Let Grace Flow
PRayer list GENERAL
Bible Reflection
Emergency Appeals for Natural Disasters
Bible Reflection
Displaced People 5
General Health Projects 7
Archbishop’s Office and Assistant Bishops
Water Security, Sanitation and Hygiene
Evangelism and Church Planting
Specialist Health Projects 12
Diocesan Ministry Organisations
Preschool and Primary Education
Diocesan Services Support 14
Rescuing Women in Sexual Servitude
Ministry in Schoolds
Food Security 22
Bible and Ministry Training in the Diocese
High School Education & Vocational Training
Work Outside the Diocese
Disability Support 27
Anglican Aid Board and Staff
Micro-financing & Income Generation
29 DAY
Rural Bible Schools 4
Refugee and New Settler Support
Diploma Level Bible College Training
Vulnerable Young People 15
Undergraduate Theological Education
Community Chaplaincy 21
Theological Education in Australia
Sydney’s Homeless and Vulnerable People
In-Service Training of Clergy at Conferences
Bible Ministry and Training in the Diocese
Ministry to Indigenous Australians
A prayer for Mission 2020
Heavenly Father,
Our heavenly Father, fill our lives with the fruit of your Spirit, so that we may walk in joyful obedience, share your love by word and deed, and see Christ honoured in every community as Lord and Saviour.
Whose will it is that all people be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth, and whose will it is that we care for the poor, needy, widows, orphans and refugees.
We pray for the work of the Archbishop of Sydney’s Anglican Aid. We pray for your grace to fulfil every good work that you have prepared for us in advance to do as we anticipate the triumphant return of our King and Saviour, in whose name we pray. Amen.
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FROM THE ARCHBISHOP Dear Friends, “When He took the scroll, the four living creatures and the 24 elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of the saints” Revelation 5:8 (NIV). These words were written by the apostle John exiled on the island of Patmos as he grasped at the very limits of language and images to convey the revelations he had received through the Spirit. In the midst of the drama unfolding around the throne of the Lamb, John includes a small detail that could be easily overlooked. The living creatures and elders hold gold bowls filled with prayers of the saints. The prayers of God’s people are before the Lamb and like incense, they are pleasant to him. Prayer is indeed one of the many joys of the Christian life. It is a privilege to call on you to join in praying for the Lord’s work and those engaged in his service. This prayer diary details the work of Anglican Aid as they extend the love of Christ to the afflicted, poor and vulnerable around the world and closer to home. I trust it will be a helpful resource to assist you in praying both regularly and thoughtfully for this work. The year 2015 was a particularly confronting year in regards to the large-scale suffering that many in our world experienced through natural and humanitarian disasters. The Apostle John’s original readers of the letter of Revelation, who endured severe persecution from the Roman Empire, may have been more able than ourselves to empathise with this suffering. It is important that in our relative comfort and prosperity we continue to pray for and act on behalf of those who are the most vulnerable and needy in our local and international community.
Anglican Aid partners with churches in the Sydney Diocese and surrounding areas to enable them to serve the needs of people in their local communities. The vision of this work is that it is done on a grass-roots level, supporting and backing the ministry already being done through our churches. Along with my wife Dianne, I want to extend my thanks for your ongoing prayerful support of our Diocesan family in Christ. I am grateful for the many Diocesan organisations and support services that seek to see Christ honoured as Lord and Saviour in Sydney and to the ends of the earth.
May God bless you richly in the coming year!
Grace and peace,
Glenn Davies Archbishop of Sydney
The Overseas Relief and Development work of Anglican Aid is in communities around the world to break the generational cycles of poverty, abuse, exploitation and neglect. It seeks to lift people out of poverty and empower them to have control over their lives and futures. The Overseas Ministry Fund provides resources in Africa to see men and women from very poor, under-resourced dioceses trained in handling God’s word and equipped for a wide range of ministries and leadership opportunities in their communities. 2016 PRAYER DIARY
“After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed: ‘Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you’.”
Bible Reflection John 17:1
Archbishop’s Office & Assistant Bishops ·· Pray for Glenn as he represents and speaks on behalf of our Sydney Diocesan family and for Christian people right across our country on many critical spiritual and social issues facing our nation throughout 2016.
What an astonishing thing it is to be taught how to pray by the Son of God (e.g. ‘The Lord’s Prayer’). And how astonishing to have written down for us the very words of the prayer that the Son of God prays to his Father on the day of his death.
·· Pray for the vision and leadership he gives the diocese regarding 2020 Mission.
·· Pray for his family, a good ministry/rest balance, his personal walk with Jesus, physical and emotional stamina and wisdom in many issues that require his leadership, discernment and decision making.
‘My time has not yet come,’ said Jesus to his mother back in John 2. ‘The hour has come,’ announced Jesus when he was sought out by some Greeks at the Passover (John 12:20-23). That time was his impending death when he would pay the penalty our sin deserves. And, beyond astonishment, that sin bearing death would glorify both the Son and the Father. GLORIFY YOUR SON The glory of something is its heart and character on full blazing view for all to see. The fullness of God’s character, his grace and truth (John 1:14), his wrath and mercy, his justice and love will be no more brilliantly displayed than in this death. THAT YOUR SON MAY GLORIFY YOU As the Son of God is glorified in his ‘obedience unto death, even death on a cross,’ (Philippians 2:8) and ‘exalted to the highest place … to the glory of God the Father’ (Philippians 2:9,11), glory comes to both Son and Father through ‘the one true sacrifice for sin made once for all upon the cross.’
·· Pray for the chairmanship of many vital boards, committees, and our Diocesan Synod.
