September 2012

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Helensburgh & District


Volume 2 #8

& Free l Loca


Local Land Zones – It’s Time By Angela Fagerstrom Following consultation with the Department of Planning (& Infrastructure), Wollongong City Council (WCC) is again exhibiting the proposed rezonings for the 2508 region. This covers former 7(d) land between Royal National Park, the Illawarra Escarpment and the new Dharawal National Park. Residents might feel submission fatigue or déjà vu on this matter, but are again asked to make a submission. 7(d) was the zone name appointed back in the 1990’s to identify and protect the catchment of the Hacking River, as it directly feeds the Royal National Park and Sutherland Shire’s Port Hacking. In 2010 all councils were required to update their zone classification to make them uniform statewide. The equivalent of 7(d) under the new local environment plan (LEP) is E2. The rest of the Wollongong local government area completed the LEP update over two years ago (2009) - Helensburgh is still waiting. This latest is the fifth round of submissions in six years – in 2009 over 3000 submissions supported environment zonings, and many more in 2010. Some land owners might like this process to be extended indefinitely, until they get their way. Some who live in affluent Sydney suburbs are speaking with council and state parliamentarians, claiming to represent the opinions of this area.

Anyone who disagrees with their plans for urban subdivisions is called a ‘vocal minority’. This simply is not true – the overwhelming majority in every round of submissions has been in favour of environmental zonings that will protect remaining bushland outside the existing town boundaries. The current recommendations were voted with overwhelming support by elected councillors last November. They took into consideration the past extensive consultation with government agencies and residents. While not all support the full range of current proposals, major changes are likely to send the study back to the Department of Planning, and we will be here late next year with another exhibition and round of submissions. This would mean the local zone changes could take as long as six years (since they commenced in 2007). There has been considerable controversy surrounding the landscaping and soil business in Walker Street – whether it should be zoned light industrial or E3, whereby the business would run under existing use rights. One way or another, a business is allowed to continue on that site, under proper development consents and environmental controls. Continued over page

Funky Formal Fashion: Pages 12 - 13

Helensburgh Physiotherapy 4294 9990

& Sports Injury Clinic

Helensburgh & District Herald 1



Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd Editor: Angela Fagerstrom 0409 065 500 Sub-editor: Karen Lane Facebook: Helensburgh District Herald ABN: 13 877 135 184

Community participation in this monthly newsletter is encouraged. Contributors should keep stories to a maximum of 200 words if possible. The editor reserves the right to edit according to space restrictions. Contributors should include contact details for clarification. The Contributor’s drop box is located at Helensburgh Newsagency, or post to P.O. Box 248 Helensburgh, 2508.

DEADLINE FOR CONTRIBUTIONS IS 5pm, 18th OF THE MONTH Editor@ Disclaimer: The views expressed in the letters published in this issue do not reflect those of the editor. All graphics remain the property of Helensburgh & District Herald Pty Ltd unless otherwise supplied.

IN THIS ISSUE... News Letters Club & Community News Spotlight on Local Business Youth News Cheers2508 Classifieds Bluegum Diary Service Directory Sport

1 - 3, 6 - 7,10 4 35 - 38 12 - 15 20 - 21 16 24 - 25 37 26 - 34 38 - 44

From page 1 The personality of Helensburgh and its surrounds is defined by the country town lifestyle - which for many is its attraction. This has been maintained through the past efforts of locals to protect the bushland surrounding the town. The personality of the area could easily be lost forever if it is taken for granted. It is important for state and local politicians to clearly reconsider (yet again) the opinions of locals. Do not leave this matter to someone else, it is your town – its future should not be determined by people who do not live here. Submissions close on October 5, 2012 and should be sent to: records@wollongong.nsw. or posted to Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821, WOLLONGONG DC NSW 2500. If you need more information, the Planning Proposal may be viewed on Council’s website

Are you interested in advertising? Contact the Editor

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Wollongong For all your business printing, design & marketing needs - deal with a local Call James Baker on 02 4228 8411

2 Helensburgh & District Herald



Growth At Helensburgh Business Park By Angela Fagerstrom Helensburgh Business Park (HBP) has responded to the call for more industrial sites in the town, announcing work on stage two is about to commence. Four new factories, built to suit a wide range of businesses, are expected to be completed in early 2013. HBP is building on the success of stage one, where 20 industrial factories have been sold or leased, meaning the complex is now at full capacity. Project Coordinator for HBP stage two, Kate Lynch, explained the four new factories will be available for lease and design variations can be included to suit the individual requirements of tenants. “This is one of the premier industrial developments in the Wollongong area” said Kate, who has consulted on a number of projects in Wollongong and Sydney. “Stage one and this new stage have been architecturally designed, fully landscaped and are an excellent example of developing to the Wollongong planning controls” explained Kate. “This type of strata industrial complex is a first for the area, so it’s been a learning curve” said park owner/developer Andy Offord, further


adding “operating out of a nice establishment brings prestige to your brand - this a great place to do business!” Helensburgh Business Park currently has an application with council for a further 15 factories (stage three) which would be built in a similar contemporary style and complement the surrounds. “This is an excellent time for someone to fill HBP’s purpose built café and be their own boss” said Andy. For more information on Helensburgh Business Park stage two visit: helensburgh-business-park For leasing enquiries including the café contact Andy: 0418 422 909

B.S.S. ENGINEERING 0418 406 279

Welding & Machining General Machinery No Job Repairs Too Small

OPEN 7 DAYS Unit 14/17 Cemetery Road Helensburgh Business Park 2508


New store NOW OPEN 193 Parkes Street

(next to the smash repairs) *Glass Cut *Key Cutting *Trade Facilities *Timber Cut To Size *Personalised Service from Mike, Gail & James

Open 7 days Ph: 4294 1007 Fax: 4294 1488

Helensburgh & District Herald 3

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR All letters must carry the sender’s home address and a contact number for verification. Please limit letters to 300 words. By submitting your letter for publication, you agree that we may edit the letter for legal, space or other reasonable reasons. Editor. Dear Editor, I would like to correct some inaccuracies in your article ‘Lord Mayor Listens -But to Whom?’ which featured in your August edition. As Lord Mayor I am invited to meet with many different organizations or groups. To call the meeting on 9 July with local business representatives ‘confidential’ is misleading. This meeting was no more ‘confidential’ than meeting with a representative of the special Olympics or a delegation from the University or any other community group. As a result of this meeting I agreed to attend a forum that was to be organized and promoted by the business representatives I had met. The aim of the forum was to discuss the future of business in Helensburgh and the issues arising. Council took no responsibility for the organization or promotion of the forum, this was done by those I met with earlier. One of the outcomes of these meetings is that Council will now investigate timing for development of a Town Plan for the area. This will involve broad based community consultation. The remainder of the list of outcomes and issues have been forwarded to the convenor of Neighbourhood Forum 1. Yours sincerely, Lord Mayor Councillor Gordon Bradbery OAM

Bottle Shops Denied On Friday August 31, the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing (OLGR) recommended that the two separate packaged liquor outlet applications for both Walker Street Helensburgh be refused. OLGR has taken some time to reach a decision, with the Chamber’s Cellars application (at the former site of the hardware store) dating back to February 2012 and the Marley’s Liquor Store application (Wattamolla Building) dating back to March 2012. 4 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Dear Editor, The land in between the Royal National Park and the Illawarra Escarpment has long been referred to as 7(d). This was the zone name appointed back in the 1990’s to further protect the catchment of the Hacking River, as it directly feeds the Royal National Park and into Sutherland Shire’s Port Hacking. Since the 1960’s much of the land surrounding Helensburgh, Otford and the Illawarra Escarpment has been zoned non-urban for conservation, and fortunately now WCC are proposing much of the land be zoned E2 - environmental. However we must tell them we agree! If you’d like to protect our beautiful ‘2508’ area from turning into another dusty Taren Point or congested Engadine, it’s your chance to tell Council now, either directly at www.wollongong. or you can easily, comment click and send a letter via html For the future of our beautiful coastline, National Parks, tourism, threatened native animals, and fresh air for Wollongong and Sydney, and less strain on infrastructure this green corridor needs the highest protection, with development limited to suitable infilling within the township. To that end, apart from the recreational and tourism zonings in the Gateway Precinct, the remaining bushland must be zoned E2 environmental with existing use rights for approved existing dwellings/businesses. Natasha Watson, President Otford Protection Society Inc.

