WELCOME! This prayer diary is a tool designed to help shape your prayers for the work of Anglican Aid and beyond! At Anglican Aid, we are convicted that God wants his grace to flow to a hurting and broken world. You will also notice that we have included a ‘home focus’ on each page to assist you in praying for work being done in our own diocese! The home focus features either a diocesan support service or an Anglican Aid Community Care project for you to pray for.
Thank you for your prayers!
PRAYER LIST General A letter from the Archbishop Our Global Ambassadors A letter from the CEO How we work Project list
02 04 42 43 44
Bible Focus Water and Creation Water in the Wilderness Water and the Prophets Water and Jesus Water and the New Creation
Front Cover Photo Archbishop Glenn Davies and Angela Michael of Miracle Schools Pakistan, an Anglican Aid partner.
06 13 20 27 34
Prayer List DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3: DAY 4: DAY 5: DAY 6: DAY 7: DAY 8: DAY 9: Day 10: DAY 11: DAY 12: DAY 13: DAY 14: DAY 15: DAY 16:
Pray for the World Democratic Republic of Congo China South Sudan Pakistan Kenya Indian Ocean Vietnam Nigeria Myanmar Sierra Leone Zimbabwe Nepal Iraq Ethiopia India
07 08 09 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24
DIOCESAN PRAYER A prayer for Mission 2020
DAY 17: DAY 18: DAY 19: DAY 20: DAY 21: DAY 22: DAY 23: DAY 24: DAY 25: DAY 26: DAY 27: DAY 28: DAY 29: DAY 30: DAY 31:
Uganda Egypt Zambia Indonesia Rwanda Waterworks for a Thirsty World The Philippines South Africa Tanzania Syria Sudan Pacific Islands Australia Work Outside the Diocese Anglican Aid Staff & Board
25 26 28 29 30 31 32
Our Heavenly Father, Fill our lives with the fruit of your Spirit, so that we may walk in joyful obedience, share your love by word and deed, and see Christ honoured in every community as Lord and Saviour. Amen _
33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
Heavenly Father, Whose will it is that all people be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth, and whose will it is that we care for the poor, needy, widows, orphans and refugees. We pray for the work of the Archbishop of Sydney’s Anglican Aid. We pray for your grace to fulfil every good work that you have prepared for us in advance to do as we anticipate the triumphant return of our King and Saviour, in whose name we pray. Amen
A letter
FROM THE ARCHBISHOP “He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds. He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.” Psalm 147:4-7 (NIV)
The census figures for 2011 revealed that 61% of Australians identify as Christians. Five years earlier the figure was closer to 64%, so it will be interesting to see whether this year’s census figures show a similar decline. Yet as every Christian minister recognises, 61% of the population does not translate into church attendance. On the contrary, many who call themselves Christians have little understanding of God, let alone the gospel. For many Australians God is merely out there somewhere—far removed, uninvolved and disinterested. This is not the image of God that is presented by the psalmist. Rather, we are confronted by a God who possesses intimate knowledge of all he has made. Not only is he great in power as creator, Psalm 147 tells us that he knows each of the stars by name. Every corner of our
universe and every part of his creation is utterly and completely known by God: “His understanding has no limit.” Our limited human minds struggle to comprehend the vastness of God’s knowledge. Yet the all powerful and all glorious Creator God also has an intimate knowledge of, and loving concern for, the suffering of human beings—his imagebearers. “He heals the broken-heated and binds up their wounds.” No tear that falls to the ground escapes his notice. Every Syrian refugee who has fled the bloodshed of their homeland. Every Ethiopian mother who doesn’t know how she will put food on the table and feed her family. He understands. Yet it is in Jesus, the Word made flesh, that God’s love and compassion are most clearly displayed.
Through his life on earth we see God walking alongside his people, experiencing the joy and pain of being human. Through his death and resurrection we see the wisdom and justice of God in securing for us salvation. After looking upwards to the stars created and named by our God, we ought to look inwards and realise how limited our own understanding is. One day we will know in full, but for now we live knowing only in part. This sober judgment ought to drive us deeper into prayer. We have access to the courts of our heavenly King, let us come to him seeking his mercy and praying for the coming of his kingdom, that his will be done.
Along with my wife Dianne, I would like to pass on my gratitude for your faithful partnership in prayer. May God richly bless you throughout this year.
As an organisation, Anglican Aid is dependent on God for all things. Your prayers for Anglican Aid are greatly appreciated as they seek to foster the flow of grace to our world. Anglican Aid’s activities include providing emergency relief to those affected by natural disasters, longterm development projects in Africa and Asia that work to empower communities to break cycles of poverty, providing bursaries for African pastors to study theology, and supporting projects in our own diocese that assist vulnerable people.
Grace and peace,
Dr Glenn Davies Archbishop of Sydney
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 04
I commend this prayer diary to you as an excellent resource to help you pray in an informed and methodical way for the
ministry partnerships of Anglican Aid, for the vulnerable and marginalised in our city and our world, and for other vital support services and organisations in our diocese.
ANGLICAN AID’S GLOBAL AMBASSADORS Angela Michael is the co-founder of Miracle School Ministries in Pakistan that provides free education for children enslaved in brick kilns in Pakistan. These children often work 12 hours a day in the scorching hot and dangerous brick kilns to pay back their family’s debts to the brick kiln owners. Angela, orphaned at 4 and raised by her Pakistani missionary grandparents and aunty, visited Australia in 2016 and challenged us and many churches with her inspiring story of hope and compassion.
Rory Steyn was Nelson Mandela’s Chief Bodyguard from 1996 to 1999. Rory has spoken at many Anglican Aid events about his time protecting South Africa’s most famous president and his conversion to Christ as a police cadet. When Rory first met Mandela he viewed him as a terrorist who would lead the nation into bloody civil war. However, Rory began to see how Mandela’s humble leadership led the racially divided nation from the brink of bloodshed towards peace and stability. He now views Mandela as the man who epitomised the principles of forgiveness and reconciliation in his generation.
Bishop Ande Titre is the Bishop of the Aru Diocese in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Diocese of Aru has 35 parishes and over 42,000 members! Bishop Ande was Principal of the Institut Supérieur Théologique Anglicane and gained a doctorate from Birmingham University, UK. He is the author of “Bula Matari”, a book about church leadership in Africa. In partnership with Bishop Ande, Anglican Aid has funded projects in the Diocese of Aru including a Dental Training School, scholarships for a Bible College and a malaria prevention and treatment program.
In 2017 Anglican Aid is launching our Global Ambassadors. This is a group of men and women who are strong in their commitment to Christ and in their commitment to raising awareness for Anglican Aid’s work.
Henry Olonga was the first black man selected to play cricket for Zimbabwe. His international career came to an end in 2003 after Henry and a team mate wore a black armband to “mourn the death of democracy” in Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe. As a result, Henry was inundated with death threats and removed from the Zimbabwean cricket team.
Her Christian faith has shaped her commitment to seeing young people equipped to make a difference in the world. She seeks to encourage young people to be compassionate, gracious, humble and just global citizens who can have a positive impact on the world.
Kanishka Raffel became the Dean of Sydney at St Andrew’s Cathedral in 2016. Kanishka was born in London to Sri Lankan parents and was raised a Buddhist. Whilst studying law at Sydney University a friend gave him John’s Gospel and he subsequently became a Christian. Kanishka is a regular conference speaker with a particular focus on improving the preaching skills of emerging leaders. Anglican Aid is delighted to have him as a Global Ambassador as he seeks to make Jesus known throughout Sydney and beyond.
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 06
He now lives in Adelaide and speaks at churches and schools across Australia about his Christian faith, the events surrounding his courageous stand against injustice and his love for his homeland.
Jann Robinson was appointed Principal at St Luke’s Grammar School in 2005. Jann holds a Masters in Educational Leadership, a Bachelor of Education majoring in English and History and a Diploma of Education.
Water and Creation The God who says, “Let there be... ,” and
Perhaps I have overlooked it because I have
Secondly, Jesus uses this fundamental
there is! The God who commands and
lived in a part of the world where water
life-sustaining gift, in concert with the food
creation springs into existence, is the
has been in such abundant provision. I
it produces, to point a rebellious humanity
sovereign Creator and Sustainer of life.
have taken it for granted. Perhaps because
who, when it suits us, worships the gift
That God puts water right up there in his
I’m not a scientist. But should I not still
rather than the giver, and when it doesn’t
creative work.
be stunned by the beautiful and delicate
suit us, abuse and exploit the gift along
balance our Creator has built into the way
with ignoring the Giver:
“A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters...” (Genesis 2:10).
the science works in the water cycle? In 2017, Anglican Aid is focusing on the gift of water in two ways.