THE ASSISTANT BISHOPS ·· Pray for Bishops Michael Stead (South Sydney Region), Ivan Lee (Western Sydney Region), Peter Hayward (Wollongong and Macarthur Region), Chris Edwards (Northern Region), Peter Lin (Georges River Region) and Peter Tasker (International Relations). ·· Thank God for outgoing Bishop Robert Forsyth and his ministry in the South Sydney Region. ·· Pray for Bishop Ivan Lee, his wife Virginia and their family as Ivan recovers from major surgery and undergoes chemotherapy to recover from serious illness. PREVIOUS ARCHBISHOPS ·· Pray for past Archbishops Peter Jensen, Harry Goodhew and Donald Robinson in their ongoing ministry throughout the Sydney Diocese and overseas.
You are invited to pray through this diary for men and women, boys and girls throughout the world with many great needs. Provision for their forgiveness, as ours, is found only in this great glorifying work of God the Son, and God the Father. 2016 PRAYER DIARY
As we pray for their many needs, pray above all for their salvation.
Emergency Appeals for Natural Disasters The year 2015 was marked by a great number of large-scale natural disasters resulting in immense loss and tragedy for many people around the world. Anglican Aid would like to extend its thanks to those who gave generously to support relief efforts. This money was directed to our local partners on the ground to support their work in meeting the needs of people in disaster areas. VANUATU · Pray for wisdom for the Anglican Diocese of Vanuatu as they continue to implement long-term development strategies and rebuild after the devastation caused by Cyclone Pam in March, 2015.
Rural Bible Schools & Leadership Training THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO
Berea Bible College · Pray for the five students who were previously subsistence farmers from poor, rural villages. Pray that they might be well equipped for full-time ministry in the Kindu Diocese.
Bukavu Bible College · Pray for those receiving Bible training that they might be able to see gospel transformation in their villages that face the challenges of ancestor worship, extreme poverty and violence from militia and rebel groups. · Pray that the college would be able to start a library and become increasingly self-sufficient.
Aru Leadership College · Pray for wisdom for Bishop Ande Titre (pictured) and the five teachers at the college. · Pray for the students that God would sustain their families as the Diocese stretches hundreds of kilometres and many students have to leave their families to study. TANZANIA
Mt Kilimanjaro Munguishi Bible College NEPAL · Pray for the ongoing rebuilding efforts of schools, health centres and government buildings after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake in April, 2015. Pray for increased access to affordable building materials.
· Pray for the six students receiving a bursary from Anglican Aid at Mt Kilimanjaro Munguishi Bible School. · Pray for the school as they consider income generating projects to support the students.
· Pray for disabled people being supported by our partner, International Nepal Fellowship (INF). · Pray for those who continue to grieve for loved ones who died and that Christians would be resourced with wisdom and strength to care for those who are suffering.
Anglican Aid also supported a disaster relief project in South Sudan in 2015.
Anglican Aid also support rural Bible training in the Katakwe Diocese in Kenya and the Lake Rukwa Diocese in Tanzania.
Displaced People SYRIANS
· Pray for our partner, Refuge Egypt, which is providing affordable healthcare to Syrian refugee children and infants in Alexandria, Egypt. The centre focuses on addressing common health related issues for children and infants including malnutrition and rickets. · Pray for the physiotherapist supported by Anglican Aid who is working with disabled Syrian children in Jordan. Pray also for an Anglican Minister in Lebanon who is providing pastoral support, trauma counselling and education for displaced Syrian children. IRAQ · Pray for the many Christians and Yazidis from Mosul who have become displaced after the city fell to the Islamic State (ISIS) in June, 2014. These people were forced to convert to Islam or face death and this resulted in many fleeing their homes. They are being sheltered in different religious buildings. Pray for their safety. · Thank God for the generosity of his people in responding to this crisis. Praise Him also for the medical grants that were distributed for medical emergencies and assistance for families with disabled children. SOUTH SUDAN · Pray for an end to the brutal war unfolding in the Sudan between warring government and rebel militia groups. Pray also for the South Sudanese church as they provide a platform for negotiations. · Thank God for the projects of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan supported by Anglican Aid. The Church is active in addressing the issue of food security amongst Sudanese refugees in the Kajo Keji Diocese through the provision of farming tools and seeds. Pray that these people would grow in their ability to be self-sustaining.
Evangelism & Church PLanting EVANGELISM & NEW CHURCHES (ENC) · Give thanks to God for outgoing director of ENC Rev Bruce Hall. · Pray for Rev Phil Wheeler as he transitions into the role as the new ENC Director and picks up the reins of a very diverse and varied role. Pray that he would be blessed by his training in evangelistic preaching at Moore College. · Pray that God would provide a part-time accountant. · Pray for Sophie Lin in her administrative assistant role. · Praise God for those he has already called to church planting and evangelism. Pray that He would strengthen and encourage them by His Spirit in their ministries. · Pray that God might be pleased to raise up people with a heart to plant new churches, both pioneering and multisite planting. · Pray for God to raise up more workers for the harvest; evangelists and church planters to reach our increasingly multicultural city with the good news of Jesus. LIST OF SUPPORTED EVANGELISTIC CHURCH PLANTS: · Soma Church (Marsfield) · Berkeley Life Centre (Berkeley) · Soul Revival (Kirrawee) · Living Water Community Fellowship (South Sydney) · Castle Cove Anglican (Castle Cove) · Grace City Church (Green Square) · Ropes Crossing Church (Ropes Crossing)
Anglican Aid also supports Burundian refugees fleeing from conflict to the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia and Egypt.
General Health Projects
Diploma Level Bible College Training ETHIOPIA
Malaria Prevention and Treatment:
St Frumentius Bible College:
· Thank God for the malaria education seminars being held at antenatal and pre-school vaccination clinics through the Congolese Anglican Church. Praise him for the marked decrease in deaths from malaria.
· Thank God for the dramatic growth that the Anglican Church has been experiencing in Ethiopia’s Gambella People’s Region.
· Pray for increased participation of community leaders in malaria prevention activities.
