CI M e h I
May 2015
Interview with the instructor “Martha Adelina Romero Ramirez”
Centro Industrial de Mantenimiento Integral - Regional Santander
Teacher's day This month, most Colombian schools and universities celebrate a date that commemorates the work of educators. On May 15th, teachers are acknowledged for the hard work and dedication given to a profession that requires not only academic, but also interpersonal and social skills.
Earthqua ke iin n
It is disturbing that we don't have evacuation and prevention programs for emergencies like these, as other countries such as Japan demonstrate that this can be easily done. It is ironic that the seismic movements that occur every day, is in fact, what prevents a huge catastrophe to occur.
By Laura Pinzon Jacome English Instructor
A teacher needs to be aware of different student's needs and learning styles. All students are unique individuals that have their own motivation and needs when learning. Therefore, it is the teacher's role to understand such needs and to present suitable ways of helping learners acquire knowledge.
Everybody should know that what happened in Bucaramanga was a dangerous situation, in which God was on our side. We received a great gift and an opportunity to continue living. Many “Santandereanos” still do not know or simply don't care about the current geographic situation in the northeast of the country. Santander is one of the most affected areas by earthquakes, due to its location.
At SENA CIMI NEWS, we want to congratulate all our teachers, instructors and fellow teachers. Thanks for all your commitment and dedication. Thanks so much and Happy Teacher's day!
People frequently ask: What makes a good teacher? Perhaps, many are aware that knowledge and proficiency are the most important requirements to be a good teacher. However, being an educator demands more than the command of languages or specific topics. It is a combination of Knowledge, experience and most importantly, it is the ability to give themselves to others in order to help them become better people and members of society.
The teacher is no longer seen as an authority or source of knowledge. A good teacher acts as a guide or tutor who provides learners with different scenarios to make them understand topics and to help them assume a critical view when controversial themes are discussed. A good teacher motivates learner's autonomy, helping students understand not only what to learn but also how and why to learn it. Teachers need to evolve, to be updated and to be always passionate about their job.
!Apples are nice, but I find today´s teacher prefers a nice coffee!.
Bucaramanga ucaramanga B
There are polarized public opinions where the authorities say the dam does not cause pressure, while others think that it is an imminent danger. This concern seems to be far from being solved. In order to resolve the conflict; the protection of the territory has to be guaranteed. Citizens must mobilize and state their opinions so the politicians in charge can create programs to improve the safety of “Santandereanos”. The catastrophe that occurred last week in Nepal is an alert to our region to be better prepared for future earthquakes.
Finally, it is evident that Santander is the epicenter of seismic movements and it depends on the authorities and likewise on the community to be prepared for an unexpected natural event. By Fabián López
However, the seismic forces in Bucaramanga are increasing due to the pressure that is coming from the Hidrosogamoso Dam. This pressure is already being studied and tested, but the situation is denied by the owners of the dam.
864648 - Técnico en Fabricación de Estructuras de Productos Metálicos Soldados-Platina.
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May 2015
Interview with the instructor “Martha Adelina Romero Ramirez”
Ariel: Good morning. Dear instructor it is a pleasure for me to have the opportunity to interview an excellent instructor and mother due to the celebrations that we have this month. The teacher´s day and the mother´s day. Martha: Thank you Ariel I am very excited and it is an honor for me that you had me in mind to represent these two wonderful roles. Ariel: Please can you tell us your full name? Martha: My full name is Martha Adelina Romero Ramirez. Ariel: How old are you? Martha: I was born in 1976 so I am 39 years old. Ariel: Where are you from? Martha: I am from Cerrito Santander. It is a cold and beautiful small town. Ariel: Can you tell us about your family? Martha: I am married with Vladimir Quintero, we got married 9 years ago. And from our beautiful relationship we have two children, our daughter Dharma Angeli she is 7 years old and our son Joshua David, he is 5 years old. Ariel: In your own opinion, what is the most relevant aspect to be a mother? Martha: In my opinion being a mother is an honor. It represents the confidence that God has into a person to raise and love unconditionally another human being. It is a total happiness. Sometimes, as a mother, you feel so many things like powerlessness for example when your children do not do the correct thing but you know they have to learn from their mistakes in life. That also includes situations in which they spend time with other people who can be a negative influence for them - but that´s part of their development and parents are in charge of guiding and teaching them how to do things correctly in life. My husband and I try to help our children to understand life and to make them feel free, to avoid conditions and to be happy. Ariel: Beautiful! That is related to your role as a mother, now let´s talk about your role as an instructor. Martha: Thanks, I am ready for the next question. Ariel: What is your profession? Martha: I am journalist graduated from UNAB university. I graduated as a journalist in 1998 and in 2001 I got a specialization in organizational communication.