Helensburgh Car Services

4294 2930 • Tune & Service • E Safety Checks • All Makes & Models • LPG Rego Checks • Blue Slips

Child Restraints Fitted John Hine (Proprietor) 187 Parkes St Helensburgh 2508

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, Our family has been a part of the Helensburgh community for over 10 years now, and in the last two and a half years this has included our daughter Grace from Ethiopia. Nicola Roxon (Attorney General) has made the decision to close the Ethiopian Adoption program citing that it is too difficult to maintain. This is devastating news for the hundreds of thousands of orphans in Ethiopia, the families who have waited for up to 7 years for a placement and for the beautiful Ethiopian children already adopted into Australia who value the gift of getting Ethiopian siblings and growing friendship circles. The reasons given are very vague on the Attorney General Department’s (AGD) website - and in a recent AGD speech “Third Quarter 2012” it was down-right insulting to those of us who have adopted children. There has always been complete transparency with the children Australian’s have adopted through the Ethiopian program and there has been no use of private agencies.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD In addition the ongoing financial support most families contribute to charities, extended families and community initiatives in Ethiopia itself shows the strong support we give the country. Yet Nicola speaks of the closure citing a decrease in the number of children requiring adoption (not statistically true) and then in the next sentence says she wants to avoid dodgy practices of the past - alluding to the stolen generation. Making this connection between the appalling policies and processes of the stolen generation to the current Ethiopian adoptions was insulting to us all. Not to mention creating an environment of doubt so now everyone feels they can question the validity of our chilldren’s adoption. Deborah-Lee Furness (Mrs Hugh Jackman) has taken up the case, there was a story on ABC’s Australian Story (30 July 2012) and also on 60 minutes in August. Most people in Helensburgh would recognise Grace and those who know her love her dearly. They have seen her grow from a small malnourished child into a robust and confident nearly four year old. We would love to get some support from the local community to reverse the decision to close the program. Basically the Attorney Generals’ Department doesn’t want to work with a third world country because their standards of care and government processes are not up to those of a rich country like ours. Seriously - what did they expect? There is an online petition accompanied with a detailed analysis of how Australia is not respecting the rights of the child according to the Hague Convention (which Nicola Rixon says they are supporting). Please go to the website below and add your name in support of repealing the decision to close the program which was only newly set up with even greater background checks and transition management than before. sustain-its-pledge-to-un-rights-of-the-child-andreopen-the-ethiopian-intercountry-adoptionprogram. Thank you to all those who care enough to sign the petition. Sincerely, The Anderson Family Helensburgh

Helensburgh & District Herald 5

LETTERS / NEWS Dear Editor, A lot of new residents in the area may be unaware of the fight that is going on to protect the land around Helensburgh which is in the middle of 5 National and State Parks. Owners of those affected lands around and within the Hacking River Catchment lands will not give personal guarantees that any type of pollution from chemical to silt will not affect the Hacking in times of our torrential downpours. The Hacking River is on the Australian National Heritage list as the lifeblood of the Royal National Park. Its headwater tributaries start within all these areas including the also National Heritage listed Garawarra State Conservation Area. Allowing development including particularly industrial of any sort can offer therefore no guarantees that there would not be significant impacts on the Hacking River Catchment so I therefore support the E2 Environmental Conservation for all the precinct areas. The Hacking River will always be there so it's easier to protect it by removing the inappropriate zones. It is in the public and community interest to object to the inappropriate zonings as show on local webs sites. Sincerely Alan Bond, Stanwell Tops

6 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Illawarra Greens’ Call for Coal Train Cover Up The Illawarra Greens have come out in support of recent calls by Hunter region communities, MPs and the local media in Newcastle, to cover up coal trains in their area. Coal trains travelling through Wollongong are also uncovered, posing a risk to the health of local residents. Greens Wollongong Councillor Jill Merrin said, “there is growing community support in the Hunter, led by a campaign by the Newcastle Herald, to require all coal trains to be covered.” “Residents of Wollongong are also being subjected to the health risks of coal dust by the transport of open-topped coal trains through their neighbourhoods. We now know that the fine dust particles from coal have the potential to cause serious lung diseases.” “People who live anywhere near a train line in Wollongong know about the constant black dust they have to wash off their houses. That same dust is lining their lungs and the lungs of their children”, said Cr Merrin. “The EPA have been testing the air quality for particulate matter near railway lines in the Hunter. We want to see the same level of care and concern by the EPA and have air quality tested along Wollongong’s train corridors.” Greens MP Cate Faehrmann has written to the Minister for the Environment Robyn Parker, asking her to direct the EPA to require all coal wagons to be covered. She points to an uncompleted part of the Australian Rail Track Corporation’s (ARTC) licence which requires a plan to reduce coal dust. Cr Merrin said, “trucks which transport coal are currently required to have their loads covered, so we want to know why the same standards are not applied to coal trains.” “The people of Wollongong have suffered enough from industrial and mining pollution. It is time the State Government imposed the same pollution control standards for coal transport, whether it’s by road or rail.”



Rural Fire Service Open Day RURAL Fire Service volunteers will be manning their stations on Saturday, September 22, as they host Open Days for the public across the Illawarra. Helensburgh and Otford stations will open their doors from 10am-2pm. The Open Day will be an interactive event, with games for children, pretend fires to douse, fire trucks to explore and displays and demonstrations from firefighters throughout the day. Information will also be provided on fire safety plans, protecting the family home, and what the PREPARE.ACT. SURVIVE. message means to our local community. Residents can find out about the diversity of roles both on and off the fire ground and how to volunteer for the service if they are interested.

It is also a chance to meet the local RFS brigade members who are valuable members of the community. The Open Day coincides with the start of Bush Fire Awareness Week and the beginning of the bush fire danger period and will help people prepare for a potentially difficult fire season.

1st Consultation Free ! Helensburgh & District Herald 7


8 Helensburgh & District Herald




Robyn Venn | 0428 949 800

Stanwell Park | Offers Invited $975,000- $1,050,000

Two Fabulous Houses On One Special Block Unique property offers a rare opportunity in Stanwell Park for those requiring additional accommodation, income or home business/studio

The Main Residence

• Designed with flair and personality, the main residence reflects superior craftsmanship using Sandstock bricks, Oregon timber and polished timber and slate floors. • Clever window placement captures both ocean views and magnificent panoramic bush views of Mt Mitchell plus the north and eastern sun’s rays. • An inspirational kitchen featuring new appliances and attractive glass splashback is the hub of family get-togethers and dining which flows out to a massive “entertainers” deck • Upstairs is designed for views and privacy with 3 generous bedrooms with built-ins, main with ensuite, private ocean facing balcony plus loads of storage hideaway areas.

The Cottage

The Cottage

• The floor plan creatively allows for two bedrooms, contemporary kitchen with solid timber benchtops. • Tastefully appointed bathroom/laundry. • Parking for 3-4 cars plus carport. • Eco-friendly features include water tank plus solar roof heating. • Heating & cooling is a combination of r/c airconditioners and gas heating.

‘Exceptional Value’ - Inspection By Appointment. Robyn Venn 0428 949 800 | More Images: Helensburgh & District Herald 9



Helensburgh Disability Support Group

We Need Your Bras! Old bras, new bras, big and small bras is collecting bras of all sizes to send to women in the Philippines, so if your lingerie draw is due for a spring clean, please consider dropping your old but still usable bras to It’s A Shoe Thing, where they will be collected and readied for an October/November delivery. Why are we collecting bras? In many regions, second hands bras are cheap enough but are rarely available, and a new bra can cost 10-30 hours wages, putting this beyond the reach of most women. Rashes, fungal infections and abscesses occur between the breast and the chest wall, and a bra helps air flow. Nursing mums everywhere leak, and we all like the dignity of support! So, upgrading to a sexier model or a super supporter? Recycle your old bra and then it, and you, can support another woman. Thanks to It’s A Shoe Thing for showing its support! (Please no bodysuits, torsolettes, U-bras.)

Have you got a child or young person with a disability? Do you wish you had someone to talk to who is in a similar situation to you? Good News! There is a great new support group that has just started in Helensburgh. We meet every Monday at the Helensburgh Community Centre and discuss such things as resources available, what works well for other carers and just someone to talk to. When: Every Monday between 10am- 12pm Where: Helensburgh Community Centre, 26 Walker St Helensburgh 2508 Cost: A $2 donation per family/ group morning tea. If you have any enquiries please do not hesitate to contact Alisa on 0410 946 776. We hope to hear from you soon!