· Pray for Bishop Grant LeMarquand and Principal of St Frumentius Anglican Theological College, Johann Vanderbijl. Pray for them as they teach the students, many of whom have had little education. · Thank God for the College’s official opening that occurred in November, 2015. SOUTH SUDAN
Carlisle College, Kenya: · Pray for the five South Sudanese students who are studying at Carlisle College in Kenya that they might be well prepared for a life of leadership and ministry. Anglican Aid funds anti-malarial medicine that saves lives.
STAYS (Straight Talk Among Youth in Schools): · Pray for the Straight Talk Among Youth in Schools (STAYS) program which educates students about HIV prevention, provides strategies to reduce gender-based violence and provides counselling for women traumatised by wars in the DRC. INDONESIA
· The students would like to request prayer for peace in their home country and an end to the violence and bloodshed. NIGERIA
St Francis College: · Pray for the 40 students at St Francis College who receive 50 per cent bursaries from Anglican Aid to assist with their studies to become ordained ministers in the Anglican Church.
Annalevi HIV/AIDS Education and Prevention: (NEW Project) · Pray that increased education about the spread of HIV/AIDS would result in fewer people contracting the disease and fewer incidents of sexual abuse. · Pray for Annalevi as they seek to provide health care for HIV/ AIDS affected people living in remote communities in East Indonesia. PAKISTAN
One to Another, Multan - General Health
· Pray for the safety of Christians subject to persecution in Pakistan. Students from St Frumentius Bible College.
· Thank God for One2Another as they plan the construction of Victoria Hospital which will aid the terminally ill and poor through the provision of health care at a nominal fee.
Water Security, Sanitation & Hygiene ETHIOPIA
Gambella WASH - Child Survival · Thank God for the work of the Mothers’ Union in Gambella and their network that allows them to ‘train the trainer’. Praise God as they have been able to educate entire communities about disease, hygiene and peace-keeping skills (pictured).
Diocesan Ministry Organisations MOTHERS’ UNION (MU), SYDNEY
· Pray that MU Sydney will faithfully follow God’s leading as they aim to support Christian marriages and family life in contemporary society. · Pray for MU Sydney as they support workers reaching out to families in the parishes of Abbotsford, Cobbitty and Greenacre.
· Pray for the recent eye infection prevention scheme. Pray the scheme would be successful in preventing eyesight damage in children.
· Pray for the witness of members of MU Sydney as they visit new parents in Maternity Hospitals and serve tea and coffee at the Family Courts around Sydney.
· Thank God for the dramatic reduction in infant mortality in those areas where the training program has been implemented.
MINISTRY TO WOMEN · Pray for Archdeacon for Women, Kara Hartley, in her role as she seeks to see women in the diocese equipped in ministry and reaching other women in our city with the gospel. ANGLICARE · Give thanks for the opportunity to partner with Diocesan organisations in serving refugees and asylum seekers in our community and pray that Christians will be known for their love and care through this. · Pray that Anglicare’s vision of lives changing and communities growing by care through Jesus Christ is fulfilled as part of God’s purposes.
Children’s Nutrition / Jabarouna Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camp · Thank God for the positive impact that a daily school breakfast is having for school-aged children in the Jabarouna IDP camp. Praise God for the improvement in attendance rates, academic engagement and child nutrition. · Pray for Kamilia Kura Kuku as she co-ordinates the project. Pray that a shelter with a cement floor can be provided for the school.
· Give thanks for Anglicare’s staff and volunteers and pray that God will continue to raise up servant-hearted Christians. ANGLICAN RETIREMENT VILLAGES (ARV) · Give thanks for ARV’s decision to provide accommodation to Syrian refugees coming to Australia in their new facility at Penrith. · Pray for CEO, Mr Rob Freeman and for the chaplaincy staff under the leadership of Rev Andrew Nixon, the ARV Director of Mission. · Pray for those involved in finding more effective ways to reach older Australians with the gospel of Jesus Christ, especially people living with dementia and other age-related illnesses. 2016 PRAYER DIARY
Refugee and New Settler Support WESTMEAD ANGLICAN - MIGRANT SUPPORT · Thank God for the success of the international dinners that have been held and the relationships and community contacts that have been developed through them. · Pray for the four ladies from the church’s playgroup who are now doing a Christianity Explained course.
Specialist Health Projects
TREAT Dentist Training and Dental School Education (Aru Diocese) · Pray for the provision of quality lecturers for the dental school which recently opened to train dentists in the Aru Diocese and beyond. · Pray for a solution to be found for the lack of student accommodation. · Give thanks for the current students and their passion and drive to solve the healthcare needs of their communities. INDIA
Eye Openers Society
AUBURN ANGLICAN (ST PHILIP’S) - CARING FOR ASYLUM SEEKERS & REFUGEES · Give thanks for how St Philip’s has been serving the local nonEnglish speaking people in the Auburn area. · Pray for the asylum seekers who are receiving food vouchers from St Philip’s. Thank God for the connections made and the opportunity to show the love of Christ to these people.
· Thank God for Eye Openers Society in Andhra Pradesh. Give thanks for Dr Kumar Kotar and his team who provide general medical support and specialist eye surgeries. · Pray for the Dalit people who are the recipients of this project. Pray that these people will come to recognise their value in being made in God’s image rather than determining their value by the Hindu caste system.
WEST RYDE ANGLICAN - MIGRANT OUTREACH · Pray for West Ryde Anglican as they consider how to make their services more accommodating to migrants. Pray that the church would experience a great unity in Christ that transcends racial divides. · Praise God for ministries to Mandarin speakers and more recently, Tamil speakers. Give thanks for the people who have come to faith through these ministries. CAMPSIE ANGLICAN - NEW SETTLERS
· Pray for new settlers and their families in the Campsie area as they assimilate into the community.
