Marlovian Spring

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marlovian all your news from the community

SPring 2012



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contents Page 4

Town Council News

Page 10

Build on Books

Page 5

Town Councillors

Page 11

Marlow Ladies Circle

Page 6

Spring Festival

Page 13

Carols on the Causeway

Page 7

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

Page 14

Oxford Lane Almshouse

Page 8

Marlow Town Regatta & Festival

Page 15

Hungarian Ambassador visits

Page 9

Marlow’s new Rector

Page 16

News from our schools

mayor’s message

At the start of the year we held our Senior Citizens New Year lunch at Court Garden, with Councillors each hosting a table! Our guests appreciated the delicious lunch and we all had a lovely time. At the end of January we were delighted to welcome our new Vicar to All Saints Church. Dave Bull was inducted and installed by the Archdeacon of Buckingham. As Mayor I was asked to officially welcome him to the Town, a formality which it was a great pleasure to do. We welcome Dave and his family to our Town and know they will enjoy living in Marlow! Dave assisted by John Bustin conducted my Civic Service, on the 19th February, an occasion when civic and church come together to give thanks for all the hard work involved in running our Town. Dave gave a great sermon on the importance of the community and our children within it. The girls’ choir sung a lovely anthem and they were brilliant! Afterwards we enjoyed a few drinks and nibbles in the church. The Budavar Town Twinning Association invited me to meet the Hungarian Ambassador at a reception and

dinner, on his recent trip to Marlow, after which he gave a very interesting talk on the economic situation in Hungary in All Saints Church Hall, which was very informative. Coming up, on the 24th April, we have the Mayor’s Charity Golf Day and dinner. So whether a keen golfer or an occasional player and you haven’t yet registered, please do. A raffle and auction will take place at the dinner in aid of the Marlow Sports Club, my chosen charity. If you would like to donate a prize to either please do give me a call. Keep an eye on our notice boards and web sites for more details on: The Marlow Town Regatta 9th/10th June Queen’s Jubilee – street party benefits Olympics and how to get involved At the recent Annual Town Regatta and Festival Dinner, funds were raised to go towards providing a bench in honour of past Chairman Jim Campbell who sadly passed away last year. Other contributors to this bench are the Town Council, Riley Recreation Ground and the British Legion. The bench will be located in Higginson Park. I trust you will all enjoy the exciting events coming up and look out for more news on these in the local press. The next time I communicate with you will be at the Annual Town Meeting on 15th May, when we hope to see many of you attending. Jocelyn Towns



Another busy 3 months in the Mayoral calendar, covering a number of events that I was honoured to take part in and I would like to thank everyone for their help, hospitality, and involvement in our lovely Town.


town council news New Town Council Van

Marlow Town Council recently took delivery of its new transit van. The van will be used by our outdoor officers in maintaining our green spaces such as Gossmore and Seymour recreation parks and the Cemetery. The van has a much bigger capacity than the previous one and the extra space will allow the


The Town Council is pleased to announce that there will be no increase to the Marlow Town Council Precept. Residents can be reassured that the levels of service will be maintained at no extra cost.

French Market

The market will be held in Higginson Park over the bank holiday weekend 5,6 and 7th May, 9.00am until 5.00pm. Stalls include French bread, cheeses, charcuterie – tartiflette, assortment of food stalls, basketwork, handbags, hats, scarves, music, French books and lots more!

Town Twitter

Marlow Town Council continues to tweet both our news and the news of our partner organisations on Twitter! You can also tweet us your feedback on our projects and services as well as any comments you may have. You can follow us by logging on to twitter and searching for @MarlowTC.

Town Council to undertake work in a much more efficient way as there is room to transport equipment and cuttings and waste together. Keep an eye out for the van in its Marlow Town Council livery around town.

Baskets on the Bridge!

If walking or driving over Marlow Bridge recently you may have looked up and noticed a new floral addition. Marlow Town Council recently erected eight new hanging baskets on Marlow Bridge, four on the Buckinghamshire side and four on the Berkshire side. These baskets have been purchased in partnership with Bisham Parish Council and are kindly sponsored by the Compleat Angler Hotel. Currently the baskets feature their winter arrangement; these will be changed in May. Both Marlow Town Council and Bisham Parish Council would like to thank the Compleat Angler Hotel for their generous sponsorship.

0% Increase on your Council Tax

Marlow Town Council is pleased to announce that during its budget setting early in the new year, it decided that it would not increase the precept that it collects from the town’s residents. This means that the Town Council element of the Council Tax bill for 2012/13 financial year, will remain as it was for 2011/12 and 2010/11. Unlike the principal authorities, Marlow Town Council does not get any income from business rates, or from central government. The Town Council hopes to take on more services in the coming year and we will endeavour to secure funding from the principle authorities to do this. A full copy of the Town Council’s 2012/13 budget is available to download from Council-Finances.aspx.


Riley Road Play Area

Marlow Town Council has finally agreed a lease with Riley Park Trust to take on responsibility for the play park. Town Mayor, Cllr Jocelyn Towns was on hand to ceremonially sign off the lease along with members of the Trust at the play park. The lease agreement concludes many months of negotiation and safeguards the facility for the future. The Town Council have already consulted parents and children on their favoured design on the replacement equipment, and we hope to have formally agreed a contract for the installation in March and have the equipment in the ground by the summer.

contacts Marlow Town Councillors 2011 - 2015 Stuart Carter Town Clerk

North West Ward

South East Ward

Cllr Jeremy Bedford Email: Tel: 01628 440130 Mob: 07515 384789

Cllr Tim Avery Email:

Cllr Ms Suzanne Brown Email: Tel: 01628 475726 Mob: 07984 929812

Cllr Roy Cadman Email: Tel: 01628 482299

Cllr Philip Ditchfield Email: Tel: 01628 482648

Cllr Richard Scott Wycombe District Councillor Bucks County Councillor Email: Tel: 01628 488186

Cllr Bob Johnson Email: Tel: 01628 891361 Mob: 07831 124271

Cllr Kathy Thomson Email: Tel: 07798 615086

Cllr Neil Marshall Wycombe District Councillor Email: Tel: 01628 475615 Mob: 07940 700 480

Cllr Mrs Jocelyn Towns Email: Tel: 01628 477914 Mob: 07715 547251

Katherine Joy Deputy Clerk Jan Bailey PA to Mayor/Town Clerk Margit Walker Administrative Officer Barry Cross Amenities Supervisor Peter Harris Cemetery Superindendent

01628 484024 Twitter @MarlowTC.

Cllr Ian Wernham Email: Tel: 01628 475286

Annual Town Meeting, come and have your say on 16th May at Court Garden House beginning at 6.30pm.

