Angela Burgess Coaching
Build a Better B in 90 Minutes!
n my other life as a business coach I ran a workshop last month called “Build a Better Business in 90 Minutes”. There was a lot of interest, with 56 people turning up on the day (virtually!). So what was the workshop all about? The concept was looking at how we spend so much time “in” our business and don’t pay enough attention to working “on” our business. So by mastering your time and working “on” your business, you can make your business grow. I talked about investing your time rather than just spending time and being intentional with what you want to achieve. We can all be busy during the day, but if you get to the end of it and wonder what you have achieved, you maybe just spending your time and not getting the real work done.
How are you spending your time? We all have the same amount of hours each week, so how come others seem to get so much done? Most likely they plan! My talk went through how if you started the day at 9am and finished at 6pm, you have 12 x 45 minutes slots. If you take one for lunch, then that leaves 11. Over a full week, that is 55 x 45 slots that you can get stuff done. Sounds like a lot doesn’t it? Well it is! If you then allocate two of those slots per day, 90 minutes in total to work “on” your business, being the marketeer rather than the 22 | SE21 - March 2021
doer, you will reap the rewards. The more marketing you do, the more profit you make. So it is all about stopping the talking and start doing.
Why 90 Minutes? Good question. It is manageable. Even better if you split it in to two 45 minutes sessions. Imagine how much you could get done if you focussed on just one thing and completed it. Our brain craves completion. The satisfaction of completing a job, finishing a chapter of a book, another episode of your favourite tv series. What is doesn’t like is continually doing the same thing but not finishing it. This can get you down, leads to frustrating and inevitably, leaving the very thing that you need to finish, undone.
So what should I be doing in my 90 Minutes? I feel the most important thing in business is getting and keeping more customers. So you 90 minutes should be based around that. If you manage that; everything else with be OK. • So think about what you are going to do every day to achieve this? • Surely you would set time aside to focus on this? • How can we do it?