Whenever I have taught on or referenced Genesis chapters 1 and 2, I have usually
Firstly, the need for water in many
gone straight for humanity, for sex, for
vulnerable communities throughout
marriage, for procreation, for stewardship.
the world and how we can help provide
In the midst of rightly affirming these
this life-giving gift through water security,
things, and rejoicing with thanksgiving
provision, management and safe
at the food on my plate, have I missed,
drinking water projects.
at least, some acknowledgement of the precious gift of water?
“I am the bread of life, whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever trusts in me will never be thirsty” (John 6:35).
Pray for the World:
Home Focus: Archbishop Glenn Davies • Thank God for our Archbishop, Dr Glenn Davies and his wife Dianne. • Pray that he would have godly wisdom as he speaks about critical spiritual and social issues facing our country in 2017. • Pray for the Archbishop in his chairmanship of vital Diocesan boards and committees. • Pray for the Archbishop’s meetings with GAFCON and the Global South Leaders. Pray for a positive outcome from these meetings and for unity within the Anglican Communion.
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• DRC • China • South Sudan • Pakistan • Kenya • Madagascar • Vietnam • Nigeria • Myanmar • Sierra Leone • Zimbabwe • Nepal • Iraq • Ethiopia • India • Uganda • Egypt • Zambia • Indonesia • Rwanda • The Philippines • South Africa • Tanzania • Syria • Sudan • Vanuatu • Australia • Mauritius • Fiji
Democratic Republic of Congo
Province de L’Eglise Anglicane du Congo:
Aru Diocese:
Home Focus:
Please pray for the province as they seek to impact their country with the Gospel:
Anglican Aid supports a
COACH Community Mentoring,
• Thank God that new training colleges in the Kinshasa,
malaria project that is reducing
Berkeley Life Centre Anglican
Kasai and Katanga Dioceses
the incidence of malaria,
• Praise God for the church
have been established.
especially amongst infants
The COACH mentoring program
leaders who are able to
• Continue to pray for the
under 5.
provides members of the
• Pray for the protection
Berkeley community access to
receive Biblical training
students studying in Aru,
through support from
Kindu and South Kivu
of children and pregnant
mentorship to help set positive
Anglican Aid.
Dioceses and for students
women from malaria.
goals and work through issues
from all dioceses studying
• Pray that the community
in areas such as relationships,
• Pray for Archbishop Masimango, the new Primate.
the national curriculum.
awareness campaigns held
addiction, parenting etc.
in schools, churches and markets would be successful in educating the public about malaria. • Thank God for the training of health personnel and the purchasing of materials and medicines. • Thank God for Bishop Ande
• Thank God for Wayne Pickford’s leadership. • Pray that the people and families COACH supports might feel welcome to also come along to church. • Thank God for Berkeley Life Centre. Praise Him for
as he leads the education
positive responses from kids
strategy for the Congolese
in Scripture and for a well-
attended Bible study group.
China The SOAR Project Anglican Aid partners with a Christian NGO in China that is
• Pray for the Australian staff of the SOAR team. • Give thanks that many of
creating brighter futures for
the children have made
children living with a disability
progress since arriving.
by taking them from large
Pray that they would be
institutions and placing them
placed in loving foster
in group homes. The SOAR village models
homes or be adopted. • Give thanks for the
best-practice care for children
care-givers at the SOAR
aged 4-12 with intellectual and
village and pray that they
physical disabilities.
might have strength and
SOAR also supports children
grace in all they do.
who are living with their
• Pray for the SOAR family
Home Focus: Assistant Bishops and Previous Archbishops
• Thank God for Ivan
families through counselling
preservation work, that they
and support services.
might effectively connect
SOAR has established its
parents with other existing
Stead (South Sydney), Ivan
illness. Pray that God would
presence and expertise within
services and support them in
Lee (Western Sydney), Peter
continue to provide him
government networks to
the often challenging task of
Hayward (Wollongong &
provide a model of care for
raising a child with disability.
Macarthur), Chris Edwards
Please continue to keep China in your prayers.
• Pray that SOAR would help
to treatment for his serious
with good health. • Pray for previous
(North Sydney), Peter
Archbishops: Peter Jensen,
change cultural attitudes
Lin (George’s River) and
Harry Goodhew and Donald
and stigma toward
Peter Tasker (International
Robinson in their ongoing
disability in China.
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 010
children living with disabilities.
Lee’s positive response • Pray for Bishops: Michael
South Sudan
South Sudanese refugees in Gambella, Ethiopia • Praise God for our partner,
Home Focus: Diocese of Kajo Keji Over fifty years of civil
Westmead’s New Migrant Support Community St Barnabas’ Westmead
The conflict in South Sudan has
the Anglican Church in the
conflict coupled with Islamic
Anglican Church
led to many refugees fleeing
Horn of Africa, which has
opposition to the growth
The New Migrant Support
to neighbouring countries,
delivered water and food to
of the church has made the
Community offers assistance
including Ethiopia. Assistance
South Sudanese refugees in
development of theological
to migrants through activities
is provided for short-term
western Ethiopia.
education very difficult.
such as a playgroup and
The diocese has very few
ESL classes.
food and other necessities
• Pray for peace and an end
for refugees in the Gambella
to the bloodshed so that
region, Ethiopia. Aid is
these displaced families
distributed by local churches.
can return home.
trained pastors. • Praise God for Cross-Cultural • Thank God for the pastors
Worker Steve, his wife
who have received support
Ashleigh & volunteers as
from Anglican Aid to
they build relationships and
access Biblical education.
disciple the next generation
Pray that the knowledge
of cross-cultural and
they gain would edify
multicultural leaders.
their congregations and
Pray for wisdom in caring
communities. • Pray that theological training
for new migrant families. • Give thanks that St Barnabas’
will help equip churches
Westmead has integrated this
in their efforts to promote
program into their church
peace and reduce conflict
and is no longer reliant on
among the many Sudanese
Anglican Aid funds to support
the program.
Pakistan Miracle Ministries Anglican Aid partners with Miracle Ministries to try and end bonded intergenerational slavery in Pakistan’s brick kilns through free education for children.
• Pray that more families would be liberated from brick kiln slavery. • Pray that Miracle Ministries will be able to open a third school. • Pray for protection for Pakistani believers who
Slaves are often working
face great discrimination
off loans to the brick kiln
and persecution.
owner. Unable to calculate
• Pray for our partner in
and manage their debts, the
Multan, One to Another,
lenders increase their debt and
as it builds a health facility
force their children to work
specialising in palliative care.
Home Focus: Evangelism and New Churches (ENC)
reach the un-churched and de-churched in our city. • Praise God for the
• Give thanks for the current
development of a Chinese network and a network
(Waterloo), Living Water
ministering to Muslims.
most cases, is never).
Community Church
Pray for developing
(Redfern), Grace Anglican
work in reaching people
Church (East Roseville),
from the subcontinent,
Berkeley Life Centre, Ropes
Thailand, Korea, Indigenous
Crossing and Hope Anglican
Australians and those with a
Catholic background.
Please continue to keep Pakistan in your prayers. • Give thanks for our
• Pray that ENC has sufficient
partner, Angela Michael,
• Pray for ENC’s vision of seeing
and the rest of the team
1000 ‘community chaplains’
resources, good governance
at Miracle Ministries.
or ‘urban evangelists’ to
and strength in the Lord.
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 12
church plants: Grace City
until it is paid off (which in
Diocese of Katakwe
Keep Kenya in your prayers.
Scarred Tree
Anglican Aid and the Diocese of Katakwe have partnered together to provide leadership,
Home Focus:
• Thank God for our partner,
St John’s Anglican Church, Glebe
the Diocese of Katakwe. • Praise God for the rural
• Pray that St John’s will
• Pray for the ministry to
development and training to
church leaders who are
be able to find, train and
Indigenous Australians living
both ordained clergy and lay
able to study God’s word
support young Indigenous
in the Glebe area. Pray that
leaders at a grassroots level.
on a deeper level via
people for ministry.