Cllr Roger Wilson Wycombe District Councillor Tel: 01628 482469 Mob: 07889 305 429

would you use an outdoor gym? Marlow Town Council is investigating a funding source from Sport England to install an outdoor gym at Gossmore Recreation Ground as part of the Olympic Legacy. If installed the facility would be free at the point of use and would have instructions on how to use the equipment. The outdoor gym is known as a Buzz AdiZone and comprises a number of different pieces of equipment that will improve cardio strength and help tone. There is a ski machine, a recumbent bike and mini bike (for children), a cross trainer and mini cross trainer, a leg bench, a lateral pull down and shoulder press, a pull up and assisted pull up, a leg press, a dance area and basketball hoop. There are no free weights and everything is weather proof. It is designed to be accessible to all, whatever age, gender, size etc.

equipment is designed to be durable and long-lasting and be as vandal-proof as possible. It was felt that Gossmore was a good location because of the sports teams that play there, the access, and the number of walkers and joggers who regularly pass by as they go along the Thames Path. We really want to hear your views so please complete the survey. This can be done online at www.surveymonkey. com/s/JVQT2D8. It can also be downloaded in a slightly different format from the town council website, or a hard copy can be requested from our office. Please only complete one survey per person.

Why are we consulting?

We are asking people to complete a survey to identify if people want the Buzz AdiZone and whether they would use it. If it could be identified that there was a need and a desire for this facility then the Town Council would look to submit an application for funding.

Why Gossmore?



The facility has to be installed on land owned or managed by the Town Council. The location of the Buzz AdiZone within Gossmore would be the one that had minimal impact on local residents whilst still ensuring it is secure. The


SPRING FESTIVAL, Sunday April 1st 2012 A FREE FAMILY FESTIVAL (You’d be a fool to miss it!) CROWNE PLAZA, MARLOW (10am – 4pm)

good to be true, but we’re not pulling your leg about this.











be on April delights as well as gift stalls. NG FOO It may 1st and sound too Who couldn’t be tempted by the RI





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Marlow Food Festival are putting together this SPRING FESTIVAL and you’d be an April fool to miss it.

The festival will bring together a deliciously diverse selection of the region’s leading businesses. For those with a sweet tooth there’ll be confectionery of all sorts - chocolates, sweets, and cakes – with samples to try. There’ll also be specialist cheeses stalls, jams, chutneys and many more epicurean

offerings of Auberge du Chocolat, a unique artisan family business with a passion for chocolate, ice cream and fudge? They’ll be bringing along their luxury, handmade products including their prize-winning (Academy of Chocolate and Great Taste Awards) chocolates and bars. Vintage ice cream seller Daisy will also be there along with singing group Songbirds who’ll be entertaining visitors throughout the day. The sweeping lakeside lawns of the Crowne Plaza on a spring day are attraction enough for children, but there’ll be other free family fun on offer, including face painting, to keep them happy whilst the adults browse, taste and shop.

For an up-to-date list of participants, images, or more information contact Helen or Wendy at:

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a diamond event To mark 60 years of the Queen’s reign the Diamond Jubilee will take place in 2012. The celebrations will centre around an extended weekend in 2012 on 2, 3, 4 and 5 June. To give some context after Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth II is the longest serving monarch in British history. During the Queen’s reign the world has seen some of the most important and profound events and developments in its history including space travel, the end of the Cold War and the invention and rapid expansion of the internet to name but a few. Twelve British Prime Ministers have held office during that time, the first being Winston Churchill. In Marlow there have been 33 different Mayors/Chairman during her reign, the first being W Svenner. Remembering when the Queen visited Marlow The Diamond Jubilee may have you recalling the last time the Queen visited Marlow in 2002 as part of her Golden Jubilee celebrations. After landing in Higginson Park and being greeted by thousands of well wishers who lined the cricket pitch, the Queen went for lunch with local dignitaries and rowing heroes at Court Garden House. The Queen then unveiled the statue of Sir Steve Redgrave in recognition of his 5 Photo Supplied by Wycombe District Council gold medals at the past 5 Olympics. Of the event Sir Steve Redgrave said: It is a very great occasion to have The Queen come to my home town and having the statue unveiled by her

was very, very special. Before leaving for Bisham, the Queen commented on how wonderful it was to see so many people turn out for her visit. Council prepares for summer celebration in Marlow town Marlow Town Council is preparing to celebrate both the Jubilee and the Olympics this summer – firstly with a special commemorative Diamond Jubilee “coin” which will be distributed to all Marlow primary school children. The coin will also be available to purchase from the Area Office prior to the Jubilee weekend. Good news for anyone wanting to hold a street party, the District and County Council are waiving the fee for street closures and the County Council is providing funding to help with public liability insurance. You should visit the Bucks County Council website for information on street closures and public liability insurance as both are required, if streets are to be closed to vehicles. page. To mark the Jubilee and the Olympics the Council will also be putting up bunting in the town centre throughout the summer (starting with the May Fayre) to get everyone in the party mood. The red, white and blue bunting will go up first and will be changed to Olympic bunting in July – then after the Olympics are finished, back to the red, white and blue bunting until September. The Town Council would like to hear from any groups, clubs or organisations, planning any events in the town to celebrate either the Jubilee or Olympics, to encourage a ‘community’ approach, share dates and times and avoid conflicting activities and dates. Jocelyn Towns, Town Mayor, said: “I’m very excited by the upcoming events, and hope that all groups and residents will enter into the spirit. The District and County Councils have been very accommodating in the help that they are providing.” Updates on activities will be provided as they are available.

town mayor’s civic service Town Mayor, Cllr Jocelyn Towns welcomed Sir Henry Aubrey-Fletcher, Lord Lieutenant of Bucks, together with other dignitaries from the County to her Civic Service held at All Saints Church on Sunday 19th February. Minister John Bustin took the service, with the newly inaugurated Reverend Dave Bull giving the Address.       Friendly Affordable Service to help your business grow and give you peace of mind. A Lady Accountant who understands your business needs. TELEPHONE 01628 629 823 Email :



More information on the new Rector is on Page 9. He said: “I am delighted to see the turnout from the civic community and thought there was a real sense of working together to serve the community. Town Mayor, Cllr Jocelyn Towns gave the first reading. She said “my theme for the service was community and children, we had the All Saints Choir sing the Anthem which was lovely. Our new vicar Dave Bull gave a brilliantly pitched sermon. There was a really nice atmosphere both during and after the service, when many people stayed to enjoy drinks and nibbles together.”


marlow town regatta & festival The 2012 Marlow Town Regatta and Festival will take place on the Thames in Higginson Park, Marlow on the 9th and 10th of June. The website at www. went live on Thursday the 1st March and ticket sales will commence in mid March. This year, sees a number of changes to the traditional format. For the first time, those who choose to picnic will have direct access to the river allowing them to watch and enjoy the rowing. The Riverside Bar, traditionally the Subscriber’s Enclosure, will be reduced in size enabling the creation of a riverside enclosure. In addition to the picnic spaces, visitors to this area can expect a craft fair, trade stalls, food stalls and musical entertainment as well as some great competitive rowing. A family friendly, party atmosphere is guaranteed for all. Picnic spaces for gazebos, tables and chairs can be pre-booked within the enclosure with standard pitches being priced at £25 and premier riverside pitches being priced at £60. Access to the event will be by ticket with advance tickets being available through the website at £5 for adults (16 and over) and £3 for children (aged 5 to 15). The Traylens Funfair, which runs in parallel to the Town Regatta and Festival, has agreed to close at 6.00pm on the Saturday. Chairman of the organising committee, Nav Ali,

commented: “This year promises to be an exciting year for the Town Regatta and Festival. The survey that we conducted after last year’s event gave us some great ideas and we are pleased to have been able to act on these. In particular, we are pleased to be able to bring the picnic area into the main event and enable riverside picnics on the Saturday. We are looking forward to the garden party atmosphere with some great rowing available to all.” The annual Marlow Dragon Boat Festival, which takes place on the Sunday, will once again be managed by Dragon’s Alive. This regularly attracts in excess of 600 participants in over 40 teams and is a great family day out. Spectator tickets will be available on the day priced at £3 per person or £8 for a family. More information on how you can enter a dragon boat team will be available through the website. About the Marlow Town Regatta and Festival The annual Marlow Town Regatta and Festival is Marlow’s premier sporting and social occasion. It takes place in Higginson Park, Marlow in early June. Saturday’s traditional rowing regatta and garden party is complimented by a Sunday dragon boat festival. The event is organised by a volunteer committee and runs on a not-for-profit basis with the support of a number of local organisations including Marlow Round Table and Marlow Rowing Club.