Ariel:When did you start working at SENA? Martha: I started working at SENA CIMI in December 24th 2004 Ariel: Wow! What a special day. Martha: Yes, it was a gift from God. Ariel: What do you love the most about your job? Martha: Well I love what I do, I feel so happy to work here because I can improve as a professional. I also like helping the community to improve the usage of language and to recognize the importance of using the correct words when expressing ideas and I love to promote reading. Ariel: Do you want to leave a message to the SENA CIMI community? Martha: Yes, always love what you do and do your best every day because when you love what you do you will do a good job and you will form a very important instrument in the society. Share what you know and learn from others - that will make you wise. Ariel: Very nice message, Dear instructor Martha that would be all for this interview, Thank you very much. Martha: It was a pleasure for me. Thank you very much. By Ariel Alexis Sanchez Aguilar 465779 - Automatizacion Industrial
Using a
When studying to become an industrial machinery mechanic, it’s important to understand just how important a backhoe is, and what a useful tool it is. A backhoe, also called a rear actor or back actor, is a piece of excavating equipment or digger consisting of a digging bucket on the end of a two-part articulated arm. They are typically mounted on the back of a tractor or front loader. The section of the arm closest to the vehicle is known as the boom, and the section which carries the bucket is known as the dipper or dipper-stick (the terms "boom" and "dipper" having been used previously on steam shovels). The boom is generally attached to the vehicle through a pivot known as the king-post, which allows the arm to slew left and right, usually through a total axis of around 200 degrees. At SENA we’re proud to say that we’re learning to use these devices and that we’re going to build a better country with this knowledge. By Jose Angel Mejía Marín 811000 - Mecánico de maquinaria Industrial
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May 2015
My experience of entrepreneurship with recyclable materials
The Passion of Learning English
It has been a very successful start running a business with purses and wallets for women made of recyclable materials. Everything started when my uncle gave me a purse and it surprised me when I realized it was made out of bags of potato chips. I asked my uncle how it was made and he picked me up to the small town of Cordoba near the municipality of Lorica where a woman designed this. Very kindly, this woman explained me how to produce them. I was so motivated about it that I went there three times a week in order to learn how to do it. In the program of sales management in the SENA - Regional Cordoba, which I am in , an instructor called Rosiniris Perez Oyola motivated and guided me to show a product and I chose the purses and wallets made of potato chips as my business proposal. I had the opportunity of showing it in a business event, at Centro de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, in which we got a very good feedback. This motivated me even more to continue with this business idea. The manufacturing process of these purses and wallets is simple but they require time and dedication because they are done manually. First of all, potato chips bags and small boxes are recollected. Then pieces of the small boxes and potato chips bags are cut in the same length with different width. After that the potato ship bag is wrapped around the piece of box making like a figure of a butterfly. Following, they are weaved like a braid. Next, the braids are linked together by sewing them and they are formed into the shape of the purse or wallet. Finally, details like zipper and strap are added. The ecological and economic impact raised my motivation even more. Potato chips bags produce a lot of nonbiodegradable garbage. Therefore it means that using this kind of materials contributes positively to the environmental impact. On the other hand, economically these products leave very good earnings because crafts are sold for a good price. I have had earnings of 60% of my investment.
