8th Creative Classroom Group Unconference Inclusive, Beautiful, Sustainable schools
Dedicated to the theme eTwinning Group eTwinning Spring campaign: How to be smart online? Various activities and online events
Creative Classroom and annual theme A related page: Inclusive, Beautiful, Sustainable schools A forum discussion: How do you design inclusive, beautiful and sustainable learning environments for your students? A creative activity with teachers and students: The school of my dreams (texts and/or drawings) https://padlet.com/akougiou/gabj6y8604um
A related page Inclusive, Beautiful, Sustainable schools
A forum discussion How do you design inclusive, beautiful and sustainable learning environments for your students?
A creative activity with teachers and students
The school of my dreams
An online seminar “Enhancing a school learning environment through Erasmus virtual mobilities”
Think about “Inclusive, Beautiful, Sustainable schools” and share
Primary & Secondary Schools Working Together: Localising SDGs in an eTwinning project #mojkrajija Helga Kraljik Srednja škola Ban Josip Jelačić, Croatia
Srednja škola Ban Josip Jelačić Erasmus Accreditation for KA1 projects
eTwinning project #mojkrajija ⚫
teacher training course by our school in August 2021: four elementary schools in the area founded a project called #mojkrajija national project + multilingualism goals cooperation with the Town Council objectives of the project: explore and encourage the (self)sustainment of our town, encourage active citizenship, study the SDGs and find solutions for their localisation, encourage our students’ and citizens’ environmentally friendly behavior, develop both hard and soft skills
eTwinning project #mojkrajija: Activities Introductory activity: ⚫ introductions, logo competition, safer internet activities and marking EDL Activity 1: ⚫ Why do we need SDGs? Activity 2: ⚫ Encouraging sustainable development by donating and volunteering Activity 3: ⚫ Holiday season greeting cards that encourage sustainability
Activity 4: ⚫ Localising the SDGs Activity 5: ⚫ Let’s see what we can do to help our town and our planet Activity 6: ⚫ Finding solutions for a more sustainable town Activity 7: ⚫ Plogging - health and environment - an international event
eTwinning project #mojkrajija: End-results ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Activity 1: #SayitWithaPoster Activity 2 and 3: TwinBoard Activity 4: Padlet Activity 5: ebook Activity 6: Reusable bags & glass bottles Activity 7: Plogging (May ‘22)
eTwinning project #mojkrajija: End-results ⚫
⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Activity 1: #SayitWithaPoster Activity 2 and 3: TwinBoard Activity 4: Padlet Activity 5: ebook Activity 6: Reusable bags & glass bottles Activity 7: Plogging (May ‘22)
eTwinning project #mojkrajija: Dissemination & Evaluation ⚫
⚫ ⚫ ⚫
partner schools’ web pages and social media pages state level: TV Zapad Croatian educational platform skole.hr National Daily newspaper Večernji list
Title of the project:
The Non-Formal and the Digital Classrooms for Inclusion Beneficiary:
Școala Gimnazială ,,Vasile Lucaciu” Apa, Satu Mare
• School exchange partnership th
• Project total duration: 35 months (15 September 2018 – 14th August 2021).
• Total grant allocated for Școala Gimnazială ,,Vasile Lucaciu” Apa, Satu Mare: 28.317 Euros. • Total grant allocated for all the four project partner schools: 96.458 Euros.
• Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
Project partners: 1. Școala Gimnazială ,,Vasile Lucaciu”, Apa, Satu Mare, România, coordinator school;
2. 16 I.C. "S. Chindemi, Siracuza, Italy, partner school; 3. Szkola Podstawowa z Oddzialami Integracyjnymi Nr 6, Siedlce, Poland, partner school; 4. Aksemseddin Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi, Nigde/MERKEZ, Turkey, partener school.