Scarred Tree will be able to
• Pray for the provision
offer practical help, pastoral
extension. Pray that this In rural areas of Kenya
knowledge would lead to
of resources to establish
support and wise referrals
there are few opportunities
the transformation of
and support ministry that
in times of crisis while giving
for formal Biblical training
Kenyan communities.
will enable Indigenous
expression to people’s
Church growth.
cultural identity.
due to poverty and poor infrastructure. In this context the Theological Education by Extension program has
• Pray for an end to terrorist activity by Al-Shabaab, an east African jihadist group. • Pray for churches in the
been very effective as large
informal settlements of
numbers of people are able
Nairobi. Give thanks for the
to participate, and what
partnership between Nairobi
the students learn they are
Chapel and Figtree Anglican
able to pass on to others
Church. Together they are
as they minister in their
establishing libraries in the
local congregations.
informal settlements.
Water in the Wilderness Exodus 15:22-27
From the moment the Israelites cross
I’ve often caught myself thinking that
the Red Sea water becomes an issue.
the Israelites were a hopeless bunch of ungrateful whingers. But what would
Marching forward under the leadership
I have been like?
of Moses would they trust God? He has
Two things should not be overlooked here: 1. Their thirst was real. Water means the difference between life and death. People, some of whom are brothers and
rescued and provided for them in the past.
I complain when the hot water runs out.
sisters in Christ, live in harsh conditions.
Will he provide for them in the present and
Or when the water is turned off by the local
Water is scarce, inaccessible or
into the future?
council for a few hours. The Israelites had
undrinkable. Summer temperatures are
no water for three days. The longest I have
constantly in the 50s. Thirst is real. May it
They are without water for three days in
ever been without water, usually with some
not be through us that God will provide
the Desert of Shur (Exodus 15:22). They are
kind of flavour added, is for about seven
for them (Isaiah 58:7)?
thirsty. They stumble on water but can’t
sleeping hours.
drink it because it is bitter. They grumble against Moses.
2. Water is a symbol for life. The language Despite their grumbling, God makes the
of the Old Testament (Isaiah 55) finding
water drinkable and graciously rescues
its ultimate voice in the promise of Jesus
them – again. A covenant is made (verse
and his offer of living water:
is described in verse 27 where they are refreshed at the oasis at Elim.
“If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink...” (John 7:37).
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 14
26) and the abundance of his provision
Indian Ocean
The Sydney Diocese and the
• Pray that the willingness
Diocese of the Indian Ocean
to help by Sydney clergy
are partnering together to see
can be converted into a
under God more long-term,
PTC program that will edify
sustainable ministries in the
church leaders in the Indian
countries in the Indian Ocean,
Ocean Diocese.
including Madagascar and
• Pray for the ongoing work
Mauritius. The ministries are
of translating PTC material
focused on Bible teaching
into French from English.
and discipleship. • Praise God with us for the French-speaking Sydney clergy who responded to the call at Synod for people
Home Focus: Campsie New Migrant Support St John’s Anglican Church,
• Pray for the consistent
to welcome and build
involvement of volunteers
relationships with new
with the ESL program as in
migrants and refugees and
the past there have been
help them begin their lives
to teach the Preliminary
Theological Certificate
Campsie is a racially diverse
problems with intermittent
(PTC) in Madagascar.
community. Campsie Anglican
teachers. Pray that
provides English conversation
passionate ESL teachers
Campsie Anglican will
classes and English as a Second
might be able to dedicate
continue to be used for
Language (ESL) classes to the
their time for the whole
God’s glory as established
many new migrants who have
year of classes to build
migrants guide and serve
new migrants and refugees
moved to the area.
• Pray that the church community will continue
in Australia. • Pray that the gifts of
to make Australia their home.
Viet-Aust Bac Ai Association (VABAA) Within the small regional
walked, worked, laughed
organisations who are
village of Kom Tum, in
or loved again.
seeing an increase in
the Central Highlands of Vietnam, the love of Christ is at work.
new believers. Please pray for the work of VABAA and for Vietnam:
• Pray for freedom from government repression of unregistered house
Anglican Aid’s partner, Viet-Aust
• Give thanks for Vietnamese
Home Focus: Professional Standards
Bac Ai Association, supports
Australians supporting the
Unit (PSU)
a medical centre in Kom Tum
work of VABAA in Vietnam,
The PSU administers
which provides free medical
Syria, Uganda and other
complaints and discipline
and health care to the rural
procedures in relation to
community. Many of the rural villagers in this region suffer from leprosy, loss of limbs
• Give thanks for the medical
clergy and church workers.
care being provided to people with leprosy.
• Pray for Lachlan Bryant,
• Pray for those with leprosy,
Director of PSU, and staff.
disabilities that otherwise
that they will receive the
Pray that they might work
would go without professional
medical care they need and
with diligence, resilience,
treatment. The love shown by
have their value affirmed.
the doctors and nurses at the
Pray that leprosy patients
medical centre is extraordinary
would be overwhelmed by
and wisdom in all dealings
the love of Christ for them.
with survivors of abuse and
due to land mines and other
peoples’ lives who, without their help, may never have
• Pray for unity amongst Christians and Christian
repentance for perpetrators of abuse.
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 16
as they work little miracles in
support and care. • Pray for justice, mercy
Pray for these students receiving bursaries to study theology at St Francis Theological College in Nigeria.
Home Focus: Rough Edges St John’s Anglican Church, Dauda Yakubu
Emmanuel Akau
Ezekiel Joshua
Darlinghurst Rough Edges is a centre for the street community of Darlinghurst and Kings Cross. • Pray for a more generous, less fear-driven and socially just Australian society.
Ibrahim Ayuba
Ibrahim Gona
Irmiya Yahaya
Lawan Ibrahim
• Pray that Rough Edges volunteers bless and are blessed by patrons. • Pray that God watches over and protects the street community. • Pray for the legal assistance program supported by Anglican Aid for homeless
Murtala Abdulkarim
Musa Fillibus
Saidu Bala
Yusuf Ibrahim
and vulnerable people.
Myanmar Growing Hope – Women and Children’s Development
DAY 10 Please pray for: • Pray for the farming and water projects that are
The Women’s and Children’s
proving to be effective in
Development project in
helping families become self-
Myanmar seeks both to
sustaining. Pray that whole
care for orphans and
families in Myanmar might
empower women.
be transformed by Christ. • Give thanks for women’s
Growing Hope is supporting
conferences being run
families who have taken in
through the Mothers’ Union
orphaned and disadvantaged
to see women grow in their
children and helping them
knowledge of God’s word
become self-sustaining
and how it applies to their
through targeted projects.
life. Pray for God to provide
Home Focus: Mothers’ Union (MU) • Pray for the Marriage and
members will continue to
necessary funds to ensure
Family Support seminars that
faithfully support their MU
The women’s conferences
that the conferences can be
MU Sydney runs. Pray that
sisters in Tanzania through
provide Biblically focused
developed and offered to
many young parents attend
prayer and financial giving.
training in mental and physical
more women.
and will be encouraged and
• Pray for the link between MU
• Pray for the church in
leadership, alcohol and drug
Myanmar as it faces many
abuse and basic human rights
challenges, especially those
through a deep understanding
who are persecuted for
of the Christian world view.
their faith.
enabled to stand firm in
Sydney and MU in Myanmar,
their Christian faith in today’s
that God will continue to
challenging society.
enable us to work together
• Pray for our MU Sydney overseas project, that our
for his glory and the spread of his word.
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 18
health, trauma, parenting skills,
DAY 11
Sierra Leone
Kanga Kids Civil war in Sierra Leone
Pray for the nation of Sierra Leone:
(1991-2002) left a generation of educationally-deprived
• Pray that the education
children and the national
system would continue to
education system in tatters.
improve and children will have access to high quality
Kanga Schools is seeking
education that will help
to improve Sierra Leone’s
create a stronger future
education system by providing
for the country.
schools with much needed
• Give thanks for the
classroom and recreational
teachers at Kanga
resources. They also help
Schools and pray for their
improve schools’ water and sanitation, and provide
professional development. • Pray for true stability,
Home Focus: Ministry of Mercy to Asylum Seekers Liverpool South Anglican Church Liverpool South has been
• Pray that the visa applications of Tamil asylum seekers are dealt with fairly and quickly. Pray also they might come to know Christ.
vocational skills to schools
sustained peace and a
reaching out to Tamil-speaking
and communities.
decisive end to government
people from Sri Lanka for the
who have moved to regional
past three years. The church
areas. Pray that they are
puts on special fellowship
accepted by these towns and
In addition to developing the
• Pray for a new women’s
• Pray for those asylum seekers
capacity of the education
empowerment program
lunches and assists practically
system, Kanga Kids is
being discussed with a
through providing subsidised
supporting vocational training
Mothers’ Union branch
groceries and other basic
Iraqi and Syrian families in
and six university students.
in Sierra Leone.
the Lurnea area.
welcomed by local churches. • Pray for connections with
DAY 12
Heart of Mercy School
Honey World
The Heart of Mercy School
Honey World is training
unemployment have
provides education to children
people in the Rusitu Valley
resulted in riots and
in the Zambesi Valley. Anglican
in beekeeping to improve
demonstrations against
Aid contributes towards
their livelihoods in a country
the government.
infrastructure construction
in great economic need.
in the school, resources and the purchase of software.
