Marlow scene Christmas cards. As well as ‘Cards for Good Causes’, this year the Information Centre has produced its very own Marlow 2012 Calendar. It has many lovely views of Marlow which can be used as postcards plus a selection of regional recipes. Marlow Information Centre is also a great place to pick up unique and locally produced gifts from Rebellion beer mugs and chutneys to walking/cycling maps and guides. They not only deal with tourism queries but cover all the services that Wycombe District Council provide from waste collections, including the sale of compostable waste bags, to council tax payments and benefit queries. The only way to see what the Information Centre has to offer is to visit the team. So why not pay them a visit, you may be surprised!

Contact details: Marlow Information Centre, 55A High Street, (shop entrance in Institute Road), Marlow, SL7 1BA. Tel: 01628 483597/481717 Follow us on Twitter: @marlowinfocentre for regular updates. Information Advisor Robert Moody showing a selection of cards on sale at the Information Centre.



If Christmas seems to be approaching rather fast and you’re just beginning to get yourself prepared, the Marlow Information Centre is the place to go and buy Christmas cards with a ‘feel good’ factor.


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Promising Signs for the Autumn Market Marc Goldberg Head of Sales

September has responded with an improving level of activity and demand. The volume of new applicants was up on 2010 and 50 percent above 2008 levels, translating to a six percent increase in year over year net sales. The number of new buyers is increasing at a faster rate than stock, maintaining pressure on purchasers who have identified their preferred property. We now have seven new buyers for every new property on our books. Looking ahead towards the end of 2011 and into 2012, there are encouraging signs for the market. The wider economic turmoil has meant that the Bank of England base rate is expected to stay at 0.5 percent well into 2012. This means that mortgage rates, currently at record low levels, should also remain very competitive for those seeking loans. Frustrated buyers seem to be more accepting of uncertainty as a way of life these days. Many have held back on new purchases over the past couple of years, but households can only delay plans for so long. As a result, expect increasing demand levels into the New Year, helping vendors to achieve a quick sale.

Summer Heat Still in the Lettings Market Lesley Cairns, Head of Lettings

The all time high levels of activity we witnessed over the summer months continued into September. This led to another record performance for the Hamptons International lettings division. Growth in rents remains stable at seven percent year over year, while transaction levels continued to creep up. Rental growth has been supported by strong demand, which is being pushed further out from Central London as budgets become stretched for the best locations. This is supporting our expanding network in Marlow, Farnham, Gerrards Cross, Bath and most recently in Muswell Hill. Over the summer, rising demand was met by increasing stock levels. This trend has now reversed, leaving the


level of available properties only around 20 percent higher than last year. This will continue to put upward pressure on rents. The exception to this has been in the corporate sector, where the economic backdrop has reduced demand for executive property relocations. Early indications in October suggest that there will be little let up in activity overall. With ongoing affordability challenges for first-time buyers unlikely to disappear in the medium term, demand in the rental market looks well supported for some time to come.

Ever thought about short letting your property for a major sporting event? We regularly come across people visiting the UK for a major sporting event looking for a ‘Home away from Home’. If you’re interested in a free market appraisal to Sport-let your home for as little as seven days, then contact us today! Call 020 7963 0614 or register online at www.hamptons.

Successful London and Country Property Auction The second London and Country Property Auction took place on October 26th in the Millennium Hotel in Mayfair, London. The auction proved to be extremely popular, with all seats taken as well as a standing audience. Five lots were sold at a total value of just over £3m, which is a fantastic result for the auctioneers. The most exciting lot of the day was a Hamptons Farnham property, which sparked a furious bidding war and sold for more than £150,000 over guide price. This was a particularly strong result for our vendor clients, as the property sold for significantly more than it would have achieved on the open market. The next auction will take place on 29 March 2012. Call now for more detail of how you can benefit from this style of selling.