Argument: All the four project partner schools were facing the same problems among their pupils. We applied a questionnaire to a number of pupils, teachers and parents from all the four project partner schools to identify the common problems of our project. We found out the following: - low or insufficient school attendance: Turkey 10%, România 12%, Italy 8%, Poland 10%. - indiscipline: Turkey 20 events, România 19 events, Italy: 2015-2016: 30 events (5 severe), 20162017 - 50 events (5 severe, 3 very severe), Poland 35 events. - lack of motivation to learn: Turkey 50%, România 45%, Italy 28%, Poland 40%. - poor school results: a real problem in all the four project partner schools. - School failure: Turkey: threat, România: 2014-2015: 2 pupils left school at the age of fourteen, 2015- 2016: 19 graduates (out of 33) passed the National Evaluation exam, and in the school year 2016 – 2017 only 8 pupils out of a number of 30 graduates. Italy: 2015-2016: 15 pupils, 2016-2017: 19 pupils, Poland: threat. - early school leaving: a big threat in all the four project partner schools (for example, Italy: 20152016: 12 pupils, 2016-2017: 10 pupils).
Possible consequences
• A considerable number of pupils are socially and economically disadvantaged (unemployed parents, poverty, semi-illiterate or illiterate parents, migrant parents looking for a better-paid job, parents who are not involved in their children’s school life, etc).
• Our teachers still need to develop the skills necessary to handle the situation many of their pupils find themselves in.
• • • •
The number of pupils will decrease; Some teachers will lose their job; School violence will increase; Pupils’ school results will worsen;
Aim of the project: The aim of the project was to carry out digital and non-formal activities to reduce the cases of school dropout, as well as the number of cases of inappropriate behaviour among pupils in all the four project schools. Inclusion
Good school results
Appropriate behaviour
The general objectives of the project: 1. To decrease the absenteeism rate in all the four partner schools by 20% by the end of the third year of the project. 2. To reduce the acts of indiscipline among pupils from the four partner schools by 25% by the end of the project. 3. To improve the school results of the pupils from the four partner schools by 15% by the end of this Erasmus + school project.
Direct beneficiaries: 30 pupils in each partner school, pupils carefully selected according to the selection criteria approved by the European Commission. 2. Their parents. 3. Six teachers in each partner school. 1.
Indirect beneficiaries: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The other teachers in each project partner school. The other pupils in these schools. The other pupils’ parents in the partner schools. The local community. The general public.
Types of activities: 1. local activities.
2. transnational learning/teaching/training activities:
4 short-term exchanges of pupils (5 days) at each project partner school: → România, November 2018; → Poland, March - April 2019; → Italy, October 2019; → Turkey, 10 -14 May 2021, virtual activity..
Local activities in România:
The transnational learning/teaching/training activity C1, The Non-formal for Inclusion, ROMÂNIA, 19 – 23 November 2018
The transnational learning/teaching/training activity, DIGITAL ACTIVITIES IN AN AREA OF INTEGRATION AND INCLUSIVE EDUCATION POLAND, 1 – 5 April 2019
The transnational learning/teaching/training activity C2, NON-DISCRIMINATION THROUGH NON-FORMAL DRAMA, ORIENTEERING AND MUSIC ACTIVITIES, SIRACUSA, ITALY, 14 – 18 October 2019
The transnational learning/teaching/training activity C4 21. CENTURY SKILLS THROUGH TEAM BUILDING GAMES FOR INCLUSION TURKEY, 10 – 14 May, 2021, virtual activity