• Give thanks for the 250 bee hives that have been
Please pray:
set up in Rusitu village. • Pray for the volatile
• Pray for wisdom as
Home Focus: Anglican Media • Pray for the ministry of
marketing opportunities
Southern Cross in the
and a honey processing
churches – that people might
plant in the village are
be encouraged and built up
considered. • Pray that many
by the articles. • Please pray for the web
Zimbabwean economy.
Zimbabweans are lifted
outreach, sydneyanglicans.
can be drilled to provide
Acute cash shortages
out of poverty through
net and,
clean drinking water in
and extreme levels of
Honey World.
that people might visit and
• That more boreholes
the Gokwe province. • Pray for the provision of
take action. • Please pray for Russell Powell, CEO of Anglican
uniforms, and a van to
Media, that he might have
transport the children.
grace and wisdom when
• Pray for Heart of Mercy’s
he speaks to the secular
relationship with the
media and arranges press
government and the
releases and interviews
process of registration.
with our leaders.
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cutlery and kitchen utensils,
Water and the Prophets “My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water...” (Jeremiah 2:13)
“Come everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and whoever has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk, without money and without price.” (Isaiah 55:1)
Jeremiah uses water as a metaphor for
Spiritual thirst is satisfied in the life
both death and life. Broken, leaking and
that God gives. It is fulfilled in the great
Water both provides food for those who
dried-up water sources are symbolic of
promises and invitations of Jesus such
have it and enables them to share it with
the spiritually and morally bankrupt lives
as, “Come to me all who labour and are
those who have no food due to no water
of God’s people in rebellion against God.
heavy laden and I will give you rest”
– a challenge to the people of God to care
This is compared to the fountain of living
(Matthew 11:28).
for those in danger of all the ills that follow
waters found in the safety and joy of a forgiven relationship with God that is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus and his death and resurrection.
naked to clothe them...? If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted... you shall be like a well watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.” (Isaiah 58:6-11)
a lack of water security. There is a promise
“Is not this the fast that I choose...? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house, when you see the
here too, as water is used as metaphor to describe the life of the one who sacrifices to provide and discovers a satisfaction and contentment beyond their imagination.
DAY 13
International Nepal Fellowship Anglican Aid has a five year project with International
Home Focus:
Nepal Fellowship (INF) in
Living Water Community
response to the earthquake
Fellowship, Redfern
that struck Nepal in April 2015.
Living Water is a new Anglican The Gorkha Rehabilitation and
Church in the South Sydney
Community Empowerment
area that is seeking to connect
Project (GRACE) is located in
with the Indigenous community
the Gorkha District in Nepal and works to see people with disabilities fully included and
Please pray for Nepal: • Thank God for the
of Redfern and Waterloo. • Praise God for the construction of houses
• Pray for the church in its
involved in their communities.
wonderful work of our
for families with members
early stages, that they might
This is being achieved through
partner, INF.
living with a disability. Pray
be unashamed of the good
for all Nepalis rebuilding.
news of Jesus and see a
the building of earthquake-
• Pray for the staff that are deployed in the community.
• Pray for Nepal’s government
discipleship movement.
with disabilities, the building
Pray for their health, safety
and that the country would
• Pray for new believers at
of facilities for five special
and tasks. Pray that they
education schools, 90 self-
might have God’s wisdom
help groups and training and support in areas such as health, education and employment.
experience political stability.
the church, that they would
• Pray that the community
persevere in their faith.
and strength as they
would benefit from the
• Pray for the youth group
support needy people
GRACE Project and witness
that has been started.
in the community.
the love of God.
Pray for changed lives.
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 22
resistant houses for people
DAY 14
Emergency Aid for displaced Iraqis Since August 2014, Anglican
Many churches and other
sisters being persecuted.
Aid has supported people from
religious buildings have been
Pray that evil and terror
Northern Iraq who have fled as
opened to these people.
might be overcome by the
ISIS has taken over their cities
In the words of one priest,
power and love of Christ
and homes.
“these people are our guests”.
and His people. • Pray for the Iraqi defence
Amongst those most vulnerable are religious
Please continue to keep Iraq in your prayers.
minorities, including Christians and Yazidis, who face extreme persecution from ISIS. Anglican Aid partners with
force and other groups as
Home Focus: Secretariat and Registrar’s Office
they seek to reclaim cities claimed by ISIS.
• Pray for the Board and
• Thank God for our partner,
• Pray for displaced Iraqis
St George’s Cathedral in
in Lebanon, Syria and
Diocesan Secretariat as
elsewhere that they might
they serve the parishes and
be able to return home.
central organisations of the
• For Christian brothers and
Management of the Sydney
St George’s Cathedral in
Diocese by providing financial,
Baghdad and others who
administrative, property and
are providing emergency
legal services.
aid for many displaced Iraqis in Iraq and elsewhere.
• Pray for Acting CEO and Diocesan Secretary, Rob Wicks. • Pray for Doug Marr, the
Many Christians and other
Diocesan Registrar and
religious minorities are
Catherine Rich, the Assistant
unable to find refuge in
Registrar, and the team that
official refugee camps.
support them.
DAY 15
Heading North Anglican Aid is providing
Another key area of Heading
famine relief in Ethiopia
North ministry is facilitating
Bishop Grant and Dr Wendy
through our local Christian
discussion and problem
partner on the ground,
solving strategies which has
Program and students at
Heading North.
resulted in a joint community
St Frumentius’ College.
LeMarquand in Gambella. • Pray for the Child Survival
project to access water from Heading North provides
springs using pipes.
microloans to individuals so they can have a source of income and provide for their families. Loans are given for chicken farming and sheep fattening.
Keep praying for Ethiopia. • Pray for peace and an end to the political unrest. • Pray for the nation as they
Home Focus: Break the Cycle Glenquarie Anglican Church
Men’s Shed to provide
Break the Cycle works
troubled teenagers a
alongside the community by
mentoring program to rebuild a dead Go-Kart track.
continue to face devastating
supporting people who have
drought that leaves many
received fines by allowing
• Pray for people accessing
people vulnerable.
them to repay their debts
support from Break the
through community service,
Cycle that their lives would
as well as other services.
be impacted positively by
• Pray for Heading North and the increasing needs vulnerable children. • Give thanks for the Kale Heywet Church. Pray for
• Give thanks for the NSW
• Give thanks for Glenquarie
Police and the local Go-Kart
Anglican and Chaplain Stuart
track that have partnered
Woods who coordinates the
with the Chaplain at the
Break the Cycle program.
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 24
the program.
of orphans and other
DAY 16
The Bangalore Women’s
Empowering children with disabilities through Anugrah
Safe House supports women
The Anugrah Development
to share God’s love with the
in India subjected to violence
Program offers hope by
children’s parents.
The Anglican Education
and abuse.
improving identification
Bangalore Women’s Safe House
also for their families and the newly started family retreats that provide an opportunity
• Pray for the removal of
Home Focus:
Commission (Anglican EdComm)
and intervention for children
stigma and that communities
exists to advance the Diocesan
living with disabilities, and
would embrace and include
commitment to biblically-shaped
of survivors of domestic,
carrying out rehabilitation,
people living with disabilities.
ritual and cultural violence
education and promoting
and sexual assault. Pray for
inclusion in the community.
• Pray for the restoration
• Pray for strength and
provide the necessary funds for the program.
healing and re-integration back into society.
• Pray that the Lord would
• Pray for users of Anugrah living with disabilities. Pray
• Pray for good relationships with local government.
• Pray for the 2017 Christians in Teaching Conference on April 29 at which Dr Philip Dow from Rosslyn Academy
resilience for the team and
in Nairobi will be speaking
God to provide for all the
on the power of intellectual
staff needs.
character within Anglican
• Pray for expansion plans to open doors to women
and other Christian schools. • Pray that God will raise
and girls who have been
up thousands of mature,
removed from forced
committed Christians to teach
prostitution or trafficking
and lead our Anglican schools
over the coming decade.
