Digital Opportunity Explained /home-based-business/digital-opportunity-explained-part-one Feb 26, 2017 Written by Angela Emde Articles written: 11 Joined: 03 January 2017 Niche: Business Home and Family Self Improvement
When YOU search for business opportunities, there are normally a few reasons why YOU might visit a page Either… YOU are current a business owner but have discovered that you don’t have the freedom you would like. You love what you do but your business owns you. Does this sound like you? I have been in this situation where I owned a cleaning franchise and as much as I learnt to scale, I branded the business as myself and I felt like I had brought myself a job. (more on branding a business in a future post). Or … YOU like the idea of having a business but are unsure what business you want, you haven’t thought up the ‘one business’ that will change the world, but do you know?, YOU don’t have too. Digital opportunities are here to assist YOU to get up and running with a business prior to YOU having a ‘big idea’. If you have YOUR business and grand idea already you still need to market it and digital marketing and affiliate marketing can teach you how. Imagine if one of the big ideas like AirBnB, Uber, amazon or Facebook, or one of the many social media platforms out there was YOUR idea.
WHAT IF one of the those were your idea. How would your life be different if you were running one of the organisations? If you don’t know how your life would be different or how’d you feel look up some of the great entrepreneurs on youtube and learn about them or learn from entrepreneurs from traditional business. A good book is Chicken Soup for the Entrepreneur's Soul. All the entrepreneurs have some traits in common which you’ll discover as you learn about them. The entrepreneurs… They are passionate. They love what they do. They have a vision. They are not necessarily technical experts - they ask for help. They like to solve a problem – and for that we are grateful. They have failed on their path to success and have gone through enormous selfdiscovery and personal development. They are financially secure which has enabled them to give back via philanthropic projects. The internet revolution not only created celebrity digital brands but opened the door to hundreds and thousands of people just like YOU and me. Successful business owners come from all backgrounds around the world. The internet created opportunities for many and the digital technology continues to do so as it evolves around us. We all have busy lives but the internet was born by people who were doing something else when they invented the world wide web, that enabled digital businesses which many of us rely on today. Digital Opportunity Explained – why discuss the internet, well YOU could be the next Uber, the next AirBnB if YOU learn a few basic skills and concepts or YOU could follow your desire to work the hours you wish in an internet marketing business. Some of the brands on-line, give YOU the chance to make some money by recommending them. Can YOU do that? - This is affiliate marketing in the simplest form. People buy from affiliates every day – YOU could be the affiliate they purchase from. Opportunities to make money on-line in this way is all around us. One of my business mentors, Stuart will explain the SFM digital business tools and offer that will set YOU up with everything you need to commence and leverage the affiliate marketing business model as a new business or to expand on your current enterprise. Meet Stuart in this introductory video which explains the business. What if you are a business owner? If YOU currently have a business it is important to learn about marketing before you overspend on promoting your products or services, or what if you could learn how affiliates could promote YOUR business for you. With affiliates promoting your business there are no more negative returns on investment (ROI) as THEY, not YOU pay for the marketing that delivers the customers. With the right training, YOU could learn how to leverage the power of people and work smarter not harder. Having affiliates is not your thing - use the power of the marketing tools to learn to market YOUR business online. Click here for your free video series. Look out for Digital Opportunity Explained - Part two, where I'll cover the getting the education required to build a digital lifestyle.
Have a great day. Angie Emde
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Digital Opportunity Explained - Part One Other blogs include; Marketing Ideas for Small Business a marketing campaign Marketing Print Media and Facebook