Property Solutions Retaining Walls Pergolas Decking Paving Landscaping Complete Makeovers Call Daniel:

0422 503 193 Lic: 151773C 10 Helensburgh & District Herald



Blackwell Bros Embrace Change

Issued by Blackwell Bros Pty Ltd, 159 Walker St Helensburgh NSW 2508 Blackwell Bros landscape supplies business, which includes soil and green waste recycling (under 2500 ton) has been operating from their Walker Street location since 1981. Since 1996 this property has been part of lands embroiled in ongoing zoning uncertainty. To this end, Blackwell Bros are seeking support from the local community to back Wollongong City Council’s land zoning proposal which will allow a landscape supplies operation to continue at the Helensburgh site. This proposal went on public exhibition on August 3, 2012 and will continue until October 5, 2012. Over the last three years, due to unprecedented demand for recycled landscape supplies, the business has literally ‘taken off’. The appropriate development consents could not be obtained, as the land zoning was changed from rural industry to E2 (environmental protection). “Our company has been running off a 30 year old DA. There was never a problem until the WCC elections when we were bombarded with extreme green activists trying to shut us down” said Blackwell Bros Managing Director, Adam Blackwell. “This current zoning proposal is a sound balance between conservation and growth for the area” said Adam. Under the proposal, Blackwell Bros will be given a small parcel of land for zoned light industrial. The remainder of the land (~50 acres) will remain environmentally protected (E2). “If this zoning is approved, we will not be taking it for granted” said Adam “we are in the process of seeking advice to use the remaining land as part of a BioBanking scheme which could be in place as early as September 2012”. BioBanking is a market-based scheme that provides a streamlined biodiversity assessment process for development, a rigorous and credible offsetting scheme as well as an opportunity for rural landowners to generate income by

managing land for conservation. BioBanking enables ‘biodiversity credits’ to be generated by landowners, like Blackwell Bros, who commit to enhance and protect biodiversity values on their land through a biobanking agreement. The company has plans in place to rehabilitate the property’s creek (at the rear of their property), to mark the zone boundary. “We will plant over 300 trees on the creek banks and a further 200 on the boundaries, as a screen to noise and to make the site in keeping with the bushland surrounds” said Adam. Blackwell Bros have also bought new equipment which exceeds the emissions requirements, choosing the latest tier-3 low emission engines. “We are also looking into new hybrid machines, these are a smaller diesel engines - run by a self-propelled electric convertor” said earthmoving specialist Nathan Blackwell. A new DA is currently being assessed by Wollongong City Council which will allow the landscape supplies operation to continue at the Helensburgh site. Blackwell Bros are hopeful that once they get the appropriate approvals, they can work with Wollongong City Council to give local residents an opportunity to dispose of some waste at the Helensburgh facility, without unnecessarily having to transport waste to Whytes Gully, and believe they can do this while maintaining a minimal footprint at the Helensburgh site. An additional site at owned by the company at Kembla Grange will cater to the needs of the southern suburbs. “It’s crazy everyone having to drive to Wollongong to tip rubbish in a land fill - why not recycle it and reuse it locally, and if not, we can truck it, we think one truck carrying 30 box trailer loads is better than 30 cars on the road” concluded Adam. For more information and updates visit: Helensburgh & District Herald 11


12 Helensburgh & District Herald




Stockist details over page Helensburgh & District Herald 13

STOCKIST DETAILS / SPOTLIGHT Funky Formals - Stockist Details Ladies fashion and accessories from the Salvo’s Store, 1/123-127 Parkes Street Helensburgh Napolean Perdis event make up by Carina at la Belle Boutique, shop 3/12 Walker Street Helensburgh. Hair by Monica North, 0427 991 673 Photography by Rodney Herbert, 0418 677 777 Harley Davidson Motorcycles and Steve Melchior supplied by Just Cruisin’ Harley Tours. Enquiries contact Steve, 0414 942 598 www. All photos were taken on location at beautiful Tumbling Waters Retreat & Restaurant, Stanwell Tops. A huge thank you to all the businesses that took part in the Funky Formal Fashion shoot. Thank you also to our beautiful models; Allana, Chelsea, Michaela and Amy.

Irwan’s Kitchen Irwan the head chef at Raya Thai Restaurant in Helensburgh (and once Raya Thai Restaurant in Engadine), has been following her passion for cooking for over twenty-five years. Her dishes are influenced by the fusion of traditional Thai and Indonesian cuisines, and they are often found on Raya Thai’s New Arrivals menu. “The following dish is light and healthy yet easy, and is often served on my family dinner table at home.” Irwan Irwan’s Steamed Fish Ingredients: • ½ kg white fish fillet (e.g. sea perch) • bok choy • 3 cm piece of fresh ginger peeled, finely sliced • 2 garlic cloves, finely sliced • 1 small bunch of fresh coriander • sliced capsicum (garnish) • 2 tbsp. soy sauce • ½ tsp. sesame oil • ½ tbsp. sugar • 1 tbsp. cooking oil • Pepper Method: 14 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD 1. Gather all ingredients 2. Steam fish for 6 minutes in a steamer until cooked, then remove and drain excess water 3. For the sauce, mix well in a bowl the soy sauce, pepper, sesame oil and sugar 4. In a pan, heat the cooking oil until just hot 5. Add the garlic, ginger and soy sauce mix and remove from the stove 6. Cook bok choy in boiling water until just cooked then remove, slice into segments. To serve: 1. Arrange bok choy on a plate 2. Place steamed fish on top of the bok choy 3. Arrange fresh coriander and capsicum (if desired) on top of fish 4. Pour hot soy sauce mix over the dish and serve. Raya Thai is celebrating their 11th anniversary and all curries are $11.00 (excluding Specials menu, seafood and duck dishes). For further details contact Raya Thai on 4294 9222, visit their website or visit their facebook page. Now open 7 nights.



The Power Of Lemon Juice

Where Is The Red Kitchen?

By Karen Bestel, Karen’s Pet Care Service Having healthy and well behaved pets can be as important to some pet owners as their own health. Did you know the natural and easily available lemon fruit provides you with lots of options for protecting your pet’s health and can be useful in different methods of training? Lemon spray for dogs Lemon is very effective for conditioning a dog’s coat and keeping your pet flea free. Add a few slices of lemon to ½ litre of boiling water and leave to cool overnight. Strain and pour into spray bottle and you’re ready to spray doggies coat! Caution: avoid spraying near their eyes. Kitty litter trays You can create a lemon mixture that is fabulous for cleaning kitty litter trays. Mix ¾ cup of water and ¼ cup of vinegar with the juice of 2 lemons. Transfer this mixture to a spray bottle and after you’ve washed the box out give it a spray and scrub. This will lift any sediment and remove the smell, keeping it fresh for longer. Note: Ensure you give the box another good wash out after the lemon spray, as cats are not keen on lemon smell so you don’t want to deter them from using the box. The barking dog Instead of buying anti-barking collars, a cheaper option is to fill a spray bottle with some lemon juice and water. If your dog is barking unnecessarily, aim the water spray into their mouth, and then praise doggy when the barking stops. Stay with doggy and repeat the process if barking continues. Continue praise as barking stops. Caution: Only spray into the mouth. Be careful to avoid the eyes and contact with rest of face. Hand biting Because dogs do not like the taste of lemon, you can try rubbing lemon juice on your hands particularly if you have a puppy that constantly likes to gnaw your fingers! Karen’s Pet Care Service | 0419 432 482

Well-known artisan organic catering service, The Red Kitchen has relocated from Helensburgh, ironically - to Red Point (Port Kembla) Nestled in groovy Kembla Court along with the thriving Red Point Artists Association, Caroline Pontello of The Red Kitchen has just celebrated her first year in the Red Kitchen Coffee House. “We miss Helensburgh and had a loyal following in the Northern Illawarra so I just wanted to remind people that they can still access our catering services or pop into the coffee house and say hi” said Caroline. “The Red Kitchen offers a unique slant to mainstream catering by creating rustic, ‘salt of the earth’ cuisine. It is organic, GE free, ecofriendly and lovingly handmade with an ethnic twist” said Caroline. “Even the plates and cutlery used in Red Kitchen’s catering are biodegradable, which appeals to lot of our corporate clients” “We are also the only caterer in the Illawarra and possibly Australia that offers a unique composting service, with the waste being utilised at a Wollongong Facility” explained Caroline. The Red Kitchen caters for weddings, corporate events and parties, and cooks frequently for the Wollongong Councillors and Lord Mayor, as well as other well-known NGO’s and businesses in the Wollongong region! The Coffee House offers a range of simple brunch and lunch options including Breakfast Dhal, Baghdad eggs w/- Za’ater and Mint, Red Kitchens own Cinnamon Myrtle Granola w/South Coast Yoghurt and Maple Syrup. Also on offer are a range of take home meals and handmade chai, grab yourself a ‘Keep Cup’ or browse the rack of vintage clothes! To find out more go to au or next time you are heading south take the Five Islands Road exit to Port Kembla and try one of Caroline’s “ridiculously good organic coffees.” The Red Kitchen at Shop 1, 100 Wentworth St, Port Kembla, open Friday 8.30am to 3pm and Saturday 9am to 3pm.