Othandweni Respite · Praise the Lord for the Respite Unit in Hillcrest and its work in demonstrating the love of Christ to those who are dying from HIV/AIDS. Othandweni means ‘place of love’ and seeks to give people a second chance at life or help them to die with dignity. · Pray for South Africans who have been diagnosed with HIV/ AIDS that they might find comfort and eternal security in the Lord Jesus as well as effective treatment.
· Thank God for the ESL and conversation classes that are being run through Campsie Anglican church. Thank God for the teachers who facilitate these groups and the friendships that they have made with the students.
Undergraduate theological education UGANDA
Uganda Christian University (UCU) · Pray for the 15 students receiving bursaries from Anglican Aid to study Theology at UCU. Pray that this training would reap much fruit when they return to their Ugandan villages to teach, disciple and oversee churches, hospitals, schools and other community development services. · Pray for Muhammad* who is studying at UCU. He had to flee his home country when he converted from Islam to Christianity. Pray for his plans for future ministry. * Name has been changed to protect identity of the student
Alexandria School of Theology · Thank God for the Alexandria School of Theology in Cairo and Alexandria that trains men and women in Biblical Theology. Pray for the 10 students who are receiving bursaries from Anglican Aid as they prepare for future ministry.
Diocesan Services Support
PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS UNIT (PSU) · Pray for Mr Lachlan Bryant, Director of the PSU, and for the team who support him. · Pray for the new Safe Ministry and Child Protection policies and training. Pray that they might be effectively implemented to promote the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare and safety of all people, particularly children and vulnerable people in Anglican churches in the Sydney Diocese. ANGLICAN MEDIA · Pray that God would work through Anglican Media’s witness in the secular media and through publications such as the Southern Cross magazine and · Pray for the funds to sustain Anglican Media’s work and for media opportunities to speak clearly and winsomely of Jesus. DIOCESAN SECRETARIAT
Bunda Bible College
· Pray for the Board and Management of the Sydney Diocesan Secretariat as they work in serving the parishes and central organisations of the Diocese by providing financial, administrative, property and legal services.
· Praise God for the growth of Christianity in the Mara Diocese and that more than 10 churches are being planted every year.
· Pray for CEO Mark Payne and Diocesan Secretary and General Manager, Robert Wicks.
· Pray that church leaders attending the Bunda Bible College would be trained well and build a strong theological framework for their ministries.
Bunda Bible College
· Pray for the planning, preparation and execution of the annual Synod in October, 2016. Pray also for those involved in the monthly Synod planning meetings. DIOCESAN REGISTRAR’S OFFICE · Pray for Mr Doug Marr, the Diocesan Registrar, and Mrs Catherine Rich, the Assistant Registrar, and the team that support them.
DAY 16
“My prayer is not that you would take them out of the world but that you would protect them from the evil one.”
vulnerable children and young people ·· Praise God for the Dapto Street Crew (pictured) and how they yearn for the young people of Dapto with the affection of Christ Jesus (Phil 1:8). Pray that the volunteers would continue to build relationships of trust and respect with young people aged 12-25 in the community. ·· Pray that God would open the eyes of many young people in Dapto to realise the emptiness of destructive behaviours such as substance abuse. Pray that many would find deeply satisfying and abundant life in Jesus. ·· Pray that solutions would be found to tackle the issue of youth unemployment in Dapto. Praise God for the young people who have received business mentoring and training in hospitality through ‘The Café’ and early childcare through St Luke’s preschool.
Bible Reflection John 17:15 In this astonishing prayer on the lips of Jesus on the eve of his death he prays for his disciples. It is not a prayer to be pulled out of the world. It is a prayer for their protection as they serve Jesus in the world. PURPOSE-SENT INTO THE WORLD The first disciples for whom Jesus is praying (John 17:6-19) and future generations of disciples for whom he will shortly pray (John 17:20-26) will encounter the full fury of the forces of evil as they penetrate the world of darkness with the gospel of light. They, and we, have the full measure of Jesus’ joy within us. In unity we are to remain faithful to the testimony about Jesus, the gospel of the death and resurrection of Jesus. PROTECTION FROM THE EVIL RULER OF THE WORLD As we glorify God’s name through our faithful testimony to the gospel, the evil one and his servants will defame that same name, will destroy Jesus’ followers and demonise Christian truth and faith.
Common Ground ·· Thank God for this ministry that provides a healthy community of care for children through a Kids Club. ·· Pray for Common Ground as they seek to reach parents and carers. Pray that more parents and carers would come to the building to pick up their kids and feel comfortable connecting with the leaders.
Christian people are being protected. Not from harm and abuse. But even in the valley of the shadow of death his people testify to his eternal care and protection. You are praying day by day for brothers and sisters in Christ and the vulnerable communities they serve in, which are some of the darkest, most broken and dangerous places to live on the earth. Keep it up.
Anglican Aid also supports projects that work with vulnerable young people through Warrawong Readers at Port Kembla Anglican and BOOKWORMS at South Coogee Anglican.
It has been happening throughout history and it is happening today. Christian brothers and sisters are being destroyed. Christian truth is being vilified. Christian faith is being ridiculed. But the God and Father of our Lord Jesus is answering this prayer.
Preschool and Primary Education PAKISTAN
Theological Education in australia ZIMBABWE
Exodus 5 (Miracle School Trust)
Meet Tawanda and Shupi Masango from Zimbabwe!
· Pray for the children trapped through intergenerational slavery in Pakistan’s brick kilns. There are many cases of people from the Christian and Hindu minorities being coerced to work in the brick kilns because of their outstanding debts and poverty.
