How To Add A Banner To A WordPress Blog September 11, 2018
[Full Disclosure: As an affiliate, I receive commissions on products or services through affiliate links within this blog.] Do you have a blog or recently started blogging and have been wondering how to add affiliate links to your blog posts? You are not alone. Adding affiliate links and banners to your blog posts is a stumbling block for many new bloggers. But first what is affiliate marketing?. Put simply affiliate marketing is promoting other peoples businesses or services for a commission. You become an affiliate for a service or product you like and use by promoting a link to the particular product or service. There are large platforms like Amazon as well as many products and services from individuals and companies. I commenced affiliate marketing when I was looking for a way to work from home to supplement my income and build a laptop style business. The online education system and community is the first affiliate product I commenced promoting and learnt about affiliate marketing. Today I want to show you how to add affiliate banners to your blog post. In fact, one day when out on a daily walk, I spoke about 3 ways to add a banner to a WordPress post. The first step is to write your blog as you normally would. Once you have written your blog it is time to link and insert banners into your post. 1/5
How to add links to your blog post. Links are used for connecting products and services to your blog post or even other posts to your blog. For example, if you have a blog you have already written that you would like to link to, all you need to do is highlight the word you would like to link the post to and chose the insert/edit link ,
then select the post by inserting the URL or select the cog ⚙� and choose from link options to select a blog post in the pull-down menu. Notice how the colour of the writing changes to blue. When you preview your blog post you will be able to click on the link and it will take you to the selected page.
Examples of how to add a banner to your WordPress blog Example 1: Adding an affiliate banner to your WordPress blog. When you are an affiliate marketer the products or services you promote may have a banner you can insert in your posts. Log into your affiliate site for the product or service you wish to promote. On your affiliate site locate the banner page, Choose the banner you wish to use and copy the code.
When you write a blog post, you normally write in the visual mode. The visual and text mode buttons are at the top of your blog post. In the visual mode, put your cursor at the spot where you would like to insert your banner and toggle to the text mode.
When in the text mode, paste the banner code and then return to the visual view. As a result of entering the banner code, your affiliate banner should display in your blog post. Finally, use the pencil edit button when you click on your banner to position the post on your blog. Tip: If you are new to adding banners to your blog post. First, become used to adding the code to the bottom of your blog post. This means adding your banner code in the blog text mode one line below your last line of writing. Once you have added the code, switch to visual to view the banner.
Example 2: Adding a link to a picture on your WordPress blog. Naturally, it is best to personalise your links and banners. One of the easiest ways to do this is to link your product to a picture that represents your products or services. Of course, the product affiliate link requires to be congruent with the business or services that you offer. I find canva as one of the best free platforms to create a picture. Once you have decided on your picture upload your picture to your WordPress blog post. Get the URL to the landing page you would like the page to link to. Next, edit the page the picture will be linked by linking to your chosen URL landing page. When you click on the pencil icon which is accessible by clicking on your picture you can edit the custom URL. When the picture is clicked on it will link to the affiliate product or URL you have chosen.
Example 3: Adding a widget as an affiliate link to your WordPress blog. Adding a banner to your blog as a widget is another way to add affiliate banners to your blog. In WordPress go to the appearance tab in the left hand menu bar and choose widgets. When in widgets choose shortcode widget and add this to the sidebar or footer sidebar.
Next, click on the arrow on the shortcode widget and it will display a box for shortcode to be added. The code to be added here is the code you obtain from the banner page of your affiliate program. This is the same code as in example 1 above. Leave the title blank in the shortcode widget. Paste the copied code from y0ur chosen banner into the content and click save. It is important to note, adding a widget to your sidebar or footer bar is not individual to each blog post. Widgets are dependant on your blog theme and blog set up.
Conclusion This post and the video covers 3 ways to add a banner to a WordPress blog that link to your affiliate product. When a purchase made from your link you receive the sale credit for the purchase, according to the affiliate program rules and regulations. You receive a commision from the sale. Just like a property sales manager receives a percentage for selling a home. By all means, adding affiliate links to your website and blog posts is no guarantee of an income online. It is neither the only one way to make money online. There are multiple ways to market your products and services. This I found out when I watched these free videos on how to start a business and create a lifestyle you’ll love. Angie Emde – Lifestyle Anytime. Angie blogs about productivity, community and social media marketing, as well as living abroad. She started blogging while learning the skills to start an online business. Her mission is to help others succeed with social media and blogging as well as live a laptop lifestyle while travelling in Australia. Angie often shares tips and tricks while walking the beaches and near the lake on the Central Coast NSW Australia. Follow on Social Media Facebook: LifestyleAnytime Instagram: LifestyleAnytime Anytime Contact: Angie at Lifestyle Anytime
Pinterest: Angie – Lifestyle
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