The final results of the project: a Storyjumper (e)book and workbook on the project key-topics
(inclusion, non-discrimination, etc) including texts, images, etc. https://www.storyjumper.com/book/read/85684125/5ef4ce81dc623
The ABC of Inclusion (Illustrated dictionary)
2. A collection of non-formal games for inclusion: https://www.storyjumper.com/book/read/72592695/N ON-FORMAL-GAMES-FOR-INCLUSION
3. The eTwinning page of the project: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/71073/pages/page/43 5022
4. The website of the project: https://nonformaldigital4inclusion.co m/
5. Its Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Erasmus-The-Non-Formal-and-theDigital-Classrooms-for-Inclusion-2120445614673347/
6. The song of the project: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=445412649446980 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YirAfLznyCM&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3FGGdmizj6PKe_pHfHvL2_fX0PXi9zdRIaXyeXH2M35lIQuuHyPqf5jo
(It was composed and performed during the mobility in Italy, October 2019)
7. The logo of the project 8. Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msgzrULLhB0 (ERASMUS+ project: "The Non-formal and the Digital Classrooms for Inclusion", Apa, Romania, Nov 2018) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNdfAv6OrtQ&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR2p0LJ4VgEIW Hya-gBV4XukB5UMQDn0ahAGMIVVkfcnTDgI-8wCeRtw9No (MOBILITY IN ITALY 1, October 2019) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNdfAv6OrtQ&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1Ffk2ynp_6AB B9R7RrZOBx-Ju1GDL0aSluxrU4Tb4LcCm5_NBuCZWt6vc (MOBILITY IN ITALY 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INCS0S9lwB0&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1rj_2p1S15WAO5 iJHUAS7ofs4gZQf1JsxqK_9ANfD9GHkmunPMrwU1seA (THE FIDELITY TRAIN – ȘCOALA APA)
9. Posters.
10. Leaflets: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/71073/materials/files
11. Photo albums: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/71073/materials/images
12. Digital maps of the project partner schools: Virtual tour: http://www.vtility.net/virtualtour/18GlS00rUR (România) Virtual tour: http://www.vtility.net/virtualtour/KpezQ985j7 (Italy) Virtual tour: http://www.vtility.net/virtualtour/2PWRLaIjVd (Poland) Virtual tour: http://www.vtility.net/virtualtour/HDHn3BvlF4#!s (Turkey)
https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1Sgd6k2Oyu583a4kBBw 048r41tZ2b-niM&usp=sharing
13. Presentations:
Italy: https://www.calameo.com/read/0056213288504656e465 c
14. The forum theatre play: THE NOISY CLASS https://read.bookcreator.com/JfW8QI9cULecti15npePBKIXHVi1/Cd C03viRQGuJCg6rchvjPw
15. A set of 15 digital lessons:
16. A set of Kahoot games on the key-topics of the project: inclusion, non-discrimination, friendship, friendly school, team spirit, plans for the future, success in life, etc. https://create.kahoot.it/share/inclusion/f670d7b0-d3a0-4dad-b522-
f3ecc4cad6e3 https://create.kahoot.it/share/the-non-formal-and-the-digitalclassrooms-for-inclusion/ec43b67a-cb75-4090-ab7c-2ba43baaf7dc https://create.kahoot.it/share/european-friendship-forinclusion/caa299d4-e728-4f01-9b71-48c5962aa1c0 Etc.
17. The project diary: https://view.genial.ly/5f1023d38546290d8871db45/horiz ontal-infographic-review-penzu-diary
Visibility of the project
Monitoring of the project -
Monitoring forms; Minutes of the project meetings; The Erasmus+ corner; The E+ corner in each project partner school; The website of the project: https://nonformaldigital4inclusion.com/ The Facebook page of the project; The eTwinning page of the projct; The project final results.
Disemination and exploitation of the project results (DEOR) Note: See the plan made in this respect.