Tawanda first become involved with university ministry while studying at university in Harare. His concern over the teaching of the prosperity gospel prompted him to start a Bible study with a friend that eventually grew to a regular Sunday service of around 25 students. In 2010, Tawanda came to Australia to do a one year ministry training apprenticeship with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES) at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). Tawanda has received a bursary to study a Bachelor of Divinity at Moore Theological College. He started his degree in 2015 and after graduating hopes to return to Zimbabwe to work for FOCUS, a university student Christian group affiliated with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES).
· Thank God for the Miracle School Trust who are working with brick kiln slaves in Lahore. Thank God for the Exodus 5 Project and the education the brick kiln children are receiving to help pull themselves and their families out of slavery. INDONESIA
Projek Bali Kids in Indonesia (Protestant Church of Bali) · Praise God for Widhya Asih Foundation, the development arm of the Protestant Church of Bali and their support to children through accommodation and primary, secondary and vocational education. · Pray for the continued success of Widhya Asih’s income generating projects such as their piggery, bio-gas project and goat breeding facilities. Pray that they might become increasingly economically sustainable. SIERRA LEONE
Kanga School · Praise God for the many students who have benefited through Kanga Schools which provide assistance to schools in poor areas with school supplies, computers, furniture, water tanks and medical equipment. · Pray for an end to the ubiquitous corruption in Sierra Leone, especially within the government. Pray for reform and for God to establish leaders who care about the welfare of the people and who value education.
· Praise God for the receptiveness of many Zimbabweans to the gospel and the rapid growth of the church there. Pray that Zimbabwean Christians would be discerning and not seduced by false doctrines. · Pray that God would have mercy on the nation of Zimbabwe. Pray that he would raise up leaders to govern the country with justice and wisdom. Pray for an end to corruption and systemic injustices that affect the lives of Zimbabweans.
Other countries where preschool and primary education projects are supported include Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Rwanda.
· Pray for Tawanda as he studies at Moore College and Shupi as she works with Campus Bible Studies (CBS) at the University of New South Wales. Pray for Shupi’s ministry at UNSW and her Scripture classes she teaches at a local primary school.
Ministry in Schools SYDNEY ANGLICAN SCHOOLS CORPORATION (SASC) · Pray for teachers and support staff across the 19 schools of the Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation as they seek to bring the good news of Jesus to more than 13,000 students in their care. · Pray that God might provide and strengthen more gifted and able Christian teachers who are willing to share not only the gospel of God but their lives. · Praise God for how he is calling young people from SASC schools to repentance and faith in his Son. · Pray that God might guide and direct the leaders of SASC as they seek new opportunities. Pray that they might be wise in the distribution of resources and for God to bring further growth.
Rescuing women in Sexual servitude PHILIPPINES
Samaritana Women’s Transformation and Empowerment · Pray for the Samaritana team as they make contact with women and girls working in the prostitution industry in Quezon City. Pray that relationships of trust would be formed. · Praise God for the emotional and spiritual support given to the women as they adjust to life outside of prostitution. · Praise God for the women who have been recipients of micro-business loans and have been able to generate an income through card making, jewelry-making, institutional housekeeping, and hospitality.
ANGLICAN EDCOMM · Give thanks to God for the Christian teachers in government schools. · Pray for the work of Edcomm in encouraging Christian teachers to network and support each other. · Pray for the work of Edcomm in its advocacy role on behalf of the Diocese with governments and other agencies. · Pray for Christian teachers in diocesan schools that they might be allowing their faith to shape their teaching practice. · Pray for the Christians in Teaching Conference, Education for Human Flourishing (29-30 April). YOUTHWORKS
Women from Samaritana being trained in hairdressing.
· Pray for the Christian Education Publications (CEP) division of Youthworks and the role that they play in providing Biblebased resources to be used in ministries such as Special Religious Education (SRE).
Umthombo Wempilo (Well of Life)
· Thank God that over 2,000 volunteers have been trained to become SRE teachers by Youthworks. Pray that God would convict more Christians in our Diocese of the importance of teaching children about Jesus Christ.
· Please pray for the programs that seek to give unemployed women food parcels until they find alternative forms of employment.
· Please pray for the visits of Umthombo Wempilo to the brothels of Hillbrow, South Africa’s most notorious red-light district.
· Please pray for continued relationships with the Lesotho and Zimbabwean embassies in helping women whose identity documents have been destroyed or retained by pimps to return home.
Community Chaplaincy and COACH Mentoring Scheme ASHBURY ANGLICAN – 000 MINISTRY
Food Security RWANDA
One Egg Child Nutrition Project
· Thank God for the opportunity to counsel, support and encourage those working with Emergency Services personnel and their families.
· Give thanks for the One Egg project that is addressing the problem of childhood malnutrition by providing an egg a day to some of Rwanda’s most severely malnourished children in the Shyira Diocese.
· Pray for those who have become hardened to God by traumatic experiences as 000 workers. Pray that God might soften their hearts.
· Give thanks for increased preschool attendance due to the children no longer being prevented by extreme hunger and the need to find food.
· Pray for the ongoing work of the Anglican Church of Rwanda and the Shyira Diocese in eradicating child hunger
· Praise God for the ministry of Rev Stuart Woods as he gets alongside men recently released from prison to offer support in re-integrating them back into family and community life. BERKELEY ANGLICAN – COACH MENTORING SCHEME · Thank God for the opportunity to train Christian volunteers through the COACH Mentoring Scheme. Thank God for those who are investing in relationships with families in the community and offering counsel to many people in Berkeley who feel trapped in cycles of generational poverty, substance abuse, unemployment and dysfunctional family relationships. · Pray that God might raise up more workers who have the vision of seeing lives in Berkeley deeply transformed by the Holy Spirit. Pray also for patience and endurance as this transformation is often a slow, on-going process.
Sustainable Livelihoods Projects · Thank God for the ‘Farming God’s Way’ methodology used by the Anglican Church of Uganda to improve agricultural outputs and environmental conservation. This program is taking place in the Bugayi and Ibulanku parishes and recently the Kitgum Diocese. · Please pray that God would bring great blessing to the Diocese of Kitgum as they continue to rebuild and recover from drought, food insecurity and the trauma of the violence caused by Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army.