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a journey into the unknown Six months ago I had never set foot in Marlow. Today I find myself writing as the new Rector of the Church of England churches in Marlow, Bisham, Marlow Bottom and Little Marlow. Since my wife and I moved here with our three young children during the Christmas holidays, we have started to explore this place that was completely unknown to us. We have been overjoyed to discover what every reader of the Marlovian already knows – this is a close-knit and vivacious community. There is so much going on here to enjoy. It is a place where anyone can find something they want to get involved with. There is a tangible sense that people love living here and are happy to welcome newcomers like us. After just a few weeks we are already beginning to feel at home in a place we had never visited before. But amidst all this newness I have discovered one thing that is very familiar – Marlovians ask the same questions as everyone else: What meaning has my life? Is there more to life than money, sex and power? Is there a spiritual dimension to life? Does God exist? What happens when I die? How

can I rebuild a broken relationship? Is there such a thing as truth and if so what is it? Church is a place to come and explore these questions in the company of others. A place where you are welcome to join in at the pace that suits you. If you’ve never set foot in a church before – or if it’s been a while – why not pay a visit to one of Marlow’s churches in the coming weeks? It might be a new experience, but you will discover a closeknit and vivacious community. A place with so much going on to enjoy. A place where you can find something you want to get involved with. A tangible sense that people love being there and are happy to welcome newcomers. Most of all you can discover peace with God and the key, as Jesus put it, to ‘life in all its fullness’. There is a community in our midst, waiting for you to discover it. Why not pay a visit? You will be made very welcome and – who knows? – you might find you want to make it your new spiritual home. Rev Dave Bull

marlow archaeological society Programme of Talks The East Oxford Archaeology Project Thursday 29th March 2012, Garden Room, Liston Hall, Marlow at 8pm JANE HARRISON This successful community project has included the excavation of Oxford’s leper hospital and chapel - with burials - dating back to the C12, onto Civil War discoveries and those from a C19 farm. Jane, who is Project Officer, will also illustrate how members of the public can be drawn into various aspects of archaeology, including surveys and background research, with amazing results. The Medieval City Monasteries - from their Foundation to their Dissolution Thursday 19th April 2012,

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Garden Room, Liston Hall, Marlow at 8pm VAL PRETLOVE There were a large number of medieval monasteries around the edges of the City of London and Val will trace them and their activities up to the time of their Dissolution by Henry VIII. We will then explore what happened to them through the later Tudor period. Val, who is returning to MAS by popular request, is a Registered City of London Guide and teacher in Adult Education, whose enthusiasm for old London is contagious. MAS AGM – preceded by a talk (to be arranged). Thursday 17th May 2012, Garden Room, Liston Hall, Marlow at 8pm



Entrance £3.50 (members £2.50) for all the above talks Free Refreshments. Free parking nearby. Disabled access


build on books During the 10-year civil war in Sierra Leone, schools and libraries were destroyed by the rebels and precious books turned to ash. When I learned about the book famine in Sierra Leone and the number of books that are being pulped every year in the UK, it seemed like a match made in heaven! Over a third of a million books have been sent to schools and libraries so far, many from the Marlow Parents Forum and local schools. Now over 60,000 children can enjoy fully stocked libraries. I am off to Sierra Leone once again to visit some of the 150 schools which have received books through the Marlow based charity, Build on Books. I am also looking forward to seeing three of the four borehole wells commissioned through the ‘Build a Borehole ‘project. Then I will see the 100 women farmers who have been growing peanuts through the ‘Kori Development’ Project. This provides peanut and rice seed to help fight kwashiorkor, a protein deficiency which kills many children. After my most recent visit, I heard news that changed the course of my work. A wonderfully enthusiastic

Deputy Head Teacher called Francis John had died. It shocked me to the core when I was told that he was brought down by typhoid after drinking contaminated spring water, the only water available. I asked what I could do to help and was told about boreholes: sealed wells sunk deep into the ground with a pump encased in concrete. At nearly £3,000 a time they are not something the community could ever contemplate building. Several women from Marlow helped fundraise and £500 was given by Marlow C of E school. The first borehole was built within two months and then the second, and finally the third which was placed in a school called St Clements in the remote village of Kwame, the deepest borehole ever dug in Sierra Leone. A great ceremony of thanks giving is being held during my visit and I am looking forward to celebrating with the community. The villages we will be visiting are so remote that any form of health education has not reached them. Although this will be my sixth visit to Sierra Leone I have been warned to expect suffering and poverty on a scale that I have never seen before. At least I can go there knowing that, with the help of the people of Marlow and surrounding towns, we can and are doing something about it. Lori Spragg, Build on Books

the great british fish and chip supper Want to do something different? Want to raise money where you live or work? Want to eat Fish and Chips, while raising money for charity? You are invited to hold a fish and chip supper on Friday May 18 while raising awareness of spinal cord injury and supporting the Spinal Injuries Association. Elizabeth Wright, community fundraising officer, says: “The Fish and Chip Supper is a wonderful opportunity for a great evening with friends and family. We are also encouraging people who work to hold a Fish and Chip Lunch in their work places to raise even more funds. You may be even a local community group wanting to run a fun evening


with your group.” By inviting seven friends and asking them to donate an additional £5, you will raise at least £35 from your supper, and the SIA can give more fundraising ideas. Over the last three years the event has raised £20,000 to help provide services which enable spinal cord injured people to live full and independent lives. For more information or a fundraising pack including recipes and invitations, call Elizabeth Wright on 0845 071 4350, email or visit

marlow ladies circle Marlow Ladies Circle donate over £2,000 to local charities When you first hear the words ‘Ladies Circle’ you might think of cake baking, jam making, knitting? Well, think again, Ladies Circle is a fantastic club for girls aged between 18 and 45 who want to make new friends, have lots of fun and do some fundraising along the way! THE social network with a social conscience. And following that social conscience, we’re delighted to confirm that over the last 18 months, as a result of our local fundraising activities, Marlow Ladies Circle has raised over £2,000 and made the following donations to support local charities: • • • • • • •

Riley Park Trust £200 Helen & Douglas House £596 RNLI (Marlow and Cookham) £250 Women Health Concerns Marlow £250 Sparkles (South Bucks Downs Syndrome) £500 Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centre Oxford £500 Bliss – Stoke Mandeville £90

We’re also keen to hear from local charities which need our support, so please do get in touch with Sharon (our chairman) – if you know of any worthy causes. Marlow Ladies Circle meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday evening of the month in or near Marlow and enjoys activities such as wine tasting, colour and styles evenings, theatre & comedy nights, chocolate decorating, cycle rides, walks and “pot luck suppers”. We’d welcome any new members to join us, it’s a great way to meet some new friends and share some fun-filled evenings. We have a number of other social and fundraising events coming up and if you’d like to learn more, please contact Sharon Gould on Marlow Ladies Circle Race Evening September, 2011 Ladies Circle is a social networking organisation for young women aged between 18 and 45, founded in 1932. It aims to promote friendship through social contact at a local, national and international level and to be of service to the community. For many years Circlers were the wives or partners of members of Round Table, but in 1993 the rules were changed and Ladies Circle is now open to any woman in the age range 18 - 45, and whilst Ladies Circle work very closely with Round Table on many issues, both business and social, they are a totally independent organisation.

anyone for tennis?