The impact of the project
Evaluation of the activities and of the project final results
,,Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.” (Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, 30th November 1874 – 24th January 1965, British statesman, army officer, writer, prime minister)
Disclaimer: The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author. The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
https://nonformaldigital4inclusion. com/
Brata Mihaela Rodica, teacher of English, Școala Gimnazială ,,Vasile Lucaciu” Apa, Satu Mare, project coordinator e-mail: mihaelateh2@gmail.com
RED through our school's window: Rules, Expectations, Duties at school & “bonus”… our “ideal” school eTwinning project 2016-2017 7 partners Greece, Norway, Croatia, Romania, Tunisia (2), Italy Athanasia Zafeiropoulou Computer Science Teacher-eTwinning Ambassador
During this collaboration we had focused on activities that motivated our students to: ▪ have a glimpse at partner's schools and compare rules, duties and expectations in secondary school education across partners’ countries ▪ share their everyday school life ▪ realize the importance of education as a social environment and the common ground that exists on our education systems ▪ share their vision of an ideal school and “built” it collaboratively Aim: Enhance students' responsibility and inspire them as agents of change while reflecting on their everyday life at school
OUR RESULTS COLLABORATIVE ACTIVITIES in • Rules • Expectations • Duties • Ideal school CREATIVE ACTIVITIES in • Rules • Expectations • Duties
Ideal school
We need to give our students the educational program, physical place, and organizational culture to encourage the development of conscious global citizens. Students spend the majority of their day in a school building during their most crucial developmental years. In this time of pivotal growth, schools must be a space for creative thinking, a source of inspiration, and a starting
point for developing a sense of awareness and responsibility
Sustainable schools create an environment where teachers and faculty can cultivate a positive and progressive school culture. Teachers have more opportunities to devise unique learning opportunities and students benefit through increased participation and productivity and improved problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Sustainable schools are the teaching tool that bring together education and community engagement. These collaborative activities inspire all members of the school community, which creates a culture of continuous learning, growth, and development. Source: https://www.greenschoolsalliance.org
Tunisian students
Brainstorming on rules Norwegian students Italian students
Croatian students
Romanian students
Greek students
Croatian school year
b) students answer the question: "What do you feel that your duties at school are?":
Duties a) teachers answer the question: "What do you feel that your duties at school are?":
Photo collage
Rules and expectations in a creative way
Dance the rules
Duties in a creative way
Schools’ pages as a blog in the project
From students’ words
Thank you!
6th Grade
Secretary Controller Coordinator Spokesperson
Journalist Researchers Builders Garbagebusters
SWOT Strenght: There are many students encourage to work together on this topic.
Opportunities: We have the opportunity to make aware all the educative community.
Weakness: We throw many plastic at school.
Threats: We do not have enough bins at our school.
e-Twinning: Cris Domenech Email:
4 Partners 105 Students
Being aware that our behaviors affect deeply the environment. → Thinking about alternative behaviors more illustrative to the environment.
Focusing on the environmental problems and risks Producing a "Green Behavior Code" to spread around in the community..
Voting for the best “Green Behavior Code” : our commitment to protect our environment.
Working in International Teams - Brainstorming via Pixton class -Using the stories and avatars created collaboratively to be coded using Scratch.
Spanish students open the tunisian code, click on REMIX button then they continue coding. They enrich the code by adding their thougts about ecology life. According to students presentation
Italian students open the last code, click on REMIX button, then they continue developping the romanian idea by adding some backdrops in the coding
Tunisian students open the italian code, click on REMIX button then they continue coding. Each student give a peace tips to preserve and save our environment.
Romanian students of Team 7 start coding an idea about ecology life then they share it into the Scratch Studio of their team
Final Product Final code written collaboratively by the students of TEAM 7:
- Raise awareness about environment and lifestyle -Promote diversity and make them more appreciative of what they have. - Learn how to program a concrete code. - Develop the pupils’ coding Skills - Develop students’ entrepreneurial behavior and attitudes. - Train pupils to be active members in civil society
This is the school we love By Irene Confalone from Italy
Growing with eTwinning
A new challenge : augmented reality This project will undoubtedly give
all participants the opportunity to be fully and consciously integrated into everyday life with the contribution of new technologies used even by children to develop their skills relating to digital citizenship.