DAY 17
Uganda Christian University
Church of Uganda
Anglican Aid and Uganda
Church of Uganda, improves
Christian University (UCU) have
food, nutrition and income
partnered together to recruit
security in Bugayi and Kitgum
and train the next generation
parishes by helping improve
of Gospel ministers in Uganda.
farming techniques to
Anglican Aid partner, the
increase crop yields. • Pray that the urgent need for theological training
• Pray for the Ugandan
in Uganda will be met
women who are the main
and future leaders of
recipients of the program.
the Ugandan Church be
Pray that they might be
theologically equipped
agents of change in their
for ministry. • Pray for the 7 students
families and communities. • Pray also for those in Kitgum
Home Focus: Macarthur Indigenous Church (MIC) Campbelltown Anglican Church
and restore the broken relationships between Indigenous and nonIndigenous people. Pray for
The Macarthur Indigenous
wisdom in his leadership
receiving scholarships from
Diocese recovering from
Reconciliation and Restoration
of MIC and as chaplain for
UCU to undertake a three
the effects of war and
Ministry was created to help
Dharwal Men’s Aboriginal
year theological course.
terror, for society to be
people reconcile and restore
rehabilitated as families
their relationships after
the Ugandan church. Pray for
were greatly impacted
generations of injustice.
protection against heresies
by child soldiers under
and for the church to remain
Joseph Kony.
• Give thanks for the growth of
with the Indigenous community of Macarthur
• Give thanks for Pastor
through community
Michael Duckett and his
gatherings, events and
deep passion to reconcile
practical assistance.
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 26
faithful to the word of God.
Corporation (DMAC). • Pray for good relationships
DAY 18
Alexandria Maternal and Child Health Program The Alexandria Maternal and
wisdom for the international community in knowing how to respond to the crisis.
prenatal care for Syrian
Alexandria School of Theology
refugee women and care for
Anglican Aid and the
children suffering malnutrition
Alexandria School of Theology
and other medical problems
(AST) are working together to
in Alexandria.
train Christian leaders, clergy
Child Health program provides
Home Focus: Christian Education Publications (CEP) & Anglican Schools Corporation (ASC)
and lay people to serve Christ
CEP provides churches and
ASC has a commitment to a
and His Church in the Middle
schools with resources to
strong evangelistic outreach
be able to minister with
East, North Africa and beyond.
support, nurture and encourage
strategy combined with the
wisdom, compassion and
children and youth.
provision of quality education
• Give thanks for the 5
• Pray that the team will
• Pray for these families and their daily difficulties:
students supported by Anglican Aid.
in its schools. • Pray that our ongoing dialogue with Education
• Pray for ASC as they promote
Queensland about the
in word and deed the Gospel
income, overcharged rent,
leaders and laypeople in
Connect curriculum would
of Jesus Christ to students,
discrimination from Egyptian
Egypt would have access to
lead to improved curriculum,
staff, parents and the wider
society, constant fear for the
Biblical training.
stronger QLD scripture work
having no work and
safety of those they’ve been separated from. • Pray for peace in Syria and
• Pray that more church
• Pray for Bishop Mouneer
and a healthy relationship
Anis, Primate of the Middle
with the QLD government
East and North Africa.
and QLD churches.
Water and Jesus John 4:4-15
Jesus walked on water and turned water
Water means survival, revival, refreshment,
People don’t become followers of Jesus
into wine but still needed to drink water.
life. Yes, because water means life, water
because they feed, drink, welcome and
becomes a metaphor for life.
visit. It is not salvation by works. They feed the hungry, refresh the thirsty, clothe the
Jesus, fully human and fully God, wearied
“If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, “Give me a drink,” you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” (John 4:10)
naked, welcome the stranger and visit the
and she had the technology to get the
When Jesus, King and Judge, separates the
water (John 4:11). The need for water was
sheep and goats, on the great judgement
real that day.
day, the sheep on his right (who are his
“Bear fruit in keeping with repentance... Whoever has two tunics share with those who have none, whoever (if I may paraphrase) has two T-Bone steaks or taps do the same...” (Luke 3:8, 11)
from travel and needed to rest and drink (John 4:6-7). He asked the Samaritan woman for a drink
sick and imprisoned because they are his people. Such behaviour is the fruit of faith. Says John the Baptist:
because he was thirsty, the well was deep
sheep because they are his family by grace He who in his humanity shared our
through faith) are described in this way:
common human biological/physiological experiences needed water security. Not the ignored either.
“I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me drink...” (Matthew 24:35)
What is the fruit that is in keeping with repentance when there are people starving due to drought, famine, neglect, exploitation, corruption, civil war, and terrorism?
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 28
main point of this passage, but not to be
DAY 19
Blessed to Bless
uses a range of initiatives to
livelihoods through various
In Zambia’s Copperbelt District,
enable children not currently
training and income
over half the population are
attending school to enrol in
generation opportunities.
illiterate and live below the
local primary and secondary
poverty line.
schools, offering them greater
Together with Blessed to
Home Focus: Youthworks College Youthworks College seeks to
• Pray for wisdom and
train a new generation of people
access to opportunities to
guidance for the governing
with a passion for sharing Jesus
succeed in life.
committee in Australia.
in children’s and youth ministry
• Thank God for the
Bless Association of Zambia, Anglican Aid is building the
At Ipalo Christian School
construction in 2016 and for
capacity of schools in the
programs for women are
the successful fundraising
Bulangililo district. The project
encouraging increased
that will enable Blessed to Bless to progress with building work in 2017. • Pray for children who have received an education through Blessed to Bless.
to serve the church. • Give thanks for the principal of the College, Bill Salier. • Give thanks for the students and pray that the Lord will raise up more people willing to train with Youthworks. • Pray for resources, energy and
Pray that they and their
creativity as well as how to
families can lift themselves
best progress the mission of
out of poverty.
the College to see the effective
• Pray for the development of a new education project in Lusaka with the Hope and Faith School.
evangelisation and discipling of young people. • Pray for the move to Moore College.
DAY 20
Projek Bali Kids
Projek Bali Kids works
The Annalevi HIV/AIDS
within Bali’s poorest
Education and Prevention
communities to provide
project aims to educate people
board and education for
living in remote areas of
470 vulnerable children
Indonesia about the causes of
from remote areas.
HIV and to treat those infected by the disease. Indonesia has a
• Give thanks for our partner,
growing HIV/AIDS epidemic.
the Widhya Asih Foundation and staff, and their heart to
• Pray for the training of
Home Focus: Moore Theological
care for children who have
volunteers to advocate
experienced the death or
for policy changes and
College (MTC)
abandonment of parents,
collaborate with the
Moore College provides in-
abuse etc.
community to implement
depth theological training in
from Zimbabwe undertaking the degree course. Both will return to their coutries to train churches. • Pray for Mark Thompson,
preventative strategies,
order to prepare men and
Principal, and Simon
receiving care from Projek
provide education sessions
women as thoroughly and
Gillham as he heads up the
Bali Kids. Pray that they
to schools and community
effectively as possible for
Centre for Global Mission,
would feel loved.
groups, deliver HIV
Christian ministry and mission.
expanding Moore’s training
• Pray for the children
to the world.
counselling and testing
• Pray that God will continue
Church of Bali that oversees
and provide contraception
the care of these children.
options and maternal
and his family from Egypt,
to raise up people to come
health care.
undertaking PhD study and
to Moore College prepared
Tawanda and Shupi Masango
to train for mission.
• Pray for George Bishai
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 30
• Pray for the Protestant
DAY 21
Home Focus: Dapto Street Crew
The Anglican Diocese of
• Pray especially for the
• Give thanks for the Rwandan
Dapto Anglican Church
Shyira, Northern Rwanda,
district of Gakenke, which
church, particularly the
Dapto Street Crew has a trailer
supports early education
was affected by floods due
Shyira Anglican Diocese.
that is set up to visit places
through over 200 preschools
to extremely heavy rainfall
• Pray for Rwanda. There are
that operate in church
in May 2016. Pray for the
still scars from the genocide.
The van serves as a base for
buildings during the week and
rebuilding of homes.
Pray for God’s healing.
young people three days a week.
where young people congregate.
charge only a nominal fee. For people living in poverty,
• Give thanks for the
this has created the option for
relationships developed
them to send their children to
between vulnerable youth in
Dapto and the Street Crew. • Give thanks for the provision
Since 2014, Anglican Aid
of a minibus and pray that
has supported five of the
funds will be available to paint
preschools to provide eggs to 500 children daily
and renovate the bus. • Pray for the special events
in Kabwende, Kabaya,
held during the year such
Karuganda, Gahunga, and
as the skateboarding
Kagitega Parishes.
competition. • Pray for staffing in 2017
• Pray the project might
as the youth worker who
reach its goal of expanding
has coordinated the
to 200 preschools.
program commences study at Moore College.