To advertise contact: Helensburgh & District Herald 15

CHEERS 2508 Cheers 2508! It is a local icon and it will be sad to see it go, but the Helensburgh and District Herald (HDH) is dropping the ‘jeers’. The HDH does not want to be associated with the sometimes malicious online Cheers and Jeers. So from the September 2012 edition onwards this new feature will be a page dedicated to ‘shout outs’- highlighting excellent service from our local businesses and the fine deeds of our residents. Join us on Facebook – remember it’s a jeers free zone.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD CHEERS to the family who kindly looked after our dog Molly when she was frightened and lost after fireworks were let off in Stanwell Park. CHEERS to the quality organic and gluten free food and the service that cannot be compared at 16 Feet Café, Stanwell Park. Erin’s gluten free brownies are to die for! CHEERS to the lovely person who took my son’s bike and helmet to Stanwell Park kiosk after we left it at the park. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. I thought it would be gone for sure. CHEERS to the rural fire fighters who fought the recent fires at Darkes Forest. The community thanks you. CHEERS to the large number of people who quickly joined the Cheers2508 facebook page. More than 100 fans in the first 26 hours!

Winner: South Coast Business Awards 2012 ‘Best Thai Restaurant’

Open 7 days


Choose from beef, chicken, lamb or vegetable *excludes daily specials

Offer ends October 15th, 2012 Dine in and Take-away

4294 9222

4/115-119 Parkes St Helensburgh 16 Helensburgh & District Herald



hbp stage two!

250-1000sqm units available late 2012! enquire now!

Café Opening Soon!


20 CBK Constructions Helensburgh Mobile Hose Repairs

1 2 3

Scarborough Upholstery

4 All Metal Group

5 Crawchy’s Swim School

19 18

Leasing Unit 2 Mezzanine

17 Exquisite Glass Sydney City Fire Lease Available

16 15 14

BSS Engineering


6 Hope Church


Dreadnought Motorcycles


Buckley’s Concrete

Noble Homes


11 10

Lease Available


Contact Andy (AO Contracting) for Leasing Opportunities on 0418 422 909 |

Helensburgh & District Herald 17



Local Mums Branch Out Via The Mama Tree... By Louise Charman-James, Charmedia, Mama Tree Network When I moved to the Burgh a year or so ago with my husband and two small children, I wondered how long it would be before I made new friends and felt part of this new community. Fortunately, it didn’t take long - by going to yoga, playgroups and hanging out at local play parks and the pool, I soon tapped into a network of likeminded mums. I discovered where to get a good coffee, who offered babysitting, where to get a great massage and most importantly, found myself with a great group of new friends. Being thoroughly modern mums, we soon embraced technology as a way to broaden our connections, share information and advice and recommend products, services and local events to each other - and so the Mama Tree Facebook page was born. Initiated by local WAHM (Work At Home Mum) Ishbel Compagnoni, the Mama Tree membership has rapidly expanded to include a broad network of local mums.

In-store Digital Photo Kiosk Your local Papercraft store, providing friendly service, & a wide variety of Scrapbooking & Cardmaking supplies. Regular Fri night craft/crop classes are held at the shop. Newsletters are now on facebook to keep you informed of our class timetable, specials & new products.

Ph: 4294 4020 ~ Fax: 4294 4021 Shop 5, 123 Parkes Street Helensburgh 18 Helensburgh & District Herald

The Mama Tree has now evolved into a notfor-profit organisation with a view to organising events which will benefit local families. The first event will be a mums n’ bubs preloved goods market on 30th September in the Helensburgh Scout Hall (see advertisement for details). The next event planned for early next year is an exhibition to promote the businesses of local mumpreneurs to each other and the wider community. If you are a local mum and would like to join the Mama Tree, go to groups/themamatree and become part of this great networking resource.

Are you interested in advertising? Contact the Editor

Dance Academy Dance and drama classes in our purpose built studio! Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary & Hip Hop. Tiny Tots to Adults, all ages are catered for. Our Showgroup performs on stage! Contact Fleur on 0448 425 594 Dance Studio located at, 26C Walker Street ~ Entry from Club Lane ~ Helensburgh, NSW 2508 Private lessons available. All ages and levels welcome.

‘the mama tree’ presents

mums ‘n’ bubs market day Sunday, September 30th 10am – 1pm Helensburgh Scout Hall limited parking so please walk if you can

$2 entry fee (kids free) cash only transactions The Mama Tree is a local, not-for-profit organisation established to provide a network for local mums to connect socially and professionally, share information and advice about parenting issues and recommend events, products and services for mums and kids.

Come and join us for a morning of bargain shopping and an opportunity to meet other local mums and join the Mama Tree network. Also find out more about local businesses run by enterprising mums!

Recycle your preloved baby and children’s goods. Helensburgh & District Herald 19



Holy Cross Happenings Congratulations to Fr Bede on 50 years Congratulations to Holy Cross Parish Priest, Fr Bede on achieving the wonderful milestone – the 50th anniversary of his priesthood. On Saturday July 21, Fr Bede marked this very special anniversary celebrating Mass, followed by afternoon tea with his family, friends, fellow priests, parishioners and Mrs Kerry Cronin our school Principal. There were celebrations at Holy Cross Church on Sunday July 29 with Mass and a morning tea. The Catholic Bishop of the Wollongong Diocese, Bishop Peter Ingham and many parishioners were present to acknowledge Fr Bede’s years of loving service to God’s people. Fr Bede was presented with gifts from the staff, students and parents of the school. The community of Holy Cross gives thanks for the gift Fr Bede is to our parish. Holy Cross Visits CAFÉ Club The students from Holy Cross enjoy visiting CAFÉ club. CAFÉ club (Culture, Activity, Friendship, Education) is an outreach of Helensburgh Neighbourhood Aid for the frail or elderly in our community and they meet at Helensburgh Worker’s Club once a week. Year 4 visited CAFÉ club recently to perform songs in Italian. Students shared interesting things they have been learning in class. There were special moments when everyone viewed a DVD created by Holy Cross depicting the

Slashing & clearing work Large area mowing


Cheap rates for local work

Ph 0429 043 295 20 Helensburgh & District Herald

Bishop Peter Ingham and Holy Cross altar servers at Fr Bede’s 50th Anniversary Mass

students’ outreach to seniors in the Helensburgh community. This program is a wonderful way to promote the students’ learning experiences beyond the classroom walls.

FUN 4 U HELENSBURGH PTY LTD Kindergarten - Year 6 On site at HPS! Before & After School Care 7 - 9am & 2:30 - 6:30pm Vacation Care 7.30am - 6pm Our centre is Part of the CCM System! PH: 0431 099 608 PH: 0431 199 150 E: P.O. Box 367 Helensburgh 2508



Helensburgh Public School 125 Anniversary Celebration Fete By Gina Krohn 15 September, 10am to 4pm, Fletcher Street, Helensburgh Please join our school community as we celebrate 125 years of quality public education in Helensburgh with our great celebration fete! This year, each class has its own stall, from Kindy to Year 6, from crazy hair to homemade ginger beer and lemonade, showbags to plants and craft kits and more, more more! We have over 25 market stalls, carrying a huge range of interesting goodies for you to choose from - children’s toys to vintage clothes, quality stationary to Nepalese clothing & trinkets and fine teas - we have all this and more! We also have everyone’s favourites - the Chocolate Wheel, Mega Raffle, silent auctions and Tombolas, where everyone wins a prize, thanks to the generosity of our local and other businesses! With loads of great entertainment too - Class Acts, our choir, band and dance groups – you’ll be kept busy and entertained You can also see our favourite Irish dancers perform on the outside stage and we may have a surprise act as well! For those who like creepy fun, don’t wait for Halloween! Visit our Haunted House - if you dare! Ghosties and ghoulies, slime and spiders, this one is for the very, very brave!

Enjoy a load of thrills and spills with five fabulous rides from Camelot Amusements, including the giant slide and mini jeeps! You can pre-purchase an all-day pass by sending your cheque or money order to the school - $24 prepaid. All rides are $4 or $5 on fete day, so save yourself the hassle and order yours now. Don’t forget to include your name, address or email and the number of passes you are paying for. Passes can be collected from 10am on fete day at the ride stall! We haven’t forgotten your tummies! Enjoy a Posh Nosh High Tea with delicious pastries and a variety of teas, Tropical Sno-cones, fairy floss and ice cream, quiche & salad, a Dagwood Dog or a good ol’ Lions Club BBQ! We can fill you up! So, there’s at least125 great reasons to be a part of Helensburgh Public school’s 125 Anniversary Celebration Fete on Saturday, 15 September. We’ll see you there!