Objectives/Goals • To ensure that students develop their educational learning in terms of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics through various hands-on activities. • Ensure that all learners participate in inclusive education using problem-solving approaches. • To put students in a position to learn about Virtual / Augmented Reality and make them participate in an attic and creative way in imaginary worlds with the use of available tools. • Create new methods of interaction with Virtual / Augmented and Mixed Realispatial skills by using the space available in the classroom. • To develop reflection skills on the priorities of what is needed in the classroom environment. Expected results This project will provide stty applied to the cultural sphere. • Acquire the basic skills of 3D creation. • Improve students with the opportunity to contribute to t
Respect for others even in Virtual reality
Expected results This project will provide students with the opportunity to contribute to the way they perceive their space in the classroom and the surrounding space in general in order to create a differentiated learning environment that meets all their needs. Students will learn more about what they need in a learning environment that they think they know but have never carefully observed, plus they will be guided to distinguish between seeing and looking, therefore, valuing the person beyond things that surround us.
Marika Emese Cîmpean eTwinning ambassador Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” Beclean
European Priorities
eTwinning schools` mission
Our school`s priorities
Eco-club: Eco-Herit@ge Matters (2019-1-PT01KA229-060791_6) - empowering students to become agents of change – through European projects
Eco-School: Our Sustainable Holiday Trip
European Priorities Inclusion and diversity
Environment and fight against climate change
Digital Transformation
Participation in democratic life 126
eTwinning schools` mission Shared leadership
Inclusion and innovation
Students as agents of change
Collaboration and teamwork
Models for other schools
Our school`s priorities 2027
O1. Increase of digital skills of 20% of students and 20% of teachers from each partner school (through blended-learning activities in eTwinning and Erasmus +)
O2. 15% increase in ecological skills of students and teachers from each partner school (through project-based learning)
Digital transformation
Environment and fight against climate change
Eco - Clubs
Students as agents of change: Eco-Clubs and sustainable living
Students as agents of change: Eco-Clubs and remote travelling
Students as agents of change: Eco-Clubs outdoor classroom activities
Eco-clubs and Eco-Guides
Environment and fight against climate change
Participation in democratic life
Students as agents of change: Our Sustainable Holiday Trip
Students as agents of change: Our Sustainable Holiday Trip
Students as agents of change: #EcoSchool #epascnpr #EPAmbassadorSchool
Digital transformation, inclusion & sustainability
Thank you and good luck towards transforming your schools into dream schools! 139
Our common emotions' dictionary : "We
all feel the same"
Inclusion-the only solution #SkillsLabs eTwinning 2021-2022 TEACHERS-SCHOOLS ⚫Aggeliki Papadopoulou, Charikleia Liakou - 18th Primary School of Karditsa, Greece ⚫Paraskevi Dogia - 10th Primary School of Karditsa, Greece ⚫Heidi Giese - Anne-Frank-Schule Eschwege, Germany ⚫Anna-Maria Caldarelli - Istituto comprensivo D'Aosta Ottaviano, Italy
Inclusion-the only solution #SkillsLabs
● How does school include students of minorities (in terms of religion, race, language), migrants, refugees and those with disabilities, learning disorders or special needs? ● How do we envision the school of our dreams?
Inclusive education nurtures effective teamwork and builds strong and true relationships among
Viewing of The Silent Child (Oscar® Winning Short Film)
-Raising awareness The Silent Child is a British sign language short film written by and starring Rachel Shenton and directed by Chris Overton, and released in 2017 by Slick Films. It tells the story of Libby, a profoundly deaf 6-year-old girl, who lives a silent life until a social worker, played by Shenton, teaches her how to communicate through sign language. The film won the Oscar for Live Action Short Film at the 90th Academy Awards
Follow-up activity: Discussion ⚫ How
does the child feel? ⚫ Do all the characters feel the same way? ⚫ How do the characters feel? Why? How can you tell? ⚫ Have you ever felt this way? ⚫ What are your emotions? ⚫ How would you end the story?
AnswerGarden- Brainstorming emotions
Google Doc- Multilingual dictionary
BookCreator-Multilingual Audio Dictionary
Thank you for your attention!
