August 2012

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Helensburgh & District


Volume 2 #7

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Lord Mayor Listens – But To Whom?

By Angela Fagerstrom We have elected councillors who are willing to listen to the needs of businesses in the 2508 region – but who are they listening to? In a move which excluded a major part of the local business community, Lord Mayor Bradbery attended a confidential meeting on July 9, with a small group of Helensburgh businessmen known as the Helensburgh Business Owners Group.

“These issues are by no means unique to the area, with many of the difficulties being faced by the businesses represented already being tackled at state level” This meeting was not held under the umbrella of the Council’s own Economic Advisory Development Board, on which Mayor Bradbery sits as chair. It was not organised through the NF1 and the Northern Illawarra Chamber of Commerce were not consulted. Following the confidential meeting, the Mayor called a business forum for Helensburgh with the theme “The future business prospects for Helensburgh and any impediments”. The forum which took place on July 25 at the Helensburgh Community Centre gave businesses the opportunity to air their grievances about




various issues including the pace with which development applications were handled, the minefield businesses face for meeting council compliance and inconsistencies with land zones. These issues are by no means unique to the area, with many of the difficulties being faced by the businesses represented already being tackled at state level through the comprehensive planning law reform strategy - the ‘green paper’ now on public exhibition. The only councillor to offer any input outside development was Ward 3 Councillor Vicki Curran who suggested businesses consider other ways to revitalise the business environment without relying solely on development. While the forum did highlight to councillors in attendance the genuine development approval difficulties faced by some local businesses, a lack of ‘vision’ for the area and the desperate need for a town plan dominated the evening. The Neighbourhood Forum 1 has been calling for a town plan for around seven years with no success. Why does it take a small group of businesses, presumably with land interests in the area, to get the ball rolling on a town plan? Surely any town plan born of such a skewed consultation process will not be widely embraced. For it to work, a town plan must be inclusive, with representatives from all aspects of the community.

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Role of Neighbourhood Forums

Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd Editor: Angela Fagerstrom 0409 065 500 Sub-editor: Karen Lane Facebook: Helensburgh District Herald ABN: 13 877 135 184

Community participation in this monthly newsletter is encouraged. Contributors should keep stories to a maximum of 200 words if possible. The editor reserves the right to edit according to space restrictions. Contributors should include contact details for clarification. The Contributor’s drop box is located at Helensburgh Newsagency, or post to P.O. Box 248 Helensburgh, 2508.

DEADLINE FOR CONTRIBUTIONS IS 5pm, 18th OF THE MONTH Editor@ Disclaimer: The views expressed in the letters published in this issue do not reflect those of the editor. All graphics remain the property of Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd unless otherwise supplied.

IN THIS ISSUE... News Letters Club & Community News Spotlight on Local Business Youth News Cheers & Jeers Classifieds Bluegum Diary Service Directory Sport

1-6 7 18-19, 22-23 8 - 14 16 - 17 15 24 - 25 36 26 - 34 35 - 44

Neighbourhood Forums provide an opportunity for members of the community to: • Meet, raise and discuss local issues • Find solutions to local community problems • Promote community development within their local community • Discuss issues and ideas with Council • Develop and maintain communication and understanding between the community and Council • Encourage social networking and participation within the local community • Provide Council with an opportunity to inform the local community about its services, facilities and projects. The next Neighbourhood Forum 1 meeting will be held at the Helensburgh Community Centre, 7pm on Wednesday August 8.

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New Look Neighbourhood Forum By Angela Fagerstrom At the July 11 Neighbourhood Forum 1 (NF1) meeting, where both outgoing Chair Pauline Lacelles-Smith and Co-chair Councillor Greg Petty declared offices vacant, the dozen or so regular attendees were swamped by a group of around 60 visitors keen to vote. A group of land owners who have long owned property they cannot build on were well represented, along with a large contingent of youth. In a move which angered some at the Forum — it has not been done at previous forum elections — the Neighbourhood Forum Charter was read by a Council representative, in part, to clarify who was entitled to cast a vote. Under the Neighbourhood Forum Charter, which has been adopted by Council since 2008, persons casting a vote must be either a resident of their NF area or be employed in the area. Wollongong City Council’s legal team confirmed that while it was not their intention to

exclude persons owning local land and living out of area, that charter made it clear that residence or employment was a prerequisite for voting at the Forums. On the second Wednesday of each month members from Wollongong City Council’s Community Engagement Team visit the often sparsely attended NF1. They do this with professionalism and courtesy and must be given this in return. Those considering themselves eligible to vote, elected Neville Bussa as Chair with 40 votes and Warwick Erwin as Co-Chair with 28 votes -congratulations go to both gentlemen! Mr Bussa’s first action in the role of Chair was to thank outgoing Chair Pauline Lacelles-Smith, “I would like to extend great thanks to Pauline for doing such a great job over the years and the phenomenal energy she puts into meetings”.

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Local Boys Make A Pit Stop

Father and sons make up team Moss Racing: Bradley, Ray and Cameron Moss

Local brothers and motorsport team, Cameron (age 19) and Bradley Moss (age 20) recently made a pit stop to visit one of their sponsors; Piccadilly Travel of Helensburgh. The Ford Falcon AU attracted attention from enthusiasts and what a workhorse it is! Bradley competes in the NSW Production Touring Cars Saloon division while Cameron competes in the Australian Saloon Car Series and is also being mentored by V8 supercar driver Dean Fiore. “We are so proud of the boys” said sponsor Karen Dinsdale of Piccadilly Travel “they have made great progress against stiff competition.” Cameron competes all over the country with his next big race being held at Queensland Raceway, Ipswich running between August 1012 – part of the Shannon’s Nationals. This event will be broadcast nationally on SBS’s Speedweek where you can see six cylinder arch rivals Ford and Holden go head to head. To find out more, show your support or follow the team’s progress – go to www.mossracing.

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Wollongong Music-Lovers To Get First Glimpse Of New Opera

Although it sometimes seems that operas were only written long ago, Wollongong musiclovers will have the chance to participate in the development of a brand-new opera: The Dancing Mice and the Giants of Flanders. This tale of magic, power and giant puppets that come to life will get its first performance at the Phoenix Theatre in Coniston. The opera, by the Wollongong partnership of composer Houston Dunleavy and writer Laura E. Goodin, will be given a “concert performance” – that is, the singers will perform the music, but there will be no costumes or set at this point. “It’s a work in development,” explained Dunleavy. “This will be the first time an audience has heard the music. We’re eager to get their feedback, and there will be a session after the performance for them to tell us what worked for them – and what didn’t!” The performance will include digital artwork from animator (and former University of Wollongong student) Ruvi Perumal, and an

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electronic score. Dunleavy said, “This opera is a bold, exciting step, as it combines traditional music and story with modern music and multimedia and electronics – a marriage of past and present culture. This is a great opportunity to see the beginnings of a ground-breaking work.” The opera will have one performance only: Saturday, 25 August, at 8 p.m. at the Phoenix Theatre, 24 Bridge Street, Coniston. Ticket prices are $15 and $10, plus a booking fee and are available from www.phoenixtheatre. The Dancing Mice and the Giants of Flanders Presented by Moonburn Productions Composer: Houston Dunleavy Librettist: Laura E. Goodin Singers: Alice Girle (soprano); Eve Klein (mezzo-soprano); Benjamin Loomes (tenor) For more information, contact: Laura E. Goodin, 0432 695 505, info@

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR All letters must carry the sender’s home address and a contact number for verification. Please limit letters to 300 words. By submitting your letter for publication, you agree that we may edit the letter for legal, space or other reasonable reasons. Editor. Dear Editor, What was that meeting? It seems a very long since the Mayor of Wollongong attended a meeting in Helensburgh. In years of Neighbourhood Forums no one remembers the present or past mayors attending. On Wednesday July 25 at the Community Centre Gordon Bradbery did attend and chair an extraordinary meeting organised by a few local business. This should be good news. The problem is that 98% of locals either did not know or attend, and many of those who did come were left with unanswered questions. There were a good number of non residents who owned land that they want subdivided, plus some businesses with DA or rezoning currently under review by Council. Some of those attending have been outspoken for a long time, opposing free speech on local and environmental affairs by residents. Some were recently excluded by council staff from participation at the neighbourhood forum but they were all welcomed by the Mayor. It seems strange that this unrepresentative meeting discussed a plan and future for the town. There are agreed and fair procedures for consultations of such matters, including zoning classifications, as well as a state government green paper on reform of DA procedures – which this meeting seemed to ignore. Sincerely, Geoffrey Sykes

