Three Steps To Create Your Future Vision Angie Emde
March 8, 2018
In 2017 I noticed my vision was not as sharp, so I got my eyes tested. As I thought, my blurry vision could be corrected. It as simple as purchasing and wearing glasses. I now wear glasses for reading and also for driving. This got me thinking about my personal vision in life. What about your personal life? Is that blurry? Many people have a vague idea what they would like. A general idea of their future direction. Some people have an idea and then along the way, the vision becomes blurry. The future vision is lost in a haze. Lost to someone else’s vision for them. I was very good at seeing my direction but over the past few years, I allowed my vision to become blurred. I stopped focussing… but now I’m correcting a blurry vision. I have refocussed on my goals and I’m not aiming for what someone else had set for me.
To reach your future goals, your future vision needs a clear plan.
Three steps to create your future vision. 1. Define your future vision by asking yourself questions like; What do I want to do with my life? What inspires me? What do I love to do? – When you are passionate you’re so happy, that you may forget to sleep or eat. Give yourself time to write the answers to the questions as you define your vision. Write freely, write as if you were writing your ideal day? 1/3
What time would you wake up? What would you do? Who would you help? Where would you go? What would you eat? How does each moment feel? When you create your future vision with emotion, using your senses you can feel your future. With the information write the vision as your ideal day. 2. Communicate your vision. Communicate your vision to yourself and to others. Read your ideal day to yourself daily. As you read your ideal day, visualize it, visualize yourself in your future day. 3. Take action and work towards your vision. Create a plan on how to create your future vision. Break it down into steps. A business would create a strategic plan to get from A to B. Life is no different a plan is needed. When setting goals for life, a blueprint is important, so you know the steps to take to achieve the vision you imagine. One way to take action on your vision is; If your ideal day says you enjoy a revitalizing swim at the end of your day, find time to enjoy that now a few times a week. Another way is to learn the skills you need to create the life you would like. My ideal day includes working with mentors and also mentoring and helping people learn the skills they need to create a life that they love. Life is for enjoying. With these three steps to create your future vision, create an amazing life for yourself. If you need additional guidance and mentoring discover the education that will enable you to create a lifestyle and business that you’ll love. Have a great day. Angie Emde Contact: Angie at Lifestyle Anytime About: Angie Emde Follow on Social Media Facebook: LifestyleAnytime Instagram: LifestyleAnytime 2/3