Piacenza, Italy School leader, Teresa Andena English Teacher, Claudia Natale
The Un 2030 Agenda In September 2015, The United Nation Made History When 193 Member States Adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
DEFINITION OF “SUSTAINABILITY The Word “Sustainability” Is Used To Refer To The Idea Of Meeting The Needs Of The Present Without Compromising The Ability Of Future Generations To Meet Their Needs. This Concept Refers To Three Main Areas Which Are: The Environment, society And Economics. They Are Interconnected And Must Be Dealt With Globally.
Sustainable Diets Are Protective And Respectful Of Biodiversity And Ecosystem, Culturally Acceptable, Accessible, Economically Fair And Affordable.
THE SLOW FOOD MOVEMENT Slow Food Is A Non Profit Eco-gastronopmic Organization Founded By Carlo Petrini In 1989 With The Aim Of Preventing The Disappearance Of Local Traditions And Counteract Fast Food And Fast Life.
SLOW FOOD IN ITALY ⚫ 0 km ingredients: the basic idea, in
essence, is to reduce the environmental impact that the transport of a product entails, in particular the emission of carbon dioxide which increases the level of pollution. ⚫ Farm to Table: Farm to table is a social movement which promotes serving local food at restaurants and school cafeterias, preferably through direct acquisition from the producer .
LESSON PLAN, LESSON EVALUATION AND MATERIALS On video: the UN 2030 Agenda Theory: Definition of sustainability FAO, WFP, What’s cooking: food waste reduction and last minute market Practice: planning an advert for an anti-food waste campaign. Review and check: revision quiz
⚫ Level: students from grades III,
IV, V of Pastry ⚫ Module: English Language and Civic Education
Everyone Can Contribute To Good, clean And Fair Quality Through Their Choices And Individual Behaviour. (From The Slow Food Manifesto For Quality)
SEN & SEN At the War Time Tania Grabko, English teacher, Teacher trainer, Ukraine
Our Current e-Twinning Projects
Save Engage Navigate
We Draw Peace
Children’s Avatars In Social Medias
Let’s ….. After the War
“Dream school: a volunteer’s challenge” “Volunteers’ Challenges” eTwinning project 2021-2022
Project Countries and Teachers
Natalia Tzitzi EFL Teacher 10th Helioupolis Primary School Greece
Stefania Pieri PE Teacher ICS T. Valenti, Trevi (Pg), Italy
Paraskevi Dogia EFL Teacher 10th Primary School of Karditsa Greece
Victoria EFL Teacher 7th Primary School of Halkida Greece
Cristina Grau EFL teacher Escola Santa Teresa Vilanova i la Geltrú Spain
Sophia Kouzouli EFL teacher 1st Experimental Primary School of Pyrgos Greece
Project Countries and Teachers
10th Helioupolis Primary School Greece
10th Primary School of Karditsa Greece
ICS T. Valenti Italy
7th Primary School of Halkida Greece
Escola Santa Teresa, Vilanova i la Geltrú Spain
1st Experimental Primary School of Pyrgos Greece
Dream School - location ❖ In the middle of a lake
❖ By the sea ❖ On the top of a mountain
❖ On a plain ❖ On a prairie ❖ Next to the zoo ❖ In space
Dream School - equipment ❏ Tools & materials for experiments
❏ Arts and Craft equipment ❏ 3D printers
❏ Projectors ❏ Screens, no boards any more ❏ No textbooks but tablets ❏ Laptops, mobile phones ❏ Fast Internet connection
❏ Musical instruments ❏ Sports equipment ❏ Green energy ❏ Recycling bins ❏ Photovoltaic panels
❏ Nature-inspired climbing equipment
Dream School - building & playground ❖ Large multi-storey building ❖ Spacious sunny classrooms
❏ “Rainbow” doors and windows -
Colourful curtains
❖ Special classrooms for different subjects, e.g. Art, ICT, Music, Kitchen Classroom
❏ Walls full of paintings
❖ Canteen (international dishes)
❏ Escalators to take you inside the school
❖ School auditorium (theatrical performance,
❏ Comfortable furniture
❏ Lifts and ramps for children and teachers with disabilities
watching movies) ❖ Library ❖ Playroom with board games
❏ Beds to sleep when students spend the
night at school
Dream School - building & playground ❏ Courts and fields for various sports ❏ Indoor/Outdoor swimming pool
❏ Playground with swings and slides made of natural material like wood ❏ Rock and dome climbers
❏ Cocoons ❏ Trampoline
❏ Adventure park ❏ Various spaces to play different games
Dream School - building & playground ❏ There is a “little farm”.