The club boasts a yearround programme of playing and social activities including a Spring Wine and Cheese Evening, Summer BBQ, Autumn Quiz Night and Fish and Chip Supper and Christmas Party. Social tennis takes place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (8pm onwards) and most mornings during the week. For the most advanced players, the club competes in the Buckinghamshire league and team practice takes place on Tuesday evenings. With over 100 members, there is a thriving junior section and junior tennis takes place from 5pm-7pm every Friday. With the new tennis season starting on 1st April, and

the club about to invest in new playing surfaces, there has never been a better time to join. 2012/13 membership fees are: adult full members £123, offpeak members £77, juniors aged 4-10 (£34) and juniors/students aged 11-25 (£67). Discounts also apply for couples and family memberships. Each new member joining before 1st April will also qualify for a free introductory group coaching session with Justin or Libby. Marlow Sports Club is located in Pound Lane (next to Higginson Park), Marlow, SL7 2AE and membership application forms can be found on the club website at or by mailing Andrew Johnson (membership secretary) at membership@ Coaches Justin and Libby Cook run group coaching courses to coincide with school terms and holidays as well as individual hourly sessions. They can be contacted on 07788 591778.



Marlow Tennis Club which is part of the Sports Club at Pound Lane offers a range of tennis and social activities to suit everybody regardless of ability.


toddler dies - blind cord “Toddler dies after getting window blind cord wrapped around his neck despite GP parents’ desperate battle to save him..” With depressing regularity, the press carries this type of headline causing every parent and carer to hold their breath as they read through the chilling details of the latest grim story. In October 2010 a twin baby girl was strangled in her cot by a cord; she had been sleeping beside her 17-monthold brother at the family home when she became entangled in an unsecured cord. In November 2010 a Staffordshire coroner called for a ban on blinds with looped cords after two unrelated toddlers strangled themselves within days of each other. Andrew Haig, who had chaired an inquest into yet another blind-cord strangulation back in 2004 said after the latest double fatality: ‘The frequency of deaths of this kind is more of a problem than we would anticipate or expect’ and that he

would write to the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills to invite some further safety initiatives. It is a scene that statistics show is not isolated to the UK but occurs all too frequently in the rest of the world. Campaigners and parents of dead children have become so alarmed at the needless waste of life that they are suggesting the UK join forces to see if co-ordinated action could reduce the problem. And at last, a Pilot Alignment Initiative has been established, where regulators in Australia, Canada, USA and the whole EU have got together to explore the possibility of an effective common standard to improve safety. Until that day comes however, it has to be the job of millions of parents and carers to discover these longforgotten death-traps in children’s bedrooms and living rooms no longer noticed but silently waiting for their next victim. Buckinghamshire County Council Trading Standards has put together a DIY pack for parents and carers to retro-fit which should ensure that blind cords are always stowed safely out of harm’s way before and after the blinds are used. We are happy to supply these packs free of charge on request.

scannappeal 25th anniversary

If you, a relative or a friend has had cancer or heart disease, the chances are that they have benefited from Scanappeal’s work. You can help mark Scannappeal’s special year in 2012 and help ensure the charity can continue to provide the most advanced equipment possible for local patients. If you are celebrating a special birthday or anniversary this year, why not share it with Scannappeal and ask for donations in lieu of presents and help the Appeal or hospital of your choice? Take part in HOST25 – simply ask 25 people round for coffee, tea, drinks or even a meal, either altogether on one occasion or spread over several dates. Make a small charge appropriate to your event. Challenge 25 – get sponsored to undertake a 25 themed challenge. These are just some ideas – visit the website at www.scanappeal, to find out more or contact Scannappeal on 01494 734161 or email info.



01628 484024

if you would like a copy The next Marlovian will be published in June 2012. Please submit all articles by May 18th. Please contact Jan Bailey at the Town Council Office on 01628 484024 or



This year marks Scanappeal’s 25th anniversary and currently, every 10 minutes a patient is diagnosed or treated with equipment supplied in the past to Amersham, Wycombe and Stoke Mandeville hospitals.

carols on the causeway Carols on the Causeway and Colouring Competition Town Mayor, Cllr Jocelyn Towns hosted the annual Carols on the Causeway around the town’s spectacular Christmas Tree which was a fantastic backdrop to the event on 19th December. Marlow Town Band provided the musical accompaniment to the carol singing. The Manager of the new Sainsbury’s store kindly donated hot mince pies which were handed around by council staff. The George and Dragon provided free mulled wine and the Rotary Club of Marlow were there with their hot chestnut stall, which is always very popular, giving out free bags of hot chestnuts and soft drinks for children. The Town Council would like to thank all those who contributed towards a very successful evening. The Town Council held a children’s Christmas Colouring Competition in December as part of the event. Children were invited to colour in the festive sheet sent out by the Town Council to every child in primary schools in Marlow. To enter the competition children had to complete the colouring and post in Father Christmas’ Post Box at his Grotto at the Carols on the Causeway Event. Despite very wet conditions a good number of people braved the weather to bring children along to visit Father Christmas

in his grotto and post their competition entries. Father Christmas also handed out bags of chocolates and glow sticks to all children who visited him. The Town Photo Supplied by Marlow Camera Club Mayor judged the entries in the colouring competition in the New Year. Annabel Vary was judged to be the overall winner of the competition and her entry will feature on the front of the Town Council Christmas Card for 2012. Conrad Lockwood won the Age 7/8 category and Chloe Shepherd won the Age 5/6 category. Annabel, Conrad and Chloe were presented with vouchers for Marlow Toys in the High Street at their school assemblies at Holy Trinity School and Spinfield School by the Town Mayor. They also received a laminated copy of their entry and a certificate.

A NEW NEXTSTAGE ACTING COURSE FOR ALL THOSE INTERESTED IN THEATRE OR TELEVISION A 2 day acting course in Marlow for the complete beginner to the more confident, practised Actor. Have you ever wondered if there is a difference between acting in the theatre or in a television studio? This fun, exciting course will give you the opportunity to find out and to learn skills needed for both. Nextstage have been holding Acting Courses for adults for over 10 years.. All are welcome from 16 to 90 years of age and from the complete beginner to the advanced. So, whether you are new to acting and need more confidence to perform in front of others or if you are an accomplished actor looking for further professional training to enhance your present skills this Spring course is for you. NEXTSTAGE only use professional actors or directors to lead their courses.