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Forums. Which emphatically state, only those who were allowed to vote for the convener position, were people who lived and worked in the Local Government Area of the Forum. The two Council representatives bravely explained to this mob, and even with the local Police Sergeant in attendance, that, understandably, even though those who lived out of the area couldn’t vote, they could voice their concerns to Council over the voting procedure. Not good enough as far as the speculator mob was concerned. The use of foul language by a speculator towards a law abiding female resident was not appreciated. If only the Councillors, the Local State Politicians , even the NSW Planning Minister and the People of the Illawarra, in fact anyone anywhere, had seen this speculator mob behaviour, they would have been horrified. All for what? Making it very clear, to use the Neighbourhood Forum, they think, to dictate to Council how their speculated Hacking River Protected Environmental Land which also affects Sutherland Shire, should be built on. But what do the speculators think these community forums are for? The Mickey Mouse Club has more power. When they find that they get nowhere, they will have no one to blame but themselves. Alan Bond, Stanwell Tops

Dear Editor, If I hadn’t seen it, I wouldn’t have believed it. The behaviour of the 40 or so land speculators of Helensburgh and out of the district at the Neighbourhood Forum 1 (at Helensburgh Community Centre) for the Convener elections on Wednesday 11 was not only atrocious but absolutely shameless and derogatory to the decent residents who regularly attend the meetings. The two Council representatives copped undesirable harassment as they explained the rules of the Charter of the Neighbourhood Helensburgh & District Herald 7



Don’t Go Gently What started as a mountain climbing adventure in Nepal for Stanwell Park resident, Bernard Hibbard some thirteen years ago has matured into a not-for-profit adventure travel business. The tours give fellow adventures a unique Himalayan experience while at the same time giving much needed resources to the village folk who graciously host them. “The name Don’t Go Gently (Adventure Tours), reflects the sentiment that we are all capable of making a valuable contribution to the lives of others” explained Bernard. Don’t go gently returns the profits made from the tours to some of the most remote and poor areas the tours visit. Over the last three years, one village school has received from tour proceeds; warm sweaters for school children, desks and chairs, basic building maintenance and their own computers. One of Don’t Go Gently’s biggest achievements is opening a medical clinic in March 2012 which caters to around 450 people with a full time nurse. 8 Helensburgh & District Herald

“Villagers no longer have to walk for three hours to take a five hour bus ride for basic medical attention” said Bernard. “Don’t Go Gently is also mindful of empowering the residents by giving them a sense of achievement , the tours pay the nurse’s wages and the clinic’s clients pay for the cost of medicine only – that way it’s selffunding.” “The people of the Himalayas have values that we have lost here, it’s fair to say - I went there to climb mountains, but it’s the people that draw me back” added Bernard. The tours operate twice a season with one for less experienced adventurers and one harder trek. Groups are generally around three to four people and benefit from the local guides, hospitality and contacts Bernard has established over the years. So whether you are a solo traveller, a couple or you want to get a few friends and family together for a shared adventure which will become a highlight of your life, contact Don’t Go Gently on 0418 269 901 or email bernard@ For more information go to www.dontgogently.


Spring is coming! By Alison Rowe - Child & Adult Psychologist In a few weeks it will be spring. The weather will be warmer and flowers will begin to bloom. Spring is a perfect time to reignite the romance in our lives. According to Gregory Godek’s bestseller 1001 Ways to Be Romantic, “Romance is a state of mind. If you have the right mindset, you can make cleaning the bathroom romantic. If you have the wrong mindset, you can turn a moonlight stroll on the beach into a fight.” It is not about purchasing extravagant, expensive gifts; it is about the small gestures that you do in daily life with your partner that are important. There are two kinds of romance: obligatory romance to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, special events and optional romance. The latter includes surprising your partner when they least expect it. Optional romance is definitely more genuinely romantic. We all complain that we do not have the time to be romantic, and view it as a low priority in maintaining a healthy relationship. Common excuses include being too busy working, caring for our children or maintaining the house.

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HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD However, being romantic is just one more way of bringing more happiness, joy, peace, fun and passion into our lives and thus improving our overall quality of life. Not much time or money is required. It only takes five minutes to write a love letter, play your partner’s favourite CD, send a funny or romantic greeting card/email/text message, give them a massage or purchase their favourite food or drink item. Romance is important for all people including men and women, young and old, singles and those who are married. Turn ordinary every day events into something special. Eat dinner by candlelight; leave a greeting card on their pillow or car seat. Give a small gift to your partner for completing mundane chores such as the grocery shopping or gardening, to show that you appreciate their efforts. Share your partner’s interests and hobbies occasionally. Dress in his/her favourite outfit or watch your partner’s favourite DVD. Forward a compliment. Recapture the fun in your relationship by viewing romance as “adult play”. Be creative and remember the fun and passionate activities you did together, early in your relationship. Be silly, spontaneous and lower your inhibitions. Live together as lovers rather than as husband and wife, father and mother, worker and housekeeper. Stop nagging, lecturing, judging, correcting each other and start loving one another again by focusing on each other’s strengths. Quite often we lose sight of what initially attracted us to our partner. Stop and think about these and record them on your mobile or in your diary. Remember that there is no such thing as a “perfect relationship” or “perfect partner” as striving for this unrealistic goal will paralyse your relationship. Being romantic does not necessarily mean having to write or do “mushy” things. Do what you feel comfortable doing as there are no prescriptions for romance. Use comedy and humour as a few laughs will brighten up your partner’s day. If you are having problems reigniting the romance in your relationship, consult with your local psychologist as it may be a sign that a relationship breakdown is imminent. Alison has been working as a psychologist for the last eleven years and previously in a variety of welfare positions. She is passionate about making a positive difference to people’s lives and can be contacted on mobile 0409 602430 or Helensburgh & District Herald 9



Razorhurst Greenwalk An enthusiastic crowd of fashionistas gathered near the catwalk at Razorhurst in Stanwell Park on Saturday July 21 to celebrate the first annual Razorhurst Greenwalk. “Razorhurst Greenwalk is an environmentally responsible fashion event showcasing the best of Razorhurst hair colouring and styling…a new direction for spring 2012” said owner Nigel Hall. “The green catwalk seemed the obvious choice as we work with world renowned Australian hair care company De Lorenzo” said Nigel. “De Lorenzo are environmental leaders in the manufacturing of their vegan, organic based, against animal cruelty hair care range. A true asset to our rich coastal Lifestyle” added Nigel. The Greenwalk featured the tunes of DJ M’cow, a 12 metre green catwalk with eight gorgeous local models- not to mention bubbles galore! Marnie Switzer is the new salon manager and Marnie heads up a vibrant new salon era.

10 Helensburgh & District Herald

Marnie a talented hairdresser from Merimbulla and is keen to meet the local trade and make their hair sing. Marnie headed up all styling for the Greenwalk event. Coupling Razorhurst with the beauty skills of Stephanie Mansfield @ True Pampering located within Razorhurst, this team is a cyclonic creative force in the hair and beauty industry. All make up at the Greenwalk was co-ordinated by True Pampering. Razorhurst and True Pampering are located at shop 5/91 Lawrence Hargrave Drive Stanwell Park. Now open Tuesday – Saturday the team are available to discuss your styling desires and your hair care needs. Razorhurst 0468 337 477 | True Pampering 0434 823 358 2012 School Formal Special – hairstyling and make-up: High school $99.00 primary school $75.00. Book early to avoid disappointment!



Page 10, Local models at the Razorhust event. This page: Top - the new look Razorhurst team; Owner Nigel, Manager Marnie, Steff Mansfield of True Pampering and Apprentice Lee. Below: a stunning take on the ‘up-do’.