Learning a language is a matter of passion. English is a very easy language to learn. All you need is to be aware of how important it is and what it means for your future. Here we want to give you some piece of advice about good strategies you can implement to make learning easier. 1. Dedicate yourself to learn vocabulary. Read as much as you can. Sometimes it does not matter if you do not understand. The habit of reading in English by itself will bring great benefits for your learning. You can also make reading comprehension exercises. They will help you develop this skill dramatically. 2. Listen to English material frequently. It would be great if you did it every day. You can even do it just for ten or thirteen minutes and you will notice the difference in a few days. You will get to understand easier and you will start identifying words that you already know, some that you knew and did not remember and many new ones too. 3. Talk to yourself in English all the time. This is the best advice I can give to you. It does not matter if you make mistakes or even make up the words you do not know. Your brain will get used to thinking in the language, your fluency and your pronunciation will definitely improve. If you do it, you will be surprised. You have to push your brain to think in English and get used to it. 4. Writing is a very important skill and you must develop it too. How can you do it? Obviously, Writing is the answer! Try to write English every day. You can even get a diary and write about what happens to you during the day or, even better, about a different topic every time. Put your ideas, opinions, dreams and expectations into paper. Always remember that practice makes perfect and your present and future only depend on yourself. It is your decision to put passion into your heart to learn. If you really wish it, you will get it, but you need to give your best. So, never stop learning because it is the greatest, most wonderful and valuable thing you can experience in your lifetime.
Never forget, English is EASY!
This idea changed my life and the life of my family. Knowing that I am contributing to the ecology in the present makes me feel more positive about a sustainable future with an optimistic perspective about my economy in the future, having a profitable present. Now my family, in which most of the members are merchants, is very interested in accompanying me with this business and we are planning to make it bigger. Besides, thanks to this experience, in which I was guided by the SENA, I not only improved my economy and entrepreneurship, but also grew up in terms of my personal development.
By Lilyana Maria Vallejo Gomez English Instructor from the Business Development Area Centro de la Innovación, la Agroindustria y el Turismo ANTIOQUIA 03/Improve-your-life-by-learning-English-2.jpg
By Rosa Helena Restrepo Barrios 660882 - Centro de Comercio, Industria y Turismo CÓRDOBA More employment
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May 2015
The First
Fair in CIAT Rionegro While all others bite one’s nails, "The happy winner group is... Environmental Control... from the Center, which posed a pretty important proposal on behalf of air quality" said one of the Instructors in charge of the Fair. The decision was made by several judges, who were looking for some excellent proposals, beyond the participants give proof of being a closeknit team!
The First Environmental Fair at the Centro de la Innovación, la Agroindustria y el Turismo (CIAT) in Rionegro - Antioquia, last September 16th. Around seven environmental programs from different region’s centers joined forces to show an extensive range of ideas in favor of the natural resources preservation. In this event, there were some interesting projects like “ECOKITCHEN”, “ECO-FRIENDLY AND SELF-SUSTAINED HOMES”, and “WATER TREATMENT AND AIR QUALITY”. These projects considered three factors: noise, odor and particulate matters.