Other projects where Anglican Aid supports food security include Gahini Diocese, Rwanda.
In-Service Training of Clergy at Conferences TANZANIA
Lake Rukwa Clergy Training · Pray for the ongoing training of clergy through the Lake Rukwa Clergy Training program in this new, extremely underresourced and isolated diocese in Tanzania. · Pray that Bishop Mathayo Kasagara would have wisdom in his position of leadership as he oversees a very large and spreadout diocese. Pray that he would do a good job of supporting the parishes and clergy. · Praise God for the involvement of Rev Michael Palmer and the congregation at Vaucluse Anglican in supporting the training program. · Pray for the two large refugee camps in the Lake Rukwa region where congregations meet. The camps are comprised of people from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Pray that the Diocese would continue to keep its holistic approach to ministry in caring for both spiritual and physical needs.
Sydney’s Homeless and Vulnerable People SURRY HILLS ANGLICAN - BREAD OF LIFE · Thank God for this long ministry over many years that coordinates volunteers from churches and schools to serve a Sunday breakfast to homeless people in the Surry Hills area. SOUTH SYDNEY - ONE4LIFE · Pray for the volunteers who help distribute the meal and grocery services that they will demonstrate the love of Christ to those attending. Pray that the Christian message would be received well by the attendees and that they would be taking steps to increase their ability to support themselves. · Pray for Geoff Miles in his role as Chaplain. PITT TOWN ANGLICAN - HEALTHY FAMILIES · Praise God for those who attend and support the café that offers support to families in the community. Thank God for those who have been able to find work because of skills gained at the café. RIVERWOOD/PUNCHBOWL - FRIENDSHIP CLUB · Praise God for the community that has been fostered through the Friendship Club for people with disabilities in the Riverwood and Punchbowl areas.
Students involved with the Lake Rukwa Clergy Training.
Anglican Aid also supports other projects assisting vulnerable people in Sydney. These projects include Rough Edges at Darlinghurst, Petersham Hub of Hope, Sadleir Friendship Group and the All Saints’ Community Centre in Nowra.
Vietnamese participants at an international night at Sadleir Anglican.
Higher School Education TANZANIA
Bunda Girls Secondary School (BGSS) · Give thanks to God for the Bunda Girls Secondary School in the Diocese of Mara that provides secondary education to girls to help close the gender gap in education in Tanzania. Give thanks for Canon Helen Hoskins and her role as chaplain. · Give thanks for BGSS’s partnership with Roseville Anglican College that has seen the school receive sports equipment, laptops and other educational resources. Pray that this relationship would continue to deepen.
Bible and Ministry Training in the Diocese MOORE THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE · Pray for Principal Rev Mark Thompson, that he might have wisdom and strength as he leads the College in a time of significant change. · Give thanks for the 300 full time students who are preparing to work in various areas of Christian ministry in Sydney, around Australia and the world. · Pray for the Priscilla & Aquila Centre under the direction of Jane Tooher. Pray that the men and women who have input into the centre might be granted wisdom and insight to know how best to encourage and resource women in various ministries. YOUTHWORKS COLLEGE · Thank God for Principal Bill Salier, staff and visiting lecturers. Pray that the teaching at Youthworks will always be faithful to God’s revealed Word by being honouring to Jesus. · Pray that the Lord would send more workers to be trained for his harvest among children and youth. MARY ANDREWS COLLEGE
Girls from BGSS with laptops from Roseville Anglican College.
St Andrew’s High School, Hyderabad · Thank God for St Andrews High School situated in a poor slum area in Hyderabad – it is the only educational facility available to the children in these slums. · Thank God for how he has blessed the school through the purchase of land in 2015 to expand the school. ZAMBIA
· Pray for the women studying theology and being equipped in pastoral care and cross-cultural ministry and community chaplaincy. MINISTRY TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT (MT&D) · Pray for Director Rev Gary O’Brien and those at MT&D that God might grant them wisdom in helping men and women discern the best place to serve him. · Pray that the Lord would continue to raise up faithful gospel ministers. · Pray for MT&D as they help people integrate theological understanding with personal life and ministry practice.
Zambian Children’s Development Project (Blessed to Bless)
· Thank God for Ipalo Christian Community School and for the building started in 2015.
· Pray for the work of Blessed to Bless as they seek to serve disadvantaged children in Zambia. Pray for Kim Mukuka as she leads this project.
Disability Support CHINA
SOAR (Special Needs Orphaned and Abandoned Children’s Resources) · Thank God for the 54 children with physical and intellectual disabilities receiving improved care through SOAR providing training in a government institution. Thank God for the seven carers who take care of the children. · Pray that the Director would be successful in using the project as a model to help reform disability care and increase funding from the State.
Ministry to Indigenous Australians GLEBE ANGLICAN - SCARRED TREE · Pray for Scarred Tree (pictured) as they seek to recognise and respect Indigenous culture and traditions and provide a safe place for community, counselling and financial assistance. · Pray for the No Interest Loans Scheme that seeks to help Indigenous and other marginalised people access capital to purchase household goods due to their limited ability to access affordable credit.
· Thank God that the doors have been opened for SOAR to open a branch to train foster families and teachers to open a special school within the orphanage.. TANZANIA
Buigiri Braille School · Praise God for the Buigiri Braille School, a primary boarding school for blind children. Praise God for the completion of Anglican Aid’s project to provide pupils with Braille textbooks – the first Braille textbooks produced in Tanzania!