Helensburgh & District Herald 11

SPOTLIGHT ON LOCAL BUSINESS Nanny Agency Service Launches In The Illawarra The Illawarra now has more child care choices with the arrival of a dedicated nanny agency, Illawarra Nannies. Founder and director, Jeanette Fennell, noticed a gap in the market and was quick to act. “Through my own experience as a local mother of two young children, I quickly realised that finding childcare in the Illawarra was a struggle. I started Illawarra Nannies to give parents more choice and access to good quality in home care. If something like Illawarra Nannies was around when I needed it, I would have grabbed it with both hands”. Illawarra Nannies provides childcare services for every occasion and budget. Services include live in and live out nannies for permanent and temporary care, nanny sharing, before and after school care, overnight and emergency care, mummy nannies, school holiday care, mothers help, mothercraft nurses and wedding and event carers. Illawarra Nannies is also registered with local hotels, B&B’s and other accommodation providers across the Illawarra and can cater for visitors to the area in need of childcare services. “The benefits of in home care are numerous” says Fennell. “Children are cared for in the safety and environment of their own home where they get one on one attention. Parents can avoid the multiple wait lists that go hand in hand with childcare centres. It also brings flexibility, allowing parents to work around typical work timetables, transportation requirements and emergencies. If an important meeting pops up at work, parents will have better luck negotiating with their carer than with a centre that closes at the same time every day”. continues Fennell. All carers hold either childcare, teaching or nursing qualifications and are valued members of the local childcare community. Illawarra Nannies has a strict recruitment process with all carers being thoroughly screened and reference checked. Carers are interviewed face to face 12 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD allowing Illawarra Nannies to match families with a carer who has the most appropriate personality and qualifications for their family. For more information visit www. Email: Facebook:



Book Drop For Kids Provides For Local Children Engadine Carpet Court has been busy collecting children’s books as part of the Carpet Court Book Drop for Kids, an initiative launched in 2012 to provide reading material to children in the local community. A book collection bin is located in-store at Engadine Carpet Court giving people the chance to donate new or pre-loved children’s books , which will then be redistributed by The Lions Club. Engadine Carpet Court owners Brett and Jill Haddock encouraged the people of Engadine and Helensburgh to take the time to go through any pre-loved children’s books and discover those that might be perfect for the cause. Any childrens book donation is welcome, however books suitable for primary school aged children are needed the most. To drop off a book, visit Engadine Carpet Court or check the Carpet Court website to find other participating stores, gather up your new and pre-loved childrens books and drop them into the special book collection bins in-store.

The Carpet Court Book Drop for Kids is part of the Carpet Court Learning Network, a wider community initiative aimed at fostering literacy skills amongst Australia’s youth. Under this initiative, 2012 will see Carpet Court sponsor the Children’s Charity Network in support of their Young Australian Writing & Art Award; run the Carpet Court Storybook Challenge and Carpet Court Flooring Grants programs; as well as being a partner of the National Year of Reading. Carpet Court Storybook Challenge The Carpet Court Storybook Challenge gives students from eligible primary schools near participating Carpet Court stores the chance to win $1,000 in books and colourful reading mats for their classrooms as well as individual book prizes. For more information on how to enter, to view a list of eligible schools or to vote for entries received so far, visit CarpetCourt.

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The HDH is not associated with the facebook profile known as Helensburgh Cheers and Jeers. CHEERS and well done to all the parents who drop their school children off at Helensburgh Railway Station in the morning in an efficient and courteous manner. Such a confined area has no place for idle chit-chat. JEERS to the people running late driving to the station who think its ok to speed, tailgate and ignore school zones. Get out of bed a bit earlier and reduce the stress for you and others. CHEERS to the teenage boys who were skateboarding at the corner of Lower Coast Road and Beach Roads in Stanwell Park who stopped to pick up all the rubbish on the road after a truck missed its mark! JEERS to the bar attendant who turned off the TV at full time after the State of Origin, not allowing customers to watch the post-match wrap up!

CHEERS to the fine crew of locals who organised an afternoon of barefoot bowls to help out some mates. Get well soon Dave! JEERS to the idiots using the area’s historic railway tunnels as a graffiti training ground. You are not good at it, and by the looks, never will be - epic fail! JEERS to the person who snapped the decorative potted plants outside a local hotel. CHEERS to the woman spotted picking up litter in Charles Harper Park on Sunday July 29. What a shame good good people are left to clean up after pigs. Thank you for your effort! JEERS to the people speeding through some of the areas little laneways. These are not roads meant for fast cars, they were built for slow moving dunny trucks. If you hurt a pedestrian you will really be in the effluent.

Helensburgh & District Herald 15



Helensburgh Public 125th School Birthday Party Helensburgh Public School News by Lucinda Carter, Relieving Assistant Principal On Friday 22nd June Helensburgh Public School held its special birthday party for 125 years of education in Helensburgh. It was very exciting with many parents and visitors coming to the school to share the celebration. A birthday cake was cut followed by a gift of a special 125th cookie for every student. A commemorative photo was also taken and presented to every student as part of the celebrations. A special assembly followed afterwards with photo displays and memorabilia helping to make the celebration one to remember. The “Partnership Agreement” was also signed between Mr Connor and an Aboriginal Elder along with an aboriginal legend explained to the children about how the Islands on the Wollongong coast came to be. Indigenous Day Tuesday 26th June On Tuesday 26th June and indigenous day was held at Helensburgh Public School. An Aboriginal Technology Performance was held in the school hall for all grades from Kindergarten to Year 6 and was enjoyed by both students and teachers at the school. A day of Indigenous activities followed where students completed a number of activities such as reading Dreamtime stories and completing Aboriginal art and craft in their classrooms. A fun, educational day was had by all. The student’s learnt about Aboriginal techniques of survival in the Australian bush.

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They learnt how to find bush tucker and make tools and hunting implements used for hunting and gathering. Helensburgh Public School 125th Commemorative Anniversary Book. The Helensburgh Public School Commemorative Book is now on sale for $28.00. A wonderful publication containing archives, information about important events that have happened at the school, lots of history and historic photos are part of this wonderful publication. To purchase your copy please contact the school office on 4294-1332. Upcoming 125th Anniversary Events – Fete and Art show The 125th Anniversary fete will be held on Saturday 15th September. There will be rides, stalls, bric-a brac, white elephant and lots of interesting activities available suitable for all ages. A cocktail art show for adults only will be held on Friday 26th October. Children’s art work as well as some art from some very talented local artists will be on display with cocktails and nibbles available. Don’t forget to place these events in your diaries and come along and support your local school.



Holy Cross Happenings By Mr Hales, Yr 6 Teacher, Holy Cross Catholic School, Helensburgh Year 6 students from Holy Cross recently received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The ceremony was celebrated by the Bishop of Wollongong, Bishop Peter Ingham and the Parish Priest of Holy Cross, Fr Bede North. To prepare for this special event the students attended a reflection day at Doran House in Stanwell Park. On this day the students took part in activities that assisted their preparation to receive the Sacrament. They celebrated Mass in a small, personal setting with our Parish Priest, Fr Bede. This experience enabled the students to have a more hands on involvement in the celebration of the Eucharist. It was great to see the students actively participate in the Mass. The reflection day was enhanced by a visit to Kennett Homes, an aged care facility at Stanwell Park. The students performed songs they had been learning at school and shared information they had researched about a saint they had chosen for their Confirmation name. Conversations between the students and the residents about their life experiences surprised and entertained all.

Fr Bede North, Parish Priest, Mr Andrew Hales Yr 6 Teacher & Year 6 Holy Cross Helensburgh

Helensburgh & District Herald 17

CLUB NEWS Fellowship of First Fleeters South Coast Chapter By Betty Warn I would like to tell you of a success story which had a very humble start. John Warn was born in Wingfield Suffolk and by 1821 John was working for James Pettit at Winston, Suffolk. A quantity of Barley was stolen and because some grains were found under John’s bed he was arrested and sentenced to seven years transportation. After spending a year on the hulks, John was finally dispatched on the “Surrey” arriving in Sydney on July 28, 1823. As a convict John worked at various properties eventually marrying Eliza Newham. They were married by the Reverend Samuel Marsden on June 1 1826. Eliza was not yet 14 years old. John received his certificate of freedom on June 17, 1830 and immediately took up land at Grabben Gullen, 30 miles from Sydney. John and Eliza split logs and built a humpy to live in while they cleared their land. In 1837 John

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HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD bought 788 acres of land at Crookwell for 433 pounds, calling it James Valley Farm. More land was released and John purchased over 1000 acres around Crookwell for one pound per acre. John’s experiments with wheat growing had made him a rich man. A brick homestead was built and it was here most of their 13 children were born. John had a training track constructed for the horses he was breeding. Later an underground vault, measuring 30 feet by 18 feet, was constructed on the Valley farm property. The nearest cemetery was at Goulburn and bullock-dray the only transport. On November 12, 1866 Eliza died aged 52 and was interred in the family vault. It was during 1866 the new settlers decided they needed a church. John paid half the cost 289 pounds, supplied half the seats and gave 50 pounds when the foundation stone was laid. Through much hard work John died a very rich man on July 4, 1871. His funeral procession travelled 30 miles from Goulburn to James Valley Farm so his coffin could be placed in the vault next to Eliza. When Eliza and John first went to Crookwell it was just bush. By hand they created a wonderful property and founded a dynasty. Their homestead, although poor in condition still stands. I have visited it many times and still marvel at the amount of work involved. Eliza and John have thousands of descendants around Australia.