Passion, Persistence, Integrity, Knowledge & Team Work

Call now to see why “nobody does it better”

4294 9800 Julie Humphries 0405 128 070 1/114a Parkes St, Helensburgh

Helensburgh & District Herald 21

IN MEMORIAM In Memoriam BLACKWELL, Denise 15.09.2003 In loving memory of my wife Denise, Mother and Grandmother. Dearly loved and remembered by all in every way, as a beautiful caring person In our hearts you will always stay - God Bless Alan, Adam, Nathan, Heath and families BLACKWELL, Denise 15.09.2003 Your memories will always be with us, your closeness will always be here, we treasure the love you gave us and the life and years that we shared. So sadly missed and lovingly remembered by all your family. WARWICK, Debbie 1.09.2002 In loving memory of a beautiful wife and devoted mother. 10 years have past but we still think of you and miss you every day. You will always live in our hearts! Paul, Ryan, Damien and Belinda.

NEIL LYON Solicitor • Conveyancing • Wills • Administration of Deceased Estates • Challenging and Defending Wills • Power of Attorney • Enduring Guardianship • Family Law • Litigation

5 Walker Street, Helensburgh PO Box 99 Helensburgh Upstairs above the liquor shop Tel (02) 4294 2076 Fax (02) 4294 2238 Email: 22 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Council Moves To Protect Garrawarra Cemetery On Monday August 27, Wollongong City Council voted to prepare a Conservation Management Plan for Garrawarra Cemetery. Other recommendations included an exploration of access options to the cemetery, to develop a publicly available burial register for the site and to consider the development of a ‘Friends of the Cemetery’-style group. Council will also write to the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage offering support to their consideration to include the Garrawarra Hospital site, including the cemetery, for listing on the State Heritage Register. “Among the recommendations passed last night there was the option to carry out community consultation, including with people who have family buried in the cemetery, to decide what steps need to be taken for its future.’’ The Garrawarra Cemetery was used between 1909 and the mid-1950s. It was linked to the Garrawarra Hospital, which was the only purpose-built facility for the treatment of people with tuberculosis in the State. It’s believed there were as many as 2000 burials on the site. Custodianship of the cemetery, along with Wollongong, Bulli, Scarborough and Helensburgh General Cemeteries, was handed over from the state to Council in 1967. Bush has encroached on the cemetery, which is landlocked by Crown Land managed by various state government departments. Due to the complexity of the site and its surrounds, there has been confusion over the ownership and management responsibilities for the cemetery. “We understand people might be interested to go out and visit the cemetery and we would ask them to hold off. It is in a difficult, isolated location with access only along fire trails. Even Council staff must get permission from state government agencies to visit the site. People who know of family buried in the Garrawarra Cemetery are encouraged to contact Council’s Customer Service Centre to register their details. For more information you can call Council’s Customer Service Centre on (02) 4227 7111.



Hillcrest Christian Fellowship

Holy Cross Catholic Parish

Hillcrest House (Hillcrest Retirement Village), Railway Crescent, Stanwell Park. 6pm each Sunday. Phone Graeme Ratten on 4294 3153.

You are welcome to come and celebrate Jesus’ love for us at Holy Cross Helensburgh and St Bernadette’s Stanwell Park. Weekend Mass Times Helensburgh: Saturday Vigil – 5:30pm. Sunday – 9.30am. Stanwell Park: Sunday – 8am. Confessions: Saturday – 5pm (Helensburgh). Weekday Masses - Helensburgh 9:15 Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays. Catholic Women’s League – Caring for others. Meet monthly. St. Vincent de Paul Society – Outreach to people in need. Meets monthly. For more information please phone Parish Priest Fr. Bede North or Kerrie on 4294 1009.

Helensburgh & Stanwell Park Anglican Church Helensburgh and Stanwell Park Anglican Church is a community of diverse people who meet together to come to grips with Jesus, his reality, his love and his power. We are a church which is bible based and Jesus focused. You’re always welcome at your local Anglican Church where there is a wide range of groups and ministries for all ages. We would love you to join us. See the website below for further details. Our Sunday Service times are: 8:15am at Stanwell Park (54 Stanwell Ave) for an all age, Prayer Book service. 10am at Helensburgh (75 Parkes Street) for a Family Service with Kid’s Church & Creche. 6pm at Helensburgh (75 Parkes Street) is Night Church, with a more relaxed atmosphere. For information on any of our services or activities, visit or ring the office on 4294 1024

Hope Church 2508 Hope Church 2508 is a family church made up of genuine and committed people of all ages, driven by the belief that God is real and we can relate to Him on a daily basis. It is a place where people can find the acceptance and friendship that comes from being a part of a large family, creating a positive impact in the lives of the people in our community. We believe that God will bring hope, wholeness and healing to all who will cry out to Him. We aim to be the kind of church described in the Bible through relevant teaching, meaningful worship, sincere friendships, prayer, missions, compassion and care for others. You are most welcome to join us at our new church building at 6/17 Cemetery Road, Helensburgh at 9.30am each Sunday. For any enquiries or assistance please ring Pastors Lionel or Briga Rattenbury on 0404 803 055.

Helensburgh Baptist Church Helensburgh Baptist Church (HBC) is a group of locals who believe that God can make a difference to the world. Hard to believe perhaps, but who else can you count on doing it? Working within the deepest parts of our lives God can bring about real and lasting change. God has radically changed our lives and we know he wants to change yours too. If you have ever thought about God and faith can make a difference in your life why not find out how? HBC is a friendly and laid back Church with a Sunday meeting held at the Community Centre on Walker St at 10am. Contact James Ramsay with any further questions on 4294 8459.

Helensburgh Bushland Chapel 94 Parkes Street, Helensburgh. A place for friendly, progressive inquiry into faith and modern life. 1st and 3rd Sundays 9.30 communion held on the 1st. Artistic, media, community, meditation, book club environmental and bushwalk events See or 4268 6748 Minister available for weddings, funerals, blessing. Chapel and rooms available for use. Helensburgh & District Herald 23

CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS Rates: Up to 20 words > $5 21-30 words > $6 31-40 words (max) > $7 CASUAL PET CARER : Position available for two week period from late Dec 2012 to early Jan 2013 with potential for future casual position. Must be available for varied work hours Monday to Sunday. Applicant to be mature and hold a current driver’s licence. Animal handling experience preferred. Would suit active animal lover. Please call Karen 0419 432 482 ELECTRICAL AND HANDYMAN SERVICES. Call Garry on 42941929 or 0435932499 for a free quote today. ENGLISH TUTORING: Experienced English Teacher and HSC English Marker call Iskra 0410344423 FLORIST: Wedding flowers, centrepieces, arrangements, gift baskets, presentation bouquets. Call Julie 0418265230. Photos available. MATHS AND PHYSICS TUTORING: in Helensburgh by experienced high school teacher. Call Naomi on 0429 083 533. FORMAL OR WEDDING PHOTOS DISAPPOINTING? Fly away hair? Acne? Distracting objects or background. Let “Touch Me Up” do all your photo editing needs. Phone Tracey 4294 8303 or visit “” DIAMOND DOG WASH SALON IN HELENSBURGH since 2006 offering heated hydrobath, grooming and clipping services. Phone Robyn on 0428 829 788. Try our new Mobile Hydrobath service Phone Greg 0458 829 999. MONDAY PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK. Monday’s 9.30-12 noon. Kids have fun whilst parents can relax. Location: Stanwell Park Children’s Centre, Stanwell Avenue. Contact Crystal 0425 374 402 CELEBRANT: Personalised Wedding Ceremonies, Naming Ceremonies and Vow Renewal Ceremonies. Verheti Cruickshank Mobile 0401 227 665. TENNIS COACHING OTFORD TENNIS COURT Adults and children, beginners to advanced Tennis Racquet: sales, restringing and repairs Phone Greg: 0458 829 999/4294 9599