PERHAPS SINGING IS YOUR FORTE – HAVE RECENT TV PROGRAMMES INSPIRED YOU? The Nextstage Choir in Marlow have now been established for nearly two years and are looking for new choir members to join them for their Summer Term. All abilities welcome from 16-90 years of age, complete beginner to the advanced. No requirement to read music. We have seen many people over the years benefit both socially and at work from Acting and Singing. Equally as important is the opportunity to get together with a group of like-minded people to enjoy the social aspect of our evenings.

For further details please contact NEXTSTAGE:Telephone 01628 898 958 the



oxford lane almshouse Were you aware that Marlow has an Almshouse and if so, do you know when it was founded and by whom? On the 20th July 1608, local land owner John Brinkhurst founded and endowed six Almshouses and gardens on land which is now the corner of Cambridge and Oxford Roads. Four houses were given to Marlow Parish and two to Bisham Parish, to be provided for poor widows of good character, residing for not less than five years in either of the parishes. Since the death of John Brinkhurst in 1614, the

Almshouses have been managed by Trustees. In 1874 two more Almshouses were added to the charity, being provided by coal and timber merchant James Rolls. By the 1960’s the almshouses had fallen into a state of disrepair and were demolished in 1969, replaced with a modern purpose-built sheltered housing scheme. Today the modern Brinkhurst stands on the corner of Oxford and Cambridge roads and currently has 9 residents. The building has 10 spacious bed-sitting rooms, each with their own kitchens and facilities. Residents also have use of a light and airy communal lounge and a resident warden lives on site, with residents able to contact a lifeline service in the Warden’s absence. If you, or someone you are aware of is over 60, single and able to care for themselves and would like to be considered for a tenancy at Brinkhurst, please either contact Mrs Julie Greatwood at julie.greatwood@ or myself at iwernham@marlow-tc. Cllr Ian Wernham, Chairman Oxford Lane Almshouse (Brinkhurst) Trust.

senior citizens new year luncheon Senior Citizens of Marlow were treated to a festive lunch in the General Higginson Room, Court Garden House on 28th January. The Town Mayor, Cllr Jocelyn Towns hosted the lunch for over 100 guests who received an invitation as a result of putting their name on our database. First course was a very colourful plate of melon with berry coulis, followed by a roast turkey dinner with all the trimmings, and Christmas pudding and custard. A quiz booklet had been prepared and was at each guest’s place. This was a fun start to the festivities and a good ice-breaker for those who had come alone. The winner of the quiz with 21 points out of 26 was presented with a bottle of wine. During tea and coffee each guest was given a ticket for entry into the free raffle. The gifts had been purchased by Marlow Town Council together with the mystery prize which was an envelope containing £50. Westside Fruit Ltd of Booker donated a luxury fruit basket for the raffle. After a lovely afternoon catching up with old friends and acquaintances, each guest was presented with a small gift of luxury biscuits by the Town Council as they left. The Town Council has recieved many kind letters from guests saying how much they had enjoyed their lunch and thanking the Town Council for the event. If you would like to put your name down on our database, please either call 01628 484024 or email us on office@ Photos Supplied by Marlow Camera Club


regatta dinner at assembly rooms The Regatta Dinner held on Friday 10th February was a very successful evening with 50 people attending, including Sir Steve Redgrave and Mayor of Marlow, Jocelyn Towns. The Assembly Rooms laid on an excellent meal. The band, Hedonistic, led by Danny Churchill, also our Honorary President, played until late with nearly everyone taking to the dance floor. A raffle was held to raise funds for a memorial bench for Major James Campbell, who was the Marlow Town Regatta & Festival Committee Chairman for many years. £550 was raised which is testament to how much regard and affection everyone felt for Jim. Other contributors towards the bench will be Marlow Town Council, as Jim was a Councillor and Mayor of Marlow in 1998 and 1999, Riley Park Trust where he was a Trustee and the Royal British Legion where he was President for many years. We now look forward to the Marlow Town Regatta and Festival this year which is to be held on the weekend of 9th/10th June. Suzanne Brown Marlow Town Regatta & Festival

Honorary President, Danny Churchill and Suzanne Brown

Sir Steve Redgrave, CBE and Town Mayor, Cllr Jocelyn Towns

hungarian ambassador visits

The tour ended at the Chairman’s house, for a reception where a wide spectrum of leading Marlovians were delighted to meet the Ambassador and his two colleagues. English vineyard wine from Stanlake Park Estate near Tywford was served to the surprise and delight of all present. The group then walked to The Two Brewers pub restaurant for a celebration dinner with an all-English menu. Amongst those invited to meet the Ambassador were Marlow Town Mayor, Cllr

Jocelyn Towns; Leader of WDC, Cllr Alex Collingwood; representatives of The Marlow Society: The Marlow Chamber of Trade and Commerce: and The Marlow Rowing Club; Dr Peter Holding, the Headmaster of Sir William Borlase Grammar School: Cllr. Richard Scott; Cllr Suzanne Brown and members of the MBTTA Committee. The final stage of the Hungarian visit took place at All Saints Church Hall, where the Ambassador gave a talk to a large and lively audience on the present economic state of Hungary, its situation in Europe, and some of the attractions of holidaying in Hungary. Roy Cadman, Chairman of the Marlow Budavar Town Twinning Association, commented “It was a very enjoyable and successful series of events. The Ambassador was charming, and took a great interest in our town and its activities. Contacts with the Embassy were greatly strengthened, and should result in more Hungarian events in Marlow during the year.”



On the afternoon of Thursday 9th February, the Hungarian Ambassador, H.E. János Csák, accompanied by Beáta Pászthy, Director of the Hungarian Cultural Centre and Eszter Pataki, Press and Culture Councillor, were the guests of the Marlow Budavár Town Twinning Association. They were greeted at Marlow Bridge by the Association’s Chairman, Roy Cadman and Committee Member Derek Done. The visitors were then escorted on a tour of Marlow.


foxes piece school On Thursday 2nd February, the children at Foxes Piece School held a joint celebration to mark their good feedback from Ofsted and launch the school’s new logo, designed by one of the parents. Foxes Piece School is one of the first schools in the country to be inspected under the new Ofsted Framework, which is considered to be a more stringent assessment of teaching and learning, than previously took place. We are delighted to have been rated ‘Good’. The staff and the governors work extremely hard and are dedicated to the continued improvement of the school. Bearing in mind that Ofsted is continually raising the bar, achieving ‘good’ is even more commendable. Ofsted agrees that ‘this thriving, inclusive school provides a good quality of education for its pupils’ (Ofsted January 2012). We are delighted that achievement and behaviour of the pupils as well as teaching and leadership were all recognised as being of a good quality. Parents and friends of the school

were invited to observe the wonderful learning opportunities which take place throughout the day and join us in an assembly to mark the school’s success. During the day children were seen working outside in the fabulous outdoor area, using the purpose built bird hide and taking part in Sports. In the classrooms children took part in drama workshops, performed musical pieces, worked with other age groups to develop numerical skills through games and baked cakes and biscuits for the visitors to enjoy. Technology was used by the children to record interviews of past pupils and staff. During the assembly the children shared their Works of Art, Science experiments, Design and Technology and African Drumming. Head teacher Mrs Taylor praised staff, children and governors for their hard work and everyone then gathered on the field for the highlight of the day. 250 balloons were released as part of Foxes Piece Great Balloon Race after which the children returned to the classroom to enjoy a cupcake embossed with the new Foxes Piece School logo, made by one of the parents.

sandygate Celebrating our Christian Values Children, staff, parents and members of the local community recently worked together to look at which Christian values represented our school. Over a term representatives of all the stakeholder groups took part in a series of activities. The children chose the final wording for our value statement ... ‘A Christian community learning together in love, hope and friendship.’ Each year group chose one of the value words to focus on during the year. Reception chose ‘Friendship’ as when the children start school, making new friends is very important to them. Year 1 chose “Love”: as one of the children said, “Love is most important because you should always love someone as much as the other and most of all you should love God.”


