2 minute read
Councillors Column
from SE22 May 2021
by SE Magazines
SE22 Councillors
Cllr Victoria Olisa | Victoria.olisa@southwark.gov.uk
As I write this column, we are finally bouncing into spring with a new vigour! The darling buds of May! Phase 2 of the roadmap means that lockdown Part 3 has been eased dramatically, most shops are now open, the gyms are open, you can meet your friends and family in your back garden or at Goose Green park or at the local pub. You can now get your hair cut, have a wonderful massage and beauty treatments in Melbourne Grove, grab a coffee and pastry and watch the world go by on Lordship Lane (do not forget your coat, as it is still a little chilly in the sunshine!) or something more substantial from the restaurants further along the Lane, Mediterranean style. Life is good! Until May 17th at least, all non-essential shops, gyms, libraries, and community centres are open. Social distancing still prevails, so rule of meeting up to 6 people in the outdoors remains. After May 17th we can enjoy our cafes and restaurants, both inside and outside with little restrictions. I have seen the community come out to support their local shops, especially all along Lordship Lane, Northcross Road and Melbourne Grove too. We all need to support our local shops, as they are the lifeblood of our area. We are looking at ways to improve our high street and want your ideas and views on this in the coming months. Do we need another local artisan market, signage to promote Lordship Lane, Melbourne Grove, Northcross Road perhaps? Watch the local noticeboards for news of forthcoming ward meetings. We want to hear your ideas. LTNS (Low Traffic Neighbourhoods) and the recent traffic measures have been a challenging and divisive topic over the last few month. You said and we have listened to many local business concerns, so we have amended many parking restrictions in local streets, introduced temporary parklets in Melbourne Grove South and other side streets to give a welcoming space for residents to sit and meet their friends, have a coffee, and get some fresh air. We know that these are challenging times for residents, but we ask that you take part in the public review of the programmes in late summer, so that we can provide a better environment for all residents be they a trader, parent, child, motorist, or cyclist. LTNS are part of our borough wide focus on improving air quality, reducing air pollution, part of our wider movement plan and long-term climate emergency plans. With the current COVID-19 19 restrictions, the council is still unable to carry out public face to face meetings, but please check your local noticeboards for details of forthcoming ward meetings this month, to discuss our local high street. Also check the Common Space website and other social media avenues for news of how to engage with you to listen to your views. Please continue to email us with your views and concerns. Look forward to seeing many of you in the coming months when the restrictions have been fully lifted.