Let me share with you my experience as a member of this technology program because we won a lot of smiles, sleepless nights and discussion; but the most important thing: we developed strengths and abilities; we were able to work as leaders and as community too. We realized that we have a lot of big ideas and skills to contribute to environmental sustainability for our region. We hope to make these ideas into reality We want to thank our instructors: Sandra Galvis and Johan Anderly Borja, and to all my classmates from Environmental Control. By Jenni Daniela Garcia Quiceno 466500 – Técnico en Control Ambiental Centro de la Innovación, la Agroindustria y el Turismo ANTIOQUIA
Video games
and English
Video games are electronic games in which the player interacts with other players or with an artificial intelligence. Video games have personally helped me to learn English. These games have also helped me meet many people online around the world. Taking into account those factors, the particulate matters were a huge proposal for the group formed by the Environmental Control Technology from this Center. They developed three ideas: the first one was about mitigation measure for pollutant atmospheric emission of particulate matters and carbon dioxide produced by an immunized industry. It was performed by the help of filters that retained pollutants, modifying the conditions of the smokestack (Elevation of the chimney for the dispersion) and implemented living barriers. The following one was a project focused in reducing the environmental impact caused by noise, insolating the noise by the use of plastic-foam and wood panels, which allow a significant decrease in decibels, and assure compliance with Colombian current regulation. The last project was related to the Implementation of bio-filter of pollutant gases in order to decrease the bad odors associated with ammonia by 90% in a poultry farm.
I started playing video games when I was very young, seven years old. All of the games in Colombia at this time were in English and I didn't understand anything. Each time I played I learned more, and became interested in the history of video games. Now with the internet I play online and know people around the world, for example the USA, Canada and Europe. To learn the complete objectives in the game I try to communicate with them and they teach me words I don't know. Now I am trying to learn from the English teacher at SENA for better opportunities. By Carlos Alberto Sierra 866165 - Centro Agroindustrial QUINDIO
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May 2015
Macondo Was Real for
My Story in SENA
Our Apprentices
After leaving high school, you have three options: to continue your studies, to get a job or to wait for the answers to come to you. In my case I chose the first option, I think that we must never stop learning. However, I did not wish to study in the most beloved by Colombian Entity because I thought I would only get free education to improve the economy, becoming a slave labor.
120,000 titles, 23 halls and 450 exhibitors shaped the cultural ocean where learners had access. “In a world so recent where many things were nameless, and to mention them we had to use our hands” Our students encountered this phrase in the 2015 book fair. The Macondo’s magical realism where yellow butterflies fly, was the place where students of System Development and Accounting visited under the guidance of Pedro Melendez and Deisy Villalabos.
Apparently, life puts you in the place that we should be to give us lessons, so I decided to continue my studies at SENA in Business Management Technology, which it was a link of the Technical Study at high school. I realized it was a good opportunity, maybe the best choice I could have ever taken. SENA gave me the opportunity to dream, to be someone better, to open my eyes to real world, to continue climbing in my personal development, to meet great people, peers, teachers, mentors and friends.
“Today many students have the possibility to be here thanks to the books found in the library and the tracing given by the welfare area” Deisy Villalobos Instructor.
I had to change my misconceptions through the events experienced. In SENA, I learned that things are not as the draw means, I learned that several-bonded spider webs can catch a lion, the one who fails to plan, plans his/her failure and there is no reason to accept a second-rate idea when you have an infinite potential within the strength of your mind.
The Filbo 2015, in its 28th version, is considered as one of the three most important fairs in Latin America and the first one in the Andina region. It offered a catalog that included national and international publishers, children’s literature, technical and scientific texts, graphic industry, universities halls and government organizations.
I did not imagine acquiring so valuable knowledge, even the universal language, English. It is wonderful as I can see my progress day by day. I was the one who thought I could not learn vocabulary, but I reached a presentation fluently and I improved my listening and written skills, so that it shows that I was wrong because I was able to do it.
“Coming to a book fair became a good experience because in this kind of activities and places one find several authors and fields of knowledge so one end up learning new things” Juan Carlos Navarro- Apprentice.
At SENA, you can see how the Instructors want to teach many things that are not seen in many places. There, they do not give you the answers; you must reach them. You are in SENA not only for getting a job as many people think, but also for getting a better life, that is why I am so proud to say I feel myself honored to be part of this great family.