Hamptons International urgently requires quality rented accommodation in Marlow and its surrounding villages for a number of high calibre, corporate applicants. Requirements range from two bedroom apartments to country homes for tenants seeking immediate occupation. Whether you have a property to let or are considering moving now or in the near future, please do not hesitate to contact us. 01628 482598





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marlow football club season with League wins and Cups wins, along with the joy of promotion and heartbreak of relegation. At the core of everything we do is the children, who turn up every week to bend it like Beckham wearing the latest fashion of boots and kit all ready to play for their team. The beautiful game allows players from all the schools to mix socially and create new friends which they share their love of football with. Football is very much alive in Marlow and rain or shine you can guarantee somewhere on a park in Marlow a team of young Marlovians are giving their all for the town.

Visit any of our parks across Marlow during the Autumn, Winter or Spring and the chances are you will see a football match being played. Most weekends over 300 boys and girls ranging from Under 7s through to under 16s represent the super blues. Indeed Marlow has a deep football heritage. Back in the 1870s Marlow FC were one of the leading clubs in England reaching the FA Cup Semi Finals in 1882. Alfred Milward who went on to win the First Division with Everton, started his career with Marlow and attended the Sir William Borlase School. More recently the club have enjoyed FA Cup Success playing Tottenham, West Brom and Luton Town in the early nineties. The present day has seen Marlow FC – Youth section grow to become one of the leading clubs in the area. With the FA awarding the club a Charter Status – Community award, the highest youth award demonstrating the club’s commitment towards coaching, child welfare and development. As Marlow FC – Youth grew in size we moved into the Marlow Sports Club and are now a section member fully committed to providing sport to young footballers. The sports club is our base for Mini Soccer, a fun based small sided game designed to improve a young player’s touch and awareness in the early years of football. A typical Saturday and Sunday morning can see over 150 children pass through the gates each day to learn their skills on the fantastic playing surface of the sports club. Our older age groups can be found playing at Great Marlow School and Riley Rec, which provide the more typical 11 a side surfaces. With Foxes Piece and Bisham School provide training facilities. As a community club, you will find Marlow teams across all the leagues competing at various standards and giving their all for Marlow. Indeed our teams enjoy success every the



mayors message

Villa d'Este

2 Chapel Street, Marlow, Bucks 01628 472012/474798

The Finest Italian Cuisine In Elegant Surroundings Family run & established for 25 years Villa d'Este creates an authentic Italian Cuisine from the centre of Italy cooked with freshest ingredients. Our tempting menu includes plenty of fish, fresh pasta and vegetarian options & mouth watering home-made desserts.

2 COURSE LUNCH SPECIALS OFFERED EVERY DAY- £13.50 Private Functions welcome- seating available 70/90

Open 7 days a week Lunch 12.30pm-2.30pm Dinner 7.00pm-10.30pm Our Henley restaurant is the Villa Marina Christmas Parties Still available, Lunch 4 courses £23 per person / Dinner 4 Courses £28 Per Person / Christmas Day Lunch 5 Courses £65 Per Person and New Year Eve 5 Courses £70 Per Person with a Disco.. Party till Late




Villa d’Este Lovers of Italy will know Villa d’Este as the mansion at Tivoli with an awesome renaissance garden full of fountains, nymphs and grottoes. Was it brave to name a little Marlow restaurant after such an iconic beauty spot? Fabio Terrinoni clearly didn’t think so, and 25 years later, a steady stream of loyal clients seem to agree that he’s captured something of the charm of Italy as well as its culinary delights.

spaghetti which regulars from London travel out for when available as they love it so much. The a la carte dinner menu is packed with tempting dishes, from carpacchio to wild boar ham for starters, five authentic pastas, and a variety of mains. We dropped by to try the set lunch menu at £13.50 for two courses. My partner was wowed by chicken livers with wild mushrooms, red wine and garlic for starter; our mains were a sea bass with clams, asparagus and white wine sauce – excellent - and a hearty lamb shank, with an unusually good selection of fresh veg. My second course was the sweet trolley: what a treat to choose from a dozen desserts laid out before you. I chose an Italian Christmas favourite, a chocolate tart packed with chopped walnuts, which was fabulous. Service is friendly and attentive, and the surroundings, while not quite the sun-kissed gardens of Tivoli, elegant yet comfortable, with a little fountain on the wall recalling its namesake.

