Motion and progress - 3 tips on taking action towards goals

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Motion And Progress – 3 Tips On Taking Action Towards Goals Angie Emde

February 17, 2018

Just because you show up to work doesn’t mean you get anything done. Too often throughout the day, people go through the motions of doing stuff, doing things that keep them busy, however busy doesn’t always result in progress.

“Don’t confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but doesn’t make any progress” – Alfred Montapert When you are in motion, you may be busy doing something but the task alone will not produce an outcome, it is only with action that progress is made. ‘Five days a week I talk live on Facebook. When I list out ideas to talk about I am putting things into motion, however when I talk I have taken action and progress towards my goal’. There are many times that it may look like you are moving towards your goals where in fact you may be in the cycle of motion not in the climb of progress. When I go for my daily walks by the lake or on the beach I am moving. These daily lake or beach walks are refreshing and reengerizing great for my health, but with a fitness goal only when I am power walking for at least 40 minutes am I taking strides towards the specific goal of fitness.

3 tips on taking action Make the Most of Time – Everyone is allocated the same 24 hours in a day to spend. It is how the time is spent that determines progress. One way to help spend time wisely is to create a schedule that assists you with moving forward towards your defined target. 1/3

A schedule is a guideline, part of the blueprint that guides the movement from A to B and assists you to make the most of time.

My example schedule is based around working full time while building a business. There are many times that the schedule changes as I put family first and spend time with the family at random times throughout the day. What I have found is the main thing is to plan you business actions into your day so that you progress forward towards your goal. Define your Goals – If you have something you want to do try writing it down, by writing it down you can turn the impossible to possible. A goal that is not defined is a wish list. Look at your goal and plan it out, break it down into bite-size pieces and focus on progressing forward one task at a time towards your defined goal. As you focus on your goal a foundation needs to be set, this will come about by learning. When you learn more you are in motion, you commit to the process of learning but remember the key is to progress, so follow the rule of learn, do, teach or share as by implementing what you learn, you progress and by sharing what you have learnt you provide value to others and assist them to progress forward too. Understand Your Results – Ask yourself ‘ Which habits are distracting you? Which tasks are progressing you forward’ Awareness is power! Track your results to discover how you spend your time. Track your results to see if your busyness results in motion or progress. Only by tracking can you learn to understand your results. To track your busyness, track how you spend your day. Evaluate the results to make the most of time and schedule activities that produce results into the day. Why not try the 90-day tracker to monitor and evaluate your goals. Have a great day and reach out if you need assistance or would like more information on working smarter not harder. 2/3

Angie Emde


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