Facing Life Head-on Through Positive Thinking lifestyleanytime.com.au /facing-life-head-on-through-positive-thinking/ Angie Emde
The world is a big place and for the most part it is filled with negativity. To face our every day’s challenges, we have to first conquer the negative vibes within ourselves before dealing with the world’s negativity. Negativity drains our energy and our will to do our best in life.
What I have found is that negative thoughts are hard to get rid-off, no matter how small, once we allow them to invade our minds. I have found that negativity feeds on fear and lack of confidence and to live a fulfilling and happy life, one needs to replace all the negativity with positive thoughts. See the world in new light, appreciate and cultivate positive thoughts and happiness.
Below are some tips on creating positive thinking habits; Exercise and breathe If we do not relax our minds, negative thoughts find comfort and start to build up within our minds. If we do not practice good habits to grow a positive attitude it may eventually take over your mind. Exercising daily or regularly is a great way to relax your mind as it channels all the energy away from negativity. Taking deep breathes also helps clear our mind and pave way for positive thinking.
Each day I go out for a walk in nature and soak in the positive vibes of the surrounds I walk in. Carsten enjoys golf and finds he can clear his mind as he hits practice balls at the local golf club.
Have a gratitude diary Do not become a pessimist. Always find a good thing worth writing down about yourself or the day. Make it a daily habit to cultivate positivity no matter how bad your day is. Having a gratitude dairy will help see things in a different perspective and resurrect hope that things will be better during the down days. 1/3
Check out our blog post ‘How gratitude changes attitude’.
Keep positive company Negative thoughts gradually wear you down and it is advisable to always ask oneself “how can I be more positive?’ With such an attitude you start to realize even the company we keep can affect how we think, therefore it is vital to surround yourself with positive company who will offer constructive feedback and encouragement. Smile A smile will help change your mood. Smiling helps relieve stress and acts as an assurance that all will be well. In the face of negativity, smile back at yourself and watch the magic happen. Take control of your thoughts and always afford a smile even in the toughest and darkest of times. Leave no room for negative thoughts to manifest.
Angie and Carsten
There has been a period in my life where I didn’t want photos taken wasn’t happy but I read a quote from Yoko Ono ‘Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life’. It is amazing how a simple smile to yourself works.
Avoid pilling up goals We all have goals to achieve and each day the list becomes bigger and bigger. However, failure to accomplish them may lead to negativity. Do not spread thin your focus and energy by pressuring yourself with tons of goals. Focus on one to three goals in different areas of your life at a time, do theme each day so they become a habit.
Smile, it’s coffee time
Be mindful of your welfare Put your well-being first. Do not drown yourself in the pool of negativity. To start with, read positive quotes and post them on fridges, computers, diary or even your phone. Focus on the things that make you happy, be it family, friends or even your job. Put all the negative thoughts and energy in one basket and toss them in the river and watch them float away. This way, you live a happy and satisfied life. As it is said ‘A journey of a thousand miles, start with a single step’. Start with a simple tip and build your way up. Do not feel discouraged. Turn into a positive thinker with the above methods. Have a great day.
Angie Emde www.lifestyleanytime.com.au follow on Instagram follow on Facebook 2/3