24 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD FACE PAINTING: For Kids’ parties or special events – fairies, cats, bats and more. Fully insured. Dressed as fairy or clownish. Phone Monica on 0427 991 673. FENCING: Timber and colorbond fencing. All work guaranteed. Quality workmanship for a fair price. Phone John on 0466 340 280. AUSSIE FARMERS DIRECT: Fresh, Australian produce delivered free to your door. Milk, bread, dairy, fruit & veg, meat, chicken and seafood. Growing organic range also available. ph Helen for $20 off your first order 4294 4922 or 0415 916 732 CLOTHING ALTERATIONS: Zippers replaced. Hems taken up, minor repairs fixed. Reasonable rates. Call Melinda 0419 977 658 or 4294 1619. FACE PAINTING, GLITTER TATTOOS, BALLOON TWISTING, SPECIAL FX FACES. Available for birthday parties, fetes, preschools and special events. Fully insured. Contact Raeleen 4294 2135. LAWN MAGIC *Lawn Care *Weed Control *Hedge Trimming *Waste Removal *Gutter Cleaning *Water Blasting *Garden Mulching *Planting of Plants *General Maintenance. FULLY INSURED, FREE QUOTE, CALL KYLE 0433 772 443 TUTORING K-6: Final year B Teach/ B Arts $35 per/hr I will come to you if preferred. Contact Kate: h: 4294 2127 m: 0412 962 075 USBORNE BOOKS Quality Children’s Books for every age - babies, pre-schoolers to beginner and advanced... even adults. Teacher/ School discounts, Home Parties, Fundraisers Welcome. Extensive range (including internetlinked titles) and short door to door delivery. Perfect Gift Ideas. Contact Annalyssa 0408 216 331 or CHEMICAL FREE CLEANING: Call Janine 0409 323 321 or 4294 9652. HOLIDAY in ancient village of southern France. Two individual apartments or whole house, fully equipped, all inclusive, sleep up to 8. Secluded yet close to everything: Carcassone, Milhau, Montpellier, Canal du Midi, Pyrenees, Mediterranean beaches. $350-750 pw. occitania.

CLASSIFIEDS TIGHT ACCESS EARTHWORKS , the smallest top of the line machines, unbeatable rates, access to 800mm and over , save your back your money and time. Call Glen on 0431767394 PLAYGROUP - STANWELL PARK Fridays 9.30-12am. Friendly relaxed atmosphere, meet other mums while the kids play and have fun. Stanwell Park Childrens Centre Stanwell Ave. Contact Wendy 0403 397 751. SHEPHARD ACADEMY of DANCE BALLET, MODERN/CONTEMPORARY, JAZZ, TAP, Pre-school Fairies. Classes from 2 yrs to Advance Boys, Girls to Adults. Enquiries, Helensburgh Community Centre, or phone Shirley 0416 229 919 GARDEN SERVICE: Rejuvenate your garden for spring. Pruning, hedge trimming, weeding, clean ups and removal. Regular mowing and trimming service also available. Free quotes. Ph Stewart 4294 9726 NUTRIMETICS: Shopping/pampering in your home, for monthly brochures, product samples, fundraising call Jenelle 4294 2864, 0407 038 799. STRETCH**STRENGTHEN**RELAX *Based on Tai Chi, Yoga and Pilates *All classes 1 hour $14 casual or 5 for $60 WHEN: Tuesday 9.15am & 7.15pm Thursday 7.15pm, Sunday 4.30pm WHERE: Childrens Centre end of Stanwell Ave Stanwell Park *Call Karen to book 0403 789 617

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD HELENSBURGH PLAYGROUP: In the Hall at Helensburgh Community Centre. Tuesdays and Thursdays 10.00am – 12.00noon Lots of toys, games and craft suitable for all ages. For further information please contact Rosemary at the Community Centre on 4294 1290. SUSAN’S JUST DANCE: Helensburgh.. Jazz/Tap/Hiphop..Great teachers..latest music.. latest pressure..great fun..3yrs to adult..boys only hiphop crew...concert each year Suth Ent Susan for 2012 registration 4294 8366 MINI CAR MADNESS: mobile slot car track, great for kids parties or young at heart, fetes, fundraisers, school hols fun and corporate. Ages 5-12 years. Great rates ph 4294 3494 or 0414 943 494 JASMINE SKY: Busy? Tired? Never have time for yourself? Why don’t you treat yourself to a relaxing 30min Ion Spa Foot Detox or a Reiki Treatment. Call Lee-Anne to book an Appointment Ph 4294 8882 or 0407 166 259. WORMS: Composting/Fishing, quality fresh worms in a 250gm pack (1200 to 2400 worms) $29.00, call Bill 4294 2864, 0429 942 864

Retractable, Pleated & Magnetic Insect Screens.  Quality Screens For French, Bifold & Stacking Doors & Any Window Or Opening.  Shadeview Mesh Weather Screens For Outdoor Areas. 

Ph: 0407 236 630 or 4294 8898 Helensburgh & District Herald 25



MARK JONES BUILDER • New Homes • First Floor Additions • Decks & Pergolas

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Rojo’s Riding 4 U!

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Robyn Johnson 0411 147 643


Helensburgh Car Services Tune & Service • E Safety Checks • All Makes & Models •Child Restraints Fitted John Hine (Proprietor)

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Pickering Constructions P/L New homes, renovations, decks and pergolas

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Call Gavin 0407 105 969 Lic# 228720C

To advertise contact: 26 Helensburgh & District Herald


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J & D CARPENTRY John McKinlay Lic No: 46961c

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Ph: 4294 3347 Mob: 0418 430 901

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To advertise contact: Helensburgh & District Herald 27



Home and Small Business Systems Local Support

0419 413 935

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Kristy Klean Pty Ltd All commercial and domestic cleaning

0402 962 222

Microsoft Small Business Specialist Microsoft Certified & Microsoft Partner


PEST CONTROL Specialist in the management of all pests, weeds and termites • Free quotes Pre-purchase & termite inspections 18 yrs industry exp • Authorised exterra installer • Lic No. 1277

Computer Sales & Re pa i r s Julie Glover

P: (02) 4294 3362 M: 0408 124 824 E: 185 Parkes Street Helensburgh.NSW.2508


DOMESTIC SERVICES 28 Helensburgh & District Herald



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Helensburgh & District Herald 29



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Are you interested in advertising? Contact the Editor

0418 262 925 Helensburgh & District Herald 31



PLUMBING & ROOF PLUMBING Professional Designs + FREE Local Delivery! Phone: 0403 397 751 |

PET CARE SERVICES Feeding, Walking & Other Services Available

Call Karen 0419 432 482

Quality Roof Gutters Supplied & Fitted Lic 226808c

Dog Washing, Grooming & Clipping Phone Robyn: 0428 829 788 Mobile Hydrobath Service Phone Greg: 0458 829 999 Barkin Beauty Canine Clippery

Call Debbie Accredited Grooming Specialist

Ph: 0421 321 508

Plumber, Roof plumber, Drainer Gasfitter and Emergency repairs Free quotes and advice

Call James 0409 875 391 ROOF & GUTTERS

Andrew Stein

Roof & Gutter Specialist

0414 892 601 Ask about Guttering & Leafguards on New Metal Roofing

To advertise contact: 32 Helensburgh & District Herald



RESTAURANTS & FOOD Kids dine free every Tuesday* *with a paying adult

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If you want to get yourself in print; text book, novel, poetry, non fiction or children’s stories.....CALL US Anno Domini 2000 Pty Ltd - 16 YEARS IN BUSINESS Richard Paine, 91 The Crescent, Helensburgh 2508 Ph: 4294 8452 Mob: 0417 294 563 Fax: 4294 3963

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Party Yourself Into The Best Shape Of Your Life! Tues: 7pm-8pm Helensburgh Public School Thur: 7pm-8pm MacKillop Hall, Helensburgh Sat: 9am-10am Helensburgh Community Centre Cost: $10 per class with discount cards available

Zumba - its fun, its fantastic, its fitness! Enquiries: Nicole Hoffmann | 0433 777 943

To advertise contact: Helensburgh & District Herald 33



Self Storage • Available Now • Clean & Secure

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WAVES Father’s Day Raffle The winners in our Fathers Day Raffle were; 1st. Green F 9 won by Kerry Collins. 2nd. Yellow B 83 won by Lyn. 3rd. Yellow B 33 won by Charlie Simpson. All prizes were delivered in time for Father’s Day and W.A.V.E.S. 2508 would like to thank the people of Helensburgh and surrounding districts for your support. Our next outing for our Widows and Veterans will be a two night, three day visit to Cowra and surrounding area with a visit to the Japanese Gardens and returning through the Blue Mountains. Your support allows us to do this for our Veterans. Once again we thank you.


COME FOR THE DAY - OR COME TO STAY and get your masterpiece started or completed Negotiate beforehand for a ‘gently persuasive’ or ‘robust yelling’ style of mentoring from Karen.