Fabio describes the food at Villa d’Este as “traditional cuisine from the centre of Italy. No pizza, not nouveau, but the kind of food I enjoyed growing up near Rome. Some people come back from holiday and say, your food is far better than in Italy! But that’s because they go to some tourist trap, and haven’t managed to find true Italian food.” So, true Italian food: for Fabio that means lots of fresh fish dishes. The specials menu might include halibut with ginger and cherry tomato (ginger featured in Italian cooking for generations, he says), or a fabulous lobster

Villa d’Este, Chapel Street, Marlow 01628 472012

Relaxed Glamour womenswear collection Mint Velvet are offering two Marlovian readers the chance to win £250 each to spend in their Marlow Boutique! The Mint Velvet story began with three women who, inspired by a desire for something new, wanted to create a collection which had a luxe everyday feel to it, without the matching price tag. All working mothers with modern lifestyles, they wanted to create a collection which enabled them to look effortlessly stylish, even on the busiest of days. The relaxed glamour concept was born. Mint Velvet take the trends, and relax them so that women who still

Mint Velvet believe that clothing should make women feel sexy and confident so ensure each piece is designed and fit with the modern woman in mind. Beautiful prints, individual detailing, and refined textures in luxe, easy-to-wear fabrics give the collection a feel which oozes stylish femininity and always underpinned with Mint Velvet’s relaxed-glamour handwriting. Mint Velvet also use one-off artisan prints and skin pleasing fabrics such as cashmere, silk, linen and fabulously naturalistic faux fur, off-set by intricate embellishment. Customers are invited to feel at home in the bespoke interiors, where they mix vintage and modern fixtures alongside unique personal touches, handpicked finds and scented candles. Staff will offer personalised style advice and sales assistance both online and in store, helping you

to create your own signature look effortlessly. Thought goes into even the tiniest of details, making Mint Velvet a gorgeous (and affordable) treat. Mint Velvet’s range is available online at, Mint Velvet boutiques and Premium Department stores across the UK (for more details visit Available in sizes 8 to 18. To be in with a chance of winning simply answer this question: What is Mint Velvet’s brand handwriting? A) Smart Casual B) Relaxed Glamour C) Tailored Suiting NAME.......................................... EMAIL ........................................ Tick here if you do not wish to receive further competitions, promotions or updates from Mint Velvet Send your answers to: Marlovian Competition MINT VELVET Prospect House, Crendon Street High Wycombe, HP13 6LA Winners will be drawn on 5th March 2012, contacted by email, and vouchers will be dispatched by post.



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A Merry Christmas at Aubergine at The Compleat Angler Aubergine’s Executive Head Chef, Miles Nixon, shares his Christmas and New Year plans for the restaurant Christmas Day in a busy restaurant kitchen can be a little stressful. On the one hand we’re always delighted that people have chosen to dine with us at the most special time of the year - on the other hand we’ve all got families who are keeping the turkey basted until we get home. This year Aubergine was fully booked for Christmas Day by the end of October, so the pressure is on to impress our loyal guests and make sure they have a wonderful day with us before we all go home to collapse in front of the TV. We do a very special menu on December 25th including treats such as pot roasted foie gras with a fig and beetroot chutney and our delicious traditional Christmas plum pudding with Armagnac butter and Armagnac sauce. Then there’s no time to get comfy in the Christmas slippers as it’s back to work on Boxing Day to cook up a turkey-free three course lunch! Hopefully, as we are throughout December and £29 for three) will pudding parfait served

now open every day, we’ll see some of you when our set lunch menu (£23 for two courses have some Christmas touches such as Christmas with Clementine ice-cream.

Then it’s party time on New Year’s Eve when the team will create a six course dinner, with champagne and canapés on arrival and coffee and petits fours to round-off the evening. The hotel’s resident DJ will get the party started in the adjoining Cocktail Bar and then 2012 will be welcomed with a bang by a stunning riverside firework display at midnight. Of course we’ll be busy in the kitchens, but the celebratory atmosphere always seeps through to us along with a couple of glasses of bubbly! So, like everyone else, we are looking forward to a very merry Christmas!