Karagwe Disabilities · Praise God for the Karagwe Disability project and pray for the programs to support disabled children and adults in 31 villages in the Karagwe District. SOUTH AFRICA
Timion Disability Counselling and Community Development · Thank God for the counsellor who works with the mothers of disabled children who often struggle to cope with their child’s disability, poverty, loneliness and isolation due to the cultural stigma surrounding disability. Thank God for the provision of a female counsellor who speaks the local language and has encouraged mothers to meet together to support each other.
· Pray for Pastor Michael Duckett as he serves the Indigenous community of Macarthur and as chaplain for DMAC (Dharawal Men’s Aboriginal Corporation). · Pray for good relationships with the Indigenous community of Macarthur through community gatherings, organising community events and providing food assistance. TRADES NORWEST ANGLICAN SENIOR COLLEGE · Thank God for a 17-year-old student at Trades Norwest located in Glenwood. The student is from the East Kimberley Region in Western Australia and is being supported to study a Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanic Technology at the College. WALGETT ANGLICAN – HOW TO DRUG PROOF YOUR KIDS · Pray that the ‘How to Drug Proof your Kids’ six week course for parents would be successful in reducing drug use in Walgett and Collarenebri. Pray that governments, community leaders and groups would work together effectively to find solutions to address the abuse of ice (crystalline methamphetamine) by people in rural areas.
Anglican Aid also supports the Anugrah Association that works with disabled children in India.
Micro-financing and Income Generation RWANDA
Sustainable Livelihoods Gahini Diocese · Praise God for the ongoing work of Sustainable Livelihoods through demonstration gardens and community savings programs to help increase economic productivity and sustainability for families. · Praise God for the recent construction of six houses for vulnerable families. INDIA
India Gospel League (IGL) · Praise God for the work of IGL in increasing the quality of life for women and young people in Tamil Nadu through their income generating and vocational training schemes. · Thank God for the many women, physically handicapped and vulnerable groups such as orphans who have been trained with employable skills like tailoring and computer skills. This training helps lift families out of poverty. A steady income has helped free people from the burden of debt and enabled some program participants to move out of rural areas and to the city for higher education and work. MYANMAR
Growing Hope – Women and Children’s Development · Pray for Mothers’ Union and the Christian women who attended conferences this year that they will continue to share what they have learnt. · Pray for two orphanages (Zion Family and Galilee Family) that are supported by Anglican Aid as they seek to develop longterm ways of becoming self-sufficient through agricultural programs and developing new initiatives.
Work outside the Diocese
GLOBAL ANGLICANS FUTURE CONFERNCE (GAFCON) · Pray for the incoming Chairman Archbishop Nicholas Okoh as he takes up the role in April. · Pray for our former Archbishop Dr Peter Jensen and his pivotal role in the GAFCON movement as the General Secretary. Ask God that his successor might be identified. · Pray for the work of the Primates Council of GAFCON as they consider and plan for a future conference in 2018. FELLOWSHIP OF CONFESSING ANGLICANS (FCA) · Thank God for the launch of an FCA Australian branch in Melbourne in March 2015. The conference brought together 460 Anglican leaders from different backgrounds and traditions who are committed to the authority of the Bible and orthodox Christian beliefs. EVANGELICAL FELLOWSHIP IN THE ANGLICAN COMMUNION (EFAC) · Give thanks for the Anglican Church leaders around the world. Pray that they might have wisdom and grace to lead in such a way that the Lord Jesus is honoured and glorified. Pray also that the Lord would raise up more gifted Bible teachers and mentors. MISSION CONSULTATIONS · Please pray for Bishop Peter Tasker’s dialogue with leaders in Mauritius about a potential partnership. · Praise God for the opportunity Rev David Mansfield and Bishop Peter Tasker had to attend Bishop Hilkiah Omindo’s farewell in Tanzania last year. Praise God also for their attendance at the opening ceremony of Gambella Bible College in Ethiopia in November 2015 (Bishop Grant in Gambella pictured).
Anglican Aid supports other Micro-financing and Income Generation projects including the Mara Young Men’s Vocational Training Centre in the Mara Diocese in Tanzania, Economic Empowerment for Women and Youth project in Kenya, Bamboo Earth Homes Project in the Philippines and One2Another Micro-finance program in Pakistan.
Anglican Aid Board & Staff
Dear Friends, I have been graced throughout my life with good health.
· Please pray for our Governance Board: Bishop Peter Tasker (Chairman), Mr Doug Marr (Deputy Chair), Mr David Dennis, Rev Robert Stewart, Rev Brett Hall, Dr Keith Walker, Rev Canon Peter Rodgers, Mrs Emma Penzo and Rev John Menear.
As life and joints grind on, things are starting to break down and now that I am in my sixties my body is showing signs of wear and tear and too much contact sport when I was in my twenties and thought I was indestructible. In fact my freshly replaced artificial knee is probably the best working part I have. Oh, the wonders of ‘modern medicine’.
· Pray that God would grant them wisdom and insight, especially regarding partnerships and priorities amidst the overwhelming number of requests received for funding and assistance.
Helen and I have been graced with healthy children and grandchildren. These things are not the greatest grace. The salvation won by Jesus’ death and resurrection is. We need to be constantly reminded of this.
· Thank God for our new board members: Emma Penzo and Rev John Menear. · Pray for ex-board member, Wendy Toulmin and her husband Graham, as they assist with the building and development of a dental training college in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. STAFF MEMBERS · Please pray for our staff: Rev David Mansfield (Executive Officer), Mr Eddie Ozols (Operations Manager), Mrs Virginia Lee (Donations Officer part-time), Mrs Faith Costin (Systems Support part-time), Mr Warren Richards (Finance Officer parttime), Mr Aiden McCorkindale (Project Support Intern parttime), Mrs Bronte Rivers (Intern part-time) and Miss Natasha Green (Intern part-time). · Pray for Warren Richards as he juggles working part time as Finance Officer for Anglican Aid and his role at Ashford Anglican Church in the Armidale Diocese. · Give thanks to God for the people who generously give their time to volunteer with Anglican Aid. Thank Him for the wonderful contribution of these people, particularly in helping with special events and in peak times during the year. Thank God for the voluntary work of Mr Brian Pratt and Mr Ron Balderstone.