“For all students who belong to the Agro-ecological and Business Center, a fraternal greeting from another member of this family, SENA is present in the most important academic events with different training centers, where the best Colombian people are being trained.” Alfonso Prada Gil –General Director – SENA. By Yennyfer Martinez
By ESTEFANIA RAMIREZ BOTERO 656259 – Tecnólogo en Gestión de Negocios Centro de la Innovación, la Agroindustria y el Turismo ANTIOQUIA
749033 - Agroecological and Business CUNDINAMARCA
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May 2015
“The Huitoto indigenous tribes live in the south of the Amazon state, Colombia. This ethnic group is composed of 6.245 people. Huitotians speak several dialects according to their geographical location. This Creation myth was taken from the book 'El hombre Sentado' by the Colombian anthropologist Fernando Urbina”.
Today we see that people are being made aware of the damage and of how we can recycle different wastes which are generated daily, but still the problem remains. This is because most companies are not lacking awareness and new methods to reduce waste and lack of education, but this should be used to improve the laws with more force. I think that in some cases we should not give environmental licenses because we know that in the short term problems will start to emerge, loss and the disappearance of species found in that environment. Not satisfied with this, some people continue with this lack of awareness and ignore what is happening.
The Origin of the Universe
Huitoto Myth
There are some people that help improve our planet, but they also care about money. But my question is:
Nothing was there, there was no a single living thing. There the Almighty touched imagination, mystery. There was nothing. What single thing could exist? Naaïnuema, the Almighty, in a state of trance, he focused, searching inside himself (…) Now the Almighty was searching for the meaning of life, the beginning of our history, but there was just emptiness. He was trying to reach the end of emptiness, tied it up with the help of a thread of a dream, but everything was empty.
DOES MONEY SATISFY YOUR HUNGER? In many cases, young people and adults have come together for the preservation and improvement of environmental education, building different spaces to carry out this great message and understand that: THE ENVIRONMENT WILL CONTINUE WITHOUT US AND WILL BE REGENERATED, WHILE WE, WITHOUT AN ENVIRONMENT, ARE NOTHING! By Erika Magaly Trujillo Cardona 894573 - Centro Agroindustrial QUINDIO
He took possession over the emptiness, to sit down in that dimension, which is our soil, and tried to extend it.
The Best
Once he took control over the emptiness, he created water: he made water out of the saliva from his mouth. Then he sat down in the part of the universe that is our soil, and to create heaven he took a piece of soil and made blue sky and white clouds. Bibliography; URBINA, Fernando. 1993. "Mitos y petroglifos en el río Caquetá", en Boletín del Museo del Oro No. 30, pp. 2-40, Banco de la República, Bogotá
By Nolberto Hernandez García 473037 - Centro para la Biodiversidad y el Turismo AMAZONAS
Little Environmental
At present, environmental changes have increased and nature has been overshadowed by big industries and lack of awareness. Most people have knowledge of the damage and problems today. They have become worse due to lack of action on the matter, but the lack of education and awareness make things more difficult for those seeking a positive change for our planet. wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Find-Love.jpg NI/AAAAAAAAAfQ/NAkuu9PDaxk/s1600-h/HitotoMadre.bmp
for Finding
Are you looking for the love of your life? Here are some pieces of advice ,here are some tips:
1. You should know the person you are falling in love with very well. 2. Do not expect he or she will fill the emptiness of your life. 3. Do not relate with a man or woman who does not want to have a relationship. 4. Do not try to impress your partner. 5. Do not listen to what a man or woman says, pay attention to what he or she does. 6. The one who really loves you, will always look for you. 7. Loving means to take the risk of hurting someone or being hurt. 8. Nothing stops those who love. 9.Do not forget about yourself, Mind your physical appearance. 10. Letting someone go does not mean being a coward, it is to accept there are things that simply cannot be as you want. By Maria Clara Uribe Valencia 912153 – Tecnólogo en Contabilidad y Finanzas Centro de la Innovación, la Agroindustria y el Turismo ANTIOQUIA
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May 2015
Promotion of the Welfare and Leadership of the Apprentice in CIAT Rionegro
The Importance of a Responsible Relationship with the Environment The forest and people are directly connected and they have been for time immemorial. We have had a special relationship based on survival, a delicate chain of existence that was treated with respect and appreciation before but people began to disturb the balance.