Mob: 0412 787 873

Karen Lane’s WRITERS WORD FARM 34 Helensburgh & District Herald

WAVES 2508 WAVES 2508

A Poem by an unknown author He was getting old and paunchy And his hair was falling fast, And he sat around the RSL, Telling stories of the past. Of a war that he once fought in And the deeds that he had done, In his exploits with his buddies; They were heroes, every one. And ‘tho sometimes to his neighbors His tales became a joke, All his mates listened quietly For they knew where of he spoke. But we’ll hear his tales no longer, For ol’ Bob has passed away, And the world’s a little poorer For a Soldier died today. He won’t be mourned by many, Just his children and his wife.. For he lived an ordinary, Very quiet sort of life. He held a job and raised a family, Going quietly on his way; And the world won’t note his passing, ‘Tho a Soldier died today. When politicians leave this earth, Their bodies lie in state, While thousands note their passing, And proclaim that they were great. Papers tell of their life stories From the time that they were young But the passing of a Soldier Goes unnoticed, and unsung. Is the greatest contribution To the welfare of our land, Some jerk who breaks his promise And cons his fellow man? Or the ordinary fellow Who in times of war and strife, Goes off to serve his country And offers up his life?

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD The politician’s stipend And the style in which he lives, Are often disproportionate, To the service that he gives. While the ordinary Soldier, Who offered up his all, Is paid off with a medal And perhaps a pension, small. It’s so easy to forget them, For it is so many times That our Bobs and Jims and Johnnys, Went to battle, but we know, It is not the politicians With their compromise and ploys, Who won for us the freedom That our country now enjoys. Should you find yourself in danger, With your enemies at hand, Would you really want some cop-out, With his ever waffling stand? Or would you want a Soldier-His home, his country, his kin, Just a common Soldier, Who would fight until the end. He was just a common Soldier, And his ranks are growing thin, But his presence should remind us We may need his like again. For when countries are in conflict, We find the Soldier’s part Is to clean up all the troubles That the politicians start. If we cannot do him honour While he’s here to hear the praise, Then at least let’s give him homage At the ending of his days.. Perhaps just a simple headline In the paper that might say: “Our Country Is In Mourning, A Soldier Died Today.” Helensburgh & District Herald 35

CLUB NEWS Fellowship of First Fleeters South Coast Chapter By Betty Warn London: The first fleet was being assembled and the transport ship Charlotte was included. She was built on the banks of the river Thames and weighed 345 tons. She took on convicts at Plymouth from the Dunkirk Hulk on March 11, 1787. Thomas Gilbert was her Master. Among her convicts was James Bloodworth who was baptised at Kingston on March 7, 1759. It is thought his parents were Robert and Ann Bloodworth also from Kingston on Thames. It was there he was sentenced to seven years ‘transportation beyond the seas’ for committing a felony in 1785. Rumour has it he “borrowed” some tools from a building site. On arrival at Sydney Cove, he was soon appointed master brick layer to the settlement and began construction on Government house and the barracks for the officers and marines. The first stone was laid on May 15, 1788 for Government House and this was followed by many buildings. There was no shortage of timber, although not all was suitable for use in building. There was sandstone which could be slowly cut into blocks, and clay which could be made into bricks and tiles. There was also sand to make the mortar, but no lime to go with it. Rock oysters were collected, eaten and then their shells were burned to produce the lime. Also utilised were the cabbage tree palms which were soft and easy to fell and saw. Rushes for rooftops came from

36 Helensburgh & District Herald

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Rushcutters Bay. Bloodworth completed Government House in 1789 and it stood until 1845. Bloodworth was given great responsibility in the erection of Government House. First he had to build kilns and teach other convicts how to make bricks. They had to dig the clay, pound it with clubs, soak it and then plug up the wet mass with trampling feet, sprinkling sand over the ‘stock’, finally throwing the wet clay in a mould. These bricks were known as sandstock bricks. In 1791 James was pardoned and free to return to England but agreed to work for Governor Phillip for two more years so long as he was fed and clothed. He was offered work in Tasmania which he refused. Although free to return to England, his devotion Sarah Bellamy may have kept him in NSW. The couple has eight children, four of whom died in infancy. In 1794 James received a 50 acre land grant at Petersham Hill and two years later was listed as owning 225 acres which he farmed. On March 21, 1804 James died and was given what would now be called a state funeral. Any enquiries please phone Betty Warn.

CLUB NEWS / BLUEGUM DIARY Helensburgh VIEW Club Helensburgh VIEW Club has again had a happy lunchtime meeting and get-together in August, and enjoyed good food and a most interesting and entertaining talk by club-member Nerida Keyes. She told us about her early life on Thursday Island and in the far north of Australia, complete with photographs. Our fund-raising for The Smith Family “Learning For Life” program is ongoing, and many thanks go to those who contribute by baking cakes and biscuits, and donating books and craft items, to sell on our Trading Table. Theatre bookings are still available for “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” at the Capitol, 2pm Saturday 17 November, pay by 8 September, and a new booking for “War Horse” 23rd March 2013, 2pm matinee at The Lyric, pay by 20 November, bus leaves (for both outings) at 12 noon from the Centennial Hotel. For further information please phone Chris on 4294 1103. Our next luncheon is an excursion by bus to the Gerroa Fisherman’s Club on 18 September 2012. For information and bookings or cancellations please phone Marg on 42941484. There is a choice of 2 lunch options. The bus leaves the Centennial Hotel at 10:30am sharp. Make a date with us for the October 16 luncheon at the Centennial Hotel where we will be having a Fashion Parade, clothes by Rainbow Fashions. Please phone Nerida 0429 004 298 for bookings or cancellations by Wednesday October 10. All welcome.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Bluegum Diary 15 SEPTEMBER: Helensburgh Public School Fete. 18 SEPTEMBER: View Club Luncheon Excursion to Gerroa Fisherman’s Club, Leaving Centennial Hotel 10:30am 22 SEPTEMBER: Rural Fire Service open day. 10am – 2pm Parkes Street Helensburgh. 13 OCTOBER: Fundraiser for Matthew Young at the Worker’s Club. More details to come - save the date! 16 OCTOBER: View Club luncheon, Centennial Hotel, 11.00am 26 OCTOBER: Helensburgh Public School Art and Craft Fair. 11 NOVEMBER: Stanwell Park Festival of Flight. From 10am, Stanwell Park Beach Reserve. 20 NOVEMBER: View Club Luncheon, Centennial Hotel, 11.00Am 24 NOVEMBER: Holy Cross Parish street stall.

Helensburgh & District Herald 37

CLUB NEWS / SPORT Stanwell Park Festival of Flight – 11 November 2012 The Stanwell Park Branch of the CWA is teaming up again this year with the Lawrence Hargrave Centre Inc to bring the community a fabulous day of fun and activities to celebrate the anniversary of the box kite ‘liftoff’ from the beach by Lawrence Hargrave in 1894. There will be markets, food, live music, an historical display from the Lawrence Hargrave Centre, kites and weather permitting – a great view of the hang gliders from glorious Bald Hill. The Flighty Professor will also be back this year with games and activities for children (and children at heart) celebrating all things flight. The Festival of Flight is a great day out for the whole family. See you at the Stanwell Park Beach Reserve on Sunday November 11, 2012! For Festival of Flight enquiries please contact Carol Pugh 4294 1343.

HELENSBURGH&DISTRICTHERALD Dancing Excellence Congratulations go to local girl Jade Powell who was one of a small group of girls selected to perform in Prague for the International dancing competition held in July. Jade, along with the girls in her dance group won the Grisko award and came 2nd overall in the competition. This is an incredible experience and achievement for the young dancers, at just 14 and 15 years of age. “We are so proud of her achievement along with the other girls in her dancing group. A lot of hard work long hour and effort have gone into the dancing” said a very proud Dianne Powell.