Anglican Aid’s Waterworks for a Thirsty World Waterworks for a Thirsty
importance of water in
World is a new campaign
developing communities and
by Anglican Aid focusing on
Anglican Aid’s fundraising
the water needs and water
events seeking to educate
solutions of this thirsty world.
people about it.
For one week in February (18–
• Thank God for the
26 Feb, 2017), we will partner
opportunity to raise funds
with churches, schools, groups
for needy communities. Pray
and individuals to raise money
for an enthusiastic response
for various water projects. Activities include events
from churches and schools. • Pray that the campaign
DAY 22
Home Focus: Anglicare Through Christ-centred
team of staff and workers. • Pray that Jesus Christ is
(dinners, lunches) and taking
would run smoothly, and
services and advocacy for
honoured, lives enriched and
on fundraising challenges.
pray for Lucy Lim as she
the marginalised and socially
communities strengthened as
During the week we are also
oversees it.
excluded, Anglicare reaches out
Anglicare serves those in need
• Thank God for our Global
with care that meets needs, and
Ambassadors. The week will
Ambassadors. Ask God to
shares the good news of Jesus in
finish with a celebration at
bless their ministries and
partnership with churches and
opportunity to partner
St Andrew’s Cathedral, 3pm
that they will bless others.
local communities.
with Diocesan organisations
launching Anglican Aid’s Global
• Pray for the projects that this campaign will support.
in serving refugees and asylum • Give thanks for the successful
seekers in the community and
Please pray for Waterworks.
Pray that they might be
merger of Anglicare and ARV.
pray that Christians will be
• Pray for increased
successful in communities
Pray for the new CEO, Grant
known for their love and care
living in poverty.
Millard, and the Anglicare
through this.
awareness of the
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 32
on 26 February 2017.
and shares the love of Jesus. • Give thanks for the
DAY 23
The Philippines
Home Focus: Hub of Hope
Bamboo Earth Homes
All Saints’ Anglican Church,
Bamboo Earth Homes (BERTH)
such as: organic farming
all involved, especially the
is a non-profit organisation
and other green initiatives,
young, in order to reverse
Born out of “Connect 09”,
which is assisting very low
community development, and
the rural urban migration as
the Hub of Hope is a ministry
income families in the
in building homes made of
well as to present a positive
to people residing in local
Philippines to acquire a home.
earth and bamboo.
alternative to gambling, drug
boarding houses.
addiction and alcohol abuse.
It encourages people to learn new skills, gain knowledge
The project provides
and acquire a practical
employment and character
understanding in many areas
transformation programs for
• Give thanks for effective • Pray that people would
partnerships with other
not just live a hand-to-
community agencies in caring
mouth existence, but
for the Boarding House
have the opportunity and
community of the Inner West
encouragement to discover
and the work of Matt Nutt in
their potential in improving
directing the Hub of Hope and
their condition.
showing our wider community
• Pray for honesty, justice and fairness to replace corruption and greed in the government. • Pray for the church to stand
the love of Jesus. • Please pray that many of the 100 plus people who attend a meal or receive a meal at
firm on Biblical truth and be
the Hub during the week will
united to one another. Pray
connect with Jesus through
that they might raise up and
the Christians of All Saints
send out more missionaries.
South Africa South African General Projects
AIDS. Pray for positive role
Anglican Aid works with the
that protect them from HIV
Reformed Evangelical Anglican
Church of South Africa
DAY 24
models and healthy choices
Home Focus: Church Missionary
• Pray for George Whitefield
(REACH) and other partners
College that trains church
Society (CMS)
assisting poor and struggling
leaders for South Africa
CMS is a fellowship of
and countries across Africa.
Christian people and churches
• Pray for Fisher’s Net in
and are supported through
committed to global mission.
• Pray for Timion Disability
Durban, assisting children
mentoring and microfinance
CMS works with churches to
Services bringing hope to
through a sports ministry,
loans to start a business.
set apart long-term workers
disabled children and their
and for Elijah and Rachel
families in Jeffrey’s Bay.
Mthembu who lead that
• Pray for Ntsiki who leads a program at Port Elizabeth Church, mentoring high school students in townships. • Pray for Nat Schluter,
Umthombo weMpilo Umthombo weMpilo helps rescue and rehabilitate
who cross cultures to share • Pray for the many women trapped in South Africa’s brothels. Pray for women
• Praise God for the growing
to feel empowered to
number of people applying
have a choice.
and being approved for
• Pray for safety for staff who
women who have been
Bible College.
caught up in sex trafficking
and pray with the women.
in Johannesburg’s Hillbrow
• Pray for Hillbrow Anglican
enter these brothels to meet
missionary service with CMS. • Pray that the Lord will lead missionaries to those He is calling to himself, and enable
supporting children and
region. Women are given a
Church, its pastor and
them to speak the Gospel
young people impacted by
hand to leave the sex industry
leaders to support the staff.
courageously and wisely.
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 34
Principal at Johannesburg • Pray for Hillcrest AIDS Trust,
the Gospel.
Water and the New Creation “The angel showed me a river that was crystal clear, and its waters gave life. The river came from the throne where God and the Lamb were seated. Then it flowed down from the middle of the city’s main street. On each side of the river are trees that grow a different kind of fruit each month of the year. The fruit gives life, and the leaves are for the healing of the nations”. (Revelation 22:1-2)
Water is at the heart of the vision, a crystal clear river, life-giving water, its source from the throne of God.
“Whoever is thirsty, come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture says, out of their heart will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:37-38)
It is picture and picture perfect. It is metaphor and metaphor majestic. Water
The trees produce the fruit and their leaves
means life. No water, no life. Abundant
have healed the nations! Will the nations be
water (a crystal clear river), abundant life.
healed by multi-lateral discussions by world powers? The UN Security Council? Donald
This abundance is emphasised in the
Trump? Or by Jesus?
next verse. Fruit trees producing a fruit The vision of John fulfils the prophecy of
of the month. Are there twelve varieties
Ezekiel 47:12 and signals the New Creation
of fruit trees, or one magnificent tree
in the restoration and recreation of the
species that produces different fruit from
Garden of Eden.
its branches? Take your pick! It is a symbol of life in Christ as Jesus himself says:
God and the Lamb are on the throne. God is ruling the new creation. The curse has been removed (v3) through the Lamb that was slain. God’s people are secure forever.
“Whoever believes in me will never thirst.” (John 6:35).
“This gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)
Tanzania Education and CMS linked programs
DAY 25
• Pray for Matt and Samantha
Kasagara who was
Archer (CMS) as Matt leads
supported by Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid funds the
the training at the vocational
to undertake a management
creation and printing of Braille
development program in
textbooks for the Buigiri School for the Blind in the
Lake Rukwa Diocese
capital, Dodoma. Bunda Girls
Anglican Aid supports the
School provides 320 girls with
Lake Rukwa Diocese in their
a quality secondary education.
capacity building projects,
Bunda Vocational and
including distance theological
Training Centre provides skill
education for church leaders
development to young men
and development projects.
living in rural villages.
Home Focus: Food Distribution St Philip’s Anglican Church, Auburn
• Pray for asylum seekers being housed in Auburn.
The church provides food
Pray that they might be
vouchers to offer relief for
settled long-term and be free
up church leaders to enable
asylum seekers connected
to bring their families and
who has recently become
them to plant more churches
to the ministry of the church.
build their lives in Australia.
Head Teacher at Buigiri
in the diocese.
• Pray that God would raise • Pray for Samwel Johnson
• Pray for the bishop as
Pray for their immediate • Pray for Goodson Muleya in
needs of food, housing and access to essential services.
he travels to parishes to
his role as evangelist and for
Principal of Bunda Girls
meet with confirmation
his outreach to the Auburn
School and Helen Hoskins
community. Pray for God’s
effective connection with the
strength and enabling to
thousands of migrants in the
love, serve and meet the
parish who have never heard
needs of new migrants.
the Gospel.
(Retired CMS), Chaplain as they provide leadership to the staff and students.