One of Anglican Aid’s particular focuses is ministry to people with disability and support for those leaders of communities throughout the world who are caring for vulnerable families who care for disabled loved ones. Our support extends to such ministries in India, Tanzania, South Africa, Syrian refugees in Jordan and with Jesus Clubs at home in the Diocese of Sydney. These families and communities also testify to the grace and blessing that God has poured into their lives through the love and care of family members with special needs. About eight years ago some dear friends of mine adopted a special needs baby who was abandoned after birth at a public hospital. They testify to such rich blessing. Thank you for your partnership in prayer and partnership in the privilege of praying for carers of people with special needs (see Day 27) both here in Australia and throughout the world.
Keep strong in the grace of prayer,
David Mansfield CEO
· Pray for Anglican Aid’s Ministry Fund that is experiencing a financial shortfall. Pray that more people would feel compelled to support the work of providing Bible and ministry training in Africa.
PRoject list
Rural Bible Schools
Rural Bible Schools
Rural Bible Schools
Disability Support
Shanxi Province
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training
Cairo and Alexandria
Food Security
Diploma Level Bible College Training
General Health Projects
Other Opportunities for Training Leaders
General Health Projects
Bukavu to Beni
Sydney Visiting Clergy
Rural Bible Schools
Specialist Health
Diploma Level Bible College Training
Water Security, Sanitation and Hygiene
Other Opportunities for Training Leaders
South Africa
Disability Support
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training
South Africa
Higher School Education
Diploma Level Bible College Training
South Sudan
Nairobi, Kenya
Micro-finance and Income Generation
Lake Rukwa
Specialist Health
Payakaraopeta, Andhra Pradesh
In-Service Training of Clergy at Conferences Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training
General Health Projects
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training
Preschool and Primary Education
Kampala, Uganda
Northern Iraq and Kurdistan
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training
Displaced People
Rural Bible Schools
Micro-finance and Income Generation
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training
Micro-finance and Income Generation
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training
Emergency Appeals for Natural Disasters
General Health Projects & Income Generation
Postgraduate Theologicial Education
Preschool and Primary Education
Rescuing Women from Sexual Servitude
Micro-finance and Income Generation
Food Security
Community Chaplaincy
Micro-finance and Income Generation
Refugee and New Settler Support
Community Chaplaincy
Ministry to Indigneous Australians
South Africa
Refugee and New Settler Support
Disability Support
South Africa
South African Townships
Vulnerable Children and Young People
Displaced People
South Sudan
Vulnerable Children and Young People
Food Security
South Sudan
Kajo Keji
Sydney's Homeless and Vulnerable People
Food Security
Ministry to Indigneous Australians
Displaced People
Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon
Community Chaplaincy
Micro-finance and Income Generation
Ministry to Indigneous Australians
Norwest Sydney
Micro-finance and Income Generation
Lake Rukwa
Sydney's Homeless and Vulnerable People
Disability Support
Ministry to Sydney’s Vulnerable & Homeless
Disability Support
Sydney's Homeless and Vulnerable People
Pitt Town
Higher School Education
Vulnerable Children and Young People
Port Kembla/Warrawong
Micro-finance and Income Generation
Sydney's Homeless and Vulnerable People
Sydney's Homeless and Vulnerable People
Food Security and Income Generation
Vulnerable Children and Young People
South Coogee
Refugee and New Settler Support
South Liverpool
Sydney's Homeless and Vulnerable People
South Sydney
Sydney's Homeless and Vulnerable People
Surry Hills
Indigenous Australians and People at Risk
Refugee and New Settler Support
West Ryde
Refugee and New Settler Support
Higher School Education Rescuing Women from Sexual Servitude Specialist Health
Sierra Leone South Africa
Emergency Appeals for Natural Disasters
Preschool and Primary Education
Preschool and Primary Education
Preschool and Primary Education
Bugayi, Kitgum and Ibulanku Parish Penama and Torba Provinces
Kampala, Uganda Kampala, Uganda Moore College, Sydney
THANK YOU “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor,
Your prayers and financial support for the work of Anglican Aid are very much appreciated. For more information please contact us at: PO Box Q190 QVB Post Office NSW 1230
so that you through his poverty might become rich.”
Phone: (02) 9284 1406 Email:
Front cover photo credit: Stivan Shany, a photo journalist from Irbil, Iraq. Used with his permission.
The back cover photo is of people who attended a prayer meeting at St Michaels Anglican Cathedral, Wollongong in October, 2014 to pray for Iraqis fleeing ISIS. They are holding signs of the Arabic letter pronounced, ‘nun.’ The genocidal ISIS used the symbol to mark Christian houses, businesses and properties in Mosul for the extermination of holdouts and the expropriation of their belongings. Back cover photo credit: St Michael’s Cathedral, Wollongong.
COVER PHOTOS: The photo on the front cover was taken at Mar Elia Chaldean Church in Ankawa, which is in Irbil, Iraq. This church is home to over 700 families who fled from the Ninevah plain to escape ISIS. The refugees established the pictured nativity tent to celebrate Christmas in 2014. It was a reminder that despite the loss of many things, including their homes and loved ones, ‘Jesus Cares’ (this is what the Arabic words say on the tent).
Thank you for your prayerful support! If you would also like to support Anglican Aid financially, please fill out the below slip, call us or donate online. Let grace flow against poverty, abuse, illiteracy and hunger for the world’s most vulnerable people. Name ................................................................................................................... Address ............................................................................................................... ..............................................................................Postcode ............................... Phone ..................................... Email ................................................................ I would like my dollar a day to support:
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