WAVES 2508 By Julie Fuller PROFILE: The late James (Jim) Fuller Veteran of Korea and Malaya James Oswald Fuller was born in Newtown, Sydney on August 16, 1936 and spent his childhood in the inner city and outer western suburbs. Jim left school when he was 15 years old and worked with the NSW Railway as a signalman. However, at the age of 16 he had big ideas about joining the Army. Not being old enough, he decided to join up under his older brother’s name in December 1952. He served 6 years in the Army, and had 3 years and 112 days of active service in the Korean and Malaysian conflicts. During his service, Jim was a keen sportsman, playing both football and cricket for the Army. After his discharge in February 1959, Jim held various jobs including car salesman, constructing roads in the Northern Territory, operating earthmoving equipment, debt collector for H.G. Palmers, then finally settling into A.G.C. Finance where he was Branch Manager for 20 years. I was 22 years old when I met Jim; I was working at Gilbeys Gin at Pyrmont. After a courtship of 12 months we married and settled in Punchbowl. In 1965 we moved to Helensburgh. We had four children (not all at once): Aaron, Brad, Jodie and Jason. We were both very proud of our children but Jim especially instilled independence in all of them.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD After settling in the ‘Burgh, Jim had thoughts of working in the coal mine but jobs were scarce at the time, so he went to work as a wards man at Sutherland Hospital and I worked there as a ward clerk. He was very good with the patients as he always had everyone laughing. When the mine started to hire again, Jim secured a job and worked there until 1994, when he needed to retire due to illness. He was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy as a result of leptospirosis contracted during service in Malaya. With medication, his condition was stabilized for the following nine years but sadly, Jim passed away on February 10, 2003 at the age of 66. Not long after Jim’s death, I got up at 3 am, backed the car out and did a perfect three-point turn. I think he was up there helping me, and may have been thinking “If she doesn’t get this right the boys will have to back the car out every time she wants to go out”. Jim was called Grumps by his grandchildren. Not because he was a Grump. It came about when the first grandchild tried to say Gramps and it came out Grumps, so the name stuck when the other grandchildren came along. Jim is remembered for his stirring sense of humour. Also for his love of movies, live shows, reading, debating, gardening, snooker and bowls. Jim is survived by his loving wife Julie, three wonderful sons and their wives, his lovely daughter and her husband, plus his eight grandchildren. He is sadly missed by his family and many friends.

Retractable, Pleated & Magnetic Insect Screens.  Quality Screens For French, Bifold & Stacking Doors & Any Window Or Opening.  Shadeview Mesh Weather Screens For Outdoor Areas. 


New store NOW OPEN 193 Parkes Street

(next to the smash repairs) *Glass Cut *Key Cutting *Trade Facilities *Timber Cut To Size *Personalised Service from Mike, Gail & James

Open 7 days Ph: 4294 1007 Fax: 4294 1488

Ph: 0407 236 630 or 4294 8898 Helensburgh & District Herald 19

NOTICES / IN MEMORIAM Thank You Returned book: Cuckoo By Julia Crouch Many thanks to the person who put my lost book in a plastic bag on my veranda recently. I would have liked to thank you personally as I was at home – I am so pleased to have it returned. Eleanor McLeod

In Memoriam BLACKWELL, NED 15-08-2008 In loving memory of my Husband, Dad, Pop and Great Pop. We remember and cherish the happy times together Remembering them today and forever. Betty and families BLACKWELL, NED 15-08-2008 In loving memory of our Dad and Pop. His nature was loving and giving. His heart was made of pure gold and to us who truly loved him - his memory will never grow old Miss you Pop. Love Donna, Glenn, Dylan and Ben ROSS, ALAN 10-08-2011 In loving memory of our Dad. Time slips by but memories stay as near and dear as yesterday. Glenn and Donna ROSS, ALAN 10-08-2011 In loving memory of our Dad and Grampy. We think about you often, we talk about you still, you haven’t been forgotten, you know you never will. Love Glenn, Donna, Dylan and Ben

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Marriage And Family Counselling Alpine Counselling Services (ACS) will be offering its services at Hope Church’s new building in the business park at 6/17 Cemetery Road, Helensburgh. David Saffery is the principal of Alpine Counselling in Hurstville, where he has been working for the past 11 years. While he is experienced in working with people with all kinds of issues, he has a real heart for rebuilding marriages which are have difficulty. Sue Saffery specialises in working with children and adolescents together with their families. She has 20 years experience in helping parents with their children’s behavioural issues, working with blended families and working with children with special needs. ACS’s alliance with Hope Church means that the counselling services can be provided at affordable rates. Please call Sue on 0422 501 544 to book a confidential appointment or for further information.

Peabody Metropolitan Coal Community Consultative Centre

Shop 1, 20 – 22 Walker Street (opposite BI-LO) Enquiries: 02 4294 7222

SLOAN, DIANNE 16-01-1947 - 18-07-2006 Grammy, Mum, Lady Di Missed every single day! Loved and adored for ever. Darcy has your eyes xxx Love Graham, Aaron, Kirrily, Donna, Caitlin, Riley and Merryn. A STARDUST MEMORY It has been a year since our dad Alan ‘Bluey’ Ross left us. We miss you and mum every day that passes. Our family is just not the same. Love you and miss you, The Little’s and The Ross-Draper’s 20 Helensburgh & District Herald

Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00am - 4:30pm Second Saturday of every month Other times by appointment



Hillcrest Christian Fellowship

Holy Cross Catholic Parish

Hillcrest House (Hillcrest Retirement Village), Railway Crescent, Stanwell Park. 6pm each Sunday. Phone Graeme Ratten on 4294 3153.

You are welcome to come and celebrate Jesus’ love for us at Holy Cross Helensburgh and St Bernadette’s Stanwell Park. Weekend Mass Times Helensburgh: Saturday Vigil – 5:30pm. Sunday – 9.30am. Stanwell Park: Sunday – 8am. Confessions: Saturday – 5pm (Helensburgh). Weekday Masses - Helensburgh 9:15 Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays. Catholic Women’s League – Caring for others. Meet monthly. St. Vincent de Paul Society – Outreach to people in need. Meets monthly. For more information please phone Parish Priest Fr. Bede North or Kerrie on 4294 1009.

Helensburgh & Stanwell Park Anglican Church

Bible based, Jesus focused. Religion is out, grace is in! You're always welcome at your local Anglican Church, where there is a wide range of groups and ministries for all ages. See the website (below) for more. Our service times are: 8.15am Stanwell Park, for all age Prayer Book service. 10am Helensburgh Family service with Kids' Club and Creche. 5pm Helensburgh-Sunday Night Live (catch the bus from Stanni Anglican at 4:45) for dinner, games and a more relaxed youth-oriented service. For more information, visit

Hope Church 2508 Hope Church 2508 is a family church made up of genuine and committed people of all ages, driven by the belief that God is real and we can relate to Him on a daily basis. It is a place where people can find the acceptance and friendship that comes from being a part of a large family, creating a positive impact in the lives of the people in our community. We believe that God will bring hope, wholeness and healing to all who will cry out to Him. We aim to be the kind of church described in the Bible through relevant teaching, meaningful worship, sincere friendships, prayer, missions, compassion and care for others. You are most welcome to join us at our new church building at 6/17 Cemetery Road, Helensburgh at 9.30am each Sunday. For any enquiries or assistance please ring Pastors Lionel or Briga Rattenbury on 0404 803 055.