Year 2 chose ‘Hope’ because they have great hopes about what the future holds for them. At the start of this term each year group designed and

decorated a curtain for our hall worship display for their value word. They chose symbols that were meaningful to them and represented their value word. The logo, which is reproduced at the end of the first column, was designed by Leo Simpson. A Celebration of Javanese Culture

The week culminated in performances of puppet shows for their families where the Year One’s were able to share their learning, what they had liked most about the week as well as serving their parents with Indonesian food: Nasi Goreng (fried rice), Agar Agar jelly, Banana fritters as well as green tea. All were thrilled and the hall was packed!

During January, pupils in Year One immersed themselves in a week-long topic learning about Java. This largest island in Indonesia is home to volcanoes, Gamelan music and a wide variety of exotic plants and animals. The children welcomed for the second year running, Aris Daryono, who was able to share with them the cultures of his homeland. Listening to traditional tales from Indonesia was a starting point for the learning – children wrote their own versions, made shadow puppets for the characters, played Gamelan instruments, made and tasted Indonesian food.

holy trinity

Move over Cleopatra – the Year Five Pharaohs have come to rule! There was much excitement in Year Five this half term when we were all suddenly transported back in time 5000 years to arrive in the Ancient Egyptian Empire. We welcomed all manner of ancient characters into school including: farmers, noblemen, a few gods and goddesses and even a real-life walking, talking pyramid! The children had a wonderful time discovering how this amazing civilisation farmed alongside the River Nile, built magnificent pyramids and prepared their dead for the journey to the after-life. It was no surprise to the teachers that their favourite activity was mummifying their teddies! Big Teeth - for Life We all know how important it is to brush our teeth regularly but do you know the correct way to do it? Well, if you are unsure, just ask our Year 3 experts who enjoyed learning all about how to look after their teeth when a local dentist visited us. The children not only learnt the best way to clean their ‘big teeth’ but also discovered what foods they should eat to help keep their teeth and gums healthy and chomping for many years to come!

Watch out King Henry VIII, Year Four have arrived! On their recent residential visit to Ufton Court Tudor Manor house, the children in Year Four enjoyed Tudor dancing, exploring the Tudor gardens and feasting Henry Tudor Style! They even participated in a search of the house to discover a Priest Hole, complete with

hidden Priest, who was promptly punished Tudor style! Spending a night in the manor was also filled with danger as it was rumoured that the ghost of a Tudor servant still walked the corridors. Perhaps that is why the teachers didn’t get much sleep! ‘Trinity Bakers’ raise funds for Children In Need Shortly before the end of the year, our School Ambassadors did us proud by organising a fantastic bake sale to raise money for the BBC’s Children In Need appeal. Supported by a huge army of ‘Trinity Bakers’, they produced a fantastic array of delicious and spotty cakes. A magnificent total of £500.20 was raised which will go towards supporting the charity. We would like to extend a warm thank-you to everyone who produced such wonderful goodies and to all (including the teachers) who enjoyed gobbling them up! Nature - a beautiful but destructive force This term, the children in Year Six have been discovering the terrible destructive power of nature as they investigated the cause of natural disasters such as tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Through music, drama and art they have explored the consequences these devastating events have on communities and the landscape of our world.



The Year Five Pharaohs have come to rule!


Hamptons Marlow 01628 485234

Take Your Property to an Auction Audience

London and Country Property Auctions will host its next auction on 29 March 2012 at the Millennium Hotel, Grosvenor Square, London W1K. The auction house, which launched last year and combines the expertise of three of property’s most prestigious brands, Hamptons International, John D Wood & Co. and Faron Sutaria, showcases some of the UK’s most desirable residential properties, including houses, apartments, cottages, farms and development opportunities. At a time when more than one in three people would consider buying a property at auction (increasing to more than two in three people aged between 25 and 34), auctions are becoming an increasingly popular way to sell and buy property: Benefits of Selling at Auction • Speed - From start to finish, the process usually takes just seven weeks • Certainty – Contracts are exchanged on the fall of the hammer, at which point the sale takes place and the purchaser must provide a deposit Highlighting significant appetite for prime stock at its last events in autumn 2011, London and Country Property Auctions achieved sales of more than £3 million, with one property attracting 15 bidders and eventually selling at more than £100,000 more than its Guide Price. Richard Delaney, Auction Consultant for London and Country Property Auctions, commented “Our last auction, for example, proved that there is significant appetite for prime auction stock with most lots attracting significant competition and multiple bids”.

Hamptons wins at the 2011 Estate Agency of the Year Awards Hamptons International received the ultimate industry accolade at the end of 2012 by being crowned as the Silver winner in the Best Large Agency, Best for Innovation, Best for Marketing and Best for New Homes categories, as well as being shortlisted in the Best for Customer Service category at the 2011 Estate Agency of the Year Awards in association with The Sunday Times and The Times. The event is recognised as one of the most important events in the industry calendar and attracted agents from across the country. Hamptons International was delighted to pick up four of the prestigious awards. Marc Goldberg, Head of Sales at Hamptons International, commented: “We are absolutely thrilled to take home four awards at the prestigious Estate Agency of the Year Awards. These awards provide some well deserved recognition for our staff and colleagues who work hard on a daily basis to go beyond the expectations of our clients.”

Hamptons International on Marlow FM 97.5

The local Associate Director and Marlow Sales Manager, Neal Wood is now a regular contributor each month on the Marlow FM Mid-Morning Matters show with Greg Smith and Suzanne James. Neal first appeared on the show in December and has now been invited to answer listeners queries and add a factual contribution on property matters each month. Tune in to 97.5 FM and even take part in the show by raising your question with Neal and the team. The Home & Property show is broadcast fortnightly on Thursdays between 9.30 and 12.00.



A Tough Climate But a Good Time to Sell The UK experienced a very diverse property market last year, whereby sales in London and the affluent areas in the South out-performed the depressed mainstream market. Our forecasts for 2012 suggest this trend will continue although it will be a tough market given the ongoing backdrop of gloom in the economy. In the early weeks of 2012 the statistics across our network of offices demonstrate that we have healthy demand for sensibly priced property with plenty of new buyers registering and a 12 percent rise in the number of sales being agreed compared with a year ago. Many prospective sellers have been delaying their moving plans having assumed that the market is depressed. However, demand is outweighing supply and those who are motivated to move, and are realistic with price expectations, are able to do so.