• Give thanks for the development of a preschool. • Pray for Bishop Mathayo
• Pray for St Philip’s and for
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 36
• Pray for Deninsia Jerome,
DAY 26
Home Focus: Women in Need Syria
Good Shepherd School Rev Emil and his wife, Reem, run the Good Shepherd School in Lebanon which provides medicine, food, clothing and psychological support for Syrian refugee children. • Praise God for Rev Emil,
Anglican Aid’s Refugee Sponsorship Program
strengthened and sustained
Women in Need Syria (WINS)
Ben & Sally Bathgate
in their work.
supports vulnerable women
Ben and Sally Bathgate have
through the provision of skills
lived in a Middle Eastern
a mini-bus to pick up and
training and food assistance.
country where they developed
drop off children.
• Pray for the provision of
Many women have lost their
relationships with refugees from
• Pray for the Syrian refugee
husbands and some have
Syria and Iraq. God has opened
children and their families.
resorted to prostitution to
doors for a program that assists
Pray for healing from
feed their families.
Sydney churches in sponsoring
Reem and their six children.
trauma and the provision
Pray that they would be
of necessities.
refugees from the Middle East to • Pray for the protection
live in Australia.
and safety of the women attending skills training. • Pray for the Syrian church
• Pray for families befriended by Ben and Sally that Anglican
as they respond to the great
Aid are sponsoring to come
need surrounding them and
to Australia. Pray that their
as they communicate faith,
applications for humanitarian
hope and love in their care for the most vulnerable. • Pray for peace to return
visas might be granted. • Give thanks for the churches at Liverpool South, Gladesville,
to Syria and the bloodshed
Wollongong and others
to end.
that have agreed to provide practical support to these families on arrival.
DAY 27
Over 70,000 Sudanese people
NuWEDA receives help from
continue to vie for power.
are displaced and live in camps
Anglican Aid to provide basic
Pray that those who are
spiritually strong despite
near Khartoum. These camps
nutrition for their children and
displaced will be able to
suffering and persecution.
lack basics such as water,
reduce the incidence of malaria,
return to their homes and
Give thanks for growth
hospitals and schools.
typhoid and malnutrition.
feel safe.
over the past few years.
Some women in these camps
• Give thanks for NuWEDA.
(mostly widows or single
Pray that they would be able
mothers) have formed the
to access resources needed
Nuba Women for Education
to help people in camps.
• Pray for the church to grow
Home Focus: Common Ground Corrimal Anglican Church
and Development Association
• Pray for peace and stability
(NuWEDA) and set up a school
between tribal groups and
Common Ground develops
which caters for 350 children.
military commanders who
healthy children in healthy
Common Ground. • Give thanks for the weekly
families in the Corrimal
kids club and exercise class/
parish by providing a
lunch for women hosted by
healthy community of care that provides preventative
Corrimal Anglican. • Pray for the children in
education and long-term
the Corrimal parish who
stable relationships.
are impacted by family breakdown, substance abuse, mental illness, homelessness,
friendships that have
unemployment etc. Pray
been forged between
that these children’s families
Corrimal Anglican Church
would be able to access
and families involved with
support and be transformed.
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 38
• Thank God for the
DAY 28
Pacific Islands
In March 2015, the southwest
the leadership of Bishop
the SU campsite at Point
pacific nation of Vanuatu was
James Ligo as he oversees
Pango and that the funding
hit hard by Cyclone Pam.
the development of a
target would be met.
In February 2016, a cyclone hit Fiji causing the destruction of entire villages. Anglican Aid supporters responded generously on both
women’s safe house.
• Pray for Dean Claude Fong
Home Focus: Ministry Training and Development (MT&D) MT&D is committed to strategies
Toy of the Holy Trinity
which will multiply the number
Vanuatu as they continue
Cathedral in Suva, Fiji as he
of well-trained persons in order
to rebuild after Cyclone Pam.
assists in organising ongoing
to enable parish churches to
relief and aid in Maniava.
expand numerically, equip and
• Pray for the people of
• Pray for the rebuilding of
nurture their members.
occasions providing support to the relief efforts.
• Pray that the Lord will raise up
Anglican Aid has partnered
• Pray that the Lord will give Rev
with Scripture Union to help
Gary O’Brien, Rev Rob Smith,
raise funds for the rebuilding
Amanda Mears and Christine
of a campsite at Point Pango
Pollett discernment in their
in Vanuatu which is used by
selection process of ordination
school groups.
candidates for Gospel
workers for the harvest.
ministry. Pray for Vanuatu and Fiji: • Give thanks for the Anglican Diocese of Vanuatu under
• Pray that the Lord will help MT&D in their ministry development and training to equip men and women for faithful and fruitful ministry.
DAY 29
Please pray for our own nation, Australia. • Thank God for the peace and prosperity so many of us in this country enjoy. • Thank God for the freedom Christians have to worship and proclaim the name of Jesus. • Praise Him for those who have come to faith in Australia through having access to the Gospel message. Pray for the church to continue to reach the unreached in our country.
• Pray for the empowerment
farmers. In a country
• Pray for repentance for
prone to severe weather
the times our nation has
with integrity.
conditions, pray that they
gone our own way and
might see their crops
not honoured God as He
give our country wisdom
through to harvest. Pray
deserves. Repent of our
Australia’s Indigenous
and compassion in making
for wisdom about how to
greed and selfishness. Pray
community as they continue
decisions about how we treat
sustainably manage our
that our government might
to experience the effects of
asylum seekers and refugees.
land and natural resources
continue to increase the
in light of a warming climate.
amount given to foreign aid.
message of love and justice to spread across our nation. • Pray for strength for
• Pray that the Lord might
• Pray for strength for our
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 40
of our government to act
• Join us in asking for God’s
DAY 30
Work Outside the Diocese Home Focus:
Global Anglicans Future Conference (GAFCON) • Pray for the Chairman and Primates of the GAFCON
Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (FCA)
Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion (EFAC)
Community Capacity
• Praise God for the 460
• Give thanks for Anglican
Community Capacity and
and Leadership St Mark’s Sadleir Anglican Church
council at the third GAFCON
Anglican leaders from
Church leaders around the
Leadership offers a hand
conference to be held in
different backgrounds and
world. Pray that they might
of friendship to migrants in
Jerusalem in 2018.
traditions who meet together
have wisdom and grace to
the Sadleir area through a
• Pray for former Archbishop,
and are committed to the
lead in such a way that Jesus
“friendship group” that offers
Peter Jensen, in his role in
authority of the Bible and
is glorified.
fellowship and ESL activities.
the GAFCON movement as
orthodox Christian beliefs.
General Secretary.
Mission Consultations • Pray for Bishop James
• Thank God for the friendships that have been formed between new migrants and
Wong of the Diocese of the
people from St Mark’s. Pray
Seychellles and his ongoing
that these migrants would
discussions with Anglican
feel welcomed, loved and
Aid, CMS and Moore College
supported in a new country.
about theological education
• Pray for ESL Bible studies
and training needs of
– that God’s word would
his diocese.
transcend any linguistic
• For a pilot water security
boundaries and many
project being planned for
migrants would come to
one of Madagascar’s remote
understand and respond
and arid dioceses.
in faith to the Gospel.
Anglican Aid Staff & Board
DAY 31
Board Members • Pray for our Governance
• Please pray for Rev Brett
• Pray for Bishop Peter Tasker
Officer part-time), Lucy
Board: Bishop Peter Tasker
Hall as he prepares to get
as he travels extensively. Pray
Lim (Waterworks Event
(Chairman), Mr Doug Marr,
married in April, 2017.
for safety and good health.
Coordinator part-time),
Mr David Dennis, Rev Robert
• Pray that God would grant
• Pray for effective governance
Natasha Green (Media and
Stewart, Rev Brett Hall, Dr
the board wisdom and insight
and for our relationship
Communications Officer
Keith Walker, Rev Canon
as they deliberate upon the
with Christian Ministry
part-time) and Bronte Rivers
Peter Rodgers, Mrs Emma
various partnerships and
Advancement as we seek
(Media and Communications
Penzo and Rev John Menear.
priorities of Anglican Aid.
accreditation with their Standards Council.
Staff Members • Please pray for our staff:
Officer part-time). • Please pray for Anglican Aid’s staff team to grow in its capacity and skills to serve our various partners in
Rev David Mansfield
providing Christian aid to the
(Executive Officer), Eddie
vulnerable. Please pray for
Ozols (Operations Manager
Michelle Chase as she joins
part-time), Michelle Chase
us as Executive Manager.