Tom Trewin - 0433 382 027 Dirk ten Cate - 0413 785 073 Liz Martyn - 0414 333 160

38 Helensburgh & District Herald


SPORT Sunday Social Golf Club By Vicki ‘the hair’ Little Everyone should have a bucket list or one mission in life. Mine is golf. I’ve been trying to par that bloody 15th hole at Boomerang, as all the partners I’ve played with know. Well... Guess what? I did it! And the whole course heard me as you could well imagine. Next is a hole in one. You never know. In August we played two big games, and both truly beautiful days. On August 5 was the 2nd round championship: Kevy Cyclone Brown came in 1st on 67 points (blow me down), Tony English came in 2nd with 68 points, and Tony Prez Gersback also on 68 points, all winning great vouchers. August 19 was an extra game slotted in for our championship. It started to be an entertaining morning with Mark Chucky O’Conner having a blinder, and I don’t mean on the golf course, but the night before. Chucky turned up somewhat under the weather to Sunday’s game after attending the Cronulla football game (apparently the Sharks won...). Chucky kept trying to sing their team song, but didn’t know the words

having only joined the bandwagon a few months back. It appears that both he and Junior Sully (Mitchell) had both eaten a bad hot dog sometime during the evening’s game (sure...). Funniest thing ever.... watching an A-grader attempting to hit what he said was two balls, as the rest waited on the first tee watching in sheer amazement, as Chucky attempted to swing his club (without killing himself). We counted his strokes to the first green and lost count at 28 shots!! Needless to say, he came in a gallant last on the day, winning the chips and the Fatoe (first at the other end) Award. The greenkeepers wanted to say thank you as well for assisting with the top dressing of the fairways on the day (lol). We tip our hats off to Markie... you fronted on the day and delivered (with the assistance of your lovely wife Sheree) our post match bevies and snags... more than we can say for your partner in crime... Junior Sully? The day’s winners after all that were Bruce (Goose) with 65 points, Dave Horne on 71 and yours truly Vicki the Hair in 3rd place - oh boy the others must have played bad. Ha.

Judy Sinclair MClin.Psych. MAPS

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4294 8819 mob 0434 274 248 Helensburgh & District Herald 39



To The Edge Of Endurance

By Bronwyn McGrath When we walked across the finish line at 11 pm on Saturday night (August 25) after being awake 36 hours – 30 of which was spent on our feet walking, and often scrambling up and down single bush tracks – no-one felt like champagne. What we did delight in at the end, was hugging our families and friends who had made the special effort to be there at the finish. The Oxfam Trailwalker -what an adventure and mental and physical test! You have a pretty good idea the course is going to be challenging, after scanning the information provided on the terrain and walking sections of the trail during your training. However, nothing really prepares you for walking all the sections back-to-back. Also, you have no way of knowing what your fate will be along the way - blisters, knee injury, stomach upset, dizziness - and you also can’t know what your reaction to these challenges will be - will you cry, laugh, get angry, be silent, call it quits. What gets you through a challenge of this magnitude is not muscle, but your state of mind and companionship. We registered two teams 40 Helensburgh & District Herald

from the local area but we walked as one team. On behalf of the united team, I would like to share some insight into my Oxfam comrades. Nic was the leader of the mission - it was her idea to do the walk and we were happy to commit. Nic has a great sense of humour, and had us in stitches about the benefits of Body Glide and exactly where we should be putting the stuff. Kelly, thank you for your incredible organisational skills. This was not the kind of mission to which you could just show up with an apple and a sandwich, and you made sure we packed what we needed plus coordinated our support crews. You also carried two sets of poles just in case a team mate might need them, and as it turned out, one of us would not have finished without these poles. Paula, your cheerful smile was a joy, and we were needlessly worried about the fact you had done little training - you never complained and were always conscious of how others were feeling. Also, you amazed us all when you practically leapt up a grade 5 hill. Nic’s sister Clare was an invaluable information source


SPORT about the trail. Having done all the sections of the walk prior to the event, she was able to tell us what was coming, and even helped another group who were walking in circles but were too tired to work out why. The team coach was Joost, who applied just the right amount of motivation when spirits were flagging, and I have to say was very good at snapping me out of an angry mood that settled on me towards the end. I had the chatting role - I can talk to anyone, no-one and to myself with ease, although there were sections impossible to talk through, being so steep you couldn’t even plant your heels down. Michelle, thank you for keeping us from lounging around at the checkpoints - it is because of you that we finished before midnight. There are two more people to mention in the team, Loraine and Kaz. Loraine trained really hard for the event and was told just weeks before by her orthopaedic specialist that she would do permanent damage if she continued. It was devastating for her to have to retire when she had done so much work. Kaz took Loraine’s place at the last minute, and agreed to walk the first 30 km

with us so that we could start with two full teams. Loraine stayed involved by providing one of the best checkpoint experiences we were to have along the trail, and walked with us for the last stage. Loraine guided us through Balmoral and Mosman and helped us up the 267 steps before the final 200 metres. We were all happy to have crossed the finish line together, and are proud to have been part of such a worthy cause. We helped to raise nearly $2.5 million dollars for Oxfam to provide money and resources to poverty-stricken communities around the world and in Australia. Thank you to all our friends and family who donated money to our teams, and to our major sponsors Stanwell Park Physiotherapy, Mad Dog Deli and Culture Resource Centre. And finally, thanks to the men in our lives. They supported us during the weeks of training, took care of the kids and greeted us at every checkpoint, day and night with food, first aid, encouragement and love. Fundraising closes October 4 for donations, please visit www. and search for Stannie Starlets or Stannie Sisters.


Lee Evans

Member for Heathcote

Contact Lee Phone: (02) 9548 0144 Fax: (02) 9548 5639 Email: Web: Authorised by Lee Evans MP.

Helensburgh & District Herald 41



A Day for the Underdogs! By Peter Coles, Team Manager Everyone loves a story of the underdog winning. There’s just something about it that makes you cheer. I think it’s because the underdog doesn’t think too highly of himself, doesn’t consider others to be beneath him, and so engenders the support of others who would have not had any reason to barrack for him. Today, I watched as a team of underdogs rose to the challenge and won the Sutherland Shire Football Association Under 14A Premiership. My son’s team, the Kirrawee Under 14A 2s started out as a scraggly bunch of nine boys whom no other team wanted. They were the ones left over, told that they weren’t quite up to scratch. After some desperate phone calls and advertising on the website, we got together a group of eleven players which ultimately was formed into a well timed, well drilled team. Here are their credentials: 3 were in C grade, one B grade, 2 played league and the others were informed that they were simply not up to the standard of the A grade competition.

Peabody Metropolitan Coal Community Consultative Centre

Shop 1, 20 – 22 Walker Street (opposite BI-LO) Enquiries: 02 4294 7222

Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00am - 4:30pm Second Saturday of every month Other times by appointment 42 Helensburgh & District Herald

The coach Vince Pesa, who in my humble opinion should surely qualify for coach of the year, did what others thought impossible. I have never been one to just accept some selfappointed person’s opinion of me. I certainly have never been able to swallow the dish some have served me on a plate of “sincerity” - that I’m just not going to be able to do it. This was my motivational speech to the boys before the big game: ”Don’t let anyone tell you what you can or can’t do, only you can determine that”. If there is one thing our team has learnt this season, it is that our potential is not limited to what someone else thinks of us. Sometimes your coach can see in you what you can’t even see yourself, and that is the ability to rise above where you had once been. That applies not only to the field of sport, but in all the areas of your life. Sport is wonderful, but only a small part of the man or woman.



Do you have integrity? Do you stand by your mates? Do you do the right thing? This is what we have learnt together. I am astonished at the passion of these young men. They inspire me, and have inspired their families and friends who came to watch them win the Premiership on Saturday August 18. We have not only learnt how to play soccer but have discovered what it is to support your team mate. Mateship is something you have to learn on the field as it simply cannot be acquired from the page. It is something which must be fostered by a coach who knows it and passes it on. There is no other arena I know of which fosters mateship other than physical group activity. Yes, sport can be used as an arena for parents to live vicariously through their children but let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Team sport can bring to your child something they would otherwise never experience. Today our sons won the Grand Final and so secured the premiership. They were winners way before that. They won the hearts of all who watched and cheered, and set an example of what sport should be. Mateship. Helensburgh & District Herald 43



Rego 2012/13 - Helensburgh & Districts Little Athletics Attention all new and returning athletes, Little A’s is starting soon and online rego is now on. Online rego plus secure payment is the preferred way of becoming a member: it’s faster, easier and much cheaper! • Tiny tots (3-4 years old): $70 per child online versus $80 offline • All other athletes (u6-u17): $85 per athlete online versus $100 offline Visit our website at www.Helensburgh-lac. com and follow the links and instructions there, or contact us at, or follow us on facebook at First competition night at Rex Jackson oval: Friday 14th September 2012 from 5:45 pm. 3000m races will still be on once a month. Offline rego dates at helensburgh workers club: Friday 31st August, Friday 7th September, and Friday 14th September between 6-8 pm.

Come and join Little A’s right after the London Olympic Games for a new and exciting season of family, fun and fitness! Checking the games on TV is pretty cool, but having a go at it is much better!

6/17 Cemetery Rd

You are in


9.30am each Sunday 44 Helensburgh & District Herald

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