Would you like back issues of the HDH? Extra copies available - Contact the Editor

Helensburgh Baptist Church Helensburgh Baptist Church (HBC) is a group of locals who believe that God can make a difference to the world. Hard to believe perhaps, but who else can you count on doing it? Working within the deepest parts of our lives God can bring about real and lasting change. God has radically changed our lives and we know he wants to change yours too. If you have ever thought about God and faith can make a difference in your life why not find out how? HBC is a friendly and laid back Church with a Sunday meeting held at the Community Centre on Walker St at 10am. Contact James Ramsay with any further questions on 4294 8459.

Helensburgh Bushland Chapel 94 Parkes Street, Helensburgh. A place for friendly, progressive inquiry into faith and modern life. 1st and 3rd Sundays 9.30 communion held on the 1st. Artistic, media, community, meditation, book club environmental and bushwalk events See or 4268 6748 Minister available for weddings, funerals, blessing. Chapel and rooms available for use. Helensburgh & District Herald 21

CLUB NEWS Helensburgh VIEW Club Our "Christmas in July" luncheon at the Centennial Hotel, was enjoyed by Club members and visitors, including National Councillor and Acting Zone Councillor, Sue Field, who said she is always pleased to visit our happy Club. A traditional Christmas-style lunch was served and all joined in the spirit of winter in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Thank you to the ladies who created a really festive day. Anne Taylor won the raffle and everyone received a gift from the Secret Santa table. Our Speaker was Maureen Binns from Barrack Point showing her stoneware and pottery, with a variety of designs for sale by herself and her husband Alan. Two young visitors were Donna and Tabitha from The Smith Family "Learning for Life" program, which is supported by VIEW Clubs. Many goods made and provided by our members were handed to Donna for delivery to families in need of help. Tabitha, a student in year 9 at Keira High School, told us she has benefited from the program, and now leads a full and busy

Monique Napper - 0423 491 538 Sharyn Curry - 0435 808 319 Dirk ten Cate – 0413 785 073

22 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD life with a variety of interests while maintaining top marks at school. Our sister Club in Nowra invited us to their Birthday luncheon in July. A number of future events include a Zone luncheon in Wollongong, and the National Convention to be held in Coffs Harbour. We hope to visit Wollongong Botanic Gardens for lunch in September. Theatre bookings are still open, travelling by bus, to "Legally Blonde", 2pm matinee at the Lyric, Saturday 20 October, pay by August 17, and "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" at the Capitol, 2pm Saturday November 17, pay by September 8. There is also an opportunity to see an exhibition of "Alexander the Great" at the Australian Museum. For full details please phone Chris on 42941103. Next luncheon is Tuesday August 21 at 11am for 11:15am start, at Centennial Hotel. For bookings and cancellations please phone Nerida (who will be our next Speaker), on 0429004298, by Wednesday 15 August. All welcome.



Stanwell Park CWA By Pauline Mitchelson Most people retire at 65 – Not Stanwell Park CWA! Stanwell Park CWA celebrates its 65th birthday this year. Our branch celebrated this occasion with an International luncheon in our hall. This luncheon was attended by members of CWA branches of the Illawarra group, local school children who entertained us and local dignitaries. Our lunch had a Timorese theme, Timor Leste being our country of study for 2012. Our menu included fejoada (a beef stew) and pudin de coco (coconut pudding). During our celebrations, minutes were read from Stanwell Park CWA’s inaugural meeting in September 1947. If you are interested in joining our friendly CWA branch our meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 10am at the Stanwell Park CWA Hall, located on The Drive, Stanwell Park. All welcome!

Long standing Stanwell Park CWA members Elaine and Molly cut the 65th birthday cake

Dance Academy Dance and drama classes in our purpose built studio! Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary & Hip Hop. Tiny Tots to Adults, all ages are catered for. Our Showgroup performs on stage! Contact Fleur on 0448 425 594

1st Consultation Free !

Dance Studio located at, 26C Walker Street ~ Entry from Club Lane ~ Helensburgh, NSW 2508 Private lessons available. All ages and levels welcome.

Helensburgh & District Herald 23

CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS Rates: Up to 20 words > $5 21-30 words > $6 31-40 words (max) > $7 FOR SALE: Westinghouse frost free fridge. Model RJ215M. H1407mm W540mm D607mm. Great condition. $100 Firm. Call Andrew 0408 454 372. RENOVATING? New Stegbar window, 1800mm x 600mm, black frame, metal flyscreen. $180(ONO). Contact Briony 0416 032 959. FOR SALE-BABY/TODDLER ITEMS: portacot $80, 3-in-one baby change table/bath/ chest of drawers $70, rocking chair $50, car seat $40, kapoochi $30, tri-scooter $25, trike with parent handle $25, fold up stroller $25, crawling tunnel $15. Contact Briony 0416032959 ELECTRICAL AND HANDYMAN SERVICES. Call Garry on 42941929 or 0435932499 for a free quote today. ENGLISH TUTORING: Experienced English Teacher and HSC English Marker call Iskra 0410344423 FLORIST: Wedding flowers, centrepieces, arrangements, gift baskets, presentation bouquets. Call Julie 0418265230. Photos available. MATHS AND PHYSICS TUTORING: in Helensburgh by experienced high school teacher. Call Naomi on 0429 083 533. FORMAL OR WEDDING PHOTOS DISAPPOINTING? Fly away hair? Acne? Distracting objects or background. Let “Touch Me Up” do all your photo editing needs. Phone Tracey 4294 8303 or visit “” DIAMOND DOG WASH SALON IN HELENSBURGH since 2006 offering heated hydrobath, grooming and clipping services. Phone Robyn on 0428 829 788. Try our new Mobile Hydrobath service Phone Greg 0458 829 999. MONDAY PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK. Monday’s 9.30-12 noon. Kids have fun whilst parents can relax. Location: Stanwell Park Children’s Centre, Stanwell Avenue. Contact Crystal 0425 374 402 CELEBRANT: Personalised Wedding Ceremonies, Naming Ceremonies and Vow Renewal Ceremonies. Verheti Cruickshank Mobile 0401 227 665.

24 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD TENNIS COACHING OTFORD TENNIS COURT Adults and children, beginners to advanced Tennis Racquet: sales, restringing and repairs Phone Greg: 0458 829 999/4294 9599 FACE PAINTING: For Kids’ parties or special events – fairies, cats, bats and more. Fully insured. Dressed as fairy or clownish. Phone Monica on 0427 991 673. FENCING: Timber and colorbond fencing. All work guaranteed. Quality workmanship for a fair price. Phone John on 0466 340 280. AUSSIE FARMERS DIRECT: Fresh, Australian produce delivered free to your door. Milk, bread, dairy, fruit & veg, meat, chicken and seafood. Growing organic range also available. ph Helen for $20 off your first order 4294 4922 or 0415 916 732 CLOTHING ALTERATIONS: Zippers replaced. Hems taken up, minor repairs fixed. Reasonable rates. Call Melinda 0419 977 658 or 4294 1619. FACE PAINTING, GLITTER TATTOOS, BALLOON TWISTING, SPECIAL FX FACES. Available for birthday parties, fetes, preschools and special events. Fully insured. Contact Raeleen 4294 2135. LAWN MAGIC *Lawn Care *Weed Control *Hedge Trimming *Waste Removal *Gutter Cleaning *Water Blasting *Garden Mulching *Planting of Plants *General Maintenance. FULLY INSURED, FREE QUOTE, CALL KYLE 0433 772 443 TUTORING K-6: Final year B Teach/ B Arts $35 per/hr I will come to you if preferred. Contact Kate: h: 4294 2127 m: 0412 962 075 USBORNE BOOKS Quality Children’s Books for every age - babies, pre-schoolers to beginner and advanced... even adults. Teacher/ School discounts, Home Parties, Fundraisers Welcome. Extensive range (including internetlinked titles) and short door to door delivery. Perfect Gift Ideas. Contact Annalyssa 0408 216 331 or CHEMICAL FREE CLEANING: Call Janine 0409 323 321 or 4294 9652. HOLIDAY in ancient village of southern France. Two individual apartments or whole house, fully equipped, all inclusive, sleep up to 8. Secluded yet close to everything: Carcassone, Milhau, Montpellier, Canal du Midi, Pyrenees, Mediterranean beaches. $350-750 pw. occitania.