Apprentices' Welfare is a program specifically designed to create a space for the comprehensive development of Apprentices, giving conditions and possibilities that favor the human development in the various dimensions and the improvement of the quality of life as individuals. Promotion of the welfare and leadership of the apprentice seeks to enhance the capabilities and strengthen the skills of the trainees, providing them tools to cope with the demands of the environment, apprentices as leaders and creative entrepreneurs with critical capacity and solidarity. From the Welfare Office, various strategies and activities are performed, among which we find educational achievement, personal growth and decline of drop-out through various components: health, equity and equality of opportunity, core competencies, and socio-emotional skills and/or the life, Art and Culture, Sports and Recreation, leadership, Social responsibility. So that, the welfare office in CIAT is made up of a dynamic and efficient group of professionals, heading by the leader of the area and Social Worker, Silvana Castrillón Hernandez, who works hard every day with her colleagues, in order to give nice and heartwarming moments through the recreational and healthy events undertaken to the CIAT Apprentices. Luz Adriana Correa Ortega
The forest was serving as a provider and everything inside of it suffered. Different species of animals and vegetation became extinct, many animals were obliged to change their habits or they were domesticated. The consumption of renewable and nonrenewable resources has had a very significant impact on the planet we know. The destruction of the forest has incremented the greenhouse effect because the trees are special retainers of carbon gas which is liberated once trees are cut, burned or torn. Another very important characteristic about trees is that they produce oxygen, bring refuge to many wild species, return water and bring an economic sustenance to a considerable part of population. As we can see people and vegetation are connected, both have been united since the beginning of civilization. That’s why a human being must understand that these are not possibilities without balance. Sustainability and compromise are required from governmental entities. We have to give our best to preserve our only and wonderful planet. 2 out of 3 parts of the population of developing countries totally depend on wood as a source of energy.
Importance of the forest and its benefits: - Trees generate oxygen and absorb carbon gas. - It clears the air. - It provides food and protection to wild animals. - It brings better water quality – less impurity. - Many species are used for medical treatment. - It helps to control the floods. - It brings different kinds of wood which are used for different purposes. - Production of paper and pencils.
698977 – Tecnólogo en Gestión de Negocios Centro de la Innovación, la Agroindustria y el Turismo ANTIOQUIA
Carlos Alberto Sierra Erika Magaly Trujillo Cardona Estefania Ramirez Botero Ariel Alexis Sanchez Aguilar Jenni Daniela Garcia Quiceno Fabián López Luz Adriana Correa Ortega Jose Angel Mejía Marín Maria Clara Uribe Valencia Nolberto Hernandez García Oscar Ivan Montoya Rosa Helena Restrepo Barrios Yennyfer Martinez
By Oscar Ivan Montoya 894573 - Centro Agroindustrial QUINDIO
Instructors CIMI Ana Maria Martinez Serrano Bibiana Fernanda Torres Avila Javier Amaya Diaz Johannes Alexander Willman John Anderson Suarez León Laura Margarita Pinzon Jacome Martha Isabel Barbosa Rodriguez Martha Lucia Chaves Niño Nicholas Hughes
CesarMarlon Cruz Aldana Cristiam Camilo Bautista Earl Nelson O’Kuly Even Fernanda Olaya Ruiz Jana Hlušková Juan Carlos Medina Juan Carlos Saavedra Vera Laura Melisa Otalvaro Leonardo Montes Alvarez Lilyana Maria Vallejo Gomez Monica Esther Cogollo Cogollo Oscar Ivan Oliveros Perdomo Oscar Renato Marín Londoño Silvana Castrillón Hernández
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