Early Jump in Activity Expected for Lettings Following on from the traditional seasonal slowdown in activity towards the end of 2011, we expect the 2012 ‘bounce’ to be stronger than normal. A combination of economic uncertainty, stubbornly high house prices and difficult mortgage terms will prop up rental demand for some time to come. On the supply side, stock is up around 30 percent over 2011 levels in London and 17 percent across our Country network. However, there remains a shortfall for one and two bedroom properties that will prop up rents in most of our markets. The rate of rental growth will ease this year compared with 2011, but remain at above-inflation levels across most of our markets. It is an excellent time for investors to add these smaller rental properties to their portfolios as they are being let quickly and on attractive rates.

Hamptons Marlow

Sales. 01628 436283

Riverdale, Marlow Guide Price £1,450,000 Freehold

Orchard Grove, Bolter End Guide Price £1,350,000 Freehold

Fishermans Lodge, Marlow Guide Price £1,000,000 Freehold

The Stables, Bourne End Guide Price £550,000 Freehold

This imposing detached family house dates from the late 19th Century, with later additions, and now makes a well-planned family home in an enviable positon near to the vibrant Marlow High Street and the River Thames.

Located in one of Marlow’s most favoured and well regarded areas, this fine residence has been the subject of much improvement, creating a comfortable home with modern clean lines whilst retaining the original character.

Dating from the very early 19th century, this fine attached house offers a wealth of character and period features. Set on a corner plot of approximately 3/4 acre the accommodation is arranged over three floors with a number of outbuildings.

A stunning, recently converted, high quality barn within a small gated courtyard of similar properties, combining many original features with a contemporary interior.

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Curry favour

Our suggestion: try a mixed platter for starters. Chicken tikka, sheek kebab and dal pakora come with the fresh flavours of yogurt mint sauce to bring the spices alive, and a surprising garnish of a fresh Mediterranean salad. Among the long list of mains, salmon jalfrezi stars this fish in a new role marinated and tandoorcooked. Lamb bhunjon is more of a traditional style, slowcooked with fragrant coriander and fenugreek leaves. Add in the varied breads and chutneys, rice and veg dishes, wedges of fresh orange as the perfect palate cleanser, fragrant hot towels, served with style in a classy dining room, and you can see the reasons for Tiger Garden’s success.

After 28 years running Indian restaurants in Marlow, Abdul Rob has received a string of accolades. Most recent are ‘Outstanding Restaurateur’ award presented at the House of Lords in 2010, ‘Highly Commended for Best Indian Restaurant in the South-East of England’ at the Asian Curry Awards 2011, and now 5 stars from WDC for Excellence in Food Hygiene. His restaurant Tiger Garden is noted for its blend of traditional eastern features along with an updated appreciation of what makes for a pleasant ‘out for an Indian’ dining experience. The menu is equally a blend of old and new. In his early days, favourites were vindaloos for the boys and kormas for the girls. Now all the riches of the sub-continent are here, sitting happily alongside an eclectic mix-and-match of international themes. Fish is increasingly popular, with whole sea bass and salmon alongside the tiger prawns. Duck is a favourite. And chefs make up any dish as spicy or mild as required.

But Abdul Rob says success is down to the advice he received long ago from his father: “Be very honest, be very hardworking and patient, and have courage.” Tiger Garden, 42 West Street, 01628 482211, has a sister restaurant Tiger Cub, Station Road, Marlow, 01628 482020

Tiger Garden, Marlow - Award winning restaurant highly commended as the Best Indian Restaurant in the South East of England at the Asian Curry Awards 2011. Tiger Garden has a long standing reputation in the area of serving the most authentic Indian dishes in warm and comfortable surroundings. Tiger Garden welcomes you to indulge yourself with exotic Indian cuisine in the heart of the historic riverside town of Marlow. We take pride in our innovative recipes made to order using the freshest ingredients and careful spicing to bring you a variety of mouthwatering and sumptuous dishes. 41 West Street, Marlow 01628 482211




mayors message

Villa d'Este

2 Chapel Street, Marlow, Bucks 01628 472012/474798

The Finest Italian Cuisine In Elegant Surroundings Family run & established for 25 years Villa d'Este creates an authentic Italian Cuisine from the centre of Italy cooked with freshest ingredients. Our tempting menu includes plenty of fish, fresh pasta and vegetarian options & mouth watering home-made desserts.

2 COURSE LUNCH SPECIALS OFFERED EVERY DAY- ÂŁ13.80 Private Functions welcome- seating available 70/90

Open 7 days a week Lunch 12.30pm-2.30pm Dinner 7.00pm-10.30pm Our Henley restaurant is the Villa Marina




2010 Regional Winner of the Good Food Guide Reader’s Restaurant of the Year Award The Vanilla Pod’s discreet dining room is tucked away behind the elegant black door in Marlow’s West Street Once home to T.S. Eliot, one of the most distinguished literary figures of the 20th century, the elegant home has been transformed into a modern, stylish restaurant. The kitchen is run under the watchful eye of Chef Proprietor Michael Macdonald, who uses local produce to inspire a creative and extensive menu changing frequently, which you can enjoy in the main dining room or the upstairs T.S. Eliot private dining room. The Vanilla Pod offers fine dining in a beautiful location, where the professionalism of the service allows you to relax and enjoy your food experience. To celebrate our 10th Anniversary, we would like to offer to all the Marlovian readers the opportunity to come and visit us with the following special offers: LUNCH OFFER “Bring a friend for £10” Offer valid in April and May 2012 from Tuesday to Saturday from our set lunch menu. The first person will pay full price and the second £10.00. We also have an Early Week Set Menu for dinner at £25.00 per person. The menu is valid on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and changes daily. For more information we have sample menus on our website Please quote MR12 when you book your table with these offers. 31 West Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire. SL7 2LS Telephone: 01628 898101 – Fax: 01628 898108 Email: Website: the



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The Marlow Foot Clinic is run by Foot Health Practitioner and Reflexologist Stephanie Francis MAR SAC Dip RFHP. The clinic at Sunrise, provides a relaxing atmosphere and stylish environment to have your Foot health analysis and treatment.