Tea time

You fancy meeting up with a friend for afternoon tea. Where shall it be? Maybe a traditional cafe, or a chic hotel conservatory, or a garden centre... or why not John Lewis? Surprisingly if you’re not already familiar with its restaurant The Place to Eat, this is well worth seeking out to find cakes and patisseries home baked by a trained pastry chef. We found the quality second to none when we called in for tea.

It’s all part of the chameleon-like ability of The Place to Eat at John Lewis to metamorphose throughout the day. Its chefs, who cook everything fresh here in the kitchens, produce breakfast until 11am (call in for a late full English, or a bacon croissant, or a breakfast meeting with colleagues); luscious cakes to go with coffee; lunches, either homely and filling for workers, or chic platters and salads such as chilli chicken and mango couscous salad; afternoon tea; then hot dishes for a meal after work or before a cinema outing, served until 7.30pm. The restaurant is large enough, with several distinct


areas, for different groups to find their own place: a tucked away corner for children (who have their own counter and menu), sofas for chats over coffee, sunny window tables to while away the afternoon. It’s popular, apparently, as a place to hold informal business meetings. They even run a popular Toddler Time twice a month, when mums can relax while the kids have activities or get the chance to test out the latest toys. But back to our afternoon tea. We went for the full works, in a window seat with far-reaching views towards open countryside. Pots of tea came with a two-tier cake stand, with dainty finger sandwiches to begin. Pastry chef Chris Lamb has a big reputation for his scones among regulars – it’s the biggest seller. The secret, he says, is the best ingredients (which here means selecting plump sultanas rather than cheap ones – in fact the whole menu is carefully sourced, he adds), plus cooking them fresh each day. Strawberry jam, clotted cream... nothing compares. Then came the most gorgeous raspberry tarts, along with light choux cream buns and Victoria sandwich cake. Forget shopping, it’s the food that’s the star turn at John Lewis.

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Honey roasted parsnip soup Steamed mussels, white wine and parsley sauce with crusty bread from the trolley Smoked kipper and bacon pâté and watercress sauce Caramelised tart of chicory and orange with rocket salad

MAINS Braised shin of beef, curly kale, roasted root vegetables and creamed potatoes

S T Y L I S H , LU X U R I O U S , RO M A N T I C ; T H E AWA R D W I N N I N G M AC D O N A L D CO M P L E AT A N G L E R H OT E L I S A M AG I C A L R I V E R S I D E R E T R E AT. T H E AWA R D -W I N N I N G B OWAT E R S R E S TAU R A N T O F F E R S G O U R M E T F O O D W H I L E OV E R LO O K I N G T H E R I V E R T H A M E S . Readers can enjoy a two course meal from our Market Menu for just £15.50 per person, available at lunchtimes, Monday to Friday throughout January 2012. With a delicious selection of starters and main courses to choose from and the option to add a dessert for only £3, this really is an offer not to be missed.

2 Courses for

3 Courses for

£15 £18 .50

Normally £20.50


Normally £23.50

Reserve your table now by calling 0844 879 9128

Pan fried skate wing, caper and lemon butter, spinach with new potatoes Confit leg of duck, braised red cabbage, lentils and confit potato Risotto of woodland mushrooms, sakura cress and tarragon butter

DESSERTS Steamed treacle sponge pudding and vanilla ice cream Brioche and butter pudding, marmalade, custard Warm dark chocolate tart, passion fruit sorbet A selection of British cheese, grapes and celery


Address Phone No.

This voucher entitles the reader to a 2 course lunch for £15.50 or 3 course lunch for £18.50. Reservations should be made in advance with the offer mentioned at time of booking.

E-mail address Macdonald Compleat Angler, Marlow, SL7 1RG Market menu offer available Monday to Friday for up to 8 people in January 2012 only.

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