CLASSIFIEDS STRETCH**STRENGTHEN**RELAX *Based on tai chi, yoga and pilates *All classes 1 hour $12 per class or 5 for $55 *NEW TIMES* 1st class 1/2 PRICE When: Tuesday 9.15am & 7.15pm Thursday 7.15pm Sunday 4.30pm Where: Stanwell Park Childrens Centre Stanwell Ave Stanwell Park Call Karen on 0403 789617 or 42943344 (call to book) au/taichiyogapilates WORMS: Composting/Fishing, quality fresh worms in a 250gm pack (1200 to 2400 worms) $29.00, call Bill 4294 2864, 0429 942 864 PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK Fridays 930-12am. Friendly relaxed atmosphere, meet other mums while the kids play and have fun. Stanwell Park Childrens Centre Stanwell Ave. Contact Wendy 0403 397 751. SHEPHARD ACADEMY of DANCE BALLET, MODERN/CONTEMPORARY, JAZZ, TAP, Pre-school Fairies. Classes from 2 yrs to Advance Boys, Girls to Adults. Enquiries, Helensburgh Community Centre, or phone Shirley 0416 229 919 GARDEN SERVICE: Rejuvenate your garden for spring. Pruning, hedge trimming, weeding, clean ups and removal. Regular mowing and trimming service also available. Free quotes. Ph Stewart 4294 9726 NUTRIMETICS: Shopping/pampering in your home, for monthly brochures, product samples, fundraising call Jenelle 4294 2864, 0407 038 799.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD MINI CAR MADNESS: mobile slot car track, great for kids parties or young at heart, fetes, fundraisers, school hols fun and corporate. Ages 5-12 years. Great rates ph 4294 3494 or 0414 943 494 JASMINE SKY: Busy? Tired? Never have time for yourself? Why don’t you treat yourself to a relaxing 30min Ion Spa Foot Detox or a Reiki Treatment. Call Lee-Anne to book an Appointment Ph 4294 8882 or 0407 166 259. HELENSBURGH PLAYGROUP: In the Hall at Helensburgh Community Centre. Tuesdays and Thursdays 10.00am – 12.00noon Lots of toys, games and craft suitable for all ages. For further information please contact Rosemary at the Community Centre on 4294 1290. SUSAN’S JUST DANCE: Helensburgh.. Jazz/Tap/Hiphop..Great teachers..latest music.. latest pressure..great fun..3yrs to adult..boys only hiphop crew...concert each year Suth Ent Susan for 2012 registration 4294 8366

Helensburgh & District Herald 25



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To advertise contact: Helensburgh & District Herald 27





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HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Andrew Dove • Electrician Call: 0417 776 577 ...for all your Electrical needs!


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Fast reliable and friendly service * Window Cleaning - sills, screens & frames. * Gutter Cleaning * Roof Cleaning (water blasting) * House washing (soft wash with extension pole including gutters,eaves and walls)




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Helensburgh & District Herald 29



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0418 262 925 Helensburgh & District Herald 31



PLUMBING & ROOF PLUMBING Professional Designs + FREE Local Delivery! Phone: 0403 397 751 |

PET CARE SERVICES Feeding, Walking & Other Services Available

Call Karen 0419 432 482

Quality Roof Gutters Supplied & Fitted Lic 226808c

Dog Washing, Grooming & Clipping Phone Robyn: 0428 829 788 Mobile Hydrobath Service Phone Greg: 0458 829 999 Barkin Beauty Canine Clippery

Plumber, Roof plumber, Drainer Gasfitter and Emergency repairs Free quotes and advice

Call James 0409 875 391

Call Debbie Accredited Grooming Specialist

Ph: 0421 321 508 PLUMBING & GASFITTING


Andrew Stein

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To advertise contact: 32 Helensburgh & District Herald



RESTAURANTS & FOOD Kids dine free every Tuesday* *with a paying adult

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Little Lily Cakes home delivery to the 2508 area

birthday cakes, wedding cakes, delicious gourmet cup cakes & special orders just contact:

Phuong Ralphs 0421 390 442 email:




If you want to get yourself in print; text book, novel, poetry, non fiction or children’s stories.....CALL US Anno Domini 2000 Pty Ltd - 16 YEARS IN BUSINESS Richard Paine, 91 The Crescent, Helensburgh 2508 Ph: 4294 8452 Mob: 0417 294 563 Fax: 4294 3963

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To advertise contact: Helensburgh & District Herald 33



Self Storage • Available Now • Clean & Secure

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0418 276 158 • 4294 1917


MIXED HARDWOOD FREE local delivery - 7 days Bill & Stuart McWilliam 0429 942 864 4294 2864

B.S.S. ENGINEERING 0418 406 279

No Job Welding & Machining General Machinery Repairs Too Small

Unit 14/17 Cemetery Road Helensburgh Business Park 2508 OPEN 7 DAYS

Open A Door The Open Doors organisation is holding it's annual "Walk to Water" to raise funds to build wells for the persecuted Christian communities in northern Nigeria. Across Australia community and church groups will undertake a walk towards a place of water on the 15th September. Our walk will be leaving Helensburgh Anglican Church at 8am and travel down the goat track from Stanwell Tops to Stanwell Park beach for a BBQ breaksfast. To join us, you can either get sponsorship or make a donation. Please contact Emma Anderson 0431 323 416.


COME FOR THE DAY - OR COME TO STAY and get your masterpiece started or completed Negotiate beforehand for a ‘gently persuasive’ or ‘robust yelling’ style of mentoring from Karen.

Mob: 0412 787 873

Karen Lane’s WRITERS WORD FARM 34 Helensburgh & District Herald


Fitness Gives Opportunities By Elaine Bolton It’s really inspiring to see people achieve things far beyond their initial expectations. This helps motivate me to keep working hard towards my own fitness and sports goals as well as those of my clients. It also makes my job as a personal trainer exceptionally fulfilling. This month I would like to highlight the achievements of one of my long-term clients who has inspired me greatly, and whose story shows that you can’t always foresee the great opportunities that being really fit can bring you. I first met Melodee White, a Helensburgh local, at one of my Transform fat loss programs, then run at Coastlands Fitness Centre. She had been a smoker and wanted to get fit and lose some weight. She stuck consistently with the program, improved her fitness and strength dramatically as well as losing some weight. Melodee went on to run several fun runs. This alone was a great result. However, after some time, some injuries associated with running started to appear. Perhaps it was the injuries or the desire to see at bit more of her husband Peter, but Melodee took up dragon boat paddling with the Sandy Point Dragons. The couple also started attending my strength and conditioning sessions at the gym. Both have now spent some years consistently training for their sport of dragon boating and have also been my most consistent clients at the gym. This is evidenced by their success, both having represented NSW in their respective dragon boating divisions. I tell this story though, to let you know of Melodee’s latest achievement. Melodee was the sweep for the Danebank School under 18 girls dragon boat squad, the Danebank Flames that competed at the recent Club Crew Dragon Boat World Championships in Hong Kong. The under 18s standard size boat of 18 paddlers came home with three gold medals. The smaller under 16s crew of 10 paddlers also won two silver medals. Melodee described the conditions on Victoria Harbour as “very challenging” which required all her strength to steer a straight course. She credits her strength to all the conditioning she had done beforehand.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Melodee’s journey has not been without obstacles. She has had some major challenges along the way, including a back injury, but was able to pick up her training again each time at the earliest possible opportunity. Both Peter and Melodee are the ones to turn up to my training sessions even when it’s held outdoors and there is a storm raging. There have been several occasions when I would have liked to stay home in the warm and dry but these two were there at the park waiting for me. I’m sure when Melodee started out she could not have imagined the level of sporting success she would achieve. She is truly an inspiration. Elaine Bolton is an experienced Personal Trainer, CrossFit Instructor and Triathlon Coach at Mind the Gap Yoga & Fitness. She can be contacted by email at physicalpursuit@, or by calling 0417 679 639. Details of classes held at Mind the Gap can be found at

FUN 4 U HELENSBURGH PTY LTD Kindergarten - Year 6 On site at HPS! Before & After School Care 7 - 9am & 2:30 - 6:30pm Vacation Care 7.30am - 6pm Our centre is Part of the CCM System! PH: 0431 099 608 PH: 0431 199 150 E: P.O. Box 367 Helensburgh 2508 Helensburgh & District Herald 35



5 AUGUST: Helensburgh and District Historical Society Open Day, Old Mine Surgery, Parkes Street, 10.00am – 2.00pm. 11 AUGUST: Soul Sounds @ Sunset – featuring Nautilus Sound, Beatmeisters, Rani’s Fire, Ben Fowler, Kenny Bartley & the Midnight Feast. 4pm till late. Coalcliff Surf Club. 21 AUGUST: View Club luncheon, Centennial Hotel, 11.00am 25 AUGUST: Holy Cross street stall for Dannielle Crabb. For more information please phone Jenny on 0410 579 169, or Bede on 4294 1530. 15 SEPTEMBER: Helensburgh Public School Fete. 16 OCTOBER: View Club luncheon, Centennial Hotel, 11.00am 26 OCTOBER: Helensburgh Public School Art and Craft Fair. 24 NOVEMBER: Holy Cross Parish street stall.