– Put some “Medi” in your Pedi

A: Unlike commercial pedicures, the Medical Pedicure is always performed with sterilised instruments. The Medical pedicure gives your feet a thorough overhaul and treats all aspects of foot health. This procedure is recommended for people with corns, calluses, thickened nails and other minor foot conditions that require a more intensive treatment, rather than the traditional beauty salon pedicure. This is the perfect sterile foot health treatment, popular with both men and women. The Medical pedicure at the Marlow Foot Clinic is performed by qualified Foot Health Practitioner Stephanie Francis, who has extensive knowledge of foot related conditions and she provides diagnosis, treatment and management. Stephanie’s Foot Health treatments give effective, safe and long lasting results, giving you the foot

Alternatively, you can book an appointment for a relaxing home visit Monday – Saturday. In the UK, it is thought that 90% of us will suffer from a foot problem at some point in our lives and many put up with foot pain believing it to be normal! Painful feet are both uncomfortable and unnecessary. Healthy feet mean pain-free mobility. A regular 8-12 weekly visit for a foot health treatment is the best way to ensure your feet stay in tip top condition. Book your Medical Pedicure at Marlow Foot Clinic Sunrise, 42 West Street, Marlow, Sl7 2NB Tel 07949 223345 LIKE my page Marlow Foot Clinic. Follow Marlowfeet Twitter


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affordable massage

t r e at m e n t s i n y o u r o w n h o m e

w : w w w. m a n a m a i k a . co. u k e : ay m e r i c @ m a n a m a i k a . co. u k m: 07970 474978


The mobile masseur Lesley Parkes stays home for a great massage from ManaMaika

“I always used to have regular massages as my wellbeing is important to me,” he explains. “But there were certain things I did not enjoy. “I didn’t like having to drive 30 minutes to a spa and then 30 minutes home again. It undid all the good of the massage and I could feel the tension creeping back into my body. “Also, I have always been happy to pay for a massage, but sometimes at a spa you feel that you are paying for the candles, abundant fluffy towels, the whole setting, rather than the actual treatment. “I don’t like to use the phrase value for money, but I’m afraid that is what it is all about. You don’t always feel you are getting value for money at a spa and that is very disappointing.” So Aymeric retrained as a Swedish masseur and now runs the highly professional ManaMaika massage service as a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists. He visits homes and workplaces, bringing with him a massage table, towels, oils and even background music, and clients can choose a 45 minute or one hour full body or back, neck and shoulder massage starting from a very affordable £35. Special arrangements can be made for workplaces and Aymeric looks forward to the day when more employers will be more open-minded about offering this perk to their staff. But Aymeric is happy with the way his business is growing. He told me: “I have lots of regular clients who now have a monthly massage and positive feedback from more than 120 clients.”

Couples in particular are enjoying the benefits of a good massage at around half the usual cost at a spa. “Many men don’t really like going to spas anyway as they are very female orientated. I have male clients and couples who I see regularly now and I know they really enjoy the fact that afterwards they can just put their slippers on and relax. I think it adds value to the wellbeing benefits of a massage. “Being in your own home is also very relaxing.” I can testify to that as Aymeric visited my home to demonstrate his massage skills. After filling in his medical questionnaire and discussing which areas I would like him to concentrate on, he set up his table in my sitting room. His pressure was perfect – for me there is no point having a massage unless you feel it, but it shouldn’t hurt! My knotty and stiff shoulders were soon relaxed under Aymeric’s expert touch. He demonstrated all the different massaging techniques he can use, pointing out that when he has a regular client he goes changing the movements so he’s never predictable. Aymeric astutely pointed out that as he is going into people’s homes, he is very reliant on word of mouth for his services.

What other clients say… “Thank you Aymeric for the full body massage. Woke up this morning feeling amazing !!!!!” Pam P “Thank you Aymeric for 2 greats back massages. Perfect pressure, ambiance and relaxation. My husband loved it and would definitely do it again. 5 stars for your people skills” Elisa J “Aymeric has been fantastic. I have been having regular massages at home for four months now and I can really feel the benefits. My husband, Ian, has now also started to have massages to relieve the pain from a hockey injury.” Erica and Ian For more information and prices visit To book an appointment call 07970 474978 or email aymeric@

“I want people to recognise ManaMaika as a trustworthy, reliable name and they must feel secure about me coming to their homes and putting themselves, literally, in my hands.” Aymeric is counting on the fact that his professionalism and reliability, as well as his excellent massages, will help his business to grow.

£5 off

His ambition is to expand the business throughout the Home Counties and beyond with the help of other well-trained professionals. “Wellbeing should not be a luxury,” he rightly says. “Everyone should be able to afford a massage and, with my help, they hopefully can!”

Valid on all massages until 30th of June. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers. Must be 18 years old. Valid only after successful health questionnaire. 1 voucher per household



Like most good ideas it was a simple one. Take all the best elements of having a massage, cut out all the negatives, and you have a service that everyone will want; massages at home or work by a mobile masseur. Aymeric Marcheval, who came to the UK from his native France more than a decade ago to improve his English, was working as a Tesco manager when he had his life-changing idea.





FRIDAY NIGHT JAZZ DINNERS We welcome a series of new musicians for our popular Friday night Jazz dinners, held on the second Friday of each month. Forthcoming dates: 13 April, 11 May, 8 June, 13 July, 10 August £39.95 per person

SMOOTH JAZZ SUNDAY LUNCHES Enjoy traditional Sunday lunch accompanied by the sounds of live jazz. Forthcoming dates: 22 April, 27 May, 24 June, 29 July, 19 August £39.95 per person

EASTER A ‘Chocolate’ Afternoon Tea will be available throughout the Easter weekend to include chocolate chip scones, chocolate tart and a chocolate éclair Friday 6th to Monday 9th April 2012

T H E S T Y L I S H & L U X U R I O U S M A C D O N A L D C O M P L E AT A N G L E R H OT E L I S A M AG I C A L & RO M A N T I C R I V E R S I D E RETREAT. THE AWARD-WINNING BOWATERS RESTAUR ANT O F F E R S GO U R M E T F OO D W H I LE OV E R LOO K I NG TH E RIVER THAMES. The Seasonal Menu in Bowaters offers a delicious selection of modern British starters, main courses and desserts for just £39 for 3 courses. It’s our dedication to serving only the highest quality food that makes us different and during March and April, take the opportunity to celebrate and enjoy a discount of 20% from your total bill* (including drinks).

Reserve your table on 0844 879 9128

20% OFF YOUR BILL B O W A T E R S R E S TA U R A N T A T M A C D O N A L D C O M P L E AT A N G L E R Name Address

£19.95 per person

DIAMOND JUBILEE WEEKEND HRH Queen Elizabeth dined at the hotel by invitation of the Hungarian President. This is now your chance to dine and sample some of the Queen’s favourite dishes or enjoy a ‘Royal’ Afternoon Tea, featuring finger sandwiches, flourless chocolate cake, strawberry tart and a glass of Kir Royal (see our website for full details). Saturday 2nd to Tuesday 5th June 2012

FATHER’S DAY Treat Dad to a traditional Sunday Lunch including a gift for Dad Sunday 17th June 2012 £39.95 per adult £19.95 per child

Phone No. E-mail Macdonald Compleat Angler, Marlow, SL7 1RG PRIVATE RIVER CRUISES

Terms and conditions: Offer available from Monday to Friday for up to 8 people in March & April 2012 dining from the Seasonal Menu (offer does not apply to Market Menu priced at £23.50). Jazz dinners on Friday 9th March and 13th April have a set price of £39.95. Supplements apply to a few dishes on the Seasonal Menu and a discretionary service charge of 12.5% is added to the bill. Tables must be booked in advance, quoting this offer. Subject to availability.

Why not hire one of our boats and enjoy a private cruise along the upper Thames with our experienced skipper? Silent Waters seats up to 6 passengers and Sovereign Waters seats up to 12 passengers. Dine with us during April or May and receive a £50 voucher against a one hour charter of Sovereign Waters.

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