❏ There is a greenhouse where children grow plants. ❏ There is a garden. Special paths help students explore the
garden. ❏ Students plant vegetables and fruit.
❏ There are a few animals (pets, wild animals) and a lot of flowers. ❏ There is a school cafeteria for breakfast and lunch.
Dream School - syllabus and more ❏
No homework
More playing
A variety of subjects to choose from
Dancing and acting classes
❏ Ecology classes ❏
Classes for children with special needs
Braille and Sign Language classes
Lots of foreign languages
Like an Academy, a boarding school, to stay and study for 6 months
Flexible timetable
Teacher-pupil swap day
Dream School - syllabus and more ❏ Volunteering Actions
❏ Ongoing Environmental Projects ❏ Nature trips ❏ Tree/flowers planting ❏ Ongoing charity events ❏ Camping trips twice a month ❏ Trips to foreign countries ❏ Parades and trips at the end of the school year
Dream School - syllabus and more ❏
Inclusive school
Children from all over the world, all friends
Everybody is equal and happy
Teachers teach with games
Teachers are friendly, kind, polite and helpful
Students’ Voice
A school for all children
A school I want to go to Sustainable School
sports academy green school inclusive school equipped for STEM & PE classes
Relaxing and funny School
Next steps ●
Collaboration in transnational groups
Voting for the best idea to implement in all schools
Actual implementation of the idea
Dream School Virtual Exhibition
Thank you for your attention!
to promote right- based quality education - to create the environment for child-friendly teaching and learning where everyone is healthy and safe from any form of violence - to promote awareness in schools, families and communities of their roles for providing equal educational opportunities for everyone - to enhance the dynamic participation of families in the school policies and activities - to strengthen cooperation and collaborate
Activity 1 – Characteristics of a sustainable school Step 1
Step 2
chatting with partners to discuss about the elements that make a school sustainable
Creating a collaborative map Each partner school chose and developed an aspect of the child friendly school that was discussed during the chat and shared with this mind map.
Step 3 Each partner school made illustrations of the school of their dreams. All the illustrations uploaded in the twinboard. Then a contest was organized: each school voted for their best drawing. Finally the winner drawing of each school uploaded in a common poster made by Canva.
– Let's take action to make our school child friendly discussing with classmates and then writing their actions in a table. Then, taking photos and sharing them in the twinboards.
Our pupils are realizing their actions.
Step 2 We are continuing working on the activities and the next step will be uploading all the produced materials like articles about sustainability and inclusiveness, interviews, photos of our actions in a common magazine.
*Some partners made recycled materials
Some partners made exchange event
Some partners wrote poem
Environmental Exchange Box eTwinning Project ” A sound mind in a sound body” Moderator: TîrsînǎNina, eTwinning Ambassador Dragan Tatiana, eTwinning Ambassador
Partner countries
Republic of Moldova
Project Partners
Project goals: ● encourage students to form sustainable green habits ● to foster high- quality skills ● to share healthy lifestyle
Project activity: Environmental Exchange Box
Healthy Green Heaven - 5 Top Collaborative teams
Unsual use of leafy greens and vegetables
– google slide
Advertising checklist Plant Growth and Development
Designing the Healthy Green Heaven
Experts’ team
Healthy garden of heaven
Hayfa Majdoub English Language Teacher eTw in n in g A m b assad or
Thinking of the impact our activity may have on the climate and the environment . To raise our students awareness about climate action and sustainability through the theme of holidaying. The students will thoughtfully plan design sustainable holiday brochures collaboratively.