(Executive Manager part-
• Thank God for the generosity of those willing to give of
Officer part-time), Faith
their time voluntarily to
Costin (Donor Relations
support Anglican Aid. In
part-time), Warren Richards
particular please thank
(Finance Officer part-time),
God for the voluntary work
Aiden McCorkindale (Project
of Ron Balderston.
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 42
time), Virginia Lee (Donations
A letter from the CEO
DEAR PRAYING FRIENDS, My extra-curricular activity, hobby if you like,
When I began working for Anglican Aid he said
Helping them get to Australia or another third
for the last twelve months has been to write a
to me on one occasion how much good work he
country where they can seek asylum is a high
book of stories by and about the much loved
thought our small organisation was doing. He
priority. Please pray for this ministry and these
Australian evangelist and Bible teacher, Canon
gleaned this from our Prayer Diary, revealing the
precious people.
John Chapman.
further breadth and depth of his prayerfulness.
As I have been scouring the country (and beyond)
2017 is going to be a very challenging one
basic resource of water where there is drought
for Chappo stories, one theme that keeps
for Anglican Aid for three reasons:
and famine, communities where children
2) Our focus on providing many communities the
recurring is his prayerfulness for so many family,
are in danger of water-borne diseases and
friends, co-workers, missionaries and Christian
1) Our commitment to refugees and Internally
organisations, including Anglican Aid’s partners
Displaced People (IDPs) continues to stretch
communities in need of potable water sources. Our initiative Waterworks for a Thirsty World
throughout the world.
our resources. The ever-worsening and
in the early months of 2017 highlights these
traumatic situations in Syria, South Sudan,
needs and how we can provide this precious
Missionaries have told stories of receiving calls
Iraq and Yemen, areas of the world where we
resource. In February we are holding our
out of the blue from Chappo to assure them of his
have been helping some of the world’s most
Waterworks Week culminating in a service
prayers: pastors who’d only had a little to do with
vulnerable people for several years, means
of celebration at St Andrew’s Cathedral on
John while training, discovered that they were in
that we are redoubling our efforts through
February 26 at 3pm. At this service we will
his extensive prayer notes; and church planters
our partners on the ground in these or
also commission Anglican Aid’s six Global
for whom he was consistent in prayer.
neighbouring countries where they flee.
How we work 3) Our growing involvement in resourcing
God willing, the book of Chappo stories will be
Anglican Aid is the relief and aid
theological training and education, mainly
published and launched on 30 November 2017
agency of the Sydney Anglican Church.
(but not exclusively) in Africa. This has always
at St Andrew’s Cathedral. The book seeks to
We work with likeminded, on-the-
been a priority for Anglican Aid through our
honour John’s life, his friendships and, above all,
ground partners to let God’s grace
Overseas Ministry Fund and we are ramping
the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. What does
flow to vulnerable people around the
up this great need. We are helping to roll out
this have to do with Anglican Aid and this Prayer
world and in Sydney. Our Overseas
a comprehensive theological and leadership
Diary? All the proceeds from the sale of the book
Relief and Aid projects seek to express
training programme across the nine Anglican
will go towards supporting theological education
the love and compassion of Christ
Dioceses of DR Congo. We are also involved
and leadership development in Africa - something
through working towards the relief of
in major support for the George Whitefield
for which Chappo’s heart was on fire!
poverty and suffering. Additionally, our
College (GWC) and the colleges where GWC
non tax-deductible Overseas Ministry
graduates are teaching and leading in other
Once again, my heartfelt thanks for
projects support theological training
parts of Africa.
your prayerful support.
and development of men and women in the majority world. We also partner
In all these new and ongoing initiatives, thank you
Let grace flow,
for your prayers and gifts.
with Sydney Anglican churches through our Community Care projects to are reaching out to marginalised
David Mansfield (CEO)
people in our city.
2017 PRAYER DIARY | 44
support existing ministries that
Development COUNTRY
Sustainable Livelihoods (Gahini Diocese)
Church Partnership Program Congo (Dioceses of Kinshasa, Kasai and Katanga and Aru)
Sierra Leone
Kanga Kids
South Africa
Fisher's Net Sports in School Ministry
Nth Kivu Diocese Capacity Building
South Africa
Intsika Community Outreach
School Dental Prevention and Education (Aru Diocese)
South Africa
Othandweni AIDS Respite Unit
Straight Talk Among Youth in Schools (STAYS)
South Africa
Timion Disability Program
Training Dentists for the Congo (TREAT)
South Africa
Umthombo weMpilo
Refugee Assistance and Medical Program (RAMP)
Children's Nutrition/Jabarouna IDP Camp
Child Survival Ethiopia
Ethiopian Famine (Support for Life)
Damascus Church Aid and Women in Need Syria (WINS)
Fiji Cyclone Emergency Relief
Buigiri Braille School, Dodoma
Anugrah Disabilities (Dehra Dun)
Bunda Girls Secondary School
Bangalore Women's Safe House
Discipleship and Development (Mara Diocese)
Eye Openers, Visakhapatnam
Karagwe Disabilities
Project Transformation, Parivarthana
Lake Rukwa Pre School and Capacity Building
St Andrews School, Hyderabad
Mara Young Men's Vocational Training
Annalevi HIV/AIDS Education and Prevention
Sustainable Livelihoods (Bugayi Parish)
Projek Bali Kids
Sustainable Livelihoods (Kitgum Diocese)
Vanuatu Emergency Appeal - SU Campsite
Angaza Beyond (Nairobi informal settlements)
Women's Care Centre
Good Shepherd School for Syrian Refugees
Growing Hope - Women and Children's Development
Hope and Faith Christian School, Lusaka
Gorkha Rehabilitation & Community Empowerment (GRACE) Project
Zambian Children's Development (B2B), Chingola
Heart of Mercy School, Kotwa
Exodus 5 Miracle Ministries
Honey World Zimbabwe, Rusitu
Victoria Hospital, Multan
Rock Solid Education - Petra Schools, Bulawayo
BERTH - Bamboo Earth Homes
Egg a Day (Shyira Diocese)
Theological Training and Leadership Development
Community Care
Church Development & Discipleship
DRC Kindu
Kindu Leadership Development
Caring for Asylum Seekers & Refugees
Bukavu Leadership Development
Reconciliation and Restoration Ministry
Aru Leadership Training
New Settlers
Alexandria School of Theology
Common Ground
St Frumentius’ College Gambella
Dapto Street Crew
Katakwe TEE program
Rough Edges
Training at Youthworks (Sydney)
Scarred Tree
Mothers’ Union Sydney Training
Break the Cycle
St Francis’ College Wusasa
All Saints Community Care
South Africa
Johannesburg Bible College
Hub of Hope
South Sudan
Kajo Keji Leadership Development
Pitt Town
Healthy Families, Healthy Communities
Lake Rukwa Conferences
Port Kembla
Warrawong Readers
Kowak College Rorya Diocese
Living Water
St John's University
Bunda Bible College
Lunch & Leisure Club
Kagera Secondary Teacher Training
Building Community and Leadership
Uganda Christian University
South Coogee
Bookworms Reading Group
George Whitefield College (South Africa)
South Liverpool
Ministry of Mercy to Asylum Seekers (MOMAS)
Moore College (Sydney)
South Sydney
Migrant Support
Thank you for your prayerful support! If you would also like to support Anglican Aid financially, please fill out the slip below, call us or donate online. Let grace flow against poverty, abuse, illiteracy and hunger for the world’s most vulnerable people. Name .......................................................................................................................................... Address ...................................................................................................................................... ..............................................................................Postcode ...................................................... Phone ..................................... Email ....................................................................................... I would like my dollar a day to support:
I pledge the following amount:
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Anglican Aid (tax deductible) Please select:
Overseas programs Local programs
$365 for this year only $30 per month $_________ per month
Overseas Ministry (non-tax deductible)
Or alternatively please accept my one-off donation of:
¨ $50 ¨ $100 ¨$200 ¨ My choice $__________ ¨
Please send me information on leaving a bequest in my will
My preferred method of payment is:
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Cheque/Money Order (cheques payable to ‘Anglican Aid’) Direct Transfer (please email with your details) ANGLICAN AID BSB: 032078 Acc No. 253493 OVERSEAS MINISTRY BSB: 032078 Acc No. 253514 Credit Card Please charge my:
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One of the students at the Good Shepherd School for Syrian refugees in Lebanon, celebrating International Teacher’s Day in March 2016.
“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.” 2 CORINTHIANS 8:9 (NIV)
For more information please contact us at: Phone: (02) 9284 1406 Email: PO Box Q190, QVB Post Office NSW 1230
Children collecting water in Tanzania