Judy Sinclair MClin.Psych. MAPS

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36 Helensburgh & District Herald

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Take The Time To Let Someone Know

Sunday Social Golf Club

Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commissioner Tony Negus and New South Wales (NSW) Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione joined forces to launch National Missing Persons Week in Sydney on Monday July 30. The annual campaign is coordinated by the AFP’s National Missing Persons Coordination Centre and aims to raise awareness of the significant issues associated with missing persons in Australia. Approximately 35,000 people are reported missing to Australian police every year. This is equivalent to one every 15 minutes. Around 20,000 of these are under the age of 18. In 2012, the campaign takes a preventative approach with the theme of ‘Take the time to let someone know’ – focusing primarily on young people as one of the key groups at risk of going missing in Australia. This campaign aims to reach out to young people and encourage them to let someone know where they are, or where they are going. AFP Commissioner Tony Negus said many cases reported to police are often as simple as young people forgetting to tell their families when their plans had changed. “About 95 per cent of people who are reported missing are located by police within a short period of time,” Commissioner Negus said. “These statistics are encouraging but for young people, once they have been missing, research shows they are more likely to be reported missing again.” NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said that sometimes a single phone call can mean the difference between someone just needing some time out or being reported as missing by family and friends. “Sometimes people need a break and may leave home to get away, but we are asking them to let someone know where they are going or simply that they’re ok,” Commissioner Scipione said. “It is not a crime to be missing, but by letting family and friends know where you are can alleviate an amount of heartache they may experience. For more information, visit www.

By Vicki ‘the hair’ Little Modern Technology - it can be a pain in the butt, or it might have something to do with the user. Hah, It's much the same as golf, people blame the clubs and not the person at the end of them. I’ve know some people to keep buying different sets of clubs because the others just don’t work. Well hello! More money than sense; pay for a lesson or two! July the 1st was a dry sunny winter’s day with the guys eager for a game of golf under good conditions, with the first round of the championships. I played with the winner of the day Leigh Wooley who has a very calming approach to his golf which is great to see. I’ve seen people wrap golf clubs around trees, tossed into dams and some disappearing were the sun don’t shine. it’s funny how we get things stuck in our heads, I’ve noticed with myself and others that if you have had a shocker on a certain hole, as your coming up to the same hole on a completely different day you’re thinking oh crap, here we go again. Leigh Woodley was rewarded with a win on the day with 61 points, Greg Crisp 2nd and Dave Flewin 3rd, all winning top prizes. Our next game is the 5th of August with the second round of championships. See you then! The Confused Golfer: They say “practice makes perfect” of course it doesn’t. For the vast majority of golfers it’s merely consolidates imperfection!

BUSHLAND CHAPEL 94 Parkes Street, Helensburgh Ph 4268 6748 Sundays, special events, bookclub, bushwalks, community.

A thoughtful place to be Helensburgh & District Herald 37



Helensburgh Thistles U18’s Girls

By Ingrid Gurney, U18s Girls Manager On Sunday July 8, Helensburgh Thistles U18s Girls Division 1 soccer team played in the finals of the inaugural Nicki Bowman Cup held at Balgownie soccer grounds. The girls played against a determined Unanderra side and were down 1:0 at half-time. The second half saw all of them put in lots of extra effort in defence and attack to come back for a 2:1 win. Coach Warren Gurney employed some great tactics in the second half to push the team home for the win. Goal scorers on the day were Erin Blackwell, who scored the first goal twenty minutes into the second half, and Jacobi Gurney, who scored the winning goal ten minutes from fulltime. Special thanks go to Shannon Wardle from the U16 girls’ team who helped us out. It was a great game to watch! Well done girls! 38 Helensburgh & District Herald

Inaugural Nicki Bowman Cup Winnersthe Helensburgh Thistles U18’s girls

Team members on the day were BrookeLouise Garvey, Erin Blackwell, Tara Shewan, Tess Collins, Laura Klingenberg, Gemma Harris, Jacobi Gurney, Courtenay Turner, Chelsea Brunton, Jade Maloney, Shannon Wardle and our excellent goalkeeper Josephine Merfield. Absent from the team on the day were Sarah Bell and Julia Weir.

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The Sea Eels – 2012 South Coast Report By Karl Weber, SPSE Publicity Officer On Sunday July 15, the Stanwell Park Sea Eels hosted the South Coast Winter Swimming Championships at Wollongong Continental Pool. Swimmers were greeted with perfect weather, and the water temperature was a refreshing 17 degrees. 8 different clubs from the Illawarra competed in a variety of events including age races and relays. The day’s events passed smoothly with swimmers enjoying the water and actually experiencing a bit of sunburn. Considering the time of year, you could not have ordered better conditions. The presentation festivities were hosted by the Sea Eels at Bulli Workers Club. 12 tubs of gourmet soup were served up to hungry swimmers and a hot roast lunch topped off the day. Months of planning went into the day and all those involved can hold their heads high that the Championships and the after-function were a success. There is no way the day would have run as well as it did without the support of all our club members, in particular our female members, who under South Coast Winter Swimming Regulations are not allowed to enter swimming events and compete against the men. Stanwell Park Sea Eels and Bulli Sea Lions are the only two clubs in the Illawarra who actually allow female members to compete in regular club events. Whilst several of our female members did take part in a protest swim before the event, it would be nice to see them be allowed to compete in races in the future. Their support and tireless efforts on the day epitomise what a community club is all about. Stanwell Park Sea Eels, whilst not the biggest club in the region, certainly performed at an extraordinary level and ended up with the second highest overall point score on the day. The tough training regime must be paying off as our local club had medal winners in most events. We were placed first in four events, second in three events and third in two events. The place-getters are listed below: Over U30’s 50m freestyle: 1. Jimmy Quinn, 3. Murray Copas 0ver 40’s 50m freestyle: 3. Steve McDonald

Over 50’s 50m freestyle: 1. Ron Masser , 2. Mark McLennan Open 50m freestyle sprint: 2. Ben Stacpoole Over 40’s 6 person relay (6 x 50m): 1st SPSE, Ron Masser, Damian Lloyd, Gary Marshall, Barry McGuiness, Mark McLennan, Steve McDonald 4 person nominated time relay (4 x 50m): Stanwell Park Sea Eels equal first with Coledale Rock Oysters. Peter Burke, Rod Hampson, Ralph Hall, Terry Wood C grade relay (10 x 50m): 1st Stanwell Park Sea Eels Rod Hampson, Ralph Hall, Robert Pugh, Shanus Lane, Mike Perabo, Peter McDonald, Peter Burke, Ian Van Zyl, Peter Turner, Karl Weber A grade relay (10 x 50m): 2nd Stanwell Park Sea Eels Jimmy Quinn, Ron Masser, Luke Walsh, Adam Hampson, Ian Van Zyl, Mark McLennan, Karl Weber, Ben Stacpoole, Gary Marshall, Murray Copas. Overall results: 2nd place overall Stanwell Park Sea Eels. 3rd place handicapped point score Stanwell Park Sea Eels.