Integrating blended learning
Education for sustainable development
Twinspace Page Link
Logo voting on dotstorming
Video conference with Globetrotters
Webquest about the SDGs
Escape Room Game
Collaborative Brochure Design
to feel responsible for the environmental and social impacts of their own individual lifestyle. to feel responsible for the environmental and social impacts of their own individual behaviour as a producer or consumer. to promote low carbon approaches at the local and global level.
to encourage others to engage in sustainable practices in consumption and production. to understand one’s personal impact on the world’s climate, from a local to a global perspective. to recognize that the protection of the global climate is an essential task for everyone and that we need to completely re-evaluate our worldview and everyday behaviours in light of this.
to use the acquired knowledge about the SDGs and to apply it to plan a sustainable holiday trip. to create a brochure about sustainable holiday trip to work in a group to use ICT to collaborate and to conduct a project
to develop one’s communicative English language skills:spoken and written
“An inclusive
library” ⚫
based on the activities of the eTwinning project
“I LIKE, an Inclusive Library for Inclusive Kids from Europe” ⚫
Marina Screpanti- Italian Ambassador
I_LIKE “An Inclusive Library for Inclusive Kids from Europe” The project will focus on inclusion. Students from Belgium (speaking Greek) and Italy will be invited to reflect on the problems and the difficulties some people face because they are marginalized or not totally included in our communities. The reflections will turn into a concrete action: spread the voice about the underlined problems in order to sensitize people and gradually change their minds. A library with different picture books will be created. Each book will address one of the problems: inclusion of special needs people, foreigners, immigrants, people with a different colour of the skin, gender equality. The books will be shared in a digital and paper version and disseminated in many ways.
Planning together in Live meetings and Google docs
Objectives increase confidence and self esteem
raise awareness on difficulties and problems other people may face promote tolerance and inclusion eliminate stereotypes
work collaborative to create an inclusive library cultivate digital competences develop creative writing skills
Creation of an inclusive library Book 1: So different so alike: a story for those with special needs Book 2: I am an expat, will you help me?: a story for those coming from a foreign country Book 3: A migrant bird: a story for the immigrants and refugees Book 4: All the world like a canva: a story for those with different skins Book 5: The same rights, the same duties: a story for gender equality
Presentation of the project
Brainstorming about “inclusion”
“What does the word INCLUSION make you think of?”: writing students’ ideas/opinions in a common map in mother language and English
Test: “How much do you feel included?
Questions How many times did you feel excluded from a game?
How many times did you feel excluded during a school lesson? How many times did you exclude someone from a game? Do you feel excluded because of ….. Would you really accept in your game a boy/girl who is:
First book: “A migrant bird” A story for the refugees (storytelling method used in this book: guided questions)
Each book with a different storytelling technique
The starting plot Characters: A family (mom, dad, boy and girl) and a cage with a bird (dove of peace) Scene: Ukraine and ……….(the place they will move to) INCIPIT written by teachers: “It was February 24th 2022 when a family was forced to leave its country …”
Guided questions
And what about the cage with the pigeon of peace? Did they leave it behind?
Greece/Italy First name writing story/second country drawing
Is it a speaking pigeon? If yes, what does it say? Italy/ Greece Why does this family go away from the country of living? Italy/ Greece
Do all the members of the family go away? Greece/Italy
Could the pigeon help them in a way? Greece/Italy
What means of transportation they used to go away? Italy/ Greece
What kind of message does the pigeon bring? Italy/ Greece
Where do they intend to go? Greece/Italy
Will that message be helpful for the family and for the whole of humanity? Greece/Italy
What do they bring with them? Italy/ Greece
Work is in progress but in the end…
…we will have a library with five books about INCLUSION that we will share with our communities, in social networks and in seminars and conferences and that we will also print in paper version.
Thank you for your attention! marina.screpanti@gmail.com