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Child Restraints Fitted John Hine (Proprietor) 187 Parkes St Helensburgh 2508 Helensburgh & District Herald 39

SPORT Helensburgh Women’s Bowling Club Report By Beatrice Gallagher, Publicity Officer Our ladies meet at the Workers Club each Tuesday morning at 9.30am. We are a very sociable group who enjoy our bowling, for the exercise and the company so if you would like to meet some new friends , come along! Lenore Bartlem, our Secretary, can be contacted on 4294 1472 if you would like more information. Well I would have to say the highlight of the last month was our Christmas in July, held at the Club. Social Organiser and very clever lady, Robyn Single did a wonderful job! Besides liasing with the club over the dinner arrangements she also prepared trivia and general knowledge games, (afraid a few of us did not do too well in the answer stakes but we did learn a lot) arranged the dessert and lucky door prizes, many of which she made. Rex Killham took home the beautifully embroidered teddy bear, Helen Haynes the wine, Fred Smith the chocolates and Lindsay Christie the coveted crochet blanket. (Rhonda has claimed this for the caravan!) It was an Australiana theme and Helen Haynes took home a lovely necklace, the prize for the “best dressed”. The bistro and club staff did a great job and thanks to the chef on the night for the terrific food!!! Thanks again Robyn for a great night (and to husband Alan who helped Robyn set up) – we all had such a fun night and appreciate your efforts! 12 June: Our trip to our friends at Bankstown was disappointing as the weather was miserable, preventing us from playing; the day was not lost as the morning tea, card games and lunch with quite a bit of chat was enjoyed by all. 19 June: Queen of the Green was played today with reigning Queen, Rhonda Christie retaining her crown against r/up Robyn Smith. This was a very hard fought game so congratulations to both ladies. 25 June: Nine of our ladies went to Towradgi, representing the club at their Gala Day where over $5000 was raised for Disabled Sports. We should be used to the winds down there but it always seems to be a shock on the day. Robyn Smith was the only prize winner.

40 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD 26 June: Back home and the day was rained out . . . winter begone! The daily prize went to Elaine Smith and Robyn Smith collected the fruit and veggies ; we headed home early. 3 July: Winter is going nowhere! Another cold windy day so it was a day for social bowls. Ann Jackson, Judith Starky, Shirley Cassidy had a tough win over r/up Jenny Mason, Carol Dixon and June McCotter while in the other game the winners were Helen Haynes, Janet Smith, Robyn Smith, Elaine Smith (does become a bit confusing some times) with r/up Joan Gardner, Robyn Single and Beatrice Gallagher. Judith won the daily prize and Beatrice the fruit and vegies. 10 July: In the continuing Consistency competition winner was Rhonda Christie with r/up Lenore Bartlem. The social games saw Jenny Mason & Robyn Single win over r/up Joan Gardner and Ann Jackson. Also winners Pat Watts & Carol Dixon over r/up Helen Haynes and Judith Starky. The daily prize was won by Carol Dixon and the fruit and veg by Rhonda Christie. 17 July: The good weather is back . . . despite a bit of wind early in the day, it did all of us good to get out and enjoy the fresh air and beautiful sunshine. Queen of the Green was played today and I am starting to believe we might have a “perpetual” Queen after Rhonda once again retained her crown after her win against r/up Judith Starky. Are we going for a record here? In the Consistency game Helen Haynes won over r/up Ann Jackson. In the social games, which were as hard fought as a competition, winners Janet Smith, Elaine Smith, Violet West just managed a win over r/up Robyn Smith Elaine Smith and Shirley Cassidy. In another game, Lenore Bartlem with those dreadful “butterfly” bowls and partner June McCotter enjoyed their win over r/up Wendy Britten (who played some great bowls) and Beatrice Gallagher. (played some dreadful bowls) The daily prize went to Violet and June McCotter was happy to take the fruit and veggies. It was good to see June Killham come for lunch looking well as she is recovering very slowly from complications associated with her bad back. Also good to see Wendy Britten back after her stay in hospital – the time away certainly didn’t affect her bowling!



Rego 2012/13 - Helensburgh & Districts Little Athletics Attention all new & returning athletes, Little A's is starting soon and online rego opens on Wednesday August 1. Online rego plus secure payment is the preferred way of becoming a member: it's faster, easier and much cheaper! • TINY TOTS (3-4 years old): $70 per child online versus $80 offline • ALL OTHER ATHLETES (U6-U17): $80 per athlete online versus $100 offline. Visit our website at www.helensburgh-lac. com and follow the links and instructions there, or contact us at, or follow us on Facebook at HelensburghLAC. First competition night at Helensburgh’s Rex Jackson Oval will be on Friday September 14 from 5:45 pm. 3000m races will still be on once a month. OFFLINE REGO DATES at Helensburgh Workers Club: Friday August 31, Friday September 7, and Friday September 14, between 6-8 pm.

Come and join Little A's right after the London Olympic Games for a new and exciting season of family, fun and fitness! Checking the games on TV is pretty cool, but having a go at it is much better!!

Helensburgh & District Herald 41



Touch Footy Season Approaches! Helensburgh Men’s Touch Football By Andy McGregor If you can run like Usain Bolt, side step like Benji Marshall or b/s like a politician, you may be eligible to play for Helensburgh Men’s Touch Footy. Registration day for the 2012/2013 season will be held on Wednesday, 12 September 2012 from 6pm at the Tigers RLFC sheds at Rex Jackson Oval. Helensburgh Touch, played on a Wednesday evening, has been operating for over 30 years and is a stand only competition run by the players for the players. It is not a franchise or affiliated with any other Touch Association. With the emphasis on sportsmanship and fun, some of the features of Helensburgh Touch are: the games are played on a full side field, 9 players on the paddock, a kick is permitted on the last tackle, and in some nominated games a golden point field goal is permitted. The season concludes in late February where the Games Day and 4 Divisional Grand Finals are played. Last Season Grand Final Results A Grade: In a tight game Andrew Rolf’s Goat Bashers 2 tries defeated 2011 Grand Final winners Magpies 1. The man of the match went to Azan for his 2 try effort. The game was refereed artfully by Steve Gilmore. The Goat Bashers who are paranoid and believed in the conspiracy theory that ‘the ref was against them because of his connections with the Magpies’, but the truth of the matter is the Bashers have been around A grade for a few seasons and always wilted under semi final pressure. After a session with Helensburgh leading sports psychologist, Dr Col Doran, they came up with a win and bragging rights. B Grade: Mark Waller’s Crushers 1 defeated Josh Overell’s Black Morton’s 0 in a very close contest referred astutely by Ray “Muzza” Murray. A late try by Crushers player Andy Smith got them over the line. The Crushers have won many titles over the years and are starting to age badly, but were still good enough on this occasion to lift the trophy. C Grade: This was the upset of the season. The Grubs captain coach by New Zealand

42 Helensburgh & District Herald

international Brouke McLachlan who has “jinxed” his team for many seasons by always loosing Grand Final matches he played in since birth, managed to come up with a win against the over-rated under-performing out-of-towners Scarborough, 4 tries to 1. Grubs tries were scored by Dan Woods 2; Alex Garling 1; and one to Aaron West - Helensburgh leading bus driver when he pulled out of all stops and went on a direct route to score a length of the field try. The game was refereed superbly by Steve Scullion who did a fantastic job settling down the fired up McLachlan through out the match and also a big thank you for Steve for backing up to ref after officiating in the D grade Grand Final Once again Scarborough Manger Warren “Wrecker” De Clouett was ropeable after another G/F loss claiming ‘he would come out of retirement and show the boys how to beat the “chockers”next season’. Grubs off field manager, Deano Massey, claims it was the best game the Grubs have played in living memory. D Grade: In a replay of last season’s G/F, Struggle Town 6 defeated The Pub 3 in a close match. Struggle Town sure know how to pull a rabbit out of the hat at semi final time the game was refereed by Steve Scullion. Wooden Spoon was awarded to the new team last season Top End; captain coached by Adrian Layton whose team also won the handicap point score that entitled them to the drink prize. Greg Gaffney side Surf Club were celebrating as they finally unloaded the dreaded Wooden Spoon after 3 consecutive seasons of mentoring from Mr Gaffney. See You on Rego Night - Wed 12 September 2012. The Fees are the same as the last 3 years - $80 per player- no carbon tax increase. Best value sport in Helensburgh by a country mile. So remember what Joe the Gadget man said, “BRING YOUR MONEY WITH YOU” Any inquires call Andy on 0411 352 830

Last years Premiers Top: B Grade Premiers Centre: C Grade Premiers Bottom: D Grade Premiers Over Page: A Grade Premiers

Helensburgh & District Herald 43



Touch Footy Season Approaches!

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